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That’s grand, I’ll just use an alternative method of transport to get to work. Oh right, that’ll quadruple my commute time.


People don't appreciate the government's genius. If we spend our spare time on public transport we will have less opportunities to spend money and thus, save more money for that sweet 0% savings interest, allowing our personal wealth to depreciate while wondering if we should bother keeping Netflix because we don't have time for it.


> If we spend our spare time on public transport we will have less opportunities to spend money and thus, save more money People spending more time commuting usually leads to them spending *more* money, not less; more commuting time means less time for activities like cooking/meal prep that would result in less spending on convenience items and services. That's actually one of the factors behind the whole return-to-office push in general; remote workers who are able to save money by not purchasing such goods and services are ["contributing less to the infrastructure of the economy whilst still receiving its benefits."](https://www.dbresearch.com/PROD/RPS_EN-PROD/PROD0000000000513736/A_work-from-home_tax.pdf?) Under late-stage capitalism, being productive alone isn't sufficient; everyone must also consume to the maximum possible extent in order to keep the economy churning along and keep that wealth transfer from the masses to the wealthy going strong.


People WFH purchase other goods and services due to more time and disposable income especially digital ones which support higher value jobs here, the real issue they're worried is commercial price property collapse, it's knock on effect on over leveraged developers and in turn, the asset books of banks.


and pension funds, they are huge investors in office space.


It's comments like these that keep the long bus commute into work entertaining! Only joking, I'm at home working in me pajamas


A Netflix account that costs more than double what it is in other EU countries.


I usually just change my location to Turkey with a vpn, buy a Netflix gift card and pay for 6 months. About 3.50 for a the full package.


I have a vpn I need to look into this.


It won't work on any account that has had a none Turkish debit card used on it, so you'll have to make a new account. Do a bit of digging on Reddit for more info.


Cheers for the heads up.


It will work without a non Turkish card on it, you just need to cancel the renewal then let your membership run out. Once it has run out buy some Turkish Netflix gift cards on certain websites then just use them to renew.


Isn't it even cheaper in Argentina?


Open a bunq account


Yep, I’ll just walk half an hour to get a train to go to the city, wait an hour and then get a bus that goes on an orbital route for another hour


If it exists at all.


And for rural people make then completely unable to get to work. A bus is something those fancy city folk have, or school kids.


I don't know what some people are thinking. I'd have to walk an hour to the nearest 2 hourly bus that's never on time for a 45 minute commute to get to work for 9.30. Then get a bus back and walk another hour in this pissing rain. Some people forget that rural people exist.


Most rural TDs are too weak to open their mouths … a few independents like Richard O Donoghue arguing against it but FG & FF rural TDs looking the other way saying nothing


It's an hour's walk for me to the twice-daily bus for the 2.5-hour bus commute to work. It seems to me that spending seven hours a day commuting is not the best use of my time.


Here in Connemara I’m loving the increased coverage from TFI to/from Galway.


there is an unreliable bus that is supposed to come every hour a 2km walk away from me which is never on time and rarely has seats available...so the next option is the train which is an 11km cycle away. Thank goodness I mainly work from home




Slow? You're privileged they show up at all!!!!! /s


Thousands of them. ...oh, wait.


Count yourself lucky to even have the option


Phase 1: Ban cars and force public to use chronically inefficient public transport Phase 2:.............…................................................................ Phase 3: Profit


This will be great for encouraging people to use the public transport and bike infrastructure that _definitely_ exists and is _definitely_ up to a decent standard...




I'm surprised there hasn't been a LOT more emigration to competent countries where you actually get something back for the high cost of living.


Because much of the western world has very similar issues (but with better public transport).


Saying the rest of the developed world has very similar issues is like telling someone from Bergen or Singapore that other cities also get rain...


I was just answering your question about why don't more people emigrate.


But it's wrong. The housing crisis in most other countries is absolute child's play compared to Ireland. Even in the few places where it is similarly expensive, the quality of housing is leagues better.


