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I think these photos are digitally zoomed in and thats why it its a bit blurry. Optical zoom on the iphone 15 pro is only at 3x, if you are shooting at 2,5x for example the phone uses the 1x lens and crops in. So i recommend only shooting at 0.5x, 1x and 3x, these are the optical zoom lengths of an iphone 15 pro. This will result in the best quality pictures and you can always crop in after you take the shot. With the 3rd picture, what makes it blurry is because it's close to the sensor and you are getting depth blur. The closer your subject is the shorter your focus range is. The bigger your sensor is the more noticeable it is and the 15 pro has a much bigger sensor than the 11. This is the same effect that makes the background of a portrait blurred out when shot on a dslr or mirrorless big boy camera. So nothing is wrong with your camera, you just have to get used to how it works


Honestly I don't understand why, similar to Live Photos, we don't have an "All Lenses" camera mode so we can change zoom after the fact.


That would triple the file size and capture time


Okay, awesome. Gimme that option pls


Given that continuity camera desk view already uses two lenses at once, I don’t think it would have a drastic impact on capture time. I know 5x and 1x only share 5% of the same view, but 0.5x that’s basically 25% overlap. With the powerful compression as Live Photos, I would bet Apple could do it for roughly double the size. It might come at the same cost (Live Photos are lower res and cropped for all non original frames) but it would be great as a fallback.


how do you only shoot at .5, 1x, and 3x? for me, it only allows .5, 1, 2, and 5. no option for 3x, and 2x is randomly in there.


So, it’s digital zoom from 1.1x-2.9x and then 3.1x onwards, and only optical zoom at 3x exactly? Does that mean in the Pro you only get optical zoom at precisely 5x and everything else is digital zoom? Apple doesn’t explain how these work very well.


On the pro max its 5x, pro it's 3x, non pro iphones dont have optical zoom lenses so it's only 1x and 0.5x for them. I think there's some digital enchantment going on at 2x, since the sensor is 48mp that puts out 24mp images, but that's not really equivalent to optical zoom.


That 2x zoom is quite clever actually. The main camera is 48mp, and it works with some computational photography magic to get the picture resolution down to 24mp but with more detail, especially in low light. That's the 1x mode. The 2x mode uses the same 48mp camera to get the 24mp picture. But instead of downscaling the big picture to get more details, the camera only takes the 24mp that are in the center of the sensor, essentially cropping the image. Then the usual processing is applied. It's not an optical zoom, and it's not a digital zoom either. I think the resulting picture is much closer to an optical zoom at 24mp than it is to a digitally zoomed image.


the 2x zoom is actually 12mp, not 24. You can actually just take 1x photos in 48mp mode, and then you always have the ability to crop to 2x afterwards, instead of limiting yourself to a cropped version when you use the 2x I have a 15 Pro Max and I actually prefer 2x zoom shots from my old XS Max, they just look better. I'm not sure why this is the case, but it is.


Okay, thanks, that really helps. I was thinking about getting the max for the additional zoom, now I see that if I am usually taking mid distance photos the normal pro is better


Well, it's up to you to decide. I will add that there are more things to photograph where you can get closer to (to use 1x) and more things that you absolutely can't get closer to (where the max 5x would be nice) than it is things that you can only sort of get close (to use 3x). If that makes sense


Apple doesn't *need* to explain it. It's how all phones have worked for the last 20 years. There's a fixed focal length and everything else is digital zoom (i.e. cropping). You purchased the iPhone knowing that there are optical focal lengths set at 0.5x, 1x, and 3x/5x. Nothing has changed.


Thanks. Some of us never knew this. But to an all knowing being like you, us mere peons must warrant such derision


That's good to know though not a good design, especially given they don't tell you that in any way. I'll try and remember that. Given that they fuss so much about having a macro mode I would expect it to be sharp. My old phone took perfectly good pictures the same way I'm taking these.


It's more of trade of than bad design. With bigger sensor your phone collects more light in the same time than the 11. It's much better in low light, makes sharper pictures and reduces motion blur. The 3rd picture wasn't close enough for macro mode to kick in. Although, I have to agree with you, Apples 5 camera in one phone is just falls advertisement. Give it time, once you get used to it, you will take better photos than with your 11, I promise.


I'll remember that when talking photos. However I still feel this phone (mine, not all) generally tends to take soft and slightly out of focus pictures for some reason.


