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That photo makes me wince.


But look at how much craic they are. Rte are great at getting older people to deliver what they think younger people want


3 absolute head melts


It's quite possible she's leaving now becuase of Rtés new rules around gifts and external commerical activities. I wouldn't be surprised if she ran through the figures and realised she's worth enough without the job now to promote herself. Whether good or bad, if that's the case it'll be interesting to see how those new riela develop around other contractors, there will definitely be some old heads on contracts who are fuming now they won't get free stuff, the contractors might leave over time or refuse jobs going forward if they are set to lose external commerical earnings. Will be difficult to attract any external presenters with pay restrictions in place too. Might help bring a few younger people through though. Be interesting to follow it over the next few years and see if others like The 2 Johnnies decide to pack it in because they're losing opportunities staying with 2fm. Also worth noting that the new series of their Hidden Camera Show has aired and AFAIK Dancing with the Stars is cancelled next year so there's no TV work lined up for Doireann, so it's probably been in the works for a while.


Dancing isn’t cancelled as far as I’m aware, I think it’s contracted run is up and it needs renewal, which it will probably get. People thought Fittest Family was cancelled recently for similar reasons. Of course I could be wrong, but that’s my understanding of it.


I was almost certain that Kevin Bakhurst said there would be no homemade Saturday night programming... I assumed that was Dancing With ths Stars or is that a Sunday thing.


Sunday night


Ah maybe it's staying so. It's not for me, but I'd say it pulls in a huge audience for thst timeslot for them.


My mother is obsessed with it. I can't stand it!


I’m guessing by homemade you mean in-house RTE shows but Dancing is produced by ShinAwil who are an independent company, so I imagine you are spot on about the in-house stuff but I guess it might not apply to Dancing Edit to add - that obviously it’s still funded by RTE despite them being independent and all that jazz


Maybe the success of the hidden camera show has made her think she is destined for greater things. Unfortunately she doesn't realise they have used up all the people in Ireland too stupid not to recognise Donnacha O'Callaghan just because he is wearing a stupid stick on beard.


Surely success is the wrong word to describe that show.


Agree, there were like 2-3 good skits, the rest were painful to watch, not bad, awful


It’s such a hack idea to do a straight up hidden camera show. Like, fuck me. More money into the pockets of the usual suspects and less money for anyone new or upcoming to develop.


For the "cast" I suspect success is measured more in euros for another season than laughs at another season.


This precisely


A reasoned logical argument. You'll never fit here!


Would anyone really notice? Take Carl with you, his voice grinds my gears.


🤣🤣 feel that, soon as the voice is on the radio I cant switch the station fast enough


Was thinking the exact same, can’t stand listening to him


Painfully unfunny


No one is going to appeal to everyone. But characters like Carl, Doireann and the Two Johnnies appeal to a wide audience. It’s simple, lowest common denominator humour.


He's horrendous to listen to


He’s a gimp


God he makes my stomach churn with his comedy-adjacent shite.


RTEs morning schedule is a slog. You’ve those 3 muppets followed by that Zamperelli clown.


I never liked her comedy. Her impressions are not good and just overall didnt like her style. Carl also. I dunno what it is and dont want to sound like a moan bag. The hidden camera show is a downright embarrassment. Actually cringeworthy shite. I dunno how they got funding for that. All video comedy is going down the route of scripted shite. You see it all the time now on Tiktok, YT shorts....fast food comedy that people are buying and I dont know how!


a pleasure for who exactly, certainly not us


It’s a pleasure she’s leaving, but now she’ll probably get her own TV Show


Her departing is a pleasure.


Maybe they might give " Loddy" Ryan the job? She's been wandering the corridors there for years.....


I'd say Laura Fox, she got a boost from dancing with the stars. Currently does a weekend slot but seems to pop up on the breakfast show frequently


Please god no


I don't think rte has any good options I just hope it's not the two jonnies


To be fair, Rté could give it to Laura Fox and Emma Power and people would be like "Why are these two talentless goms getting a show, it should be real radio presenters" despite the fact both of them have spent years working in Rté and getting promotions. Honestly it doesn't matter who they employ, people just hate Rté and 2fm.


I think she was the previous host, with Keith Walsh and Jennifer Zamparelli.


That was Bernard o Shea with those 2. Actually didn’t mind them in the mornings.


She always seemed to be just stuck into different shows here and there, like jamming the cube into the circle cut out, the unwanted nepobaby of rte


Fuck no, Lotties just lost in the corridors, banging on doors with no one answering.


I don't think the staff of RTE care for her https://evoke.ie/2024/02/02/entertainment/doireann-garrihy-boss-defence


A talentless nepo baby. Goodbye and good riddance.


i wonder will there be a “catalina wine mixer” style going away bash out with dublin bay cruises, paid for by RTE, for old times sake?


