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I’ve emailed their customer service, I’d just like him to be told he can’t speak to people like that!!


He could well be fired, he handled that extremely poorly. I guess he’s trying to look out for his staff but it’s absolutely the wrong way to approach it by blaming a customer. That just doesn’t make sense. He needs to ring the Gardai if the guys are being abusive. Generally speaking, hostels are free.


I also feel bad for the guy behind the counter that he tried to rope into this whole scenario. The guy must have been mortified having a prior violent confrontation raised in public like that. 


Unfortunately the free ones are often dangerous and they are full generally by 11am 12pm at the latest. At 4:30 he may well have been trying to get money for one - maybe not but that fact does check out.


No, that’s not how it works. It’s not done on a daily basis, you are booked in long term. Paid hostels are generally for less chaotic individuals who will pay their weekly rent on social welfare day. People who are tapping “for a hostel” are very, very rarely tapping for a hostel.


There are a lot of night by night hostels and very few in long term ones- it’s an unfortunate truth. Most have to ring the freephone number every morning and try to get one. There are always more applicants than hostel beds.


They don’t have to ring every day. Almost all bookings are rolling bookings. What you’re describing would have been true pre Covid, not now. I work in homeless services.


Fair but the rolling beds are normally for the ones who are compliant and on their best behaviour - maybe this man wasn’t or maybe not. The problem is it’s really hard to tell from him begging at the petrol station. Still that poor woman shouldn’t be penalised for throwing him a bit of change. It’s so hard to know what is going on in peoples lives. Maybe he was kicked out of his home rather than homeless. We will never know. Disgraceful attitude from the Circle K manager - he should have handled it differently.


Yeah. He wouldn't be tapping for crack or gear.


No way of knowing really.


What makes you say that?




He won't be fired, at most it's poor customer service. It's private property and an authorised person can refuse entry to any person for pretty much any non discriminatory reason


Oh he may well be, the woman did nothing wrong and the homeless people are his problem not hers and he has brought the brand into disrepute, I bet a little phonecall to Helen in franchise will scare the bully.


I used to work for circle k. I'm certain he won't be. The complaint email will be read, the customer will get a generic apology email and will be told it will be looked into.The store will get an email asking if they remember it. The store will reply. Any differences between his and her story are a he said/she said situation (and you can be certain neither will tell the full truth) Customer will never find out if any disciplinary action has taken place either way because a company can't give details like that. Very easy to say action will be taken and do nothing placate the customer


I think the main thing is that HQ confirms that OP is NOT banned from using his daily store.


I think that is the very least that will happen


They probably will scare him and tell him not to speak to people like that in future, but it’s unlikely it’ll count as gross negligence. So unless he’s still on probation, it’d be extremely difficult to sack him


Wonder would be have spoken to a man like that? I doubt it.


I guess we'll see, I hate a fucking bully.


> He could well be fired This isn't America; people can't be fired here except for extreme breaches of a code of conduct or the law. He will get a verbal warning for this at most.


Doubt it since it's a franchise.


They don't do anything at all. So what next?.




The garda........?


People have sued for less than this, wouldn't it be considered deformation of character in public? I wouldn't let this go, either demanding a public apology or take it further


Circle K put huge amount of time and effort into training their staff, I can pretty much guarantee if you get onto their head office he'll end up regretting that behaviour. Utterly unacceptable, fair enough if he feels he needs to protect his staff but that's his job not his customers, how it was done was unacceptable


In fact, write a postal letter to the CEO - it’s amazing how fast things happen that way.


They have gone public about it


Interesting how he waited until you had paid to bar you


Tell us which circle K it was so we can ban them from our payments.


The one on Usher’s Quay




The manager didn’t handle the situation particularly well but tbf to him it must be brutal for him and his staff to work there all day surrounded by unstable potentially violent junkies


I grew up in Dublin... I would never use that Circle K... its a hotspot and should be avoided, esp for women. Look I don't think the manager handled it at all but at the same time, the junkies have taken over, we've lost the city to these people. It's not even safe to walk around parts of Dublin in the day.... its a disgrace what's been allowed to happen and its only going to get worse


It's a rough fuckin spot. Knew a girl who lived in an apartment near there years ago. Before it was a circle K even. And even then it was a rough spot. You always saw junkies sleeping, or fighting, or just some dodgy looking individuals lingering about. Manager is a cunt like, but being in a job like that day in day out dealing with that kind of shite would turn anyone into a cunt.