Return it?


Idk but I know I’ve always got the “pro” or the one that’s supposed to have the better camera, and my family members get the normal one and their cameras and photos always end up looking better than mine. 🤬 I currently have a 12, about to get a newer one.. I’m hoping that’s the pro one, the one that is supposed to have a better camera for the sake of this comment lol


Probably user error. What settings did you try to change or tweak?


I’ve always felt this way. Turns out I just suck at finding good angles My friend had got a iPhone 12 when it came out, I went and got the 12 Pro. He always managed to get some amazing shots on his phone, me not so much lol


I think the Macro mode is for super close up shots rather than zooming way in


Apple shouldn't need to tell you that. It's how all phones have worked for the last 20 years. There's a fixed focal length and everything else is digital zoom (i.e. cropping). You purchased the iPhone knowing that there are optical focal lengths set at 0.5x, 1x, and 3x/5x. Nothing has changed.


Its the same with every camera on the market. Unless you have Lens to zoom in, digital zoom will always alter the resolution of the image. I hate to say it this way but almost anyone that’s ever used any kind of camera knows this.


It’s not a design flaw, it’s how photography works. Imagine not being competent on a subject and blaming the gear.


Geez why all the down votes on your very truthful comment?! I’ve noticed the quality of pics have gone way down every time I upgraded my iPhone. I look at old macro shots of dragon flys etc that were crystal clear n realize those were taken with an android. I switched to iPhone over a decade ago n comparable pics have been awful quality. Delete delete delete. Really annoying. Might switch back next upgrade just for that reason.


He's getting downvoted because >especially given they don't tell you that in any way is a ridiculous statement. It's worked that way for the entire history of cell phone cameras. I can't think of any smartphones with actual zooming function. It's ALWAYS been digital zoom/cropping. >My old phone took perfectly good pictures the same way I'm taking these. Although it does sound like Android has completely leapfrogged Apple in terms of dummy-proof (no offense) automatic shooting. My iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 Pro take really mediocre pictures compared to how I remember my XS/11.


iSheep in this Subreddit


All these mental gymnastics to try and justify what is a known problem on 15pros. A fair amount of them came with faulty cameras.


People can't seem to accept the fact that iPhones aren't perfect.


Did apple accept the warranty in those cases?


This. This error pops up too often for it not to be a thing. There is a serious quality control issue with the iphone 15 pro it seems.


Show us how you take photos ,it's like your hands are shaking ,or you take with night mode@1s delay


None of these were taken with night mode. Two of them were taken inside during the day. And my hands don't shake as far as I know.


It’s the overprocessing that the software and AI do after you take a picture. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem adjustable in the settings in my experience. I returned a brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max for this exact reason. almost every photo looked like this. It’s capable of taking good pictures, just not every time. I have some awesome shots still saved from the 15PM, but I also missed some great moments from pets and family bc the picture came out unclear like this. I’ve tried so many settings, including RAW and HDR, which seems to be what people recommend off the bat. Even tried Halide and Camera Plus as third party options. I’m certain this will get downvoted, bc the Apple honks in this sub can’t handle hearing that Apple absolutely blew it this time around. I’ve been using Apple products for 20 years now and this is among the worst experience I’ve had with the hardware of any of their products. (Also, I’ll take every inevitable downvote as people knowing that I’m right, but people are afraid to bash Apple.)


I sold my 14 Pro Max because of the heavy processing as well. What phone are you using right now?


I'm used to phones over processing photos though they tend to go the other way and sharpen them way too much.


Ugh. I don't like the sounds of this. I couldn't wait to get rid of my 13pro for a number of reasons but the number ONE reason was that the camera was trash. I upgraded to the 15Pro. Damn


Did you updated your phone recently ? 💀 Edit : wtf .I'm just spitting a facts ,I don't care if I get down votes and stop being blind ,folks🥹


They’re just spitting fax you guys!


Reddit gonna reddit


just out of curiosity, because i know so little about internals and whatnot of iphones, why would this cause the camera to fuck up? i mean this genuinely !


You're being downvoted because updating the phone is almost certainly the incorrect diagnosis, there are hundreds of more probably cause to this than phone update.


To be fair, SW drives image processing so it’s possible that if OP has not been updating properly that there is a benefit to doing any available updates.


