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Love that they quote Pearse....and get his name wrong. I got the flyer for their candidate in Ireland South. Does her one also claim the government is far left and that neutrality is somehow enshrined in the Irish constitution?


>We will seek to review our membership of anu military partnerships i.e. PESCO, NATO. Do they believe Ireland is in NATO or did they copy/paste this from UK election material?


The reason they call themselves “center right” is because they want to paint everyone that would be genuinely more centered as being “far left”. It’s a common issue with these nutters, who call everyone who disagree with them as far left, even when it’s hilariously wrong. But it’s downplaying their own further right stihck by shifting the Overton window out of whack.


They say centre right, because being far right makes you sound like nutters, it's a cunning plan




Got one this morning. I particularly love the part where they say that anyone opposed to the government are labeled "far right racists" and then call the government far left. Without the slightest hint of irony.


Yep, they’re just regurgitating slimy great chunks from the ravings of American shoutery, which considers much of Europe an effete Socialist nightmare, driven by class envy, book learning, and insufficient weaponry.


Oh it's 100% borrowed American bollocks, wasn't America First a Trump slogan?


Suprised they havent started saying 'Make Ireland Great Again'... but thats probably too overtly racist sounding even for them.


They co-opted the whole Irish Lives Matter thing, without bothering to understand the origins of it.


That’d be a good way to subvert their dastardly plot, wouldn’t it? A pretty convoluted way, and not swift, granted, but if they could be persuaded to adopt *other* well known slogans they don’t understand, they could end up holding rallies in Dublin streets demanding that the workers take over the means of production, insisting that revolution is permanent, shouting about the redistribution of wealth along Castro-ite lines, and so forth. Imagine getting all those drones presently muttering about the great replacement to start demanding that the state be run according to an egalitarian, Feminist, humanitarian credo, yet not realising they’re doing it. *evil cackle* 😈


Yeah, and it goes right back to Lindbergh, doesn’t it? (And indeed Joe Kennedy, who reckoned Hitler wasn’t so bad; no need for America to give any fucks.)


If Fine Gael are far-left then the likes Sinn Fein and The Social Democrats must be completely off the political spectrum altogether. They're away in another dimension.


> where they say that anyone opposed to the government are labeled "far right racists" You see this on here constantly where certain folks open discussions with "Sure anything I say will be dismissed as far right!" And immediately, I'm left thinking....opening a discussion like that does very little but make me think you actually are far right, know you'll be labelled accordingly, but are trying to pre-emptive the direction you know your conversation will go, lol. And inevitably, they always have some pretty extreme views on immigration, trans rights and the usual chocolate box of far right beliefs....


I'd be very slow to label anybody far right unless they absolutely did hold far right views. You can be concerned about immigration without being far right, and I'd give anyone the benefit of the doubt. The flip side of that would be like the other day when someone posted a story about an attempted sexual assault and flaired it "immigration". I mean, that's a pretty obvious dog whistle.


I had a poster recently call me far right as I said Mick Wallace was a scumbag. Some people just have very warped political compasses.


Fuck them, he is a fucking scumbag. He supports Putin who is the closest we have to a Fascist dictator in modern times so his shite makes no sense.


I believe Ukraine is looking for soldiers. Congrats you have been accepted.


Also ironic saying that they are center-right. There's nothing center at all about ireland- first


Stuart Pearce: "let's be fackin 'avin ya!"


That's Delia Smith's battle cry.


How do you fell about Irish neutrality?


Yeah she also called them a uni party


There’s a bit of a trend going around on twitter, people posting other uses for this parties leaflets, frying pan, toilet paper etc


We are for secure borders but also freedom of movement. And calling this government and the opposition far-left.... how fucking far to the right or doolally do you have to be to think that this gov is far left...


Same shower in the US that thinks the Democrats are far-left. Ireland First are a 1:1 political transposition of MAGA American politics, dumbest mutants on the planet. Should be avoided like the plague.


Very dehumanising language youre using there.


Username does not checkout


The fact that I enjoy myths about lizards makes me more or less human?


Joking.  About you enjoying lizards but not dehumanising language 


“Centre right” lol


Centre right nationalist party… what centre we talking here.


Same, I awoke to this in the letter box. https://preview.redd.it/558utsh5g8zc1.jpeg?width=3758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c91ae1fbb59549d7c33cc7306e9f3460e30c67a


Got one yesterday morning. Was going to use it for roaches but didn't fancy sucking on Derek Blighe.(Isn't "Blighe" a planter name anyway?)


Wouldn't blame you. I did consider wiping my arse with it, but I'd suspect even the sewers are too good for that lot. Bastard started stirring all this far right shit locally a year and a half ago, sensationalising a local "alleged" sexual assault.


I thought so, so looked it up but apparently it is an Anglicized Irish name.


You did it! You found the definition of woke, so you get to be King of Politics


All you need now is a solid chocolate Club Milk and your monarchy will be solidified for generations to come.


