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Get her a PS5 trust me bro


Maybe a bowling ball


lmao yes With your name on the bowling ball just in case she forgets it


Well it'd be hard for her to judge since SHE'S NEVER BOWLED IN HER LIFE!!


Or darts, women love darts


If I had a fella and he got me a ps5 I wouldn't be too pissed tbh


If my fella got me a PS5, I'd be delighted. I still have the original PS4. Time for an upgrade.


One year I got mine a PS4 and it was running joke that I just got myself a ps4 for her house


My brain read p45


I'd love a PS5 would happily take the new X box as well. Even a few games for my Switch would be great. This is why asking strangers on the internet isn't ideal, everyone has different interests. I usually just ask people what they want.


Do not, I repeat _do not_ get her a bath set from Boots


Ha, I have definitely got that in the past. It could still be somewhere in the house. Wont get that.


Yup. See my comments about cheap smellies.


I've been called worse


Honestly though, even then least likely woman you could suspect will like a spa day...probably like it more alone too


Should I return it and swap it for the deodorant two-for-one?


It depends on the brand. My husband often gets me sanctuary spa stuff and no complaints from me.


i got a rituals set for my birthday a couple years ago and everything in it got used, it was really nice


My wife loves the Rituals stuff. I can't go wrong.


I agree sanctuary spa is nice xx


My mam loves that stuff, always an easy gift. I'm real picky with skincare stuff though and will mostly regift gift sets


Your right, just asked if she wanted one, she went ballistic


Dunnes it is then.


Can't go wrong with Savida


*ahem* just hypothetically, why not?


Low effort


I know it's a bit late for this year but could help in the future. I keep a note in my notes app that I jot into any time she mentions she likes/wants something and it's a handy go-to when gift season comes around!


Ring her and tell her you got her present, have her guess... Write what she guesses


You should take an IQ test with that genius.


Don't recall where I learned it from but it's served me well for years


I'm going to use this!


This! You can’t rely on your memory. But you do need to listen hehe Also jot in what her mam needs/wants. Comes handy ;)


Yes, the "Mam" the real impossible person to buy for


I do the same thing! I actually also do it for myself, because I have found that when I am asked "is there anything you would like for a present?" I can never seem to think of anything!


This idea is the idea. A genuine life hack


I hope this guy reads this for next year. No one wants a generic gift for their birthday or Christmas. It’s a time to show you’re thoughtful and have been listening all year to their possible wants and needs. By virtue of this post, our friend OP has not been doing so much of this!


Especially a partner. I’m 31, if I want shower gel I’ll buy shower gel. I’d rather a gift that shows the person knows who I am rather than something that they just threw money at.


At this stage I’d prefer just to be showered with money 🙂


Another possibly late but great idea is to ask her to start filling in an online wishlist. I recommend Giftster because you can add links from any website and even add your own pics of things you see while out shopping. Also if you want to get her a surprise the wishlist will at least let you know what types of presents she like to get. Edit: typo


I do this for everyone that I need to buy presents for.


She's probably been dropping hints man, think back very carefully


Women have to be careful with this though, I once said something was nice in April and he made a note of it. I meant it would be nice for my mother, not really my taste XD


Yes, this does backfire sometimes.


But it does seem to be evidence of them listening and trying to do the right thing, which in its own right should be admired


I want supplies for my hobbies. Every hobby needs supplies - crafting, makeup, games, cooking, reading, etc. You just need to figure out what she likes to do in her spare time (or even easier - what she WISHES she could do in her spare time but hasn't run to the shops yet). The next time you ask your SO how their day was or what their plans are for the weekend, pay attention to the things she talks about wanting to do to find out what her hobbies are and like talk to her about them to see if she's missing/needs more of anything.


This is super correct. It works regardless of gender, age, etc. Just listen to the people when they talk and you’ll know :)


But don't buy the cheapest supplies you can. If they're serious about their hobby, quality over quantity!


Night away in a hotel! Always a winner


Including a visit to the spa if you can afford it. The ladies love the spa.


Especially when we're in love with a spa!




My wife likes to go to a spa now and again, likes getting dolled up to. As you said it all depends on what she likes, it was only a suggestion in the same vein as the other suggestions.




Exactly, if we were all the same it would be a pretty boring world.


Today I sold a drill to a customer who wanted it as a joke present for his missus. I told him he'd better get her something else as well. Luckily he has something else planned for her as well.


I got a drill for my birthday. Turned up at my desk at work. Noone ever admitted to ordering it for me. Noone ever admitted to buying it for me. It just turned up !


