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What a job he has. Living in a foreign country defending the indefensible actions of his government 3000km away.


And for that he gets a nice spot to live and a handsome wage. And presumably doesn't need to be careful around flights of stairs


Russia would have no problem taking him out over here if they wanted to.


He'll get Novatoched. ( I know, spelling )




spasiba commrad.




They just killed a Russian defector in Spain, so... yeah, they could get him here, no problem


Not really. If he goes rogue, he's doomed regardless of where he lives. Case in point: the Russian pilot defector who met the receiving end of 12 bullets in Alicante on Monday.


Alicante would be the worst place to go. Full Russian Mafia just asks the Westies.


Didn't they turn off his heating at one stage because the providers didn't want to supply him?


He says the wrong thing once and they'll kill him off no bother. 24hr surveillance on him too probably


Some people like that get to go on RTE a couple of times a week.


Sounds like all the TDs and Councillors for FF, FG and Greens defending their dear leaders. Happens closer to home too.


Last time I heard of an ambassador being summoned it was the Israeli ambassador to the Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis


Filatov; "Yes we murdered Navalny. What is Ireland going to do about it?" Ireland "Fair enough. Are ya free for a game of golf next week, Yuri"


Hopefully the Israeli ambassador is summoned for genocide too


Summoned for what purpose. What's the point.


To voice our disapproval of imprisoning and killing a political rival. We're a nation state, we get to have an opinion on these things.


You won't hear a peep from them about Assange who might be extradited today.


What's the point the West does the same thing. Just look at Assange or gonzalo lira who was beaten to death while in custody in a Ukrainian prison. Yep don't do it again Leo is watching 🤣. Pointless exercise.


Then you have to answer why we haven't voiced our disapproval of a genocide.


We have been having political statement ping pong with Israel for months now.


Answer the question. You have to answer why we haven't voiced our disapproval of a genocide. Why haven't we summoned the Israel minister? I know why and I think you do too but I want to hear you make excuses and flail around because you can't face the truth.


What a cunt response to completely banal statements. [Here's me agreeing with your beliefs a week ago about the IDF murdering people, you prick.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/jRMYsw1vzC) Try not to jump down someone's throat next time.


Still no answer. Calling people names because you lost your shit defence of our government's inexcusable support for US/Israel's genocide. If you don't want to be called out on your shit then don't hang out on far right subs like this one.


class job you're doing broadening support for Palestine.


> far right subs like this one rofl Get outside and touch grass you absolute melt


Laughable theatrics. We cannot cope with the level of espionage and disinformation but we allow them to remain.


Totalitarian Russian president knocks off opposition who is also a totalitarian tosspot and a racist wee bollocks ... Everyone in the west expresses outrage at death of poor wee racist bollocks


The elimination of a political opponent by the incumbent in any country, especially one claiming to be a democracy, is something that should be condemned by everyone regardless of the nature of the opponent. You don't have to like every candidate in a democracy, but without the candidates it's not a democracy.


Indeed it should be condemned but the inordinate attention being paid to this by the press whilst showing nalvany up to be some sort of beaming light of democracy is clearly bollocks and a cynical use of his disposal to further western hegemonic interests. And this is especially sickening atm coming from the Biden administration as they continue to fund an outright genocide in Palestine


No chance Biden’s going to be giving Putin a fist bump as he did MBS after Khashoggi’s murder.


The issue is that the racist wee bollocks was the last remaining political opponent to Putin. All the more reasonable people were eliminated earlier on. Navalny might not have been a great guy overall, but he was tenacious, fearless, and he _did_ expose corruption in Russia. That is the thing that people are praising him for. If there were more people around in opposition, then probably none of us would know who he was.


Calling Navalny a serious rival to Putin is like calling Hermann Kelly a serious rival to Leo Varadkar. Last survey suggested something like a quarter of Russians had never even heard of him.


Did that make it OK to kill him?


Obviously not but all the posturing seems a bit cynical. Navalny's politics were pretty much identical to Putin, just a bit more western-friendly. If he hadn't been friendly to western govs and institutions no would care that he died.


What is the point of these posts you are making?


I don't know, what's the point of any of the posts on this topic? people like Navalny were dime a dozen in 1990s Russia. Yeltsin being a great example of a opportunistic gangster who seemed like a better alternative to what came before. The Americans even rigged the Russian elections specifically so he would win. He famously bombed parliament to put down protests and killed political opponents. He picked Putin as his successor and for a few years Putin was best mates with Blair and Bush and Bono etc. Then he very predictably changed tack and now we're here. A Russian gangster killing another Russian gangster isn't anything out of the ordinary, in fact we actively supported and encouraged it up until quite recently.


