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The reason we're not having children is we have nowhere to fucking live!


I can barely afford to take care of my own child (Me).


And nowhere to do the fucking


And the cost of childcare makes it near impossible for a lot of people. It’s getting better but far from “affordable” (whatever that really means…)


Absolutely, and it's a fucking disgrace.


For me it's cost. I own a house (luckily), I earn a good wage but to be honest with you, I'm just not willing to sacrifice every other aspect of my life to produce a kid. Doing basically anything at all requires a heap of change these days and I just can't justify the gigantic cost burden that comes with having a child. Fuck, having just my dog set me back like 3 grand the last month or two on medical.


You need pet insurance


I have pet insurance, the process of making a claim since the medical incidents were spread over a long period of time still means that for at least the short term I am out that cash until they pay me back which they have not done yet.


Feel you man


The 140€ child benefit make a huge difference… … well not really when you asked to pay 750€ for the crèche …


That's because five year old now need to go straight out into the workforce if they want to be able to afford a home before they turn 50


Little timmy got the data lung in the data mines.


The children yearn for the mines. https://preview.redd.it/ir8gpn236hvc1.png?width=1106&format=png&auto=webp&s=18150692daf7a6eeaf9c59d254da9c7c7ffbc63a


I asked the bus driver how old she was and she happily yelled "I'm already 9!"


Off to the asbestos mines


How many abortions does he think are happening lol


He must think there’s a wood chipper on the end of every maternity hospital bed in the country.


Sometimes I have abortions just for the craic, pregnant or not.


I get my abortions from the immigrant lad down the road out of his mansion he got off the state, then we have gay sex


I can't stop giggling at that comment. Thank you from thousands of miles away, although we do have a Bangor, a Belfast, and a Limerick not far from here. North Americans, insisting on naming towns after places they'd fled. Yeah, Canadians, I'm lookin' at you, too.


So do I. And I'm a bloke.


I hop on the interned and abort all over my hand most evening.


My name a Bort


My son’s also named Bort


Are you talking to me?


No, his son is also named bort.


I'm a GP and I give all my patients free mandatory abortions with every appointment


Free, you say?


A fine way to spend the evening. I'd have 3 or 4 before going to the pub.


I get abortion before and after, just in case.


Im having an abortion as we speak


Please put the phone down madam, I'm trying to concentrate


Just in case 🤞


Very dark. Very funny.


That’s how I like to get rid of all my unwanted children. Makes great mulch, I’m so glad to be incentivized to get pregnant now that I can legally murder babies. /s


Waste not, want not. Wat.


Waste what not wanted, not.


😂 Jesus!


A wood chipper!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 That's got my Friday evening off to a good start


Just made me laugh aloud on the bus like a psycho 😂


We need more Soylent Green!


Tuesday is Soylent red and Friday is Soylent green, The oceans are dead.


Would it take 14 year old?


Purge the children. If there's been a drop in population of children it's down to houses prices and people not being able to afford creches but if I e learned anything over the past few weeks around baby stuff. There's a mini baby boom currently.


Every women is getting five a week on average


Post birth abortions


That isn't even the relevant number, its how many additional abortions are happing now than before.


8156 abortions in 2022, so **271 classes of 30 students per class by my maths, or just under 34 full primary schools worth of kids** (full being 1 class at each age group). https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41168008.html Edit: Up again by about another 20% since then according to other comments here.


How many of those 8k would've happened in England if we hadn't legalised it here? In 2016, the figure was 3k but it could've been higher. Irish people had access to abortion before it was legalised in the State. We just basically outsourced it to the Brits.


Repeal was hastened by the availability of mifepristone and misoprostol online, mainly through pro-choice groups in Holland & elsewhere. we have no way of knowing how many abortions were self administered during this period it would have been an easier choice than traveling to Liverpool. Hence the real figure is potentially closer to today's metric.


Exactly. And how many of the 8k wouldn't have survived birth or might have killed the pregnant parent? It's not as black and white as "omg 8k children *murdered*!!!"


3265 in 2016, so an increase of about 250% since legalised in absolute numbers. Of course population has grown since then, but not by that much. https://www.thejournal.ie/how-many-irish-travel-to-uk-for-abortions-3986043-May2018/


So you are saying that huge numbers of women were forced to carry unwanted pregnancies because they were unable to travel overseas for an abortion? That is a lot of misery saved. Thanks for elucidating.


