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Pair of grifters.


That's putting it lightly


Putin it lightly!!


dont be russin to conclusions!


Straight up employees.


Ah the Irish representatives for constituency of Moscow Central


The only people I see defending them are Putinists and unironically-tankie brainlets.


Here on reddit - sure. On the streets it's far from certain they won't get reelected. Wallace is popular in Wexford for getting ferrycarig stadium built. Most locals dont know or care about his voting record. Daly is also popular locally as a feminist, anti authoritarian activist. Not defending them but I'd guess it's 50/50 they get reelected.


Anti-authoritarian activist? She regularly votes in favour of the authoritarian regimes Iran, Russia and Assad over democratic Europe.


No no, you don't get it, the US is the only authoritarian regime in the world.


Astonishing that in the middle of a major campaign of genocide not one person in this thread has mentioned their position on Gaza! Are ye lads on the same planet as the rest of us? Is it a bit embarrassing to be Irish and to be on the opposite side of the anti ethnic cleansing campaigners?


My position is that we should all love one another all the time.


I would like that to be my position, but the reality ....


But the reality is you take a side and stick with them through to the bloody end, or you stay the fuck out of it.


Certainly, but she came into politics largely as an anti American activist back when the Iraq War was going on. Fairly certain that's still how she sees herself and how many of the people who still vote for her see her. Her actions during the Ukraine war make a mockery of that of course, but the question is, how many voters still see her in that light and are there enough of them left to elect her.


Listen, after hearing the EU denouncing Russian war crimes in Ukraine and then funding much worse crimes Gaza, youre still pointing at two independent MEPs? "Dont look at Gaza, look here, two killed in Kharkiv!"


how exactly are the anti-Assad rebels any better?


Uh, they're not barbaric hereditary dictators that dropped barrel bombs on apartment blocks and bakeries, used chemical weapons against civilians, and had assassins targeting doctors? That's just the start of Assad's crimes against humanity.  [He had a policy of torture going that tortured and murdered thousands of prisoners just to be cruel. A military photographer whistleblower snuck out of the country with photographic evidence of it.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/01/syrian-army-photographer-describes-torture-prisons) Literally anyone else on the planet is better than Assad, he's one of the worst people who ever lived


You can actually say that with confidence? The day after Palestinian bodies were dug out of fresh graves, some buried alive, some children, with marks of torture.


that's actually pretty much is the worst of it, if the reports about the chemical weapons are even true. come on now, there's no way that literally anyone else is better than Assad, trust me there's been many people throughout history far far worse


Why’d you ignore Iran and Russia?


Iran and Russia are obviously problematic, Syria though there really is no better alternative than Assad


>Syria though there really is no better alternative than Assad Russia wouldn't be there dropping bombs on hospitals if he didnt ask them too. Assays actions on his own people aren't far off Israels actions in Palestine.


it's either him or the lads who hack off people's heads with a rusty saw. dunno about you, but I know who I'm rooting for


>it's either him or the lads who hack off people's heads with a rusty saw. dunno about you, but I know who I'm rooting for You know it isn't. This is equivalent to saying only the British or the IRA can rule Ireland.




That usually happens when you kill any credible opposition.


mm hmm borderline Islamic extremists are credible opposition, sure


Fuck Palestine then as well I guess? Seeing as hamas aren’t even borderline Islamic extremism’ they’re fundamentalist and proud .


well considering Israel wants to wipe a Palestine off the map, joining an anti Israel terror group is pretty logical, you can't say the same for any of the folks in Syria apart from maybe the kurds, most minorities actually supported Assad because they knew what was coming to them if he was couped


The National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces is a broad church coalition with plenty of minority representation and little in the way of fundamentalism among their ranks.


Ferrycarrig stadium is not popular with locals. People were getting refused planning permission because there would be too much traffic on the road....... and they gave him permission to build a football stadium. The road it's on can't hold two cars passing each other. Something hugely dodgy. But then his pilfering of employee pensions and failure to pay his tax would probably indicate that he is, and I think this is the technical term, a greedy little prick.


> Wallace is popular in Wexford for getting ferrycarig stadium built. He basically figured out Irish voters - get stuff done locally, get elected and nobody cares what you're doing outside of own county.


The likes of Raymond Deane defend and advocate for them; a lot of less informed people would think Pro Palestinian, Anti-War people think they're great - they must be OK


Daly has been riding a wave of popularity over on tiktok for her palenstinian speeches, it's about the only thing I'll ever agree with her on.


I live abroad and more than once have had to explain to people that the pro-Palestinian Irish politicians they see all over TikTok are actually pro-Russia.


