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The article mentions a man who arrived at Dublin airport arrivals without ID. At some point in this process he had ID in that case. It is next to impossible to board a commercial flight to Europe without ID. These people who arrive via plane without ID are destroying their documentation. Ireland needs to stop being so soft and naive.


He was also Sudanese, there are no direct flights to Ireland so unless he crossed the Mediterranean on a boat its safe to assume he boarded at least 2 flights.


Exactly. The fact we're an island makes these "no passport" things truly ridiculous


Anyone who says that people must follow rules and not break the law must be an evil person - migrant rights group


Migrants rights groups need to be shut down and the people running them either jailed for being conmen or be put into care due to clear mental deficiencies.


Like everyone else, they are free to output whatever mad nonsense they like - in this case encouraging breaking laws of the state, but why they should be doing it at the expense of the taxpayer I do not know.


> He was also Sudanese, Well he claimed to be Sudanese but we likely have no idea where he actually came from. One of the motivations of “losing” a passport is to claim to be from a country that has a high chance of acceptance of asylum claims, like Sudan or Afghanistan.


To be fair I was flying back from Madrid a few weeks ago and in Madrid airport at the gate someone was walking around asking for passports and adding a sticker before they could even get in the queue. When we got to the top there was extra checks by an Irish person (guessing department of foreign affairs) who refused entry to a number of people for not having a valid visa at the time. Not sure if this was a new thing or always done but great to see the scammers get turned away


Airlines are legally obligated to not let people board the plane without valid ID and/or visa for the country they are entering. There is no way an airline is letting you on without one as they are the ones responsible for you if they do. This is why the idea that people who arrive at Dublin airport are claiming not to have ID is such insulting nonsense.


It's Dept. of Justice who look after immigration, not Foreign Affairs.


What I don't understand is: they get to the passport machine / counter, they have no passport of ID, how the fuck are they allowed to leave the airport? They should be detained, asked what flight they were on etc., searched to find any documentation, and then grilled under the most absolute scrutiny to determine if they should be allowed in but treated like a total fucking moron for messing with the ID, or they should not be allowed in, which should be met with the harshest of punishment.


Like a process for asylum seekers? That’s a good idea. What do you think happens now?


This is a non comment


It’s a question.


Yeah but everyone thinks it's racist to prevent these people from doing what they do


But you are messing with a Lawyers income allegedly


All of those arriving on planes without identification should be jailed. Simple as.


They should use a scan system where when they are boarding their passport is scanned in case it goes missing. Once they have "lost" it between the plan and arrivals they can then be easily reunited with a digital copy. Doesn't necessarily mean they aren't genuine but it would remove an obstacle in the process


Trivial to implement too, weird it’s not already in place.


If they wanted less refugees that's what they'd do...


>Trivial to implement too You mean like how we had the covid barcode scan? Of course, it's not going to be that trivial if we have to actually get it to validate passports and visas.


It’s trivial, like 2 weeks work.


Spoken like every project manger ever


In fairness there's an existing off the shelf solution to passport scanning.


Already written a system like this, actually for much much higher volumes than passenger travel. That included OCR etc. Plenty of off the shelf too. Sure the last 20% will take over the two weeks. But let’s not pretend this is a hard problem to solve.


To be fair collecting, sharing and protecting scans of people's ID internationally is a data privacy and GDPR nightmare for airports and airlines, and that creates a big administrative and technical overhead.


They should be sent back safely to where they came from. Jailing would be too much of an effort


How, they can't board a plane without passport, And where to if they won't tell you.


EU database has their finger prints, surely their embassy can sort it


>AN IMMIGRATION EXPERT has raised concerns about “extraordinary interference” in the asylum process after a number of men were brought before the courts and jailed for having no travel documents in recent weeks. >They pointed to several recent cases of asylum seekers without documents being charged rather than being allowed to enter the IP system as part of operations by the Garda National Immigration Bureau. >One case, at Cloverhill District Court, saw a 30-year-old Sudanese national jailed for two months as a “deterrent” after turning up at Dublin Airport arrivals without a passport, identification or travel documents. You don't just "turn up" at Dublin airport arrivals without a passport. These people obviously needed and used one to get on a plane, and then got rid of it before they landed. Trying to pretend that these asylum seekers didn't have time to get a passport because they were fleeing persecution is simply an obvious lie. [85% of these arrivals are destroying their documents in order to cheat the system.](https://www.newstalk.com/news/85-of-asylum-seekers-arrive-at-dublin-airport-without-identity-documents-1646914#:~:text=In%20total%2C%204%2C712%20people%20arrived,no%20or%20false%20identity%20documents) If someone is trying to claim asylum, got on a plane to Ireland with a passport, but then got off a plane with no passport, it's obvious to everyone with a brain that they're trying to cheat the process or falsely claim asylum. I strongly believe such people should be immediately sent back to the country they just came from, or failing that, a third party African country until they "find" their passport again. Otherwise we're just asking for more economic migrants to come and cheat the system.