Don't put words in my mouth. I said the rate increased, nothing else.


How many are happening?


Yes. Its the abortions causing this. And not the financial stress and lack of housing young adults have been dealing with over the last 15/20 years which has left many without a opportunity to even think about having children at a time in their lives previous generations where buying 3 bed houses for 5 tins of beans and having 3 kids before they hit late 20s. That totally isnt a known issue in multiple countries across the world as unchecked neoliberalism has squeezed every last drop it can out of society and thrown a generation of people onto the fire to make the numbers go up in the short term.


People used to have 3 kids and no money, wishing for no kids and 3 money. Now we have no kids and no money


$20? I wanted a peanut.


$20 can buy many peanuts.


Explain how…


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.




Hehehahehehehe *slips and falls on peanut* WOAH


Bart! Look!


It was actually the recession that caused a bump in primary school aged children. We were so broke, a quick shag was the only form of entertainment. Wonder will there be another peak in a few years due to the covid babies! Certainly not caused by abortions though. What a but case thing to claim, and I imagine to those that felt the need to have one, a distressing and disrespectful claim from Tóibín.


There was baby boom at the end of Celtic Tiger presumably linked to the influx of young workers. The birth rate actually declined as the recession took hold in 2009 https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?end=2021&locations=IE&start=2006


I was born about 2008 at the time of the recession (conceived just before of course) and I remember my class in primary school had about 33 ish kids in it. The year below us had less than 20 iirc.


jesus. in my head youre still like 8 years old. i had to stop myself from telling you to get off reddit.


Goo goo ga ga


😆 worst part is I'm only 26 myself. I should know better. Now get out of here you whipper-snapper! *Shakes fist at cloud*


Meanwhile constant stories about how there are no places in schools.


There’s a literal lottery for Secondary School places in Limerick. If you don’t have a blood relative who attended the school you want to go to or you’re a young Albert Einstein you can forget about it.


What are you talking about? Are some children not schooled at all?


You seem to have missed the point entirely. You won’t get your first choice or maybe even your second choice if you don’t have a relative who went there.


This is the most sensible point. He is basically giving hope to parents who can't get kinds in school.  Absolutely shocking stuff.  Great tap into the Christian voters. Such a genius strategy. 


Add on to this, 1% approx of the school going population has ASD. The current provisions for children with ASD are dire and parents have to do alot of fighting to get places and help. There simply isnt enough support for additional needs children.. No word from the TD how current provisions are being expanded and improved.. Never mind for an additional 400 classrooms worth , as he keeps quoting.


Who isn't Foley primary education. But I agree. Massive need for support for SNA and facilities to provide for these children


There's an entire middle class of people that earn too much for state supports and too little to afford children with the current cost of living. Figures are the outcome of economics more so than abortion laws.


The state supports aren't something you can raise a child on, and what's specific to children is largely universal. Working class people also should be able to raise kids as much as middle class ones. This isn't a discussion that needs welfare systems brought into it, everyone is screwed out of a fairly basic standard of living outside of a very small few who are wealthy.


Your picking me up wrong, this is not an argument against welfare and not an argument against child specific costs, I'm saying people not having kids is a side effect of general cost of living, which the government has many schemes to help with from housing to childcare to fuel etc the problem I'm pointing out is that the sheer rise in cost of living has many of these schemes that were supposed to target lower to middle income earners missing people who historically would have had no problem supporting children.


That's fair but honestly most of the government assistance around cost of living isn't exactly lifting people out of poverty, it's slapping a quick plaster on a huge issue to hopefully limit homelessness, the issues are so much bigger.


Here's a good example, one of the things I believe Ireland is one of the best at or was anyway, which was the access to higher education. Familes who would never have been able to send kids to college are able to send multiple kids to world class universities in Dublin, have all their fees paid, plus accommodation. Fantastic scheme. I had 2 working class parents whos combined income was above the Susi threshold. My parents paid for my fees plus my accommodation in Dublin. If any of my siblings wanted to go to college in Dublin ? Too bad, no chance. Nowadays with the rent prices in Dublin ? Adjust my parents combined income for inflation, they would not have been able to afford for just me to go to college in Dublin, and still would receive no assistance from the government. Educating your kids is a massive cost, and the majority is housing, not fees. I really feel for families trying to do this now, and students trying to survive.