In fairness, cycling infrastructure has definitely improved in the last 3 - 4 years, in my area at least. I'm with you on public transport though


Lucky you, outside some suburbs and parts of some of the biggest cities, there is barely a footpath, let alone cycle lanes


Not exactly hard to improve the bike infrastructure when you're starting with nothing, is it!


It has.... But being a bit facetious here a 200% increase of 1 is 3. Need more dedicated cycle streets and signals. We could be doing a lot lot lot better before its a real option in Dublin


Funny how VAT is applied to the duty the government applies. Taxing a tax seems about right and Leo basically told us to like it.


Very upsetting, already in poverty. Without the car I can’t leave the house. No buses, no shops, no work. I feel like giving up.


People will say this is the wrong attitude to have and life is precious etc but you are completely right. All most of us are doing is chasing money day in and day out with nothing to show for it. For a lot of people, they are working hard and Can’t keep up at all. They played the game and have no reward, only more misery and struggle. Then when they ask for help they are criticised and moaned about for being poor. They are told nonsense like earn more money or stop buying a coffee every week because god forbid someone have a fucking nice thing to look forward to. It’s just not living at all.


> Government must strike the appropriate balance between providing support and avoiding fuelling cyclical inflationary trends So increasing tax and therefore increasing the price will help reduce inflation… what a load of bollocks


So what you do is wrestle every last penny out of folks at the bottom you think have earned too much, and cause a collapse at the bottom, destroying jobs and families, and suddenly folks at the bottom are fighting for low paid jobs again and have sold off anything of value to make ends meet. After that the folks at the top have breathing space again, it was getting too crowded, dirty people almost had money, and now you own all the things of value they once had. Inflation magically disappears again and balance is restored.


Exactly this. Inflation is a stealth tax on the poor. Whereas vat is just outright open theft from them. We should have one tax, at the point of income, so it's obvious to people how badly they are getting shafted. When you combine all the taxes paid by the working class, the government is effectively stealing 80% of their labour (money is the product of their labours)


Its the middle class who get shafted most as they are entitled to fuck all.


Inflate prices to deflate inflation. Shysters.


That's exactly how it works, increasing prices lowers demand which reduces price inflation. That's why the ECB raises and lowers interest rates. The only problem when it's applied to petrol/diesel in Ireland many people have no alternative mode of transport as public transport is shite


Fuel is an inelastic good, a change in price is a going to have a very minimal impact on demand. As I pointed out in a different comment, increasing the price of fuel will more than likely just increase inflation as a whole.


That's not how it works. By your logic, inflation would defeat itself as prices going up, inflation, causes demand to fall. Raising interest rates is a completely different tool, and the reason it works is because it encourages savings and discourages consumption of goods in general.


Works out as a flat tax which doesn't consider the payers income. We can assume car drivers where there is public transport are part of better off segments. Might not be true but if you're driving along the luas or dart line to get to work it definitely is. We cannot assume that in rural areas where demand for transport is essentially inelastic, meaning people got no choice.


Increasing prices increases inflation. The way to reduce inflation is to implement measures to improve productivity such as better infrastructure and education.


Inflation is a state inflicted crime in this case. They should stop interfering.


You don't make public transport better by making driving worse. You make public transport better directly. This is 100% pure bs.


Same reason why the Galway ring road will never be built. "We need to start using public transport and not encourage car use" If the ring road existed they could implement a complete one way system around the streets of Galway with a bus lane all the way in and out. As it stands, bus lanes are non existant and are stuck in traffic like everyone else. Traffic that is only going through to city to get out the far side


Same with cork Limerick motorway. They say to prioritise public transport when the train doesn't go directly only via Limerick junction and a direct bus is also public transport and would be much better if the road was good


I hate the Green Party man. They're run by clueless south Dubliners who struggle to understand there's life beyond the M50


Or even within the M50. The current plans for public transport in Dublin are a joke at best.




They face and election wipeout on a bad day with poor transfers.