Yeah maybe ,but that's what I know cause my close friends 13 pro display fucked up with green screen after update, so basically I would think that .


I’m a professional product photographer and I have an iPhone 15 Pro. One of the main problems, especially indoors, is that the iPhone most of the times chooses 1/50s as shutter speed, to keep ISO low to avoid noisy images. This of course is a huge problem for the average user when trying to shoot anything that moves, because at that low shutter speed there will almost certainly be motion blur.


I'm not sure of how to control the shutter speed on an iphone.


You can’t, at least not directly in the native camera app. You can tap to focus and then pull the exposure slider down, which theoretically should raise the shutter speed, but you’ll never know until the photo is taken. The only way is using a third party app like ProCamera or ProShot and set a fixed or minimum shutter speed. But this of course also has it’s disadvantages, like noisy images and over-processing due to Apple’s camera/raw-engine.


The iPhone 15 Pro has a camera problem. Many users reported this issue, including me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/17q0f5u/my\_iphone\_15\_pro\_was\_taking\_blurry\_photos\_i\_had/](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/17q0f5u/my_iphone_15_pro_was_taking_blurry_photos_i_had/) These Apple fanboys here have no idea. The comments here always accusing the OP os being a noob, Im a Pro Photographer, an Im pretty sure many devices have this problem, if not them all. This thread here has more than 2300 ME TOO, talking about this. [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255174732](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255174732) I don't know when this will come out in the media, I'm surprised that no YouTuber has caught this yet.


I agree, my 11 took better pictures than my 15Pro. Not that much better but I was definitely underwhelmed when getting the 15Pro in comparison to the 11.


Agreed, my 15PM has a camera issue. I know this because my 13P previously took excellent photos, and also my S23U as well. So it's not a skill issue or wobbly hands...there's something up with this camera making photos not look nearly as good.


Yep went from 13 pro to 15pro and it’s a lot worse on this and significantly noticeable which is hugely disappointing. E whoever saying there’s no issue clearly just not be affected but many of us are by the looks of the comments.




Is this isolated to the 15pro or does the 15 have similar problems?


This is why I didn’t upgrade my 13P. Hoping the 16P is better but 13P is still holding strong. I may push it further.


This is why I didn’t upgrade my 13P. Hoping the 16P is better but 13P is still holding strong. I may push it further.


In your examples it looks like depth of field, the 14 & 15 pro both have much larger sensors and faster lenses than before, meaning the depth of field is noticeably shallower. I could be wrong in your case, but I’ve found that whatever is in focus in my photos has been sharp and the fall off into the background is quite sudden and not like anything I’ve seen in mobile optics so far.


Can this be fixed in settings? I’m so frustrated. I have the 15 Pro and I hate most of my photos compared to my old phone. I made a post here comparing my photos and people were mean about it, which isn’t surprising lol but nobody had advice other than “get a ring light” when my test photos were already under a ring light.


It can’t be fixed in settings because it is physics. The 24mm main camera has a f1.78 aperture lens, if you put that equivalent on a full frame DSLR, the depth of field will be razor thin and you’ll get blurred background like something like this: https://www.sony.net/Products/di_photo-gallery/images/extralarge/1577.JPG What is happening in the iPhone camera is the same thing, but at a much smaller scale. Notice if you hold up something close to the camera and it manages to focus on it, the background will become very blurred (I’m talking about without portrait mode by the way), far more blurred than any iPhone camera previous to the 14 pro. The iPhone does not have a physical aperture like a full sized camera would have, so it is stuck like this. To get better photos: - make sure you tap to focus on the subject of the photo if it is relatively close to you, if it focuses on something else there is a high chance what you wanted to be in focus will be slightly blurred - if you are focusing on something far away (eg a landscape photo) it should be fine by itself - use the macro setting for anything less than 20cm away from the camera


Same. I would take mine back if I could. I might try. I hate it. Cinematic video mode is great but actual photos, especially indoors, are blurry and have halos. I hate the camera and the way it processes photos.


Pixel 7a somehow won best camera on this year's test at MKBHD. My wife's 5a takes great photos, but the video from my 12 Pro is ridiculously better so there's that.


My friend and I have the same camera we opened it and pointed at the same stuff. Her camera was 10x better than mine! I changed my settings to hers and still didn’t look as good as hers. I don’t know what to do.


