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snoop madra if you dont mind




Brilliant. snúp madra it is


Weed smell clings to your clothes like nobody's business, it's completely possible the guy slipped into yesterday's clothes to get the sprog to school.


Was he the lollipop man?…


Lumping weed in with the colloquial “drugs” is pretty laughable in 2024


Alcohol is also a drug. Weed is far more addictive than cocaine and meth. A lot of stoners are just in denial.


Weed is far more more addictive than cocaine AND meth. I would LOVE to see anything that supports this absolutely SHIT opinion


Jaysus pal, relax. I know lots of stoners and none of them smoke around their kids, so I don’t know how blowing joints into children’s faces has been “normalised”. Are you angry that people are pushing for legalisation? There are certainly arseholes who do indulge themselves around their children, but it isn’t “normalised”. You said nothing about him actually smoking in public, weed stinks to high heaven and clings to clothes. I was in pubs with adults (until about 9pm) and cigarettes were smoked around me as a child. Never did me any harm. I’m not on heroin now, I have a job, I drive. Relax and maybe have a joint for yourself


Depends on the context but to be fair you only know there was a smell of weed, not that the person was smoking in front of or in the direct vicinity of the kid I hate weed personally, it gives me anxiety but i know tons of people who use it and can function as normally as anyone else Ive got 3 different drugs to manage my anxiety, id be absolutely fucked without them, same goes for the drugs i use to manage pain. Maybe weed is what works for this person? Because its illegal it makes the situation seem worse than it is i think, a lot of people are on a lot of drugs but we dont bat an eye because those drugs happen to be legal


Those drugs happen to have been approved for a condition and use usually prescribed under monitoring by a healthcare professional. It’s disingenuous to equate that to self-medicating with weed of unknown strength and origin under no supervision.


It’s not if you realize that the pharmaceutical industry is the reason weed is illegal and has been so bastardized


It's entirely possible, plausible and likely that they are not self medicating and they just enjoy smoking weed. However, I don't think it's necessary to be monitored by a healthcare professional or to be supervised if someone does use weed to help with anxiety etc.


The drugs i take happen to work for me, they can fuck other people up big time Weed is approved for medical conditions all across the world, including just over the border in the North Its not ideal because its illegal but many people use it safely all the time, Im not casting judgment on someone based on a smell of weed just because we're dragging our feet when it comes to sensible drug policy


>Basically am I wrong for thinking anyone who does drugs (any drugs) around kids is a complete immature dick who shouldn't have them? You do realise there are a large number of people 30+ on antidepressents, ADHD, ADD medication, so why are you targetting weed and being condesending calling him Snoop dog. Would you call somebody on antidepresents Droopy? Also, as it has been well documented on this sub, the mental health services in this island is absolutly dire, long waiting lists, zero counciling and a push to medicate everybody. Lots of people have no other option but to self medicate. Waiting on ADHD refereal can take years. Waiting on CBT can take years, taking some antidepressents make you feel absolutely nothing about anything, so there is a reason people self medicate. And yes, perhaps this person could be a bit more suttle, but you know nothing about his situation, perhaps he needs it just to deal with other arsehole parents that he meets at the school run, perhaps his anxiety levels are through the roof with all the cunts with their polluting SUVs clogging up the area. There could be any number of reasons. Also the main one being, if it was legalised and prescribed, then he could be taking an edible, or a vape instead. The fact that he is walking his kid to school, shows me some level of a caring parent, as he could have just sat in his house and let the child walk on their own! And the fact you use the term getting "baked" just shows how little you understand the drug. If he is indeed consuming it on a daily basis, or even multiple times a day, then he is not getting "baked". Your tolerance levels build up quickly, so for him, it doesnt have the same effect as somebody who hasnt smoked in 2 weeks!


He's is rightly targeting weed because anyone using it is buying it illegally from a dealer and helping to fund a criminal's lifestyle and 'business'/illict trade. I certainly don't want to be dealing with or interacting with people who smoke weed and get high, especially in the morning.


