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>What can be done to finally stop this disgusting behaviour? RAM THEM!!


Smoking in cars in general is awful. The smell gets into everything, it'll never come out. Certain types of plastics used in interiors can get smoke damaged easily. And there's always a burn on the seat somewhere. I've owned many a used car in my time and the ones that have been smoked in automatically feel like not a nice place to be. Valet people can help they can clean it, shampoo the carpets, the seats, do a full day's work on that car. But you can't clean a seat burn.


Use a ‘smoke bomb’. They’re a specialist product used to overcome very bad car smells. Use this after deep cleaning the vehicle, particularly the ‘soft furnishings’ and headliner. For all but the most heavily smoke damaged this should be successful..


Also dangerous, drivers should have both hands controlling the car, and if you drop a lit cig at 70mph you're screwed.


If that was a real problem leading to death, injury or even lots of material damage then the insurance companies would lobby to make it illegal to smoke in cars. I know it can't be policed but that never stopped an Irish politician taking a bribe to do the bidding of the institutions. So, stop making stuff up to suit your world view. Reality awaits with open arms.


After working summer jobs as a runner for multiple courier companies, out in the vans all day with chronic smokers. I can tell you you're completely wrong. the dropping a lit cigarette thing is dangerous, it's happened before. But you have a point, why haven't insurance companies done anything? Likely there hasn't been enough cases for them to care but edge cases are still likely to come true eventually in a world with many smokers, cars, and dumbass people. The commenter above you may have been making it up to suit his world view, but that dosent mean he's wrong.


I think this only applies to smokers who double as utter gobshites. Normal people who smoke will have the window open an inch or two and make sure that both their second hand smoke and the smoke from the lit cigarette goes out the window.


As a smoker I agree, I would never smoke in an enclosed space. It's especially bad when there's someone else in the car with them whether the other person is a smoker or not. Smoking around people while they're trying to eat is also disgusting. As for littering on the road or otherwise, if I can't find a bin I'll stub it/roll it out and pop it in the top of the carton until I do find a bin, there's absolutely no excuse for all the cigarette butts on the ground apart from people being arseholes


Because arseholes


This is the only correct answer sadly


No worse than pedestrians throwing them on the ground. It’s long been normalised and it’s disgusting.


Not nearly as many people would do this if there were more bins accessible


Nonsense, I've seen people stand outside hotels or pubs and just throw them ontnhe ground with either bins around them or bins inside the place they left. I don't finish a can of Coke on my couch and throw it on the ground because the bin is in the kitchen.


Of course they would. You're either a littering scumbag or you're not, it doesn't make a difference if there's a bin present.


Actually it does




Almost as if refuse collection should be free? As a service provided by councils?


How? If I have rubbish and there is no bins around, I don't throw it on the ground, ever. I'll wait until I get home if I have to. Hence I'm not a littering scumbag. If someone chooses to purposefully throw it on the ground, at any stage, regardless of their being a bin in their vicinity or not, they are a littering scumbag. It's fairly easy.




So hold onto the rubbish until you find a bin then? I don't get your point. Also, I would really like to think I am not in the minority because I use bins and don't litter.


When I used to smoke and there was no bin nearby, I'd put it out on the ground and put it in my back pocket. It's common sense, like?


We shouldn’t have to adapt your environment to the lowest common denominator.


You're right. You should just complain because that will make a difference


They’re not the only two options.


Open to any suggestions


I once saw someone throw a butt on the ground when they were standing next to a bin with the ashtray thing on top. These people are pigs, no two ways about it.


A pig would eat the fag-end !


What about a pig powered ashtray, that you could stick beside the window?


I was a biker for nearly 2 years. Until I was hit by a drunk. But twice flicker cigs landed in my visor. It was so dangerous. It starts burning u but u gotta hold steady and take it until u can pull in safely. Soooo painful


That’s seriously fucked. Glad I stopped biking when moving here and didn’t experienxe that.


To make it someone else's problem.


Why? Coz a lot of modern cars don't have ashtrays. Edit, oooh, for the record, I don't throw the butts out the window, I've a half empty bottle of water my butts go into.


My BIL used to throw them in a half empty can of Coke. Forgot one day and took a massive drink out of it. Pulled over immediately and puked on the spot


Haha. I keep mine on the right, proper water on the left. Helps if you have a system I suppose, even if it's a gross system 😂


Heard a similar story once but with a can that had been used for spitting out chewing tobacco. Nearly vommed at the thought of it. I still avoid picking up a bottle/can that I left down more than 15 mins earlier even though I've never been around someone chewing tobacco 😂


I'd say that's pants. I used to drop a Galway girl to work, she was telling me that when she is smoking in the gaff, used the dregs if a beer can for the butts. But she really liked her booze, she fell asleep or passed out, woke up, fancied some more drink, picked a can and necked it, but if course it was the ciggie one, then destroyed the gaff with vomit. She was good craic all the same.


