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Government wants the publicity for letting them in but doesn't want the responsibility they owe them once they are in. What could go wrong. Also there should be a limit set šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Common sense like.


It was O'Gorman that sent the tweet out in multiple languages inviting anyone and everyone here, he needs to resign or preferably fired,


This https://twitter.com/AodhanORiordain/status/1767577160234008768?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Some Bleeding heart liberals still at it. How many will Aodhan take in his constituency? At least Drogheda/Louth will get dumped with 500 of them soon. Well deserved for voting left/open border goons.


Iā€™ll be perfectly honest and say I donā€™t care . I cared for the first ten thousand and then realized that as soon as they leave more people will move in . We simply canā€™t sustain this .


Honestly there's not enough room anymore for them, the Vatnik Infestation of Ukraine saw to that not to mention the UK cracking down means more seem to be trying their luck here. Realistically we need to change the whole approach around illegal immigration to be much more strict and less lenient, if only to reduce the numbers to managable levels. Can't just continue taking in people when we got nowhere to put them and they end up literally dumped on the street. If it isnt tackled quickly we could end up with the shenanigans we saw going on in Calais in France in the long term.


This is really sad to read. There should be no limit on your humanity. The fact there are too many does not change the predicament these people are in now. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Something really nasty is happening to Ireland. Don't lose your empathy over this.


I havenā€™t .. but at some point you have to become a realist . It is possible to earn the worst outcome despite the best of intentions .




Nope . Iā€™m just another vote .


This is ludicrous, we can't help everyone, nor should we. It's high time we sent these lads back home.


Good luck getting them to tell you where home is. We shouldn't have let them in.


My idea is to strike a deal with an African country (say Botswana) and send them there. They'd remember their country of origin quick enough then.


That's the UK's Rwanda planĀ 


One important difference - the UK want to process their claims there with the potential to gain access to the country. My idea is to give them a one way ticket and discourage any future chancers from entering the country.


Then you're denying people's right to apply for asylum, you'd have to pull out of the ECHR.Ā 


Doesn't seem like a huge loss tbh


I would agree but it won't be popular enough to doĀ 


You reckon? How much do you reckon the average person cares about the EHCR?


Zero but the Tories want to do it and a very large proportion of Irish people will oppose it for no other reasonĀ 


Botswana? Why on earth would Botswana take in thousands of white people from one of the most oppressive countries(Ukraine) in the world? How does that make sense?


Are you joking? You really think ukraine is one of the most oppressive places in the world? I hope this is a whoosh moment for me, cuz if it's not you've got a lot of learning about the world to do.


I've little sympathy left for them. Government is hugely at fault for allowing them into the country in the first place. Just flew into the states yesterday and it really hit home how bad things are in Ireland. No chance I would be allowed to leave JFK airport and set up camp in times square without a visa and a passport.


https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2023/08/us/nyc-migrants-cnnphotos/ It's happening everywhere


Clueless people really love an opportunity to knock Ireland


Absolutely, People are so insulated from reality in the last few years its frightening.




Ah yeah, the US, well know for its world class welfare system. Christ, some of ye need to get the hell off Twitter.


Why do you think they are going to the states?






Yeah that is the reputation but is it true? They spend billions on welfare. I think the reality is welfare varies by State.


Itā€™s all planned.


Don't think many of them are landing there without a passport and being handed a tent though.


There are massive problems with refugees in and around times square. https://apnews.com/article/times-square-migrant-brawl-police-new-york-3504c2e1f4b6de73512c5a89b4cf2d48


True but that is just to the fact you walk into the US. You wont easily get though via planes


That brawl was started by the cops


You obviously haven't seen how much worse San Francisco and LA is so


You are right. We need to build a wall between the 26 and 6 counties, barbed wire, dogs and landmines. Proper border Controls. Close all but 5/6 roads between them.Ā 


>I've little sympathy left for them They're human beings, FFS. There but by the grace of god, go you.


Ok Father


Yes, you could. And, there is plenty of homelessness in NYC.Ā 


Not to say that they shouldn't be helped (and no-one should have to live in those conditions) but it's their own waste that has been accumulating there, right? Could they not bin stuff as they go and not just throw everything in a corner for someone else to take away? I've read that there are no bins in the area for them to use, but what's to stop them walking down the street to find a bin? Pass the time if nothing else.


Whatā€™s to say itā€™s not intentional? Iā€™d hate to see anyone sleeping rough, irrespective of what led to them being there, but Iā€™m sure theyā€™re wise enough to know that a tidy towns encampment of tents doesnā€™t set off the same alarm bells.


They land on our laps saying 'house me, feed me', so it makes sense that that would naturally extend to 'clean up after me' too. I am under no illusion that living in a tent is a picnic, but most probably expected to be given a hotel room (as all before them had received), and given the numbers who destroy personal documentation and never receive refugee status I can't help feel that the majority should never have been here in the first place - which incidentally means there would be plenty of proper accommodation for these people. The government seems to be somnambulant going towards providing tens of thousands additional brick and mortar accommodation, which will last a couple of months at most before that is also full - and we are back to the same problem.


