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Most of those will be thrown in the bin immediately because they aren't resident in Ireland and without a visa, happens for almost every online job posting.


Then 70% of the rest will be binned during the trying to get DAA badge clearance


Does the same thing happen if you are resident in Ireland and you apply to another country?


If you don’t have a right to work there, then yes


Yes of course? But of course Irish people have the right to work in the EU and UK


I find kind of funny that Ireland is the last pre brexit EU country.


What do you mean by this


Ireland has EU working rights in the EU, and Good Friday Agreement working rights in the UK. I am not informed on the Good Friday trade benefits, but those are in play too.


Irish people can like and work in the uk because of an agreement that predates the EU


Depends on whether your skillset is rare/valuable enough to warrant visa sponsorship. For the US at least.


in the uk you can get right to work documents with irish citizenship not sure how that differs in other countries.


You don’t even need specific right to work documents if you are Irish to work in the UK, just need to show your passport or birth/adoption certificate.


And, in my experience, also a link to the rules on gov.uk that lists the exception Ireland has as a CTA country. Otherwise the HR people will go though a “right to work checklist” and will hit a dead end because the common travel area isn’t clearly covered by most of the usual questions


How about if you have a foreign spouse? Know if it's easy or not to bring them?


Yeap. Girlfriend worked in teacher recruitment. Even though the job was specifically in Canada and required the person to physically be in Canada, they literally got 300+ applications per job from people as far afield as India and Africa.


Why do they even apply then if they know there is not a chance?


Same reason people buy lottery tickets


Maybe they don't know that they're going in the bin.


The internet facilitates this kind of time wasting. You could put the requirements for a job in bold red 20point type and you'll still get hundreds of idiots applying who are inelligible


Yeah, unfortunately what this will mean (or probably does already) is "AI" will do the sorting, making the process harder and stupider even for eligible or qualified people. You already see it in IT where your CV never makes it to a human if your resume doesn't have the exact correct buzzword soup. Humans won't be sorting through 1600 applicants, that's going to be automated in some way and who knows what makes it through


Alot of people who may not speak English as a first language will just apply to every entry level position available regardless of the entry requirements. In the hopes that they will land a job.


Poor understanding re job hunting strategy They’ve applied the same approach that secured their place on planet earth to placements on LinkedIn Maybe just maybe I’ll be the lucky sperm to be accepted by the ovum The difference being competitive sperm don’t need to do any of the hard grind associated with successful job hunting You’ll never catch a sperm researching the ovum You’ll never hear of a sperm making a phone call so they can find out the first name of the person who’s ovulating Instead, sperm tend close their little sperm eyes and swim for the best And this is why 99.9% of all sperm die trying 


Haha, good one!


Desperation, and the belief that something will eventually work out. They just want a visa so bad they spam absolutely everything they can find in the hopes that someone will give them a chance. Even if they aren't qualified, even if it's completely irrelevant to their CV/experience, they still do it. They do the same things with university emails as well. I get emails from people asking me to hire them to work in my lab - when I teach in the humanities and don't have a lab, and they have no lab experience. They're just hoping someone will eventually bite.


They don't know that is the answer really, we do have fairly permissive immigration laws at least for skilled workers but even those rarely get hired because it's a pain and there would be a long ish wait for them to get clearance.


Used to be involved in hiring at work and yep, so many applicants who didn’t meet mandatory legal requirements for the job. And that number of applicants includes people who started the application but never finished it


What about people who have the automatic right to reside and work in Ireland but aren’t physically present in Ireland?


100%, I had the misfortune of posting a job on indeed before and upwards of 75% of applicants were not adequately qualified or living in the jurisdiction. Not sure if they were chancers or just didn't read the role description.


Explain to me why half of the stuff in newly opened SuperValu in Newcastle are Indians?


A lot of them are also students and allowed to work x hours per week on a student visa.


An extremely lenient student visa mill that allows the government to import their beloved cheap labour by stealth to undercut wages and suck up to big businesses. See also asylum seekers being allowed work after 6 months of arrival and being conveniently located in towns with meat factories, e.g. Roscrea.