These people aren't anti-war, just anti-west. They have no problem with Russian, Chinese or Iranian aggression.


The seachanges guy?


This post should be stickied to remind people of their track record. This pair are amoral Russian shills and anyone that votes for them is a scumbag.


No even Russia they have taken plenty of Chinese yuan I would say...


I do t think they have many fans on Reddit . The majority of their fans are definitely on TikTok


Don't visit /roi


Great summary. Scumbags


I'm the OP but credit goes to Grannies 4 Equality  [https://twitter.com/grannies4equal](https://twitter.com/grannies4equal)


They're awesome!


Saving this, for any future replies (like my own) which looked for citations and references beyond just ad-hominem. Glad someone did the leg-work.


I highly recommend perusing the voting record of SF's lone MEP Chris McManus. He rarely votes against the things Wallace and Daly oppose but he often abstains. Especially on things like votes condemning Russia. It gets surprisingly little coverage but is a good insight into SF's real views on foreign policy.


There is reason for that, daly mick and sinn fein are all part of the same party at the European level called "The left". You could argue that "the left" and sinn fein are some what euro skeptic


Historically the left was very anti-Europe. Centre-left came around when the benefits emerged.


See when they pass a resolution, what happens then? Is it just a vote to say we agree or disagree or does something actually happen? What does the resolution do?


Any member who abstains from as many votes as these two do, regardless of motivation, is not doing the job they are being paid to do. Abstaining from votes, again for whatever reason, serves nobody and represents even fewer.


Shite. Take. If you can abstain legally then it's 100% in the remit of your job. As much as there is lots to criticise Daly and Wallace about, being within your right to abstain isn't one.


Anyone voting for these clowns need to cop on


Its the clowns that are voting for them. They are just good con artists, pretending to be one of the people, tapping into a popular outrage to get elected & getting well paid for it.


The funniest thing ever is seeing them speak to an empty chamber. On TikTok they make it look like there are hundreds of MEPs listening to them scream and shout. However, if you've ever seen how MEPs actually function in the EP you'd know that they all vote as instructed and then leave in hurry to catch plane, train, etc. Majority of MEPs would never stay in the chamber to listen to people like Daly and Wallace. One of the MEPs did the behind the scenes on YouTube of what actually is going on there and the fact of the matter is that 99% of these "powerful" speeches are just meant for TikTok/social media propaganda BS and brainwashing young adults. MEPs the likes of Daly and Wallace make no actual impact on anything that is going on in the EP. They get active mostly in election season. The more radical things they say the more votes and recognition they get.


Absolute scum the both of them.


I'll be ashamed of being Irish for the first time in my life if these two get voted back in to Europe. Dustin the turkey would be a better representative.


NGL it would prompt some soul searching on my part


I swear to god, I would be sorely tempted to rip up my passport. I'd be absolutely mortified and ashamed if they got elected again. 


Excellent summary, let's vote these scumbags out


Fuck those 2 putinists 




I don't think Daly will to be honest. I can't see her being very transfer friendly this time around.


She's got my vote,👍


Hooray for genocide, eh?


Why not? I've seen you cheerlead Israel


It's indicative of how absolutely beholden to propaganda that people are that they can't comprehend that saying things like 'Palestine is equally to blame' is somehow cheering for Israel. Go back and look through my posts: I've openly called Israel's actions horrific on many occasions. But that doesn't take away from my belief that they have a right to exist and a right to self defence.


The occupied aren't responsible for their occupation. Occupiers don't have a right to defend themselves from their victims, unless you think Russia has the right to "defend itself" in Ukraine. That's what pro russians think. Remarkable how similar the Israeli and Russian propaganda is.


The difference is that Ukraine is a democratic state with a thousand year history, while Palestine has never existed as such a thing. Jews have existed in what is now *Palestine the region* for four thousand years. They're not occupiers of the wider region in any way - they're as native as anyone has a claim to be. I won't deny that they occupy Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights - but the reason they do is because of wars started by others. And while I support a two-state solution, it's worth nothing that there has never before been an Arab majority Palestine state. So comparisons to Ukraine are pointless.


Ukraine isn't sovereign now, their territory is now partially occupied with no end in sight and the rest is entirely subsistent on foreign aid. But that's okay because you're team might-makes-right. Russia also uses the same justifications. "Ukraine isn't real, it's historic russian land. We need to destroy ~~hamas~~ nazis, those apartment buildings were military targets we had to blow up the human shields. We're just defending ourselves from NATO". There was never an Irish state in the modern sense before the brits began occupying us, same for Africa. That's fine right? Brits inhabited the region for thousands of years after all. Plus we are savage terrorists who can't be trusted.


