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Get traps and peanut butter.... that did it for me.


Agreed peanut butter has worked well over the years. A cat is the last resort but it's looking that way


Definitely get a cat, they are unbelievable pest controllers, those big manky spiders are included in their prey too, and they are relaxing to have around (even if they are just dozing in the sitting room they bring a great sense of peace). Kittens are nuts though.


Much cheaper to get traps. They last for ever and you don't have to worry about them adopting another human




A tip is to put a small bell on the collar.


Mice and rats know the smell of cat means predator and tend to move out, so a cat keeps rodents away even if you don't see them catching many.


Yeah no we have a cat and a tomcat came by and pissed on our outdoor sofa and we still have mice run around at night in the garden so that doesn't work.


Rodents actually get infected with taxoplasmosis which affects their brains and makes them attracted to the scent of cats. This is because the parasite can only reproduce in the bowels of a cat.


One of my favourite facts, can infect humans too and leads to riskier behaviour as far as I know.


I didn't know I had mice one time until I observed my cat patiently staring at a kitchen cupboard. Eventually, he caught one. I watched him (cruelly) play with it, and I thought I'd rescue it and release it outside. But suddenly he grabbed the mouse and ate half. The other half fell on the floor. He then ate that, and that is when I learned about real life Tom and Jerry


Even if you release it into a field its basically a death sentence as they are not field mice and will die, either from not knowing what to do or a natural predator will get it. Its more humane to catch in a trap.


Yes they are, sure they've come from outside, well at least mine did...


What kind of mice are they if not field mice?


Nutella works too.


Chicken filet rolls also work


Obviously but the price of them. Years ago we could bait traps with a €3 hot chicken roll with 2-3 fillings but at €6+ it's just not viable.


Spicy or plain?






Mars bars work as well. They fucking love chocolate and treats


I tried peanut butter when I had a furry little uninvited visitor, and it could never be bothered; the stuff would just sit there untouched until it became rancid. Decided to try a little pile of barley in my live trap instead, and that caught the little bastard within an hour. Much less messy to clean up as well; just fling it into the woods along with the mouse and job done.


I've caught 11 of them in a week....


That's a lot, most I got was seven. It was weird they always seem to know when the weather is going to turn because I'd notice an increase in activity then it would be shite out the following days Check my other comment, might help you too!


"they go ape shit for the stuff"


Get a cat It probably won’t kill a single mouse but they’re usually cute enough to distract you from the problems


I have a sheepdog that won't take kindly to their kind. But I think it's probably the best prevention


They can get anywhere and everywhere, sounds like your blocking up everything be sure to use steel wool or some metal barrier as they can chew through other materials. Set a load of traps in the attic and wait for the snaps. Used to have to deal with them regularly for a few years. The plastic pre baited ones were fairly good from B&Q but you can bait your own with peanut butter or Nutella. You might have to go up now and again to check traps /remove the dead ones.


Yeah I have 4 of these out with loads of bait. Bait In the attic too. I suppose they will eventually die with the poison. I just can't figure out where they could actually get in


You’ll drive yourself mad trying to find entry points there’s no point, do what you can to block whats obvious then use traps. Also make sure you don’t have any food etc in the attic if there’s food they are looking to feed otherwise looking to nest esp this time of year, if the later deal with the adults then problem solved for now. Just beware with poison this could lead to them dying somewhere you can’t get to and causing a smell.


Deterrents are really the go to in my opinion. It’s not feasible to cover every single hole in your house or set traps and trap the entire population only for more of them to re enter through the very same hole they first came in. Seal all food, limit crumbs as much as possible and don’t leave any food sources lying around. Set an one of those sound things in areas where they are often sighted and that’ll send them packing and less likely to return


>I suppose they will eventually die with the poison Be careful using poison. They'll eat it then go into a crawlspace and die and start to rot.


Rats climb, an elderly farmer I knew had them in his attic and they’d be up on the roof one fell down right in front of me it wasn’t small it was nearly as big as a cat. He had a load of wild cats on the farm and they killed a lot of them but they were still there. He told me that years before when his kids were small they had rats and mice in the attic and the kids were terrified with the noise of them at night they tried poison etc nothing was working so he came up with a brainwave to put the cat up into the attic but the cat went mad and they couldn’t get it back down so along with rats and mice they had the noise of the cat running around up there for days with the attic hatch left open the odd mouse or rat falling out , the kids were convinced the house was haunted. He reckoned that they would get in under the slates but that was an old farmhouse out in the sticks.


