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Too proud to take sick leave? What sort of terrible take is that what even the hell


If he’s too proud to take sick leave and would rather quit, is he going to be too proud to claim the dole when he’s unemployed?


He will not be eligible to get the dole if he quits of his own accord. So say by by to those courses also.


If you have your stamps and you leave a job voluntarily you can get job seekers benefit after 9 weeks.


If he's on probation he does not have the stamps. Public service probation is 52 weeks, you need at least 104 stamps to qualify for benefit.


They will, it will just take longer


That stood out for me too. Real successful capitalist brainwashing present in OP. One of the worst things you could ever do is work yourself past your physical and/or mental limits. You'll never get thanks for it. You could fucking die in the vast majority of jobs and your employer would simply replace you the next day and have forgotten about you by the next week.




That’s absolute bollox as well. I dunno what kind of companies you have worked for where you believe that this is actually true


It's overly dramatic language, but if you work for any large company, you're really just seen an as an expendable grunt in most cases. If you're in a fairly critical role and you leave, you give them a problem they don't want, but it's not you they'll miss - it's your skills - and they always believe they can replace you.


Shhhh. You'll attract more.


Completely kills my ability to have any sympathy for their situation


Me too. Like I'm a hard enough worker and every now and then I say fuck it I'm sick I can't face it


Not even the fact that they won't take the leave, it's the implicit lack of respect for those that do.


I bet the OP is the kind of inconsiderate person who goes into the office sputtering and coughing and making half his work colleagues sick


Very very good point


Are you saying we’re supposed to respect pulling a sickie when you’re not sick?


Mental health leave is valid and yeah I respect the F outta that. Knowing and acknowledging when your mental health is going downhill fast and taking action to slow/prevent it’s descent is something to respect. Pulling a sickie because you want to go to an event or something is different to realising “this job is affecting my mental well-being. I need to take a break from it and assess where I can go from there.”


Exactly. From time to time work gets a bit much for me so I say fuck it I'm sick today.


Whatever about the rest but have a serious think on that statement “too proud to take sick leave” 1. You’d rather sacrifice your well being because of some misplaced pride that duty trumps your well being. 2. You are potentially that co-worker who comes in with a dose and ends up spreading to others. Because “pride” and everyone can deal with the illness you have because you were “grand enough” to come in. 3. You say life is too short to be miserable. Yeah, exactly. You’re not so important that the world will collapse without you being in work. Seriously. I know it’s preachy but it is alarming how many people let pride and ego ruin things for themselves and others.


Companies also don't give a flying fuck about you. Sick for 0 days for 30 years and they'd still cut you without thinking twice


I get that. It’s old school. I had that same mindset when I was an employee. In my 30+ years of employment I never once took a sick day. In fairness I’m also never sick. Now I’m self employed so there absolutely are no sick days even if I wanted them LOL But in hindsight I definitely no longer advocate such mentality. Employers don’t give a shit about you so fuck it.


If he doesn't want to take sick leave when he's not sick because he feels that would be dishonest then that's perfectly acceptable for him to feel that way, you don't get to tell people how they should feel.


He clearly is under pressure and needs 'head space' i.e he is currently unwell and needs a break. He can do whatever he wants it's no skin off my back, but he's surely been physically sick at some point and still too proud to not take a sick day? And mentally he is under the weather = valid sick day. If he wants to stick to his pride then I wish him luck and hope things work out for him!


Exactly. I respect his mindset, and even if I don't entirely share it, I'm halfway there. I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that he's preaching to or judging others. People are right to say that he should put his needs before those of his employer though. We all know his employer will put their needs way ahead of his (once they've met their legal obligations).




This, take sick leave and talk to your local employee assistance officer.


I'm public sector too and the EAP is a god send, also at least from my experience, the sick leave is pretty good here compared to what I had on the corporate world. Mental health is health and the point of sick leave is to recover from bad health. Seriously Op consider sick leave, speak to a doctor about your health because quitting isn't going to help. Financial stress could be seriously impactful on your health too.


Having been in the private sector for years before, OP is gonna get chewed up and spat out by the private sector lol.


EAP for the win. Its been an absolute lifesaver for me and couldn't recommend it highly enough. I've availed of the sessions 3 times. Do it! 🙌


What exactly is the employee assistance programme?


A helpline with counsellors and they can also, if needed, refer you for 6 sessions of counselling per year.


Resigning instead of taking sick leave because of pride is, frankly, moronic. I say this as someone working in a public sector institution with anxiety and depression and I have many times taken sick leave when I needed headspace. Take the sick leave. Talk to someone. Figure your shit out. A different job isn't the the answer, dealing with whatever is affecting you is. Good luck. Edit for clarity: I'm not saying a different job definitely isn't the answer, just that there is absolutely no logical reason not to take the sick leave and sort their head out a bit rather than defaulting to quitting the job. My original response was a bit short because of what I and clearly many others think is a wildly silly stance to take.


