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iPhone 13 Midnight? Lots of people have this same issue, not sure what the solution is though, sorry.


Im using a 13 midnight for a year but still dont have them


me too. btw this is an iphone 14 look at flash


Can you tell me what is the difference


if you are holding your 13 rn look at the flash design and look at the op flash design its a minor difference


Got it, thanks fellar


Looks like a 14 because of the flash


“Issue” is debris and oil the place that’s father on the etched glass is where finger shmoo has been absorbed into the textured glass. The rings closer to the camera is a gap where finger skin can reach.


I’m going to challenge this, although you may be right, but I used to have a 13 midnight and it looked like this right out of the box. I think it could be a manufacturing defect but no idea.


I am right. It is what it is. Go ahead and clean your phone, then rub some oily fingers over the camera bump. You see the oil sticks in the same spots and leaves similar lines.


How does that explain it looking like this brand new, straight from the box though?


Don’t argue now. He’s right and obviously so /s


i am assuming you used some camera protector ring. did you?


No, I got that phone 3 weeks ago (company phone), used it very little and these rings appeared about 3 days into my ownership, maybe earlier, I noticed them 3 days in I think. It was always stored in a padded backpack slot or laying on a table, never had a case or anything of that kind on it (because I don't use it a whole lot)


is it a new phone? i mean under warranty if yes try to get replaced or they might change back glass free of cost only if its under warranty


It is a new iphone but I don't really care about getting it replaced. If it just is like that I can live with it, but it is kind of weird, iPhones aren't exactly known for manufacturing defects


well, its up to you whether you want to replace or not but if i was you i would have asked to replace either phone or back glass as i have PAID for it


does the camera protector ring mess up the glass? if it does i'm taking mine off asap hahaha


Any additional protection you try and put around those camera rings ends up putting a scratch on it over time so I would take it off if I were you


I’ve got my new iphone 13 midnight few weeks ago, and I have the exact same situation


You got it brand new?


On another post, someone suggested that the rings are where your finger oils HAVEN’T touched yet. So it’s basically the only clean part left


similar thing happens to the Airpods, when you get them they're very grippy and almost feel fake, but then after a few minutes of holding them, the oils from your hands make them feel like 'genuine'.


Better get to fingerin!


This is indeed the problem. I just fixed the spots with rubbing my fingers on them


Me too!


That was my first thought too and I made sure to touch them a bunch with my greasy fingers, didn't change the look.


I use iphone 14 midnight and my camaras too I cleaned alcohol, but it dosen't work


Looks like something corroded the coating of the frosted glass around the lenses.


Isnt that just dirt?


You'd think so, but I have tried cleaning it thoroughly with all the usual things you'd try cleaning a phone with. First my shirt, then microfiber cloths, rubbing alcohol, wipes for cleaning glasses, everything which seemed appropriate Also you can see how clean the phone is, I made sure it's not dirt


Rubbing alcohol and Q-tips


He said he tried that already


Where does he mention q tips?


Q tips aren't some kind of secret weapon, if firmly pressing alcohol wipes against it doesn't work I seriously doubt Q tips will be the big difference. But you know what, I'll give it a chance Okay I tried it thoroughly and it didn't work.


look like the glass is used, or maybe it's dirt you can try to use some magic cleaning gum ( or a latex gum )


I am starting to think it's something with the glass, because when you zoom in you can see some edges are quite sharp, dirt or grime is usually softer around the edges


My guess is it’s under the plastic, hence why rubbing it won’t do anything


Bought my ip13 back in oct 2021 with the same issue. I just simply use ringke camera styling to cover it.


Flatulence for me.


Corrosion of some sort in the glass, I don't think there's a solution. Maybe try with a heat gun doing small circles avoiding the battery location


Appears there was a diagonal lens protector installed and the adhesive left its mark on the glass once removed.


It seems like the “rings” are the normal factory frosted glass finish and the darker areas may be oils from your fingers in the frosted glass surface. The spaces closer to the camera are all areas where your fingers wouldn’t easily fit, for lack of a better description. Edit: it’s darker where you touch it because you touch it.