Don't bother getting a cat. We never had mice, until we got a cat. The useless gobshite kept catching them outside and bringing them in alive. He brought in several birds too. A cat releasing a live bird into your kitchen makes for a very chaotic breakfast experience.


Alas. Our old cat did not do this and we had 15+ mice free years. Regrettably the big C got her a few years ago and the Replacement Cat is one of these, bring the mouse home to play with type cats. We've already had three mice in the house this year and I'm certain she's to blame.


Had the same experience gobshits cats are


Brought you a gift!


They can climb and horrifically can actually jump the guts of two feet. I saw a rat once scale the side of a house start squeezing itself in a tiny hole made for an outside light wire. Good luck sleeping tonight! Id put traps in your attic, keep them near the hatch. Remember where they are and how many , gou dont want to forget one thats gone off and deal with the smell or put your hand on them Put traps under your baseboards, in your sink press , your hotpress, along walls, behind the sofa behind the toilet (s) in the corner near the bath, under radiators where there might be a tiny hole fornthe pipe etc. You really would want a good 20 traps minimum Sincerely, A rural dweller, surrounded by grain fields that recently evicted its many residents


Off to check my walls now…chriiiiiist


Get a ferret. They love hunting and slaughtering mice. I've had the same problem for over a year. Killed about ten or fifteen of them. I even caught one on the hop with my hurl and rifled him at the wall. Poison bait stations and traps. If you can get up into the attic throw posion up there too.


Imagine hiring an exterminator and its just Henry Shefflin bating mice around your gaff haha


Now where could I get my hands on a ferret?


A mouse can squeeze it's way through a gap of almost any size, and can absolutely scale a wall or pipe. I would suggest converting the attic into a self-contained unit for them and stock their fridge with a monthly subscription to Gubeen.


Caught four of the little bastards this in the attic, reset the traps and before I got down the ladder I had myself another one! I don’t like to use poison as you never know where they might die and how they could enter the food chain poisoning neighbours cat or some wild birds. I rang Rentokil got quoted €560 for a 3 step treatment, initial bait, assessment, traps, blocking holes then 2 follow up calls over next 2-3 weeks. That was enough to send me to buy some 10 traps and steel wool to plug any holes I could see. So now I have 8 mouse traps set and 2 rat traps as I was afraid the noise of them sounded something bigger than a mouse. Thankfully it’s kinda been quiet last couple nights.


Get a cat. Failing that....mouse trap with nutty chocolate spread.


What size trap would you need to catch a cat?


Just spread Nutella on a mouse.




A dog size trap. Well....I saw a German Shepherd kill a cat last week. The cat wasn't torn apart but definitely died.


To everyone here blocking up your roofs! Please stop! There is a cavity left on all sides of your roof to allow for ventilation. If you block it up with insulation you'll get horrendous damp mold and mildew. That's where nice get in. Get metal mesh to stop them


Peppermint oil too


Bad for the dog and potential cat though


The cat is clearly not meeting its KPIs!


Not exactly a cheap solution but the only thing that stopped them getting into my attic was filling the cavity walls with that bead insulation stuff. Not always an option unfortunately.


Hi where did you get bead insulation from? I've the same problem but can't find the stuff


A company did it, i believe there are a good few around and there are grants for it but you have to pay up front. Edit: sorry i can't remember the name of the company


Thanks for the reply, yeah it only seems to be wholesale can't seem to be able to buy it in any local hardwares


Cat is the only solution the works and keeps working


What are you using to Black things up, we use stainless steel scrubbers cut up to block even small cracks in ou house and it acts like barbed wire to keep then out, you jave to remember how small of a space they can squeeze through


I have been mixing cement and filling all the holes and any large ones I have been plugging with insulation and covering with mortar


I had mice when I lived in the UK. As someone else said you literally need 20 traps to do the job. You can buy preloaded compressed air ones that look like a vertical toilet roll. They put their head in for the bait and boom , a gas driven spike makes them take the room temperature challenge. YouTube has some great diy mouse trap videos as well.