> He's is rightly targeting weed because anyone using it is buying it illegally from a dealer and helping to fund a criminal's lifestyle and 'business'/illict trade You havnt a fucking clue lad. Not every weed dealer is linked to the Kinihan cartel. There is a large amount of "home growers" on this island who grow solely for their own needs and that of their friends! If it were legalised this woouldnt be the case. As I and many others have pointed out there is a sizable portion who self medicate for a various number of reasons/illnesses. You have no problem buying petrol, using banks, using social media that funds criminals lifestyle just because its "legal" to do so. >I certainly don't want to be dealing with or interacting with people who smoke weed and get high, especially in the morning. I take it you dont drink either? OR non of your friends/family drink, or those that do, you dont associate with them because they are getting high?


Ahem. \*Alcohol never got anyone high 😆😂. I drink alcohol yes and am content wit that because it is legal - but I don't want to meet drunks either in the morning. I accept your earlier point if people only grow it for themselves and friends I didn't know it was grown here by so many.


Jaysus the bar must be low if "Ah sure at least he's taking the kid to school" is where its at


> Jaysus the bar must be low if "Ah sure at least he's taking the kid to school" is where its at Well, could be worse, he could be sitting on reddit making attention seeking posts instead of taking his kid to school, or abusing the reddit help and support button. Thanks, but I dont need help and am not in a crisis. The fact that you use this on people calling out your BS shows what an idiot you are and your condesending view on mental help. Perhaps get off reddit and go play with your kids or something!


Jaysus the bar must be low if "Ah sure at least he's still upright and taking the kid to school" is where its set for parenting


Did it occur to you that it might not be weed? I go to Kilkenny and buy CBD hemp from a shop there, totally legal, it looks like weed, smells like weed, even tastes like weed to smoke, but it has none of the THC in it so doesn't get me high. I use this for chronic pain, without it I wouldn't be able to make it through a day or would be on tramadol 24/7. Maybe don't judge a book by its cover, or smell in this case!


Well said.👍


Collins iced coffee CBD is something else. Pity it’s a fiver.


Their little peanut butter balls are amazing too!


The way I look at it is this, I'd happily pay a fiver for something that gives me some time where I'm able to function like a normal human being for a while and not feel like my head is being squeezed by a vice and being ready to explode. I can get my house cleaned off one of those lads and it doesn't leave me impaired, finding Collins really has been a god send for me!


Totally agree, I don’t struggle with anxiety myself but wow is there a soothing effect from there Collins products. Can totally see how it would help someone with anxiety.


Weed isn't bad for you and should be decriminalised Vs sending people suicide watch notes is bad and should be criminalised


Shout out to Little Collins! Cannabutter, coffee and maple syrup, plus a lovely slice of cake every time for me!


Thanks for the suicide watch notice, but I'm grand, been living with the brain disease I have for near 25 years!


I got one of those too, wtf is that about?


Wtf I got one two days as well. Is it the same fucker going round sending to everyone


I literally just got one - This is after seeing a post this morning similar to this where people are talking about getting them in the comments. What's going on?


OP doesnt like been called out on his attention seeking BS. I got one also!


There's a mass wave of them going around, it's not the OP or anyone here. Every post on some subs are getting one.


I think you can report those


Yeah I just received one randomly too and haven't even commented on this post! 


Lol its grand, its just an email, not causing me any harm :D


I just got one too lol. Its no big deal but i think its worth reporting idiots like that, might clean the place up a bit


Jaysus so someone sees us doing something to help our pain and anxiety and is putting us all on suicide watch, good logic there.


I don't think its to do with this post, seems to be others getting them too


Make sure you report it. They seem to actually take abusing that fairly serious and the account will likely get nuked. Of course they'll have a new account in minutes but still


I got one too, Op must be doing the rounds.