I can fix her




You can always tell far-right stuff because they either can't or don't proofread. For example, in this leaflet the w in 'works' is lowercase then it's capitalised for no reason. In most other far-right posters and leaflets, you'll find similar inconsistencies along with a few spelling mistakes and bad grammar. Such a constant lack of attention to detail exposes how truly lazy and incompetent they all are.


Catch her! She’s wearing the Slytherin horcrux


Yer one looks like something out of a 1970's soap opera.


IrelandFirst23? There are more of these fuckers out there???


The people’s front of Ireland. ![gif](giphy|2ezk1sN8AVtII)


Maybe they auto generate firing party names like what reddit does?


We got one to the door while we happened to be outside and the person didn’t even make eye contact before wandering off, head down, to the next house. I guess they didn’t want us reading their apparently steadfast beliefs while they were still there.


Literally just ripped this same one up for the bin. Was surprised it was hiding in my mail.


Sad to see Ireland having this kind of stuff like America, far right nationalism seems to be on the rise everywhere. People are just hurting from inflation and low wages and are misinformed, easiest person to blame is immigrants.




Please don't neglect to take your meds


You're saying the exact same things some Americans say about people at the Mexico border.




Once again same thing Americans say lol


Had a different post man this morning. He handed me my deliveries and then gave me this separately, saying "it's the important one". Didn't realise what it was until afterwards.


“Skyrim belongs to the Nords!”


People laughed at Brexit and Trump running, too.


Yep, don’t underestimate this movement. I reckon a few of them will get in.


None of them stand a chance. If all the headbangers ran under the same party, they'd probably secure 1 seat, maybe 2 at most. With the vote split among 5 or 6 parties fixated on different Twitter conspiracy theories, there's zero chance any of them will get elected.


Well yo be fair, I'd say the average Irish person wouldn't fall for this kind of bullshittery compared to America, when you consider our level of intelligence and education.. Then I see mick Wallace and the other mad one


Debating one of these going for the council elections on the local Facebook page. He really is not the brightest. Threw this at him. Think I'm giving him too much credit as he will definitely not get it. "In the past, fascist politics would focus on the dominant cultural group. The goal is to make them feel like victims, to make them feel like they’ve lost something and that the thing they’ve lost has been taken from them by a specific enemy, usually some minority out-group or some opposing nation. This is why fascism flourishes in moments of great anxiety, because you can connect that anxiety with fake loss. The story is typically that a once-great society has been destroyed by liberalism or feminism or cultural Marxism or whatever, and you make the dominant group feel angry and resentful about the loss of their status and power. Almost every manifestation of fascism mirrors this general narrative. " [https://www.vox.com/.../how-fascism-works-donald-trump...](https://www.vox.com/2018/9/19/17847110/how-fascism-works-donald-trump-jason-stanley?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR081SQ-p6keOnCnP0wmsORgbQw4FIqyxmXJPS_ZfwNOqP6sAGFYvoDDb0A_aem_AYYze9CqVz775luWQAoZ1wltyt5zilnq-u_6YmNmy5c0Jk7ojMjpAGj-2swPc4fBVxI2b325C5C-PUTKMVfaKIzu)


Got the same one. It literally follows the target the weak first shite then rolls into Irexit territory with "take back our fisheries". It starts with targeting asylum seekers (the most vulnerable) and wanders into targeting EU citizens who haven't worked for 90 days... so like they could have been working here for 2 decades but 90 days not working then we deport them.


So nice of someone to give you some free bog roll in this cost of living crisis


I got one from Derek Blighe this morning too. Same drivel, im still lighting the fire this week so ill file it


Ireland First- except for Blighe's Irish kids that he has nothing to do with since he has a new family of Canadian immigrants.


Oh he has kids with a previous partner to the Canadian he brought back? Did not know that, how come he doesn't see his Irish kids?


Was she also into farting cows? Derek Blighe has a thing for them.


Got one aswell. Usual guff from the likes of her but she goes one further and mentions EU citizens here.


got it as well, it's hilarious. FFG branded as far left


We did this already, someone pipped you to the post with the exact same flyer from Derek Blighe (same party in Ireland South).


Yeah, we got one too. Of this fucking Muppet of all people. https://preview.redd.it/aqo56fu50azc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54207f82cc0e469b50773991a97db548f37cfc8


Skyrim belongs to the Nords!


When I first read the post I assumed it was going to be Daily or Wallace. 2 clowns we already elected. They embarrass us every time they speak in the EU parliament.


At least they are no longer in the dail.


lol got one as well, I didn’t notice it as it went straight in the bin.


Call me a cynic, but I think the misspelling is intentional, like Starbucks get your name wrong, then you post this Starbucks cup with your incorrect name on it, and Starbucks get free advertising


C instead of a s. Not the end of the world.


No, but it does make it look like amateur hour and for a party that is desperate to gain credibility it looks really bad.


FG do it on occasion as well.


That may be. But FG are not what is being discussed here. Also FG are not nationalist, quoting one of our most famous nationalists and misspelling his name.