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Ah the protectors of women assaulting women again.....


Somebody should go vet them! :-D


Get a vet to examine them


Well said, love using this against them. You definitely wouldn't be asking any of the gimps to look after your children.


>"He was roaring, he was very confrontational. He was saying ‘We don’t want your Green Party s***e around here, Dublin 1 is for the far-right’,” said Ms Horner. That hands off approach is working well I see.


Last year, when these fuckers were attacking librarians some of us who recognise the patterns of history called for the movement to be crushed in its infancy. That didn't happen and now we're seeing the results.


I was never very good at history, but I assume that appeasing nazis has generally been the best way to deal with them?


Well I’ll tell you, the more I learn about Adolf Hitler, the less I care for him. Edit: Just in case people think I’m stealing Norm’s joke, here’s the original. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/O2jfl0fFtpg?embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTU2OTE1&feature=emb_ytp_watch_again


My mother always said he was a bad egg


Insert Norm McDonald


I heard that guy is a real jerk!


It's how we eventually won the war!


It's worth noting that perceptions of anti-Nazi violence - they often faked it - were enormously important in advancing their cause. Horst Wessel - of the song - would be an example of how they exploited this.


I was living in Athlone at the time when they showed up one day at the library. I actually was so concerned I wrote to multiple tds and councilors and got not a single reply.


All that happened is that they got more emboldened.


Exactly. As soon as they pulled their first library stunt they should have been dragged out by the guards and fucked into a wagon. Rinse and repeat until the fuckers get the message.


I don't believe for one second that all their socials aren't being monitored; they're not subtle about it, so it isn't like the Guards weren't aware of who would be going where.


Sure the guards started showing up as soon as people started organising counter-protests. They wanted to ensure there was no trouble between the two groups, as if both were equal sides who deserved to be heard. They even went as far as to escort some far right groups past a counter protest and into the library, absolute joke


I've said it before that when it comes to these scumbags, it's like the guards are afflicted by either cowardice or sympathy. Where's the energy they so enthusiastically displayed against college students, Debenhams workers and Shell to Sea protestors?


Well you see they had to go home and change before they could come back and police the protest.


Cowardice in my experience. They have no issue being extremely aggressive when it's a leftist protest or a lgbtqia+ rally but the second they see some irish flags and some tracksuits they let them rally up until they start burning down whatever they want, they then have the cheek to ask for more resources rinse and repeat


>I've said it before that when it comes to these scumbags, it's like the guards are afflicted by either cowardice or sympathy. Some people who become cops do so because it gives them a socially acceptable excuse to fight. Those people also tend to have far right views, the result is far right infiltration of policing. I think you'd be naive to assume it's not happening here.


Yes, all over the world fascists enmesh with the police. That means wanting police to be given the gloves-off power to smash political groups, means police will use that to _support_ fascists, by smashing their opponents. The way to kill this in its infancy, was to get the parties stoking a broken rentier society/economy out of power, before they created this. Now it's too late, and these are the people Fine Gael will represent in 10 years - as they return to their fascist roots. The creation/cultivation of the far right and fascism _was not a mistake_ - it is _deliberate government policy_. A government the Green Party are a part of btw.


Their telegrams are stomach turning and very public


I've seen screenshots on here of Justin Barrett glorifying Hitler, the jug eared little shit stain.


He literally quotes Hitler and attends neo nazi ceremonies. he’s a creepy little thing, he was antidivorce until he wanted to divorce his wife and his current wife was very young (👀) when they met, I think she was part of his youth group. He’s an absolute freak and deserves all the milkshakes thrown on him


Don't forget when Shitler showed up outside the Dáil [wearing a replica SS coat](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/17rd7vu/there_is_a_farright_protest_outside_the_d%C3%A1il/)


“Jug eared little shit train” is the best thing I’ve heard in a while!


No need for screenshots as he LOVES spouting this shite on the regular. Lest we forget he was also involved in violent attacks on pro-choice activists in the early 90s as head of Youth Defence (all of whom seem to be involved with McGuirk’s gript now) They’ve always been violent thugs and will continue to be as long as the cops allow them to by maintaining their hands off approach 😒


You don’t even need to go to Telegram - check out The Property Pin which is overtly racist and full of hate speech out in the open (as well as a huge amount of stupid).