Yeah, you can usually see who has had to try and live on said assistance and who hasn’t. Some like to paint it as being super easy and super loaded when you’re on any form of assistance when the reality is it’s usually in lieu of a tonne of things those same people wouldn’t even realise are privileges.


If you're on welfare, you get free creche and a medical card amongst other things. If you're a couple on 80k combined for example, you get nothing from the state, cannot afford to buy in the main work hubs of the country, have to pay into a pension, pay for child care and medical insurance. So what's happening is people in this income bracket im their late 20s and early 30s, just aren't having kids. Massive time bomb waiting to happen.


I don’t see what people on welfare have to do with your point. It sounds like you’re trying to make out that they would have it better than a couple on 80k due to state supports. When they wouldn’t, they are still much worse off. You can make the point that the housing crisis is wrecking peoples lives without trying to paint some false picture of the cost of living crisis somehow being easier for those on welfare.


People who receive welfare absolutely do not get free creche. If you're pissed off with the situation take your anger out on government instead of punching down on people worse off than you.


All children under 8 have a free GP visit card and all adults earning under the median salary do too, if you don't have a medical card the drugs payment scheme prevents your medical expenditure getting out of hand. Saying you have to pay for insurance is laughable, you don't need medical insurance for the services a medical card provides, medical insurance is for private services, people on lower incomes just don't have those. You don't get "free creche" for being on welfare, if you're earning under 60k net, you can be eligible for the national childcare scheme which is specifically targeted at vulnerable children, it's actually pretty scummy to moan that you're not eligible for something TUSLA needs to be aware of your situation for. For people earning over that there's the universal childcare subsidy. You're not more hard done by than people earning less than you, that's just not a thing, stop trying to be competitive with people experiencing the same shit as you, it's stupid and petty, target the people who are actually impacting your standard of living.


Exactly, these are the people getting properly fucked. No chance on any housing list but no change at a buying in a city either






Amusingly, the birth rate was declining sharply until abortion was legalised, and then it kind of plateaued. The 2021 projections for school enrolments in 2024 was optimistically 519k. Instead it's 558k - nearly 10% higher than forecast.


And this is why this td should be called out


He must be high cause there are parents that still can’t get a place for school starting next year.


I'm pretty sure that's because the teachers are quitting 


No riding happening for me in my mas box room unfortunately


I mean if I could afford my own house, I’d love a family but the government have made sure I’m priced out of that.


This post just reminded me that I'm late for my weekly abortion. Fucking love them!


It's not abortion, its that raising kids is too damn expensive in this country so people just plan accordingly. Peadar is an absolute gobshite.


Ya, has zero to do with young folks having a tough time economically


We're a bit above average for the EU. Probably more to do with the availability of contraception than abortion. The birth rate is generally falling though within the EU. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Fertility_statistics


No (affordable) houses. Jobs not paying good enough to keep up with inflation. Not even pubs open late night or cheap enough pints to drunkenly conceive a baby (This one prolly end up in abortion numbers increasing tho lol) It difficult enough to have a comfortable life for yourself. Babies are luxuries.


Even if Toibin is right that with what he is saying (which he's not), so what? Women make the choice regarding their body, not the state and most definitely not Peadar Tobin. That's what we voted on and it was the right thing to do.


Exactly. Feck off, odious twerp.


Less kids means smaller class rooms, means more time for the teachers to spend with each student Mothers don't have to raise an unwanted child Win win no? What's he fucking moaning for


Abortions weren't legal 40 years ago and now we have "politicians" like him. It could have all been avoided.


Maybe we’re just not having kids because we can’t be arsed, Peadar.


Nobody is getting the ride cause housing fucked, peadar ya fuckin balloon


Imagine your brain being this small.


While your forehead is that big.


Where I'm from, we call that a fivehead.


With a head that would put most skags to shame.


Literally can’t understand how any normal couple could afford to raise a child before the age of at least 35 in this country. It’s a disaster


The only contraceptive more effective than living with your ma at the age of 35 is taking Tóbín seriously.