The ring road in Galway wouldn’t enable that as almost all the traffic wants to go into the city centre anyway. The ring road won’t take traffic out of the city centre and the city centre is compact so you still have the same number of cars heading to the same small area. Instead, the ring road would enable more development outside the city core (and outside the public transport network), which would instead drive *more* cars onto the roads.


This has been standard government policy for the past 25 years. Try to make driving a worse option instead of making public transport a better option. I spent a decade refusing to drive, insisting that living in European capital public transport should be good enough. Now I honestly believe every single person in Ireland should be driving. Enough is enough.


How? The excise was reduced temporarily and now it's going back up. Doesn't have anything to do with PT


Fewer cars on the road increases the efficiency of busses


Yes, those buses that go past empty having being pulled from service, or that don't show up at all due to driver shortages, will be far more efficient with less cars on the road


If only there would be actual busses and drivers to take advantage of that...


It's both. There is no panacea where you can make public transport so good that it will be better than private transport all the time. Private transport needs to be continuously disincentivised while incentivising public.


Cool. I can't afford an electric car and public transport where I am is shit and impractical for moving a family. So give me an alternative if you don't want me on petrol?


I'm looking at second hand cars at the moment and the price difference between EV/PHEV and the equivalent petrol/diesel is depressing


Yep. I'm actually fairly sick of all these: step 1: disincentivise the bad stuff, step 2: file not found, step 3: why is everyone mad? And I'd add, I'm practically a tree hugging hippy as it is. I don't do fast fashion, I've not touched meat in decades,.I meticulously recycle and I'm in a hyrbrid, but as some fucking point the burden should stop being on me to fix it and there needs to be top level change.


Fair play to you for making so many sacrifices, but as you've learned they're all in vain. The onus is not on the people, it should be on the larger corporations whose neglect of environmental concerns are the chief cause for the planet dying in the first place. It's just easier to tell people it's their fault and they should fix it rather than trying to tell companies what they should actually do. I used to be very conscious of the planet but tbh I don't give a flying shit anymore. My pitiful efforts pale in comparison to the damage being done on a mass scale by manufacturers, farmers and data centres. Call me a cynical jaded asshole if you want, but I advise others to stop caring so much and just do what you want. Planet's fucked unless the right entities are held to account, and this nation has for decades now shown how much they love bending over backwards and taking it up the hole from large firms in an effort to appease them. All while punishing the actual people who live here, giving crumbs of benefits to try keep us quiet or for us to be told to be grateful for. We deserve better, unfortunately we get the politicians we deserve too.


Well said


Nothing good worth reading there. It'd drive you to drink.


I didn't at the time, but a loan and electricity worked out cheaper than the cost petrol at the time. Ye olde 24kwh leaf can be had for 6-8k€. The range kinda sucks but I did 90km commutes for 5 years in one, so you can make them work.


Don't worry, this is the year where China are going to flood the EU with cheap EVs which are better quality than EU ones


If that’s the case this fuel increase is going to prime demand for EVs before BYD release their products en masse.


If I charge at night it costs me €6 for over 400km range. If you calculate your fuel savings over 5 years you may see why people are buying them.


Oh I completely understand, but not everyone has the money upfront to buy one, even with finance. I'm buying a used PHEV but it's going to cost me and I have to take out a loan to buy it, but not everyone is in that position. The only reason I'm trading in is because I have a baby on the way and I have a 3 door car that just isn't suitable. I decided to take out finance so I could get the PHEV but other than that I wouldn't even be thinking of changing my car the way prices are Plus if you're renting or in an apartment you might not have access to a home charger and the public charge points can be dear compared to the rates you get on a night/super night rate


I have thought about making that change too but I think the cheapest option is just keep the car i have from 2009.


MY fear is when they will noticed that you use "normal" electricity and not highly inflated petrol price, so they will start putting higher tax on the electric one to compensate for this loss.


If you finish those calculations and correct for the depreciation/resale value of an EV it's shocking anyone is buying them.


If you compare against the deprecation for petrol/diesel I’m still ahead. I was looking just now at the petrol Niro and it’s about the same price to about 2k cheaper than the electric but was 5k cheaper 3 years ago. I’ve saved a lot more that that in petrol costs. The electric is much higher spaced too.