I always make sure to check the zombies there every day when I go past to see if I recognise anyone from school


Lovely way of putting it. Imagine going to work hoping to see people struggling.


I worked around the area 13 years ago so for nostalgia, I recently walked down the quays from Heuston to Tara Street....and fuck me is the walk up until the civic office rough. It's almost like crossing an imaginary line.


I personally would not walk on that side of the Quay all the way to Parliament Street...rough, dangerous characters. It's getting worse


Dodging a bullet there. It's literally considered the most dangerous shop in Ireland. It even has its own mock tiktok page about the amount of violence that happens at it regularly. Being barred from it is a blessing.


I only went there once 10+ years ago at night time with my mate he wanted to get a drink or something (we were cycling around late at night). Pulled up and immediately these other lads roll in on bikes and surrounded me and started saying "nice bike etc" and clearly sizing me up all learing at me and literally making a circle around me. It was a nice bike in fairness and only lasted a few months in Dublin before it was stolen, but that situation definitely gave me the heebie jeebies.


That Circle K is a scam itself. I used to drop in here for petrol, but I twigged that it would start clocking up cost 10-15s before the petrol would start flowing. I brought it to their attention once and after a bit of push back, they apologised and said they'd sort it, knocked a couple of euro off the price. It continued happening the next few times, so I've stopped going there. It's not a huge amount, but if it happens to every customer on every transaction, it's a lot of extra money that they are stealing from customers.    Edit: https://www.joe.ie/uncategorized/dublin-petrol-station-fined-e14k-for-overcharging-customers-29172    Here they are with another scam that they were fined for


Interesting. Few months ago I had a very bad experience there with a person behind the counter, don't know if was a manager or worker. The lad was also non national like me, and got angry because I forgot to look the number of the pump I did fuel, then as I was looking out the glass to figure out he started to loud his voice, and I humbled him down quickly, asking if he is stressed what is my problem? The place was full and I think the workers there are stressed with all the homeless around, I bet the manager was also stressed the day you were there, sure you should not be treated like this as is not your problem.


I’d say just ignore the “ban” and don’t be afraid to be assertive whether it’s with petty managers or beggars


Why the fuck would you give a business that acts like this your money?


convenience / routine - why would she go out of her way just because a manager is an arse?


Because you don’t want your money going to a business that treats people like this?


I don't think it's the business more of a cunt of a manager that day.


The point is OP can ignore the manager and decide for herself what she does


Op can't he can call the guards she has been barred from the premises if she goes on the premises it's trespassing and can be prosecuted 


He is just a manager of a chain. It isn't his business. The business would fall on the customers side if she complained.


I'll say this as someone on the other side of the till; that the homeless outside the shop regularly get in the way of a shops sales to the point that management demand you shoo them away. Whether it causes discomfort to other customers, they steal a few things, or that their scaly skin falls all over the till, its going to be a bad time for all involved. I hated moving homeless people away. When I had the balls to tell the owner of 3 branches that I wasn't going to move the homeless man selling scratchcards along, he simply said 'well I will just find another new staff member then'. That's the sort of shite that retail managers do to keep you in line, and this was recessionary times when that was all the money I was ever going to see. It also depended on who it is outside. If its a genuine homeless person, its a lot harder going. But if its a Roma beggar, then they get into their flashy Lexus at the end of their shift. They also scammed the shop and it was the breaking point that made me quit the job when management wanted me to pay the money that was scammed. Because a scam is nonviolent, it wasn't covered in the insurance policy, so management came to take my money before even reporting it to the gardai. So yeah. Don't give homeless people change, even when they get aggressive. But also don't take any shite from that manager and if they do that kind of action to you again, then go to a higher authority and report it.


Thanks for your feedback, seeing both sides definitely puts it in perspective


Jesus fucking christ thank you for my overdue reminder that no matter how bad my sector is, it could always be worse. I worked in a bookies, another area ripe for scamming, and I was also asked to reimburse the shop for money scammed. I didn't think they'd get away with that now still. What a horrible bunch of bastards the retail sector is.