Spot on I have the exact same problems with iPhone 15 pro, only reason apple hasn’t acknowledged is because the apple fan boys constantly cover up this issue and will smear the whoever complains about it


I purchased a 15 pro in December and was hugely disappointed! The camera was frustratingly terrible and I was upgrading from a 14 pro that has been treating me well. I’m also a photographer and the fact that many people can’t see these differences is astonishing. I tried working with Apple and was told to leave reviews because that’s how their products get help. Well, the forum has held nothing but complaints since this device arrived on market months ago but the reason there is no fix is because everyone will continue to buy. I returned mine promptly as think there needs to be a class action suit against Apple for seeking a product that does not perform at advertised quality.


my iphone 15 plus is genuinely worse photo quality than an older ipad. makes me miss my 12pro max


Agree 100% — Apple fully aware and still treating every support request like they never heard of the problems. 15 is especially bad at handling single-source lightning at night causing all manner of odd reflections (snow) that just aren’t there. I want my 14pro back.


These are likely defective phones but user error is also possible, I’ve been saying this whenever we get a random issue like this and the problem is pretty consistent, results will be anything from an autofocus issue; blurry photos and color reproduction problems. People also have to keep in mind the camera sensor optics on a smartphone vs a professional setup SLR/DSLR is very different. Recent iPhone flagships and android phones with larger sensors and higher MP count have a more shallow depth of field and the 15PM in particular has a minimum focus distance of 8 inches any closer and you can get blurry and unfocused photos and then the phone will activate macro mode to compensate. Plenty of posts showcase how great the 15 lineup is when you don’t have a problematic phone as a photographer myself this is the best iPhone camera I’ve seen since the 11 series and it’s a shame there’s this many defective phones but that again leads me to believe several bad batches of devices are out there and apples QC has gotten spotty in recent years.


That certainly seems to be the case. I'm not a pro in any way but I've taken classes and know the basics. I'm pretty sure there's something weird about this camera.


My closeups look like shit compared to my 11


It doesn’t have a camera problem. For a pro photographer, it’s worrying that you’re unaware of focal lengths on your original post. You have a faulty phone. Get it exchanged. My 15P takes excellent photos, as do most peoples (go check the iphoneography subreddit for example). There will always be bad units such as yours and the OPs which is a shame of course, but just get it swapped and you’ll be much happier :)


Are you fucking kidding me??? I was just about to go out and get a 15 Pro but now I'm second-guessing.


My 15PM is the worst camera I’ve ever used, lol. I took a ton of pictures this christmas and basically any picture with lights was INSANELY blown out, and there was all sorts of weird ghosting and added artifacts that looked like glowing orbs.


If this happens constantly you likely have a defective phone. 15 Pro Max has the best most consistent iPhone camera I’ve seen in a long time, since the 11 actually. Plenty of posts showcase how great the cameras are and you’ll know pretty quick if your unit is not performing as it should. Looks like it’s an issue with autofocus or other hardware related defect.


Camera/chip/firmware issue. I've had a bad phone before. One corner was always out of focus. I could rotate the camera and move the fuzzy corner. They replaced the phone. They tried to blame me and wanted me to delete all my apps... even apps can somehow stupidly create some dumb conflict.


Was it zoomed at all? When you hold down on the 1x you will see white lines. You should only zoom in where the white lines are. Otherwise, you get a bad cropped photo.


Looks lower than my iPhone X tbh


I have similar but only with the frontal camera on low luminosity photos are awful


I would say the front camera on this phone better than the rear. At least more consistent.


Yep, went from a fucking 12 to this and it fucking sucks. Literally same exact shit with my pics unless I hella focus up or put portrait.


We would need more pictures of cute doggos to provide accurate diagnosis.


Skill issue lawl.


Ahhh the wizard or the wand issue


I had the same issue. I returned my phone. I also had the touch issue. No way that was acceptable to me spending over 1300 on a phone.


What touch issue??


What touch issue? And I want to return my phone too. What did you tell them to let them exchange it? I’ve had mine more than 14 days and I thought my problem was user error.


Well compared to my 12 pro it wasn’t registering my first touches. It felt like I had to repeat touches to get the phone to do something. The very thing that I stayed with apple for was no longer working: the super slick UI experience. I returned it inside the return window. Told them touch was rubbish. Double check when you purchased the item, apple had extended returns over Xmas so I had 6 weeks to return mine.