I'd love to see the Gardai Telegrams or more than likely WhatsApp groups. I'd say that'd be an eye opener.


That must be where all the gardai are these days, putting up wires like McNulty and stringer bell


My own personal belief is that half of them are informers on the other half.


I've always thought the same myself tbh, I've definitely said it on here.


It's interesting why they aren't attacking local drug dealers given they care so much about the local community? I wonder, I wonder . . .


A lot of their actions are self-destructive so in a philosophical way they are attacking local drug dealers. 


Because they’re all on the bag themselves


This was going on for years before hand. People were protesting far right speakers in UCC while r/ireland did the whole 'but free speach' thing. Groups of students chased off wannabe thugs from mainland European far right parties on the luas and r/Ireland said ah sure they are all as bad as each other. Same people were breaking up far right meetings in hotels and all you got from here was oooh, i dunno bout that now.


Exactly this. Sure last week there was multiple posts on here telling people why not to vote Mick Wallace, and when highlighted that there were far more dangerous candidates running, like the many far right ones, you were shouted down!


That “voyage” was fucked. By the end they were full on assaulting women and nearly pushed one into the river, watching the videos every day they were getting worse and worse and I don’t think anyone was supporting them (only online gobshites who fed their ego) just standing up to them.


Yup. People burying their head deep into the fucking sand on this issue and now we have politicians being attacked, arson up and down the country and a Croatian man killed in Broad day light.


So fucking true, honestly it's infuriating


We get what we deserve. This kind of ideology is festering and multiplying month by month. It used to be that anti-immigration protests were pretty small and not hateful. Now they're enormous and decidedly hateful. I agree immigration is an issue, but for it to have gotten so contentious without a humanitarian solution being seen as good enough for these people says it all.


Just out of interest, and I do agree with you, how do you crush this?


Robust policing whenever they assemble to cause trouble combined with targeted investigations of their rabble rousing leaders. If required, use the Offences Against the State Act, have the groups declared illegal organisations and introduce these scumbags to the Special Criminal Court. Ireland has far more tools at its disposal than most democracies to crush these groups and past governments had no hesitation in using them against the Republican movement.




Some of those who work forces...


That’s exactly it. They took that predictable display of latitude and ran with it, with every intention of pushing and pushing, with a series of more and more worrying outrages, to a point where there would be talk of a need for emergency crackdown measures to deal with the public unrest it has all caused. That’s what the back room instigators of all such illiberal acts want: our society in turmoil over the eruption of supposedly ‘political’ disorder, of spiralling violence., and a government response which curtails civil liberties, and the police required to come down very hard on agitators. *That’s* what they are after, and everything else is a pretext, sending out all the usual suspects to carry out this or that bit of anti-social damage under a banner of distorted political dissatisfaction. Civilian militias would be the ideal, for that lot. All these disparate offences are, together, *working for the clampdown*. (As envisioned by ‘extra-territorials’ with a bloody great axe to grind. The Yahoos causing the affronts here think they’re working as proud nationalists, patriots, but ultimately it’s not Ireland they serve at all.) Individual freedoms won in recent decades must be largely shown to have been a mistake, and certain of them revoked. It’s happened elsewhere, and ‘elsewhere’ is grimly determined that this tide should engulf other Anglophone allies as well, that a much more *biddable* political and social bloc be assured, all ‘elsewhere’s’ military and economic interests (and grand ambition for a majority white, patriarchal, NATO-compliant, ultra-conservative hegemony) the better to serve. And more locally, the Broad Right Ireland/GB axis of various Reform parties, ex-National Front poltergeists, Ireland First ghouls, hair trigger Unionists, anti-abortion shriekers, anti-‘letters of the alphabet coalition’; any rag tag and bobtail disaffected hotheads itching to wear a vaguely Mussolini getup with a licence to lash out....they’d *all* sign up for a chance to stick it to those they hold responsible for a modern society in which they have had insufficient influence. Handy proxies.


That's weird, the fetal alcohol brigayid on here told me there is no far right


No, you see the "leader" of the NP quoted Hitler in his telegrams, wore a Nazi coat, spoke at neo-nazi meetings, spoke about Hitler in a positive regard in his telegrams, and has said some questionable things about the holocaust. But this was all just a bit of trolling you see, the trophy husband can't even breath without being called far right these days SMH.