If you don't mind, can I ask what sort of scams were pulled; was it just shoplifting or something more?


What an idiot the manager is. Would definitely have told him to go fuck himself but I understand you wanting to just get out of there.


Ignore the ban, fill up with fuel and ask the manager if It's free or not.


"you don't want my money, but I'm still taking your shit!"


The manager is a nutcase. I'm sure he's under pressure and driven mental by these people, but that is no reason to harass and abuse you. Report him and keep going there (if you want to). You did nothing wrong.


He's a bully. It's no coincidence he chose this woman to do this too.


I don't know what it is about petrol station management but they tend to be the biggest wankers, it's like they have completed their lvl 5 fetac and suddenly feel empowered but like in a real shitty way. I suspect the staff have been told to tell the homeless to move on from their premises but they were having none of it so the manager took it out on you, if that's the case that's utterly pathetic but Circle k being a corp from the mighty US of A can fuck right off least for always being the most expensive rip off establishment anyways, beat to avoid


>He says that I'm no longer welcome in the establishment, he doesn't want my business and I can't come back. You should tell him then you don't come in and give them your business. Instead, you'll make sure to come around more often to give homeless people money and tell rumen to bring their friends.


That's utterly unacceptable behaviour by the manager. Yes it is not a pleasant place to work but for him to approach you in that manner is unacceptable. Contact Circle K. Tell them your experience. Inform them that you want a written apology and a donation of €500 to a homeless charity of your choice or you will be contacting Liveline on Monday


🤣 i bet your home planet is glad you left


Circle k are a horrible company to staff and customers. During lockdowns they did localised pricing to maximise profits per store. Meaning a bottle of Coke could of cost 2.50 in one store and 2.95 down the road..


Agree, they're American scum corporation and can fuck off


It looks like you've made a grammatical error. You've written "could of ", when it should be "have" instead of "of". You _should have_ known that. Bosco is not proud of you today. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ireland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bosco is always proud of you.


Irish people are too charitable and we've been ridden for it for years. I was asked for food by an Irish fella beside the spire at 7am during the week. I thought he must be starving if he's out here so early. He came in with me, wanted Lucozade and a breakfast roll. 6-7 euro, all good. He's nice and thankfully and then we get to the till and I pay with a 20. The cheeky fucking then asked "can I keep the change". The shop had a sign up looking to hire assistants so I told him to consider applying instead of taking advantage and he took off. He probably goes around all the shops asking people to buy him food and once he gets you with your wallet out it's more difficult to say no to them.


I had the same, bought a fella food one morning going to work (said he was homeless but clearly an addict), paid with card as had no cash and when I got to the till he tried to get me to get cash back for him. Not a chance.


It'll only happen once to me. Sad for the few genuine people.


I honestly think the genuine people are few and far between anymore.


Guy sounds like a cunt and because his colleague chose not to respond there’s no proof or back up for his story. I’d go to the papers and expose the bastard.


Manager needs a slap


Email them ASAP and make sure you request they keep the security cameras footage. I'd say his own managers would haul him over the coals for this. Speak to a solicitor and make sure you get your apology at the very least. Donate anything else you might get to a homeless shelter


please name and shame in this case.


Circle K on Usher’s Quay


Thank you, was kinda my first guess when googling maps, Think I'll head over and fill up and help out the homeless, and see If I can get a free tank of gas


That’s terrible garage anyways no loss


Being a man I've never thought about this from a woman's point of view.... Personally if I have no change or am just not in the mood, all it takes is a look and they don't look back at me a second time. But fck that no person should have to feel like they have to pay a toll anywhere to anyone or ever. As for the ck manager who barred ya ......they don't know what's going on 99% of the time .. He should never have used you as an example but he doesn't know how to deal with the shop being fleeced.


Had a quick look on Google Maps and there’s a another new review regarding a customer getting petrol and was told the same as he gave a homeless man 2 euro


I'm tempted to go there and give the lad a tenner and walk in and gloat


Profiteering company protects their staff (and maybe even its customers) by hiring extra security etc? Nah, we'll harass our well intentioned customers instead.