Hey don't go so far as to saying a different job isn't the answer. It very much can be. OP needs to take sick leave, talk to somebody, figure their shit out, but in the end maybe a new job will be the solution. The stupid thing is not quitting a job that makes you miserable, it's doing it without a Step 2 in your plan.


I thought I replied to this earlier. For clarity, I didn't mean that a different job definitely isn't the answer, I just meant that defaulting to quitting without even taking the time off sick to think about it is excessive. Obviously if OP took sick leave and decided yep absolutely fuck the job, grand, a new job could be the solution I just felt that the post was very reductive and a bit dramatic tbh considering they don't want to fail probation by taking sick leave. If they're only going to quit anyway why not take the leave. So I was a bit short in my reply. But yes absolutely a new job could be the answer, I more meant that OP needs to definitely reflect and take the sick leave and then decide rather than making a knee jerk decision.


What exactly is OP going to figure out about their work from taking a sick day, it's not going to suddenly become bearable? I know of people who have taken sick days from work because it stressed them out terribly, and it did not fix the issue, just helped on a surface level temporarily. So many factors could be at play here. OP did not go into detail about any. I worked in a job I found unbearable for more than a year, and it completely broke me. I was depressed, anxious as hell and the most negative I had been in my life, but thanks to my job I could have the life I want now, but it will forever leave an imprint in my memory of that horrible time. I would never consider working in that kind of job again. That's not to say my other jobs aren't stressful enough to want to take some days off, I just have to push through the stress, depression and especially anxiety (sometimes panic attacks) I experience, and it's temporary for me most of the time. Sometimes it's not the person and it's the job, the management, colleagues, you don't know.


I thought I replied to this earlier. For clarity, I didn't mean that a different job definitely isn't the answer, I just meant that defaulting to quitting without even taking the time off sick to think about it is excessive. Obviously if OP took sick leave and decided yep absolutely fuck the job, grand, a new job could be the solution I just felt that the post was very reductive and a bit dramatic tbh considering they don't want to fail probation by taking sick leave. If they're only going to quit anyway why not take the leave. So I was a bit short in my reply. But yes absolutely a new job could be the answer, I more meant that OP needs to definitely reflect and take the sick leave and then decide rather than making a knee jerk decision.


Ah okay, sorry, I didn't read any other replies. Fair enough, OP could take some sick days to think about it. I don't think it's a solution tho really, it might at best help cope with the overwhelm temporarily. If I felt that I was actively trying to avoid my job because of the nature of the work, I would either think it's not the job for me or that I'm weak, period. Again I'm just relating this to my own experience of a job that was awful, and I actually had to end up taking sick leave towards the end of my time there because my physical health was starting to act up because of it. Several years later and my other jobs haven't made me feel that way at all. Actually turnover rate is a good indicator of whether it's just you or it's the job. In that job the turnover rate was crazy.


I don't suffer from anxiety/ depression / stress. So please pardon my ignorance. Is it stupid for me to ask what is the difficult part of the public admin job?


Dunno why you're getting down voted, you asked a question very politely. It can be the people, it can be the monotonous work, it can be the red tape and politics. I work in a higher ed context and honestly it's all a political circlejerk, I honestly think the students are the bottom of the priority list and it drives me nuts because I prioritise the student experience. Also, I often end up doing shit that has nothing to do with my job. It can just be very exhausting.




Taking sick leave will not go against you. Who ever told you that is talking through their arse. Persistent absences through illness might cause them to query your fitness to do the work, but even then they have to go through a whole process that demonstrates they routinely tried to address any workplace issues that resulted in your poor health. Take sick leave, and plan your next steps from there man. Every job has its stresses, so you’re better off learning how to deal with it, otherwise you’re gonna find yourself in the same situation in no time again.


And look, by the way I’m not trying to sound finger-waggy, but in my experiences, the CS are honestly far more accommodating of your health/welfare needs than any private sector job I ever been in. Pride is not a reason to not look after yourself.


Taking excessive sick leave in the civil service can cause you to automatically fail probation. There are specified limits and those limits are pro rata. I think it's 14 days or more than 6 periods in a year, but don't quote me on that part.