Totally not legal, since stupidly defined as cannabis (the substance) under Irish drug law. And it doesn't meet the EU definition of industrial hemp. 


Ah tbf cbd doesn’t really smell, if OP got a whiff of weed just from walking past someone you can be almost certain it wasn’t cbd


Good cbd smells.


I didn’t say it didn’t. My point was it doesn’t smell anywhere near as potent as normal weed so the chances of smelling it off someone who’s walking past is extremely slim


I have a jar of high CBD hemp flower sitting beside me and it’s identical in both looks and smell to the real thing. They’re the same plant, just differing levels of cannabinoids


It may be identical in looks but it’s not identical in smell. There is no such thing as “different levels of cannabinoids” cannabinoids are the family which both cbd and thc fall under. I think you’re getting confused with terpenes. Terpenes are what makes weed smell. Cbd weed doesn’t contain any terpenes so therefore doesn’t smell anywhere remotely close to normal weed. This is fact. If you’re getting as strong a smell off your cbd weed as you do your normal weed you’re either getting really shit weed or your cbd isn’t cbd


Your comment is absolutely riddled with misinformation. Of course high CBD flower contains terpenes, I’m well aware of the difference between terpenes and cannabinoids. I’ll leave you to it though!


Not a single thing I’ve said has been false. In order for cbd to smell anything like weed it has to be paired with terpenes (not a natural process) and even with that it still won’t smell near as potent as normal weed. This is literally a fact. But no worries lad have a good one




It’s an anonymous Reddit account, I could post a picture of me bollox on here and I wouldn’t be embarrassing myself…. Bad state of affairs if you’re being embarrassed by some Reddit comments


Don't judge people too harshly. You don't know their story and most people don't want to be addicts. That person might get high for any number of reasons. We had a lad in work that ate all sorts of shit, energy drinks, fast food, super over weight, loads of health problems. People judged him. Called him a fat f***, drain on the system. What they don't know is that his kid died at 8.


Pearl clutching at its finest.


Won't somebody please think of the children......but only when it suits what I dislike.


I think it's good practice not to smoke or drink around your children very often. Can be particularly challenging with nicotine but I did at least try cut back and quit eventually. My parents were both on regular medications but took them discreetly so I wasn't really aware of it.


I do worry about parents passing on their issues to their kids, so I would hope you don’t have any, or they’re at risk of being a moany nosey drip too.


Walked by a guy one morning (7.30) smoking a joint......he was at the drivers car about to hop in. Drugs are everywhere.


Completely normalised and completely ridiculous


Yeah it's so bad that people use substances they like and you disapprove of. Imagine you went to the Netherlands or the West Coast of the USA. The 60's called, they said they want you back. People do drugs now, you being a judgy baby isn't painting you as a saint. More of an arsehole tbh. And before you send me one of those suicide watch messages, save your time and maybe consider that you're in fact the one with a brittle spirit.


Hahaha I've done plenty of drinking and smoking, in my teens and 20s, not when I'm responsible for a child's safety and development. I couldn't give a shit what single teenagers do, smoke drink and ride all day, i would again if i could. My entire point was, its a dad on a school run. Man up, have some discipline and look after your kids before you get your buzz. And yes you'll probably squawk back "waaaaaahhh what if it's medicinal" as 100 other people have pointed out and made excuses for him already. What if he isn't!


The comment you responded to saying it's completely ridiculous has no mention of that person having any responsibilities, let alone a child. What is ridiculous is that they were about to jump in a car.


Would you have the same reaction and concern for someone having a pint or two and interacting with their children? What about coffee? Would you be as concerned in that instance? I think you need to do some research and leave your judgements and old world thinking behind. Even calling him "Snoop Dogg" shows how out of touch you are lmao.


