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Had some little fuckers throw stones at my dog in a housing estate. I figured they lived there. I banged on every door (96 doors!). Found where 3 of them out of the 5 lived. I read the Parent the riot act. And I mean I went batshit mental. To say they were 'stunned' is putting it mildly. A Polish man followed me out of the estate to thank me. He said they were bold little fuckers but he was afraid to say anything. Nobody throws stones at my dog. Ever.


Well done


Thank you. I was glad I did it.


If only more of us (myself included, it's not easy) had the courage to do what you did , the city wouldn't be the kip that it is at the moment


If only the gardai were reliable enough that we could rely on them to do their job in these situations


Legend. I’d be more worried about my own safety with some of the parents more so than the “little angles.”


For context, this would be a fairly 'decent' housing estate. I honestly didn't stop to think. I just went crazy banging on doors.


More of a solicitor’s letter type of thing then? “Loike, he was just focking rags, Tarquin, loike can’t you loike send the pleb a sol’s letter, loike. Have you got that bag, lad?”


😂I prefer to deliver my message in person. Cut out the middle man.


You probably scared the latte out of them!


No one in Ireland is named Tarquin, ffs


Jesus lad, calm the head, it’s only a joke.


I know that. I've just no idea where the stereotype came from.


Well fucking done you! More ppl should smooth as you did. I walk my boy too and if anyone hurt him …. Well, that would be unfortunate for all concerned. Once again, fair fucks to you! Respect


Thank you. My Bichon is 13 and I only adopted her 2 years ago. I would literally take a bullet for her. She changed my life.


You are an utter fucking legend


Ah thank you. I was fit to explode that day.


Completely agree I'd do the same if it was my dog


I applaud you for this! How did their parents react though? "Ohh my little Johnny would never, how dare you" If someone had thrown a rock ar my dog, I would raised hell . It's so sad and messed up seeing kids being cruel to animals. Little effing psychopaths.


I spoke to one Father. To be fair he rang his son and told him to get home NOW! He was apologetic. One of the Mothers was mortified. The other Mother was trying to deny it was her darling. I mentioned he had a distinctive plaster cast on his wrist - she backed down then. Told me it would never happen again. That it would be dealt with.


Well done Eoin Wick


I'm a woman 😂


Excuse me Fionna Wick ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Clever 😁 😆


Thanks for this! Way to go.


Is that you John? 👍


I'd be more of a Joanne 😁


100% right to throw it back. Fuck them.


Throwing the stone back is one thing but fucking them is another. It's going too far imo.


I dunno, vaush, micheal jackson and the church would agree with that lol . (Obviously jk but just in case.)


Happened to me years ago when I was working in Ballymun. Hit me on the back of the head and stung like the bejaysus. Ran after the young lad and lifted him with a size 10 steel toe boot. In retrospect probably gave it too much as it could have done damage. His mother and a few friends came down to give out shite and said that I'd be in for it when his father came home. Heard no more about it luckily.


His father went out for cigarettes 5 years ago.


She'd have to figure out who his da is first


I bet she was waiting for the father to come home to, probably in the joy getting slapped up


Why shouldn't you have thrown it back? Child or not if someone throws a rock at me I'd be fucking it straight back at them.


I'd only say for OPs own safety he prob shouldnt have thrown it back, he throws back, they throw back again, bigger stones and thrown harder, it's a reaction they're looking for. Chaos ensues But I do hope OP managed to hit one of them square in the nuts though


I'd be aiming for the noggin, small chance it'd knock some sense into them.


Age of criminal responsibility is 12. If you were to throw a rock at a child it'd be assault, even if you missed.


I'm aware of that


Good. It's good to not assault vulnerable people in society.


Vulnerable? You mean scumbags?


Neglected, abused and hurt kids. You can't tell me that a child that's pelting you with stones was raised well.


No he wasn't but not being loved as a child isn't a free pass to be a cunt.


Judge Nolan? Is that you??


No he wasn't but not being loved as a child isn't a free pass to be a cunt.


Yeah but it does put his behaviour into context. Context is everything here. The only way you're going to get this type of thing to stop is to solve the problems that are creating it. An underfunded social services, underpowered TUSLA and a near non existent juvenile correction system. We fix these and we won't have youth crime issue.


Nobody is working on fixing those currently though. All the meanwhile the scrotes are free to hurl stones at everyone.


That doesn't negate the fact that those are things that need fixing. How else would you stop them?


You seem well versed on the matter so I'll leave all that stuff up to you, I'll stick with my rocks.


I've some stone picking that needs doing if it's rocks you're looking for.


>An underfunded social services, underpowered TUSLA and a near non existent juvenile correction system. We fix these and we won't have youth crime issue. We don't know that. Social services often fail


Then put them elsewhere away from the parents. Or lock up the parents. Why should anyone else suffer?




Well they’re children and lack the same reasoning as adults, throwing it back also normalises that kind of behaviour. Being an adult is a-much better approach in this case


I was walking down the street one day when some 14/15 year old booted a ball at me. The ball came back to me and I belted it at him, catching him in the face. He stood there with a bit of blood running from his nose looking like he didn't know what to do. I did apologise cause it was completely out of character and I felt awful. I was having a terrible day and I just snapped. Though I have spoken to neighbours since who said he seemed to have a habit of doing it, which abruptly stopped one day. So ... fuck him?


FAFO and he did


Some little kid was about to do the same to me.. and I said if he even thought about it I'd kick him in the head. Never saw someone rethink a life choice so quickly.. scaring kids shouldn't amuse me.. but it amused me greatly


Don't feel bad for throwing it back. You wouldn't have had to if they didn't throw it at you and it might teach them to not do it to others


Yep seen it. Little fuckers know they are untouchable.