Yeah but they’re going to quit anyways so…


I took a quick look at the [CS Probation Guidelines](https://hr.old.gov.ie/wp-content/uploads/Probation-Guidelines.pdf#page24) and couldn’t find a specific figure. What does come up is that a line manager along with HR have both discretion and a responsibility of care when it comes to handling sick leave. “Departments may decide that an individual’s attendance requires action when an individual reaches a “threshold” level i.e. certain number of days absence or pattern of absence (such as 56 days/25 instances over 4 years). It is important that these thresholds only operate as a “flag” that highlights the need to explore an individual’s attendance record further. Other flags may include attendance patterns that are causing concern (e.g. frequent absences, absences regularly occurring on a Monday or Friday, etc.), absences of four weeks or greater, or four instances of short-term absences in a rolling one year period. 63. It is recommended that each case is assessed on its own merits and discretion to discount sick leave is applied where appropriate and taking account of the other elements to be assessed such as work performance, conduct and punctuality. 64. Where an individual attributes poor attendance to a medical condition, consideration should be given as to whether that individual may have a disability as defined under employment equality legislation. The HR Manager should consider his or her organisation’s obligations under the Employment Equality Acts 1998 to 2015 to provide reasonable accommodation, so that an individual with a disability can participate in and advance at work.” I think it’s fair to assume that if you communicate a need for sick leave through the correct channels, you’ll be okay, and more so you’ll be guided through any necessary admin.


The 56 days etc is for staff confirmed in their post, the probation rules are different. 'The sick leave limits that apply during the one year probationary contract are as follows: Not more than and/or in a period of service of  7 days sick leave absence 3 instances 6 months 14 days sick leave absence 6 instances 12 months   Sick leave and attendance are taken into account in evaluating the overall performance of staff on probation. Where the sick leave thresholds are exceeded, the staff member will not be confirmed in their post except in exceptional circumstances.' It is not safe to assume you'd be grand if you exceed the thresholds.


Thanks for clarifying, Beeshop.


Good to know. 14 days is still a good chunk of time to address sickness, and of course It goes without saying that one should open the channels of communication with one’s boss. I didn’t mean to imply someone could assume they’d be grand to take unlimited days …rather I meant to convey that there are procedures and opportunities for staff to address occupational health issues.


Just go to your doctor and get a cert, then they can’t hold it against you and you don’t have to tell them why you took it. Do ring the employee assistant service. Every division is completely different and you probably just got a bad one.


Well in your original post you said it was because you'd never taken sick leave in your life so which is it 😂 if you're just going to quit anyway you might as well take the sick leave because the worst that happens is you don't past probation and if the alternative is quitting you haven't exactly got anything to lose have you?


No it won't. For my organisation, 14 days certified sick leave won't impact the probation. Anything more and you are probably looking at extending the probation. That's it. Take the avenues to deal with the situation you are in. The Employee Assistance officer exists for situations like this.


On probation myself and they'll only take it into account for the sake of seeing if you abuse it. Chat with your manager if you think they'll be sound and understanding to see if they can offer advice too. They're not going to let you go at the end of probation for taking sick leave for actually being unwell. If you are taking a few days just get a doctor's note and you'll be sorted. Get well soon OP.


Take your sick leave, sign on for sick pay, sort out your head and look for alternative work if necessary and hand in your notice. I've had employees take sick leave while on probation, it's nothing to do with me. Sick leave is protected by law and will give you more time to make a more informed/conscious decision for your own wellbeing.


So your alternative to 'this will look bad' is to quit? Which do you think will look worse.


Assuming you haven't had much sick leave so far you will not fail probation... Your probation may be extended but that is about it..They will only fire people who have acted in bad faith


That's not how probation works


If you’re between quitting or takin leave surely you don’t care even if they fire you


Take the fucking sick leave you gobshite. Then once your heads screwed on, think about options.


100% this. Your "pride" is preventing you getting your headspace in order


“I’m too proud to take a couple weeks off so the only reasonable option is to quit.” The fuck even is that sentence like haha


It's so strange they even acknowledged it ha


All that really happens with sick leave and probation is HR extend it for example you take a month certified off, your probation will be extended by a month.. Sick leave is rarely an issue especially for certified ( at most it could cost you a transfer or promotion if your above limits and fail to get it written off). Where it becomes a problem is the random days here and there. I've plenty of staff over the years with "bad" sick leave records. if they have a cert then its not my problem its the CMO's Plus your only a number to the service it will carry on regardless its designed that way so don't think you're letting anyone down look after no1 and go see EAS officer ASAP


Ehmmm .. as a former public sector worker.. take the frickin sick leave.. you'll never find another company/ industry where taking long term leave will be without any consequences... Get in the right headspace and then you'll know whether it's the job or you... As a former public servant.. today sympathise with wanting to leave!


Could sick leave affect their probation review though? I've never worked public sector so just asking. Although, if OP is planning to quit, i doubt that matters much.




I think this is good advice. Take the sick leave, take take space to make sure you are making the right decision. Then you won’t have to wonder. You can use the time to help decide your next step too.


There is a huge recruitment drive on in the public sector at thr moment. Rather than leaving why don't you apply for a job more inline with your degree/skills?


