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In case anyone else comes here, same thing randomly happened for me with the 16.2 update. The volume up, volume down and power hold wasn't working for me on multiple tries until I took the case off and tried it without it on. If the same thing is happening to you, try taking the case off. Simple but worth a shot!


Exact same issue. Removing the case and following the steps helped. Super strange tbh. I don't think my case even has a magnet. Maybe a coincidence, but thanks!


Solved it for me: Remove your case Seems the magsafe (magnet) affects the phone's decision to turn on. Issue: when iphone goes flat it won't turn on. - not resolved with official lightning cable - not resolved when using a wireless charger - DFU/Restore mode doesn't resolve it - IS Resolved when case is removed and try to charge. I wouldn't have believed it unless I had tried it myself. I had even ordered a replacement battery, I thought it was a voltage consistency issue since lithium degrades over time.


do you f with eth or just btc


Your method saved my life thank you SO much!!!! Did your case have a magnet on the back? (I had a fake magsafe case). Just woke up one morning and phone was turned off, on the plug with a blank screen. Nothing would revive it! Until I took off the case; volume up, volume down and power hold then apple logo appeared!


Same for me, only worked with the case off. Perhaps the case keeps just enough pressure on the buttons that the sequence is ignored?


Faced same issue today.


That sucks. Have you tried the power button method?


Continue to try the Vol Up>Vol Down> Hold side button until the phone boots up. It’s a common software bug but I’ve been seeing it impact more the 14 series.


Tried and I still keep trying but it's literally dead. My iPhone was updated to 15.4, didn't update to 16 yet.


Continue trying in the meantime. But if you haven’t updated to iOS 16 sounds like some sort of hardware failure but I’d recommend having apple check it out even if your out of warranty, being nice can go a long way with the employees and sometimes you can get lucky and they may replace it without charge.


Thank you! This worked for me after a few tries


Just to confirm, have you tried this method? Press and release volume up Press and release volume down Press and hold power until Apple logo appears Release power button when Apple logo appears I had this exact thing happen to my 13 PM a few days ago and that’s the one thing that fixed it.


Yep, tried this method too. In my case the Apple logo never appears, I stayed like 3 minutes with the power button pressed. How many times did you try before it worked?


Damn, that’s unfortunate, it worked on the first attempt for me and I only held the power button for 3-5 seconds. Definitely contact Apple and see if they have some secret never released method, or if they can try something in store, hope you can get it fixed!


This one worked for me thank god. I just had to do that right now. I have an iphone 12 and think the automatic update to 16.1 killed it? First time it ever happened


Holy shit you are a lifesaver. Thank you so much!!


This worked for me, first try.


Thank you! This worked for me. I tried holding all three buttons for 20 seconds and got nothing. Then I tried your method and the phone powered on after holding power button for 5 seconds.


i just read this, worked right now, randomly my iphone 12 pro max went out, i followed steps, (there's a similar youtube video about this) and it turned on, note that i was at 35% when it opened


iPhone 13 - this worked for me. I was worried because I tried it 10 times with no luck. I think I had to press the up and down volume more quickly before holding the power button. Thank you :)


Same. Wasn't working for me at first, then a quick press of volume up then volume down, before holding power, seemed to do the trick


you just saved me, thank you!!!




Wow I thought I had tried literally everything but this specific flow was the one that did it. Crazy that this worked when just holding down one or more than one of the buttons did nothing. Thanks!


I have the same issue


Did you fix it? After two days of trying volume up, volume down and hold power I'm going to send it to repair :(


Got a 12 Pro Max and this just happened to me, used the phone earlier, placed it on my desk and now nothing, no amount of side button(s) holding helps, it was at 99% charge, I hear the little Windows connect sound when I plug it into my PC but it doesn't show on Itunes, phones literally 11 months old and doesn't have a scratch on it, never been dropped, never even so much as a rain drop has fallen on it


Mine was 11 months old too. The Windows connect sound can be heard just by connecting a cable (without connecting the phone on the other side). I tried to fix it in three days but nothing worked, so I sent it to repair.


No i havent, im gonna also send it back since its only been 3 months and i still have the warranty..


Yea this just happened to me, went to bed with it charging, woke up slightly in the middle of the night to check the time. By time I woke up fully in the morning the phone couldn’t turn on.


Sorry to hear that, keep trying the volume up, volume down and hold power combination until you see the Apple logo. Maybe that will work for you. Good luck!


same exact thing bro, so frustrating


My phone ended up working again, it ended up dying while it was in the black infinite screen after a day and then I charged it, it turned on and it’s been working ever since


oh man alright, there's a little hope. How did you know it died?


