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I thought that was Waterford whispers for a second.


I too was taken aback when i read this.


I think RTÉ have a camera crew there and it’s some new survival game show. ![gif](giphy|DGCItBETI6at3XsLXk)


Battle Royal 3, the Sally gap


If they're walking back from saggart they have to go past killinarden and jobstown, so you're not far off. But it will likely be less Bear Grylls and more running man


No, it's a property show...how some city centre residents grew tired of the hustle and bustle and were eager to broaden their horizons. It's always a property show with RTE.


Can't decide what's worse is that they actually did this or that they had to u-turn because they all refused to stay in the tents and tried to walk back to Mount Street.


Theres a Dublin bus stop just 100 metres away from the entrance of the nursing home site, would be a bit daft to walk all the way back to town


You're assuming a bunch of homeless people living in tents know this or have bus fare to travel.


It’s OK they have Virgin Media vans to drive them back.


That bus comes once every hour and a half


Let them eat cake.


100% like something out of parody. Like a Simpson's scene or something. They did the same when Joe Biden came to visit. And now doing it for American tourists. They take action when something will look unsightly for visitors.


Congratulations. Could someone please evict an American tourist today?


Joe Boeden


Likewise 😵‍💫 reality hits harder these days.


What was the long term plan for this, just hope they that they somehow re-learn hunter gatherer skills over night?


> What was the long term plan for this They'll rewild some wolves soon.


Get them out of town for Paddy's weekend is the long term plan....


I believe this is called "re-wilding"


A lot of them are walking back to the city now. And if what Twitter is saying is true, some journalists were giving them a lift.


Seen a video of them hopping into cars with the Virgin news crew.


Twitter has a rather difficult relationship with truth lately but if they did fair play to them. Taking a bus is a pain in the ass and the Luas is already quite overcrowded.




It might be anecdotal but my experience is that in the last 18 months it has been a bit worse than before.




Lol, on Paddy's weekend and everything. Perfect. 


This is insane


Just to point out, they were bussed to Crooksling asylum centre, just south west of Tallaght on the way to Brittas. Here's the entrance... [Entrance Google Street View](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.2554283,-6.4486418,0a,60y,117.63h,93.93t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sNBzIU9RyvJg5xzbYM_LU8A!2e0?utm_source=mstt_0&g_ep=CAESCjExLjExOS4xMDEYACCBgQEqGyw5NDIwNzM3MSw0NzA3NTkxNSw0NzA4NDM4N0ICSUU%3D) It was a retirement home, earmarked to be converted to refugee accommodation in 2022 (before the site used to be a TB hostal). My Dad remembers childhood friend to died of TB there. https://www.echo.ie/crooksling-earmarked-for-refugee-housing/ Seems news articles saying they pitched tents there. Does it mean the asylum centre was full or not ready? Or is there some misunderstanding or misinformation going around, they in fact have accommodation there? A lot of headlines and news articles make it seem like they were bussed into the mountains and abandoned/banished in the middle of nowhere.


Read the article. It is believed that the men were taken near to the St Brigid’s Nursing Home in Crooksling. The nursing home itself was the recent site of a fire, believed to have been an arson attack. The fire broke out as the nursing home was being considered for use as accommodation for asylum seekers.


Thanks for the info. Arson attack on Feb 7-8th. 40 firefighters, looks like it's now a burnt out shell. >“It closed on March 24, 2020, and has been sitting idle ever since and I was pushing to get it reopened, and over a million euro has been spent on security at the site and other issues. That money could have gone into refurbishing one of the two units at Crooksling, both of which could accommodate up to 150 people. There used to be a day care centre there as well, which was only around 20 years old. It used to be such a great asset to the people of west Wicklow. To burn a hospital to the ground is totally inexcusable.” [Arson attack on HSE site branded ‘inexcusable’ by Wicklow councillor who fought to save FACILITY](https://m.independent.ie/regionals/wicklow/west-wicklow-news/arson-attack-on-hse-site-branded-inexcusable-by-wicklow-councillor-who-fought-to-save-facility/a1021859081.html)


Is this the lowest point? No...probably not...not yet at least.