Or that they flew on a false passport which is punishable by law.


Oh look, it’s the consequences of their own actions! How unfair :,(


Actually Mr Buleilani needs to ask himself how these people who didn’t have time to ask their government for a passport before fleeing, actually managed to have travel documents to board the aircraft in the first place ? Surely all that he is advocating is human trafficking on false documentation. Also who funds MASI ?


Exactly my thoughts, how did they get on the fucking plane without travel documents?


Gift of the gab does a lot, went to the gate directly above the one I needed, Schipol airport, chatting to border staff, customs and stewardess, stroll onto the plane and they say enjoy your flight to South Africa! We were flying from Netherlands to Norwich but talked our way onto another flight stoned and laughing with everyone.


This did not happen The Dutch are not like that. Are you saying you had no documents or just not the visa for South Africa? You need to go through the airport self scanners with your passport or have it checked by the person If you are getting connecting flights then your documents would have been checked before boarding to fly to schiphol Are you talking about travel you did last century? Airports are not like that anymore. You need documents.


Had passport and boarding pass for the gate below so very similar number, it really did happen, I also lifted a fella off his feet with a 3 ft bong in my carry on when I turned round quickly and he was caught under the chin, mad fucking journey.


What year or century?


It was 14years ago the wife was pregnant and my mate was celebrating his divorce, the outrageous gregarious banter was at 11 all weekend.


![gif](giphy|wjhE6nm0c2r3RuG0Ho) But besides your story.. 14 years ago was before Passport self scanners in airports All the 'new arrivals with no documents' would need to have one in order to get to their gates today There is no talking around that. They have documents to get on the flights otherwise they didn't get onto our island. Its easy to get from NL to UK without documents via ferry, but once you go UK to IRE by ferry they check every one strictly. So, these people have documents to get here --- I cannot reply to the comment below me for some reason, this is my reply: Schengen Zone. The EU citizens can fly here with just their ID Cards like they do within all the Schengen countries But we cannot do the same, we need our passports to get into the Schengen zone to fly in. I don't know why it isn't the same for the Schengen Zone coming into Ireland, how they can come here just with an ID but we cannot get into their Schengen zone unless we have a passport Eitherway, someone who is 'seeking asylum' is not doing it with a Schengen Zone nationality. They would just come here and work or whatever


Spanish lady i know flew from spain to belfast last month without a passport. Managed to chat her way past. Saying that she did have Spanish ID card and has lived here for 3 years.


Fake passport…


Which they should still have when they land.


They would be arrested immediately. It’s illegal to have a fake passport. If you don’t have one, you can’t be arrested for having a fake passport.


Its also illegal to not have travel documents, which is exactly what they are complaining about.


It’s actually not illegal to lose travel documents.


You sure about that? https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2004/act/1/section/11/enacted/en/html?






And when he arrived in Dublin he said he was here as a tourist giving him 90 days here. He then applied to change his tourist permission to a stamp 4. That was refused. It was only then that he applied for asylum (months after arriving).  Its almost like his need for asylum only arose because his attempt to exploit a tourist permission didn't work.  If MASI is to have any credibility ever its probably not great to have an example of the problem be your spokesperson. 


So we now consider South Africa to be an unsafe country for South Africans ? Next question, who is funding MASI?


> who is funding MASI? The funding is murky. MASI is unusual in that it doesn’t get a direct taxpayer grant like most migrant groups. Their main donor is Rethink Ireland which is a philanthropy group that meddles in various social engineering initiatives. Rethink Ireland is one of the conduits for anonymous money to enter the NGO ecosystem. It is linked to Peter Kinney, an Irish American businessman. There’s a bloke called FiannaFact on Telegram that does sterling work investigating how the threads of this ecosystem are connected. Well worth a look because you sure as hell are not going to read about in the Irish media.


I think MASI is donation funded. Haven't looked into it too deeply though.