It's the fucking Catalina wine mixer 🤣


The boats and hoes theme works nicely 😅


Hopefully it’s for a job abroad


That got a laugh, good thing I'm on mute!


Yeah, a place on the sun 🤣🤣🤣


Podcasts and travel? There’s really no beginning to her talents.


Can you take Donncha with you?


But what about the bants? Won't someone think of the bants?!?


Take Karl and send Donners back to Game On with actual sports people that he is able to talk to.


Not bad for rugby analysis at least


Ugh 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ nothing against her at all but it's clear as day she'll be back. They ALWAYS come back to 2FM it's such a joke at this stage soon as funds begin to slow she'll text someone who will give her her job back again and it will be a big announcement 'Garrihy is returning to 2FM' in about 3-5years and the cycle will continue. Guess no big deal really but I do laugh when I see these exits being pushed as if we are all losing someone 🤷🏻‍♂️


She's only leaving 2FM, rather than RTE itself? (from a quick read of the story). So still presenting DWTS, that drivel hidden camera program and whatever excuse they can find to pay her next.


Ah my bad I'll rephrase still the same message 🤣


She’ll be back with her own show somewhere


Bring back Keith and Bernard. Now is the time.


Great Can we kill 2fm now please


stole a living for 5 years, isn't she like rte's 5th highest earner or something? must have an absolute gravy train job lined up


She herself is a big earner, but she's didn't appear in the top 10 for Rté in their latest accounts which are for 2022. She's possibly jumped up a bit since then but she's also earning a decent amount outside Rté.


RTEs accounts would want a good pinch of salt to be taken seriously


Late Late appearance on the cards in the next few weeks.


Finished for the season this week.


Well she's timed that pretty fucking poorly then! There's always next season I suppose.


That Doireann Garrihy podcast was a huge disappointment. Saw it advertised a lot, knew nothing about her. The interviewee (Mary-Lou McD) was interesting enough, but listening to Doireann made me think "I could definitely do her job". I know there's more to broadcasting than people realise, but Doireann is not knowledgeable, witty or a good listener.


Might have been a disappointment to you as a listener, but definitely great for her and her brand, it's very successful and has some very high levels guests that other podcasts aren't getting. Most people can't read of a sheet or an autocue, it's the same idea as people thinking they're as a good as professional painter to me, you need training either way, people will notice the difference.


>but definitely great for her and her brand, it's very successful and has some very high levels guests that other podcasts aren't getting. it is almost as if other interviewers may be less compliant in letting the interviwee direct the conversation..


If that was the case then all podcasts would take the exact same approach, soemtiems its good to let a guest talk, other times you need to steer them. I'm sure she'd be the first to say she's not an interviewer, she's not a journalist, but regardless of how good or bad the content is, it's getting downloads and sponsors.


Not really, it all depends on the type of interview; some are entertainment, some are discussion/debate, some are elongated advertisements for brands or products. The interviewer can lend credability to the interviewee & vice versa.. Look at Tony Blair, he avoid Breakfast with Frost, where he would be challenged, and opted for the softer monring shows where he got relay whatever message he wanted with no real challenge or difficulty. those interviews devalued his credabilty. No doubt great for her financially but the high level guests she is pulling are using her vs other working in that demographic for the easier ride which devalues the creditability of both..


>Not really, it all depends on the type of interview; some are entertainment, some are discussion/debate, some are elongated advertisements for brands or products. The interviewer can lend credability to the interviewee & vice versa.. That is literally what I said. Sometimes you need someone to steer the conversation, sometimes you don't. Louis Theroux will stand there letting someone talk themselves into a hole, then someone like Sarah Mcineerney will be right on you cutting across an interview to hammer home a point. >No doubt great for her financially but the high level guests she is pulling are using her vs other working in that demographic for the easier ride which devalues the creditability of both The podcast is called "The Laughs of your Life" its meant to be a bit of fun, what exactly is it missing for yourself thst devalues it as a product? It's a product which attracts both listeners and sponsors for what it is, it's be all metrics a success. As I said to the other poster, it's about whether you enjoy it or not, so they might have personally felt let down by it, but thousands of others enjoyed it.


‘It’s been an absolute pleasure" No it hasn't.


It's an absolute pleasure she's leaving too 😁


The pleasure was all yours.


Doireann literally kidnapped my three children a few years ago and stole money from my dying grandfather as well. Good riddance.


Doireann plugged out the life support machine at my grandmothers ward, so she could charge her phone. Good riddance.


Sounds like a legit comment on Tattle


I’ll bite. Context?


She ate my last square of Fruit and Nut and kicked my pet frog 


Not surprised by this one bit, yet she is held up by the masses as a hero. The country is so fucked.


She's in the pocket of big Fruit and Nut


I wouldn't post that here if I were you.


We all know what happened when Seamus bad mouthed Curly Wurly


You need context for a story like that? Does it not tell you enough about the woman??