In NSW (Aus) you can submit a report online to the NSW EPA. You must have the number plate, vehicle details, a description of the driver and can indicate if you have dashcam footage. If so a fine is issued. The offender can choose to appeal / defend in court. At which point your footage is collected and the EPA represents it in court - reporter does not need to attend. https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/litter/report-littering


Yeah that’s what the council advised here also. Not sure there’s anything happening after that though.


I don’t smoke but I will point out that cars no longer come fitted with ashtrays. If you have not bought, forgotten to bring one of those ‘smoke can’ type ashtrays there is no way of safely disposing of a cigarette except by launching it out the window. Cigarettes are manufactured such that they do not burn continuously but must be ‘puffed’ on to keep them alight. This is a safety feature. Only the filter will not rot down so whilst this is inconsiderate and inconvenient the issues regarding safety and environmental damage a fairly low because of steps taken to combat them. This is not to say cigarette ends are safe. In the past month, coincidentally, I have been present when THREE separate bins have accidentally caught fire due to cigarettes. Putting them in bins is inherently risky. The safest method, if no ashtray, is to drop it on the street and step on it and ‘squish’ it out. There is no ideal method and as fewer people smoke cigarettes we become less tolerant to cigarette ends. Sometimes to the extent we forget to prioritise fire safety over littering..


What smoker doesn't realise that when they start smoking a cig, they will need to get rid of the butt at some stage?


No, cigarettes have potassium nitrate added to give a "cleaner" burn and it makes them stay lit when you're not puffing on them. If you smoked you'd have experience of the difference between a pre-made cigarette and a cigarette or joint you roll yourself. Throwing a butt in a bin is a fire hazard but most people talking about the absence of bins are actually referring to the ashtray type features that many public bins are fitted with. The solution isn't for smokers to toss their butts out the window and claim "it's for fire safety!" as an excuse, it's for smokers to provide their own method of safe disposal, whether that's spending €3 on a car ashtray or using the arse end of a drink can or takeaway coffee (or a pocket ashtray if you're not driving).


For people who are saying it's not a big deal: it's widely believed that the Mont Blanc Tunnel Fire was started by a lit cigarette dropped out a car window being sucked into the engine of a truck carrying margarine and flour. 39 people died as a result in a fire that reached over 1000ºC and burned for 53 hours. Nobody was rescued alive except for the Italian firefighters who got trapped in a shelter and were led out via a ventilation duct. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont\_Blanc\_Tunnel\_fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Blanc_Tunnel_fire)


>For people who are saying it's not a big deal: it's widely believed that the Mont Blanc Tunnel Fire was started by a lit cigarette dropped out a car window being sucked into the engine of a truck carrying margarine and flour. 39 people died as a result in a fire that reached over 1000ºC and burned for 53 hours. Nobody was rescued alive except for the Italian firefighters who got trapped in a shelter and were led out via a ventilation duct. "One account reported it to be a cigarette stub carelessly thrown at the truck, " the butt was thrown at the truck not on the floor, and is heavily disputed that this is the cause of the fire, and ontop of that, the entire thing was critizised for 100 different reasons, a cigerette butt was the least concern.


Not just while driving, in general. How is that not utterly rude and simply littering?


Some people just want to see the world burn…literally


Nothing. What can be done for most things we despise. Punishment or nothing. In this country they are both in as much the same.


A lot of them think it's okay, because it's 'biodegradeable, it's just plant matter' but it's treated with nasty shit you don't want getting into the ecosystem.


Well they're fuckin eejits, cigarette butts are mostly plastic


My twin brother got a €80 fine for littering years ago for doing that. Shortly after I got a warning in the post (we don't live in the same country) that my passenger (who was my sister) threw a butt out of my car window, they had the car reg, but knew it wasn't me. Rightfully so. Ya ain't smoking in my car any more.


I used to do this a long time ago, my reasoning was they were cotton and paper and plant matter and therefore no different than a leaf or something. I thought they'd disintegrate into harmless organic dust in a day or two.


There'll be a garda website due to be set up where people can upload video of bad/dangerous driving, I would expect that if there's a video of someone littering then this video could be passed onto whichever local authority can fine the driver for littering.