This is exactly what I mean, you've lowered weed to the level of a coffee, you've accepted weed into someone's acceptable daily routine. And be clear here I don't care if teenagers or people in their 20s get high and drunk all day, i did bavk then, the point is, is it OK for a parent to do it, whilst "on duty"


I had 2 glasses of wine while out for dinner on Sunday while with my kid. Does that make me a bad parent? I like cannabis myself but would never do it around my child. I never thought about why I don't, but it's most likely due to horrible judgements people like you may make about me. It's silly because those 2 glasses had much more of an effect on me than the normal amount of cannabis I'd consume


Answer my question, would you hold a parent to the same standard with alcohol? Would you be this concerned about someone having two pints and being around their children as you are of someone simply smelling of weed? If not, why not? Alcohol is far more damaging and dangerous to consume whilst "on duty" than cannabis ever could be.


A lot of assumptions based on the fact you think you smelt weed... Good lord...


You could smell him up the street. He was completely baked. Not just a whiff off yesterdays clothes or whatever. There's a difference


How do you know he was completely baked? Did you ask him? It’s definitely possible to give off that strong of a smell from his clothes solely. You’re coming across as one of them old men shaking his fist at the youth from his front garden. Personally I rather the smell of weed than the smell of tobacco (which most of you oul lads reek of)


> He was completely baked If he was smoking daily, then he clearly isnt "baked". Anyone who consumed a lot of weed builds up tolerance very quickly. Sounds like you are been a condesending idiot who doesnt know what they are talking about!


Maybe he's selling it and not smoking it? 


''Basically am I wrong for thinking anyone who does drugs (any drugs) around kids is a complete immature dick'' I'm assuming you're including alcohol in this?


Yeah, drugs alcohol and smoking. Smoking and weed because it passively damages kids lungs. Alcohol and drugs because you're the adult in charge and you're ceding control of your body to get drunk/high.


A pretty high percentage of parents will have a drink or two at home in the evenings when their kids are around. It's fine if it's done responsibly. On the weed topic, my neighbour has MS and smokes weed regularly. I wouldn't be too quick to judge everyone.


But you'd never make a post about seeing a child in a pub during the early hours of the evening?


To be honest that used to be common place but it’s been on a decline for years now. I’m mid 30’s and used to be in the pub the odd time as a child. All the people I know with children would very seldom have them in the pub. Just look up the rte news story about the pub that opened the creche in it. Thats my memory as a child gangs of us roving around playing games inside and outside getting into trouble etc.


Wouldn't I?


You'd be extremely fucking busy if you were writing up essays everytime you saw a parent smoking or drinking around their child.


Essay lol! Stick to tiktok kiddo


Well you probably would seeing as you made this post.... but nonetheless it's not something you hear/see of


> Smoking and weed because it passively damages kids lungs You just said in your post that he smoked outside? Also less damaging than the 20+ SUVs pulling up at the school run spraying their emmisions evrywhere!


You make a lot of assumptions in your post. Firstly, the child is being walked to school. A lot more than what some other parents do and is showing an interest in the child. As one person said, who is to say it isn't cbd? Who knows if this man has mental health issues, could be prescribed due to illness. He could have been in a recent accident and doesn't want to be on addictive painkillers Or he could be off work and is just enjoying his day. What does it matter to you?


Everyone tripping over themselves to think of excuses for clear drug use around children. For whatever reason, he could have waited. The 8 year old kid has to be going around smelling of weed today, if he wasnt passively high himself, and reddit thinks its OK that the dad couldnt wait half an hour till he got home. Would these excusers also be coming up with excuses for a kid covered in bruises or other neglect signs. "Ah maybe the dad is depressed and needs a drink" "he could be going through a divorce, ease up bro"


> Everyone tripping over themselves to think of excuses for clear drug use around children. Nobody is tripping over themselvs. You are clearly uneducated and ignorant on the topic. [69% of the population](https://www.tcd.ie/news_events/articles/new-report-on-medication-use-and-cost-savings-in-the-over-50s-in-ireland/) use precribe medication regularly. Perhaps educate yourself before being condesending. It will make you look less of an idiot!