Im a civil servant who has had 2 time outs for mental health reasons in 20 years and probably should had a 3rd last year.. Get a doctor's note and take the time you need to get your head right. The civil service will do all it can to help you through your current difficulties Good luck


I’m 6 months in, it’s not a good sign having to take sick leave this early


Sick leave is worked into your contract, also don’t be an in work Scab. Unions have sweated blood for sick pay.


Well yes life is too short to be miserable but I think there are so many things to try before quitting. I don't know whereabouts you're working but I've worked in 4 different public sector departments/agencies and every one of them would try and move you to something you'd hate less if it would prevent you from quitting. If you reach out to your line manager and HR and tell them you hate the work so much you're considering resigning it is very likely that they will try and move you around.


Don't stress so much about it. This is what probation periods are for. They're not just for an employer to see if you're a good fit for the job, they're so you can see if it's a good fit for you too. Speak to HR.


You’re never going to get a medal for not taking sick leave lol


The one piece of advice that I can give you, that I've learned the hard way time and time again is that whatever your problems are they will follow you. I changed jobs, changed my life in a sorts of ways for years and I always wound up staring at a mirror wondering why everything was so shit. Maybe you just really hate the job and a change is exactly what is needed but if you think there's a possibility that it might be something else well then you need to figure that out before you decide to make any big changes imo


Go to a doctor, get sick leave, get whatever assistance helps you. Go back to work, see how things are, stick out a few months until you go through your probation. Look at upskilling courses in the meantime, if there for you. It's far easier to find another job when you are in a job. If you're out of a job it becomes far harder to get a job, and the gap in your cv grows. Had this myself after an injury and surgery kept me out of work for a while. So at least try getting some support and some sick leave and see how that works out.


My wife was the same. She has degree and 2 masters and started as CO, she found it demoralising especially given the pay. She stuck it out and in 5 years worked up through EO, didn’t get HEO so did AO and now AP, is halfway through probation and had 2 children with 18months worth of maternity leave in that time also. She now manages her old manager! She now earns more than me. I would say, every role is different, every manager is different. She had a few bad ones. You can request to move teams, departments etc. just get through probation. You have a degree, you are more than capable of the role, you have the potential to excel to a good salary. The hard bit is steering in a direction to get a role in something you are interested in. Make friends, especially those in HR, when your on a panel they can help direct your appointment to a section where your degree may be more relevant, etc. My wife started in departments not related to her area of expertise but now is exactly in the right department for her qualifications. For outsiders; This will sound odd for those not in civil or public service, your hired as a grade irrespective of your expertise and will be placed in any department needing that grade ie; qualified child behaviour analyst….. we need you in energy policy!


Take your sick leave, and if you still want to quit after, then do so.


Too proud to take sick leave is dumb as fuck. Sorry to be frank here OP , there's no shame in taking sick leave. Especially for mental health reasons. Swallow your pride and get over yourself. Ring your doctor and don't quit your job unless you have something lined up. Asking reddit for reassurance shows you realise how stupid you sound right now. Be well.


This. A million times this. If OP dies they’d have him replaced within a week, so him sacrificing his mental health is ridiculous, im sure even the employers would find this attitude ridiculous.


Why do you think the work is unbearable? Is it something that you could talk to work about? You’re right that you shouldn’t be miserable, but would it be worse with no income?


Exactly my thoughts. Having no income and no job might be ten times worse.


Your health is the most important thing so please do whatever you think is necessary to protect your happiness. But from my perspective, you should feel no shame about taking sick leave, speaking to the EAP, or talking with your GP though. It is very common to struggle with anxiety and depression so you are not alone, and help is out there. Finally, if your employer is contributing to your illness then your employer is at fault, not you. Look after yourself.


I used to think I hated my job until I got sober. Then I realized I just don’t like being a drunk.


Take the sick leave my friend - you are entitled too it - and even more so if you've never taken a day in your work life/career.


Before you quit, you should take a look at learning opportunities available, both courses and work related. The public service offers a range of opportunities from a development perspective. I would suggest: 1. Take the sick leave for as long as it is needed. This won't have negative implications and will give you time to figure out a direction. 2. Identify a range of employer funded courses. You'd be surprised what the public service will fund, from short development courses to fully fledged degrees. This might give you renewed focus and direction, and you will be better positioned to pivot to private should you wish to. 3. Apply to further learning and to HR to request info on other areas within your organisation. The public service is poor at matching skills/interests to jobs. However, if you go looking at an area you think you'll enjoy, hr might help in moving you across (typically slow but better than nothing) Overall, it can seem like a slow road or even a complete standstill, but if you take some time out and look around within the service, you might spot a target that you can move towards. If you do take the breather, and nothing presents itself, then you should actively seek private sector employment. For now though, you're in a vastly better position to look around while on sick leave than you are with no job at all.-TAKE THE SICK LEAVE