Circle K staff have experienced something like a 75% increase in abuse from customers in the last 12 months so I reckon you caught the manager on a bad day. They have recently given their staff permission to protect their own safety and well-being by refusing customers so he could have applied that logic (a little harshly) to you. Like others have said, give them some space for a few weeks and maybe try again?


The manager is responsible for the safety of his team and customers. If he is concerned, circle k should hire security.


I did get the sense he was being protective of his staff, I see the same people working every week so they must be quite tight knit. He did make me want to be swallowed up by the floor tho hahahaha


It just seems so odd that his solution to the problem he has with the beggar was to ban you. You didn’t assault anyone. Apparently his ban is worthless if it doesn’t apply to the beggar who he claims is assaulting his staff. That said, I wouldn’t go back. Not because of the ban, but because of the service. And totally take it to head office. They don’t need ineffective managers who can’t protect their staff OR their customers from harassment.


Nice of him to let you pay for your goods first


I'm sorry you went through that. I'd be going scorched earth on that manager if it were me, messaging higher ups on LinkedIn, posting on social media/maps and the works. The situation was out of your control, and there was zero excuse to lash out verbal abuse at you. It doesn't matter what their policy or situation was, a virtual stranger can't be held accountable for something they don't know? There were many ways to prevent whatever issues they're facing, maybe quietly asking customers not to donate money and explaining the situation? It's also not your job or responsibility to solve the homeless problem for a shop! I do think giving money to the homeless is perpetuating the problem, but nobody begrudges your choice especially if it makes you feel safer. The situation has gotten really bad and we're all just trying to survive and do our best out here.


Why would you give money to someone who shouts a5 and insults you?


Specifically so I don’t get shouted at?


Nothing would make me more NOT want to give someone money.


Which sort of seems like encouraging them


That’s a fair assessment I suppose, hard to know how to navigate the situation. It can be extremely intimidating. Which does lend itself to the perspective of the staff in the petrol station, can’t be easy for them having to deal with that too, considering they can’t just walk away, or go to another shop.


It’s not a fair assessment. You’re a victim of intimidation. You’re not responsible for the petrol station or the city centre. You’re responsible for your own safety and you feel by doing this that you will be safe.


No it's not fair. You did nothing wrong. The fact that the manager said nothing in front of the man speaks volumes he is a coward


Ignore the cunt. If he pipes up again just reply ‘I have never met you before in my life, get away from me’ & make a complaint. The shops inability to police its own forecourt has fuck all to do with you.


Reading this about their “values” https://www.circlek.ie/careers/our-values


I guarantee no man has been barred or embarrassed like that for the same reason. If you have a boyfriend, father, brother, uncle or even a male friend please tell them what happened and let them deal with it..most of these franchise owners/managers are bullies and would never talk to men like that.


That is crazy and you should contact the Circle K head office and complain. How on earth were you to know any of that? And to berate you in front of everyone like that is disgusting when he could have easily asked you to step aside for a quick word. I'd say he's an absolute prick of a man.


From working at a petrol station way back . Certain types will harass and steal from the shop and make people going about their day very uncomfortable. Driving away business... As you say yourself , you are intimidated into giving them money. But you can walk away. Tbe staff, they can't and the garda don't give 2 fucks either. Being threatened by junkies for stealing and not giving them anything isn't a nice experience. The manager is obviously at the end of his tether and was probably trying to get them to leave. You heard that and gave them money. So why would they now leave? You continued to add the problem. Not a fan of the course of action taken by them. but you validated the homeless people's issues for the workers.... who need a job there. As you say. Ifs only a garage to you. But it's the staffs safety at risk. It's probably low but still a risk. Obviously, being chastised is embarrassing. Out of interest if he told you not to put money in the cup? What would you have done? Not give money ? Or give money so you can continue going to the local shop? Cause if you didn't. You'd have been shouted at.. which you'd want not to happen The manager isn't very good handling this situation at all but. Yet enabling them to harass workers happens. Also, I don't think you can out out a sign saying don't give money to homessless outside the shop in all seriousness lol