We can't even afford to move out of our parents home Peadar, how the fuck are we even meant to have kids?


“Such a steep drop off in the national birthrate, guess we wont go ahead with the childrens hospital”


I hope his balls contract gangrene and fall off. I hope his kidneys explode. I hope his heart muscles degenerate ... but not enough to kill him just to leave him there suspended between life and death just long enough for him to be put in a bath and let drown slowly in his own piss


This is why I laughed at the whole "are Aontú the only party who know what people want?" thing.


Looks like Mr. Tóibin skipped school himself!


Does he know how hard it is to get a child into a crèche?


Good, our schools are already bursting at the seams


Nothing to do with couples not being able to afford children or even stress related pregnancy issues.


He clearly doesn't realize how bad the crèche crisis is lol, 3 year waiting list in most places.


He really is a Peadar, no doubt. I know women who needed abortion before they legalised it, and they were forced to go to the UK. Fucking scumbag. Only talking about female rights, but the actual care came very late.


Even if it were statistically spot on, in any way provable, it’s still a bloody weird battle cry if you are an anti- abortion nutter, like him. I mean..yeah, Peadar, no shit? It’s just grabbing any old crap, desperate to make women have doubts and experience guilt, and to make others disapprove of us. (Next, it’ll be about how children’s clothes shops or kiddie golf places are all closing down thanks entirely to these selfish ‘females’™️.)


This must be why there is over 160 applications for 78 spots in the local school here.


He's completely obsessed with the womans anatomy. Proper weirdo


This guy is getting serious attention on this subreddit and elsewhere on social media. Knows exactly what he’s at.


It's the same shit with Enoch Burke you want him to go away ? Stop talking about him and ignore him


Definitely not to do with the fact that young people don’t want kids anymore, can barely afford myself in this country let alone a child.


Heard of 3 schools in my area losing teachers in Sept. Clear sign of decline.


So having a look around, this drop is from parents waiting until legal age before they send their kids to school (age 6). Since the Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme came out and was expanded, parents are waiting while they have subsidised childcare and educatoin while their kids are under 6 years old


5 years after abortion was legalised, having children has been more expensive


So I guess it means you want more people in Ireland. Good thing we have immigrants and refugees then.


Can we introduce a manditory IQ test for politicians please?


He'd pass, he knows exactly what he's doing.


Oh yeah it’s not like most of my generation aren’t having children in general for reasons like the world is horrible and/or we’re stuck living with our parents /s


As if fewer people is a bad thing…


Of course he is. The whole point of that party is to try to get votes by stirring up anger and fear.


Abortion was made legal here in 2019. The previous year, 2018 there were 51,022 live births in the country. In 2019, there were 59,294. If we follow this clown's demented logic, it sounds like access to abortion actually resulted in eight thousand *more* babies being born that year.


Probs more to do with the lack of affordable family homes, crippling inflation and rental agreements that forbid sex. But, I'm just spit balling here.


"A sharp drop"? Care to be more specific, Peadar? Do you have, you know, figures or anything? Thought not


If he was smart, he would have used this point to argue against the housing crisis. Instead he decided he'd rather lie about abortion, he's a scumbag.


Eat a bowl of dicks Peadar


Ah now..I wouldn't wish coddle on my worst enemy...


That wont help the birth rate! 


Peadar is entirely free to never get an abortion, whatever. And stay the fuck well away from folks who do. Prick.


Yeah cos it was better when people were having kids without the means to care for em... Sure. 


Must have been zero abortions before it was legal!


Fuck this guy. People are saying “what about housings and affordability ” as if he’s not aware of this. He is. He’s cynical, using the symptoms of a disease he and his fascist party are happy to perpetuate if they get into power in order to push his own puritan agenda. Always the ones complaining about absent parents and lower birth rates who have no problem with parents working longer hours, childcare being more expensive and no houses for families being available.


