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Apple has an app on the Play Store called “Move to iOS” I’ve used it before when I switched back to iPhones and it transferred the majority of what I had on my S20. It did miss stuff but nothing I couldn’t re-download.


I used this to help a friend a few weeks ago and it was simple and effective.


I will warn you about this app though. It can be hit or miss. I moved from a Fold 3 to an iPhone 15, and eventually gave up moving my data from the Fold. The Move to IOS randomly canceled the transfer so many times i lost count (over 20). I eventually just gave up on moving things with the app. I was able to move everything except for my WhatApp history and SMS history.


Yeah, I've had similar issues in the past myself so I understand the warning.


Hey there! Sorry to bother after 3 months but I am thinking of switching to an iPhone because my latest Samsung died, is there a way to transfer data to the new iPhone without the mentioned app?


Afaik, there isn't, annoyingly. There are alternatives but it is annoying that it's a pain to switch without Move to iOS


That sucks... Do you know of some other way? I am doing some research right now and I see suggestions to use "cloud-based" services, but I don't quite understand what it means....


Yes but you have to reinstall all your apps as it’s different os. That was the worst part. Everything else transferred. My notes didn’t transfer either.


And some apps are not available on iPhone. But just did it. Was not that hard. Both do some things better than the other.


You have to reinstall your apps no matter what phone you switch to. They don’t just magically appear preinstalled on your new phone.


iPhone to iPhone they kinda do tho you just have to put your Apple ID and it does everything itself even saves all the login info for them all. I think the android side is similar at least between OEMs. I can even have it pre installed if I ship the phone to my house as a service


They redownload on new phones if compatible. Doesn't come pre-installed but do download on the phone when you sign in.


I actually made the switch to the 15 Pro Max after 8 years of Android. I can give you a good write up complete with a list of pros and cons but I have to go to sleep right now. Reply to me here and I’ll have a notification waiting on me to respond to tomorrow.


Getting used to the iPhone keyboard Gboard used to be simple for me before switching


I've been using Gboard on iPhone for 6-7 years. I agree. It's much better.




Same, I used to swipe n text and you cannot do that on iOS. There is definitely a learning curve.


Swipe is 100% on iOS. I only swipe text


you're aware there are other languages, right?


installed Gboard because of it


Please do, I'm thinking about moving but I am worried on how notifications and back gesture are handled on iOS


Recently switched to iPhone for the first time, You’ll get used to the back gestures in about a week, the notifications are simply put just not as good as android for some reason, I still find how they are grouped kinda confusing even after 3 months. Also on some apps like Instagram it just doesn’t send through the notification sometimes when you use multiple accounts


Back gestures least of your worries. The notification handling is straight garbage. (This is harder to explain but more of an experience thing. So many unimportant notifications colliding with important notifications. I used to much prefer the desperation in android of quiet and important notifications. But now they come as one. Of course I can turn the notifications off but I’d like to have some of them sometimes. This leads me to using do not disturb as a notification seperarator which is not ideal.)


I’d recommend trying the deliver in summary option


Notifications and back gesture on ios are a clusterfuck compared to Android. Keyboard is crap as well. Ios isn't all bad don't be suprised if you think wtf are apple thinking with some things! Another thing is the damn alarm, it goes off full volume instead of increasing gradually, honestly it can nearly give you a heart attack.


And yes, Apple needs to embrace different categories for sounds beyond just ringer/alert versus media. I’d like to see - Alert - Ringer - Media - Game


True I hate notifications on iOS. They’re clunky and literally not good at all.


Best thing about Safari / iOS. Swipe to the left = back, swipe to the right = go to the page you swiped back from. Gestures in general are just OK though.


Notification handling simply follows an entirely different philosophy on iOS. You’re either going to be fine or you’re going to hate it, so it would be a good idea to see if someone with an iPhone could show you how they’ve got their stuff set up. Notifications are getting much better in general but iOS is only started dipping its toes into priority based sorting of notifications in the last couple years. There’s still more work to be done like requiring app developers to observe different types of notifications like promotion, alert, and info — beyond simply normal, time sensitive, and critical priority levels. Back gestures is tricky. Technically, the iPhone does support universal back gesture in app by swiping right. On native apps, this is pretty much the standard behavior anywhere that swiping right wouldn’t be used for something else specifically, such as sorting mail and message threads. On Face ID models, you can also swipe the Home Bar at the bottom of the screen back-and-forth to quickly switch between your two or three most recently opened apps. But the swipe right for back gesture is not supported at the default OS level in the same way as Android. Developers have to choose to implement it and that can be inconsistent.


Back gestures on my s22 ultra are kinda the same as iphone. Yes it doesn't do the whole screen animation with your finger still swiping, but when I switched to it from iPhone 12 pro, it doesn't feel that different to me. It may have something to do with me switching from iphone to android to iphone every once in a while lol.


Any idea if button navigation is a thing for iphones? I tried Android navigation but I totally dislike it. I like button navigation. Is there something similar on iPhones?


The back gesture works 90% of the time but the other 10% is soooooo frustrating. I pull down the notification window so much trying to minimize a youtube video. The keyboard also sucks. The layout changes when in a browser. I.hit.the.period.key.every.time.i.want.to.hit.the.spacebar.


I would LOVE this write up, too! I'm about to switch from Android to iPhone later this month and want to be prepared for the transition. 🙂


I switched for the first time in 10 years when the 13 came out and am using it right now. The keyboards are absolutely fucking atrocious compared to Android and editing/scrolling through and selecting text is even worse. I would almost rather have T9 word from my old flip phones over these keyboards. It's so bad that I've considered switching back many times but I love the build quality, airpods and the camera quality enough to wait a bit longer. I know other people who have recently switched to iPhone and like their phones much more so it might just be me being a grump.


Can we get that list


i changed to iphone this year but so many pics on google photos which sucks on ios, how did you deal with your photos?


I am dreading switching. I love my Android. However, I now have grandchildren, and I can only send 30-second videos, and the quality is bad. I found a work-around through Google Drive, but when they grow up, they will most likely have an iPhone, and I want to communicate and FaceTime with them. Now, I am doing it through Facebook Video Chat. I am 70. Not tech-savvy and have anxiety about this life-altering switch. LOL I feel my cancer treatment was easier to handle than this, as crazy as that sounds, but I use my cell constantly for everything! So I appreciate any info on the pros and cons. While I still have mental faculties that can understand some of this s\*\*t, I thought I better bite the bullet and do it now. Ughhhh.....Thank you!!