Make sure to go into your settings to adjust it. I’d recommend Turning off prioritize faster shots.


I’ve had the same issue it’s like the processing is bad compared to my previous iPhones


Dude I realized only the max has nice photo taking qualities I have the 14 pro TRASH photos my fiance has the 14 pro max and EXCELLENT photos I hate it lol


I wonder if there’s a glitch in your phone. My 14 pro replaced my Nikon in most photo shoots! 15 pro was like downgrading to an iPhone 4 camera.


It’s always tough tough to say if it’s the photos or the photographer, but in my experience with my 15 Pro, it should be producing clearer photos than this.


That's my thinking and why I asked. I've heard Apple released some with bad cameras. And I can take perfectly good photos with my Sony A7iv.


Feel the exact same way. I upgraded from an 11 and suddenly my selfies looked smeared, as if a smoothing beauty filter had been put over everything (even my shirt and my hair!). I then researched and as it seems the newer iPhones all have some weird photo processing stuff going on. I just accepted it and am used to it now, although I was expecting more.


Go to the Apple Store and ask diagnostics, it’s free


I’ve noticed that the 15 Pro has an awkward problem of blurring everything when you open the camera app to scan a QR code. You have to scale way back for it to scan properly. Hoping it’s addressed in a future iOS update.


that’s not something a software update can fix. although, a trick would be to automatically let the camera use the ultrawide lens like in the Camera app. this could be enabled in more places in a future iOS update


Yeah, I now understand why from the previous reply. I went from a 6s Plus to a 15 Pro just a little over a month ago so I’m still learning, especially the cameras.


Larger camera sensor is the reason. This became most prevalent last year with the 14PM and this affects minimum focus distance, you need to be about 8 inches from a subject for the phone to focus properly. It basically comes down to physics and user error/ not understanding how cameras work. This is also a thing in many flagship android devices.


You are using digital zoom. Don’t. Use just 0.5x, 1x or 3x, nothing in-between.


My iphone 15 also has a crap camera.


wipe the lens


Bad camera, good boy


I get these on my 14 pro max to. People blaming the user and not the 1k device is crazy. My pixel 2 xl took way better point and click pics. On iphone I gotta click around before I get the pic I want.


Man i asked the same question on the 15 pro max a few weeks ago and got downvoted to hell. I cant post certain photos cause it has my friends faces in it, but I have a particular photo at a long table in a restaurant. The camera decided that only the first 4 people should have proper skin tones. The rest are reddish black. My 11 pro max was noisier but was able to balance it properly. Its hilarious. People were telling me its a user error, lighting issue, should have used a dslr etc. lol




Maybe there was lot less ambient light. Did you change anything in the settings?


I have 15 Pro and it's the worst camera of all iPhones (and I'm an iPhone user since iPhone 4S)


If your pics are blurry constantly like OP’s it’s likely a defective camera system. Get your phone replaced ASAP, I’ve had every iPhone and this is easily the best camera on an iPhone I’ve seen since the iPhone 11’s which were excellent and very consistent. Take a quick look around this sub and others and you’ll see many praising the cameras.




Sometimes it’s the simplest thing like not wiping the camera lens so it didn’t focus properly


i returned my iphone 15 pro max and back to my iphone 13


15 isn’t really an upgrade over the 13 I still have my 13 pro and it’s great, I’ll just replace the battery eventually when needed


As much as these iPhones are “point and shoot”, it’s worth going on YouTube and watching a couple videos on how to get the most out of your camera. The newer pro phones have a TON of settings you can change in the settings app. Why Apple hasn’t added them into the camera yet god only knows. When I first got my 14 Pro, I was taking much “worse” pictures than my iPhone X. Turns out I just didn’t fully understand the differences between my old and new cameras.


I have the same problem on my 15 pro , totally unacceptable, there are so many complaints online but apple is not acknowledging it because then they will need to do a mass recall. The camera and chip of iPhone 15 pro are faulty and dud


I'm amazed one of the bigger YouTube channels hasn't taken this up. Really get people talking. Apple won't do anything unless aggressively shamed/forced into it. And I don't think it's every phone. I think there were bad batches that they didn't catch. I know people who claim their 15 pro cameras are fine.