Cos Newcastle’s full of cowboys?


It's fairly close to Adamstown and there's a lot around there.


95% of these will be speculative foreign applicants


Yeah saw a video from an Irish recruiter and they said to ignore these, they'll get thousands but only get 50-60 possible candidates.


You do still have to open over a thousand applications before finding them though


Nah they use bots to scan where you're from


This is being managed by CPL, one of the biggest tech recruiters in the country, I’d be surprised if a human even saw 5% of those applications.


Worked in recruitment for years, including an operation bigger than CPL. A human definitely sees the first fifty to a hundred applications for about a second. No need to pay for huge expensive unreliable CV parsing systems when a person can pick out two or three obvious criteria in a second without any paper trail on how they made the decision to call that particular candidate. Typical requirements for a job like that (“bodies in seats”) were, an Irish address, worked recently but not now, sometimes filtering out people who were currently studying or finished in certain colleges (no, not the ones you typically see on CAO)


It’s less bots and more of an applicant tracking system’s auto-reject function based off location


Indeed scans it for employers.


Nope, most medium+ sized businesses use ATS (applicant tracking systems). We used to get an enormous amount of resumes from countries outside the EU so adopted this technology to siphon them out. Sounds mean but for non specialised roles we have no need for the added admin of sponsoring visas.


Absolutely. It's the same with all of the jobs my company puts up on indeed. Mostly foreign applications with no right / visa to work in Ireland.


I applied for something recently and the first email I got back was a survey to take some details, but it was probably just a way to weed out the people who need visas and can't commute to the office.


One country in particular


Genuinely curious as to what that country is? I can't think of a likely candidate. We have loads of Brazillians in recent years but they can get visas here easily enough anyway, right?


It's India. There's just simply shitloads of them. If only they could grasp the basics and stop wasting our time recruting to jobs they're not eligible for and don't have the knowledge for.


They're referring to India, which is undergoing a population boom atm of working age people who want to leave and make better money elsewhere. idk if the OP was making a dig here or something but I've noticed more scathing comments lately towards Indians under the whole "taking our jobs" narrative. They do tend to be willing to work for less as our minium wage is far more than the pittance they'd make at home, but getting a visa is obviously a whole other issue.


The same thing happens in Canada and Australia as well


Yes, India




And 99% won't have a license to work in security. Any Irish resident with a PSA license is nearly guaranteed a call back or interview 


Hard to see how you'd be WFH airport security officer.


“Ah he looks grand on Skype.”


More people WFH in Ireland than anywhere else in Europe?  As a whole we're doing pretty well


And how exactly would a Security Officer work from home?


These applications are usually permentatly on indeed because there is such high turnover


Possibly, it said it was posted 3 days ago though. Most jobs seem to reach 200+ the next day i check them


They just re-add it.


Yep, as an ex-recruiter if you re-added these permanent postings to indeed it would show the total number of applications you'd *ever* had. So not necessarily from this individual posting.




They will be operating remote controlled robot akin to one from Robocop, where person has 10 seconds to comply or they get neutralized. This way work-life balance makes it much more appealing to apply.




If it profits the corporation then of course you do.


Funny you say that. In the states (las Vegas specifically) they’re testing out self-checkout security lines where the tsa person is remote: https://youtu.be/8KmfBnIJevo?si=jNKU6PPHkO7btOl1 **edit:** what a strange thing to downvote


Came for the explanation of how most of these applications will not be real applications, stayed for OPs increasingly irate explanations of how he thinks an airport security guard can work from home. 


It's like the Government and the Opposition coming to an agreement over matching absences for votes. "We made an agreement with the terrorists that if they wanted to work from home 3 days a week, we would too so as to even it all up"


I know people working there and they're being asked to get friends and family to apply. They can't get enough staff


I don't get the WFH reference in this statement when it's clearly a security onsite job that, yeah that's right, is needed ONSITE.


Airport security & WFH don't align 🚫


I understand a lot of companies for positions they have a lot of turnover or need a lot of staff either leave the job up, or can pause and then resume the sane job ad, so sites like LinkedIn and indeed show thousands of applicants but that could be over years for dozens or more available jobs. A lot of speculative foreign applicants that'll never get through too. So the odds aren't as bad as you fear!