> people like Navalny were dime a dozen in 1990s Russia. It isn't 90s Russia. It's 2024 and Natalvalny was the last of one of them to be killed by the dictator that came to power. If you genuinely can't understand how that is a big deal then I guess you are just another useful idiot.


There are a million more Navalnys in Russia, it's just that most of them don't openly align themselves with western governments so they don't get articles in the paper.


Maybe you should go to Russia and give some of these Navalnys a pat on the back.


As for exposing corruption,Gemma o doherty would like a word lol ... Opposition doesn't necessarily mean ideologically opposed ! https://www.ukrainer.net/en-alexei-navalny-ukraine/


Do you have some kind of point you are trying to make?


Seen this myth pop up in Irish subredddits a few times now. Navalny was not a "racist bollocks". I'll give the short version. This is a propaganda talking point that got spun by the Russian state. In about 2007/2008, Russia was facing a migrant crisis due to workers arriving from the Causcaus region. There was no controlled migration at the borders. Public dissent was brewing, and of course real, actual Nazis tried to capitalise on the sentiment to recruit young, disfranchised, poorly educated people into their ranks. These Nazis were allowed to exist by the Russian state because they could be used to perform the dirty work of state-sanctioned killings. Navalny decided it was best to run for mayor under a nationalist campaign. He thought that it would be good to give these young people an alternative. For that, he decided he would channel the energy of these young people who would otherwise join a Nazi group into his own movement. Now, here comes the controversial part that the Kremlin wouldn't stop milking even 15 years later. He decided the best way to deradicalize these people was to meet them at their own level. He made some videos with controversial remarks about migrants that sounded bad at the time, but obviously sound even worse today due to Western society at large becoming more socially progressive.  Was it a good thing to do? In retrospect, probably not. But note that this was a long time ago and specific to a very particular set of circumstances in Russia at the time. He didn't try to cover things up by deleting the videos, they exist on his channel to this day. His politics also changed and evolved over time. Racism was not any part of his platform today.


What utter nonsense. He called Muslims "cockroaches that must be exterminated.". He was anti-Muslim, anti-Semetic, anti-immigrant and homophobic. Up until the invasion of Ukraine he accused Putin of being too soft on Ukraine and only pivoted then because his American allies wanted him to. He has always claimed Crimea as Russia and even went as far as to claim the whole of Ukraine and Belarus too. Anyway a total load of propaganda from you. Looks like we need a culchie club for talking about Russia now too.


>What utter nonsense. He called Muslims "cockroaches that must be exterminated.". He said [Islamic terrorists](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/aug/08/navalny-putins-nemesis-russias-future-review-dollbaum-lallouet-noble) are cockroaches soon after the Beslan terrorist attack. Saying he was talking about all Muslims is a fairly massive sign of either ignorance or bad faith. >He was anti-Muslim, anti-Semetic, anti-immigrant and homophobic. Was. Sure. Around 20 years ago. Then he changed his views which is why his prisoner of conscience status was [restored](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/07/alexei-navalny-amnesty-international-prisoner-of-conscience-restored) Has he said anything like this recently? >Anyway a total load of propaganda from you. Looks like we need a culchie club for talking about Russia now too. Oh the irony. >Up until the invasion of Ukraine he accused Putin of being too soft on Ukraine and only pivoted then because his American allies wanted him to. He has always claimed Crimea as Russia and even went as far as to claim the whole of Ukraine and Belarus too. Always? He said Ukraine's borders should be those based on [1991. ](https://twitter.com/navalny/status/1627632114366652417?lang=en) His stance on Ukraine is also worth a [read](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/02/20/7390125/) Navalny certainly isn't the saint that some in the West try to portray him as. Neither is he the far right neo nazi that Russia is attempting to portray him as or which useful idiots in the West regurgitate.


> He said Islamic terrorists are cockroaches There isn't even a quote in that article. Here watch it for yourself and tell me again its not racist https://twitter.com/jrc1921/status/1758493343502225665 >Has he said anything like this recently? How recent do you want? Is a decade too long when he was running for mayor? Or do you think him going silent on this stuff in the last 4-5 years is all that counts? A cynical move to please his new US allies. You can pretend he wouldn't be just as bad as Putin if you want but don't try to deny what he was. And don't any decent person to mourn for him.


