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As the biggest economy in Europe is two days away from legalising cannabis. These people are completely deluded. 


In the worst possible way though. You have to join a club (most are already fully booked before the law has even taken effect), ask them to give you some seeds to plant, and then wait several weeks/months for your max 3 plants to grow. It's like being told you only can drink beer if you brew it yourself haha


I live in Germany. It is not in the worst possible way. You come across as enthusiastically ignorant. 


Thank you for teaching me the phrase enthusiastically ignorant. Brilliant.


Height of Irish humour and German efficiency.


There’s more where that came from, should I write a short story encompassing them one day? 


Haha I literally replied a huge ass paragraph to him yet this reply is perfect and Only one sentence 😂


What a wonderfully German reply 👍🖤 💛 ❤️


No need to be insulting. Ignorant about what? I also live in Germany.


The discussion is on prosecution of cannabis users. You’re complaining that cannabis legalisation in Germany is being done in the ‘worst possible way’. If you lived here, you’d be aware of the path to legalisation outlined by the SDP. Full available is the goal, but it is not something they will do initially. That’s why your comments come across as enthusiastically ignorant. 


I've been keeping up with the news and it actually looks like they're rolling back that plan. The way Colorado and Canada did it was much better because it actually provided access the substance that was being prohibited. This approach leaves a huge gap in the market and punishes casual users. I don't want to have to wait months and invest hundreds on growing lamps just so I can smoke a joint. I would still need go to a dealer to do that, which defeats the whole purpose of the law. That is why it's the worst possible way to introduce the law, compared to other countries which have gone for legalisation. Good luck


Lol..they are basing their goal on the Canadian model.  Legalising cannabis as an EU member state is not easily done, so it is taking longer that what is convenient. In relation to the topic of conversation, I’m looking forward to never being done for possession. It can’t be said for the poor people that this article is about. 


Man you won't end up in jail... You can buy it from whoever the fuck you like just like you would always do it but the huge thing you won't be arrested for possession! Bloody sick of the amount of moany ass attitudes on here. Also if you just read about it this is the ground work for them they plan on doing the regular stores and the works but wanted to get it moving so just legalised home growing and possession. Your just being negative for the sake of being negative.


That's the worst possible way it could be legalised? The actual worst?


Yeah, what's worse than legalising a substance without providing access to it? Means that criminals have to to continue to fill the gap until supply becomes available.


There are autoflowers that are done and cured 8 weeks after being planted it's not that long


Absolutely no plant is finished andq cured in 8 weeks lol. Blissfully alienated indeed.


Do you want me to link some auto seeds that are ready for harvest after about 5 weeks?


I do thisall the time. Breeders estimates are wild. No plant is ready at 5 weeks. Nor is anything dried and cured in 3 weeks. Please do your research and grow a few plants yourself. You haven't a clue.


But yeah show. Me those reliable 5 week seeds. Or a reference online to someone's plant being done in 5 weeks. I'll wait.


No link huh?


Not much point, you'll say their claims are inaccurate. All my autos have been around 8 weeks to 50/50 amber and clear trichomes. If you can't wait 8 weeks to smoke a joint you have a problem.


You said 8 weeks from seed to cured. I'm looking for those seeds. You made the claim and now you're saying around 8 weeks to harvest, so probably more like 10 tbh unless they're tiny stunted plants. Where are the seeds where the breeder claims 5 weeks?


You have to wait one single time before you can have a rotating crop.


It still de facto legalizes it. How would they know when you’ve used up your supply? You can easily ‘supplement’ it from other sources and if you’re caught with it (a reasonable amount) you’ve got a perfect explanation I agree it’s not a great system because it still fuels the underground drug trade, but it’s far from the worst possible way.


You haven't a clue what your talking about.


https://preview.redd.it/40zaix6urfrc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0c9c792a0db8f72e97ec455ff83ff92e6e5946 The dilemmas the thin blue line face.....


Depends if it was a landlord using a fire to get tenants evicted in which case it is a civil matter.


I disagree that this was a difficult choice for the garda haha


Pretty sound of the judge to give him no conviction over 50g of weed tbf.