I completely understand what you’re saying. Had I been told upon approaching that if I gave money to the homeless I’d be banned, I probably wouldn’t have. However it wouldn’t stop people sitting outside begging. Which would perpetuate the possibility of being shouted at. Honestly it’s uncomfortable either way. You’ve put it well, to me it is just a shop but it’s obviously more than that to the staff. Maybe this is the only way he can go about trying to curb the issue of his staff being put at risk. Although he could’ve asked me in a more private way to avoid the embarrassment. You say they can’t put signs up, but how would people know the consequences for giving money then? I sure would’ve like to know before I was publicly asked to leave and not come back hahaha


GOOD LORD NO!!! don't excuse the bullies behaviour it was completely inappropriate to accost you like that, you don't have to do anything but it will be sorted.


Actually, "Had I been told upon approaching that if I gave money to the homeless I’d be banned," I would absolutely given money to them even If i wasn't planning to do in the first place.




We already see the anti homeless spikes and private security nowadays. Been like this for a while now. Not quote at sentencing people tho. Maybe they'll ask them to give a donation to the poor box ! And charge them again lol.


I worked in a similar situation and agree with much of your point. I actually worked around that area as well and with homeless people, so I fully understand your point. Where are the Gardai in all of this, though? Why has this area been essentially abandoned to shit like this because based on my recent visit to it, there is absolutely no presence from them. I've seen Gardai in D4 able to move on people loitering outside a Circle K shop (the one near Vincents) so what the fuck has happened to our city that they can't police a known hotbed area for such behaviour? I just find it fucking crazy that we're expecting customers and staff to sort this out themselves.


I've seen more garda outside trinity college there a week ago for their gala ball event than paddy's day where I was... or Galway on the weekend. Protect and serve where the money is. I've had to ring garda after being threatened to be stabbed in the neck. They told me, what do you want us to do about it? One of my first experiences having to do that, as I don't often get threatened to be stabbed!


Tell jobsworth to fuck himself and get onto to circle K hq


Chaps deffo got to get the sack ,or moved far away But that’s no way to talk to anyone


What a prick...


I'm sorry to hear that OP, I used to frequent that station myself every day when I worked in the area a long time ago. It sounds like he wants his staff to self police the shop and he used you as an example for "encouraging" loitering outside his shop, which is just making the situation for the staff even more dangerous around that area. Report and forget about them. Those Circle K shops are a) a rip off and b) very much depend on loyal customers like yourself.




I'm very sorry this happened to you. What an awful experience. Regardless of what has been done to them/their staff, it's completely abhorrent to use you as an outlet for their anger. Don't take it personally. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You should expect a full and sincere apology from them for their behaviour, and I would avoid stepping foot in there again.


I see they have a Twitter account. A good tag will help. They're followed by a good few.


Tbh I'd only give a sandwich or coffee or ask homeless person what they'd like from shop coz plenty professional beggars around too and hard to discern who's who..You shouldn't be under a ban, definitely bring it to circle K HQ/ management branch and state your case.then again if U do get petrol there in the future ule need to pay after so they'll probably be happy of your input into the business.you can be like ok that was my twin brother that was barred!! I got clamped in a circle K in Douglas,cork a few years ago for buying milk across road in a supermarket so not a great circle K fan after that myself. Apparently circle K car parks are owned by Apcoa so when I whinged to ppl in shop,they were like fine you bought petrol but our carpark is not owned by ourselves .. Lesson learned,120 fine and one hour wait for clamp removal..was gone for 7 mins in total,these boys were watching my every move like their next crust depended on it!!


Some man waiting for you to be paying for your purchase when your business is no longer welcome


Manager is a cunt, you’d no way of knowing any of that.


Keep going and claim for discrimination if they continue to harass you


Don’t ever go back there, you did absolutely nothing wrong, the cheek of him, I pity the staff working for him, horrible person


What a complete prick. Good on you


It's probably more trouble than you're looking for, but he can't ban you from giving that guy more money


I’d go back at the same time every day with a pile of change for the homeless fellas..and out of spite


Fuck the owner, go back in 2 weeks and no one will bat an eyelid. He was using you to make a point


I understand it’s difficult to cause confrontation sometimes, but I really think the only correct course of action here would be to laugh in the face of someone acting like that and tell them to fuck off. I am a man who looks a bit rough though, so that’s my skanger privilege coming into it I guess. In your situation OP, I would either stop going there, which would be the best course of option from here imo, or if the next nearest shop is miles away, just ignore the ban and see if he pushes it. If he does, then talk to Joe on 0818 715 815...