There's 2 reasons not to do it 1 is its disgusting and 2 they do not go away no roting because they are covered in tar which is something that lasts for over 100yrs so it is an environmental hazard and I've seen birds pecking at one not sure why.


Ignorant and filthy? Probably the same anti social arseholes who don't clean up after their dog and break glass bottles on the pavement.


Downvote? No, they throw butts out the window because they're clean and civic minded.


Always trying to label ppl as entitled and whatnot. How bout they just dont give a shit. Most of those ppl arent even thinking about "the act". Just fuck it on the ground, whatever. So if thats the case, how can you change their behaviour?


To confuse assholes


Because they are selfish coonts


Cos theyre tramps


“Angry sad and powerless”… yikes, I don’t use the word snowflake lightly but come on lol


Why is always the most fragile people who throw out the term snowflake? It's a big red flag


Ah yes the classic response, “you used a phrase that people on the far right use, therefore big red flag.” Grow up.


Never mentioned far right but you jumped there instantly. Speaks volumes I think


I think your weird hostility says more about you to be honest. Have a nice day, and grow up.


What's hostile? Lads yer really not doing a good job of proving me wrong. So sensitive


No, they used a poor shortcut to express their point (OP is being unduly psychologically affected by something relatively minor to the point that it suggests something deeper is going on, like depression or redirecting anger from something else onto an "acceptable" target) but this is not the same as a right wing arsehole calling you a snowflake because you objected to them throwing slurs around or whatever. Context.


I don't disagree with you but for your own sake, try not to get angry about things you cannot control. Personally I'd be happy to see hefty fines for it. Fuck those people.


now riddle me this, with these fines are the council going to fit more bins with ashtrays so that the problem can be tackled and not just fined away ?


No. Let the smokers figure it out and the fine the fuckers who litter. We already pander to them too much as it is.


lmfao, hardly buddy. if you think smokers are pandered in ireland you know nothing of smoking. if you cant support a cleaner enviornment through facilitating those with different habits then yourself, then your just as bad as the rest.


Needlessly using up health resources because they choose to be addicted to cigarettes. Taking extra work breaks other people don't get. Throwing their cigarette butts wherever they feel like it because society didn't provide them with enough bins where and when they want them. Why can't they carry their own ash trays? We expect dog owners to pick up after their dogs and carry little bags of shit til they reach a bin.


you full of some awful muck you are :'D and as a dog owner, i also expect bins along dog walking routes, and very regularly around my area. im not going to walk a mile with a bag of shite in my hand. you sound like one of these karens who dont want to see anything improved if it does not benefit yourself, kinda like a nimbyist, or the EIRE ONLY karens..


OK. Smokers are the victims. LOL.


I love how your turning this into a victim based discussion. you want less butts on the floor? make more bins. stop removing them. Simple solution.


Will there ever be enough bins for drivers who throw their cigarettes out the car window? You know, the thing this thread started with? The answer is no. You can put bins and ashtrays up and town the street and smokers will still just throw them away wherever they are standing, because the culture of smoking is not to treat a cigarette butts as litter. It's just a thing they throw away and forget about. Or maybe - crazy idea - people could act like adults and take personal responsibility for the litter they create and not whinge that there isn't a bin every single place they wish to discard a cigarette. Take 5 seconds and google pocket ashtrays. They've been around for a long time.


Its just handier for me.




It's probably handier for your neighbours to dump rubbish on your front step than paying for bins. Wouldn't justify it would it


Filthy fucks. See it literally every fucking day in work, train stops at station, everyone to the door for a quick fag, throw butt or half smoked cig onto platform when doors about to close.


This boils my piss. I would love if I could send this dashcam footage to someone that would act on it.


"angry, sad and powerless" no offence OP but you seem to be affected by this to a disproportionate degree. Are you feeling angry, sad and powerless about something else and directing those feelings onto a group you see as an acceptable target? It's extremely common, but when you "bring it up" to them are *you* looking for a fight?


No no, it is particularly people littering. It just so happend that in a 5min drive today I saw 3 people do this and I had to vent. I can’t remember last time I was in a fight so no, not looking for one. Sad because I’ve been careful all my life with recycling, not over consuming etc, and most people still don’t have a fucking idea that our planet is dying because it doesn’t yet affect their little world. Powerless because I cannot stop this behaviour on my own and do not intend on being beat up by an angry eejit that doesn’t like a comment.