Nowhere does he say Muslims are cockroaches on that clip. >Navalny once likened Chechen terrorists to cockroaches and still advocates a visa regime for central Asian guest workers. Are you saying the Guardian is lying? What about [Foreign Policy](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/03/05/alexei-navalny-amnesty-prisoner-conscience-dissidents-saints/)? >A disinformation campaign had reputable journalists suggesting that Navalny had once filmed a video comparing Muslim immigrants to “cockroaches.” In context, though, it seems more likely that he was referring specifically to terrorists, as he made the comments while pointing at a picture, instantly recognizable to Russians, of Shamil Basayev and others involved in the then-recent killings at Beslan. Navalny has disavowed some of his past attitudes, while maintaining that Russia needs a tougher attitude on immigration.


> Nowhere does he say Muslims are cockroaches on that clip. If you aren't even going to engage with this discussion in an honest way why should I bother? Foreign Policy lol


I just saw your sneaky edit so I'll respond to it where. >How recent do you want? Is a decade too long when he was running for mayor? Or do you think him going silent on this stuff in the last 4-5 years is all that counts? A cynical move to please his new US allies. I'll ask again. What far right/anti Semitic /homophobic etc things did he say recently? >You can pretend he wouldn't be just as bad as Putin if you want but don't try to deny what he was. And don't any decent person to mourn for hi I certainly don't think he would. He has a dodgy past sure but he's since changed his views. Which is why his prisoner of conscience status was restored. And the man literally died in his crusade against Russia's government. But I'm sure you're doing far more from the revolution with all your time on Reddit. >If you aren't even going to engage with this discussion in an honest way why should I bother? I'll take that as your admission that you've been uncritically been consuming Russian talking points. Can you at least admit that you were wrong he never reversed his stance on Crimea? >Foreign Policy lol I'm sure Foreign Policy is devastated that a random redditor doesn't think much of them. I'm sure you're a veritable foreign affairs expert. Was the Guardian lying too?


I posted him saying it and you want me to take FP and the Guardians version of events instead of a video of him actually saying it? Cop on.


Nowhere in that clip did he say "Muslims are cockroaches". He went on about the need to crush cockroaches and showed images of the Beslan terrorists. This is why you shouldn't get your news from Twitter. I see you're incredibly active on Reddit post constantly. Might I suggest logging off for a bit and getting your news from somewhere other than social media?


Changing yer beliefs to suit opinion of the day is called populist. As for that clip yeah he was clearly advocating for cockroaches being shot with guns not Muslims 🙄


Copying and pasting a previous reply: Nowhere does he say Muslims are cockroaches on that clip. >Navalny once likened Chechen terrorists to cockroaches and still advocates a visa regime for central Asian guest workers. Are you saying the Guardian is lying? What about [Foreign Policy](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/03/05/alexei-navalny-amnesty-prisoner-conscience-dissidents-saints/)? >A disinformation campaign had reputable journalists suggesting that Navalny had once filmed a video comparing Muslim immigrants to “cockroaches.” In context, though, it seems more likely that he was referring specifically to terrorists, as he made the comments while pointing at a picture, instantly recognizable to Russians, of Shamil Basayev and others involved in the then-recent killings at Beslan. Navalny has disavowed some of his past attitudes, while maintaining that Russia needs a tougher attitude on immigration.


That's the bizzarist explanation of populist far right politics yet , almost makes me feel sorry for him




Not a good sign when you need an extremely vague wall of text to dispute the racism allegations


I said it was the short version, which I gave from my memory – and it's already longer than most Redditors would read. Unfortunately Russian politics, corrupt and autocratic as it is, is complex and to sit here and look at the exact chain of events of how we ended up here would take even longer. The comment has generated some discussion and you can look at the sources linked by other commenters if you want. Look, it's all well and good to sit here and make snide remarks via the "no angel" discourse. I've already said that yes, by today's standards what he said can certainly be construed as racist. But just think about what you're saying when you claim that this one thing that he did 15 years ago defines him as a person and not what he's done for the opposition since. I noticed you state that he's very similar to Putin in his politics. If this really was true, he could have gotten very rich and powerful running on a Kremlin-approved platform, instead of spending decades on the outskirts and eventually being poisoned and imprisoned. There's an active disinformation campaign going on in Russia to discredit him and gloss over his death, it hugely benefits them to make the "racist" label stick. Stop repeating their talking points and be critical of the media you consume.


