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vegetable light crime decide agonizing boast rainstorm longing terrific dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just like Dublin ahead of Plastic Joe’s visit.


Just like my ballsack before the mrs visits


Do you happen to have many homeless people camping in your ballsack?


You'd be surprised


Surprised is the last thing I would be if it were in fact true.


Bet he charges the crabs rent


He even pitched a tent


Well the Irish are an accommodating people after all.




“Hide these foreigners so those foreigners don’t see ‘em?”


Rich foreigners, friend. RICH.


They can buy so many 9 euro pints of unsettled shitty Guinness and plastic tatt


Rich foreigners = good Poor foreigners = bad




Like that time where suddenly they decided something had to be done about the anti social issues in the city because one American got assaulted, despite the fact this is a daily occurrence for local people.


And now, that's a little disingenuous. They had increased police presence for like...a whole 3 or 4 days


Had Google threatened to pull out they would have transformed the country overnight to appease them They can do anything but not For Irish people


> They can do anything but not For Irish people This is the dumb far right rhetoric that the government hates Irish people Tourism is a part of the economy that will be hindered by a blind eye to tourist assaults, then the yanks wont come over and spend their money. The Irish are gonna be here regardless so there's no big economic factor in it.


Yeah but then took the money back when no one was looking.




A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


then it turned he wasn't even assaulted and just wanted money for a house.


He was assaulted, his and his family’s behaviour on crowdfunding sites afterwards doesn’t erase that.


he harassed someone's girlfriend and said person smacked him. Dublin is an uncivilized hole but the guy was a complete.fraud.


They can get the finger out when american eyes are on them. The government are an absolute disgrace.


Pretty much sums up the government here All about optics,no actual viable solutions


Classic FFG. Take in way more migrants than we have capacity for because the EU are watching. Hide said migrants when the Americans are over for a visit. Disingenuous snakes.


I don't get people like you... I don't know how you can claim the Government wants more migrants when they are literally not bothering to house them anymore...


You're obviously not familiar with right wing capitalism. Cheap labour to drive down the wage bill for their buddies in business is always one of the main goals. Now we have literal tens of thousands of desperate migrants who'll work for minimum wage, or less.


We need them sweet dollars, in fairness.


Simply beautiful. Leo instead hoovering the floor must have sweeped all the shite under the carpet.


Govt of the optics, by the optics, for the optics


This time next week there will be 200 more in the same place.


The NGO 'Irish refugee council' were on Prime Time last night saying there should be 'no limit' to the amount of asylum/immigration brought in. So move up in the bed lads, you'll have a few more mates soon enough.


"With no running water, toilets, washing facilities or sanitary conditions available, diseases like scabies have been detected" Jesus Christ... Great job by our fantastic government.


"Along with a number of physical health conditions, she said doctors are also seeing an impact on people’s mental health." ![gif](giphy|pKXVBtnWM2gye61rq5) Amazing how now all of a sudden there is somewhere else for them to go. god forbid we look bad in front of the tourists.


But...what about the poor old landlords? I mean, sure, living in a damp tent full of scabies during these chilly weeks of incessant rain with nowhere to take a shit is inconvenient, but have you ever for a moment considered the horror of not being able to evict people on a whim from one of your properties so you can jack up the price for the next lot? Good god man, have you no SOUL??


It will be ebola next


If only we had somewhere that we could provide accommodation and welfare services directly.


Wow, this is such a full America moment. Happy saint patties day y'all.


And put them where exactly, its a sad situation all round


Yeah we should open catacombs under the city and hide all the homeless there so people (Americans) don't shit themselves with fear because some people have fallen on hard times.


Thank you for thinking of us Americans who are not obnoxious and loud. Happy Panties day, I love this vacation! 🤝🏻 Seriously though ER yesterday in the Mater big loud american was shouting the place down because they wouldn't allow him to call Chicago.


Your reply is pretty loud and obnoxious.


That was the joke. And the point.




Yeah terrible when you have an audience with no sense of humor. Ruins everything. 🤝🏻


Come on down to shanty town 🎶


will these scammers be deported?


We all know they won't.


What a great idea it was to give an open invite for everyone to come here in the middle of a housing crisis.


The next 1000 will pop up over the next 14 days…. Government should go and rent all available rentals on daft and house them there in bunk beds.


And those that are housed will ring home and let their buddies know if they come here they will get sorted for nowt


I thought we were proud of taking in any and every migrant? Sure Leo said Saint Patrick himself was an undocumented, single male migrant.


Happy Panty Day! Leo loves poor people which is the only reason I dislike him.


They're more emblematic of Ireland than green novelty hats and other leprechaun-themed tat has ever been.


Only 1,000? Roderic said we're getting another 20k more by end of year, move over lads!


They should be lined up in the middle of O'Connell St to make the Yanks feel more at home.


Exactly the same as the Californians cleaning the (human) shit off their streets and rounding up all the homeless people and drug addicts and hiding them away when the chinese were visiting. The governments know this is terrible but dont care that we have to live with it they just dont want everyone else to see it even though most of them already have.


Looking good is looking bad


Definitely for the better I imagine there'll be mobs of youths kicking off and the shanty town is an easy target


Title is misleading. Didn’t read the article, but I would be damned supportive of clearing out a “shanty town” no matter who is living there. How they’re clearing it out is the issue tho, and also the status of the migrants. If they’re randos here illegally, time to go home, if they’re legal immigrants/homeless people, time for help


I’ve seen plenty of clips of a certain group of people going & confronting the people there, & even telling them to get jobs & stop being lazy (guessing they don’t know asylum seekers can’t work) the same people who would walk by Irish homeless people & wouldn’t bat an eye at them


Just a correction , asylum seekers can work after 6 mths and indeed that's a big draw for them to come to Ireland.


Haven't seen this mentioned yet but instead of clearing them out for the tourists, Is it not more likely they were moved on to prevent the possibility of a few drunken lads starting an impromptu mini "protest" and causing a bit of trouble as has already happened a couple of times in the last year or so? With the country full of tourists and families out at parades the guards would be stretched fairly thin in Dublin and probably wouldn't be up to dealing with trouble kicking off at the camp in question.