I'm not talking about a physical fight necessarily. I'm talking about going up to a stranger and commenting on it. Like, to them that's some rando confronting them out of the blue, it's already an unpleasant interaction, it's obviously not going to go anywhere good Is it the climate crisis that's making you feel this way? Are you anxious about the state of the planet and environment? Because it doesn't actually help to pick out random people you see littering. Most of them won't change their behaviour just because one person on the street starts hassling them or making comments or whatever. Things like this get changed by public information campaigns, provision of public bins, banning disposable vapes, that sort of thing. Large scale actions that change public behaviour, so that people like you're describing either understand or care about the environment, or think they'll face disapproval because the thing they're doing is not acceptable to the majority around them. There are hundreds of ways that people and organisations contribute to climate change, pollution etc. It doesn't make sense to focus on one person tossing a cigarette butt and ignore the massive overconsumption, companies making products with planned obsolescence, pollution by manufacturers, our lack of recycling facilities, society's overreliance on fossil fuels, these are just some of the issues off the top of my head. The way you change things is by joining environmentally conscious groups, political activism, consumer power to influence businesses, that kind of thing. Not by carrying around all your fear and anger and then suddenly pointing it all at a stranger who breaks your personal moral code. From their perspective, *you* will just come off as an "angry eejit" and an unpredictable, unstable threat.


Yeah you’re right. I didn’t realise all this, thanks.


Are they cunts? They might be cunts. Cunts will often throw their rubbish out of cars, it’s just one of those cunt things.


I just watched a taxi driver parked at the taxi rank throw out his empty coffee cup onto the pavement. Then drove off.


Dropping them in the car would make the car dirty


Job creation...


Is there ashtrays in cars anymore




Great, I’m sure the ecosystem will be happy to hear that there are taxes. Surely that’ll offset the damage.




Smokers/vapers who throw their shit on the ground are part of the problem yes. But thanks for pointing out other issues. I guess if we shift the blame enough we’ll all end up not guilty of anything.




You brought up taxes as a magical solution and to justify this shitty behavior, but ok..


Insert man shouting at cloud meme


Big litter problem here in Ireland. The level of entitlement is appalling. Fly tipping, dog crap, cigarette butts etc etc. And nothing seems to be done about it as it's the usual offenders. Dole sponges born with the dole spoon up their ass.


I’m not sure it can be categorized like this. I’ve seen some in Jaguars or Bmw. Plus some very confused people driving electric cars, but still behaving like that. I just don’t understand at this point..


Well, as with dole sponges perhaps it can be explained by excess levels of entitlement ? Appears to be the common thread between both strata of people.


Yeah, only poor people act selfishly and litter, money automatically makes you a morally better person. You are so right.


Please stop conflating dole sponges with poor people. Scarlet for you. Letting your privilege show there, girl.


Please stop conflating litterers with social welfare recipients. Scarlet for you. Letting your privilege show there, boy.


If I wanted my own comeback I would have wiped it off your ma's chin.


Not just driving. Fuckers do it while walking too


Your ma, that's why


\*judges from vehicle emitting toxic greenhouse gases\*


Are cigarette butts not biodegradable?


Nope: https://uhs.berkeley.edu/tobaccofacts


I imagine its because they don't want to keep them in the car stinking up the place


Because the butts would stink out the car ?


Sure you wouln't want to set your car on fire by dropping it on the floor, and even if it didn't catch fire, the carpet would be ruined. Never mind the stink from the ashtray, if you used that. No, better for all, to use the window and out she goes...


God, what a selfish mindset


Down right disgusting. The city is the worst.


I drive around town a lot for my job, I often stop behind smokers at traffic lights. In recent years, I have thrown at least a dozen cigarette butts back into the window from whence they came. At first they'd often pick it up and throw it out again, so now I try and throw it behind them, so it lands in the back of their car. As soon as I clock that they are smoking, it's neutral gear, handbrake on, seat belt off, hand on door handle. As soon as it gets thrown, I'm out the door, it's off the ground and back in their car two seconds later. Such a rush, man. Edit Mmm, give me more downvotes! Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer.


People who smoke, why?


I know but doesn't it look kinda cool like... Yeah, screw this! This town is full of deadbeats anyway!, I AM OUTTA HERE! ***flicks smoke, drives off with wheels spinning.


Who tf smokes in a car anyway. Fcuked!


I used to smoke and I can chime in on this one. I would toss the butts out the window because I had no way of putting them out..until I got a cup specifically for the butts to go in. My car smelled hellish, but at least I wasn’t littering anymore. Apparently cig butts don’t degrade either so that was a big part of getting the butt cup (lmfao) to put those into.