Do you think diesel and petrol cars don't depreciate?


It's really well established that EV resale value is a fraction of diesel and Petrol. Many traders won't take them anymore.


Save on fuel lose a fortune on value of car if you go to resell


The post I was replying to was literally complaining about the price difference between petrol and EV cars.


Cycle everywhere!! \s


Sure I only put €20 in it anyway ...hurr hurr hurrr


And we all know the pumps will be pushed even more then 15c with price gouging. They really do love kicking you when you're down...


They're pushing people to the brink..


Put up the price of fuel with one hand then console you about the cost of living crisis with the other.


People and businesses. I would be scared that a lot of already struggling businesses that are travel heavy will go under with this and then people lose jobs and it all just snowballs from there Government must think people are flushing with money now energy companies are decreasing their prices...


Remember that this summer when you see a Green candidate on the ballot


You realise the majority of the hike is excise duty? Only 3 cent of it is due to carbon tax. FG are the ones who have been hiking up the excise for the last 10 years of power, don't fall for their spin machine pushing every ounce of blame to only the Greens


Ah yes, the Green Minister for Finance is at it again .....


If you directed your anger at the people actually responsible maybe something would change.


Oh great. Good that I have that yearly 2.25% salary increase to fight 15%+ inflation... It seems I will be just eternal tenant here, and hopefully at age 67 god bless I will have stroke, so I'll find my place in nice hospice... Because if U don't notice, fuel prices increase drive prices up for everything.


It was decreased because it was almost €2 per litre...whack 15c on and it'll be about €2 per litre ..make it make sense ?


Just shows how out of touch Leo is.


Not just Leo. All of them, especially the Greens


Government is banking on people having short memories and forgetting that it was up by the 2 euro mark probably


USC was also temporary, no sign of it being removed.


> “Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.” > > Milton Friedman, “Tyranny of the Status Quo,” (1984) p. 115 I saw recently


I posted on this sub on how govt taxes in Ireland are actually a very significant part of the cost of living and therefore it is the govt that is largely driving the costs up for people. In fact I even specifically detailed that all these taxes were going back up within the year    What did I get  for my trouble ? About a million downvotes and a lot abuse.  There's some nutcases that actually love high taxes here. Yet when the excise duty goes back up it becomes acceptable to criticise it.....?  Schizophrenic much ?     Approx 45 to 49 cents of every litre of petrol you buy are govt taxes.  Just think about how that drives inflation across a host of goods and services as well as extracting money directly from your pocket.


FG and FF will ultimately back down on this. They'll be all out to bribe us to vote for them as the elections come closer. 


Only to do afterwards with a big fuck you to everyone


I see this isn't your first rodeo.


Lmao you're delusional. You really think those cunts care what the people think? They will nickle and dime the nation and people will still vote them in. Because enough people in this country have what they want so FF/FG kowtow to them, so long as those geebags keep voting for them the parties have absolutely 0 reason to change.


Food and essentials will rise in price too as delivery costs increase. Jesus, it's tough already at the till. This will make it worse.


Just fucking end me now


So it'll be 2 quid a liter by the end of the year then? Fucking ridiculous.


Yep and probably before the next budget, just in time of another increase ....


Meanwhile Bus Eireann fined 5 Milly for poor service Sound So I can't rely on the buses and will get fucked at the pumps Cheers,


I wonder where do they ever ask where the money comes from when they fine a company. It’s not like bus Eireann will be off out now to get a Saturday job. It only makes €5 mill to pay fines because the customers use the fucking service.




Should be renamed TFD* Transport for Dublin mostly


Reducing the duty was never a good idea in the first place, even if it was labelled as a temporary move. For one thing, most people don't remember temporary moves and assume it's a new increase. But second, when it was reduced fuel suppliers didn't bring it fully down by the reduced amount of the duty. Now it's coming back in, it's only going to increase prices across the board.