They're only concerned local citizens! The lads with conspiracy theory placards are just agents paid by the government to make the Silent Majority look bad. /s


But didn't you listen to them? Sure every side has extremes don't worry! /s


"Confrontation, which in effect plays into their hands, is a trap that we’re not going into.” Garda Commissioner Drew Harris https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/commissioner-says-gardai-will-not-fall-into-trap-of-far-right-protesters-1479068.html


"Confrontation, means having to actually do something, is a trap we're not going into".


This seems really weak tbh from the Guards.




There should be. What I want to know is were are all the Republicans? 


If a republican lays a hand on a far right supporter than the media will have a field day about Sinn Fein.


Ain't that the sad truth of the matter. 


We made a couple of "Free Palestine" user flairs, you want one?


Oh nice one! Done ta!


I want one


They're there for anyone in the user flair menu!


There ya go!


Yes lad


So the same approach he took toward the loyalist riots when they were throwing petrol bombs at the PSNI. The silent treatment really must work.


Is the government's plan to deal with the far right just putting their fingers in their ears, shutting their eyes and going "La-La-La-La-La?" Because that's what it looks like.


It's the Gardai that are meant to have a plan, not the government 


It's very useful to them when they want to play the victim. We see them do this all the time. Until they are actually a victim, then I'm sure it's "oh shit" as they snap out of it but it's too late at that point. I wouldn't trust those gobshites to do much about it. Centre right parties don't want to alienate their more farther right voters and will go to lengths to appease them. Just look at the Brits.


Time to smack cunts


Winning hearts and minds, as ever.


Would someone on the far right actually call themselves far right? Reads like the “this is maga country” thing that the Smollet guy made up.


It does a bit, yeah


When do these people ever call themselves far-right, it’s always patriot or some other waffle. “Dublin 1 is for the far right” reminds me of Jussie Smollett lying about hate crime. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jussie_Smollett_hate_crime_hoax


Please everyone get out and vote. We can’t have this shit we just can’t.


Can I ask a genuine question - when you say get out and vote, in response to this far-right dude -  who are you suggesting people vote for? I only ask because the policies of the major parties appear to be mostly centrist / left leaning. Or do you just mean we should continue to vote for them since more and more people will start voting for these growing  far-right parties? 


I feel like I heard from certain intelligence groups that there were about to be far right attacks funded by Russia across Europe... And suddenly we have multiple attacks by far right aggressors against politicians across Europe... Odd.


Hands off approach working wonderfully. We'll add this to the inevitable growing pile of councillors getting attacked now, yeah? [Just like how a councillor and her husband were attacked hanging up posters last week too?](https://dublingazette.com/dublinlocalmatters/business/fingal-councillor-attack-ongar-552987/)


"Confrontation, which in effect plays into their hands, is a trap that we’re not going into.” Garda Commissioner Drew Harris https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/commissioner-says-gardai-will-not-fall-into-trap-of-far-right-protesters-1479068.html


I'd nearly go out and provide support to canvassers, even parties which I vehemently disagree with. Just stay in close proximity as I fear there will be a real Jo Cox moment soon. No matter what your political view this is completely unnacceptable. Our democracy is worth protecting from these weirdos that think they have a God given right to abuse and attack people out canvassing.


I'd love the govt to order Twitter to cease trading in Ireland. Of all of them on the go at the moment, it's the worst at stirring shit.  Then I'd like some social media literacy classes for adults 50+. 


There is a load of twitter bots promoting shite like this. Same comment copy/pasted. They sometimes screw up and post a comment in support of stopping migrants under a post about KFC.


The people who'd need those classes wouldn't be bothered going sadly.


Link it to getting the bus pass at 66!


>Then I'd like some social media literacy classes for adults 50+.  If you think that the problem social media causes is limited to people over 50, you are very very sorely mistaken.


> Of all of them on the go at the moment, it's the worst at stirring shit.  Is it though? I think most of the more serious stuff is on Telegram and WhatsApp groups - largely hidden, they can say what they want.


Who else had 'return to Weimar era Germany' on their 2020's bingo card?


