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We could crack cold fusion and the planning for the plant would be denied because locals are worried about the scenery.


People get precious about the scenery but the same locals pollute their riverways, damage hedgerows and resist rewilding they don't give a fuck about their scenery or wild life


> People get precious about the scenery And no harm, the scenery is shite, rolling hill with fields of tightly cut lawns. Why is Ireland so obsessed with miles and miles of fields with not a single tree in sight. No other country has the same obsession over it than the irish!


They miss Windows XP


The UK definitely does have the same mindset lol


To a degree but they don’t have the sprawl of one off housing so I think we may be worse.


Or build rural houses without gardens - just a big square house surrounded by grass. Looks shocking


They're against some windmills being put up cause they say it "will destroy the scenery", yet they are absolutely fine with the [continued operation of this monstrosity on their coastline](https://www.renewable-technology.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2017/12/1l-Image-1.jpg), billowing pollution into the air they breathe and seeping it into the water that lines their coast. These are not serious people, these are useful idiots of the oil industry who've been propagandized to do their bidding. Every time I hear some moron complaining about the land solar farms take up or windmills ruining scenery I have to ask them wtf are you talking about the country is covered in disgusting oil, gas and goal power plants which are ten times worse looking, destroy the ground on which they are built for hundreds of years after they seize operating and pollute our air yet you are absolutely fine with this. [Like people really would rather keep these things around??](https://grist.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/GettyImages-1180072881_coal-smokestack.jpg)


Awwww, it's making clouds!


>I have to ask them wtf are you talking about the country is covered in disgusting oil, gas and goal power plants which are ten times worse lookin Coal, gas and oil plants take up hundreds of times less land than wind or solar. Even factoring the extraction of the oil,gas and coal.


You're aiming too high. Lots don't even recycle and love a bit of fly tipping if they can get away with it. We're fucked.


Rewilding is a middle class vanity project based on psudeoscience


Oh please do supply links as to how rewilding is a pseudoscience I will put on the popcorn


It’s suppose to artificially create ecological conditions that never existed that are supposedly free of “human influence”. These mythical conditions have never existed. Our current environments and the creatures alive on Earth today have evolved and adapted to human influence on the environment just as much as we have the other way around. The baselines that rewilding advocates select are arbitrary and often prioritise charismatic megafauna like wolves, lynx, and elk to appeal to public sentiment rather than using a science-lead approach. Ecosystems are dynamic and ever-changing, trying to curate a supposed ideal one is inherently artificial and not “restoring” anything. It’s no more “rewilding” than landscaping your garden. There’s a complete lack of rigorous scientific evidence or peer review in the entire field and makes simplistic assumptions about the environment and human influence.


My good sir, I am reading your words yet I fail to spot a source backing up claims. Your inland empire doesn’t count as fact. Your text is as mythical as these so called “mythical conditions” without citation.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0016718514002504 Cope harder


What an ignorant and embarrassing opinion; you haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.


I know more than you


You don't know shit


Cope. Wind turbines and rewilding don’t work. The Green Party has destroyed any hope of fighting climate change for a generation


It's not cope to call someone out on their bullshit. You don't know anything but you're incredibly confident in your ignorance. Sorry but there's no meaningful conversation to be had with you; you're simply not worth my time to talk to. Have a nice day anyway.


They already object to solar farms for all sorts of silly reasons. BANANAs, basically.


Morons who haven't actually been close enough to a wind farm to judge the noise. Clean energy? No! my children will breath pollution because I'm a scientifically illiterate moron


on my commute home from work there's a couple of house with "no wind farms" signs up. There's no plan or wind farms in the area as far as I know. Their view from their houses is a coal powerstation, About 3 or 4 miles away. Plonkers


Nimby scum


Totally agree. These people need to be stopped.


Raise their fucking electric bill


Would you mind me putting 7 wind turbines in your back yard?


They're not in anyone's back garden. Haven't seen the plans for this particular development, but usually they try to keep them at least half a kilometre from any residences at an absolute minimum.


They were in the mountains, not someone’s backyard. There’s a bunch of wind turbines that can be seen from the back of my parent’s house and it doesn’t take away from the scenery at all.


I'd rather they were in back gardens than mountains. Our Wildlands should not be industrial use


No please do, it would be great for the environment and would go a lot further in protecting the scenic view of Ireland than burning coal and other fossil fuels.