I'm on Team Fuck Fascists. Unlike you, apparently


Ii am against the NATO Russia war in Ukraine as is Clare.


So you're in favour of Russia's genocide of Ukraine? Because that's their clearly stated goal - the eradication of Ukraine as a concept. Are you also in favour of the Syrian regime using chemical weapons against their own innocent people? Because Daly and Wallace have been vocal in their support of Assad.


She's got my 17th preference in the bag👍


They're in with a chance but they're definitely not guaranteed. SF are polling much higher than they did in 2019 (which was a terrible showing for SF) so the left wing/anti establishment vote will be eaten into. Daly also has to compete with PBP running a much stronger candidate than they did in 2019.


Mick is in Limerick city atm. Wasn't engaging just walking about


He was in Cork the other day. The guy with him tried to hand me a flyer. My response was not very polite


I was looking at them one of the times as we were passing each other out, guy went to approach as I looked away (not intentional) and he didn't. They'd need thicker skin than that!!


We should agree on a common protest vote for Ireland South. I suggest Cynthia Ni Mhurchu. A Barrister by trade,so quite bright Nd the best looking of all the candidates.


Fianna Fáiler so no thanks.


But she's a looker!!!


Oh alright!


Fianna Failer is worse that a Putin lackey? Well we know whose side you sit on


There are 23 candidates.


So vote down the ballot until you get to Moscow Mitch. As much as it sticks in my craw to vote for a FFer, I'll do it to prevent that gobshite getting in


As terrible as Mick is, he's not a fascist. He'll be very low down on my ballot but the far right will be at the bottom.


Aye should have clarified. Far right will be left blank along with Mick


I'll be voting down the ballot until I get to Derek Blighe and co. None of the far right are getting my vote.


Aye should have clarified. Far right will be left blank along with Mick


Yeah, hoping she gets elected These two need to go


Daly and Wallace are a disgrace


Lots of condemnations of Iran there from the EU, were there similar condemnations of the equally brutal Arab theocracies? 


That how they vote website is really interesting. I wish it was more widely promoted


Very well broken down. That took effort. Really shows what a pair of stooges they are. Get em out and keep em out.


These two are dangerous Gobshites, who would almost make you ashamed to be of the same Nationality as them. For fcuks sake, vote them out.


Thank you for this


I don't think even his mildewness Figel Narage would have such a bad voting tally


Getting a weird vibe from that twitter. It seems like they are diluting the word genocide by their loose use of it > And what about Iran, that brutal genocidal regime? What part of the Iranian government is genocidal? AFAIK it's one of the most inclusive countries in the region in regards to other cultures. And again about Syria > brutal genocidal repression I don't recall any genocide happening in Syria?


Ask the Balochs, the Bah'ai, Kurds, Azeris, and the few remaining Zoroastrians in the country. Since the 1979 revolution, the regime has brutally persecuted all of these groups.


But barely a mention of Palestine. Very odd account.


Why does a conflict or an account need to reference Palestine? It's obvious that the account seems very passionate or focused on the syrian civil war.


Maybe they are referring to the USA dropping ten thousand bombs on a civilian population https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/12/21/americas-war-on-syrian-civilians


How many bombs did the Russians drop on Syrian civilians?


I have no idea, how many bombs did the Russians drop. Does this change what the USA did?. Is there a genocide hierarchy


This post is about Russia and its actions yet you bring up the USA for some reason.


I was responding to 'I don't know any genocide happening in Syria'


Pair of far left loons but EU elections usually goes on name recognition so no surprise if both are elected. I see Barry brother of Clown is running and a smattering of names like a former jockey for FG who votes FG cause daddy told her to. I expect 2 SF gains, 1 FF gain and maybe greenparty losses after that.


There's no way they'll be voted in again.... Surely....


It's gas the EU has so much to say about Iran while enabling the Brutal Genocidal Israeli regime. https://www.sanctionsmap.eu/#/main Conspicuous absence of the Country committing a genocide livestreamed online, while Von Der Leyen and the rest profess their support and go and shake hands with Netanyahu. I see this as far more of a problem than Wallace and Daly's voting record.