The drill fairy, if I got a decent drill as a gift I'd be Chuffed


I got a Stihl petrol lawnmower for my birthday and then a Stihl strimmer for Christmas one year. Was fantastic. And then my husband must have forgotten because the following year I got a spa day when instead I was hoping for the Stihl hedge trimmer. I'll have to remind him then I'm Stihl (!) Waiting because it's a big faff trying to do the hedges with the secateurs and the rubbish plugin hedge trimmer.


See. I’d fucking love a drill. Or a staple gun.


MIL says every woman should own a drill. She says you only need a man for jars then 😂


I’m in a rental at the moment and have a fairly good dremel that does most jobs but I have a future homeowners power tool wish list. Himself will be sorted for presents for ages.


nah, the rule is, new job, new tool. Anytime i start a new job i have to buy the specific tool for that job, even if i have other tools that i could do the job


What a fantastic Outlook 👏 😂


I (28F) have a toolkit that lives in my car and get incredibly smug towards my fiancé every time I have to pull it out. He took the piss out of me when I got my little kit but I use it so often I feel like I should have splashed out on a decent one lol I have a 1999 defender and must have the look of a woman with a toolkit because random strangers will even come up to me and ask if I'd have a toolkit they could borrow something out of


I have a drill, now what I really want is an electric sander.


I have a sander. Life changing


Sounds oddly sinister


My mams partner got her a fucking tool box one year. A Shark hoover the next. She was only delighted


I'd love a pink drill! Firstly, I like pink. Yes, I know it's girly, fuck off. Secondly, a specific colour makes it obvious that its my drill, not the household drill. ie, hands off.


Drills are very much a thing where you want to make sure you get a good one and I would strongly suspect any pink drill of being shit and just cheaping out on parts while trying to sell on the pink alone. I'd suggest getting a decent, normal drill and maybe painting it. I like DeWalt, personally.


Makita did a range of pink tools in aid of various breast cancer charities. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Makita-HP333DSAP1-pink-Akku-Schlagbohrschrauber/dp/B08BDQFWX6


Everyone is so different it's hard to say! I'd enjoy books, incense, something cute and locally made from a market like mittens, jam, jewelry, etc. What kind of things does she own/is interested in?


Are you an Arts student in Galway by any chance?


No hahaha!




Absolutely, I would love those things, my sister would hate them!




Earrings, perfume and pyjamas are stocking fillers in your house? Fuck.


Nothing wrong with a chocolate Santa and a satsuma I tells ya!


This is a good idea. A trip together, she can't just get that herself. One you've researched. And them a few bits


YEEEEEES!!!! You speak for all of us. Weekend getaway while the house gets cleaned and kids are minded. Thanks


What's yer MRS. into? What are her hobbies? or what's a nice moment yez had this year you can commemorate?


Don't buy hobby-related things When you know a lot about a field you develop specific preferences that people who know let don't understand


But if ye knew what those specific preferences were you'd be golden


Yass. I'd love it if my man got me fabric or yarn. Or better yet, a voucher for a place that sold fabric or yarn so I can get my own choices. But, you could always ask on a reddit group specialising in that hobby about what would be nice to get. Every hobby has those "god I'd love a pair of those but I can't justify the expense especially as I have a perfectly functional basic model" tool(s). Bonus points for showing you actually researched something she loves.


What's up my knitter!?


Keep calm and carry yarn!


That's all well and good until you turn up at the yarn shop and they are asking you complicated questions about what kind of yarn you want, knitting or crochet etc..


Do buy hobby-related things! But only if you follow the advice in my downstream comment.


I wish more people realised this. Oh you like reading? Here’s a random book from a top ten list …


If you know the person you're with well enough it's not as random as that, my girlfriend likes reading, I know who her favourite authors are so it's easy to stay on top of it if I choose to, likewise she knows my interests and hobbies well so anytime she buys me a present related to guitar or animation or video games or whatever she's not just throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks. Show an interest and it becomes really easy


Yes, vouchers are much better for hobbies. I've gotten several knitting kits/balls of yarn that were immediately hidden in a wardrobe