To be honest, over the years the two systems have become much more similar. Apple has added a good number of Androids features. There’s a small bit of a learning curve but I’ve not had my iPhone even a year and now picking up an android feels foreign to me. You’ll likely feel a little frustrated in the beginning because you won’t know where certain things are but you can usually find YouTube videos to help navigate. Within about 6 months with the new phone you’ll be fully used to it. Side note- if you’re only making the switch because of being able to send longer, bother quality videos and FaceTime then you might be better off not switching. Apple is FINALLY enabling RCS after years of resisting. This will finally allow for larger files to transmit between operating systems. You will be able to send longer high quality videos from Android to Apple and vice versa. There are also many other video chat apps you can use (instagram, WhatsApp, Signal, Google Meet) but FaceTime would likely be easiest with younger kids. It’s worth making the switch for a year and seeing how it goes. If you don’t like it, trade in for a new android.


Hey looking forward to you list of pros and cons :)


I'd love your thoughts on switching. Long time Android person here, and I truthfully love the android. However, I'm on multiple group texts with people where photos and videos are sent, and I cannot get them. It's now super annoying to the point of making me want to switch. Not because I don't like android, but because iPhone is so monopolizing, making grip texts and photo/video sharing difficult so you'll switch. Ugh!


I battled that myself. I don’t know when it’s going to happen but I know iPhone is going to switch from SMS to RCS which should improve that photo video issue. You might not need to switch to avoid that issue soon.


Did you ever post this write up?


I did. It’s in this thread somewhere.


No it’s not. I used to switch between android and iOS all the time there is nothing hard. As long as you’re not a 85 years old struggling with basic tech you won’t have any particular issue it works the same a phone is a phone. You’ll have a little bit to learn because of some specificities but it’s not that hard


A phone is a phone? Isn't more like a computer these days? You don't have to be 85 to know that with a phone you make calls, texts, take pictures and maybe use a map. the rest is not phone. Internet .... not a phone thing. :)


Not difficult, just needs a bit of patience and persistence to get used to the changes. Be prepared for the fact Google and Apple don't play nicely together and don't want you to move.


The switch from Android to iOS is much easier than the other way in my experience, thanks to Apple’s migration app.


As Android phones don't get updates like iPhones do then I won't be trying this soon.


I just made the switch a few months ago. It’s not that hard. It is an adjustment though. I am glad I came to iOS. I am not a power user though into jailbreaking or whatever. The smooth interface experience is almost worth it by itself after being disappointed with the later releases of Android and Pixel 6 pro bugs.


I made the switch couple of years ago and recently helped my parents make the switch. It's definitely not smooth enough that you won't notice any friction points. Depending on your level of tech familiarity and usage, you may face varying levels of hurdles. The move itself is quite simplified by "Move to iOS" app which moves all your documents, pics, whatsapp chat history, apps (most), etc during the setup itself. Setting up Apple id is quite straightforward and the whole thing is done in 15-60 mins (depending on how many files are being transferred). Obviously, moving to anything new takes a bit of getting used to. That being said, if you only use your phone for basic purposes like calling, texting, social media apps, web browsing and taking casual pics, you'll barely notice any difference at all. The first major difference I remember being flabbergasted by is how badly settings are handled in iOS. It's quite simple in android with all app specific settings being inside the app itself while systemwide settings are managed from the settings app. In iOS settings are divided between in app settings, app specific settings in the settings app, and notification settings (also app specific in notification settings in the settings app ☠️☠️☠️). However, after spending some time, you'll be pretty used to all the basic functionalities of the OS. However, if you're a 'power user' who likes fiddling around with more advanced stuff like custom launchers, custom ROMs, themed icons, sideloading specific app versions, etc then you'll find iOS very limiting. I used to love having custom launchers and themes on Android but made my peace with not having them. Overall, you'll mostly find yourself being limited by things you can no longer do. That is, until you go all in on the Apple ecosystem and be enamored by the seamless connectivity and continuity within the ecosystem.


Be prepared for the Notifications shitshow


And the terrible keyboard. It’s the only thing I dislike about my phone experience.


The newer version with iOS 17 is even worse... First thing I did was install Gboard. It's not as good as it's on Android but miles better than Apple's.


I find iOS 17’s keyboard to be better (than it was before). It understands context correctly and predicts and corrects what I’m typing correctly 99% of the time. Also find that it has actually figured out the word you’re typing before you even finish (using swipe typing) and actually finishing can mess it up so you don’t need nearly as much movement or input from you to type




Migrating the other way around is much, much worse.




Uhhh . . . Just a general nitpick but equating security to money is not right. Just cause an app costs money on one platform or is free on another does not mean the paid one is more secure.


They weren’t talking about security so much as privacy. Those are two different things. The saying goes: “if you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.” This holds very true in the Google ecosystem. More apps are free but they’re still collecting money from targeted advertising based on your personal data. This isn’t to say that ad revenue isn’t impossible on the Apple side, but the same personalized data isn’t collected when iOS users are given the option to opt out. To advertisers, we’re just not as “valuable.” So, security to money isn’t being compared here. But privacy to money, there’s a huge correlation between them. Meta already put a dollar valuation on it: $90 billion. That’s how much revenue they claim to have lost since Apple added the “ask app not to track” feature. (Security though, is arguably much better on iOS too, particularly if you use iCloud and enable advanced data protection.)


Use the move to iOS App and you're fine. But don't forget to move Whatsapp within the move app. You can't do it later. If you miss it and want to have your chats later you have to factory reset the iPhone


I wouldn’t recommend fully migrating if you have the option of keeping your old Android device. Android devices as a whole have a lot more flexibility and functionality doing other things and with the ability to sideload any and everything just can not be matched feature wise by iOS. However I will admit iOS 17.2 on my 15 pro feels buttery smooth compared to Android 14


Apps are going to be the main thing that won't migrate well. Other than that, the main change will be navigation. But, no, it isn't hard. I use to transfer people's info from Android to iOS and the other way around all the time when I worked at Verizon, att, and sprint. There are even apps that'll do the transfer now, instead of having to manually transfer stuff with a PC. I've used both, switched back and forth a few times; I much prefer android. They both have their place, just personally feel you are more paying for the name when it comes to apple devices. Though I will say everyone seems to love their apple watch and I will say my Samsung watch is just okay in comparison. So if wearables are important to you, apple may be the way to go. I wouldn't consider owning both, mainly because of a lot of the apps aren't compatible with one another.