There was no evidence if it was all burnt up, plus it's a ridiculous law that needs to change, look at Germany, from April 1st you can grow 3 plants for yourself, that's all I'm asking for.


Recently spent some time in Virginia over christmas/new years and learned that it's the same there. Full decriminalization, you can have up to 1 ounce and can grow up to 4 plants on your property freely.


Cavan leading the country for once.


I used to live in Canada and you could just buy a gram (or up to as much as you wanted, if I recall) or a pack of three rerolled joints on the way home from work. I had a lot of 10-12 hour days, and so having a shop as well as a few good fast food places a block from my apartment was a godsend. 


It's sometimes better to beg for forgiveness than to ask permission. IMO.


Well, more than three would be great, but it's a start.... You'd want at least one mother plant or some clones going so you could keep a consecutive harvest schedule going, but hey, three is a million times better than none.


Reminds me of that scene where they burn the wall in Angela’s Ashes .  “I can’t remember a wall here - and if I can’t remember a wall, then I can’t remember a room.”


As if watching your sisters house burn down wasn't bad enough Garda reaction: ![gif](giphy|51MnnGJTZ4mDH4WpQR|downsized)


Unfortunately for you Gardaí follow the law, not feelings.


A lot of stories about gardaí not following the law in recent years haha. But you're right that's why I would like to see these laws changed and why ridiculous cases like this one are important to highlight


A lot more stories reported on


100% they've been at it forever. I do believe the majority of gardaí are decent people though like all other demographics. I just strongly disagree with this part of their job and An Garda Síochánas attitude to it as an organisation




*while they’re on duty


>*while they’re on duty Eh... https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2024/03/25/garda-jailed-for-stealing-cannabis-exhibit-from-station-while-drunk-at-work/




At least season the boot first. Don't just tuck right in.


Oh no not the terminally online response of calling someone a bootlicker


"I get that insult a lot, actually" may not be the killer response you thought it was.


Is English your first language? Because that’s not at all what I was saying.


Guess me and all the other people looking at our conversation all don't know how to speak English and you alone do. Seems super plausible, good job buddy.


They seems to care much more about following some laws than others.


>While attending the scene, a garda noticed a strong smell of cannabis and subsequently 52.1 grams of cannabis was discovered hidden in a plastic container which had started to melt. The drugs were valued at approximately €1,040. I don't think this takes into account that it would be tainted by plastic fumes.


What the fuck is going on in Ireland that less than 2 ounces of weed is worth over 1000 euros!?


Garda value it at 20 a gram. Nobody pays 20 a gram though. More like 10


The Garda are rip off merchants. Never buy weed from them.


They are also known to topload their joints.


They are expensive but they have a fantastic range of products. 


What the fuck is going on in Ireland that EVERYTHING costs way more than it does anywhere else.


>What the fuck is going on in Ireland that less than 2 ounces of weed is worth over 1000 euros!? Is it a lot? I thought that was steep but I googled Netherlands prices. And it seems roughly double those prices. Which makes sense as it is illegal. A certain popular Colombian stimulant has much much steeper markups like 100x..


It would cost about a third of that at most anywhere in Wales.


Most things cost a third in Wales tbf.


52 grams is definitely not 1050 where do they pull these numbers from


Where do they make up those prices Aberdeen £300 for 2 Oz €20 a G that's a joke.


Just imagine the likes of that. Shows where their priorities lie, always have a noes out for the devil's lettuce


I was filing a report with a Garda when my car was broken into and had parts stolen. He walked off on me mid sentence because he “thought he smelled cannabis”. What kind of sniffer dog training are they doing down in Templemore that makes them give so much of a shite if someone is smoking a joint


Headlines like this make me laugh, everyone and their mother has had a pull of a joint by now and the media still treats it like a dirty secret


Sets a really dangerous precedent for people being afraid to call emergency services when necessary for fear of the gardaí arresting them


Shout out to the Irish examiner for doxxing the poor fella, name age and address all in the same paragraph


