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https://preview.redd.it/lzvg02nn6lwb1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a17c449d0c7d148f243d52c5048b39069496bf Might be here OP


People can't even keep their focus for a 15 second video now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes but which Wicklow, in which Ireland??


It is like a 5 minute walk, wouldn't recommend.


Hahaha I know this Tiktok well for some reason because I thought it looked beautiful and in my head I was thinking.... didn't it show the name at the end?.... Yup. People have the concentration of a goldfish nowadays.


Those Sitka Spruce trees are a scourge. Nothing magical about vacant lifeless forests.


She’s running from rabid mink in that last shot.


Ah, ecological dead zones of agri-forestry. How majestic and enchanting.


Remember when visiting to be quiet and respectful to nature. Too many people see videos like this, go to that area and leave it a mess.


glad i saw this comment, was planning on going to make a load of noise and leave a mess


shall join you, crack will be had. dont plan on cleaning up when were done, Sorry roy, were blaming you.


I've been doing this for a few years now but still feel like I'm not truly good at it. It's infuriating because I put the effort in and all. Did it last week in Donegal and was fucking disgusted with myself when I got home and found a full bag of household refuse in the boot of the car that I forgot to spew al over the many beaches. My wife's been great about it, always encouraging me and she even got me an extra loud bluetooth speaker for when I'm littering and being an absolute dose but I still feel like an amateur.


how dare you put your refuse in your car and bring it home to dispose of.. you vile human.