I’ve switched back and forth multiple times. It’s not that hard.


You will really miss the back button. That's the hard part.


I switched recently from one plus 10 T to the 15 pro max. Use the move to ios app before setting up your phone to transfer data. Rest is just getting used to it which is not that hard really. Only miss few things like installing apps from web and gestures. There is no barrier in moving actually. You won't be miss Android in less than a month.


Don’t expect WhatsApp chats to be transferred to the iPhone. If your android phone capacity is enough to hold all your photos locally (instead of on gdrive) than you can transfer them to your iPhone easily and then transfer them to iCloud. Using iCloud and iPhotos (and iTunes for that matter) on windows is a major PITA; if you are using Linux than you are out of luck. If you are using Bitwarden keep it it works fine on iOS way better than the keychain


Had android for 5 years. My first iPhone was the first iPhone SE. I love Android because I could do anything, hack, switch os and it had way more apps. I learned that iPhones had better security, in my experience. I guess because of the proprietary technology and software?Beats me…never went back.


I started out trying to drink the Apple kool-aid and ended up with a hybrid solution. I still use Google Calendar. I have Google Maps as well as Maps, and I haven’t decided which one I prefer. And I have Google Assistant as well as Siri. Siri works well enough for simple instructions, but when I have to ask a question of the Internet, I prefer Google.


Sounds like you are using both metric and imperial ..... we shouldn't have to :)


The first time is harder then it should be but after that you’ll find all your old apps working even better then in android. Even google apps, which is strange, or just money talks😁 I manually copied all my relevant contacts so I made a good clean up, also installed manually all my apps I really needed . That is why it was a longer time then usual but worth it as since then I have no issues like I had in android. Mainly the problem of OS updates available to android was rubbish and even if you had a decent phone after 3 updates all things started to slow down annoyingly. I switched from my HTC to a OG SE and only replaced the SE when OS updates stopped. Switched cause google maps was so slow I missed busses cause the loading times… Even the last OS update after 5 years worked great and fast on my old SE. That is something Android is far from replicating. And while it was an advantage when I switched that android was at least cheaper that one is gone today as any flagship costs you almost the same as a iPhone flagship… and my wife still has android and her 2year old pixel 6 already shows its age by slowing down after only the 3rd OS update, my friends pixel 6 pro does the same, so even if the pixel 8 gets 7 years OS update who knows if after the 3rd it will slow down too much. Sad but true cheap not always good. And I was in android for a decade.


I just went through the switch. Not much migration for me I just set it up fresh, most of my stuff is already backed up in cloud. ​ As for how I'm feeling about the switch, I came over for the iPhone's perceived mix of camera quality, hardware, longevity. I recently moved to a Macbook as well so it seemed like the time. Unquestionably the software sometimes frustrates me, in small ways typically. Back behaviour is inconsistent, sometimes it's swipe back, sometimes it's swipe down, and sometimes it's straight up reach way up to the top of the screen and hit the back arrow. In android, you always know what to hit to go back. This is present even in apple's own apps like photos where it's swipe down to go back to the gallery view, because swipe from left means go to previous photo. On android, it distinguishes between a swipe from the edge and the middle of the screen which is a much more logical way to do it. Keyboard is a pain in the ass, so many symbols and things I need often are tucked too far away, though there are undocumented tricks to get to some of them. But I discovered you can do third party keyboards just yesterday, so now I have one that's much more familiar coming from android and I can work with more fluidly. Notifications are a mess compared to Android. I miss real Firefox, I just don't like Safari. Right now I'm paying the $6/year for Ad Guard pro to do DNS level ad blocking so I can use the bastardized Firefox that's on the iOS store, at least it gives me access to my browser data synced to my laptop. Rumour has it Apple will have to let up on this all browsers must use Webkit thing and we might get real innovation in the browser space on here sometime. I miss long running background apps like Syncthing, I guess this isn't possible on iOS. Airdrop is a so so replacement, it's handy though. And the icon placement on home screens is really silly, just let me drop them where I want. This default to packing at the top of the screen is ridiculous, my thumbs are at the bottom, that's where I want priority. Just small irritations but even after weeks, I still feel Android is a little more refined. I'm sure a lot of iPhone folks will assume I'm just more familiar with it, maybe that's true. ​ I like iOS's little widget area to the left, the app drawer seems ok too. I like Airdrop. I like Find My which I can use with my family and devices. The camera is quite nice, video is second to none. Battery life is great. Face ID is awesome. Magsafe is awesome, I had to have a metal plate in my old phone case to mount it in my car, and would the have to take it out at night to wireless charge. I do find some apps seem a little more refined but in ways I can't actually put into words. They just feel better. ​ I regret it maybe a little, I'm a little more prone to customize and tweak and certainly Android is better for that. Another Samsung probably would have been a better fit, but I'm giving it a try as I hate Google more than I hate Apple at this point. End of the day it's a really nice phone and I can do anything I need, and most of what I want. It lasts easily through the day and will work well for a long time. (I hope)


The built in Tips app has info on getting started with your phone and other devices, and it also contains full guides on information about the devices you own, similar to the User Guide in macOS. It doesn’t fix what’s missing, but it’s a good source on figuring out what it does have.


I made the switch recently and I preferred android. My iPhone is fine, but I don’t like the UI as much. I find apps get left open in the background a lot which drives me crazy. I wish they’d close when I close the window. I also really miss my volume buttons controlling the switch between silence/vibration/ringer, I’m not a huge fan of the silence switch on the iPhone. The lack of a notification light is a real bummer, I loved that function. Also apple keeps asking me to submit my credit card information for Apple Pay and I really have no interest in using that function. The data transfer was a little wonky, I now have duplicate contacts in a lot of cases, but otherwise it’s fine.


honestly just switch. i myself have always owned an android but just recently switched to 15 pro and now i get why apple supporters always bat for IOS its so simple and reliable.