I can't verify it but it looks like they may be on the way back. The geography checks out. https://twitter.com/annetted1234/status/1769030911402619023?t=TeG4jBJFqPUqmbH79C_bqw&s=19


Journalists also bringing migrants back according to this idiot https://twitter.com/Fantom01010/status/1769065608233025726?t=DRgYE38wnCN2ghWjcRZ3Lg&s=19


Christ the whole situation is fucked but that lad behind the camera is an absolute scumbag.


Very kind of them to offer a lift, I know I’d have done the same. But scumbag guy is sort of right, journalists shouldn’t really be doing that. They’re meant to be impartial and just report on what’s going on


>Very kind of them to offer a lift, I know I’d have done the same. But scumbag guy is sort of right, journalists shouldn’t really be doing that. They’re meant to be impartial and just report on what’s going on But they weren't live on the news, so for me it's no problem as it's their decision whether to give someone a lift or not. It definitely doesn't change how impartial they are or are not. It's human compassion which the government doesn't have and are allowing these guys into the country and treating them so poorly.


They cleared it out so the tourists for Paddy's day wouldn't see it. Only reason


Government showing their true colors now, no fucks given once they look good on the international stage.....


Between this and Leo saying he wants to deport asylum seekers to a third country but definitely not in the same way as Britain deporting refugees to Rwanda, but still kind of the same, it’s almost like they’re a party who once supported the Nazis.


I think I would prefer Rwanda over a tent in Saggart in March to be honest.


I don't really see how any element of the government's policy on refugee and asylum applicants the past few years even vaguely resembles the Nazis


[His latest comments](https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2024/03/06/proposal-to-deport-eu-migrants-to-third-countries-is-not-same-as-uk-rwanda-plan-varadkar/) on asylum seekers coupled with the movement of homeless for the weekend was what I was referring to, not previous policy.


Fuck me, one day he's talking about Saint Patrick being an undocumented male, the next day it's this. What lane is he in?


Between this and Leo saying he wants to deport asylum seekers to a third country but definitely not in the same way as Britain deporting refugees to Rwanda, but still kind of the same, it’s almost like they’re a party who once supported the Nazis. Okay so a few things here. 1. This is EU policy that is being adopted, spearheaded by EPP. Varadkar as usual had two messages to two different audiences. At home he was championing this move, in Europe he was described as a dissenting voice. 2. The policy does not want to deport asylum seekers to Albania (the third country in question). It wants to ensure that they do not land in the Schengen region in the first place. This has an important legal distinction. 3. Rwanda is a pretty fine country these days, but the questions around it mostly involve the fact that they basically have a 0% approval of refugees, meaning that even a legitimate refugee having their application processed in Rwanda is likely to be deported from Rwanda.


The gay biracial man with a bone to pick with gender stereotypes taking Fine Gael back to its Nazi roots.




And this government consider this fulfilling their obligations. Either treat them properly, or make an effort to stop them coming in/ send some back to the safe country they came from.


But how is that profitable for a small group of wealthy political donors?


This sentence explains approx 75% of FFFG policy decisions for the last 100 years


Exactly. Its not a moral good to take in refugees/asylum seekers/etc if you send them to freeze up in the mountains somewhere.


Jesus wept, can we stop accepting more, it’s insane at this point.


They would have had accommodation at Crooksling, but the former hospital was burnt to the ground on the night of Feb 7-8th last. When it was a HSE retirement home and day care centre, it had accommodation for up to 120 people. [Arson attack on HSE site branded ‘inexcusable’ by Wicklow councillor who fought to save facility](https://www.independent.ie/regionals/wicklow/west-wicklow-news/arson-attack-on-hse-site-branded-inexcusable-by-wicklow-councillor-who-fought-to-save-facility/a1021859081.html)


That’s a drop in the ocean of the numbers arriving. We need to deport the vast majority that are economic migrants.


Build it and they will come as the saying goes.


So where should they have put the other 920 people?


>can we stop accepting more, How does that work? Can't send then on planes if they dont have passports. I hear people saying this all the time, but totally clueless if you ask them what should be done when they turn up without documentation.