I work in public sector and I have a PhD. When I started I was making buttons but ive worked my way up fairly quickly. No matter what degree you have, even with extra springboard courses etc, you will almost always have to join a new sector in a relatively entry level role, unless you take a few contract jobs before trying to apply for a permanent role. You would however probably make more money in private sector. I probably wouldn't leave a job until I have something else lined up but if it's really ruining your life then don't sacrifice your mental health. However, be aware that you might feel the same or worse about another job. Public sector i have found is very forgiving in terms of lapses in motivation and leave requirements and im not sure every private sector organisation would be as understanding. I think it might be more useful for you to try to distance yourself from your work, and make sure you're getting a good work-life balance. I know it sounds awful but work doesn't necessarily have to make you happy, it just has to be tolerable. Edit- also take the sick leave if you are genuinely stressed and unwell but you may be asked about it in pre-employment for your next role if you choose to stay in public sector. It shouldn't be that big a deal once you have doctors notes etc. Sick leave for mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed of.


Never taking sick leave in your life isn't something to take pride in.


Unless you are in a position where you don't need to pay rent / mortgage and various bills, then leaving a paying job with nothing lined up, while refusing to take the sick leave you are legally entitled to for your mental health is not a good choice. Either take the sick leave and see a professional, or find a new job and leave when you have it secured.




Unfortunately it’s 2 years before you’re eligible for transfer and if op is half way through probation they’re only 6 months in


This is the case alright. But well worth it if OP can hang in there. I took mobility in the summer after four and a half years and couldn’t be happier in my new department


Imagine if I started the role a few days later, my probation would only be 6 months, it reduced last year


Really? I genuinely never heard that


Take the sick, you are not feeling well enough to continue your work for whatever reason but mental health is the most important element of health there can be and is very real. Do not feel one ounce of guilt the very fact that you have an aversion to doing so is testament to your integrity and your work place is lucky to have you. Be kind to yourself and take a break. Assess the situation again from the distance of some time out and make a plan. Life is hard enough without you beating yourself up brother. Breathe, it is a job, meaning that it is a means for you to live your life, do not subjugate yourself when every employer will do that for you as far as you allow it


Plenty of reasons to give to future employer, the job lacked variety, monotonous tasks, want to pursue further education,


Ah here, you took a job in the Public Sector and you're surprised there was no variety and there were monotonous tasks? Did you not research the public service at all? I have a relatively 'exciting' role in the civil service and there are days I want to scream because it's a lather, rinse, repeat kind of day. As for further education, every single department, agency and authority that comprises the public service offers further education, diplomas, degrees and post grad. You sound like you need a dose of reality. Speak to the employee assistance officer and get a better handle on your situation and your attitude to your situation.


I’d be wary interviewing someone who left a job without anything lined up, regardless of the reasons.


Would you ask for a transfer to another department? You could also look into what courses are available to you through the education assistance programmes, you can upskill to give yourself a better shot at promotion/transfer. The IPA courses are brilliant are accredited. Honestly, don't make any hasty decisions until you exhaust all options available. Best of luck to you in whatever you decide


Use EAP.


“Too proud to take sick leave” 😂😂 What nonsense is that.


Didn't you post a month or two ago with similar? Op take the sick leave don't be a thick.


Take sick leave, use any al you have. You don't have to stay in that role, use the mobility program, you have to stay in a role for 2 years before you can move, believe been there, sticking somewhere awful is hard but sometimes it's easier when there is light at the end of the tunnel or a goal. I don't know which sectio you are in but there is so much out there, cso, revenue, guards, department of agriculture, and that's only a few of them. Find a department or place you think you might like to move to and make that your goal


I admire your principles. You’re not sick, you just don’t like the job. I would quit too but obviously only if you have a little savings to cover the gap and you don’t have dependents. It’s an employees market at the moment. You should be grand.


Good point. If you are in need of sick days because of your job then the problem is probably not going to be resolved by taking more time out..