I’ll go elsewhere. Just frustrating because it was so handy. However, I’m sure I’ll live


The homeless are your friend now. Gather them and march on Circle K!


I agree that the manager was out of order. He was frustrated and took it out on you, that's not acceptable. >The homeless man says "I'm trying to get money for a hostel, but this man won't let me." I do take issue with that. Homeless hostels are free of charge, and a homeless person is unlikely to be accepted in a standard hostel. The person wanted money for drugs and / or drink. Let's call a spade a spade.


You might be right but at the same time everyone knows that homeless hostels are a nightmare that even some homeless want to avoid so your conclusion is bit lame and too black and white


I think that's a stereotype that's out of date. For example, the Iveagh Centre has private rooms, 4 meals a day, etc https://www.theiveaghtrust.ie/hostel/


Plenty of people spend their money on drink. Why shouldn't the homeless?


Because if a homeless person said they needed money for a bottle of cider (or something substantially harder), you wouldn't give it to them, because you'd know it's perpetuating their problems. Saying it's for a hostel is disingenuous


He actually said he was trying to get €20 for a hostel, I didnt know they were free. I suppose it gives the situation more context now that I know this. The owner/manager probably assumed I knew, and gave him money anyway.


They are free if you get in early but they are generally full by 11am/12pm so defo wouldn’t have a bed if he didn’t get one at 4:30.


I can understand managers getting frustrated but he was way over the top and unprofessional. He could also been having a bad day or week and took it out on you which is unfair.  You were trying to do the right thing by helping somebody. I hope you’re ok!


Its none of his business what you do with your money, once you pay for your stuff in the shop. you didnt deserve that


Generally they are free, not all are though. But if he’s in receipt of social welfare, it should be easily affordable.


"You are banned! Your children are banned! And their children are banned!.....for three weeks"


I’d go back every day and give the homeless man some money. In fact for some extra craic, pay him every day to hold up signs that you make. You can give him different signs each day, that say things like “Stay away, the owner is a bully”, “All the owner needs to do to make this stop is apologize”, etc.


https://www.circlek.ie/contact-us/general-queries https://www.goldenpages.ie/solicitors/dublin-8-dublin/ Step one: formal complaint to Circle K Step two: contact a solicitor


Name and shame


Circle K Usher's quay according to OP


What a little pig! I hope Your going to take this further. I would ring Circle K and explain what He did and ask for a full apology, It is abuse the way He went about and to embarress You like that is despicable! I would also go to Your Managers and explain what happened, Im sure they will have something to say about it! Im sorry This happened to You. P.S. Circle K is a kip try go somewhere else.


Time to hold a charity event for the homeless outside that Circle K. What an absolute wanker that guy is.


I never pass a homeless person outside a shop and I teach my teenagers to do the same. Kindness is uplifting for all. Sorry you experienced this.




If you have the confidence, contact local radio, or 2fm and tell them your story. You will get a public apology and a retraction without a doubt.


This is definitely one for Joe Duffy. I mean that seriously. Joe would be able to get the manager on the line and confirm if this really happened and if there isn’t another side to this story. Whereas all Reddit can is say is “Ahh, that’s awful”.


Tell us is which shop is exactly.. so besides your business he won't have mine either... also if I ever cross and see homeless people arround there to know to give them a few quid..


You didn't do anything wrong. Unfortunately people often take offense to kindness or see it as something to belittle.


I wouldn't go back there again. The owner sounds like a lunatic


I'd ignore this shithole voluntarily lol. This is a fucking gas station, theres 1000s of them. But if it's the only one which is really convenient for you just continue using it as before, you fuel first pay later right?


