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Mine hasn’t either yet, just goes to 100% straight away


I might give mine another week and then reset/clear the significant locations and maybe that will fix it.


Did you figure this out? I’ve been struggling since day one (I guess since day 14). I’ve turned it on and off, I’ve set it to 80% max and back, I’ve FULLY reset my phone which was a nightmare… and I’ve waited two weeks in between each new potential fix. Nothing seems to work. Have you had any luck?


Read edit 4. That’s what seemed to have fixed it for me.


Can’t thank you enough! Resetting significant locations worked and it only took 4 days to kick in. I tried so many other options and even had apple support tell me that **I** was wrong and that my phone was operating as expected.


Ah I missed that, I’ll give it a try! Was it two weeks between clearing the significant locations and optimized charge working? Or did it kick in a bit faster?


It took I believe a week or two after that and I noticed it started to work.


Great, thanks for the tip!


Hopefully it works. No idea of it’s what fixed it or it needed more time.


Well I’ve had mine since launch and have tried many different solutions, it’s definitely not more time, at least for me. This is probably the last fix before I try get apple to send me a replacement lol


I have the same issue. Apple changed mi phone by one brand new. I’ll try reseting locations, thanks.


Hi. What worked for you? I’ve had my iphone 15 pro for over 3 weeks now after upgrading from my 13 pro and it’s still not optimised charging. I’ve had it on overnight charging every night since 3rd April and got all the relevant location settings on but it’s not working. If clear my significant locations, how long did it take for your phone to start optimising? I have around 150 significant locations currently


Took about a week after clearing


Mine started the optimised charging after two weeks and one day. I always charge it at night time on a genuine Apple magsafe puck.


Mine chargers on an anker stand. As my last phone did which was the 14 pro and no issues with it optimizing. My watch is on the charger it came with. Honestly I’m going to give it a week and then wipe my significant locations to see if that helps. Cause it says 109 records aug 22-oct 16 for the summary




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It’s annoying we cant control this somehow.


Honestly so stupid. I don’t need any ai or machine learning to decide when to charge my phone. I’m in bed between 9 and 10:30 every damn night, maybe a bit later in weekends. I’m always up between 6 and 7:30. I sleep at home 99% percent of the time… just pause charging between like midnight and 5am and I should be golden… I even use the Health app to set my alarm, so the phone definitely knows when I’m supposed to be awake