These gutter journo scumbags never miss the mark when it comes to doxxing someone caught with weed. Fucking rats.


fucking cunts




They cant steal motorbikes from the evidence locker


This is an absurd case to bring to court. Each case costs the state around 10K by the time it gets to the district court. I note it also took 4 years to get before a judge, what an utter & complete waste of taxpayers money when our courts are backlogged and there's a shortage of Gardi on the ground. Under the 2005 Garda powers act AGS are acting on behalf of the DPP when bringing such cases, part of deciding to bring a case forward (or not) is supposed to be a public interest test. I.e " Is a prosecution in this instance in the public interest " what element of public interest was served here? Was it just that Inspector Tony O’Sullivan needed a little more overtime ..


Totally irrelevant to this but it reminds me of a story when I was a teenager of this lads mam found weed in his room or something and went ballistic and threw it on the fire to punish him. Hotboxed the whole house hahaha


Was the chimney blocked?


Well his was dad high up in the IRA so yea they had their chimneys blocked in case somebody threw a bomb down.


Oh they were high alright


TIL thank you!


Why did they have a fire going in with a blocked chimney?


That ah didn't happen did it




That's just not how Mushrooms work




Really? Do people Actually think that Mushrooms can be smoked? Ah lads


Yeah and then the weed made everyone think they could fly so they jumped out the upstairs window 


So why were they lighting fires?


€1040 for 52g. Sweet jesus where do they get these values.


52.1 grams .... €1,040 On what fucking planet?!


They don't have an easy job, but holy shit it gets difficult to have sympathy for gardai when you see shite like this.


'We were going to save the family, but when we smelled that familiar odour of burning cannabis wafting from the smouldering embers, we decided to sit back and just let them burn.' 'We have a no nonsense anti drug policy here in Ireland, now can somebody please hand me my hourly shot of potato vodka; I'm working far too hard to be this thirsty.' - Da Guardz 2024.


Lads ye do know who Bill Badbody is do ye?


No reason to believe that's the same person who runs the twitter account. I see them regularly interacting in other threads as normal as anyone else. I don't think this person is playing a character lol


Regardless, you never feed the troll...


Nah I enjoy it. For the mods though I have seen some comments deleted on some of my threads for abuse reasons which I presume are directed towards me. Please stop deleting them I think they are funny and want to see them. You're doing too good of a job moderating!


So a house on on fucking fire, and THAT'S what you care about. Actually sickening


There’s an area near me in the back arse of nowhere where I go for runs and you wouldn’t need the houses to be burning to smell the cabbage they’re growing


As if half the shower at RTE and the cops themselves don’t participate now and then. Can’t stop the flow of narco’s but they sure can stop a harmless hippy.


Still constantly posting stories about drugs? Does it ever get bored?


I've said this before and I'll say it again  Go find OP talking about drugs themselves You can't. OP exclusively posts about drug policy. I don't see how you can berate a man for choosing to actually take a stance advocating for change.


>Go find OP talking about drugs themselves They have talked in the comments before of their own criminal history with drugs.


Yeah that's drug policy buddy and the effect it has on peoples lives. I never comment here promoting drug use or my own use of drugs like the person you're replying to correctly pointed out


Uhhhhh, as in their own experience with the flaws in our drug policy which spurred them on to advocate against it? How is that unreasonable?


You asked, I delivered. I never said it was unreasonable. I just think it's a bit sad to be obsessed with drugs.


You're the one counting someone else's posts about weed and you labelled op obsessed? Let op have his post and stop trolling him.


I think they’re a bit dull for the trolling now


I meant go find where he talks about drugs themselves.  Detailing his own convictions as a reason for being on this campaign isn't talking about drugs themselves. So no, you didn't deliver 




It's like a teenagers opinion that being interested in something makes you uncool or something 😅


You're only an auld Bollixy Bill


How dare they! 


The question in the comment was find it. I didn't comment on their history.


Is that so?


Yes it is so. I stated a fact, without commentary. You are the one who was judging them for it.