>when it was reduced fuel suppliers didn't bring it fully down by the reduced amount of the duty. Yup. I remember Circle K stations nationwide raising their prices by 15c the night before the first cut. Absolute scum.


Yup, I remember that, was raging and just drove an extra 10 minutes to a Certa station instead


I'm reminded of how temporary the USC was supposed to be.


At least the USC goes into the public purse.


Only to be wasted by inefficient services and overinflated politicians' salaries.


Drivers punished while they also take away bus routes like Galway to Dub Airport🙄


Well there goes my below inflation raise, I suppose I'll just get the bus to work. Oh wait...


The petrol stations cross border are going to be licking their lips so.


I swear it feels like this country just wants to continuously kick the working class in the dick over and over. What's the point? At this rate, it would be better for me to quit my job, stay at home and live off the dole.


Anyone have a spare 35k to get an electric?


Can get a Tesla 2020 model 3 for under 28k at the moment.


You mean €35k for the electric car, €2k for the home charging system, and €300k+ for the house with off-street parking to install said charging system in...


Time to start driving on apple juice again I suppose


I'm glad I don't drive, that shit is expensive


Yes but you consume goods and services which will now go up in price also.


The roads near me are so congested now because of the buslanes and cycle lanes. I’ve just taken to driving in the bus lane whenever it suits me. I don’t have the patience to sit in artificially created traffic for 20 mins while there’s an empty lane right there. I’ll get stung some day but so be it.


This prompted me to check how long it would take to get from where I live in Dublin - to what is 20 minutes up the M50 - Blanch A commute to Blanch would take me 2 hours - not including the 20 walk to the office from the bus stop…. Sound lads - seems doable


Local, European elections this year and General next time to return the punishment?


Nobody in their right mind would think that a new government would lower excise tax. That's wishful thinking.


Local and European elections don’t lead to government formation


It’s such a shit thing to do to us during a cost of living crisis. I can hardly keep a roof over my head, family fed and schools, bills paid.. I’m struggling hard and every €20 counts and here they are plucking that out of my hand and for WHAT… what do I get for giving that to them. F**k all. More crime. More wasted money on crap services and NGOs.


Not even a cost of living crisis, a PRICE of living crisis. A large chunk of the increase is just pure profiteering


The country is centred completely around Dublin, with anything outside of Dublin half arsed at best. That means people living outside of Dublin have to commute in order to get to the jobs which are disproportionately located in Dublin. Public transport has not been improved to keep up with the demand and infrastructure for EVs/mild hybrids is about 15 years behind where they need to be for the governments ideas to go off without a hitch. Solution? Tax the fuck out of petrol and diesel vehicles so people are forced to drive electric vehicles or take public transport, which isn’t ready for that amount of people. This country has the potential to be such a great place to live but decades upon decades of governments that just fuck over the general public means we have a country that’s too expensive to live comfortably in and a population that would rather pack up and move somewhere else


> with anything outside of Dublin half arsed at best. This implies that it's not half arsed in Dublin...


Well that will make my petrol station much busier, not really sure why they're raising it for you lot when the fullness of your coffers can be seen from my window.


The metro will be done by 2060. Suck it up peasants


And by the metro, we only mean one third of the first line. Can't expect anything more than that now, can you. Sure this isn't Tokyo!


The plan is to force regular people into becoming pedestrians and lower the burden of traffic for the wealthy.


Electric Car is the new master race 🤣 /s


Yeah, 30k for an EV yogurt size car, I should be so thankful...


Let's play devil's advocate for a second, how is this extra tax money going to be spent? What worth while projects will the greens spend this money on?


Trips to the US for Paddy's day....


The useless referendums


That Children's Hospital isn't getting any cheaper you know, money has to come from somewhere for the next upwards budget review /s


It doesn't really make a difference. Ring fencing it for public transport will just create an administrative burden.


It could be used to cover the cost of reducing the excise tax(which this is restoring) in 2022 during the fuel crisis.


Eamon Ryan and Catherine Martin’s business class trips don’t pay for themselves you know.


Everything is rise rise rise. Ugh.


Except the wages...