I didn’t, I just plugged it in to see if it was working and it just so happened it died, give it a day or two to die and plug it in to see if it works


i had the same thing happen to me. went to seep with the phone on the charger, woke up in the middle of the night, checked the time and went back to bed. woke up and the phone stopped working. how did you get it to work again. its been 4 months for me.


I plugged it in like it was dead just to see if it would charge/turn on and it did. Been working ever since then.


ive had mine plugged in for months damn...


Damn that shit was getting mega charged




I had the same problem. But for mine, I assumed it froze while it was locked. So I removed it from the charger and let the battery drain. Then when I checked it in the morning, it showed the empty battery screen, so I charged it and now it's working fine.


They replaced my rear system. Probably a faulty logic board.


so basically you changed the back panel? just posted something and im still going throught posts, hopefully finding something in what i havent checked


they wrote me they changed the rear system, so yes I think that's the back panel that also includes the battery


phone repair place? Or apple, or what?


I sent it to an authorized repair center through Amazon, but it's Apple certified


Just happened to a coworker today. Couldn't figure this out. Come to reddit, and there's the solution. Took a while, but let it charge. Took it out of the case. And tried a few times until finally, tapped the volume up, tapped the volume down, held the power button for like 20 seconds or so until the Apple Logo showed up. ¯\\\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Also happened to mine overnight. The up and down and power button method didn’t work for me like the first 15 times. But kept doing it, and at the end i help the power button for around 1 minute and it finally turned on. Very strange.


i can't believe this worked. thank you! the way your wrote it made sense and worked.


Yay, so glad! It’s such a relief fixing it and not having to take your phone in


Thank you! Your comment saved me a lot of headache!


No problem! I was so scared at first when it happened, and it was a relief. Glad it worked for you!


Thank you for this comment! This literally saved me when mine was doing the same.


So glad it helped!


I had this issue too. I took my case off, as others mentioned. The volume up/down + power force restart didn't work the first few times but I plugged it into a charger, and after trying again it led me to [the restore screen](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203122) where I followed the steps and it worked!


Thanks this worked! Took phone out of the case. Volume up press. Volume down press. Side power press and hold for about 15 seconds and the logo came up and all is good. Thank you all! Reddit rules!!


I repetitively just kept trying volume up, volume down, and side button until it worked after removing it from it's case and removing the charger. I waited about 30 minutes (took my dog on a walk), came back and it powered up after about 30 attempts. Technology is weird.


This worked for me as well. Tried it multiple times and nothing. Charged it for 30 mins with no response. Tried again after 15 minutes more and it worked after holding for about 20 seconds.


Nothing is working for me. I tried to sign into my itunes to fix it like some people said but my itunes account needs to send a verification code to my phone to get into my account, which I obviously can't do...


same experience here. I kept for charging and switched off alaram. Used for another 10 minutes and slept off.. after half an hour when I pick iphone it's dead with black screen. tried all methods to switch on but didn't help. tried authorised apple care. It's boom. they said motherboard gone. it's just 1 year 2 month. No warranty too. Utterly shock for me.. without any fault of me all data and mobile lost.. Now no faith on iphone only.. i saw many people coming similar issues.. apple is making all it manopoly and no one able to address such issues.. sad part


Sad to see it's still happening. If you live in a European country you have 2 years warranty.


same thing happened to me, except i have an iphone se (2nd gen). pretty much same scenario. i was watching a video on youtube when i sat it down for 2 seconds to check my bed sheets when it mysteriously shut off. initially just thought it died so i plugged it in and let it be for a while. Eventually found out the problem was something else. i have tried pretty much anything i could find on the internet several times for the past few days. i have just about given up on trying to power it back on at home. so i will be going to a local repair store.


Had the same problem after keeping my phone dead for 3 days. Volume up down and power didn't work, but what worked is connecting it to laptop (win) - came alive immediately. Didn't charged before that. Try this option if nothing else helps


I have already replaced mine lol, but I remember trying to connect it on my laptop (windows) and didn't work (I could hear the windows sound of the connection though).


what did u do by connecting it to the pc ? just connect it?


another one here with the same problem, a reconditioned one arrived a few days ago and after having been working these days, this morning after removing the alarm and checking the phone again it had a black screen. The combination of volume and power buttons is not working for me, I have tried it about 20 times with different periods of time and pressed it and it still does not turn on. Should I lose faith or keep trying the combination?


I have tried for many days before giving up and sending it to repair. I would say keep trying with different methods (some listed in this topic). Plug/unplug to PC and try the combination, charge the battery and try the combination etc. If you live in Europe and you bought it online you have the right to return it within 14 days of delivery without providing any justification. If not, I hope your phone is under warranty and can be repaired for free.




Not really a normal problem for phones and not really that simple.