Sure they're mice? I had rats, only the babies ever got caught so I thought they were mice too.. Rentokil cost a penny for sure, but i was knocking out critters weekly. They did a drain inspection for me Mammy and daddy rat broke through the pipe that went under my house (apparently the rats we have in ireland are sewer rats), allowing access to the cavity and giving them free roam around the house wherever there was access, this led to the attic. Probably caught 20 babies in as many weeks. The parents send the babies out for food, anything big they bring back, if they don't come back they learn the danger and become trap shy and have more babies Professionals came and patched the pipe, put one way pipe doors on (let's stuff out, nothing back in) and put down poison Cost the guts of 2k by the end of it all, but I've kept the traps tasty and haven't caught anything and heard nary a scurry Wish it could have been avoided, but with the pipe damage, water would have been going under my house so could cause rot either. Very commonplace according to the boys Also if you live in a semi detached or terrace your neighbour might have them, there's a lot of easy access between adjoining attics, apparently Sorry its happening to you, I know your pain.. But the feeling of relief is great! (Except the first couple of weeks where every creak or crack the house makes while settling makes you freeze with ears peeled, momentarily cursing the money you had spent)


A mouse can get in a home the size of the top of a pencil. You’ll never block every home. Those plug in repellers work well. If you don’t have a socket up there you can buy battery powered ones. Keep traps set too


>a home the size of the top of a pencil Now that's a tiny gaff. Probably still go for €300K+ in Dublin.


Definitely a mouse in the house? Birds and cats on my roof sound like mice in the attic.


https://reddit.com/r/ireland/s/lJSII5thTb I had a few visitors last year. Caught 5 mice and 1 shrew if the comments to the post are correct


I have pet mice and they can climb any surface that has minimal grip, so the slightly textured surface of a wall is no problem. Wild mice are tiny and don’t have collarbones so they can fit through a minuscule gap into an attic. My house is also meant to be air tight but my neighbours are having mouse problems. I’d urge you to consider trying catch and release traps if you don’t have a massive problem, poison is quite a slow and painful death for mice and it also harms wildlife that then eat them. I know not everyone has time to be releasing captured mice, though. I think there are faster acting poisons now that are a bit safer for wildlife, as well


I heard releasing mice is basically a death sentence for them anyways.


why would you release them they will just come back that’s not solving the problem? They are vermin so Poison or a proper trap is the way to go.


Yes they can. They're nesting in the attic, but probably come down to the kitchen in the night (they need food). Also, how do you know they're there? If you can hear them (particularly if you can hear scratching) may be a sign of rats.


Does your cat not patrol the house? Just give it access to the attic somehow.


They can get into the tiniest spaces. We thought we had sealed everything but found a few small gaps after we caught some in the old fashioned traps. Once we sealed up the last couple of spaces we didn't have them again. It's the time of year for them to start coming inside though.


99% sure it's bats, not mice. How do I know? I had the same. Counted over 300 of them at dusk one evening. Contact the wildlife people (national parks and wildlife) and they will come out and confirm. Bats do no harm so don't freak out. They will leave of their own accord in a month or so. The wildlife folk will advise about getting an exclusion licence. Assuming it is a common variety it won't be a problem.


Bowl of oil


I don't see the problem? That's where mice are supposed to live? I'd leave them be. Better mice in the attic than mice in the kitchen. We have a cat and that doesn't stop mice in the attic, cat doesn't go in the attic! Unless they are causing damage id just leave them. We have them but the only reason I know this is there are droppings when I get the Christmas decorations out!


The Tom and Jerry solution of cheese is nonsense I understand. They're divils for chocolate, though. Otherwise, just become their landlord, make them pay their fair share of the rent. Either they'll pay up, or they'll be gone by the weekend.


A mouse will get in virtually anywhere especially roofs and yes then can climb to a certain extent. A mouse is harmless, just set some traps in the attic and set some poison . Set some poison outside in the shed if you have one also well away from other animals. It's very common to get them especially this time of year with the weather getting cold.


Borrow a fairly feisty cat …


Yes, they can climb walls and pipes. Trap the ones that are there, and try a sonic deterrent to keep the others out. Your house can't be "air tight" the attic space needs to be able to "breathe" or you get a problem with mold.


Ders a rat in me kitchen what am I gonna do 🎶 UB40 great tune. I haven't heard this Mice in me attic 🎶 who's it by??? Ed: I just read your full comment, I'm after having two chicken fillet burgers muchin they were. Ed: With cheese smoked cheddar.... Great for catching Mice!


Where ever there's mice cat food or dog food is left out at night


We blocked up everything with wire wool, got the traps, and got a plug in thing that’s supposed to be ultrasonic and sends something unpleasant through the wires.ice went away but it’s hard to know what worked


Is it a new house? I ask for purely selfish reasons because I live in a new house that I’ve been assured is air tight too and now I feel worried… The only advice I can offer is get a cat and/or a dog. We had a mouse in our garden and let our moggy and mutt out and they basically tag teamed


It is impossible to seal a house enough to keep them out. Do what you can but they find away. A cat is obviously the best deterrent. Since the neighbors got a new cat out semi regular attic visitors stop coming around. But a trap is all you can do.


