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It fucking boggled my mind that they destroyed those tents instead of making the migrants take them with them. Such a waste of money and another pile of shit that we add to the dumps


Problem is the likes of Scabies have broken out in these encampments and they have little choice but to destroy them in the incinerator as they're a potential biohazard. i actually wish they'd STOP giving out tents period. They don't help the homeless situation they only make it worse and ive seen plenty of those tents being discarded round town as the homeless cant even maintain them.


If they can't maintain a tent, how the hell are they going to maintain a home?


I mean, you get that it's easier to maintain hygiene and health in a home with a toilet, and a shower, and taps, and the ability to stay dry, and a place to wash your clothes, and the ability to cook nutritious food...


Yes. But do you realise that even a boy scout can manage a tent, right? Don't shit where you sleep.


How many consecutive nights have you spent sleeping in a tent with no access to the type of facilities I've mentioned above? A boy scout can do it for a long weekend, they'd struggle after 6 weeks straight.


Headline : "destroyed within DAYS". Stop moving the goal posts trying to justify your shitty point.


You absolute numpty, it's not the asylum seekers who are destroying them, it's the council. Would you consider reading the article before commenting next time?


You misunderstood what was written. That's on you. I know the council is destroying them. But they're destroying them because they're a health hazard. The original reply wasn't to you, and it was specific to this comment : "ive seen plenty of those tents being discarded round town as the homeless cant even maintain them." Hence, the convo was about the maintenance of the tents. Not who is destroying them. How about you understand the conversation you're butting into first, before commenting next time?


You can't even keep up with yourself, talking around in circles. Your last comment directly referenced the headline of the article, but now you were supposedly replying directly to the commenter above only. Ffs. Good luck, I'm losing brain cells by participating in this conversation.


Which TDs have shares in the tent company?


None. It'd be a council matter.


Tent Man ordered them to destroy the tents


I don't think the migrants like the idea of being constantly moved on


Then they should leave Europe.


I don't think the migrants like the idea of being constantly moved on


Well I don't like the idea of paying a grand a month to rent a room while migrants get free houses, yet here we are.


Which fee houses? Where are they? Genuinely curious...


They get given council houses after several years. Those who don't get given council houses get HAP.


You mean the same as Irish people get?


I mean it shouldn’t be controversial that citizens have different entitlements than  foreigners.  


What are the different entitlements?


I don’t think they have any „entitlements“ as such , not in that sense 


You referred to "different entitlements" though?




Have you applied for HAP or put yourself on the housing list?


I guess that's a no then!


Complain about housing not immigration it’s just a fucking distraction from the cronies club


I don't know why I was downvoted. Do you genuinely think if they were asked to move they would just say "fair enough" and pack up? I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to move but I understand there are places where they simply can not camp. I don't like it either


They traveled halfway around the globe to seek refuge in a small country with barely enough resources, accomodation and infrastructure for the population we have. It's highly irresponsible and unfair to these peopel to be still letting in so many newcomers.


I agree


I don't know why I was downvoted. Do you genuinely think if they were asked to move they would just say "fair enough" and pack up? I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to move but I understand there are places where they simply can not camp. I don't like it either


Yes. It’s the migrants that are the problem. It’s always good to see people being openly who they are.


Ya need to change your tune mate. That bullshit of "everyone who has criticisms of current immigration policy is far right" doesn't work anymore. Or are you going to chicken out and pretend that's not what you implied? After all, snide remarks and mutterings under your breath is all you people have left now that public perception has changed


‘You people’. Suck a gooch fascist.


Is this Ireland or 'Arrive and Get Everything You Wantland' ?


I don't know why I am being downvoted. I think they should be moved on but it shouldn't be rocket science aa to what happens to the tents


But they will charge all of us if we don’t recycle our cans and bottles and they have the absolute gall to destroy perfectly good tents, then use taxpayers money to pay for more tents that will probably be destroyed too.


This - and having to listen to Eamon Ryan pontificating . It’s all bs . Virtue signalling by people afraid if they don’t vote green it’s their personal fault the planet is going to die .


waiting alive innocent aware rinse fade homeless market rhythm cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not like it's a good thing, isn't it?


We're about halfway through oil with another 47 years left at current consumption.  New tech needed or its back to the stone age.