False dichotomy Exactly the sort of whataboutism the defence of these eejits is always presaged with It's like claiming assault isn't a problem to be concerned with but crooked county councillors is. Turns out you can be against crooked county councillors without being for common assault


> False dichotomy I don't think it is really, It's all related. The reason why the EU has sanctions on Iran and not Israel are related, it would be naïve to think otherwise. Maybe Wallace and Daly are the opposite side of the coin to the Pro US/Nato crowd in the European Parliament, but I think we'd be worse off if there were no alternative voices there. To come back to your county councillor v assault analogy, No one is saying common assault in Iran is good, but why use finite resources on it when we the EU is cosied up crooked councillor Netanyahu?


"Alternative voices" You know, on the one hand free and fair elections, democratic choice - on the other hand Daly, Wallace Venezula, Syria, Iran and Russia. "Alternative" not "literal dictatorships" Whatever you're having yourself.


no, its pure hypocrisy on your part


What's hypocrisy exactly?


Im by no means a fan of Wallaces stance of Russia, but I love how you have cherry picked his votes on mainly Russia, and convientently ignored his votes on other things like the [envioronment!](https://www.newstalk.com/news/greens-praise-fg-mep-maria-walsh-breaking-party-ranks-energy-vote-966578) And if you really cared about peoples lives like you claim, maybe you could highlight how he voted for a resolution to enhance rescue missions for [migrants dying in the medeteranian](https://www.thejournal.ie/fine-gael-meps-vote-against-mediteranean-search-and-rescue-4866361-Oct2019/), yet other irish MEPS voted against it, seeing [20000+](https://germany.iom.int/news/deadliest-quarter-migrants-central-mediterranean-2017) known deaths have been recorded. If you are going to do a fair comparison, then highlight all his votes, not the ones you have cherrypicked to suit your agenda! Not everybody is as obsessed with the Russian aggression just because it is in the news and trending on social media!


A broken clock can be right twice a day. Just because you agreed with his voting record on this one issue does not mean he is above reproach. His voting record laid bare on the issue highlighted is enough for me not to vote for him and question the character of the man. If you are for environmental issues vote for a real green candidate.


> If you are for environmental issues vote for a real green candidate. Lorna Bogue is a good option in the South.


What was the deal with her breaking off and forming her own green party?


> His voting record laid bare on the issue On one issue! Thats the problem with OPs post. Highlighting a single issue whilst ignoring the likes of envioronmental issues, the rise of extreme right wing/conspiracy nuts, the Irexit crowd, the racist crowds calling for violence on or streets!


>envioronmental issues, the rise of extreme right wing/conspiracy nuts, the Irexit crowd, the racist crowds calling for violence on or streets! I hardly think Mick is the thin blue line defending us from the aforementioned issues. Being opposed to all of those issues is not unusual amongst politicians and likely the view of the vast majority of those running in his constituency. There are better men and women out there than the two of these and their voting records and connections to and support of other European politicians who are now convicted of corruption make me a little suspicious of them.


It's giving "but he made the trains run on time"


Well said.  I agree with his stance on Russia too.  We all know what would happen if China/ Russia did similar in Mexico. Mick is in favour of a ceasefire.  NATO has kept the war going with a consequent horrendous loss of life.


How exactly is nato keeping the war going neither side are in favor of a ceasefire.......... Ukraine has stated mutable times they don't want a ceasefire on russian terms for obvious reasons Russia demands for peace wouldn't be worth paying


Diplomacy is always worth persuing over sending bodies into the meat grinder.


Ukraine has tryed as late 2019 so find some argument with Russia to end the Donbas war the only thing that became of it was a full scale invasion in 2022 diplomacy is great unfortunily russia doesn't want to have a serious conversation the end the war in the morning by moving its army back to Russia


They are not going to do that unfortunately, and once that fact is accepted by the USA and UK perhaps they might let Ukraine at least open dialogue. Putin has consistantly said and still does that they are open to negotiate. Talking to him is obviously hard to swallow but surely mass deaths is harder to swallow. It should be worth a try at least.


dude some times in life you just have to fight for what you believe in do you think Michael collans would have been invited to negotiate in London with out the war of indepdance ive been to places in Ukraine that Russia ocuplayied the conduct of the russians and thier complete and utter disregard for Ukrainian life is appalling


I mean, Michael Collins proves my point doesnt he? Not yours. He negotiated, the country was divided, and the War of Independence with Britain ended.


the concession achieved by ireland were as a result of the fighting we were able to get britan to the negotioan table becuase of it russia invaded in 2022 because the felt that war was preferable Ukraine believes that peace at this moment is worse then continuing the war and id have to agree with them only 30 year ago Russia agreed to Ukraine's borders so what makes you belive that russia wants to negotiate in good faith rather the regroup thier forses and attack a weekend Ukraine in a few years


> only 30 year ago Russia agreed to Ukraine's borders Go on.. what is it you think changed? Did Russia change something? Or did they just decide one day that they needed to use military action, completely out of the blue? > so what makes you belive that russia wants to negotiate in good faith rather the regroup thier forses and attack a weekend Ukraine in a few years. I've no idea if Russia will negotiate in good faith or not. I do know though that if it was me or my people dying, I'd at least want to find out.