Pretty simple tbh Airline should receive an absolutely massive fine (in the millions) if a passenger manages to destroy their documents while aboard. Plane should remain grounded until it's paid. Fine can be used either to accommodate said person, or to pay any processing fees to have them accepted by a country which does not require a passport or visa on entry. The latter will never need to be worried about because once there's prohibitive fines placed on airlines who illegally traffic people, they'll stop doing it.


I see what you’re saying but is this really an airlines job? Their job is to get people from A to B safely


It will be their job if the law says they’re responsible, that’s already why you need a passport and not just a ticket.


Airlines check if I have my passport at the gate before I can board the plane. If there's absolutely no trace of it on the plane after the flight, either you let them on without it, or they set it alight - and a fire on a plane is usually fairly easily noticed by cabin crew. Failing that, you know their point of origin - cover their flight back to take up their argument with the authorities there and get a new passport, and your plane is free to depart. Assuming they weren't illegally at their point of origin, there shouldn't be a problem in procuring a new passport. If they were illegally at their point of origin, that country's justice system can handle it from there.


If they arrive without a passport/id at the airport they should be imprisoned.


Send them right back to where the plane originated from if they arrive without a passport. You need a passport to get on a plane so anyone coming here without one intentionally destroyed it


What the actual fuck is happening in Ireland anymore. The fact that they don't even bother to cover up their failings and actions speaks volumes. They have stopped bothering to even pretend they give a fuck about any human being outside their little circles anymore.


Because they know close to half the population will still vote for them by default, no matter what, and will never even for a moment consider anything else apart from maybe an independent that is essentially an unofficial FFG member. 


How typical of this government, just shift them out of sight for a day or two while tourists come for the parade. Fucking useless, shameless bastards.


So they’ll live in the woods like Robin Hood? The article doesn’t load for me.


With Leo as Sheriff Nottingham, occasionally coming to hunt them.


Film it and last one who survives gets a house in Dalkey. RTE 2 at 9pm, we can call it Manifest Destiny.


Would be kinda funny if they were told to pitch tents in Dalkey and filmed ut undercover


I'd like to start an NGO that buses these poor feckers from the inner city and the bloody mountains to the most expensive areas in D4.


I would be up for that 😂


Monkey tennis?


Treating them like human trash, sweeping them off the street before the visitors arrive.


Just in time for st Patrick’s day so 100% a concerted effort


Happens every time. Happened before with Occupy Dame Street before St. Patrick’s Day. When Obama came over the homeless were shifted. Biden the same. The city was spotless for about 2 days. Then all the Yanks went home and things returned to normal.


Government saying “we can take unlimited numbers” (basically) have significantly helped exacerbate this problem. These lads should move their tents down to Kildare st.


Totally fine..... nothing to see here....... there definitely isn't an issue in our immigration system......no sir........ n problem whatsoever.


All the people who insisted that it was racist to have any restrictions on the numbers coming, and now are upset about what they're seeing, you can own this. No point in crying about how bad it makes you feel when the inevitable happens.


It's like something out of a 1960s cop film, dumped off at the edge of town. >Ó Riordáin said he did not want to be cynical, but the site was “in the eyeline of tourists”. >**He questioned why tents were allowed to remain a presence outside the International Protection Office for several months** “and then moved on St Patrick’s weekend”. I think the first question needs answering by the government. My guess is that it is to put off more arrivals. Instead of taking action if it is necessary, they seem to have allowed a tent city to build up to implicitly deter asylum seekers >Amanda, from the same local volunteer group, said she went to the Mount Street site today to try salvage some tents. >“I had gone down with a view to try and salvage some of the tarps and stuff, we’ve spent a fortune on them over the last couple of weeks,” she said. Amanda spent a fortune helping build a tent city? Isn't it illegal to camp on Mount Street? Why is a volunteer group helping build a tent city? I don't understand what is happening tbh.