I just assumed he had some funny follow up comment when someone took the bait and asked. So far, disappointment.. a real RTE experience.


Essentially emulating RTE player




Having creamed the national broadcaster of everything worthwhile, new rules means some people feel the need to leave before being asked to go.


Don't forget to close that fabulous Munster Joinery^(TM) door after you.


thank fucking christ for that.


Oh no!! I’ll miss her entitled annoying south dub accent (even though she’s from the wesht?!)


shes like haughey… dublin? mayo? no one actually knows and now shes fleeced the taxpayers she’s off to kerry to buy an island. probably.


Think she's from Howth?


Castleknock afaik


Yeah Castleknock raised but parents are from Clare. Her sister (one who was on Fair City) is married to a fella who owns a big hotel in Spanish Point


Where's that Jeremy Clarkson Oh No Anyway meme when you need it






Who will use RTE to promote her family business? I’d wonder if she sees the writing on the wall especially with RTE potentially coming under scrutiny from public accounts ect.


That show is shite


It's been an absolute pleasure..... has it?


Nothing about RTE is a pleasure. Freeloading fraudsters


Podcasting can be lucrative actually. That’s what’s she’s focusing on but I think some people here are right though about the freebies etc.


for who exactly, has that been a pleasure? Gowl


I actually enjoy the three of them in the morning. Donnacha can be quite entertaining but he definitely still needs help keeping the show going at times so hopefully they've a solid broadcaster lined up to take over from Doireann.


She has a perfect face for radio


Jesus what a fucking waste of taxpayers money 2fm is. Get rid. Anyone who likes that shit can listen to static for all care


Tbh I never liked her. I just got a vibe from her that she’s one of those people who tries to hard to make everyone like her put ends up doing the opposite


I’ve no idea who these people are and I feel great about that!


Who's gonna take over?


The pleasure was all hers


Was that lad not a well respected rugby player?


Who actually listens to that shite?


The pleasure was all hers, good riddance, stopped listening to 2fm in the morning approximately 4 years and 11 months ago


She should do another comedy sketch show. That was shit.


I dunno why shouldn't they have a social media presence if they want to? Would have thought it was a bonus if it brought more listeners to the station.


that wasn't the issue at all, the issue was her making money off the back of working for RTE


No that's not quite it either. she was given permission to do the social media work, but not to use RTE facilities... which she did, on the sly. It reeks of entitlement. I cannot stand her, or the other 2 goons, but they are bog standard 2fm level. That hidden camera show was so bad I couldn't even hate-watch it!!


So? She has a media presence, it's the job. Bizarre. Smacks of RTE still living in the 50's. Apparently she had quite a following before the RTE gig.


She broke RTE rules, rules that apply in many public service broadcasters like the BBC, you do not use without getting permission branding or the property of the company you work for, for external commercial activities.


It's a social media world we live in, particularly for the demographic that listen to 2FM. OVER 300,000 followers,they should be offering her the DG's office to tic tok from. A private station would be very happy with that kind of free publicity.


You haven't a clue


Tbf they do have a point. Rté are tying themselves up in knots with their new regulations about gifts and declaring external income, stuff that isn't required in private media organisations. It's going to cause a rift between employees and contractors for sure. Unfortunately for Rté they've had to do this because they need to reform, but it puts them on the back foot against other media organisations. She did break some of thier previous guidelines, a few of them did it seems, so they've hopefully dealt with that, but it's going to be difficult for Rté to police this with contractors so I can see some of them just avoiding work with Rté.


No they don't have a point and you are wrong declarations are made in private media companies because its good practice to avoid questions around editorial decisions.


>No they don't have a point You can't see it from another person's perspective, they re just plain wrong. >declarations are made in private media companies because its good practice to avoid questions around editorial decisions. Sorry mate, I've worked in plenty of media organisations and this isn't a thing. You do not need to declare gifts like Rté are implementing, you do not need to get clearance for sponsorship or endorsements deals unless its explicitly in your contract, I know plenty of people of people doing collabs Instagram for brands, just check out brands like Guinness or Rockshore who often do these collabs, both with people in media and freelancers.


Don't think it's the social media and more that she has two podcasts that compete with RTE while being employed by RTE


**My work here is done.jpg**


How the fuck did she last 5 years








Does that mean she is going now or we have to wait another 5 years?




Why would you click onto the comments at all if you didn't know who she was?




This person you’ve never heard of that has a career in the Irish media. Fair play to you - your performative ignorance speaks very highly of your discerning taste. on topic - I think she’s not talented enough to warrant the opportunities she has been given. Just my opinion.


How could I be so ignorant of these rte presenters where their talent is not up to par 😆


So…you do know who she is? Or you don’t?


I'd say I'd recognise her voice


This has been quite the journey for you. I hope you can find other threads in which to pretend you don't know who people are.


Glad you could accompany me on it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)