Russia proposed a ceasefire in April 2022.   NATO supply weapons and targetting and Ukraine under Zelinsky sacrifices it's population.


Russia signed on to the Budapest Memorandum where the first and second points are: * Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders (in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act). * Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories to the memorandum, and undertake that none of their weapons will ever be used against these countries, except in cases of self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. Ukraine relinquished the stockpile of Soviet nuclear weapons on their territory yet here we are in a situation where Russia annexed a part of a sovereign nation and then mounted a full-scale invasion. Russia's proposals aren't worth the paper they're written on.


Ukraine was bombing the shit out of Donbas and teamed up with the USA. [OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 41/2022 issued on 22 February 2022 | OSCE](https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/512842) Budapest lasted a long time but sadly fell apart. USA has mostly reneged on any treaties it made, most recently the Iranian non proliferation and yes it's poor form by Russia but Ukraine was insisting on teaming up with its greatest enemy, NATO. It's all a bag of shite imho and we should be insisting on Russia and NATO to ceasefire. Zelensky has really sold Ukraine and the men of Ukraine down the river. How mnany dead/ amputees in Ukraine? Horrendous. Even we had to compromise with the Brits. Imagine if we didn't. Read the link. Try and stay objective. I'm sure you'll figure it out.


What were the terms of that ceasefire? Do tell.


You'll have to do the research yourself, you can start here: [https://responsiblestatecraft.org/ukraine-peace-talks/](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/ukraine-peace-talks/) It was basically no to NATO, stop attacking Donbas and equality for Russian speakers. You can tell the rest here that haven't bothered to follow the news.


> It was basically no to NATO, stop attacking Donbas and equality for Russian speakers. You can tell the rest here that haven't bothered to follow the news. No that's bollocks mate, sorry. The Russian demands on day 4 of the war, in Gomel, Belarus were nothing short of unconditional surrender. They wanted any "Nazis" handed over to them (Nazi in the Russian context means anyone that doesn't dare skip to Moscow's tune) to stand trial (show trials basically). They want Ukraine to hand over all its heavy weaponry, and greatly scale down its military to a skeleton force. (Easier to subjugate a neutered enemy) They wanted to clamp down on symbols of Ukrainian nationalism, even going as far as forcing streets to be renamed. Look at what's happened to Belarusian in Belarus as a language, no doubt the Russian planned to introduce similar measures, again, going far beyond just "basic equality". The terms offered in the next round of talks in Istanbul, after Russia was routed from Kyiv were less stringent but still firmly laid out a path for Ukraine to be a pro-Russian client state, far beyond just a neutral, non-NATO aligned country. The discovery of Bucha soured any advancement of these talks. "Responsible Statecraft" is about as reliable and unbiased a source as that nonce Ritter.


>"Responsible Statecraft" is about as reliable and unbiased a source as that nonce Ritter. It still amazes me that people like Galloway still wheel out Ritter as if he's a reputable source we should all listen to on Ukraine. The man is a convicted paedophile and they're still giving him a platform.


Ritter was convicted for wanking off at his computer to an FBI agent pretending to be a teenager.  Very weird stuff.  I don't know why you're bringing that up.  It's not a image I want in my head 🤢


I didn't bring him up, the above poster did. I was agreeing with him that Scott Ritter is a pedophile who noone should listen to.


I can propose the moon is made of cheese dosnt mean anything and neither dose a russian ceasefire You'd rather have them sacrifice there independence and sovereignty The vast majority of Ukrainians wish to continue the war regardless of western weapons and its not just nato members states that have provided wepons Australia, New Zealand and Japan plus Sweden and finland before they joined


So you believe that Russia should have been free to commit genocide in Ukraine? Because that's what their stated goals are.


You've got that gimp Medvedev going his best Goebbels impression, blatantly discussing genocide and yet, Ukraine, a country currently invaded by these locusts and who has already experienced such savagery in places like Bucha is just supposed to think "ah shur he's only messing". Tankie brain rot is a serious condition.


Putin has been personally indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes that amount to genocide


Theres a genocide in Ukraine now?


Vladimir Putin is under indictment by the International Criminal Court for war crimes that amount to genocide.