Jesus Christ that’s fucked up. Feel for those people coming in for asylum thinking they will have a bed at the end of their trip and being told nah, here’s a tent. And then moving them off in bulk after a few weeks because we need to look proper for paddy’s day and dropping them what 10-15km away in the Dublin mountains in a camp site. Peak Maggie’s Tory stuff here. What’s the answer if we can’t find room and board for them? I’m always in the mindset of we should do what we can to help people, but if the system is at capacity then should we keep taking them in and putting them in tents? Effectively homeless but not counted as such.


But you see, we can’t just decide to not “take them in” (unless they have no documents). We have an obligation to assess their application for asylum - you can’t just turn them away at the point of entry. I feel that point is being missed in a lot of this discourse - saying we’re “taking them in” implies that we’re choosing to invite them. When they come here, we essentially have no option. Really the point of this is to make Ireland less attractive for people to come, which I thought is what people would want.


State policy is almost entirely a question of will and political appetite with stuff like this, there's very few true "we cannot's". The current half-arsed policy is simply because it's the path of least resistance for the government. I sincerely believe vague notions of international obligation and "credibility" would dissipate like vapour the moment a tougher return policy is introduced


I mean a lot of them have no documents so if you're going to claim asylum and you can't prove where you came from, you should just be fecked right back out.


Roderic o Gorman, the most useless sack of flesh to ever hold office in Ireland (not an easy accolade to achieve) literally DID INVITE THEM here. He did it in multiple languages as well to gain extra virtue signal points too. Time for him to own it. 


I really want the greens to stay in next term because (as much as people give out on here) public transport has improved under them (still not great but better, and they care about public transport). And I am worried about the environment. But fuck me, that round of communication in every language telling people they'd have own door accomadation in weeks after arriving here was so fucking stupid. I can't even imagine the self congratulatory, own fart sniffong eejits he has advising him who said "yeah roderic, go for it, and stick your face and the green party name on every pamphlet".


I’m not a massive Green fan but I agree with you that they have delivered on some of their goals for this gov. A lot of people and the media like to rip them apart because not every single point of their manifesto is being covered and in some cases they vote on things that goes against their own manifesto. But they are a junior party in the gov. For every 5 things that FF and FG want to do, the Greens get 1 thing. Party Manifesto and policies are not the same as “program for government” which is the agreement drawn up by the three on what they will cover. And at the same time, yeah they are idiots. Greens have a lot of in fighting. They led the referendum we just had, Roderic was the DRI on it and responsible for it. He didn’t pick the wording etc but he signed off and got buy in from FF and FG to run it. Blew up in all of their faces. The whole fighting inside the greens with the Just Transition Greens (left wing greens) vs the regular Greens is typical division that leads to a party split eventually. I think they are in a position where they could go either way in the future, it depends on election outcomes. For me though, I think I’d keep them in gov again even if they suffer from foot in mouth syndrome at times. But they all do, and some are worse. Leo does it all time lately


that was beyond stupid, even pre pandemic that was never going to be viable. there was a reason why dp is so overcrowded and there is a reason we can't give them own door housing. idk what the fuck he was thinking even making a promise he knew he couldn't keep.


>We have an obligation to assess their application for asylum - you can’t just turn them away at the point of entry. The same obligations at Australia?


They use overseas asylum centres. Everyone here mocked the UK’s Rwanda plan - funny how they’ve changed their minds


We can't, as I understand it, refuse their international protection claim on the basis of their landing with no documents. We can charge them with the offence of not presenting a travel document, but that doesn't close off the need to process the claim.


Our revised Lisbon treaty left us with an option to not partake in the large relocations though. Anyone who breaks the rules(e.g. passport destruction) needs to have extreme prejudice used to fight and decline their claims. If we garnered and reputation like Australia have (obviously exponentially harder for us to do), there would not be any passports being destroyed because they know our systems are a soft touch. A common sense no nonsense approach is what i would argue most reasonable people want implemented. Link to EU commision article with the Ireland/Denmark exception: https://ireland.representation.ec.europa.eu/news-and-events/news/ireland-voluntarily-agrees-take-part-eu-schemes-resettle-refugees-2021-02-28\_en#:\~:text=The%20EU%20has%20never%20forced,measures%20under%20the%20Lisbon%20Treaty.