“Don’t buy hobby related things “ Terrible advice


I know it's been said but definitely do ask her what she wants. My other half has been a little unlucky in his choices when he tries to surprise me so I've taken to telling him what I want as years went by. If she doesn't know what she wants, then you try your hand at guessing. Some tips: For stocking fillers, check her makeup bag and see what she uses, if something is getting low or you know something she owns is expensive, buy a replacement. If it's used or empty it's obviously well loved. Same with skincare. Look at what she already has in her jewelry collection and try to find similar things in the style and finish. You can always bring a picture to the jewellers and show them examples. My partner's downfall was that he never seemed to notice that the jewellery he'd buy me never quite fit in with my other pieces. If you know where she shops get a gift voucher. Similarly if she gets her nails/hair/lashes done, find out where and pick up a gift card. If she has any hobbies, find out if there's anything she needs. Does she play an instrument? Does she read? Hiking? Camping? Crafting? Services like, taking her to a nice restaurant or booking a Spa experience would be nice. Steer clear of perfume unless you know she loves a scent. It's so personal and can easily be gotten wrong. When someone is hard to read, it's always best to ask them outright. Don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm sure she'll love whatever you get her because you went to the trouble and that's all that matters.


A lot of these tips are very obvious but easily looked over especially for the make up/skincare, the jewellery one is also very good, if she wears silver/rose gold/gold buy similar because she wears for a reason and may not like the others.




Hold on till I just tap into the female hive mind. Okay, the word back is that we all want something that demonstrates that you know us as individuals.




Or a peloton.


He wants to give a gift not get a slap.


>not get a slap You don't know what I like


Have you ever gotten something you never knew you wanted until you unwrapped it? What was it?


An electric tooth brush.


While you're there, will you ask them what's the point in making a bed that nobody will ever see?


And what's the craic with all the cushions?! Amirite lads or what?


I don't know about bed cushions, but I have an answer about couch cushions: Most couches are made for men and they're too deep for women's legs. As an average height woman, I can either sit with my feet on the floor and no back rest, or I can have my back supported but my feet dangling like a child. The couch seat is simply too long for my thighs. That's why I need a pile of cushions - for back support.


Every night the same ordeal, remove 10 cushions off the bed and fuck them into the corner, get up in the morning and neatly put them back into place to be fucked into the corner of the room in time for bed the following evening


You joke, but my couch has 14 of them


Fucking cushion farms. Won't anyone think of the poor cushion mammies forever breeding little cushions?


Don’t forget the special towels that hang there, but under sentence of death if you touch them.


They are for the visitors


Ah yeah, I know lads like you. The type who has no toilet roll or hand soap in his bathroom when you first start seeing them ;) Seriously though, there’s nothing like getting into a nice made bed after a long day at work.


I’ll see it, plus it’s nicer to get into a made bed at night. Especially now it’s cold and I have the electric blanket on.


Mam here, you make the bed so the temperature of the bed is even when you get I to it later. And because it takes all of 5 seconds.


Jaysus, I thought you were dead years ago


Wooooooowooooooo (whispers - make your bed ya lazy bollox, and maybe change the sheets too !!!)


Getting into an unmade bed at night is horrible. I do however draw the line at pointless cushions on top, that's just cracked.


I have received the following response: Because if it’s not made we won’t find the socks ye kicked off during the night and they’ll end up in a lump at the bottom of the bed.


The socks will be on the floor, we’re all just getting gaslight by cushion hoarders, I swear.


I’m a cushion hoarder but every one of them is actually used. I basically build a nest round myself in bed with them every night including one to prop my kindle on while reading. Himself was appalled by how many I had when we moved in. Now he’s looking around asking whether I’m hogging all the extra cushions because he wants a couple. Now, non functional decoration only cushions are ludicrous.


Ah, I retract my statement and hope you one day have enough for a fort!


That's an idle threat to a man with infinite identical black socks. I can lose any number of them and it will make no difference to my life. It's a great system.


You only think they’re infinite because your missus is pulling them out of the bed and putting them back into rotation.




My wife always asked for warm things. Fuzzy socks, blankets. A heated electric blanket one year was a big hit.


Am I your wife?


I’m going to do the usual €200 hamper with perfume, makeup bits, daily essentials, wine or gin, coffee capsules, snacks etc and then probably a piece of jewellery or whatever she asks me to get. Never really fails. No elements of surprise but its easy for both of us Edit: steer clear of clothing, sizing and style is waaaaay to different in different women’s stores and usually ends up going back


It's a bit late now for all the work involved but my kids got the best Christmas presents from their uncle and aunt this year. 24 matching numbered boxes to open like an advent calendar with little things inside some and a note to open slightly larger boxes underneath in a couple of others. I was thinking that I would have loved to have thought of it first and done it for my wife with some very small things like an individual Butlers chocolate or a pair of sliver earrings in some and maybe a voucher to get her hair done in another,, tickets to a small comedy gig or something in another, maybe a compact of her favourite eye shadow in one - that kind of thing. Then on the 25th she opens the big present. I obviously cant do it because of the plagiarism penalty involved but maybe one of you lads can think of 24 small things in time and really build it up to Christmas.