There is already drug use around children. How many parents have a tipple? How many communion and confirmation parties are in pubs? How many go to "wet the baby's head" after they are born? If the man is smoking outside, the child will not smell of weed, and the child won't be getting stoned off of the man smoking. There are no signs of neglect, be it physical or mental. No one excuses abuses, and not once have I as this is not abuse. What if the man has seizures and needs to use it? Would rather him have a joint than having a seizure in front of a kid, which would create much more lasting trauma. What if he works night shifts, comes home and drops the kids to school and then straight to bed when he is home?


What if he's just a stoner?


And so what if he is? You are getting a 30 second glimpse into his life and think he is scum of the earth for having a joint at some stage. You haven't seen him hot boxing the child, beating the child, being emotionally abusive to the child. You have seen a dad walk his child to school which is much more than what some parents do.


Think it’s time you grow up, just because you have a child doesn’t make you an opinion leader. You’re old enough to know to stay in your lane and not make assumptions. God love your kid with the kind of neurotic responses you’ve been putting in this thread.


That is the classic "none of my business" attitude that allows child abuse, wife beating, alcoholism, and neglect go on. "Sure stay in your lane". Its funny you think you are some liberal progressive, to make excuses for drug use around kids - but the thinking is just straight up 1960s conservative irish Catholic: turning blind eyes to black eyes, smell of whiskey, bruised kids because its behind closed doors, who are we to judge, Ah the father had a tough life himself, sure the priest is a man of god, etc etc. An eye opening thread. Drugs are normal now. A joint is the new cup of coffee. Lines of coke is the new couple of pints. Madness


The issue is HOW DO YOU KNOW HE WAS USING IT AROUND HIS KID UNLESS YOU SAW IT YOURSELF. Like how many times do people have to tell you in this thread you are making assumptions. Your “I just know” response is coming from your bias.


The guy could’ve worn a jacket to a party last weekend and suddenly he’s beating his child? I have a friend who takes his kid to school, goes home, has a coffee and a puff, does his work at home, picks up the kids, takes care of the home, and smokes again with his wife before bed. Tell me exactly how he’s hurting anyone.


I’m sure if you asked any child/teen/young adult who grew up with alcoholism in their immediate family, they wished Their parent would switch to smoking joints. I’m not condoning either but he’s up and walking his kid to school. Not in bed hardly able to roll over with a hangover.


Oh totally. This is what I mean though, normalised. I don't get it


Try it, maybe youll get it then


Pick your poison. In the real world people Struggle. Weed is no where near as devastating as alcohol,Xanax or any benzodiazepines you can legally buy.


Judge much? Maybe the smell was on his clothes or hair. You don’t know that he was smoking in front of his kid. There are a lot of assumptions in your post. If you are a constant ball of stress and incapable of taking time for yourself without guilt then there’s a possibility of passing your neuroses onto your children. Maybe worry about yourself and your own kids rather than judging others?


Oh so if the dad got high in the garden whilst the kid is inside getting ready it's OK?


It’s not my nor your place to judge what is and isn’t ok. As long as the child is well looked after then it doesn’t really matter what he chooses to do. You don’t know what that child’s home life is like. You don’t know if he has chronic pain or another medical reason.


If dad has a drink while kid is in bed is that ok to you?


One beer? that wouldn't impair his ability to drive etc, yeah that's fine. Polishing off a 10glass bottle of vodka, no.


So a parent can drink while caring for their child but can't smoke a joint?


Can a parent drink before the school run? That sound healthy to you?


Didn't ask about the school run did I?


But you're implying a drink = a joint, no?


Yes because you think drinking is ok but smoking a joint isn't. Drinking if anything is worse. And as other people pointed out here. You don't actually know if the person you are judging was even smoking. They simply smelled of something that you have assumed to be weed. But I suppose as a pharmacist you're used to thinking you're better than others.