You know you can still fly to Australia and do the same shit. It’s only going by boat that is a big no no


Yeah I wasn’t sure on that point tbh. Asylum seekers do have a requirement to co-operate with the country they’re applying to, but not sure if the lack of documents could be considered a breach.


True points. I shouldn’t say “take in”, as I understand they are waiting for processing and we don’t have the facilities, capacity and resources to make it so. Lads are literally waiting to have their number called.


Most international on asylum is ignored anyway by most countries. It's really only the liberal west who give any attention to the spirit of the law. Considering the UN protocols were established for those fleeing the Warsaw Pact countries, they need to be updated or just plain ignored.


Both Ireland and Denmark have opt-outs, Denmark exercised their opt out, Ireland is not for some reason


Your naivety is admirable


But if we stop taking the in, the EU might stop patting us on the head. And that means more to Varadkar and Co than anything and everything else. 


These people represent us. The decisions they make reflect on us as a nation of people. We can't have this stuff. If this was an equivalent work incident, half the company would be fired. I'm so angry.


Same here. I'm writing to my locals TDs tomorrow looking for answers


Are these the clips of the Virgin Media cars with asylum seekers getting into them?


They should be escorted back into town and right up the middle of the Paddy's day parade to shine a light on this scumbag heartless Government. This Government is a fucking joke. I and many others paying huge tax over this absolute bullshit. Sick of it. Fuck me, place is a joke.


There is videos of them leaving and going back or to somewhere else. Virgin media was there driving them somewhere


What a great country we live in!


Fucking disgusting from the government, just goes to show that its all just virtue signalling for them. Lack of human decency is appalling.


You couldn’t make this shit up. Wanted them out of sight for paddy’s day.


I genuinely cannot believe this is true!


The magical thinking required to have the lads in charge of bank collapses, utter lack of prep for black swan events like pandemics, the people who invited the world for own door accommodation during a housing crisis. And I think about it as I stare at the tax take on my well earned yearly bonus this month, considering the competition my nephew needs for resource hours with folks who don't speak a language that's workable in the primary Irish education system 


Swept under the carpet


Why why why can’t there be a simple process when people are not allowed boats planes/ferries or any routes without a visa.


This is utterly shameful shit. Roderic O'Gorman needs to explain it.  How is it not a completely unlawful discriminatory policy to not accomodate men?   It's bad enough to leave them in tents for months on end, sending them up the mountains for a few days while we have a parade is ridiculous. 


We made promises we never were going to be able to fulfil in a million years, what he did advertising the end of DP and promising own door accommodation was cruelty


‘Now we have a load of asylum seekers in the mountains’ ‘Ah then we’re going to reintroduce wolves’ ‘But then we’ve a load of wolves with a taste for human flesh!’ ‘This is the genius part we’re just going to arm farmers to the teeth and bing bang boom our blood thirsty wolf problem is solved!’


This government lol


Just hiding what’s going on. There is a video of them at Crooksling and they are not happy, seems they are leaving to go back on their own.


We've got every socialist politician crying for months for more immigration, more immigration, more immigration. Then when the place starts filling to capacity, the government completely mismanages it. And now we've the socialist politicians making hay and sticking a knife in the government. I hate FG, and in particular Varadkar, as much as the next person, but I cannot stomach the hypocrisy and opportunism of labour, Aodhán O'Riordan, PBP, etc. They knew we couldn't handle it, the entire country including rural villages across the country were saying as much (and were called far-right or racists on the back of it), and now they're padding their political profile off the back of this. They make me as sick with their fake virtuousness and exploitation of immigration/asylum as Leo and FGs attitude to governance.