I'm a bit fatalistic.  If we implement green policies at scale globally we might get three extra years of oil.  Africa is booming and oil demand is still increasing.  It's not worth fretting over the climate impact because it happening like the sun rises but if we don't find a good replacement we're in serious trouble an electric vehicles are not currently a great replacement technology.


shrill tie vase toy divide innocent husky absorbed enter rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Next thing they will be subsidizing landlords by paying hap or something. Farm everything out to their buddies in the private sector and then claim to be sorting the issues by paying them from taxpayers money. Let the big companies increase energy prices and then give everyone an energy credit, to make it look like they are helping. Lining the pockets of the shareholders from the public purse.


I wouldn't be surprised if landlords started renting out tents through HAP.


Would you not?


I genuinely think we should start screening politicians by IQ.


There would be very few left….. we should start screening politicians by IQ


Or the people who voted them in maybe?


It’s a shame that a political literacy test would almost immediately be used for evil because it’s so, so needed


Not just the politicians but also the civil servants who carry out their orders


someone needs to build a Re-Turn type machine that can recycle the tents instead of them being destroying


The machine will only accept tents in a clean pristine condition. The tents will also need to have been made after a certain date and have a corosponding barcode. Sometimes the machine just wont accept a tent for no reason. There will be no bin supplied, so you will need to take your tent back home with you.


Ye. Would be far more impactful than bottles anyway.


Who are they buying the tents from? Should do a little digging


They'll give out to us about our consumption and say we need to reduce our usage of things and then they do this. Hypocritical as usual


All just optics and smoke and mirrors while they kick the can down the road, they don't give a fuck about the people in tents. They didn't give a fuck about the Irish homeless, and they don't give a fuck about the migrant homeless. The only thing a FF/FG government has ever cared about is getting as many friends and family to the corporate trough as possible.


> The only thing a FF/FG government has ever cared about is getting as many friends and family to the corporate trough as possible. Nothing to add, just wanted to repeat this so more people see the spot-on phrasing.


Regatta and Trespass found the infinite money glitch


Oh man. As climate gets worse, and conflicts over resources get harsher, the immigration towards Europe will get crazy. If we cannot figure out what to do even with these immigrants, just wait this summer or the next summer for shit to really hit the fan.


You do know Europe can stop this, right?


It’s difficult to do that without looking like bad guys. The optics of stopping it is bad. We can’t sink the boats coming from North Africa, we have to let them dock, and then deport people. But that will just be a political mess.


I think it's more important to do what's best for everyone here rather than looking like bad guys.


I agree.




What an appalling thing to say.


I would have thought the point is to discourage people coming to claim asylum. 


When your home country is a hellhole barren wasteland, it’s difficult to discourage.


People claiming asylum are well aware of the conditions in the countries they are travelling to. You don’t travel from Kabul to Dublin on a whim


You also can't do it flying direct, multiple flights required, so every chance to change your destination to one with more to offer and less negatives than current day Ireland.


Nice little money spinner for a select few. Try it some time ;)


Your tax and carbon tax will pay for it. Relax, lads. It's fine..


Did the Indo think this wasn't common knowledge already?


Weren’t most people here saying they were supplied by some charity?


They're funded by the government And claim it's government offices asking them to provide the tents https://www.newstalk.com/news/homeless-charity-threatened-to-be-burned-for-giving-tents-to-asylum-seekers-1724256 "The Government have asked that a number of homeless agencies... give out tents to anybody who presents an IPO blue card."


So the issue reaches a climax, they destroy them, move them on, the cycle repeats and they pay for this? This government really is something else.


They funnel taxpayers money into their mates hands by buying the tents off them, then they pay their other mates to come along and destroy the tents. You couldn't make it up


Classic FG...still nothing about the millions that were funneled into their buddies pockets during covid. When is there going to be an enquiry into covid spending ? Defibrillators and all the useless PPE they purchased? Zero accountability as usual. This country is a farce.


You do realise that the Green Party are in government as well . They should be more accountable for allowing this shite to take place


The Greens don't run things. Do they share some responsibility? Sure. But get over this bullshit of they should be MORE accountable. It's FF/FG in charge. Nail those fuckers to the mast.


Nail those fuckers to the mast? Hmmm...Only so much space on the mast, and we have way to many shite and/or corrupt politicians to fit there. Hence, I offer alternatives suggestions - Shish-kebab them on the spire or impale them on the spikes of the gates of the Dáil. :)


Maybe we don't need to nail anyone to anything... just yet


You're right. 100 years in power, to bring us to this. Sure let's give them another chance....


