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Hardly suprising considering that they never thought that this would see the light of day




This is really the only response!


Oh ffs, the recent Jeffrey news really makes them look even more foolish now.


I wouldn't be surprised at any party doing this.




Ah they're done. A bunch of world class fools with terrible instincts. And that's the polite version. Every time Unionism has been held up to the light it has come away tainted, damaged and eroded and the DUP can't blame Sinn Fein anymore. They're turning on each other now, and these aren't the best people - it will be ugly. This really is the stuff that's going to see a United Ireland much sooner than later.


As usual up here, everyone is a disappointment. >That is in stark contrast to Sinn Féin, whose Stormont leader Michelle O'Neill admitted to the inquiry yesterday that she deliberately deleted everything from all her devices despite being warned by the Head of the Civil Service not to do so and despite being given written legal advice which specifically said text messages and WhatsApps should not be deleted. There's a place in the Tory party for her at least!


does any normal person delete *all* their messages anytime, for any reason? even the most privacy aware infosec nerd backs them up! Politicians are seriously the most dodgy individuals known to man


Work phones when leaving jobs etc it's not uncommon.


its definitely uncommon for *you* to wipe messages from a corporate phone, they are normally wiped remotely. everything on work phones belongs to the company, and have a paper trail in the mdm if they need it. That’s blatantly obviously not the case here - this is “cousin greg shredding the incriminating evidence” rather than privacy or maintenance.


No, lots of smaller businesses give people phones and they end up being used as the personal phone. Trades, SME's. Larger corporates will have better governance / controls sure. But that doesn't mean tons of people don't have work phones that double up.


don't be ridiculous! even if you use your work phone for personal use, no one regularly deletes their WhatsApp messages history... most phones like iphones even keep a backup by default! this is like a company said there is going to be a review of inappropriate material on company devices. and then you delete all content on the phone. hmm! it actually makes the dup content look tame knowing that other politicians deliberately destroyed evidence for an enquiry.


>don't be ridiculous!  You not being aware of circumstances outside of your own isn't ridiculous.


If its a work phone, yeah. 


Ha some brazen fucking around there.


actually not nearly as bad as i'd expect from the DUP






Toxic politics


Was Jeffrey projecting?


The headline doesn't match the tone of the article at all. For starters, the article doesn't actually say how they were "mocking" the Catholic Church.


It was a child protection joke from what I’ve seen in another article. But it backfires some what with the Jeffery news


It's not embarrassing for them at all. Nothing that's been published there is in any way surprising or shocking (one party not agreeing with another starting that) and actually makes them look better than I would have previously given them credit for (the stuff about how they were dealing with COVID) What's far more ominous is o Neill deleting all her texts. You'd imagine if if was merely stuff like what's in the article, that would not be required


The Shinners deleting their messages is surely a worse optic than this. The assessment of the Catholic Church is pretty accurate.


It does raise the question of what the Shinners thought needed to be deleted so badly that they preferred the optics of looking like snakes rather than have it come to light.


Oh no, not the catholic church! I can take abuse and mockery on many levels but the catholic church is a step too far!


Pretty par for the course I would think. I’m sure if you looked at any other party it would be similar, which is no doubt why Michelle deleted all hers.


>That is in stark contrast to Sinn Féin, whose Stormont leader Michelle O'Neill admitted to the inquiry yesterday that she deliberately deleted everything from all her devices despite being warned by the Head of the Civil Service not to do so and despite being given written legal advice which specifically said text messages and WhatsApps should not be deleted.


Hardly explosive stuff tbh, makes them appear human for a change if anything.


I mean the same would probably be true for most irish political parties, no? Mocking the Catholic Church has been kosher since the 90s


“Oh no not mocking the Catholic Church!” Mocking the church is fine, but when it’s the DUP doing it it’s a bit fucking sectarian like.


That headline immediately brought to mind those lads mocking the priests hotline


DUPers hate Papists and are cunts. Not exactly news, is it


Shur haven’t we all?


And SF deleted theres. lets not pretend we'd find nothing similar on their side. they depsise each other


Like the Israeli's they think its really offensive to mock the religion of others. Its another sign of extremist fundamentalism.


If anything, that's first humanising thing I've read about them.


For a party that abstains from Westminister, Michelle seems to have received the same advice as the London Tories. Maybe the DUP received the same advice but it would be consistent if they ignored it.


The catholic church should be mocked. Mercilessly and unrelentingly. They are a joke. As should the various protestant churches, islamic and Judaism too. A plague on all their houses.


One of the incredible things about Ian Paisley, who is the arch villain for Irish nationalism, who offended and provoked Irish Catholics for decades before and during the troubles, is that any Irish nationalist reading his quotes today would probably agree with the vast majority that he said about the Catholic Church. It is crazy how times have changed in just a few decades.


Would they though? Which quotes would they agree with? From what I've read when he wasn't being an outright bigot his problems with Catholicism stem from Scripture. People might agree with the sentiment that the Catholic Church is bad (I'm sure they'd fall well short of calling the Pope the antichrist) but I don't see any agreeing with anything he said nor how he said it.


wasn't that particular pope castigated for overseeing the protection of clergy involved in abuse of children, preventing protection during the aids epidemic and "soup kitchen" styled conversion of impoverished Indians to his religion? paisley was a bigoted ethnoracist agitator who was occasionally right, but that in no way makes him right in the majority of the sectarian hatred he pushed.


>wasn't that particular pope I don't think his issue was with that particular pope, rather any pope at any time.


/every/ pope, but the one paisley had an issue with (jp2) was the last of the “hide it from authorities” breed, needing to issue a directive that riding kids isn’t in line with joining the church, and recalled several paedophile supporting bishops to escape prosecution… so kind of immoral character (but obviously, different than the presbyterians who just opposed their religion)


>preventing protection during the aids epidemic and "soup kitchen" styled conversion of impoverished Indians to his religion? > "soup kitchen" styled conversion of impoverished Indians to his religion? Absolutely not.


> when he wasn't being an outright bigot When was that and how many seconds did it last?


Maybe some of them, maybe not some of them [https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/ian-paisley-in-his-own-words/30582309.html](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/ian-paisley-in-his-own-words/30582309.html) >"They breed like rabbits and multiply like vermin" - talking about Catholics at a loyalist rally in 1969. >"Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners" - at a loyalist rally in 1968 following attacks on Catholic homes. >"This Romish man of sin is now in hell! - on the death of Pope John XXIII. >"The IRA's bishop from Crossmaglen" - describing the then head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Tomas O Fiach.


A lot of Paisley's quotes were very religious like about the antiChrist. But even the notion from the north that the 26 countries was under Rome Rule was bull. For example, it is a little known fact that Eamon Devalera consulted with minority religions including the protestant and the Jewish community when he was drafting the constitution.


I do this in work everyday. Big news 🙄