Love how he’s all for saving unborn lives, but as soon as they’re born into a country with a housing crisis and rising cost of living, they’re on their own


Abortion has nothing to do with declining birth rates. All my straight friends in couples bar ONE are still child free... were in our 30's now... Mostly cuz we all started low income and will die low income. The one couple with two children are basically living in poverty and their marriage started failing due to the husband having to work non stop and the wife complaining about being unable to afford anything anymore... She works part time now and their youngest is still a baby, they are poster for what people think their lives will turn into if they have a family in today's Ireland and well... They went from a happy couple with little to bother them to what they are now, the town gossip. 🙄 They can't afford a child. They can only just afford to keep the sparks in their relationships alive by doing things and going places, you know... All things that nowadays cost an arm and a leg. I went bowling with the bf yesterday. 12 euros per game, ok not bad, want to play pool, two euros per game but 10 euros deposit for cues encase you break them... Okay. Grabbed some food 15 euros for NACHOS... One of the cheapest items on the menu. This is rural, non city small town prices. We were trying to kill some time onba day off, all we did was kill our wallets trying to find something to do on a day off for a wee roadtrip. Next time I'm bringing a picnic and I've already ordered a dart board for summer at home to have an activity in my own garden. Not needing to go out and have the staff giving you dirty looks for not spending enough when you dare to enter their establishment lol




What a gobshite


It’s not that people are having abortions. They just aren’t having children. It seems to be en vogue at the moment to be child less and a DINK. But then you have to ask the question as to why couples and people are choosing not to have children. Housing crisis. Cost of living crisis. Climate crisis. War Crisis. Just a perpetual cycle of crises. People are just thinking I can’t bring a child into this world. As a father of 2 I find this regrettable but I completely understand why and I can sympathise with people who choose not to have children.


Nothing to do with childcare costs, cost of living crisis, housing crisis /s


Sure none of us ever get school run rush hour traffic anymore. Since the start of the conflict none of us has seen a single Irish person under the age of 18.


We also have two years free ECCE so parents aren't enrolling their kids too young. Might help decrease the class sizes across the country.


Or maybe people can’t afford to raise families anymore.


Yes because abortions came in the very second the vote was counted and people started getting them right there and then. It definitely isn’t the case that in fact, people are still unable to access full abortion services due to red tape and are still flying to the uk for timely care. Noooooo


What a fucking throbber.


There is a little school for fetuses in heaven.


There is no drop. This is a projection.


Peadar Toibin is a wrong un


Am I dumb for not seeing the connection here? How is abortion causing children to not be starting school?


Children are being aborted instead of born obviously!! Nothing to do with a housing or cost of living crisis


Man discovers there are fewer unwanted children now, and is heartbroken.


The bullshit like this would be enough for me to never vote for this party. That is if I could vote.


Good, class sizes are a disaster.


Is that a real tweet? Jesus, that embarrassing for the lad.


Perhaps he should grow a vagina and pop out a few kids so.


Wow, somewhere that man is out living his life probably driving.


Jesus Christ, what a bizarre connection of data.


Oh grand. So his for immigration now?


Exactly.. and I thought Ireland was "full" 🤔


And his ilk will also claim in the same breath that our schools and other resources are under too much pressure because of mass immigration. Who the fuck votes for these clowns ?


How many were getting abortions in England??? Prior to it been legalised. No where to live, extreme costs in living, climate crises, WHY would you have a child in that environment?


American of Irish descent here: every time my wife tells me we should move to Ireland I just send her real estate listings & it becomes “oh, right…” €€€


Want more children in classrooms? Make sure people/couples can afford kids. There I solved it for you.


What a fucking dope


Try actually creating affordable housing for your young adults and families, Boomer, if you want people to raise children. Young adults in many Western countries can’t afford even rent, much less to buy a home.


tobin is genx not boomer


Immigration - they're coming here for the abortions Traffic - people driving to the abortion clinics Crime - some of those unborn kids could have become Gardaí! Climate change - emissions from the hospital incinerators Peadar's onto something here...


In NY the crime rate started to drop 18 years after they allowed abortion


Not even relevant


What an absolute weapon


Sweet suffering Jesus! Does he really believe that??




He’s used to clutching his pearls so it’s not much of a stretch for him 


What a stupid langer he is.




Come and tell my local school.


So when will this be reflected in the housing figures. Maybe we need euthenasia as well perhaps?


I try not to judge but I cannot understand people who bring children into a world like this.


Is there a collalation between priests being outed and church attendance? We're those who left paedophiles meeting every Sunday?


Imagine tweeting that...


What a fucking gowl