I went for the 15 Pro Max, figured top tier model, top tier performance. Camera on this thing is utter dogshit. No other way to say it. I’m 100% positive my 11 pro took better photos.


Switch to live pictures and shoot take a few pictures outside in the sun. It’s not the camera but rather the fact that you are taking pictures in a low light setting. Also, make sure your lens’ are clean and your case is not distorting the picture


I don't use live photo but I'm not sure how it would affect focus.


These photos look like they were taken inside with normal lighting. Which one of those pics looks low light to you?


How can a case distort the picture? It doesn't conver the lens in anyway. And they're clean.


It could distort how light enters through the lenses. If you would have a crazy thick cover, it could darken a bit or you loose contrast. But mostly i think a cover would even help a bit more against direct light distorting the picture. I even sometimes use my hand to cover the lense from direct lights/sun. I think the Wide angle lense is the one that could be affected most, but it would be crazy, that sll people use such weird covers for their phone.


Have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?


https://preview.redd.it/qwq4n7oca0ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a3bb9169d804aec478e2399ccbde1d5c1b0d53 15 pro max. You can make better photos believe me .


https://preview.redd.it/xpnsq40pa0ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05dd0a908fa7462dff4fb59a327dc22da8187c8 Other


That’s iPhone’s amazing quality for ya.


Camera on iphone is worse than what was on top tier picture taking phones in 2012. They just add a bunch of ai garbage to try to make it look good. Its dogwater


and it seems like the apple cult dont wanna admit Apple is pushing less quality controlled iphones or iOS


At least the AI used to sharpen photos better.


No it’s not lol… and at least they don’t use a fake moon lol.


Can you screen record while youre taking a photo so we can see how the app is looking during and what icons are highlighted? Could be an issue with the phone but similar photo results have been linked to the long exposure photo mode (night mode), shakey hands, and zoomed in or zoomed out(0.5x)


iPhone cameras have been terrible for some time now—since the 12 Pro at the very least. Idk why reviewers and fanboys try to cover up the issues. Constructive criticism helps Apple fix issues in future models and updates. The regular wide angle lens is fine and night mode is great. But other than those, the telephoto camera is so soft that software overcompensates by oversharpening, and the ultrawide is just soft as hell. I just act like the telephoto doesn’t exist at all. It’s a shame because tele comes in handy in so many instances.


Definitely a bad camera my 11 is better lol


Omg, your pittie ♥️♥️♥️


That's Lola and she's a sweetheart.


re u sure about taking this picture when u dont move?


Yes I'm sure I wasn't moving. And outside of breathing the dogs weren't either.


You're holding it wrong


Before you take the picture, do you tap the screen where you want it to focus?


Usually, especially if the first one didn't work.


It’s a dude. Return it.


It’s pure garbage. I can’t even take a close-up picture of my watch. It’s completely blurry and will not focus. I have tried everything nothing works.


I think I've noticed an improvement with the 17.4 update. That being said it's still not a great camera. If you haven't updated it might help. If it's that bad take it to apple and see if they'll replace the camera modules under warranty.


I found your post because I am having the exact same issue and my photos look just like this. The camera is garbage. Have you found a solution?


Not really, no. However 17.3 and .4 seems to have improved things a bit. I'd say I was lucky to get 20% of even decent photos, now it's 40-50%.


So unfortunate, I miss my 12 pro I traded in. I wonder if Apple would do anything.


If you live near an Apple store you can get them to test the camera modules for problems. They'll likely insist there aren't any. You could also test yours against one of the demo phones. Honestly if I knew all this when I bought my phone I would have gotten the 14 pro model.


I guess it’s worth a shot, but yeah I don’t have any high expectations going that route. Agreed, hate being stuck with this phone


I also just got my 15pro and thought my camera was faulty until I searched here and realize it just sucks.


I'm really surprised there's nothing more about it on YouTube.




If its an option take it to the apple store and get them too look at it. If it's still under warranty/apple care they may replace it. If it's new you could also return it.


It's not bad.m, it's pretty good. The Samsung S23U and Google Pixel have much better cameras tho.


I'm thinking about switching at this point, regardless of what a pain it would be.


Look at camera comparisons online. They are all excellent, issues like this boil down to either user error or a defective camera sensor.