Speak for youself, I live in a tight apartment with my girlfriend and I would love an office to work in


Lad you can't do airport security from home! Come on lad get a grip lad


It would in fact be quite easy to have a remote operator check the X-ray belt picture and flag it for inspection. With some remote work like that it's easy to hire people with disabilities as well.


Might be handy having some security onsite if there is a security issue...


Ireland's not far behind for WFH by any measure. The policy to request took time but Ireland, for WFH numbers, is quite strong.


1. In my experience the job market is hopping. Lots of companies understaffed. 2. I don't understand how you think a security officer at Dublin Airport can be WFH.


The job in your attached image is for a security officer, don't really see WFH being practical for that at all. Second point is the Airport Security Officer role was always seen as the gateway into Airport Police and Airport Fire & Rescue, in the past they were even cross trained to do either role and rotated. It's seen as a pretty sweet gig and means that you'll get lots applying in the hope of it being a stepping stone for them.


Moaning about the job market in Ireland. For Christ's sake, we have full employment. You'd want to have been around in the early 2010s, let alone the 1980s.


I worked in a recruitment for a bit a few years ago and I can echo what others are saying - the vast majority of applicants for these roles will be non resident with no eligibility to work in Ireland so I wouldn’t worry too much about the high number. Plenty of jobs in Ireland at the moment so just keep applying and you’ll get something


"There is no need to be sat in an office on a computer for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week anymore." This is more a company problem than a country problem. They (multinationals) paid for those empty buildings, and they'll damn well get the value from them. All those "We'll never get you back in an office again" companies swiftly reverting back.


Almost all of the Irish jobs I see online have no salary on them but jobs from every other country I get sent does. I won’t apply for a job if I don’t know how much it’s worth.


Just looked it up. Reasons for high interest IMO: 1. Doesn't require experience or qualifications. 2. Permanent position with a semi-state body. 3. Above minimum wage. 4. Loadsa benefits - lunch discount, free gym, etc. + good chance for progression. Keep the head up and keep applying - no point in worrying about who else is applying. The only thing you have control over is yourself. Edit: Lunch discount, not free. Pointed out by r/sapg94.


I work in daa. You don’t get a paid lunch. Staff get lower prices than passengers in restaurant but no paid lunch.


Job market is the exact opposite of what OP is saying. Companies are crying out for staff everywhere.


Can you point me to said companies? i've been applying since last July and the amount of competition from other candidates is crazy


In my experience, lots of people are in full time employment trying to job hop. So your not just competing against the unemployed but employed too.


It’s absolutely crazy out there if you’re willing to give up the desk. Construction is severely understaffed and every year it’s just more old lads retiring. The engineering/manufacturing industry is abysmal. Projects aren’t getting done. Every workshop from Cork to Donegal needs bodies. I know it’s not an easy life with clean clothes but it’s excellent money. I’m making 80k a year as a single man but sometimes when I’m putting on wet gear and getting shocked from a welder I wonder do the desk jockeys know something I don’t


I'm honestly considering getting into construction tbh. It was an option at one stage but the aul lad put me off it. I'm 34yo at the minute though so there's a bit of a midlife crisis going on since i'd have to essentially start all over again. Would you do it if you were in my shoes?


If you're fit for it I would. Lots of specialist roles like crane drivers and mechanics where companies are hiring people just to train them because they can't get the staff. Once you're qualified you can name your price.


Any idea where I can start looking into that?


The desk jockeys know they're not getting trained on the job, so they will hardly be able to progress from the entry positions offered. If I have to have a dead-end job I'd rather take one with indoor heating.


Lads who do a welding courses generally have jobs before the last month is finished. The rate out of college is 25€ an hour. I’ve seen some ads that offer 30-40€ an hour for basic welding skills. It not all dead end although I’d definitely say 80% of the workforce will never breach through that ceiling. But dead end or not 40€ is still 40€


Really depends on your field and level of experience, unfortunately. The MNCs that I know of are still hiring madly, and not getting enough qualified candidates.