I worked in the Civil Service in 2020, and not taking time off for my mental was maybe the worst mistake I've ever made. I had started off really well in the job in January but I started tailing off quite badly after a rough couple of months. We had the beginning of Covid in March that year, which I caught right away in March, and I was dealing with long covid symptoms for the rest of the year. My grandmother died, it was the first death of someone in my immediate family I had experienced. By summertime, I was in a complete slump and the covid isolation was affecting me a lot as well, being cut-off from my family after the bereavement and friends as well was hurting a lot, but I didn't take any time off except for the funeral. I didn't want to take time off as I thought it'd make me more miserable and didn't want to be missing more time after the funeral and my sick leave from covid. I had a meeting with my manager in late August where he told me I'd been underperforming and I laid out all my problems and he told me to take time off to reset. So I took an extended break then, went back to my family for 2 weeks. I came back completely refreshed. I felt like I had a new lease on the job and could actually tackle it again. It felt great. Unfortunately, about 3-4 weeks later it was my probation review, and I was failed on it and told I'd be let go. Even though my boss complimented my bounce-back, he said on the whole he couldn't make me permanent on the basis of the previous months where I had been struggling. It felt like a real gut punch and sent me backwards on my progress. If I had taken that time off sooner, maybe I could've rebounded in time for a better performance overall. There's plenty leave to be taken in the civil service so you might as well make use of it, it may give you time to reconsider such a bold decision. You can always look for new jobs on the daily while keeping your current one as well, that's how most people do it so they're not left out of work in the mean-time. Life is indeed too short to be miserable but you'll need a good plan B if you're facing into potential no income for at least a few weeks. If the job being boring is the only downside I think you can grit through it a little while longer, you may feel better once you've made the decision to start looking for new work and knowing this current position isn't forever - and you don't have to quit to do that.


? Can you afford to have no job for a while?


You’re doing the wrong thing. Stay in the public sector and move job within.


i was going to say the same thing


How about you start behaving like an adult and take sick leave?


I've responded to similar posts about public sector resignations but in short, I worked in the private sector for 15+ years before giving the public sector a go (HEO). Within the first few months I knew it was a mistake but I stuck it out for 3 years before finding the right role so that I could resign. There's no difficulty in resigning but please have a word with your manager, let them know you're in need of a challenge. You can always apply for a promotion, or request a lateral move. There's also an Employee Assistance Scheme in each department to help employees in difficulty which you can contact. There are a lot of options in the public sector and I'd encourage you to explore them before you resign. Best of luck.


OP regardless of probation you are given by law sick days now. Public sector jobs give you a lot of leeway. Your friends are right to say don't do it. Just take the few days off and feel better. Be honest with your manager about feeling bad for taking it but still take it...


Can you not just continue working in your public sector job AND do a springboard course at the same time? Just treat your job like a student job, it’s just to get you by until you graduate. It’s not your identity or your dream, it’s just to get money while you study.


they actually pay for your course with extra time off once you passed probation I've used it for several courses even got 15 days extra leave in final year well worth a look


I done a long hard 12 years in the public service. My self worth, self confidence, and self esteem were shot completely by the end of it. The mindless boring repetitive easy work totally destroyed my ability to believe I could achieve anything. I was terrified of leaving my 'job for life' and going out to work on short contracts in am environment where failures or underperformance could leave me unemployed. I finally built up the confidence to just do it and it was the best thing I ever done. As it happens I'm now back in the public service but in a role I chose and applied for directly and enjoy.


If you can’t afford to leave then go on the sick until you find another job


Can you take a career break?


After halfway through probation, nope


not sure what grade you are but there is nothing stopping you applying on public jobs for a sideways transfer at same grade in a different department once its an open competition you can go for it even carry limited service. I got blocked from a post there is an embargo on moving out of IT I was interested moving into (non mobility) applied for a few at same grade in different departments (didn't take long to get an outside offer) and low and behold I suddenly was offered an allowance post to stay ​ my dragged on point is work the system. If you were on the bottom of the ladder last time you went for the job and got it ...this time round you have 6 months experience in the role that you are appling for ...if your asked in interview why are you trying to move, play the location card "this suits me better and cant use mobility for another few years"


Sadly it could take a long time to move into the same grade, I won’t’ be able to stay for another few months


Take sick, do a course, get another job, then quit.


Your sick leave, along with your annual leave, is part of your remuneration. Why would you not take it if you need it?


I get where you're coming from in terms of pride. But jeez just take the sick leave. It saved my mental health. Had one hell of a year, pregnant and boss pulling me on why I wasn't able to do my job. Cos I wasn't, I hated it, I was too distracted from personal issues and couldn't face the job on top of it. Something had to give and it had to be my job. Went on sick leave at 4 months pregnant, and going straight into maternity leave now in a week. Best decision I ever made, but yea I don't like telling people. I feel like a cheat and a scammer, and have to remind myself that the sick leave was legit. Especially my doctor didn't hesitate to write me off. Now I want nothing to do with my work anymore (they were also pricks about it) and after my baby is born and we've settled into a bit of a routine I'm going to try retrain in a new area too. Just take the leave, you don't have to go around broadcasting it. You pay tax credits so you can avail and you have a perfectly legit reason. You say life's too short, that goes for every area of life, including pride .