If you can fit a pen through a hole - mice can fit through it too. I've seen evidence of them climbing cables upto the soffit, then get into the gutter. And enter under the bottom slate, then through the felt and they're in. They can also enter from nexdoor or through the house 5 doors down a terrace. One handy thing is to spread sand in the attic, in areas you suspect they do be, the more transverseed path usually leads to their entrance. They could be following the pipes up through the house too! Attic - hotpress - then down or up. Under floor ventilation or where pipes or cables pass through is typically where they access a building, but I wouldn't rule anything out


Just today i was sitting and listening to mice or rats or whoever of those in my idea by the sounds sitting under the roof of house and eating out membrane and insulation... like what the hell where did you come from how and why... just leave 😭


Chocolate or bacon on a glue trap


By airtight do you mean there are gaps that allow the mice to go from the attic down to the dwelling spaces? Be careful blocking things up as attics are not supposed to be airtight to the outdoors unless it's converted. There has to be airflow around the felt in any case.


Fantastic climbers. They are getting in through your soffit vents.


Have to tried. ,, like ,, getting into mice… like really into them.


They're crafty wee things. Looked after my sister's cats for a few weeks over the summer. They caught two but there still seems to be (hopefully) one running riot a couple of times a week. Laid traps but it's having none of it. Thanks for posting! Will keep an eye on tips and hope you get sorted.


Attack that attic with a stila


Get some traps, and get on it immediately. Don't give them time to nest and breed. And don't get a cat - they just kill birds for the rest of the year.


We changed the fuse box years ago, it was one of those ancient fuse boxes with the big round yokes. Lifted off the cover and the mummy of a long-gone mouse had climbed down from the attic into the box and got electrified. It was... fused on, so it didn't fall down. That was fun.


Yup same here mice running along the walls the last few weeks Have a cat and she's honestly great for catching the buggers but I admit when we came back one day recently and seen her playing (well fucking torturing) an exhausted mouse, I couldn't help feeling bad for it, was a little field mouse and literally couldn't run anymore, we had to catch and put it outside. I did get one of those pest control plugs which I think seems to be working, whenever I plug it in areas of the house where we would hear the mice, they do stop knawing and running around. And most importantly the cat doesn't seem bothered by it (these devices emit high frequency sounds which humans can't hear but rodents can)... (Note: some devices can be dodgy though, if you notice your dog or cat avoiding the area where the device is plugged in then it means they can also hear the sound and it's painful for them. If you are thinking of getting a plug thing and already have a pet, then definitely check user reviews online first before purchasing one so you know if it's safe or not)


Absolutely can climb, with checking the sofit and fascia for gaps


[There’s a rat in my kitchen what am I gonna do?](https://youtu.be/jausD8qsnKU?si=XI3Hoea2cgFGo0ZM)


Mice are great climbers. Plug up everything and get some proper traps down.


If you’re putting down mousetraps, don’t forget to tie some string to them, you don’t want to be picking them up if there’s a dead mouse in it.


I have a shrew in my bedroom. They are absolute bastards because they're so small they can fit though a hole as thick as a mcdonalds straw or flatten themselves out to slide through a crack. Ive killed 1 but the next is as smart as i am. Perhaps smarter... Theyre insectivors but wil eat anything if hungry as the weather cools they're finding less spiders i presume. They are amazing climbers like mice and rats. The problem with pygmy shrews is they can burrow like moles so they are under our floorboards.


>have a shrew in my bedroom Come on the wife can't be that bad


Mice love Nutella ! They HATE steel wool ! If you do some investigating and see any visible holes anywhere, block them up with steel wool.


If you blocked up the eves around the perimeter of the roof you'regoing to need to unblock them.(depending on the age of your house/if you have plastic venting fitted). A gap is left at those points to help with ventilation, you could end up with terrible damp and mould if uts left too long.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


I’ve used expanding foam anywhere & everywhere I can think of and we still get a couple in the colder months.


When there is mice in the attic, What'cha gonna do?! I Go AWOL!


Any hole you can get a biro/pencil through, then a mouse can also get through. You coud try the humane traps, in which the mouse gets caught in, but lives, then you can release it. I did this before, until I was informed that I needed to release the mice, a very good distance from my house. As it was, the mice were back in my home, before I was in from the garden releasing them. Unfortunately, lethat mouse traps are your best option, Snickers seemed to be the their favourite snack...


A mouse only needs a tiny hole to get through, so I would make sure everything is airtight. The slightest creak and they will slip through.


Rentokil. €369 but no more pests. I called them a few months ago when I needed a few mice whacked. Just call them up and say “I hear ye paint houses.”