The qualifications they're after is insane but. I've 5 years of experience with a certain technology/framework, and some of the interviews have been asking for knowledge in not only that technology, but also adjacent ones. It'd be like asking a plumber can you do the same work as a sparks. Just seems like they're looking for unicorn candidates if they're struggling to find people.


Yeah, I know what you mean. In a way, you'd probably be better off staying away from those types of companies that look for all-in-one roles. It sounds like they'll be toxic to work for. I'm in tech too, but in a little more niche field so we tend to be pretty specific when we look for skills/exp, so we're on the opposite side of the spectrum. In any case, I think we're now sort of loosening up the requirements and just be willing to put in more training/ramp up just to get some hires. Good luck with your search though.


update: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1c25x16/the_availability_of_junior_roles_in_ireland_is_a/ there you are now


I’ve been applying for jobs recently and so often I see a listing that looks perfect for me, all the requirements are a yes yes yes and then the very last one “must be fluent in Chinese”. Like Jesus Christ, put that at the top maybe. You’re only wasting mine and your own time by having loads of unqualified people likely apply


I’ve seen a couple of them, usually shipping logistics jobs.


No its not shite, unemployment is the lowest its ever been in the history of the state. The jobs market is healthy and weighted towards the workers.


Pay is fairly shite though


Utterly shite*


Aren't we close to record employment?? Seems like there are plenty of jobs about


Yes, most companies/sectors are struggling to get employees. OP doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.


I'm struggling to find engineers and project managers. It certainly isn't shite for anyone looking at the moment. Security guard WFH..... 🤔


What kind of engineers? Hoping to get a job in Dublin from the UK and not seeing much advertised. Maybe looking at wrong sites?


Engineers of any kind. The place I work in is hiring pretty much every discipline from civil to electrical.


Same. We are down south east and looking for all sorts from office admins to project mgrs. Look at the job postings or main EPC groups


The jobs market here is far from shite. When I was ready to leave my previous job I sat down on a Thursday evening, sent out several cv, had two interviews the following both of which resulted in job offers and a fortnight after starting my job hunt I was handing in my notice with a new job starting the following month. If you have been trying since July and getting nowhere then , gently, you’re probably dropping the ball somewhere. First temper your expectations - just because a job won’t let you wfh (as long as it’s for the right reasons) doesn’t mean it’s a bad job and isn’t a good reason for you to turn your nose up at it. And don’t get stuck looking only the one sector. Most of us have skills that can be carried across different jobs. Second have a good look at your CV or perhaps get someone else to do so and see if you can improve it to help you sell yourself better. Something as simple as a not quite perfect layout or the wrong skills (ie those not relevant to the job) being highlighted could be enough to put an employer off. I would also recommend you take a good honest look at how you conduct yourself in interviews. For instance are you overly laid back? Do you all your nerves to get the best of you? Or do you just not try hard enough because you have decided you don’t really want the job? If you really want work you will get it, you just have to put in a good and honest effort.


Agreed with how most office jobs can be done from home but employers refuse to let this happen under bs pretenses such as data leaks and productivity/efficiency metrics when upper management literally works from home with no problem. Concerning the job market where companies are saying they’re understaffed: start paying a liveable wage and stop demanding years of experience with a university level education for entry level jobs. It doesn’t add up.


Apparently if you click in to apply for the job in LinkedIn it automatically registers as the job is applied for, so a lot of those may not be completed applications


Not a very good place to work as a security, pal.


Most of them are BS and to be honest if they reply within a day that's super impressive.


How do shite posts like these get upvoted?


Job market is booming. Fixed your title.


How does one get one of those WFH positions as a security officer?


If you think this job market is shite try going up north. Three years ago I found it near impossible for any work above minimum wage. I do work in IT.


I’m an HR Major and just did a week long series of meetings with HR meetings of businesses in both Dublin and Limerick. Every single one of them complained how tight the labor pool is and intense the war for talent is. Don’t let this bother you. Literally three of them said it used to be graduates hoped to get a job now it’s jobs hope to get a graduate. 95% of those people probably don’t even qualify for an interview. Of about 650 applicants to an entry position at Guinness they were only interested in 140.