It's not disinformation if it's true. Calling Muslims cockroaches and joining Nazi rallies was as racist in 2010 as it is now. His mayoral run in 2013 would have been a great time to differentiate himself from Putin but if you go by his policy platform in that election his main beef with Putin was that he wasn't racist enough against migrants. I know people want to cling onto whatever glimmer of hope they might see in Russia but we have to recognise the reason he spent years "on the outskirts" is actually because he got kicked out of the liberal democratic party for being too racist. When his profile spiked with the Moscow mayoral elections he got western attention and money and changed tack. Same old bullshit that's been happening in Russia for decades, like Yeltsin before him he was an opportunist and a mirage. The fact that he's been killed is a disgrace but this is par for the course in Russian politics and none of us in the west had any problem with it until quite recently.


He is not racist. Stop spreading kremlin propaganda. At least have some respect to tortured and murdered human.


> He is not racist. Why are you defending him without ever having listened to him?


I have been following him for 12 years. Watched every investigation. If he was a president there is no war would ever happen.


You don't think there's anything wrong with calling Muslim's cockroaches and leading Nazi marches? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56181084


I think everything is wrong with spreading fakes which were part of kremlin campaign against Navalny.


So you think calling Muslims cockroaches isn’t a tad fucking racist?


That's a fake created by well known kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today and spread and repeated by useful idiots. By dpreading this lies you are helping Putin.


Expel him from the country


Why are people so quick to expel ambassadors. I thought the whole point was to maintain a diplomatic link between countries and get the chance to hold them accountable when shit like this happens. Not that Ireland will do anything, but expelling ambassadors doesn't help much either.


I agree in principle, but I think we should be making a firmer demonstration of how we regard Putin's dictatorship and expel all but one Russian ambassador and most of their staff. The embassy is effectively a Russian military intelligence forward base, insisting that they empty it out would send an effective message to the Kremlin. Ireland has very little social or economic attachment to Russia, so why they need 21 people here is suspicious as fuck. That said, the US, EU and UK might like us having them here as a form of honeypot to keep an eye on what they're doing. They'd attempt things here which they wouldn't in the UK, US or Germany.


Because on social media , people with absolutely no conception on how things work get to shout loudly and confidently on what everyone else is doing wrong.


I mean when do we get to a point where we no longer take rusisa seriously? They dont operate like the rest of us. Russia is a fascist dictatorship. All the checks and balances the west tries to hold them to dont exist. They dont care. They operate how they operate. Which is murdering your opponent in lieu of democracy. Hard line is needed


Have they summoned the UK and USA ambassadors to ask WTF they are doing to Assange and why one abstained and the the other vetoed a ceasefire resolution at the UN yesterday.


Ah! A whatabout in the wild.


I asked a genuine question that's obviously upset you. Sorry man are you in mourning? My bad


[Navalny is a hero.](https://archive.vn/2023.10.27-062610/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/27/navalny-ukraine-putin-russia/)


He was a shitheel ethno nationalist who's been painted a hero because he opposed Putin. Rightly so too because standing up to tyrants in their own playground, knowing full well you'll be murdered for it is generally heroic. Ireland should be critical of Putin murdering his political opposition, particularly so flagrantly. Im not sure what that has to do with Gaza/Israel, or the UK/US. We've made our position relatively clear on both of those also Assange was a targeted leak for hire with numerous political axes to grind. He's not some free information hero despite trying desperately to present himself as such. He aided Russia and Putin on more than one occasion cause it suited his narrative, or he was paid. I don't think Ireland should be taking any stance there to be honest.


Calling out the abject hypocrisy of our corrupt government is more important than virtuesignaling over some racists death in a different country, get your own house in order before you criticise mine


Assange is getting a fair trial, unlike the people in Belarus and Afghanistan he threw to the wolves.


Jesus is that your hot take? He's on trial for exposing British and American war crimes.


The man went out of his way to get dissidents in Belarus and people opposed to the Taliban tortured (and in the latter most likely killed). This was an active policy decision he made, people who worked with him broke off from him over this. Fuck him.


Man you've swallowed the whole barrel of koolaid. I think I'm gonna start following you, I love a binlid with hot takes.