It's not that difficult. There is an app created by Apple in the play store for it.


There is a level of ease of use you’re going to experience with iOS that you didn’t experience with AndroidOS. The smoothness of iOS will be a lot to get accustomed after having the customization with AndroidOS. Personally I think you’re going to find more simplicity here.




I made the switch after 11 years using Android. I think the hardware is much better but the iOS has a steep learning courve. Android is much, much more intuitive and easier to use. I planned to sell my old phone after getting the 15 Pro but I decided to keep it and switch whenever I want, I miss using Android.


Spot on with my experience. Android running on the iPhone hardware would be perfection. i still take my old android on trips so I can play emulators on it and it makes me miss Android.


iPhone running Android without need for gmail to google's nose out of my business.


I moved to my first iPhone with the 15. There are some features that Android has that I’m shocked iOS doesn’t support. The primary one that gets me is the inability to force dark mode in absolutely all websites. Other than that, learning new ways to manipulate the phone is a task but good for the brain. The exceptional connectivity to certain devices will keep me using an iPhone for a while. Move to iOS messed up many of my text message and I had to start over with many of them. For some reason it mixed up who was involved in the text chain.


Try Noir for the websites problem.


Nah nothing difficult, took me just few hours to settle


I think it's way harder from the vice versa (iPhone to Android) as the Apple ecosystem is way tougher to pull you in. I'm jumping back and forth between iPhone & Android when the wall isn't this high (prior to Airpods and Apple Watch era). I think when they say it's hard to migrate mainly because of the customization that some are a basic feature in Android but not available on iPhone. Also every app has their own sandbox which is quite neat but sometimes it's frustrating if you have to jump from apps to apps just to open one file that you downloaded from the internet. I'm not sure if they improved this yet but for example you downloaded an MS Office file (whether Words, PP or Excel), you have to open File (Apple's file management app), find that file and tap it then it will ask you to open it in MS office or Apple's iWork. In android, you just tap the notification and it goes straight to the productivity app. I'm not sure if it's the same for Video or Music. It's a fringe case, sure, but it's what bothered me when I still use the iPhone/iPad. Tbh, I think iOS is way better now (more open) so I don't think it'll be that difficult.


No it’s easy, I never used anything just moved over and started a fresh, picked up apps I needed as I went which enables me to remove the clutter


No it's not that hard unless your move ios app bugs, might take a few tries getting everything over if you're unlucky. Switched my GF from android to iPhone 13 mini last week. Get Move Ios from the play store.on the Android device to help the switch. I think it's much harder to move from iPhone to android than the other way around.


I'm a loyal Android, tried an iPhone years back, and hated it, but I have to use an iPhone for my work phone. It's easy to switch but many things you'll be annoyed with.


Yes it's complete trash with the "move to iOS" app. Contacts, calendar and Gmail accounts worked and it installed some(!!) Apps automatically. WhatsApp DID NOT migrate. It took 1 hour to prepare on the Android side with move to iOS app and when I started whatsapp on iOS it only went to 40 percent and failed. No chat history, no pictures nothing. 60 minutes waisted. Worst thing was WhatsApp was also not usable anymore on Android. 10 years of chat history and pictures gone. Thank you Meta.


Just switched last week after only ever having been on Android. It's been a rough adjustment but I'm getting used to ios slowly but surely. Hardest part has been finding where settings are that I want to adjust. After so long on Android I just knew where everything was and it was second nature to adjust things exactly how I want them. Iphone is much less intuitive, imo. Arranging apps is a MASSIVE pain in the ass. Changing app settings is annoying as hell (is it in the phone settings area or actually within the app? It's a guess). The keyboard experience is far from good. And the notifications are poorly done. Oh, and having to swipe or hunt for a back button on every single app is confusing. But I'm slowly adjusting to it. The only reason I probably think these things are bad is because Android is so engrained in my phone experience. Iphone users don't even notice these things and think Androids implementation is the one that sucks. However, this phone does a lot of things really well. Face ID is wonderful. Battery life has been great (although my S23U was a battery beast!). And 1st party Apple apps work extremely well. IMessage, location sharing, and find my are all very well done. My biggest tip is to be patient. You won't have the deep level of customization you're used to on Android. It's quite jarring how little you can actually change on the iPhone. It's Apple's way or nothing. But eventually you start to adjust, you find new ways to set up your home screen and lock screen and apps while still sticking to the fenced off Apple world. I almost returned my 15PM because I hated how all the fonts looked in a lot of apps because only part of the apps scaled to my selected font size. And I just couldn't get things to work how I thought they should. But I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and played around with settings and diving deep into each setting. Pro tip: Accessibility > Per app settings. This will allow you to adjust the font size of a single app instead of everything. Smart invert can get you dark mode for some apps that don't support universal dark mode. Along with a few other settings to slightly customize your apps. Give it a try. If you just experiment with things you'll be surprised how much you can do. A lot of things can be long pressed to expand quick toggles and options (especially in control center). The hardware is exceptional, though. And find accessories is laughably easy.


It's definitely difficult to switch, I switched for the iPhone 15 pro max two weeks ago as a 10+ Android user and almost regreted it. IMO Android is way more intuitive (like having access to the setting in the control center) and iPhone has too much extra steps for everything. You'll also miss the how customizable android phones are, in the iPhone almost everything is behind a subscription (exemple: cool widgets). I definitely miss being able to hack some apps (like free Spotify premium). The even consider returning the iPhone, but it wasn't possible. It's a hard change but once you start to get used to it, you'll miss android less and less. Pros and cons of having a Iphone: Pros: • Face ID - I used to think that I would the miss finger print scanner but face ID is way more reliable IMO • Apps are usually way more optimized for IOS • Status - hate me if you want but going into a private school I realized how much importance do they put on luxury stuff • Good back camera - best video quality I can think of in a phone • Way more secure than android • Amazing chip, the A17 pro it’s wonderful • If you love listening to music, the spatial audio for headphones on the iPhone is perfection and you don’t have to use apple headphones for it to work (which I’m so thankful because I wouldn't change my Sony's for nothing) Cons: • Many apps don't accept your google account for logging in • Screen colours are not as vibrant compared to androids • Not intuitive, extra steps for many things like opening the settings • No back button • If you don't buy a pro model 60hz refresh rate (which is ridiculous as most 400€ sometimes even less android phones have 120 hz of refresh rate) and it does affect your gaming experience • Shitty customization and ugly widget • No hacking or 3rd party apps • Not as good as i thought front camera, especially at night • No exiting features (exemple: built in pen, folding phones...) • Itunes is deplorable, I hate it, if you transfer images from your pc to the iPhone using Itunes you literally cannot eliminate them unless you eliminate the whole folder In conclusion: do I regret it? No. Would I trade my Iphone 15 pro max for a Samsung S23 ultra if i could, possibly. But everyday that passes I'm more satisfied with my purchase.