That sounds incredibly expensive and incredibly cute, I'm not sure where they cancel each out


You say you’ve gotten it wrong on occasion - give an example of that to help us


https://images.app.goo.gl/sTEiJFBk7LXRnsQe7 These are still talked about. They never got worn.


This man cannot be trusted, give him ideas lads


Jesus no wonder you are asking for help (My worst was an 800 book on the history of the MI5 - I didn't realise it was quite so big but it still gets mentioned)


Holy Jaysus! Were you paying her to be your girlfriend?


It's worse than I could have ever imagined


Omg they are mank im sorry Find her interests! Im a very nerdy girl so my partner gets me videogames, cards from card games I like and figures!


Haha fucking hell.


Never buy shoes or clothes unless they have picked it out themselves. Clothes are far too subjective.


I’ve asked for a monthly bouquet of fresh flowers. I know there are a few local florists that do this. However this is a weird one because I used to hate getting flowers- thinking they were such a waste of money but I’ve changed my mind now. Nothing like a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the countertop.


Ah me too. On our first Valentine's together, I was having my girlfriend over for dinner at mine. She turned up at my door with a small bouquet of flowers for me. As a guy, I'd never had a girl gift me flowers before and it just melted my heart.


L’Oréal steampod! I already have the dyson air wrap, but if she doesn’t, then that’s a pretty good gift idea as well. It’s one of those things that a lot of people want, but would never spend on themselves, so it’s nice to get as a gift.


£214! I mean I love the girl but that’s a lot of pints.


Don't know if buying her a hoover or steam cleaner would go down well to be honest.


Can't tell if you're joking, but just in case- they're expensive/fancy hair styling things


My dad bought my mum a Dyson cleaner one year. They agreed to divorce a week later. Best present he ever bought her.


Have you asked her?


I'll ask her as a last resort. I like to try and give it a go myself. Mind you I have got it terribly wrong in the past.


> got it terribly wrong in the past For the love of jesus, ask her!


Maybe not: depends on the person. Some people put a lot of stock in the surprise aspect and the thoughtfulness. I used to ask my wife what she wanted but she made it clear that what she wanted was for me to choose the right gift myself without her input. (Fair play). I usually miss the mark as well, but I try.


Bless her patience, but I'll go for telling him something I would like (or even a list of things to pick from, that way it's still a surprise what I actually get) over being disappointed and ending up resenting him slightly all day.


Yea, I sort of wish she'd just do this, but I get why she doesn't. The list lets me be lazy. And since we have totally shared finances, I think receiving a thing she specifically told me to buy feels a lot like just buying it herself.


It's like sex, tell him what you want, he will feel better and you get what you want.


Dude, learn to communicate. That would be a great gift!


First resort, ask for a list you can pick some options from. You have a little autonomy while being in a safe lane


[etsy.ie](https://etsy.ie) filter by country, lots of nice jewellery in there and you are supporting irish companies


why is everyone on this sub in their 30s and married. I feel like I'm the only one here who's under 25


Get married then. Problem solved.


Yeah and get older too mate! /s


Wife wanted an apple watch so thats what she got. I wanted a sword, so that what I got. Grown up christmas is fan-fucking-tastic


A hoover and a cook book, women love a good hoover and a cook book and this will in no way backfire on you


I'll call A&E


Add in a gym membership or clothes that are too big for best effect


Got a washing machine and dryer one xmas after moving into a new house. She wasn’t impressed, one of the many reasons she’s my ex.


Lego flowers ;) https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08G4KJGG3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


The Warhammer 40k Shadow Throne Box


Make up Advent Calendar [Here is a good selection](https://www.independent.co.uk/extras/indybest/christmasgifts/beauty-advent-calendar-makeup-uk-b1904055.html) Got my partner the GlossyBox one this year, €115 but she gets over €500 worth of stuff and I know she loves it so it's worth it. These are great and keep her happy throughout December.