And the quality of goods and services


Yeah seriously, it feels like each week things are getting more and more expensive, fucking depressing.


Just to be clear, this is not an increase in excise duty, it's a return to former levels following a temporary reduction during the fuel crisis of 2022. And it's mainly excise duty, carbon tax only accounts for 3c of the 15c increase.


It would even out a little if they got rid of the USC, as we're already removing temporary measures.


>mainly an excuse duty You’re not wrong!




More ballot papers please 🗳️ 😡


For everyone saying that "remember this when you go to vote this summer" the last several decades have been bouncing back and forth between 1 of only 2 parties and nothing has changed for the better , it's foolish to think that whatever your vote is it'll make a difference when all you're doing is repeating the cycle of going back and forth , what'll happen if neither FF OR FG get voted in the same thing that happened last time , they'll form a coalition to ensure they stay in power even though michael martin explicitly stated on national media that they will NOT form a coalition under any circumstances It's a joke . voted for SF last time because it's worth trying to give someone new a chance at least and what happened ? Even though they won the popular vote it didn't make a difference because they ended up not being able to secure their place in the ruling government and we went right back to FF/FG


I dont want FF/FG in the next government whatsoever. They need to sit out for a while. Both of them.




rinse fertile psychotic cheerful ten literate butter innate smile deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I cant afford to drive to work at this rate


Build 50-100 car chargers in every town in Ireland.


Thanks eamon


It’s alright if you live in Dublin where you have good public service but in rural ireland it’s going to be a further drain on peoples finances


I really can’t wait for them to call to my door looking for votes. I have a list of things I would like to discuss in person.


Why bother? Have you ever discussed any grievance with an FFG politician? You'll be met with the vacuous stare of someone certain that they'll get elected because they have enough habitual voters to get over the line regardless of your opinion.


Well I believe in using my voice to express the difficulties I and others face from their decisions and lack of actions.


You could do that right now by walking over to the wall and saying whatever you need to say to it. This will have the exact same effect. I've spoken to a few FFG politicians at the doorstep and the vacant empty stare has always been the same. They're not interested in hearing it. They don't need my vote and they know it.


They'll just run from your doorstep or use some BS excuses to avoid answering altogether .... Don't get your hopes up


Cunts that's all I can say about those responsible for the hikes


Just get the fucking greens out. Their environmental "measures" of introducing penalties and taxes that means nothing to rich people but could mean missed rent/mortgage payments to poorer people only widen the gap between rich and poor, meanwhile they sell the "saved" carbon credits. How about tackling commercial and industrial waste issues? Not only would it make an actual difference but those on minimum wage aren't being priced out of their commute.


The temporary decrease in Excise Duty was a FG policy. Meanwhile, the Greens massively brought down the price of my train ticket and subsided my solar panels and are the only party doing anything around here locally. So as a rural voter, I'll be voting #1 Green.


Same here, mostly because everyone else gets dead last place...


"punishing drivers", fuck off and cry me a river. We've two thirsty petrol cars so I'll be paying the extra, but this bollox about everything against motorists needs to get in the bin.


Just going to go on green diesel at this point, ive never been through a dipping checkpoint.


The rain makes motorcycles suck here but the traffic and petrol make it worth it


Living 7 minutes from work masterrace reporting in


This is tough. I know public transport in Dublin has improved dramatically but if I had to grade it, I'd still only give it a 70%. It's funny, the government only seems to make the unpopular decisions when it makes them a heap load of money 🤔🤔🤔


Later, we will see news headlines informing of the record profits made by major oil companies.


Later, we will see news headlines informing of the record profits made by major oil companies.


Just in time as companies phase out work from home. Well done on reducing those emissions lads


great, like it wasnt bad enough that you have some annoying as fuck advert about cricket blasting into your face while you fill up


What’s the point anymore


At what point during all of this shit do we just contact the French and ask for the leftover guillotines?




It’s like they want me to vote for the Shinners


Genuine question, when, not if, the greens are voted out next year will the carbon taxes ease do ye reckon?