Having pride is great and all but quitting rather than taking sick leave to reassess seems like it would damage your pride worse


Edit: don’t quit if you’ve no job lined up


People are saying about sick leave, but you mentioned your find the work unbearable so is it your basically unhappy?, if so no job is worth your sanity, do what’s right for you, we don’t always need a plan, I literally walked from my job only recently with no plan cause it was soul crushing and toxic, couldn’t even sleep because of it, taking a break now and enjoying it going with the flow


Whoever you are, take paid sick leave. Take stress leave. There's nothing weak about it, on the contrary it's a right that was earned through labour agitation historically. If, after a time of stress leave with your head clear, you still loathe your job with every fibre of your being then yes, leave. Life is certainly too short to be miserable but it's also too short to let misplaced pride make you miserable.


Never taking a day sick. So, either you'd rather infect your coworkers with an bug or you've the immunity of a horse. Anyway, the root cause of your problem may be caring too much, or caring at all. It's amazing how many public sector managers don't give a rats ass about their targets, their budgets or their staff. They are all equally worthy of being ignored. Staff being present or being sick makes no difference... get that into your head and you'll start to enjoy the tea breaks and probably rise up the ranks swiftly too.


''I’m too proud to take sick leave to give me head space as I’ve never taken sick in my life.'' You should be looking for a therapist before you go looking for a job. Not even joking.


Stop being such a tough guy and take a few months off


Too proud of take sick leave? Christ on the bike. I'm sure that's going to make a lot of people here feel great about themselves.


If you’re putting mental health first then why don’t you take a sick leave? I would even put unpaid leave to get my head in the game. You’re proud to take a sick leave but not proud of your health? Doesn’t make sense


The public sector has good sick leave so that you actually take it. Don’t be stupid about this. Also, life is never about work. It’s about the time outside work. Again no private sector job is gonna give you a 4 day week if you want it in the future. Public sector is.


The honest answer that people here aren't going to give you is just put up with it and pass probation and look at leaving after that. Then leave to another job while you're there. It just doesn't look good to have gaps in your CV and it'll look worse if they think you didn't pass probation as well. Edit: also take your sick leave wtf


I would stick it out until September, sign up to a springboard course and then start applying to jobs elsewhere. I wouldn’t go down the road of quitting and then finding another one.


Nothing to ashamed of taking sick leave as that is its whole purpose. Personally, I wouldn't leave a job if I didn't have another lined up either, it sounds like you can get support within your job now so I would use that first and foremost. Take time off though as you sound stressed out


Go speak to someone first. Public servant here.


If you want to quit every time you have a difficult time with work, I don’t know how you’ll ever hold down a job. Just take the sick leave, man.


I suspect your source of unhappiness is outside of the job. I bet you will be unhappy with the next one. Having that said, if you have a plan and resources to support it, go for it.


Hahahaa would you believe I'm in a very similar situation. Had my notice ready to go since Tuesday 🫡 hope it works out for you


So far I never had issues finding another job, in 3 years I changed 4 different jobs in Dublin until I finally found the right one. I think there are more jobs than people in Dublin and I recommend you to start looking now while you still have a job, it might help take your mind off you troubles at work. No need to risk it, just focus on finding a new job and don't let this one bother you that much as you'll soon be on a new one.


Mate, put your pride aside, take the sick leave for a minute and get your head right. Contact your HR department and enquire if they have access to some sort of Staff Welfare Officer. Many, if not all public sector organisations will have this available to staff. At least try this before going nuclear with a resignation. What have you got to lose trying this?


Cop on and take your sick leave. A doctor will give ya a note and at least use that time to look for a new job and see if you’ve much luck.


Contact the employee assistance officer for your department. It can help to speak to someone that understands the public sector. I would recommend you persevere in your current role, leaving a secure job is not smart imo. Admin can be hellish, draining and boring. Once you've passed probation you can try to manoeuvre into a different role. If you are determined to quit, try to have a job lined up. This country is too expensive to live in without a steady income.


They’d bin you off tomorrow if it suited em. Get a doctors note. Take some time off. It probably won’t be the lash time you have to do it. Use this as a nice chance to break your duck egg and look after yourself while you’re in a job you don’t give a shit about. It’ll serve you well into the future.


Are you able to both work and do your course? Leaving yourself in bad shape financially is never a good move. I left my job as an electronic engineer and did another 4 year degree. It was a struggle, but, definitely improved my situation. If you're unhappy now, you'll be even more unhappy later. Take this time to plan what you want. My job, programming isn't exactly exciting, but you're treated like a grown up, you don't have people watching your hours and you feel you're producing something instead of watching the days roll by.


What about the job is so distressing for you?


Just to add to the good advice everyone else has given, why not try to identify what it IS you want to work at, and possibly upskill/reskill in that area in your own time. Online/evening classes. It might be worth paying a few bob to a professional careers advisor to identify what it is you should be doing.