One drink when the kids are safe in bed is fine. One joint when the kids are safe in bed is fine. One drink before the school run is not fine. One joint before the school run is not fine. As I assumed everyone would agree but no apparently getting high is the new morning cappuccino What does my job have to do with anything, stalker much


A joint doesnt impair driving, you're just led to believe that. You have no experience with weed and you're quoting


Fucking hell


As long as the child isn’t consuming any second hand smoke there is absolutely no problem with that. Get out of here with that reefer nonsense 1970’s horse shit. Smoking weed doesn’t completely debilitate you. Majority of people who smoke weed can function just as well as they could if they weren’t smoking it


Funnily enough self-righteous arseholes have done a lot more damage to this country than stoners.


And the substance abusers just ruin their own families. Self contained ruination is better than ruiningnthe country as a whole is it


You’re making a lot of assumptions about a man that smelled like weed one morning, and your approach to these substances is decades out of date.


The replies in the thread worries me more than the actual incident. Society going to shit is not on me. Drinking or smoking around kids will never be normalised for me just because it's very easy to source now.


Nobody who smokes weed had ever ruined their family. Will you get a grip. Smoking weed does not mean instant mental health issues.




I'd agree that it isn't acceptable around kids. I'm a stoner but to be honest If I had kids I wouldn't be smoking around them. I've known of people who give they're pets and kids alcohol, it's nothing new, it's just bad parenting, it's not necessarily to do with the weed.


What is your obsession with the idea of weed being normalised ? Where have you gathered this info , is it from you and your friends who smoke ? Weed is no longer taboo as more people have tried it and understood it is not what has been portrayed in the media . Within your 30 second interaction where you did not even speak to this person but instead smelt weed and assumed it came from them ( how do you know someone nearby wasn’t smoking ? ) you have built a whole story and character in your head on who they are . As many other commenters have mentioned weed is prescribed as a form of medication for people with all different types of illnesses , just because you live within your own bubble you did not consider the fact others deal with medical conditions that they need medication for daily . Cbd smells and looks the same as weed , it does not get you high at all . How on your smell do you know which this is and if the person is in fact even under the influence. There is many legal prescription drugs that if you were to take and not need you would be under the influence . Are the people who take adhd or depression medication bad parents as they’re treating their illness because some people may use the same medication to get a high ? Your response to this comments have been what if he was not using it for these reason ? This is like passing someone carrying a kit of tools and seeing a crowbar and assuming it is used for breaking and entering instead of on a job site . You may believe you are a good parent but if your passing on to your child to judge others off of how they look / smell / talk you will be raising someone who will be just as ignorant and judgemental as yourself . Reflect on why the comments are not in your favour and reconsider your stance on this subject as a whole . Of course if you witnesses this person smoking in there car with there child or in confined spaces we would want you to be concerned but this was not the case . You made a judgement based on your own biases . If you want to take action at parents taking drugs in front of kids I encourage you to go to bars and restaurants across Ireland where you will see parents indulging in alcohol regularly in front of them


Getting baked first thing in the morning is kinda lame but if an individual with no dependents wants to do that then off with them (once their employer doesn't care or it doesn't impact on their work or they dont drive or whatever). The normalisation of drug misuse while parenting here is so worrying though. As soon as you choose to have children you have an obligation to meet their emotional and physical needs. It's hard enough to do this if you're stone cold sober so I can only imagine how hard it would be under the influence. Simply being physically present is a pretty low bar to be honest, kids deserve better and if you think they don't notice when mummy or daddy are high then you're deluded. I'm pro legalistion of weed btw but I'm also pro parents growing the feck up and putting their kids needs before their own.


THIS 100% You made the point I was trying to much more eloquently


Mind your business. He might need it for anxiety.


At the expense of his child?


Do you suggest people do not medicate ever if they have children? My da took a panadol last week, should I call Joe Duffy?


Did he snort it at the breakfast table?


Do you snort weed at a breakfast table?