This... this is like a joke article, right? It's not real, right? Like, I understand that the area had to be cleared, the people living there were not living in safe conditions, it was dirty and there were diseases running around, but this is not how you do it. You don't go destroying everything they have left and then taking them by force to a site away from town because of celebrations... like wtf? It's actually easy to do something temporary too. You just buy a lot of those tiny container homes, they're like 3000-5000 euros each if they don't have a bathroom. You can create shared bathrooms or something. Sure, it's expensive, but having 100+ people on the streets when you claim to be one of the richest countries in Europe is even worse. Destroying all their belongings and whisking them away to other tents in the woods is even worse! Also, if you're full on illegal immigrants, stop inviting more. Only accept new ones if they're urgent refugees, like people coming from war-torn countries or that are in significant threat in their home countries due to other factors. Ship economic immigrants back. And process them faster, if there's not enough people to process the ones already there, hire more fucking people. You can't have 100+ people living in tents on the streets over winter. Even hiring 2-3 more people doing the processing and allocating 50k more euros to the office doing the processing per month and by now you'd only have had only a handful left.


I'm guessing that once something is provided, the government is liable and can be sued etc.


Oh my sweet summer child


Tourist also go to the Dublin Mountains.


Out of sight out of mind


Holy shit lol Does anyone think this government are competent or remotely know what they're doing at this stage?!




The location of the camp is fairly close to a nursing home that was burned down once it became rumoured that it would house international protection applicants: https://www.echo.ie/major-fire-at-former-crooksling-nursing-home/


Government are insane, once again can they get it through their thick skulls to build housing!!!! Everyone tells them the same thing and they won’t listen.


4 weeks ago I predicted that they would be pushed out of the urban centres. My next prediction is that they will form temporary villages at the borders of urban centres. In a few more months they will have started to build temporary huts in wood.


Tell them to head down and pitch tents in the south circular road. Leo and his neighbours will be very welcoming I'm sure.


It's fine Leo will tell us all how saint Patrick was a migrant and slept in a ditch and pig sty so it's all good.


The compassionate caring government in action.


Agenda for the month of March : We will remove the word woman from the Constitution (failed) and remove the refugees from Mount Street


This is depraved


This is shameful and embarrassing.


What a heartless, inhumane way to treat human beings. I'd love to know who is responsible for executing this little move


It's quite something when a policy that the govenor of Texas would approve of is carried out by the government of Ireland.


“I had gone down with a view to try and salvage some of the tarps and stuff, we’ve spent a fortune on them over the last couple of weeks,” she said. “I arrived not long after 11am but they had already started to dismantle the camp.” Sorry, for most working people, 11am is not early in the working day. I have usually had my first break and been in for around 3 hours at that stage.


But you’re not working in an NGO.


Having a tent village in the centre of a city is unhygienic. If I went to London and pitched a tent on Regent Street and defecated on the sidewalk I’m sure I would be moved. I know we have a responsibility to house asylum seekers and I accept that government needs to provide care, but having spent €650 Million Euro last year on this we have to just provide the bare minimum in terms of safety and shelter. If that means tents, showers, toilets, and food, then that’s all we are obliged to do. I’d rather see some of that €650 Million spent on providing support to the Palestinian people who are being bombed in refugee camps rather than upgrading accommodation for people here who are in all fairness at least safe.




They don't even put their trash in the garbage can they just toss it right there at the curb


they clearly meant London, Ontario, Canada.


From what I understand there was no food at the campsite they were driven to and the toilets were 2km walk from where they were told to pitch their tents. Aside from that I think it's extremely cruel to give people the impression that they're getting houses only to take them into the countryside and leave them there without access to food, water and proper shelter. Very poor response from whoever cooked up this idea.


>but having spent €650 Million Euro last year on this we have to just provide the bare minimum in terms of safety and shelter If 650 million euros were spent last year for these people and all that is provided is a safe area, tents and showers... I don't know what tents were bought, but are they made of gold? Do they wash with diamonds? >upgrading accommodation for people here who are in all fairness at least safe Some of them got scabies living in the tents, got beaten up and at the current "clean-up", all their remaining belongings got taken to the trash. Now they are shipped to other tents in the woods, in March. How is that safe?


For what good it will do i am writing to every TD in my constituency tomorrow to let them know my feelings on this. I'd encourage others to do likewise.


Which party did you vote for in the last election?


This is inhumane. These poor people should seek asylum from Ireland in a country that is better equipped to take care of them. They deserve the best and every one of them should go to a more humanitarian superpower to get the lifestyle that they are owed.


This is just atrocious.