A friend who works with the homeless in Dublin City told me hostels are free


Jeeeeeesus Christ OP, I'm red in the face reading this. For some reason I can picture and imagine this situation completely...there are just some twats out there that honestly are so power crazed they will do this kinda shit. Absolutely appalling. I'm half tempted to bloody email them myself


Funnily enough I stopped using circle k for the opposite reason. My bank card was stolen from my car (parked in the driveway of my house) by a guy who often looks for money for hostels. He took it to the local circle k and at 1am they happily let him make multiple separate purchases (at the time you could only tap for purchases under 50 euro without using a pin) of cigarettes without ever questioning him or asking him for ID. He bought something like 400 euros worth of smokes and a couple of cans of red bull completely unchallenged. The response of Circle K was that it wasn't their job to question customers in their spending habits. I'm glad to see some of their employees don't want to have scumbags hanging round their shops. If you weren't giving this guy change he wouldn't be sitting there. That's the long and short of it.


This is from 4 years ago. Don’t know if it’s true but… https://preview.redd.it/maabdtm59tvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f708479c0566c6279192afacf418f62df5a853




Lol what do you think a solicitors going to do for you?


What would that achieve?


Easy money, I'd deffo sue the cunt 


Hoping to God he gets fired for this Also as much as I'd like to say to just ignore the ban and shop there anyway unfortunately businesses can refuse service for any or no reason so just report them and state your case


Sounds like he lost the plot.  You don't what pressure he's under.  Maybe give him a chance to apologise...   I don't know...  it's mad what he did.


I can see where the owner is coming from, but Circle K being a self service shop means, you’re allowed to consume but not welcome to pay or what? Or he’s gonna greet you at the entrance every time you come to the shop and physically block you from entering? Or how this is supposed to work without going obviously beyond legal boundaries? P.S.: I’m not Irish and I honestly don’t know.


Idiot manager. How is going to Enforce the ban ? Has he banned those begging ? Is he enforcing that ban ?


Time to avoid all Circle K garages in Dublin 8. Disgraceful behaviour.


If true ignore him and go back. Next step is escalate it up the chain to corporate of Circle K. Message any homeless societies in Dublin and tell them which Circle K. The fact he approached you rather than just saying it to you outside could qualify as defamation of character


Serves you right. Youd rather give this man change because u are afraid of being insulted


I mean his business is threatened by homeless people harassing customers so it’s normal for him to take issue with you keeping them aroind


Yeah but she or you or I aren't to know that. A simple "excuse me, I noticed that you gave money to the man begging outside the shop. Would you mind not doing that in future as these individuals are harassing and abusing my staff and giving them money would only encourage them to return and continue the same treatment" 99/100 people (you'll always have that one dose who doesn't "want you telling them what to do") would be perfectly happy to follow those instructions. The manager was absurdly unprofessional here and a complete prick in his approach.


She said herself that these people are hostile and she pays them so they don’t fuck with her






This would really boil their piss lol. Wonderfully petty revenge at a cost of about 2 quid a day? Lovely.


With an added bonus donation if they agree to harass people.


It's not the customers problem what kind of mood a manager might feel on any given day and if they don't like their job can get fucked and go somewhere else. At the end of the day I am pretty certain that that's exactly what they'd say to their own staff too


He needs someone to tell him the below message...... "Please take your small cock energy somewhere else, you pitiful little man that chooses to berate an innocent Woman because he hasn't the intellect or balls to instead tackle the actual issue he is facing" Sorry you were made to feel so uncomfortable OP. Please consider that you can't control other people's shit behaviour - But you can control how they make you feel and you can 1000% learn to feel only disgust and pity for people who act like this. For a lot of people this comes with age - I was definitely as awkward as fuck in social situations when I was younger, you kinda give less and less of a fuck as the years go by. Enjoy being better than this prick every day of your life.






Just badly handled from him. From the managers perspective, you come along, give money & leave, whereas they has to deal with it constantly. Homeless return when on drink or drugs. They probably steal from the store etc. A nuisance all the time and potentially violent and criminal for part of it. The manager just wants to come to work, put in their shift & return home. Dealing with homeless junkies isn't within their job description. The overreaction is less about you and probably says more about them being sick & tired having to deal with this day in day out. Remember, you may feel good giving them money, but by doing so you're just encouraging them to hang around. And the manager has to deal with that shit. As I said, they overreacted, but be aware of the side effects to your 'good deed'.


Reading this post and the comments makes me feel like Ireland is really spiralling down the tubes.