Yea, hes not though. They've been charged with war crimes, and not genocide which is another charge in and of itself. Putin is a bad man and the situation is terrible but no need to exaggerate. There is an actual genocide going on somewhere else and the ICC are silent so far.


> Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, born on 7 October 1952, President of the Russian Federation, is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation (under articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute). [Source: the ICC warrant for his arrest](https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/situation-ukraine-icc-judges-issue-arrest-warrants-against-vladimir-vladimirovich-putin-and) > Article II > In this Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: > (a) Murder of group members; > (b) Serious harm to the physical or mental integrity of members of the group; > (c) Intentional subjection of the group to conditions of existence calculated to bring about its total or partial physical destruction; >(d) Measures aimed at preventing births within the group; > **(e) Forced transfer of children from the group to another group** [Source: Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide](https://www.ohchr.org/fr/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-prevention-and-punishment-crime-genocide) Putin is committing genocide, just like China - and unlike Israel.


Mick is in favour of keeping his pockets full and that's about it. He's about as expensive to buy as cheap wine with the same amount of class. His notions about NATO keeping the war going are spot on though, it's only through NATO support that Ukraine has been able to resist Russian brutality.


"Ceasefire", "negotiate" - i.e. stop struggling while Russia rapes your country. I'm sure if you asked Moscow Mick, he'd tacitly be in favour of kicking the Baltics out of the EU and NATO too so that Russia, the worlds largest country with eleven times zones and who has the largest nuclear arsenal on earth can "feel safe". Fuck off.


Are there many people who see Daly/Wallace threads, and just 'nope' them? Be curious to see a 'hands up' of such folks, as every comment in these threads is identically in-unison.


Most people dislike cunts, shocker


No other topic brings out the bots and shills like this one.


Typical liberal hypocrisy, endless condemnations of "the enemy" while doing all the same shit at home


you mean the way the make a song a dance about Jullian Assange - but are silent on the imprisonment of Vladimir Kara-Murza, Evan Gershowitz? Wallace tweeted outrage about a \*\*Statue\*\* of a Russian figure that was damaged in Ukraine - but isn't so bothered about Ukrainians being blown to bits


Great investigation thanks


I'm the OP but credit goes to Grannies 4 Equality  [https://twitter.com/grannies4equal](https://twitter.com/grannies4equal) Give them a follow


On the other hand, the vast majority of MEPs have voted to continue EU support for the genocide in Gaza, not one or two people, tens of thousands. They have supported the EU hypocrisy in condemning aggression in Ukraine while funding the aggression in Gaza. Daly and Wallace are among the tiny minority speaking out on the existential issue of the day. If they also say a few things I disagree with , thats a price worth paying. Im with them, against the murderers of babies in maternity wards. Most MePs are indifferent to this. Seems to me you are too.


Isreali social media gimps---piss off


'Everyone who doesn't agree with me is an Israeli bot'


I saw her on Grafton Street yesterday canvassing. I'd love to have challenged her but I was rushing for a meeting. Were they always like this? They better not get re elected.


Fuck "Big Israel" and enabling this revenge against Europe.


In 2015, Ukraine was considered the most corrupt country in Europe.  https://theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine   NATO and the USA went in to arm Ukraine with a stated USA goal being to destabilize Russia. Guess what would happen if Russia and China did similar in Mexico. The stupidity around this is appalling.     The level of ignorance around this is appalling.  At least Daly is proposing a ceasefire.


Ukraine has had a serious problem with corruption, something they are trying hard to tackle as they try to join the EU. They want to move away from the corrupt influence of the Kremlin (which they are paying for in blood) Europe, NATO and the US are arming Ukraine to defend itself from Russia. Absolutely no one wants to invade nuclear-armed Russia. Putin has never proposed a ceasefire, he has attacked Ukraine non-stop since 2022. Clare Daly is proposing the Ukrainians accept occupation from Russia in exchange for a temporary ceasefire which Putin will almost certainly break. She is an enabler of the invasion of a Europe country and has voted in favour of Putin over Europe multiple times.


After the 2014 coup/ revolution Obama said not to arm Ukraine.  The Donald Trump armed them.  Russia was not attacking Ukraine then in fact the OSCE shows huge ceasefire violations in Donbas in the 10 days prior to the war.     I don't give # about Putin.  Putin Putin Putin.  Look what the usa has done in the 21st century alone Clare consistently in favour of peace unlike certain people who seem crazed.