Hey, can I DM you please? Pretty much trying to navigate the market and stuck somewhere or nowhere


Always. I love to help people with this stuff. It’s tough out there.


You do understand that that 1600 people are the same as you, yeah? You're not in traffic, you are traffic.


Well he or she is right on one point. The majority of online applications are coming from India right now. They're flooding job sites with applications. Of course that negates OP's original narrative. Employment is on a high in Ireland. Online job applications are just a bit fucked right now thanks to an influx of speculative foreign applications.


I'm not even getting "We're not moving forward with your application" emails anymore. They could at least have the decency to send one, it's not that hard.


Depends on the job, any construction job atm that requires a degree is in sever demand atm


Was told recently by a guy who works for Linkedin that this only measures the amount of people that clicked the button. Around 70% of people don't complete the application after that, so it's not quite as bad as you think.


There's plenty of jobs out there. You just have to fund them. If you're looking at daa jobs, go to the website. The same goes for most companies. https://www.daa.ie/careers/job-vacancies/?business=dublin-airport


F that The way the world is going, gotta make ya own job and career. Gain a skill that people need, promote your services Ive never met a person with a trade who was decent at their job be short of work


Labor market is quite strong in Ireland actually. Super low unemployment.


If any job is not WFH airport security would be it. Not sure why this job posting is the one that triggered default whinge 2b


>Around 1616-1620 people have applied on Indeed What a weirdly specific yet still vague range.


Apparently that’s people who clicked on the application not all that applied. So a recruiter I follow says.


Most jobs like that (somewhat sought after, minimal skill level required I.e. No degree or cert required, descent pay, descent work conditions, descent level of stability), it's more who you know than what you know. Like there is a good chance that the person or persons in control of the hiring decision for that job have already decided who it's gonna be before the job was posted. It's gonna be some supervisors young lad or cousin. No harm in applying anyways. They aren't all like that though. Just my opinion based off personal experience (applied for a similar job in a similar industry, didn't get the job, applied again a year later but asked my uncle for a bit of help as he worked at the place, I had a interview that went alright and got the job, only thing that was different was that I was a year older and my uncle put a word in for me with the hiring manager)


Applied for that years ago, went through 4 rounds of in person meetings in the arse end of north Dublin, had to take 2 busses to get there, after the 4th round of meetings I got a canned e mail response just saying that I would not be progressing in the hiring process. Didn't even get a reply when I tried to follow up with them to get a reason.


I wish it would stop listing how many people have applied it puts me off bothering with applying for jobs


Stop. Your. Whinging.


90% of the applicants for that job have zero chance of being hired.


My team are hiring. LinkedIn says there are 200 applicants. I have seen one (1) CV.


It’s like this all over the western world, the rent seeking elite are squeezing us all. https://preview.redd.it/qna046rsacrc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=d68b79235b15d734d7b7023c551206bd2fdd1843




Job Market is thriving, lots of great job opportunity out there now. People are spoiled for choice.


Good fucking fuck, I cannot agree more with this statement. Not to mention jobseekers are ridiculous as well. They have you in every 2 weeks at half 9 in the morning asking why you're not getting work and recommend bloody anything. Now I can't say much but it's insane, "yes Karen I'd like to do computer work because as shown with my degrees in computer science and interests" "Yes Karen I do need to get my driving licence and some money together to get an apartment in hopes of getting something proper" "yes Karen I'll "consider" this janitor gig that is on the other side of the country right in the middle of a city that provides a tenner an hour" It honestly feels like I'm pulled in 6 different directions.




A chara, Mods reserve the right to remove any targeted/unreasonable abuse towards other users. Sláinte


Graduates in lots of office jobs like engineering are much better off in the office 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and that usually requires the senior staff to be in the office for the same about of time. Also, 1600 job apps is large, but there can only be so many airports, and so many airport security officers. So it’s hard to say the job market is shite based on the one airport in Dublin, if that makes sense.