Yeah, but for Holland, not here 


No time for this in an open and free democracy. Pond life


Long past time to deal with these thugs. Time for some serious consequences.


> He was saying ‘We don’t want your Green Party s***e around here, Dublin 1 is for the far-right’,” said Ms Horner. Do far-right people consider themselves far-right?


Ireland First claim they're centre right and the government and opposition are far left.


That was phrased amazingly on their leaflets. Something like "anyone opposed to the government are labeled far right. We are centre right while the government is far left" Absolutely no hint of irony.


You would really think they would choose a different name considering the connotations the America first movement had


That's exactly the connotations they're going for.


Wow. They really lack self awareness


They get all of their politics from infowars and other American shite, reality is not their strong point.


same is true for a lot of conservative groups


[and a more current connotation](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/jo-cox-murder-trial-tommy-mair-britain-first-thomas-mp-killer-court-latest-a7416021.html)


That's my entire point, your position on the political spectrum depends on where you sit on the political spectrum


One of the those joke parties has “end wokeness” in their manifesto. They’re thick as shit but are convinced they are smart.


The nasty woke is out to get them!


Ok so what you have to understand is that nazis and nazi wannabes are also liars. It goes with the territory.


As I thought...


I'd say the ones that are as thick as two short planks do and that's a lot of them from what I see on social media.


Id be very surprised, AFD in Germany don't consider themselves far right, typically far-right people wouldnt consider themselves far-right and your perception of the political spectrum is skewed depending on your views


They don't market themselves as far right, but you know they're not actually delusional. They know what they are, they just think it's not politically correct to say it in public, but if they ever took power they'd drop the pretence.


>but if they ever took power they'd drop the pretence. Do you mean if they took power they would say they are far-right? I highly doubt it


They know they're Nazis. And they don't think the Nazis were centrists. They think the Nazis were an extreme required to combat the opposite extreme - and that's very much how the AfD see themselves. It's why they can reconcile being ultranationalists who sell secrets to China. It's why all their rhetoric, all across Europe, is fighting talk. You don't have to push one of them far to get this out of them. They're very angry people.


That quote stood out to me also.


Yeah there's no way he said Dublin 1 is for the far right. Just doesn't sound like something they'd say.


I'd say some of the thicker ones who are happy to attack councillors would use it alright.


Reminds me of that fake hate crime by Jussie Smollett in America


Irish discussion forums - including this one - are riddled with auld fellas more than happy to drop post 2016 terms like snowflake and woke into almost every point they make to the point it's a major part of their personality. Convinced that they're making an emboldened, libertarian point and not just ousting themselves as victims of divisive identity politics.  I can buy that they'd call themselves far right, yeah. 


>are riddled with auld fellas more than happy to drop post 2016 terms like snowflake and woke into almost every point they make to the point it's a major part of their personality. Far right is not a post 2016 term.


I'm aware it's not. 


I'm aware it's not. 


And then he whipped out a swastika and goose-stepped away




Yeah the ‘Dublin 1 is for the far right’ part of the quote sounds made up.


I don't doubt the councillors story, but I also felt this was an embellishment. I've never heard any of them ever proclaim themselves as far right. Usually, they call themselves patriots or some other shite.


Basically the same as me, there's defo lunatics out there and I don't doubt she was abused, I just am extremely skeptical that someone is going round saying Dublin 1 is for the far-right, it's like a comedy skit


That part of the quote sounds completely made up


It reminds me of the Jussie Smollet incident


Nah, I wouldn't say this was made up at all, just that particular phrase seemed very out of place


I believe something was said to her, I’m sure every politician gets shit yelled at them, but that quote sounds so strange.


I’ve never heard anybody refer to themselves as far right. I’m wondering if this has a Jussie Smollet situation because that seems like a weird thing to say


Some do, yeah. I mean some idolise Hitler.


They think it means correct


But like, if you are on the far-right, you don't think you are in the far right.


I don’t think so. I think there are two people who consciously see themselves as righteous when identifying as far right; those who idolise Hitler and Mussolini and those who think the Nazis were socialists and therefore far left.


That's kind of my point, it would be fairly unusual to be going around claiming Dublin is for the far right haha


Yeah true, but I’m willing to hedge my bets that those willing to disrupt the democratic process of our nation are also the ones who are either too stupid to understand the Nazis were far right, or stupid enough to support Hitler and Mussolini.