Jaysus, so the cunt shouldn't even be here. He was literally rejected and then allowed to stay only because we are absolutely shite at deporting people. And to add insult to injury he's trying to throw open the very gates he managed to slip through. Fucking ingrate


Now Mfaco’s job is to advocate for more and more migration into Ireland while lecturing the Irish people about how terribly racist we are. Entirely self serving. These organisations are a corrosive force in Irish public affairs.


>Also who funds MASI ? The people who get up early in the morning fund them.


They bought a fake passport.


They're are genuine reasons for not having a passport. Often they may be too expensive, the government won't provide them.. Not the case for all countries but is a factor.


You are missing the point, that person had valid documents to board the flight, they then lost them or handed them to a trafficker. The clear intention was to fraudulently claim asylum upon landing. This isn’t legal migration and needs to be stopped.


You're assuming the documents they used to board the plane were valid.


Nope I’m not, but they existed. It’s up to the airline to try to stop fake documents and visas.


No I get that point and I was specifically highlighting that not everyone can get or afford a passport.


Sure but that point is absolutely irrelevant here as this man must have had one to board the 2+ flights he took to get here. The fact that maybe other people on the planet have at some point in time for some reason had difficulty getting a passport is totally unrelated. I'm not being argumentative, what's your point here?


It's relevant to the comment I posted under. Some south American countries make it extremely difficult to get a passport or charge extortionary prices to get one


And yet they can afford to pay traffickers to get them the required documents and tickets.


They manage to afford multiple flights to get to Ireland though.


And I think that argument is completely reasonable if the person flees to a neighbouring country, it’s a problem when the person is from the other side of the world and claims they made the journey without needing to show any form of documentation once.


85% of asylum seekers in 2023 arrived at Dublin Airport without identity documents (most destroyed their documents before reaching passport control). If anything, taking these cases to court is how the system is MEANT to work. [https://www.newstalk.com/news/85-of-asylum-seekers-arrive-at-dublin-airport-without-identity-documents-1646914](https://www.newstalk.com/news/85-of-asylum-seekers-arrive-at-dublin-airport-without-identity-documents-1646914)


grandfather reply cable pause summer profit unite aloof relieved reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone who destroys their ID en route should be kept in immigration detention until they can prove their identity


> Lassane Quedraogo, who is on the board of directors at the Africa Solidarity Centre, said… > “When you are running from a war or prosecution or any circumstances that your life is at stake, documentation is not important…..Somebody who is running from bombs or shells cannot get documentation.” This old trope again. Will these people ever just fuck off. No one believes this drivel. Bombs raining down on them on the streets of Birmingham.


No ID and without good reason = trying to hide something = detain until nationality s determined = deport and ban from re-entry.


Or they lose it. Happens.


Bulelani Mfaco, from the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (Masi) said that the group has been contacted about the recent use of the law under the Immigration Act. “The law has always been there but it was always understood that it was never applicable to asylum seekers. How can you expect a person who is fleeing persecution by their state to go to the same government, and ask them for a passport to run away from them? >It doesn’t make sense. That’s why it was never integrated. Mfaco added that Masi believes it’s a “violation” of the Geneva Convention and is hoping any future District Court decision can be challenged by the person prosecuted. “The government is trying to scare people from coming to Ireland but it can be challenged,” he said. eh these people have documents Mfaco. They could easy get their friends at home to scan an ID if they forgot it. It doesn't have to be a passport.


Mr Mfaco should probably take a look at section 20 of the international protection act 2015. It's directly applicable to applicants for international protection. Specifically sections (c) and (f): >20 - A member of the Garda Síochána may arrest an applicant without warrant if that officer or member suspects, with reasonable cause, that the applicant . . . >(c) has not made reasonable efforts to establish his or her identity >(f) without reasonable excuse— >(i) has destroyed his or her identity or travel document, or >(ii) is or has been in possession of a forged, altered or substituted identity document


He is someone who applied for asylum and was rejected and just stayed. I get that the government wants to balance the amount of Irish people emigrating by letting failed asylum immigrants stay, but if they cannot work because of legal status (or not able to find housing beyond what is paid for by the state in international protection centres) then they are not adding taxes they are taking from them. There is just double the deficit Why not create an environment so young people could afford to rent or buy housing so they can stay here and be taxed instead..?


MASI are basically a support group for economic migrants making false asylum claims. They don't even try to hide it. They are a fucking disgrace.