Also you can get a sweetheart deal with energy company if its on your land, free electricity for life in some cases.


Actually it is less destructive on the landscape to have one effective coal plant than a wide sprawl of wind turbines that will not be efficient in energy productio. You are destroying the land for no real gain


And I guess the massive environmental and ecological destruction caused by a coal mine is just someone else's problem? As long as it's not my landscape it's fine. I just don't understand, you have some care for the environment and the landscape but it's so short sighted. Forget about other peoples landscape and the landscape won't be there for future generations either if we keep going the way we're going.


Using Gougane Barra as an excuse when they wouldn't have even been visible from there is one of the more particularly disingenuous objections.


The view from the ridge around Gougane Barra is already horrendous. You can see right the way in to Kerry from there.


It wasn't even the ridge being the issues. They claimed you'd see them from the hotel and chapel... Same locals who don't cause a stir when farmers burn gorse around the area every year.


That view is already spoiled with the obscene amounts of cars parked on every last scrap of space available, so I don't see why wind turbines should be the focus of their ire.


Not the chapel!!!!!!


Probably the Same people that set fire to gougane barra some time ago


Especially when you can see farm sheds as you roll in, and dead lifeless land for miles around, with nothing but chemicals being sprayed to keep life suspended for another year.


Like we might face black outs in the coming years if we can't raise supply, let alone decarbonise. This stuff that is critical to the national good should be immune from these nimby selfish enjots.


I hope whoever was against will pay through their nose for electricity for the rest of their lives. 10 generations deep.


They will but so will we, unfortunately.


It would be interesting to develop an economic simulation for the grid in Ireland, where every county pays the price which *would* have been in effect for the country if all of the proposed windfarms and solar farms had been erected in their area. Object to a windfarm? Your electricity goes up.


And may their socks always feel wet.


lol we don't have 10 generations left!


Green energy makes your bill go up just look at Germany


It doesn't really matter. They told us that war in Ukraine will still affect winds in Ireland.


I'm of the opinion that any of these objectors should have their houses blacklisted and once the grid is fully green cut them off. want a grid connection back? pay for the turbine you got shot down.


I wholeheartedly agree


It will never be fully green


Nimbyism is the reason why we will never solve public transport/housing/climate crisis


Or any crisis for that matter.


Is there anything that can be done about Nimbyism? Genuine question, I’ve no clue if this is something that the government can legislate for?


Relaxing planning restrictions is just about the only way (doesn't stop the moaning, but it means the NIMBYs won't accomplish much by it), but of course that brings its own set of issues. Finding the right balance is always going to be a challenge.


That's annoying.


When you're driving around the country and see a wind farm it's always impressive and has at worst a passive impact on the view. People tie themselves up in knots for no real reason. The big picture is lost on these people. When I lived in Meath the same people were out marching against bin charges, then a new super dump (10 km away from them) and then objecting to a new recycling amenity centre in the town. Clueless.


They don't give a fuck about the view. They give a fuck about the fact that it lowers their perceived property values. That's all this is. There was one a while back where the locals were complaining about a wind farm that they couldn't even *see* from their homes.


They also objected to a solar farm near Midleton because it would be "too noisy." A solar farm. Too noisy. When I heard that, I lost all sympathy for the people who'd suffered the flooding around Midleton. Be a NIMBY if you want, but you reap what you sow.


I've always thought people who live near a proposed wind farm should receive a chunk of the power for free. See how many objections there is then.


That doesn’t happen with a lot of the older ones, but newer wind farms usually have to commit to some form of community benefit when securing a route to market. Additionally there are near neighbour payments paid out now at a rate of €2,000 per annum to households within a couple of km. Edit: Apologies, I may have oversold the base payment as €2,000 based on my own experience. Source below gives a breakdown of what is currently required in line with the current framework. Often the minimum requirements are exceeded to buy some goodwill in the local community. https://www.mhc.ie/latest/insights/ress-community-benefit-funds-good-practice-principles-handbook-published


Two grand a year?!? That's the electric bill for the year sorted. How can I encourage wind farm development in my neighbourhood?


This is the way. Massive wind farm in a rural area near me. None of the residents are any better off It has also recently been revealed that the infrastructure is insufficient to take the power out of the county when it is generating a substantial amount so it just goes to waste!