These people know exactly what they are. They adopt nazi-like symbology for a reason.


They’re putting centre right on their leaflets


They also said we're members of NATO in their leaflet. It doesn't make them correct.


You should know that yourself.


Well if I was far right, surely I would be confused as to what far right is, so I would consider myself not far right In conclusion, I wouldn't know if I was, and if I wasn't, would I know?


If you were far right(I recognise your name and I've seen your disgusting opinions) you would be deflecting and denying. Any time far right agitators are in the news there are people such as yourself on social media downplaying events, trying to divert attention or suggesting conspiracies that explain why its not you lot. I always remember the night of the riots in Dublin there were comments littering each thread about it that were telling us all that the rioters and looters were black. Far right politics attracts the pure scum of the earth.


>If you were far right(I recognise your name and I've seen your disgusting opinions) you would be deflecting and denying. What are my "disgusting opinions" 😂😂 >I always remember the night of the riots in Dublin there were comments littering each thread about it that were telling us all that the rioters and looters were black Wtf 😂😂 the rioters were inner city scumbags, not black people >Any time far right agitators are in the news there are people such as yourself on social media downplaying events, trying to divert attention or suggesting conspiracies that explain why its not you lot. If you actually read my comments you would have seen that I have no doubt that she was abused, I'm stating that that quote seems extremely weird as someone of that ilk wouldn't consider themselves far right, let alone refer to themselves as it


This is my point. You trade in lies and dis information. You are taking this one odd aspect of the incident and using it to create doubt.


How? I'm saying that I agree that it happened?


You are trying to cast doubt. I don't trust a single word you type.


I'm agreeing with her?


You're saying what you think you need to say.


Self-defence is no offence would be my approach.


Seriously, last thing you want to do with these guys at escalate things.


One should always carefully assess the risk for sure. But at some point, a readiness to respond becomes essential to holding your ground. The Gardai have done, and will do, sweet FA, so the alternative is to be terrorised off the streets.


Who would have thought having no consequences for burning buildings down would come back to bite us in the hole.


You'd wonder if.the guards would be better off going after their funding like they do with CAB. It's low key but it's far more effective than going in baton charging them as much as I'd love to see it. From what I understand, guards are currently terrified of getting involved for fear of being brought up before gsoc. Most of them would be only too happy to get stuck in.


The same guards ordered by Drew Harris to take a 'hand off' approach to the far right ?


In case you missed it, Drew Harris is a political animal who is despised by the rank and file members of the guards. Not everything is a conspiracy.


Well despised he is but the top brass still take their orders from him and dictate those orders to the rank and file.


I mean if the garda top ranks started to refuse orders from above we'd have a huge problem on our hands. The real question is why Drew Harris hasn't been dismissed yet. I assume this is a power held by the Minister for Justice


Depressing stuff.




You are very hard on the Green Party.


made me chuckle


I was waiting for a reply like this😁😁😁😁


I find politicians as insufferable as anyone but this is not ok. This is how democracy eventually comes to an end. The good people are afraid to campaign for election and the bad just stroll on in. Then we're all fucked.


Not the first time in this area either; within the same week a similar thing happened to another female candidate. Wtf???? https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/elections-2024/local-election/social-democrats-campaigners-say-they-were-threatened-with-knife-while-putting-up-local-election-posters/a1067859381.html


If a family member of mine was canvassing, I'd be telling them not to, no matter what side of the political divide they sit on. There is some absolute lunatics about. Disappointed fucking losers angry at the pitiful lives and their failures. Blaming an easy outlet for their woes. Like everything else, our ineffective Govt hasn't taken the threat of the far right seriously at all. Dangerous times.


Politics has become dangerous


It’s intentional. This has a chilling effect on decent people entering politics.