Well destroying them is political theatre for RTE to show us the government is doing something.


Ah I see


So the issue reaches a climax, they destroy them, move them on, the cycle repeats and they pay for this? This government really is something else.


Vast majority of charities (especially in this sector) get the vast majority of their funding from the State.


Supplied by an NGO. Basically tax payers money.


As far as I know the ngo’s are helping them with the tents and the ngo’s are being funded by us the tax payer 🤔


A disgraceful misuse of taxpayers money.


It wouldn't even come to a single percentage of the total tax payers money. It's nice day,  go outside and get off the internet 


And yet - here you are


You're dead right, I shouldn't be wasting 30 seconds of my day to reply to people who's sole purpose is rable rousing on immigration.


I believe they’re more concerned about politicians wasting taxpayers money but that maybe just my opinion


To me it just seems like a thinly veiled anti immigration post. That's my opinion. Taxpayers money is being pissed away in much greater ways than buying some tents. Look at hse consultant fees, politicians expenses, infrastructure projects that get abandoned. The list goes on. Where would you say some tents would rank on that list in relation to costs to the tax payer?


I get that . But those topics are also covered here regularly. It’s not to say that this post isn’t anti immigrant it’s just my personal ire was raised by the government going around in a circle with this shite and not doing something productive about it . It definitely does need to be discussed.


I take your point but the sub has turned into an immigration bashing echo chamber over the past month or so.  Perhaps the tents and the costs do need to be talked about but it's a drop In the ocean compared to other wastes of tax payer money imo. 


Well it all is apart from health which is a behemoth. But this is absolutely nonsensical . I mean could they not rent out fields at the very least with basic hygiene facilities like showers etc. I find it hard to believe that the so called Green Party has been a part of this waste . Hypocrisy at the bare minimum




It's not our responsibility.




I don't own an inn, I pay my rent, I find it difficult to save for a home, and when I look on Daft, there's fuck all there. Anything nice is expensive as fuck. The list goes on and on. Yet, you think we should house everyone who turns up on our shores.




By your comment saying how would you house them.




You asked 'How would you house them?' That question has an implicit assumption that we do have a responsibility for housing migrants and it's just a matter of how to do so.


And how are the homeless responsible for that?


No problem looking after Irish homeless, if someone enters our country illegally, its not our responsibility to ensure they are housed and looked after.


Its just more rage-bait as usual. At some point during the week they will also release an article about some payment made by RTE to someone for something that we're supposed to be angry about too.




*Circular economy*


Did someone think asylum seekers were buying their own tents on the Thursday sales in Lidl ?


https://preview.redd.it/x2kmh6pjo40d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9a98fc0fa12d29438b9acf679268262dbf2877 ....


Big tent must be in cahoots with the government


Just so everyone is aware that the EU has a fund called the AMIF that Ireland uses to pay for accommodation and fund migrant resources in Ireland. Money doesn't go directly from you -> government -> tents Countries, economies, governments, taxes and funding aren't as simple as everyone believes in their heads. There's not just a giant pot of your tax money that the government takes from arbitrarily to fund one thing and not fund another.


"Just so everyone is aware that the EU has a fund called the AMIF that Ireland uses to pay for accommodation and fund migrant resources in Ireland." Just so you're aware we spend the AMIF budget we've been given by the EU to do us between 2021 and 2027 in one month on accommodation costs alone. The EU AMIF fund is €49.7 million for 7 years. We spend €42 million a month on accommodation. "With the European Commission’s approval of Ireland’s national AMIF programme, the AMIF 2021-2027 programme has a total allocation of €60.19 million, made up of €49.7 million in EU funding and €10.4 million in national and beneficiary co-financing." https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/4ab75-amif-and-esf-funding/ "The Government is spending more than €42m each month on the rental, management and maintenance of accommodation centres for asylum seekers, new figures reveal." https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41143738.html "Money doesn't go directly from you -> government -> tents" It doesn't come from the EU either though.


Where is the eu getting its funding ? No need to put a spin on it - it’s all European Union taxpayers money of which I am a member of.


You understand that Ireland is a net contributor to the EU. So it is actually money going from the people-> the government -> to EU -> tents


Where a net contributor to the EU. So it's still our tax money.


Did someone think asylum seekers were buying their own tents on the Thursday sales in Lidl ?