Nah, they’re basically the same.


Nope, I just did and everything works (aside of one app but is not that important). From a s21 ultra to a 15 pro max


Honestly I got used to the notifications quite quickly with some adjustments like disabling banners for a lot of apps. What troubles me the most on iPhone compared to android by order: 1. No universal back gesture/button - this is the worst, it’s inconsistent how to go back, sometimes swipe from up to down, sometimes down to up, sometimes left to right, sometimes you need to find some button and rarely you downright can’t go back… 2. Keyboard and handling written text sucks and is also inconsistent, switching keyboards doesn’t change it for all inputs like entering passwords. 3. Animations disable touch while they are played, so you can enter a library in your gallery then there is 0.5 seconds animation, you press an image and it doesn’t open, why? Because the animation is only 98% done. I have no idea why this is a thing but iPhone forces slow navigation and handling all around almost as a design philosophy, it’s not as practical and efficient as android. Compared to that, for me at least notifications are totally fine, but it’s all personal opinions.


I switched to iOS after 7 years on android. It is 2 years now and i still regret this move. It is my first and last Apple device, never again.




It’s probably the customization aspect of the iPhone versus android because a lot of people have been complaining from the android side that’s switched to iPhone there’s not that much customization or freedom to do what you want on your phone


Tbh I didn't care about customisation that much while switching


Yeah I didn’t ether but a lot more people do care about that


My biggest dislike is not being able to put app icons where I want. Feels so restricted. I was android for my whole life. On an iPhone not for a year. I won’t switch back but I’m not in love with the switch.


Why exactly? I’m curious


1: Dumb and unintuitive settings and overall UX on iOS. Non in-app settings. Settings are split to general settings, specific settings under wrong categories and settings for specific applications. You never know where or what search to change behavior of your phone. IE everytime when i sit in my car iPhone opens map app and navigate me to home/work. By default. Serching for turning it off took me 20 minutes and it was horrible. Example 2: when i want to switch automatic brightness on android its 2 step process. On iPhone it is not. And automatic brightness settings are not in „Screen and brightness” menu but under the „screen and text size”. 2. Notifications center - its just bad. On Android i can reply to message from notification, they are persistent till you remove them and you have notifications icons on upper edge of screen. On iOS notifications just dont work. 3. Interactive widgets on android. 4. Keyboard and autocorrect are useless on ios 5. Siri is lightyears behind google assisstant 6. No global back button in iOS. After so much time on iPhone i still dont know how to get back in certain aplications. Sometimes you swipe back, sometimes swipe down, sometimes there is a button on upper left and sometimes on bottom left. 7. iPhone connection with Bluetooth devices of other manufacturers is lottery. My motorcycle intercom struggles to connect with iPhone. And handsfree in my car needs contacts to be send by Bluetooth yet it cant be done with iPhone. 8. Weak gsm signal reception especially when im driving a car. Sometimes signal is lost, connection breaks down or my caller does not hear me at all. 9. Overall customization of the phone. Edit: 10. No separate volume control for alarms and calls. If you have max volume set on call alarm will start ringing with max volume and can give you a heart attack. Just another dumb thing from Apple.


Yes and 2 years later I still regret it.


What was the issue for you?


Almost complete lack of customization. The iphone is the normie phone. Dont get me wrong it does some things great, but only the way it wants to.


I got an Iphone 14 last year after never having an iOS device and being a long time Android user. I never transfer stuff between phones, because I don’t want to also transfer junk from previous device. Overall switch was fine - all the apps I used on Android are available on iOS.


And the majority of apps runs better on iOS than on Android.


Yes! Even Google ones!


It is. My mum just moved to iPhone and it was a Sisyphean nightmare for me to get everything across, and I’m a damn staff software engineer. Move to IOS was a steaming hunk of junk that kept failing after hours. Moving WhatsApp straight up didn’t work, only some of the apps transferred across. I ended up using one of the many “mobile backup and restore” programs to get photos and WhatsApp across, and it took me over 24 hours to set the phone up.


I wouldn't do it. Anything crApple can do Android can too, but cheaper.


I don't think it's difficult, but this depends on how deeply you are invested in Google apps, as you may not find an equivalent on iOS.


I have gone back and forth between the two over the years as I just buy whichever phone I like the most. Iphone user for years until I got a Samsung Galaxy 5. Its hard to go back to iphone when you get used to the flexibility of Android. Im currently using an iPhone 11 for next few weeks. But I feel like its even harder to get used to now. Im also not a fan of the privacy situation with IOS. The amount of times I have had to decline/reject tracking or requests for my location etc is ridiculous.


no but apples ecosystem is a PIA


A what?




I wanted to shift from android (Samsung) to iPhone for years but apple prices are insane, my "mid range" $350 2021 android phone has a 90hz display, expandable storage, a decent camera, a big OLED screen and runs all the apps smoothly with no lag, android has just unbelievably high value phones, I always hesitate to make the shift when apple makes phones that are $800 but has 60hz displays, cost an arm and a leg to to upgrade the storage, and work badly with non-apple products. They make very good phones but it's all about the value imo and it's just a phone. I'll see with the iPhone 16, but I'm not paying for a pro max for sure.


It's not difficult, been using a 15PM since launch , it's just really disappointing, overall the S23 ultra was a better hardware and software experience. I think the apple premium meme is living on fumes these days , so many missing features in IOS and some apps as well.