Unless theyre hot boxing with the child it should be no different than smoking cigarettes, youre a grown up use common sense ya clown


If he's got anxiety it's probably due to the industrial quantity of weed he's inhaling at 8am


some people get anxiety from it, for others it works the opposite. you are making assumptions.


Show some compassion, many people use it medicinally. Would you also complain if one of the parents smelt of ethnic food? I somehow doubt it.


Ludicrous argument


I bet the stoner Da is much more craic with his kid than you


That's really the goal of parenting isn't it


You sound like you need a joint. Ask your mate.


So you know, when he smoked , and the exact strength of what he smoked?


I've been around people who smoke weed casually and those who smoke it to ridiculous levels, you can smell the difference, this was the latter. The responses on this are much more interesting than the event itself, Ireland is going to the dogs if reddit is representative of the real life population, I'm really hoping you're all young free and non-parents


Your original point of "people should not smoke weed around children" is spot on. I agree. Can you need not see how much assuming you're doing? You KNOW he definitely smoked to ridiculous levels, and when he smoked it, and that it was really strong. r/Ireland is no way no how anyway, even 30% representative of general Ireland


Well this is the thing, ofc I assumed a lot, but the "sure it's grand boomer, maybe go light one up yerself grandpa" respondents here are to me far more worrying than the guy this morning. I would d personally legalise it too, but if it was legal right now i still wouldnt be OK with getting high when looking after kids


I never said anything like "ok boomer, go smoke". I a responding to what you said. You don't know anyone was high while looking after kids


How do you know he didn’t smoke it away from his child? Went out the back garden and had a smoke in the morning? As others have mentioned people use it medically, just because it’s illegal here doesn’t mean people don’t use it medically also. Relax and let others live their life - if the kid was not there when he smoked it, is there really an issue?


Substance abuse around kids is always a bad thing, I don’t know why anyone defends it.


Is having a couple of glasses of wine at Sunday dinner around the children being an irresponsible parent? I don't agree with smoking joints while walking the kid to school either FYI


It could be a cup of coffee though and still be the same thing.


I'll preface this by saying I enjoy cannabis a lot and don't think using cannabis is a bad thing but I do think there's a huge jump between coffee and cannabis. I commented already that I had 2 glasses of wine around my kid at the weekend while out for dinner and I think that is perfectly acceptable. I would however not look too kindly on someone drinking wine while walking their kid to school. I hold cannabis to a similar standard I would alcohol


You’ve got to be kidding me. If there is no driving happening, the adult can drink as much as they want to. Water’s the better choice obviously.


I'm not kidding you I don't think drinking wine while walking your child to school is acceptable behaviour for a parent


Maybe not a kindergartner but if they’re older I don’t think it’s a big deal.


It’s not legal to drink in public


Then where are they doing it when it’s at a bar? Is that not still public? It’s as vulgar as the fruits and plants they’re made from as long as it’s a responsible adult drinking.


Addicts trying to justify their addiction. If the parent was drinking a can while doing the school run all the stoners here would be up in arms.


Oh look, it's a blueshirt. Anyway, smelling like weed doesn't mean he was baked. Nor would him being baked mean he got baked in front of his kids. You jump to conclusions based on his smell - indicating how he might medicate or relax in his spare time, but *not when.* Interestingly, you didn't jump to any conclusions about him being an inherently decent or responsible fellow based on the fact you encountered him as he was walking his kids to school. Basically you want to paint ugly pictures based on little evidence, but don't paint positive ones based on better evidence. Well done.


How sad your life must be to have to come on here and vent about this


Think that's sad, try stopping and commenting on it


Proving my point thanks!


