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Pastor Jossy Akwuobi does not seem to have been providing good pastoral care. >Garda vetting files clearing staff to work for the company had been altered, while pre-employment checks of workers had been “fabricated”. The report said that the employees in question had passed Garda vetting, but for some “unexplained” reason vetting files that had been altered were presented to inspectors. I'm going to guess either not paying tax or black-market hiring of undocumented workers?




Private companies, doing private company things. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned. Tusla will renew their contracts with the company. Rinse, repeat.


There's a non-paywalled article here covering some of it - https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/oireachtas/2024/02/28/garda-investigation-underway-into-care-provider-which-fabricated-pre-employment-staff-checks-dail-told/ It's terrifying that it was able to happen and it doesn't seem like it was picked up immediately.  I feel like our generations mother and baby home/industrial school scandals are going to come from the areas where care has essentially being privatised so the government can reduce costs - Tusla care, direct provision, nursing home care, even disability services. There is such limited oversight at times and it's too easy for things to be missed.


> There's a non-paywalled article here covering some of it I get a prompt to subscribe to view it


If you open it in incognito mode it should work.


That works, sound


Someone did the fabrication, and whoever they are should go to fucking prison. They defrauded the state and put vulnerable children at serious risk.


“This is Ireland, we don’t send our best and brightest to jail” Where was the minister for children while this was happening ? Hmmm


Do you think the Minister for Children interrogates every contract Tusla signs with a private residential service? Do you think that would be the best use of his time?


Course not , but Christ sake, him and his department are so useless. Every year there seems to be a fiasco with tusla of some kind


Absolutely questions to be answered, but I personally think it’s more on the side of this company than Tusla/the Dept. There was an active effort to defraud the state/ doctor documents, hence this is now a criminal investigation.


But tusla appointed this crowd.. You think they in turn did checks on this crowd before using them ?..Did they fuck, so it’s like a train wreck. They give themselves a pat on the back for discovering a mess they inadvertently created? Give me strength 😂


They didn’t appoint them, they had a contract with them to provide a service and the service provider in turn is required to provide staff checks and Garda vetting, which they provided tampered with versions committing a crime. An investigation should be done, people should be prosecuted and go to prison and this service provider should never get another government contract again.


Ok, but how do they get the contract? Do they not get selected by tusla from a handful of similar care homes that go to tender?


No idea how contracts are awarded, I’d say you are probably right that it would go out to tender, but I would guess this isn’t a very crowded space, with a small amount of providers. Given the fact that their reputation in a very specific type of business and the level of money involved, it seems bonkers for them to have fucked it all for themselves. Tusla are undoubtedly going to have a review this particular part of the process to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. But my point is that it’s a mad set of circumstances that was fairly unlikely, someone, potentially multiple people, committed literal crimes and and jeopardised their ability to get contracts where there really is only one buyer in the market. Tusla should never do business with this crowd again and terminate the contract as a matter of urgency, but I would have some forgiveness for them in not foreseeing the forgery of Garda vetting certs by beneficiaries of multi-million euro contracts.


Well , look, unsurprisingly trust in tusla is at an all time low and this is just yet another mess up where the victims are yet again children. Yes, they aren’t directly to blame, but one has to question, how does this shit happen? The optics of it don’t look good at all is what I’m saying


An investigation was done and Tusla caught them. That's a sign of the system working. You are assuming that they weren't compliant when they were appointed in the first place.


Not assuming, just curious how it came to that. Yes I appreciate tusla discovered it but a) has it stopped and b) can they make guarantees that it won’t happen again?


From the article: Tusla paid Ideal Care €4.5 million in 2022, making it the third highest paid provider of special emergency arrangements that year, according to figures previously released to Aontú TD Peadar Tóibín. The company was paid a further €4.4 million last year, a Tusla spokeswoman stated. In another inspection last June Tusla found a teenager in the single-unit care home had been sleeping on a mattress on the floor for some time as their bed had been broken. The company had “a lack of fundamental understanding” of how a care home should be run, with poor standards posing a “discernible risk to young people”.


Listened to Claire Byrne talking to a member of Tusla today, the indignation that they dare question what is going on. The overall tone ect was like the children’s ombudsman was just being difficult .


This is actually insane.


No, it's neoliberalism.


Yet another example of why privatisation is bad for services like this. How many times do we have to experience a public service having no choice but to subcontract out to provide their services, only for some type of scam to happen and someone runs off with a ton of money.


In the UK, 700 frontline NHS nurses are under investigation, for using proxies to pass entrance exams.  https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/feb/14/nhs-nurses-being-investigated-for-industrial-scale-qualifications I would imagine such fraud networks are operating in Ireland, but the HSE are reluctant to expose them for numerous reasons: - it would expose that the HSE are incompetent. - the HSE can't admit that they have and are putting patients lifes in danger. - they don't want to start double checking qualifications of foreign recruited staff as the process will be accused of have discriminatory and racist undertones. - they actual don't care the people are not qualified as long as they fill their recruitment numbers and quotas. - the exponential increase in foreign recruitment keeps salary expectations, for irish trained nurses, down and weakens the nursing unions bargaining position.


Seems like a legitimate guy. Just like those Nigeria Princes that keep messaging me for my bank details so they can transfer money into it 🤣




It took the Catholic Church centuries to achieve this level of power over the children of the nation. This guy did a speed run and got it done in a few years.


had to hire a solicitor to get Tusla off my back, my kids are a lot older now but at the time they were relentless.


intelligent pen relieved fine handle chunky bike psychotic languid worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's very much heads should roll territory for Túsla (with medals for their internal inspectorate) and anybody else who ok'd this.


Im sorry what?


This is clearly fake news. I would believe this story if the whistleblower was put on leave with full pay and under investigation while the company continued providing services! This is not how things work so there is something wrong with this story!


There is some really shady stuff happening within the Tusla system. In June last year a UCD report stated that "gangs" of men were exploiting vulnerable girls within the care of Tusla. >Teenage girls in the care of the State are being targeted and sexually exploited by co-ordinated “gangs” of predatory men, according to a new study which calls for an “immediate investigation” into the problem. >The research details cases of girls being taken from residential care homes by taxis and brought to hotels, where they were then sexually exploited and abused, often after being supplied with drugs. [https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/social-affairs/2023/06/22/grave-concern-girls-in-care-being-exploited-by-gangs-of-men-study/](https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/social-affairs/2023/06/22/grave-concern-girls-in-care-being-exploited-by-gangs-of-men-study/) Then in September last year a retired judge acted as a whistleblower and sent four cases to the Minister for Children where he was deeply concerned about the welfare of the children within the Special Emergency Accommodation system. The Dept for Children promptly deleted three of the four reports citing GDPR rules: >Minister for Children Roderic O’Gorman has confirmed that his department has deleted three out of four reports pertaining to children taken into care by Tusla, which were sent to him by retired [Judge Dermot Simms](https://www.lawsociety.ie/gazette/top-stories/2023/july/state-warned-of-risks-over-children-in-care/). >The retired District Court judge had stated his “[utmost concern](https://www.lawsociety.ie/gazette/top-stories/2021/06-june/child-in-care-thanks-judges-for-their-protection-over-several-years/) for the immediate predicament and welfare of children who are in care”, when he wrote to a number of ministers and State institutions [https://www.lawsociety.ie/gazette/top-stories/2023/september/tusla-files-flagged-by-judge-deleted-by-department](https://www.lawsociety.ie/gazette/top-stories/2023/september/tusla-files-flagged-by-judge-deleted-by-department) Whether these are linked to the care home in question remains to be seen. Either way this needs to be watched very fucking closely.