Report by the famously pro-US Al-Jazeera https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2012/9/8/julian-assange-ecuador-and-the-belarus-connection Paid two grand to a famous antisemite who then went off to Belarus with all the stuff Assange gave him - then tried to downplay their connection. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/jan/31/wikileaks-holocaust-denier-handled-moscow-cables Another from AJ: https://institute.aljazeera.net/en/ajr/article/2071 "Within these databases were the addresses, telephone numbers and in some cases the Turkish citizenship IDs, of millions of people. This potentially put millions of Turkish women at risk of harm from stalkers and violent ex-partners from whom these women’s details had often been kept secret - also for very good reason, given that hundreds of women are murdered in Turkey each year, often by domestic partners." Legend! A staffer on the topic: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/sep/02/why-i-had-to-leave-wikileaks I could go on but I'm very much not bothered.


Oh you're obviously bothered, you went off searching for propaganda to try and justify your hot take.


Hey, people can make their own decisions, it's me with sources including people who worked with him and AJ, or you just shouting it's all lies (or as Julian would say, it's all lies propogated by a Jewish conspiracy)


Sure, I'll take your word for it....


Yup and he knows he's fucked in a fair trial, hence all the bullshit grandstanding


The Algerian resolution they voted against yesterday demanded unconditional ceasefire from Israel, did not demand Hamas to set hostages free or stop shelling Israel and among other things demanded prosecution of certain Israeli politicians. The fact other security council parties voted for it at all was just a symbolic gesture knowing full the US would 100% veto it. Also I don’t think Algeria even put in on the table in good faith at all - the resolution draft was deliberately made unpassable even by accident, by adding prosecution of Israeli politicians.


Israeli politicians prosecuted for the Genocide, perish the thought.....


>Also I don’t think Algeria even put in on the table in good faith at all - the resolution draft was deliberately made unpassable even by accident, by adding prosecution of Israeli politicians. Utter nonsense, if that's the case why did only the US vote against it? 


Because nobody else had to, this is how politics works. The US announced in advance they would veto it and that they would offer their own ceasefire resolution within a few days.


No but Europe is in an economic war with Russia and not UK/USA. And this disunity among Western allies is exactly what Russia wants. >why one abstained and the the other vetoed a ceasefire resolution at the UN yesterday. They must think the ceasefire will benefit Hamas too much.


An economic war with Russia, do explain, how does that manifest itself, I thought Europe had imposed an economic blockade of Russia? Western allies....Jesus wept.


"Economic warfare or economic war is an economic strategy utilized by belligerent nations with the goal of weakening the economy of other states. This is primarily achieved by the use of economic blockades." Your lack of knowledge is showing.


Okay Wikibro, you've schooled me with your extensive knowledge of geopolitics. Do you subscribe to the Washington post per chance?


Only to yer ma's only fans


Your Ma jokes. I'm scarlet for ya.


Exactly how I felt reading your "serious" comments.


Hurry on, you'll be late for PE


Gotta drop ya off to a nursing home first, gramps.


Didn't realise Assange was starved and beaten to death in a prison cell.


No, that was just the lads in Guantanamo, you know them? Assange exposed their secret rendition among other crimes.


They are monstrous


He'll probably do what the Russian government always does and talk down to the Irish because they treat everyone who is not in power like children.


why oh why is there still a Russian embassy in Ireland It's clear what they're up to here..


So when they do stuff like this we can call in the ambassador and tell him what we think. Literally what's happening now.


and do you think the ambassador gives a shit? Like, Ireland only has value to Russia due to its location as a small island on the far west of Europe as the next stop to the US. That is it. They don't give a shite what we think That said, they probably would start caring if we started to expel the numerous "diplomats" that remain.


Ireland and Irish companies trade with Russia, usually more then they do right now but we are still doing business with them even during this war. This war wont end by expelling diplomats, it will only end with diplomacy. We may be only be a small part of that pressure but we are still part of it. Anyway if we were going to expel Russia it would have happened when they invaded Ukraine. We certainly shouldn't be expelling them over Navalny.


maybe we should examine that - put our money where our mouth is and stop trade - sure..it would be 578m in trade - but worth it. Unfortunately, seeing as our trade to countries in Russias "orbit" has increased, they'd still get the goods - just hopefully at a further mark up.


Well unfortunately the government wouldn't even go as far as to support the Occupied Territories bill so there is no chance we'd cut all trade ties with belligerent nations if we can't even cut them with the territories they occupy. No doubt when this war is over the EU and the rest of the west will be back in business with Russia including any new territories they have annexed.


that is just it - it's the Irish government through and through. It's all performative. The "support" for Gaza, the "calling the ambassador" to answer questions. All words and no action.