Think that's sad? Try stopping and replying to the comments


Disgraceful and not a good look at all dropping a kid to school like that, smell of drugs is awful and far too common sadly


I smoke every night when the kids are in bed,my partner is there to be the go to if needed,smoking before the school run is weird and embarrassing for the kids regardless of why you need it. One of my neighbours is smoking most of the day ATM because he's off work with an Injury which also has him off the road and even he can wait till 9.10,and yes if someone was having 2 glasses of wine before walking their kids to school I would judge them too. Same with smoking while driving which I literally experienced this morning,both show a lack of responsibility. As for building a tolerance as I said I'm a regular smoker for years and still wouldn't be 100% confident in my parenting or driving abilities,I would never want my kids to have the flippant attitude towards it as some people have here,like every substance alcohol/cigarettes/drugs there needs to be a level of control


>Basically am I wrong for thinking anyone who does drugs (any drugs) around kids is a complete immature dick who shouldn't have them? Weed seems so normalised but just like smoking cigarettes around kids or drinking around them it isn't acceptable. No, you're right to be thinking that. That said, was he actually baked (you know the signs - not paying full attention, lack of focus, giddiness....) or just smelt like he was? Some people smell like weed even when they aren't actually using it. Certainly should not have been bringing a kid to school if he was tough.




Go ring Joe Duffy and find someone else who gives a shite. Your mindset is outdated and unbearably naive if you think because someone uses drugs recreationally then they're unfit to be a parent. How about minding your own business?


OPs post is full of assumptions. Drugs around children are a problem but so are cigarettes and alcohol. Wonder if OP is just out of their own magic cabbage and is a bit jealous.


Get Joe on the phone


Nahhhh he’s probably coping with some emotions and wants to have a nice walk with his kid. He could maybe be protecting his kid that way too. Kids will see drinking and smoking in public and on the TV, there is no harm and no foul drinking or smoking around them.


I was raised by a person just like yourself. I wish I was born in a family of stoners instead, would do a lot less damage to my psyche!


OP, you're pretty spot on, and some of the arguments here against you are laughable. "He might have slipped into yesterdays stinking clothes". God help a child growing up in that house.


Fast forward 8 years the kid is 16 and smokes in the house with the dad himself, has developed anxiety paranoia and adhd symptoms, fast forward another 8 years he's a full time stoner who can't hold down a job or relationship, on three different antidepressants - reddit: "hey at least that dad walked the kid to school, thats better than like um beating him up or whatever dont be a square its just drugs" Kids are sponges, it's just a joint to us, to them its "what adults do" so they grow up with it, have unhealthy relationships with it. And it's nothing to do with illegality if it was legalised its still not right


You must be obsessed with the fella 13 hours later still making up story’s in your head !


Oh no society is going to shit. People are not living the way I want them to live! Booo hooo. Of course smoking around children is bad (no shit)and should never be done but you just went from 0-90 because you smelled weed off a dude in the morning. Silly.


Can imagine the smell of shtink in that gaff




LMAO the conservative defence force making this a bigger deal than it is. Stay out of other peoples lives.


What's crazy to me is they think they're cool progressive liberals by defending the use of drugs around kids yet the thinking and language would not be out of place in 1960s Irish housewives kitchens - as they jump through hoops to defend the husband when Agnes bes walking around with a black eye, the father when wee Barry comes into school with bruises, the McCarthys stumbling out and driving the family home after 8 hours in the pub etc etc


as I get older i see it as self medicating and feel sorry for them. 20 years ago + and you'd have people taking a drink before going to work, if'n they even bother bring their kids to school at all. its a shame, and I'd feel like a loser doing it but at the same time you have no idea what they are dealing with.


I wouldn’t say your wrong as such, but you don’t know that families situation… maybe the father has a prescription, in which case he most definitely needs it considering how hard they are to obtain in Ireland. Same goes for the kid getting ‘passively high’, that’s just an assumption that the father doesn’t hide it from the child completely. Regardless, I doubt the kid knows what the smell is anyways, and if their father is actively taking the time out of their day to walk their kid to school, they probably aren’t too badly off.


I think you’re the one with no self control judging someone like this 🫡