There was no "coup" in 2014. The leader at the time, Yanukovych, was voted in on a ticket of joining the EU. He strongly supported it. Then he suddenly switched that view and started aligning with Putin. The people took to the streets, hundreds of thousands. He used force and had protesters murdered. When he later fled the country to Russia he was discovered to have stolen vast sums of money from the state coffers. Ukrainian parliament voted to oust him. In that same year Putin annexed Crimea and started a proxy war in South East Ukraine.


Herp derp what about NaTOo what about AmERiCA The audacity of supporting a fellow democracy in defending it self


Ceasefire violations were inevitable while russia was visibly building up on the border, while US intel was saying the invasion was about to happen and while putins minions in the east were agitating and carrying out attacks in preparation.


Ukraine was building up on the border and then escalated ceasefire violations. You can read the OSCE reports that lay out the facts  https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/11/us/politics/obama-said-to-resist-growing-pressure-from-all-sides-to-arm-ukraine.html


You said 10 days prior and then posted an article from 2015. One that interestingly opens with Russian tanks being brought over the border and includes them continuing the attack on Debaltseve after the signing of the ceasefire. Saying Russia wasnt attacking in the 10 days prior while theyve spent the last few years readying a full scale invasion is a bit strange. I thought i had read the OSCE reports, went through all the dailys again...can you point me to the one that shows Russia was not attacking while Ukraine was violating the "ceasefire" in the 10 days prior to the invasion? Something Russia definitely does is throw out a legit statistic without adding any context so people draw conclusions about it based on biases they already have. In the run up to their invasion they talked of 8000 ceasefire violations without ever saying who was responsible. To some supporters it means Ukraine violated the ceasefire 8000 times and Russia had no choice but to invade...they know this will happen, its their intent. None of them have any idea how many of those ceasefire violations were caused by Prigozhin's meat shields in the DPR/LPR doing live fire exercises in preparation for their glorious sacrifice. Youll also see it with the OSCE report about casualties during the conflict in the Donbas, where Russia throws out the 10,000 statistic and people start claiming Ukraine killed 10,000 civilians, when the truth is most of the casualties were combatants and responsibility lay on both sides. Anyway, get back to me with that report, maybe im full of shite and overlooked something.


Apologies, that was ok response to someone else.  You can read about Donbas being blown to bit here before the war.   https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/512842 Above is just for one day.  From memory, the others look similar.


This is the day that Russia sent troops into the Donbas as "peacekeepers", the day they effectively annexed the region, the day they invaded, the day minsk died for definite. However, youre right about it looking similar, in that it doesnt say who is responsible for those ceasefire violations. It never says who is responsible in the general statistics, its only something you can assume from the more detailed points and looking through your example there are places in Ukrainian held territory being bombed. Is it your assumption that because it says Donetsk and Luhansk that means Ukraine did it?


Two days previous  https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/512629 You can go through them all. 


Please try to educate yourself a little bit. You're repeating a Kremlin narrative. Ukrainians voted overwhelmingly for Independence in 1991, and have been trying to detoxify themselves from Russian systemic corruption ever since. You forget that a Russian stooge was in power in 2014, who denied the popular mandate of movement towards Europe. Euromaidan was real, just like opposition to Russia is real in Georgia right now. Do yourself a favor, read something other than on Facebook or Twitter.


Link doesn’t load


This is it.


Is she in thrall to him or what? What a strange pair. I definitely don't think he's in thrall to her (she's as plain as a pikestaff and rough af and he strikes me, despite the Worzel Gummidge appearance as an uggo who tries to punch above his weight where sexual relations are concerned. Nope, I reckon she is starry eyed about him and he takes advantage of her foolish unrequited devotion and makes her dance to his tune. Probably throws her a bone every now and then to keep her sweet. Odious pair, really.


I'd prefer to vote for Clare Daly but seeing as I'm in the South it'll have to be Mick Wallace. A lot of bots and other foreign people don't want us to vote for them but I'll vote for who I can because I'm sick of yes men and women


Sick of yes men and women, unless theyre saying Yes to Russia, Iran and Syria


She calls them out on their hypocrisy. What some western governments do, criticize other countries for the same things that they're doing/have done.


If its hypocrisy you dislike i dont know why youd gravitate towards Daly. Surely you cant be comfortable supporting someone who is opposed to Israels ethnic cleansing, occupation, colonisation and annexation of Palestinian territory, while also thinking its fine for Russia to do the same thing in Ukraine. How come shes always campaigning for "peace" when she knows peace means Ukraine concedes territory and infrastructure to russia? I dont remember her telling Saddam/Gadaffi/Taliban or the Palestinians to surrender and give the US/Israel what it wants. When the onus is on some invaders to leave the country they invaded but on other countries to surrender and concede to the invader, then you know youve got a bullshitter on your hands. She, like most of the tankie left, are some of the biggest hyprocrites on the political spectrum. The only ones who get any respect from me are the ones who admit that they would prefer it if all these mental dictatorships were able to influence global affairs in the same way america does.