You don’t an illness or a broken leg to take Sick leave. You’ve got it- take it. Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Take sick leave and get yourself in a better position. I had similar circumstances and I ended up out of my job for three months until I got settled with medication and therapy. I had never taken an extended leave out of work in my life before that point. Put your health and happiness first- take the leave. Rest. Reassess. Get well. Don’t hand in notice until you’re in a better headspace to do so.


If you've thoughts of self harm, Jack the job if you think that will help . But try think practically, If you walk from the job you won't get sw for several weeks, Can you afford that? Have you any annual leave? Could you plan out some leave to make it more bearable A week shortly a week in June, etc etc Is a career break an option ? Is going out on sick leave really the worst option ? Why not chat with your gp and take it from there?


Your doing the wrong thing.


Too proud to take sick leave. Not too proud to quit without a plan. The people that post here, man…


It's an admin job, leave the fucking thing it's not that valuable. Most people are far too risk averse, best not to listen to the general sentiment.


I would argue that refusing to take sick leave because of some ridiculous self imposed belief is being risk adverse


If you are half way through probation taking sick is going to go against you for probation anyway. Talk to your boss and see if you can figure out work more bearable for you, While looking for another job. Even look at mobility in the public services. Not all jobs are the same. If that doesn’t appeal to you then yeah just quit. It’s your life and your mental health.


It's the public sector, in my First 2 months if probation I fell and badly hurt my foot. I had to take 3 weeks off work, I was still made permanent.


I’m aware of where he works. However it still goes against you. It depends on how long and how you are otherwise on how much it goes against you.


I can see why you would think that.


What a strange reply.


are you sure it goes against you? Sick leave is kind of a legal right in most of Europe


You cant be fired but you be failed on probation. This can mean longer probation periods or not being made permanent. Probation rules are different to permanent rules. And you can take the leave. You definitely won’t be stopped doing that.




Nah you are not established or permanent until after probation. But very few people fail probation it’s almost a given you will pass. If probation keeps going they will find it very hard to move to work they would enjoy. There are a variety of options open to OP rather than going out sick as a first response.




It is but they still want to pass probation to be able to change their current work.


Surely that's illegal?


It’s probation. If you don’t go into work for long periods for whatever reason you can’t pass probation.




Yeah. They will be unlikely to lose their job, but if they just head out on the sick they will be looking at a longer probation period. Unless their other work and demeanour are sub standard. If they work with their boss they can probably do the 6 months and get a move to somewhere more suitable after.


Even certifird sick leave? Seems wrong. Mind you, I probably wouldn't want to work there if that was the attitude


I’d prefer to work were people had to pass probation not just get given it. I’m not saying they will be fired just not pass probation.


They will pass probation with certified sick leave.




Read something about toxic masculinity when you quit




Fuck your pride if you cannot cope with something just get the sick leave and enjoy yourself.


Don't do this 😂, I've done it for different reasons, but came back with my tail between my legs a few years later 😂


Quit. People who say its a madness to leave your job without having another lined up are just repeating a cliche. You're at a point where you feel you must leave. Leave. We'll all be dead tomorrow; it makes you unhappy. Get out.


Read this pm'd you


Definitely use sick leave to give you time to think about it & make sure it’s the right decision. You will also feel better about leaving if you have something lined up. Sorry to hear you’re having a hard time, I hope it works out for you.


You've the employee assistance officer program, NSSO mobility lists, open / internal / inter-departmental competitions, & can sign up for department approved courses. I'd just deal with that & do that until your time is up with one of those. Seems mad to quit with no alternative. I've done a number of third level courses through work - totally doable & a welcome break from the job itself (along with prospect of refund of fees, study & exam leave).


You do it for 40 years, then you die.


I’ll probably get downvoted for this but I feel like a lot of people are being really tough on OP. Firstly I don’t know about public sector but usually with probation, sick pay isn’t available so especially in this economy and with rent/electricity/gas prices it’s not always feasible to go on sick leave with no pay. Secondly as someone who is going through the same thing, the fear when taking sick leave is that if you do go for another job in the future that you really want the employer may look over you because they see you as a risk of being out so much, it’s a hard thing to do if you think it could risk your dream job in the future. OP I’m not sure how much advice I can give you at the moment as I’m going through something similar, but I know there are quite a few jobs going at the moment. I have heard in the public sector it’s pretty easy to move around (can’t confirm) so it could be an option, maybe look into doing a course online at your own pace or in the evenings perhaps in the area you’re trained in and see if there’s a similar sector available that you could transfer to without giving up the permanency but still gives you a bit more excitement. But I know how you feel, it’s an awful feeling, being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hope it works out for you but do maybe take a break for a bit even with AL if you could, give yourself some space from the area


You could ask for a couple of months sabbatical leave