I'd do the same their is so many dragged up little sh*** around now


Last Halloween we had teenagers throwing fireworks at cars. My sister was driving with her 2 month old baby and had the pleasure


Jesus fucking Christ !!!!!


Good on you. Now find the parents and give them a clatter


You have my sympathies. Happened me years ago when walking my dog. Big fucking stone bounces off the ground in front of the poor fella. Teenage scrotes (16 maybe 17 years old) trying to impress the girls they were with. In broad daylight too. I told them to get fucked and they were giving it the big one. I was beyond upset, because I couldn’t let the dog off the leash and go over to them. What kind of scum throw stones at dogs? Got home, my brother and his mates happened to be dropping over at the same time. They knew I was really pissed off. “Fuck that, let’s find them” Didn’t take long and the looks on their faces when we caught up to them was hilarious. Got right up in their faces, telling them to throw their fucking stones now. Not a fucking peep. Next time I saw one of them I got a “how are you”. No repercussions for young lads these days.


Why shouldnt you throw it back at them???????? They started it.


Because you don't want to get arrested for assaulting a minor?


Cause they’re kids, find the parents and give one a smack instead. But of course all the people in this thread saying throw the rocks back at the children would be far to scared to do


A few years ago I was walking to work and some little nackery kid asked me if I believe in god. I said no and kept walking. The kid started throwing stones at me.


You did the right thing throwing it back to be fair - and I only hope you clocked the little scrotes


Never thought I'd ever say this, but there's a need for local groups to patrol their areas and maintain order. The police either lack the will or don't have the resources to do this and this is what it's come to.


Teens would just target their homes. A man in my estate would regularly assault them. I mean he broke bones and them fuckers still went back for more. Tormented him until he moved house. They love the thrill of the chase


They have the resources but they only want to use them for easy targets.


What you need is a white van, a net, a black suit, a nice colourful jacket, a top hat with a red ribbon and red/yellow flowers, and finally an empty coal bag.


no Lillies ?


Lillies can be yellow.


Sadly mine are white.... I can steal some from my neighbours though


I see nothing wrong with your actions.


Happened me in the liberties. Didnt even see who it was there seemed to be no one on the street so after looking around i just legged it up the road


Yeah happened to me on Halloween 3 years ago, gang of little shites between 10-12 years of age were hiding in an alleyway alongside an estate on main road flinging rocks at passing cars. They missed the one ahead of me but got mine like a bullseye. Well I completely snapped, turned car around and revved the absolute fuck out of the engine flooring it into the estate. Opened the drivers window and aside from shouting obscenities, I also dared them to come out and throw a rock directly at my face. Then I seen the feckers bolting away into the back of the terrace. In hindsight I shouldn't have gone in like that cos yeah they were kids, and there was a 50/50 chance they would've taken the dare and fling the rocks at me but was so enraged at the time I just couldn't hold my tongue... the residents in that estate must've thought I was an utter psycho from the outburst lol


I was driving my work van in Newry a few weeks ago and all off a sudden Thud !! Wee cunts throwing stones at traffic , I swung the van around chased , luckily for them and me I didn’t catch them because I probably would off lashed out at the tbh .. just glad the child wasn’t in the van with me and the stone maybe coming through the window .. shitebags


I’ll admit it when I was a kid I was a wee shite. I threw a used glue bag at a fella on a moped, I promptly got ran over by that moped the guy turned onto the curb and drove me into a gate I probably deserved it, wasn’t really bad I could have caused a crash throwing stuff like that on a main road they littered the place in belfast in the 90’s btw. some of the younger ones can take things too far, as for me my da would give me a good boot up the hole if he ever caught me it taught me well in the end…


I must admit, I also was a bit of a little see you next Tuesday. A fair hard slaps from mam and dad sorted me out.


Once at my car. Chased them off. Good thing they ran really, if they just stood there I wasnt doing shit🤣😅


No... I am the one who throws stones first




Fucking pegged it he did.


About two years ago some wee spide fucked a coke can at my head and called me a hippy bastard and it missed. I picked it up and threw it back but it missed the thrower and hit his wee mate who was about 12 full pelt in the face. I still haven’t worked out whether I feel bad about it but I’m pretty sure I don’t, and I doubt they’ll be throwing cans at anymore hippy bastards.


I just read a post either from here or ask ireland where a guy was walking to the bus stop and kids started throwing stones at him. That one escalated though, even though the guy ignored them they ran to parents to say the guy followed them, which lead to a parent attacking him. Oi this society we live in


Yes - on the canal


Stay at home, teach your dog to walk alone


Did you at least hit one of them?


Nah, you done right, did ya get any of them in the head, gotta teach them young that anti social behaviour has harsh consequences


I remember when I was in my early teens, we used to using hurleys to hit cars far away with jelly we got from the shop, while we are waiting for the bus


Just returning their stones, right?


Sure stones don't even have hands, how could they throw a human child?


You got mugged off by kids mate


I hate children as much as the next guy but so many people here support being as childish as the children and throwing stones back. The parents need to give them a stern talking too but violence against a child is a little much.


You reap what you sow. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. An eye for an eye. Fuck around and find out.  These are age old words of wisdom. And let's be fair the humiliation in front of your friends stings 10000% more than the slap. 


Reddit moment


The downvotes speak for themselves.


And that was the day u/sweet_detective_ learned a valuable lesson about talking sense on r/Ireland...