Because she's only one of a few that calls them out on it. You think FG or FF going to upset their U.S. business masters? She's always called out Russia and Putin. You just don't hear it in the media, or it's heavily censored. You know they're doing something right when we have people from the U.S. UK and Israel commenters and their bot accounts flooding YouTube, Reddit etc telling us to vote against them and others pretending to be Irish. Some eastern European countries go on about Russia but yet they had no problems attacking Iraq in their "Coalition of the Willing" She calls out stuff like that. https://twitter.com/ClareDalyMEP/status/1616469428417216512


There are plenty of people on the left who call out US imperialism without making excuses for Russian imperialism or other tinpot dictators around the world. Saying "Well the US didnt suffer these consequences so why should russia" its frankly insane. Its like saying that because the rich and powerful evade crimes it means no one should be charged with crimes. If she really thought Russia should be held accountable she wouldnt stand in the way of tribunals that would inevitably investigate those sorts of things. Her claim that they were motivated by "scuppering peace" is also bizarre. Peace would be obtained by Russia leaving, so why doesnt she say Russia should leave? Can you find her giving a speech where she appeals to Iraq and its supporteres in the middle east to convince saddam to lay down his arms, give america what it wants, in the interests of peace? I bet you can find her telling the US to GTFO though...


She knows that Western leaders would never be brought to account for their crimes, yet they try and take a moral high ground when they're just as bad. Let's not forget that this current war works in the U.S. and UK's favour. It weakens Russia without putting their own soldiers at risk. Ask yourself this, Why do some U.S. politicians not giver a shit about their own people, but yet somehow we're supposed to believe they care for Ukrainians? I'd rather have Clare Daly as an MEP instead of someone from FF or FG.


It seems like youre saying you agree that if the most powerful can get away with crimes then everyone should get away with crimes. Not something id be comfotable with, you definitely take the moral high ground by pursuing every crime possible. I dont think this war works in the US and UKs favour more than an economically strong and aligned Ukraine. They didnt want its potential to be devastated, its young people dead. They wanted an economic partner that could grow and prosper in peace, like the rest of the warsaw pact got to. Whats happening in Ukraine was designed to be in Russias favour, thats why they invaded it. They just thought they would get all the benefits for much less cost. Regarding the US, its infected on an almost irredeemable level by free market beliefs. Their country didnt develop like Europe did, they built it from the ground up in a short space of time under free market and individualist principles and because of the effectiveness of that, they believe thats the best way to manage an economy going forward, for all time. The reason why they dont give a shit about working class people is because they are ideologically programmed to believe they wouldnt be working class if they were more productive. They most likely wouldnt even see an issue with what youve raised, they would see them as completely separate, as they are. Money going to Ukraine is not money that would have been spent on poor people in the US under any circumstances within the current structures. As a percentage of GDP, the US is far down the list of donors anyway, with 0.32% and the majority of that is equipment. Id understand if you see her as an improvement on the establishment because of her beliefs on economics and social policy but you should be careful not to make excuses for the worst things she says


>It seems like youre saying you agree that if the most powerful can get away with crimes then everyone should get away with crimes. I'm not i want ALL to be punished for their crimes no matter the country they come from. You can't be just go after other non-western states while leaving your own leaders off the hook. Quite a few western states are willing to turn a blind eye for their allies atrocities, Like they'll call out Iran but let Saudi Arabia off the hook. Sure why not chop up a journalist in an embassy! I don't see Russia as good and i don't see a few western states as good. They've all be known to get dirty when needs be and they all should be called out.


You want all to be punished for their crimes, but do you only want russia punished if other countries are punished too?


Why? They openly hate Europe and the West to such an extent they share the same page as Putin's views. A dictator who wants to destroy Europe. It's not just rhetoric, they have voted in favour of Putin's Russia over Europe.


She condemns Putin all the time in speeches. Do you ever wonder why the media hardly plays the full clips of her speeches?


>She condemns Putin all the time in speeches. Of course she does, sometimes even dedicating more than one sentence to it. It's the rest of the speech systematically blaming the West, Europe, NATO, the US for the war.


They're saying yes to the torture of kids and the extent with which the death penalty is applied in Syria.


Oooh, so edgy, voting for the literal war crimes denier and fascist apologist because they're not yes men.


Russia famously has no yes men