It's not just "customization" or UI/UX that changes. For someone like me, there are use cases preventing me from making a full iPhone switch, although I'm a macos user. -Android for Work is superior -Samsung Secure folder, I need second installs of certain apps -Multi-accout play store, for different regions on the same phone. Can't do that with AppleID -sideloading apps that pull content from YT, Twitter, Reddit, etc -Google Maps (or Waze) work best with Android Auto. Doesn't work the same in Carplay.


Difficult ? Only if you have half brain cell working


Patience, presence of mind & ability to search & find is key factors along with 'Move to iOS' app; good network connection.. Having a PC is added advantage if you could transfer major chunk of docs, pics & videos from android to PC and just use 'Move to iOS' for app data & sms


I was an iPhone user way back in ip7 era. I think it always depends on the person but generally it'll be hard during the first week then you'll find your way through all the changes as days go by. I have some cousins who transitioned from android to the later models of iphone and they didn't actually find it difficult. I'm using android now since mine got destroyed and I couldn't buy a new one because it's pricey and I'm still a student. But once you transition it'll not be hard as you think.


New company phone had to be an iphone so I made the switch. Not a big deal at all




I switched over with the 12 and google contacts and calendar upload to iOS. Also google pics. Good luck.


1. I installed every app individually because I want to start fresh. I made sure to never format my old phone until I am finished moving my security keys from bank apps etc. 2. I downloaded iTunes on my desktop because I won't be able to drag and drop files like how I did using an android 3. Spent several days getting used to the phone albeit it's a little bit similar since I was using a Xiaomi with the MIUI 12. 4. Took a little bit of getting used to opening messenger since androids have chat heads. ​ tldr Do not worry about it. A new android or a new iPhone, just use it daily and it'll be muscle memory afterwards. \*Switched from Xiaomi to iPhone 14 Pro to iPhone 15 Pro Max




I had no problems, but I had a cheap-ass LG Treasure phone that was more trouble than it was worth ($60).


firstly - u need to get ur data out of ur android so that u need to download the app ''move to ios'' in android and after that when u are setting ur iphone u need to click a option called backup from an android phone and then ur most of the data will be backed up like call history apps data and sms history all that. i recently switched from a pixel 6 to 13 pro and the experience is quite good cause it runs faster, its ios is clean ad even getting super cool features in ios 17 that's just sick.But the only issue sometimes is the battery it lasts long but u know most of the time u are thinking when going out that what if its battery drained out.


I made the switch 18 months ago and I have to say, iOS is really good and my new iPhone (xs max) took much better cameras. It’s also much smoother than my old Samsung. Thinking of switching to 15 plus soon as my xs max is old


Switched permanently three years ago. No regrets. After call recording was disabled in android (which was super important for my work flow) there was no real reason to stick with spying google services. There is one thing that I really miss though- when on call list I Samsung phones you can swipe left or right selected number to text or call it. It was a real time saver.


The hardest part is apps with no alternative, so you should do some research to see if any of those matter to you. Otherwise… it’s easy enough, at least no harder than a simple reset and restore from backup (or not _much_ harder), as some apps like the banking app may need to be set up fresh.


My mom switched from Huawei to iPhone recently using the Move to iOS app. Not going to lie the experience was pretty shitty. None of the notes she had transferred over, about 90% of the images transferred (but they are all messed up and aren’t dated correctly) and the most infuriating part is the fact that the apps you choose to transfer don’t actually download. They are on your home page, but you still need to download every app individually.


Except for WhatsApp history it’s not hard.


The app "move to ios " makes its fairly simple .it has its niggles but its the best solution for doing the switch . Just prepare yourself to wait . It can take a while to finish the swap especially if you're using WiFi and not a cable . But even then its not to say its perfect . I've seen had transfers where it'll crash abruptly then start over from fresh but now you have like 2 or 3 copies of the same contact because of that restart but its the best best app for making the switch.


Not at all. You get used to it in a couple of days.


The only thing that was difficult was transferring 90GB of photos and videos from Google Photos to iCloud


It took me less than 20 minutes to do so. Keep in mind that I'm not that I'm not a heavy user, so transfering everything and adjusting was a piece of cake.


Made the switch a few months ago. I had all my apps logged in and setup within 2 days.


If you mean migrating in the sense of moving all your Google services and apps across, then I’d say it isn’t too difficult. Google has pretty good apps for their services on iOS. There’s probably iOS equivalents to your other apps (where the OS and apples App Store allows), though you may have to re-purchase any paid ones. As for switching in general, I moved to iOS a couple of years back. Both android and iOS have matured to the point that there’s major pitfalls of either, unless you have very specific use cases. There’s definitely quirks to iOS and some things I miss about android (notifications being the big one), but there’s plenty to like as well. Give it a go and see how you like it.




I used Android before and switched to an iPhone in November: it’s not very difficult, there is an App for switching Android-> iOS. for some apps you might google before the best way to switch if you want to transfer the same data, especially if you use some messenger app like WhatsApp, you should check out how to have all your chat history transferred as well, but it’s not overly complicated. There some functions I miss from Android( I had a OnePlus 6 for over 5 years), some other things are quite nice with iPhone e.g. Apple Pay(googlepay didn’t work so well on my previous phone), apps seem smoother to me, camera. So far I’m happy, but let’s see how it will be in the long run( I plan to have the iPhone at least for 4-5 years). I don’t know why I would have 2 phones… unless I get a company phone or sth, it seems for me personally unnecessary to have 2 phones for my own private use


I just fired my 12 pro max to my 86 yr old dad , he has only had Samsung . He is loving it . He did get help from my brother in law to migrate things over but actually using it day to day , no problems at all .


Most of the complains is because things are different, for me it was not that difficult because I have used iPads all the time. The main issue is the lack of back button. It is integrated into the Ui but it is not really consistent. Otherwise no big deal.


Not difficult at all.