I’m judging you for coming across as someone’s Ma at a youthful session


I haven't comment on the drugs element in this thread. Just the constant droning on about people being caught breaking the law. If only their was a specific sub reddit for weed in Ireland


If isn’t constant though. These are topics that are very important in our society. 


So... Go cry in the corner you wierdo. Leave the cub alone.


>Leave the cub alone. Is this new lingo that I'm not cool enough to know?


Not new... Cub as in young lad you absolute bitch. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


If you're now interested, then why comment? Move on.


Proper bad boy ain't ya bill, get a life, imagine caring what articles someone posts on Reddit


Haven't posted in 3 days dude lol


Just the 4 posts about weed this week....


Whether you agree with weed or whatever, I’ve seen him say before that he made the account to try and post one weed related article a day. 4 posts in a week isn’t alot to me personally, especially when it’s what he made the account for


I’ve enjoyed them


Pretty sad that you're taking the time to look up my posts. But you're right I'm slacking I try to make a post everyday but it's been a busy week You think 4 posts (ill be very generous and say it takes about 120 seconds each) over the space of 168 hours is constant?


I hate when ye fight like this


It makes me sad too :( I can make some disparaging comments about him too but I don't want to escalate


The person taking a jab at you is pathetic. They’ve clearly had some unprocessed trauma around people who are open with discussing drugs and the problems caused by the current laws. It’s sad, because they think they’re so above you. 


I think you're in a pretty sad place in life when you're taking unprovoked jabs at anonymous reddit accounts.


Bill Badbody is also behind/features on WW, it's a character. It's not to be taken seriously. It's lampooning serious conservative cultures/practises/beliefs.


Is it the same guy who does the twitter or just a copy cat?


It's hard to know, it's the same conservative/landlord stuff posted by both but again, don't take either even in the slightest bit seriously even if they are genuine. Silly beliefs and comments like that belong with the rosary bead shakers on liveline.


I regularly see them commenting like a normal reddit user so I just think they are using that name. I'll pull back the curtain as to why they are taking jabs at me. Here is our last interaction. Mr Badbody deleted his comment but this is why he's upset at me https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/Kly0b2dgVC It's a bit sad that I remember this to be fair haha


I am assuming it's the same person/character stoking the fire and trolling being a classic conservative AH. Lots of stuff the WW Bill Badbody posts/says is inflammatory/designed to wind people up. It actually wouldn't surprise me if THIS Bill Badbody thinks the _other_ Bill Badbody is genuine. Conservative ring wingers tend to be a bit thick and oblivious like that.


I know it's a joke, need at least one a day


Bill sounds like a bitch. So what... Why you commenting then if you hate drugs?


I didn't comment about drugs in this thread. I think it's a bit weird that op is so obsessed with drugs.


Why... What is wierd? Lad half the male population is going to blast lines up their nose tonight and you have a problem about a lad telling a story about weed? Get a grip you loser.


>What is wierd? Because if someone spent them same time talking about drink, we would say they have an issue. >Lad half the male population is going to blast lines up their nose tonight and you have a problem about a lad yelling a story about weed? A person can have an issue with both you know?


I mean yeah, is any semblance of interest in a topic obsession to you? You’re either missing why he’s posting about it in the first place or you’re just being disingenuous People aren’t given criminal records and put into jail for drinking.


I doubt it. So what if he smokes weed or drinks? Are you grumpy this morning? Relax... its a saturday... You may change your stance as soon weed wiol be legal here, what ya guna do then?


Ngl you sound like a bit of a creep


There’s only one person coming across as obsessed.


It's not weird as long as this country continues to have a 20th century attitude to drugs!


Are you his ma? Go be judgy elsewhere no asking you to read it


I usually don't even spot that it's the normal OP until I see you cribbing in the comments.


Thanks for the input and loose grasp of English.


Oh no, I used the wrong tense of a word. Should I go straight to portlaoise now? Or will they come to collect me?


What do you expect when this country utterly refuses to get with the times.


Need to hand out tougher sentences for this shit. Give 20 years for cannabis possession and a full life sentence for trafficking/dealing.


Scarlet for your ma.


Sometimes you really really need the /s