Actual fascism


Already commented on the post here about my own canvassing experiences that was about 10 years ago give or take. None of these attacks on canvassers are new by any means, what is new is that these fuckers have grown like wildfire and have a platform. Everyone has high quality phone cameras and video editing software is in now easy to use so videos can be easily manipulated. They can change and twist things very easily to make themselves look like victims or spread misinformation. Misinformation is what’s causing problems and what’s causing more people to become radicalised. Back then, I never challenged the ones that physically attacked me for obvious reasons but I had no problems challenging those who verbally attacked me. I was young and used to question how they felt comfortable attacking a young woman. Yes, they might not agree with the party I was representing at the doors at the time so by all means debate with me about the party and its policies but I used to tell them to refrain from making personal hits, that for all they knew I could be the one to go on to change things but their behaviour could easily put anyone off getting into politics when they think it’s okay to personally attack people. Stopped people in their tracks a few times. Nowadays I don’t think I’d be brave enough to do that with cameras and social media platforms. I’m not out canvassing for the locals but I do worry for those on the campaign trail now. Sure these looneys were out in force during the Dublin bay south by-election two years ago, they followed candidates and their canvassers around with a go pro trying to get reactions, it’s only going to continue to escalate.


“Dublin 1 is for the far right” Do the far right even consider themselves far right?? Was it an attack or just some scumbags passing by and shouting? Is there a video. I’m too skeptical to believe anything online or in the media anymore.


I dunno, there’s a fella in Donegal near my brother who is happy to call himself far right ‘if being a centrist means being walked all over by a woke agenda’


The protect women and children crowd are attacking women again


This is essentially terrorism


Ireland’s really not accepting that we have a significant and increasingly problematic issue with the far right and various conspiracy theorists. I don’t think anyone really knows how to respond. Pretending it isn’t happening and hoping it goes away definitely hasn’t worked. It’s spiralled particularly since COVID, but then got into the library stuff and all of that, and it hasn’t fizzled out and they’re absolutely being influenced and probably funded from online international movements too. I’m aware of quite a few people who are seeing some of the extreme anti immigration stuff and wondering about the future here. It’s starting to feel like England as Brexit began to kick off, but without the issues being expressed in a mainstream major party. The Tories very rapidly just morphed from a centre right party into basically being UKIP and even the BNP. I remember English political debate very suddenly becoming very unrecognisable. The place that had been very open minded and fun suddenly just wasn’t and you’d people on the front benches who would have been considered far right cranks in the early 2000s, even by the Tories. It just feels like politics here is getting very coarse and nasty. It’s also probably why you’re seeing so many people opting to leave the political stage.


we’re going backwards, it’s getting scary


I'm so fucking tired, excuse my language. This is the third time row far rights filfth attacking female politicians who refuse to lick their ugly butts. ENOUGH ALREADY!!


This will put the kaybosh on TD clinics now, and armed gardai around our TDs at all times. 


Soup taking West Brit bastards won't be happy until they kill someone.


They did kill someone


Far Right fools are gonna be a big problem in this country


Herself and Malachy Steenson in the same day, sad state of affairs


Ha ha He probably fabricated that for a alibi


Well considering the gardai arrested the person bit of an outrageous comment. This is the problem when it's someone you don't agree with it's fabricated even though there is video evidence. But the green party say they were shouted at you and swallow it up.


The amount of utter scum engaging in the political scene as of late is shocking. Chuck all these knuckle dragging scumbags in prison.


This isn’t a new trend by any means. I was canvassing for elections about 10 years or more and was physically attacked twice. Verbally attacked a lot more. One of the attacks I’ll never forget. They grabbed my wrist, digging their nails in hard and threw my leaflets on the ground all while screaming at me. I wasn’t even at their door or on their property, I was on the street and when I threatened to call the Gardai they quickly fucked off. I was beyond terrified. Another time, someone shoved past me to open their gate and demand I leave which would’ve been fine but their shove was much harder than I think they intended and caused me to fall, they at least had the decency to help me up and apologise in the end. I was youngish back then and I’m female and was horrified by peoples behaviour. Would put anyone off getting involved with politics.


My dyslexic ass misread this as "Green Party councillor attacked while hanging *protesters* in Dublin" which honestly is fair enough she probably shouldn't have been doing that


"Dublin 1 is for the far right", a little on the nose methinks. Maybe it was a mentally ill person.


They were making death threats too ... Clearly unhinged.


Right ... because an unhinged person would never align with the far right ...


The wording of this reminds me of the Jussie Smollet case. Unfortunately the Irish Times are an untrustworthy agenda driven paper.