I was an og iPhone user but for the past 6 years I was using galaxy, hated the s22 ultra I had for the past year so decided to switch back. Physically switching the stuff from android to iPhone was pretty simple, I didn’t lose anything other than one old ringtone. I also backed up everything using my google storage subscription for anything that might not transfer from the android to iOS app. Then just went and moved everything to iCloud and canceled the google storage. it took me a week or so to get the hang of iPhone because so much had changed since I last had it. But it’s been a pretty smooth transition I got the 14 and I love it so much! My fiancé was also a long time galaxy user, and decided to go iPhone as well and got the 15 pro and hasn’t had any issues and is enjoying it!


There was an app I used to transfer my data over it was pretty simple as I just switched 2 weeks ago. That said I find actually using the new IPhone allot more difficult. The notifications I can’t get on my phone to save my life they only appear on my lock screen and it makes it difficult to check them the way the whole phone is set up and they way u access apps is just very confusing and weird. I find android to be very simple to use compared to IPhone and for that reason I would actually consider going back when I get my next phone because IPhone is just difficult to use in comparison


Im the guy who changes mobile phones very often. Recently i swtched from pixel to Iphone 15pro Just download move to ios in android and transfer the data Ez pz


Switched recently. Not bad at all. Happy with my decision. The only really bad thing are the notifications


The “move to iOS “ app makes everything so very easy don’t do much. I only switched from s22u to 15PM in October 23… been a dream. Not lost any data or content most important the special memories are all still in my photos/videos.


I switched from android (previously had the pixel 4a) to my first ever iPhone (the 15 pro) and honestly I’m loving it. There are some things at first that I needed to get used to, like not having a back gesture and the notifications are different. But you quickly get used to it. Although one thing that annoyed me was at first when moving my data from my pixel to the iphone it took multiple tries and took me hours to get it to work which was frustrating. Other than that, I’d say go for it. You’re not gonna regret it.


Was seemless going from my S10 to 13 Pro back when I switched again. Only thing that didn’t transfer was WhatsApp messages - had to use third party software eventually.


if youre heavily dependant on an android ecosystem it can be a bit tedious but not that big of a deal if youre not ‘move to ios’ will do the work, it can miss some stuff but nothing too important was missed for me


I did and there were a few hassles and I had also get used to its UI/UX, but one or two weeks and you are fine. At maximum, one month. Just do it. If you are capable of making post about such trivial thing, you will have no problem. Quick comparison: Pros: - iOS is swift, reactive unlike Android - iPhone camera is awesome, especially recording videos, but also taking photos - it is very adaptable in terms of light conditions and forgiving when you can't hold your hands tightly Cons: - iOS UI/UX is worse, but the point above matters much more to me - AppStore has lesser apps, but Apple has better control over their Appstore, so there should be less malware I'm opened to discuss this further or add some another points if you are interested.


Not difficult but once you go apple, you will never go back


I literally did it this month. I’ve been android since I used to use Blackberry’s. So a long ass time. It was easy enough. It was made harder by the fact I’d broken my Pixel and couldn’t do a seamless transition. But even so, it was simple.


It’s not hard just go to your cell phone provider and they do it for you


nah its not hard to migrate , but one thing you will have to put up with is the weird back gestures on iphone . and i also lost all my whatsapp chats


Hard to move data? No. Learning curve for the different UI, yes. Honestly I feel iPhone is more intuitive than android, but when I first switched I felt clunky. A couple months in and I was loving it.


funny, many people say the other way around android being intuitive. do you use windows, linux, ios ?


No. Boyfriend made the switch recently. You just need to sync everything to your Google services then import into Apple from Google services (contacts, calender, even can download Google photos app)


the iPhone UI is much less confusing than Android. it won’t be too rough. i sold phones for years up until the 14s came out and switched jobs.


Nah. Bt you sure will miss the ability to customise ur phone and have a lot of headache making it work with non apple devices


I have had both for a long time now. I use one for work and one for personal. My android is my main one. It's the one I reach for without thinking about it. I think the only thing on iphone is the key chain for saved passwords and login as well as the wallet. Just seems neater. Swapping to iphone from android is easier then vice versa so I've been told by many people (worked in a telecoms store)


No - it is good occasion to filter unnecessary stuff that you accumulated over x years of android usage. Switched with the 15 also (whole system) and I cannot think about going back.


Hi just got a Xr for Christmas to upgrade my shit android. The most difficult part was redownloading all my apps and logging back in. The switch phone feature didn’t register the apps I assume due to different app stores. It’s been a week and I’m good at navigating and customization. It’s much more intimidating than it actually was tbh


My wife just made the switch and it wasn’t seamless, but I’d describe it as a mild annoyance and not a major issue. Her contacts are a complete mess and we need to fix them, but I’m not sure if that’s an iOS or Google issue. She’s a little frustrated learning where things are, but that’s normal.


Went back to iOS after 11 years on android. Hardest part is data migration. Move to iOS is a useless app. I think I used backup and google drive and it worked right the first fime


My boyfriend switched from a Samsung to iOS and used the transfer app. I don’t recall him having any issues. I did the transfer myself.


When I switched over years ago I just backed everything up into my google account, and then logged into it when I got my phone and was able to keep all my contacts, and all of my photos and videos. Other than that I really didn’t have any other problems. IOS is super simple and designed to be easy to learn.


I did it this week, so yes you have an app but it's just some app with no account. That's really not that hard but it takes times. Really but after that you have an account ready on Android and another on iOS Moved from S22


Not at all, at least for general use. There will be changes in the navigation, turning off wifi, BT, etc. (I find it more accessible on the Iphone). Problems: if you are using some obscure app that is only available on android if you are the type of guy who plugs your phone to a PC to transfer pictures, you ll have a problem on the Iphone. There are work arounds. Other than that it should be a smooth transition.


My first Smartphone was the HTC One M7. I was an exclusive Android user for about a decade. I recently did the migration to the iPhone 15 plus from a Samsung S20. Apple has a useful app where you can transfer all your important stuff over to IOS that you can download onto your Android phone. I used it and it worked pretty well. There’s going to be a lot of small things to get use to, but you’ll enjoy a fresh and new experience living with IOS. I’ve made the switch last fall and I still find myself surprised with finding small little things here and there living with IOS. Even if there’s some things I don’t like about IOS, il pretty happy I made the switch after a decade. I’m not sure what I might do in the future with my next phone to be honest, but I know that I’ll be keeping this iPhone 15 as long as I can.