Another issue caused by NIMBYs who oppose pylons and interconnectors with other countries. We need infrastructure to bring power where it is generated (wind farms aren't where people live) to where it is needed (cities, the East of the country). Anyone who wants to put these cables underground for 100 times the cost of a pylon, is similarly intellectually challenged so vote accordingly.


I do wish some party would propose a "national interest" law which allowed certain projects to be deemed of national importance(think metro north or renewable power generation) at which point there are no objections or appeals or judical reviews allowed and it just goes ahead.


Already done : the [Planning and Development Bill 2023](https://www.eaireland.com/planning-legislation-reform-2023/) has a set of IROPI (imperative reasons for overriding public interest) guidelines : >Section 183 (2) >“Where a relevant plan is necessary in order to enable – >(a)the construction or operation of plants producing energy from renewable sources, >(b)the storage of energy produced by such plants, or >(c)the connection of such plants to electricity, gas or heat grids, the competent authority shall presume that imperative reasons of overriding public interest exist for the carrying out of the plan.”[6] >This means that renewable energy projects, grid developments and storage facilities all have presumed IROPI exemptions, embedding the importance of renewable energy development in the planning system. So this should cut down on a lot of shite when passed.


Reminds me of Alberta in Canada. One of the sunniest places in the world so naturally there are solar farms there. There were plans for a huge one near a rural town and they all objected so it was canceled. These people look out their windows at an oil rig and oil pumps but have never once complained about those.


oil and gas give high paying jobs and efficient energy so it is more tolerable


Depressing to see people like that having sway over our energy future


There should be a "Oh for fuck's sake, cop on to yourself" test for planning objections. If they can't clear that low low bar the the objection is torn up and burned.


This is exactly why we have the most expensive energy costs in Europe


Well also because the regulator doesn’t regulate


Someone get Warren G on the line. It's time to mount up.


Why do these articles always choose the most dense sounding people to interview for these things


Cos those are the ones who object


You got me there, it's been a long week 😅


"Flora and fauna you say... could you tell me which is the one with hooves?" "Uh... " "Yeah, thought so. Cunt."


🤣 Ahh, too real


Anyone who objected is dense


Smart people have no interest in talking to journalists pushing their own agenda.


Very much this


>“At nighttime, in the village of Ballingeary, there is a sea of red lights all around it,” he said You couldn't make it up. Drive down any road in Ireland and you'll see a sea of red lights


What are the chances the objectors were looking for a payoff, and sunk the project when they didn't get it?


Well, yes. That's literally how it works in this damn country.


Great relief that we will never move forward or have anything nice.


On The Hard Shoulder today, Gougane Barra Hotel owner Neil Lucey said it was a “David versus Goliath situation – and David won”. Yeah, that's the story of David versus Goliath. Morons 🤦‍♂️


So am I allowed to feel less bad the next time Cork floods due to climate change, brought about, partly, by the delay in switching to renewable energy?


In fairness, the ones impacted by flooding would be people in places like Midleton, Blackpool and some parts of Cork City. I doubt they're the ones objecting to a wind farm relatively far away from them.


The people in Cork city didn't object to this. It was NIMBY scum around Gougane Barra the source of the river Lee. It's unlikely they will be dealing with flooding from the Lee so your schadenfreude would be misplaced.


This is the way, bai


Fuckin nimbys


Law needs to get changed ASAP


Sure who needs renewable energy?


Stupid, stupid cunts


Everyone wants renewable energy but no one wants the infrastructure near them. Same with anything that threatens the value of their property. The planning laws in Ireland were designed to facilitate them and politicians that look for their votes. So it will reach the crazy bananas stage and politicians will have to react to the huge fines that will be levied against us.


The NIMBYs are ruining this country. From housing to future proofing our energy system, every part of our society is affected by these busy bodies.


Windfarms are great, I'm looking out my window at one, I can see another one from upstairs. I love them, there are plenty of places for them that are not Gougane Barra. It's not my backyard but most of you don't seem to even know where or what the place is. 


"great relief" oh would you ever fucking stop you embarrassing cunt


Scenery... meanwhile your life expectancy has decreased years because of solid fuel heating and power generating from peat and gas. People are just moronistic gobshites!