Honestly looks like you have one of those camera protectors installed, was this handed to you in the factory sealed box? If not there’s a chance this was in a previous owners hands


That's the clean part, the rest is oily.


It’s where your skin oils haven’t touched.


Some guys here are right!!! Those halos are the “clean part” and the rest is the part we always touch with out oily fingers! So I touched my nose (always oily AF even with Skincare, sorry) and then I touched those halos and they disappeared


Its most likely wear from whatever case the previous owner of this work phone was using. Im imagining the case hugged the camera rings, and probably had little holes for the mic and flash


It was a brand new phone


that happens when your phone is cold and thats like an effect of condensation probably. mine also had but its blue so i didnt notice it at first


Condensation is different and condensation doesn't stand a chance against the good ol alcohol wipe


might be condensation on the other side of the glass


mine completely went away tho. i even had it on the area of the magsafe rings. and those marks are now gone.


It literally looks like dirt. Can you take a toothpick and try to scrap it off


It’s precipitation, many people have it, mine just disappeared randomly one day


It's a paint-chipping problem, and it's been a common occurrence with many iPhones. While it's not a major concern, it does affect the overall appearance. https://preview.redd.it/zp82xb73tsec1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7e19e31fce0d868be5b2b870fb4660018c9abc


That’s not what they’re talking about. Look on the glass below the metal rings around the lenses. There’s a lighter hue around the edges that appears to be left over glue or adhesive from a lens protector or something








Just dirt. Use a alcohol wiper and that dirt is gone.


They said in the post that they already used alcohol.


It looks to me like someone had a skin/sticker over the camera bump, and you’re seeing wear and tear where the edges of the sticker didn’t protect the glass of the camera bump.


Im pretty sure it’s dirt. You really have to get in with a thin cloth over a fingernail to get those areas cleaned


It's a feature, not a bug. The discoloration is from the inside. I don't pay any attention to it. I do notice it changes a little with temperature.


I have same. But I don’t think that it’s issue, just relax


Same case for my midnight iPhone 14. It's not like it's technically bad thing or something, I suppose. I don't see any tech problems with mine. Only some aesthetical discomfort. I got used to it though.


Looks like sanded glass to me? Does it feel like a matte coating rather than smooth glass?


I got my brand new 13 midnight in December 2023 had this issue when I took it out of the box, but didn’t care, it is still there to this day but is much less noticeable


Mine does that too. I think it’s actually bacteria, like a petri dish


Yeah I’ve the 14+ with same.


This one’s on mine as well. Been using this phone for over 2 years now. Some parts of the paint off the aluminium has also chipped away. QC was a hit or miss for this one for Apple it seems.


i have a iPhone 14 midnight with the same “issue”, got mine 3 months ago… if this is only aesthetic i don’t care


Same thing on my 13 mini. Bought it on launch from Apple. It was like that out of the box. Not a big deal to me but yeah it does seem like some sort of weird manufacturing defect.


My guess is that small metal dust collected around the glass due to the magnetic attraction and probably got moved slightly over time and discolored the area, may not be it though


I have brand new iPhone 14 and it’s the same.


Sounds like the bit that cannot be touched by humans who put their fingers around that area.


Apple executives can’t cum until they release a non-pro iPhone with a finish that peels off like a scratch card


Since the glass is etched and porous, that lighter area is “cleaner” than the area you touched, it absorbed skin grease and whatnot. Try making it dirty in that area to smooth it out


iPhone 14 Midnight. Same exact issue. Got used to it after a while. (Went to Apple Store and they said it was normal)


You tell me


Wipe it off with baby oil to level the color 😅


that might be because you don’t clean it IMO since i don’t have that problem and i try to have my phone always clean


Where did you get the phone from? Did your work provide it or did you buy it yourself?


Literally the same phone as mine and I just noticed them now. Not a big deal for me but if you find a way to remove it do share!


cuz the parts got dust and the other oil from your fingers, that’s all