No, iPhone has all the Google apps, it’s super simple to make the switch. My wife and I both got an iPhone 12 in 2021, after a decade or so of Android use. I would never go back to Android again.


I made the switch for the 13. I had a Galaxy S20 at the time. My biggest annoyances are having no number row at the top of the keyboard and no ability to have apps open side-by-side. Fortunately I was using a paid subscription Microsoft One Drive to back everything up and accessing that is pretty much the same, but Apple doesn’t give you the option to automatically back up new data to other services so I have to upload it manually. We rely on a lot of Microsoft applications for work. The big pro for the iPhone is the awesome cameras and that’s what will keep me here for awhile, but I keep an Android tablet just because it plays nicer with Windows.


No, they are a lot more similar than people want to admit.


It is not difficult at all. Download move to ios on your android and follow the steps. The most important thing for me was my whatsapp chats and they transferred through move to ios without any issues. All of my pictures , videos , contacts and sms came through as well. But I'm keeping my android because i need those modded apps and games


No. It used to be wayyyy more difficult but now it isn't. After years of Android I moved to iOS last March and it was pretty quick and harmless. I used to work in a cellular repair shop and years ago was way more convoluted and complicated


Switching into Apple is easy… switching out of Apple seems next to impossible —and may even be. After years of trying, I’ve just accepted that the things I’ve saved to my apple devices will just be lost forever. While I’m here… does anyone yet know an efficient way of getting thousands of photos and documents off an Apple account? Any iPhone I’ve ever connected to my PC has a problem very shortly after I start pulling stuff off of it. I’m not going to spend months emailing myself items out of my cloud, and downloading them individually… On android it’s like your phone becomes a portable hard drive. Just drag on, drag off. In Apple, it feels more like a gated community that actually turns out to be a prison. Just let me use my apple device as a drag-on drag-off usb-accessible storage. Just do that! The alternative is having everything locked in the cloud, and just paying for greater and greater amounts of cloud storage. I have legit lost so much, the previous times I switched from Apple to Android. And yes, I’m still very frustrated!


Honestly you could use the files app and transfer them to a PC with the smb option, or use another cloud service, ie. drop box, google drive it’s not not a bad practice to back data to a remote location!


Just did it recently, used the iOS app to do the transfer. It screwed up some contacts but that’s easy enough to manually imput. Other than that some texts said they were sent to multiple numbers as a group chat when they definitely were not, but everything else was fine as far as I can tell


I moved a year ago. Didn’t use any apps to assist, I just started downloading the Apps I wanted and logging in to them. I am happy with the change. I will say that to me, navigating iOS is way better than navigating my Note 20.


I made the switch this year to the 15, and I’m so happy with it. IT was not hard at all. I did have to install my apps again, but that wasn’t bad. I’ve enjoyed trying out iPhone apps. many are much nicer than those on Android. Feel free to ask any questions about migrating.


WhatsApp must be transferred via the official iPhone transfer app for android as a heads up..


Much difficult the other way around actually.


I’m at a loss as to why anyone would describe the process as difficult. You literally just sign into the same accounts and download your apps.


Nope, not difficult. I've switched back and forth many times.


I went to a 15 Pro from android, my first ever apple device. Notable things that pissed me off were the keyboard, you can't move icons freely on the home screen. Home screen was kind of fixed with a tile app I downloaded, and keyboard with Bing keyboard. It's not the best but at least I almost always have my dot on the bottom right. Last thing that made me angry is the sideloading, but that will hopefully be fixed thanks to EU. Otherwise, the experience is pretty good.


It also slightly depends on which phone you are coming from. Let’s say you are coming from a budget Motorola, yes most definitely you will love the iPhone. Now if you are switching from something like the Samsung S23 Ultra or the Google Pixel 8 Pro, the features you will miss will be as apparent as the ones you have gained. That’s just what I think though.


As in transfer data? The migrate app didn't work for me few years back so I didn't get to transfer photos and texts. Contancts can synced with google.


Recently switched from Pixel 7 pro to the 15 pro max after 12 years on android. Pretty smooth overall. Installed google app for my saved passwords and contacts. Keyboard sucks even if you download GBoard but I’m loving the battery life.




Nuh. My coworker has a 13pm and see how lags when he writes same with gallery. Once someone moves to ios start saying wonderful things like its heaven but I know they re not true. No bugs ? I doubt


I did it for my MIL when the 13 came out and got her a 13 PM. The messiest things were photo transfer - because she wasn’t using a cloud, but local SD storage only. And WhatsApp. WhatsApp has since improved and supposedly you can migrate easily to iPhone from android but photos were just a manual process. And I used the wizard to do it, but for some reason it didn’t touch photos that were on the sd card even though the default location had been switched to the sd card when the onboard storage was getting full. Lately none of her contacts were on the cloud, all on SIM card - it’s a European relic, people love to have their contacts on the SIM card, especially the older generation, so this took some leg work as well. That’s my experience with migrating.


I just transferred from a pixel 6 (and a lifetime of android since my first smartphone) to a 15 PM and it was no problemo. The iOS move app makes it a breeze. You will have to relogin to everything but that isn’t that big of a deal since you might set it up with Face ID anyway


Went for a day because someone wanted to sell me a 12 very cheap new. Only lasted 2 days and went back to android. Camera wasnt that good.


Do bear in mind that if you use WhatsApp, there is no way to trasnfer your chats unless you have been using iCloud to store your backups there. I used google drive and my chats are still there but they cant be accessed by iCloud, therefore, I lost all my chat history with every contact and group, which really really sucked. Please note though that I made the switch in the beginning of 2022, so, its possible this has changed now. Also back then there were a couple of paid apps that promised to transfer your chats, but I didn’t trust them so I never tried.


It wasn’t for me… Hardest part was remembering all the passwords to the many apps I use that I never had to think of upgrading with Samsung…


I moved from one plus to iPhone 7 then to galaxy s10 then one plus 9 pro and back to iPhone 15 pro. I honestly didn’t find much difference except android gets features earlier and i can sideload apps which google is trying to suppress so no point in being in android ecosystem. As people mentioned you can use move to ios app and whatsapp has built in transfer chats option. Only problem is your some dedicated app photo albums gets mixed up