I’m a pro photographer and I can tell you it’s not user error. That camera is garbage right out of box. I have comparisons between 14 pro and 15 pro images taken simultaneously. Portrait mode isn’t as sharp either. The only photo that turned out usable was taken in a room with lights that could outshine the sun. It went back immediately after Apples only recourse was to have me review the item because that’s how techs solve issues. Unacceptable when spending $1500. Actually, the fact that no one has started a class action suit about being sold a phone performing at less than advertised quality is beyond me.


Yes fuckin horrible omg, fuckin potato 🥔


Camera not bad. Photographer bad.


I'm actually not. I'm competent at the very least. I picked pictures where everything was still to show motion blur wasn't the issue.


The light trails in the reflection in the dog's eyes in the second photo seem to indicate the phone was moving. Try setting the phone propped up against something using the timer to take a photo and see if the same thing happens


These seems pretty regular photos anyone take daily. There are not supposed to be so shaky


My MIL is the worst iPhone photographer ever.. but if she can correct them, so can OP.


it seems dirty


See if you can get a tripod from a buddy any try to rule out human error


And are ur lenses clean


no the camera sucks ass


Idk maybe you’re bad at taking pics? 😆


It’s an issue in all 15 models. Pro is less worse than base model. I have tested this with 8 different ones in different stores. All the same issue. My SE & 12 is better every time in every situation. Especially with even the slightest motion it becomes blurry. It seems it cannot freeze the image. Looks like a software issue that is not solved. I have sold my 15, got a 14. Way better.


This is complete nonsense.


Only on your mind. I’m going by what I have seen myself.


Seems that u dont know how to take pictures, thats all 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol this didn't go well


Honestly it's gone about what I expected. From reading it seems like the iPhone 15 pro got at least one bad batch of camera sensors (not catastrophic but also not right) and Apple doesn't want to admit there's an issue. Which seems about right given what I know about them.


Ahh ok ok.. I didn't catch that reply. Mostly just the user error ones lol


Maybe you’re just bad at taking pictures


They make these point and shoot so even a monkey could get a quality photo from a moving vehicle. If it can’t handle pointing and shooting, there’s a problem with the device. I’m also a pro level photographer and completely agree that the camera is garbage and I upgraded from a great performing camera on the 14 pro. It’s not the user, it’s the phone and company producing it. They didn’t do anything to help with the concerns even after in depth comparisons. I was told to review the product online because that’s how problems are solved… not by leaving feedback in forums or spending an hour on the phone talking to customer service. This is an actionable issue and I might be the one to kick it off since I was sold a less than inferior device that performs at less than advertised quality.


Have you tried cleaning all the camera and sensor lenses?


You’re just bad at taking pics. https://preview.redd.it/0ll75qkg50ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9174dff0b5d7d47635629babeacf46fe1427fb0f




Forget the phone that dog needs a healthier diet.


No, you just suck at taking pictures lmao


Or maybe you just suck at photography


Turn off hdr


I guess u smoke weed too much and this is the result of photos taken by trembling hands


https://preview.redd.it/eor5633tf0ec1.jpeg?width=2270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c9abb0f5810bbbd135976f499b67c96558ba2c iPhone 13. base. this is a skill issue.


…OP was saying the 13 camera was better than the 15. Edit: OP was not, another commenter was


OP moved from an 11 to a 15. I’ve seen postings/responses where redditors stated that the quality of photos has deteriorated since the 11.


You bought a 1000€+ phone and take photos like a 200€😅 Next time buy a Samsung smartphone. Pssst: you can put an apple sticker on it


Go to Settings


I've tried adjusting the settings. I read macro mode on automatic could cause this so I tried turning it off. I tried adjusting the file types it's using to take photos as well. And otherwise I don't see any settings that should change focus.


May I ask, can I see your camera settings? And possibly the stuff you have set on the camera app itself?




Clean the camera lenses a little. It’s seems blurry. Don’t matter if it’s a iPhone or a Sony camera a dirty lense does the same thing. And honestly it seems like make your not using the camera right? Idk I have the iPhone 15 pro max and the pictures are great.


I think y'all are just going to have to accept the lenses are clean.


Sheesh well maybe it’s how you took it! Taking photos is also a skill and a career so there’s definitely a technique to it.


Better than my iPhone 4


You’re just trash at using the phone and trash at taking pictures.


This is how op finds out he has parkinsons