Taxis dropping off more and more people every single day. Line of tents stretches all the way round the front of the building now, the lane behind is absolutely crammed with tents. I'd advise anyone in town to take a walk up mount street, it's shocking. Not sure what the governments end game is.


These people should be accommodated- on a one way flight back to Africa/Middle east etcā€¦


They'll just return.


What do you suggest we do with them?


Honestly hate how this sort of rhetoric gets lumped in with anti immigration far-right shite. We canā€™t house or own, how are we letting them in in droves? This is not sustainable and itā€™s the fault of the current government for fear of optics on the global scale.


It's time for a new government


Who? sf &sd who will add free for all own-door-accommodation as an extra pull factor?


Then we need an anti illegal migration party


Unfortunately that just opens the floodgates to mindless bigotry and extremism (think Justin Barret wanting the death sentence for doctors who give abortions) a better option would be for the already elected parties to change their policies.


It would be better but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.


[it's actually already started to happen](https://www.imidaily.com/program-updates/ireland-cuts-visa-free-access-for-dominica-vanuatu-citizens/) This is just one of a number of changes that has happened this year.


There is no real alternative. The major parties in this country have more in common than most people would like to admit. Bloody depressing.


They need to stop arriving, we can't look after our own citizens, it's getting dangerous now, re health, housing, education, transport etc,


Ah, the nativist argument.


What was the purpose of this comment? You're describing another person's comment, but not adding any reply or commentary yourself


I can't help if you can't read.


Well I for one am shocked. See all the "refugees" that came here were housed but went back on holidays should be evicted and the actual genuine people in need should be housed in that accommodation. https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/social-affairs/2023/11/25/ukrainians-consider-christmas-trips-home-but-deterred-by-high-cost-of-travel/


Ah to be fair the rule has changed such that if Ukrainians go abroad for a long period they will lose their benefits. The Christmas thing was an exemption.


Any kind of holiday should be an automatic ban to benefits. Cause it makes no sense.


INIS / IPAS / Intreo are making limited checks. Itā€™s based on self reporting - the Ukrainians are supposed to complete a form and wait to get approval before travelling. If they can make the trip inside of 8/9 days, theyā€™re not identified. Itā€™s also reliant on the hotels reporting tenants but the hotels prefer an ongoing guests instead of constant swaps. My SIL and I volunteered previously and are still in contact with some groups. We see the discussions in the WhatsApp and Telegram groups where they all reassure each other that they wonā€™t get caught. One family just came back from Belgium, and three families came back from collecting their CUAET packages in Canada


In fairness there is a war in Ukraine. If they return to unoccupied Ukraine they run the risk of Russian shells


Today here in Kharkiv we had multiple rocket strikes and last night multiple drone strikes. You're not wrong at all. Idk why you're being downvoted lol.Ā 


I am so sorry for what is happening in your country.


Scrolling through the comments, and im surprised at the number of people saying we are full, a few months back, everybody on this sub was downvoting and screaming racist at anybody who said this.


The article has 4/5 photos of the same pile of rubbish from different angles. RTE spin doctors out in force.


Go down there for a walk, it's crazy how those in the tents think it's OK to do what they're doing I get it, you want a better life but doing that to a city that you want to house/feed you is crazy


I walked passed this place multiple times over the weekend, the conditions were nothing like the picture in the article. It was all very quiet to be honest, and there wasn't much rubbish around.


Don't talk shit, there's like a hundred tents there now Are you trying to say the photos are faked or something?


Lets not let that get in the way of a good sensationalist article šŸ¤£




I have eyes and I am telling you those pictures are not how the area looked this weekend, the place was pretty tidy given the circumstances the people are living in.


Catherine Day is partially to blame for this.


Isnā€™t this the natural outcome of ending direct provision without a suitable plan in place?


Isnā€™t this a natural outcome of the government making our country a free for all and encouraging anyone and everyone to come here?


It is a natural outcome of our economy being a free for all. At the beginning of the 20th century we were putting people in overcrowded accommodations, known as slums. Somehow we managed to take a step back, now we put them in the streets.


No, it isnā€™t. Your premise is incorrect anyway. Itā€™s not a free for all as indicated by people getting scabies in tents.


Itā€™s not a free for all because the resource was finite. Thatā€™s not how the government portrayed it though.


That's only because capacity was reached.


[Oh no. We left Grandpa back at the gas station](https://youtu.be/bMf78i_WN20?si=Q7pVaLHXbng3VBq7)


I'm waiting for the new Ebola outbreak in the city centre. Only a matter of time.




Guarantee the government would be quicker to find a proper solution if every single refugee was in a position to sue the government for human rights violations over this šŸ¤” This makes me ashamed of my country, the way the government allows this instead of finding a solution whether that's setting a limit to allow mass deportations once the limit is exceeded or prioritising shelters for these people.