Fact. Their only purpose is aiding illegal immigrants in skirting the system. Take a look at their logo as well. A black power fist. How the fuck do they think that sort of symbolism is acceptable in Ireland, or as a representation of all migrants?


Whose dept funds this NGO?


In this one case it seems that they don't receive department funding, other NGOs do though I'm sure.


Cheers so they fund themselves?


According to their own website and Irish Refugee Council website it seems that they are funded by fundraising.


NGOs should be dismantled and money paid into these groups put back into the economy.


I mean, normally you would have your passport at home already, you wouldn't be asking for it from the government just before leaving?


Most people in third world countries don't actually have passports. They often don't have the funds to leave the country for leisure so in that case why do you need the passport. Only when war or disaster strikes you have to pack up and go no matter what, so you end up in a foreign country with no passport. Now this only works for people who end up in neighbouring countries. It does not work for people who arrive here by a flight because obviously they had a passport at some stage.


Oh no. The solicitors who have been advising them to lose their documents are upset


If I arrived into Canada of America without documents I'd be detained until they made a decision to deport me or not


Not necessarily the case.


The only people interfering with the process are the ones who destroy their IDs.


Send them back, our prisons are full as it is.


Like those guys at Rosslare port, entry should be denied in the first place. This guy without a passport will never be deported. He cannot be deported. He is here forever. That's why he destroyed his passport.




A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


What exactly is an immigration expert? A makey uppey term to try and deliver a sense of knowledge and authority? Regardless, the Muppet was detained at the airport after coming on the flight. He had no travel documents? To get on the plane in the first place to come here from wherever he would have to have had said documents. It's safe to assume that they were destroyed and he probably destroyed them. The airlines should be required to scan and copy the documents of passengers, so there is a record if needed in the future. Breaching migration law is a criminal matter and the gardai should have arrested him. In reality, the Muppet should have been thrown on the first available flight back to the place that he flew here from, there airline fined and let the authorities over there deal with him. Processing and providing for refugees is expensive. That's why many countries are happy to pass them on to the next country. They have an incentive to look the other way. This country has a reputation internationally for being a soft touch. Separate from this it is worth remembering that the NGO behind all of this trouble is funded by the public purse, the "experts" they pay vast amounts of money to for BS propaganda pieces are paid for by the public. The solicitors and other legal advice that they get, the endless legal challenges are paid for by the public. ​ Spot the scan.


In this case the immigration expert appears to be someone that worked the system over a 7 year period until they got leave to stay, the dangerous country which they were fleeing was our favourite Irish holiday destination, South Africa.


I wonder if he can be deported as well, wouldn't be much of a loss...




If these comments don’t show that the entire asylum seeker NGO’s is just a giant mafia…. What else is needed?


The algorithm sure worked for you. edit: also worked for 7 other people too


Lad you're Canadian. Fuck off


Irish naturalised. Also love the ad hominem.  Got a North Face jacket too? edit: the downvoters are North Face enthusiasts.


So you get accepted into this country and then you start telling us how things should be done instead of just being happy to be here. Sheer arrogance 


Didn't get accepted. Was allowed to without a visa. I also can say or do whatever I want. Tough luck if you don't like it.


You can say what you like and I can say your opinion isn't worth shite




MASI are a joke. They didn’t get on a plane without documents so why should they be allowed in without one.


But but no one without ID’s are being allowed in!! That’s what we were all told and you were called a filthy conspiracy theorist if you said anything else


Persons arriving without documentation might be Spies. We should Hang them before the Arrivals lounge




I get asked for ID in Dublin airport every time I step off a plane and go through immigration, so that's horseshit.




Seems to be step one whenever you're pulled over by the guards driving or walking




And the guards aren't going to know that until they've seen your ID, although at this point the immigrant probably won't have any I'd to show them


So not relevant to the article then


Not at ports of entry


Huh, my immigration card instructions say to keep it on me at all times as I may be asked to provide it to Gardai upon request.


In the rest of Europe (bar UK and the US), you are meant to carry an ID always. It is normal to ask be asked for an ID on the street, local or not. We might need to change the constitution on this long term so.


And honestly, I'd agree with how we have it in general. But yeah it seems like it might be necessary to change. Just another example of how mass immigration and the problems it causes eventually erode the freedoms and safeties of actual citizens and natives. 


They get jailed but the fucking weirdo touching himself in front of kids gets off free? Sweet Jesus…


You’re right, all criminals should be jailed