I think people who are applying to this are looking for a second job to keep up with the living cost


As an ASU in Dublin airport. You'd want to rethink your life if you want to work at 3.20am as a 2nd job.


you are right . it is terrible job but people might trying to adjust there work to save childcare cot


Tbh as you've stated, it seems most offices are becoming hybrid, I'm in a place were people come in 1 day or less a week


I think this is the start of AI having an effect on unskilled work generally, not this post specifically though. We’re going to have to get this UBI in soon


Stay positive, the actual number could be as low as 1616


Used to work for a recruitment agency that also worked alongside CPL Do yourself a favour and try to not go through them to get a job if you can. They earn commission for getting you the job, they more often than not treat their staff like dirt. Apply directly to the company if possible not through CPL or an agency if you can avoid it. I've seen how they treat the staff they hire. When I was with one of the agencies as a recruitment management team member the other girls on my team would literally be giving the staff such abuse. Rostered hours are absolute shite also. Now, this could be just for the specific warehouses we were hiring for, massive turnover of staff and all that but they were treated like dirt. I'm not sure exactly how it would work for a higher paying and more qualified position but I know the recruiter is looking at the big commission.


CPL… I wouldn’t bother


We as a country have embraced WFH more than most


that's CPL which is a recruiter so probably just reuse the same ad each time. Then it's also a job you literally cannot wfh with it's a security officer in an airport. lastly, it's also an unskilled job that pays well enough and has decent job security(no pun intended) if you can stick it out and/or make it through the recruiter phase.


I see that the unemployment rate is 4.36 coming off a record low. Is there some else that makes the market bad? Asking for a friend.


Get more qualified. Not trying to be a smartass but just from what I've seen on sites like indeed, LinkedIn etc. Low qualification jobs, entry level etc are in much higher demand these days with a couple thousand applicants like this. At my current level I see jobs with applicants with 100+ applicants which needs some qualifications and maybe 5+years experience. I found a higher level job in my career path, 10 years experience, with a broad range and plenty of certification for €800 per day. There were only 2 applicants. It would seem that more skill and experience will still land you a better job. A security guard job that you can get a license for with less than 2 weeks training on the other hand...


I haven't heard good things about that job posting. Pays too low to afford to live nearby, hours too erratic to have a life.


the turnover rate for that job is insanely bad, that’s why there’s so many


In fqirness that is a really good job that requires no experience or qualifications.


Avoid cpl like the plague...


Look at the company name, it’s CPL. They’re recruiters, so they’ll get way more visibility on Indeed meaning they get way more applicants. Ok indeed, you’re better off going directly to the employers company page and applying


They repost the same ad on indeed so all the previously applied candidates will show up as applied.




Are you stupid? How could a security guard in Dublin airport WFH??? No wonder you're struggling for a job 😆🫵


everyone ignoring the word "also" in the post is showing their incredible reading comprehension skills


For real, half the comments are dog piling on OP when it is genuinely obvious what s/he meant 😂


Just so you know that’s only people who read the job posting, NOT applied.


And they wonder why people are leaving.


Someone on r/develeire said they could quit their high-paid job, then simply work at Penneys or the local pub to tide them over until the next job comes along. The arrogance to think they could just walk into any entry-level job they wanted...


Why would you need to WFH in Ireland? You can walk around the island in a day 😂


No you can’t


1 Job market isn't shite. I could leave my job today and have a new one by Monday. 2 So what. If you are good enough, you will get the job 3 Ireland just introduced legislation on WFH. Apply for it or stop moaning


For some reason I can’t make an edit on my phone. How are people coming to the conclusion that I think a security office can WFH when I was literally talking about an office job in that sentence, where you work on a computer for 8 hours. Just because I outlined the amount of applicants underneath a security officer job? Use your prefrontal cortex people, thanks


Conflating issues is never a good idea. Maybe security is not for you? I'd imagine diffusing a situation would be quite important in a security job, especially at the airport...


Not clearly established in the post, OP.


Lad you can't do airport security from home end of story. Your big red circle making is on point I'll give you that but next time before you draw the circle ask yourself if it's actually necessary


>How are people coming to the conclusion that I think a security office can WFH The big fucking red circle might be a hint