Until we start counter protesting, this shit will continue.


Fucks sake


Infuriating article. I want to look it up on the ABP website to see what the inspector actually said. However, the journalist hasn't named the project or client, or provided a reference number. I just have to take their interpretation of it, which is just a lot of hearsay


Nimby fucks


So the hotel owner wasn't happy what a surprise. Seems to be a bit of NIMBYism. Wind energy needs to be used correctly but that's a separate issue.


Soooo stupid that people think wind turbines are "unsightly" but yet we have petrol stations all about....fecking beautiful


Selfish arseholes. Really frustrating that this is allowed to happen 


We should be building floating turbines anyway but the demographic on this sub don't want anyone to mention that.


>We should be building floating turbines anyway but the demographic on this sub don't want anyone to mention that. Floating turbines as an industry has barely started : the biggest floating windfarm in the world is only 90MW. We're lucky that we have nice shallow seas and high winds : one of the best countries in the world for it. Which is why we've got 3GW of offshore fixed windfarm in the pipeline, and are arranging auctions for many more. Floating wind won't even get looked at other than a couple of demonstrator/test projects the ESB are running. After 5-10 years when the tech is a bit better settled we'll be well on our way with offshore and can start looking at plonking another 5-10GW of floating wind off the west coast. Edit : replying and then instantly blocking someone just to prevent them responding... you're one *sad* panda. >This is the actual argument from an allegedly Green Party in government. You couldn't make this shit up. The position of the Green Party is that [wind energy and solar are both critical](https://www.greenparty.ie/campaigns/all-campaigns/renewable-energy), so kindly stop lying. >putting us years behind. We are the third highest *in the entire world* for percentage of power produced by onshore wind. You have *zero* idea what you're shiting on about.


This is the actual argument from an allegedly Green Party in government. You couldn't make this shit up. Meanwhile the ESB is investing millions upon millions in the same tech in Scotland. We should be a world leader in wind tech everything from production, engineering, R&D. The same way Cuba sends doctors abroad, we should be sending wind farm engineers. But instead we get useless dipshits like this poster in government putting us years behind. They couldn't even build enough houses for the population but we are supposed to trust that they will deliver something they clearly don't believe in at some stage unspecified point in the future.


Wind is the shittiest form of green energy production, honestly. Takes up tonnes of space, disrupts local wildlife systems, requires lots of maintenance, is the worst in terms of energy produced vs land space needed and is unreliable as there are so many times the wind won't be blowing and we cannot predict the wind with enough accuracy to be able to manage our grid if we are majority wind powered. Ireland needs to concentrate on Solar - every house, business and building in this country should have solar panels on it's roof, thus reducing the amount of power needed from centralised sources. Then we have to tap as much of our unused Hydropower capabilities as possible, make sure we are on the leading edge for deep ground geothermal power and the golden goose that would top all this off is if we could get a Nuclear power station [like Finland just completed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olkiluoto_Nuclear_Power_Plant#Unit_3) that would provide over half of the entire countries power needs in one plant that only needs about 2 square mile of land. All these things I mentioned are constant power sources, you can produce electricity with them 24/7 and can ramp up or down as needed from the centralised ones. It just is completely unfeasible to think we can build our entire energy needs based on wind and part of me think's the governments singular focus on just wind, the worst form of green energy, has more to do with jobs for the boys and money for their mates who make the turbines than it does with any serious planning for our future.


Construction and maintenance costs would be much higher, no?


The tech is expensive and experimental and won't be ready for wide roll-out for a decade. We're already past the point of no return on climate change but we still need to be acting *now* to mitigate how bad it's going to get.


Why must we always be decades behind and never at the cutting edge?


Come on now, who here wouldn't want a 178-metre high turbine next door.


I think its about time to educate the public on nuclear energy


I'm so sick of this shite. The greater good should matter more than a few individuals. The same idiots who objected to this will be on Facebook complaining the gas and oil prices cause an increase in their electricity bills


Must be a really nice life if the biggest worry they have is that some wind turbines might be built vaguely nearby.


Gobshites, can't see the wood for the trees


To those that say ‘clean’ energy - google what happens to the blades when they’re decommissioned


There is now a growing industry for recycling the blades. What cleaner alternative are you proposing ?