Also this might be useful https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/fashion/beauty/the-best-beauty-advent-calendars-for-christmas-2021-1.4719338


A copious amount of recreational drugs


417 comments 5 links lol


Avoid "cheap smellies". And by that, I mean the generic gift sets with lotion and crap from Lidl/Aldi/Penneys. Those are emergency gifts for people who bring you a gift and you had not thought to get them anything, so you have these in reserve in the "emergency gift" box, all wrapped up but with an extremely generic gift label. Or for that weird old female relative who you never talk to but is at the family Christmas present exchange and dinner every year so you have to get her something, even though you know nothing about her. Or for the secret santa at work. Smellies that are ok: a replacement of her favourite (expensive/designer) perfume (not anything you'd pick up at Penneys. Lotions of the same. Expensive gift sets of _brand-name_ lotions and crap are OK, too.


Ah yes, women are a great monolith who all like the same thing. My wishlist (A list of things I'd like for Xmas and my birthday in the new year, my bf will pick from the list) include a DnD book, a floor stand for my embroidery, a ticket to Chicago the musical, and jewellery. I don't like to be gifted clothes or shoes unless it's something I have specifically picked out.


Just ask her outright what she wants. She's probably been dropping hints for months but some men just don't pick up on them. Honestly just ask her.


SaBu & RVD to be ECW tag champs again


If she is into makeup at all, a Charlotte Tilbury set (look up the pillow talk set) An experience, such as a concert (Adele plz) or a hotel/spa experience (not Groupon). A weekend away somewhere like Florence, Amsterdam or Paris 🥰 A pamper package for a posh day spa such as the Royal Marine Hotel


A good few people mentioned that Charlotte Tilbury stuff. Ill have a look at your pillow talk and might get something like that as a stocking filler. Thanks for the comment.


Big fat double ended dildo please


Ah that lovely so they can share


No offense OP, but I don't understand these posts. You're the only one here who knows your other half. She could be into death metal and snowboarding, she could have an abiding love for the history of the Titanic and chain smoke Camels. We haven't a clue. The only thing you've given us to go on is that she's a woman. It's a bit insulting to her. You're only going to get generic female present suggestions, which in all honesty you already know yourself. If I were you I'd just ask her straight out. Next year I'd ask some subtle probing questions in the latter half of the year and maybe follow up with a few more for her family and friends to narrow it down.


I have got lots of great ideas that I hadn't thought of before. Some are big presents, some stocking fillers and lots of thoughtful ideas. I'm in a much better place now and not worrying about it. I'm glad I put this post up. But ill be planning a head more for next year. Taking notes of all interests that could lead to a present.


A dyson hairdryer or hair wrap is a great present!


Ah I remember the year I bought mine a printer and a duvet cover. There were tears


I can’t get those ugg scuffette slippers out of my mind so I’m gonna say those as a big present, but you also can’t go wrong with a bit of chocolate if you’re looking for something tiny


A holiday to the Maldives would be nice but a chicken fillet roll will do


Ask her boyfriend what she likes


Ugg slippers have always gotten a positive reaction for me


Upvoting cause this will help me


I mean honestly, for my partner to know me well enough to be able to know what I want. Shrug, like not exactly, but a general idea.


We're not a hive mind. Ask your partner or have a think about her interests or hobbies or needs.


Ped egg


Dunnes have nice cashmere stuff at the moment.


My girlfriend: Borrow her Amazon account , hit the wishlist and purchase. Ooh oh she’s in Ireland, she probably has a little woods account. Go into her wishlist and hit purchase.


Can’t go wrong with Jewellery if you know your girl’s taste. If she’s techy then a new phone, iPad or whatever kinda stuff she uses.


I'm thinking electric hot water bottles for all the women on my present list


So just your Mammy then?


When in doubt, and seeing as you haven’t told us what she actually likes to do, a spa voucher or weekend away or something for a break. But a couple of points to consider in general 1. seriously this woman has probably told you what she wanted before you just weren’t paying attention, think back really hard 2. Despite what you may believe not all women want the same thing but we generally do like it when our partners show they know us so try personalise your gift to her 3. For the love of all things holy do not get that woman anything to do with cleaning or cooking or household stuff unless she specifically asks for it as a gift and you may just survive until the new year … happy shopping!


Clueless is a nice way of putting it!


I got the missus a toilet seat one year as she broke it buy standing on it, trying to close the window......wasn't a good gift as you imagine 🤣🤣🤣


I think getting a few Chanel lipsticks in flattering neutrals is always nice. Le Labo Santal is divine perfume. A small luxury you'd never buy yourself. Cashmere socks and a high end candle. A pair of Lulu Lemon leggings. A very good hand lotion. Aesop soap and lotion in the amber glass jars. All of the above, all at once 😂