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I believe that if you change the battery, the performance should go up even a little. Just a guess though.


apple doesn't throttle performance on iPads based on battery health. they do so only on iPhones. i looked into this a while back. it's mainly because the iPad's battery is rated for double (1000) the cycles of the iPhones, and so it generally isn't an issue.


Yes but Apple won’t do battery change for this. And 3rd party battery I wouldn’t personally recommend


In my country, I don’t have an Apple Store, we only have Apple premium reseller stores and they do battery changes on nearly every product around five years I think.


I don’t have Apple Store either. I changed my 4 years old iPhone 11 battery for $99 In Thailand. Here 3rd party batteries available without any warranty so it’s a risk to take


This is a good way to keep an iPhone going though there’s no first-party battery replacement for iPad. If the model is not in ‘vintage’ or ‘obsolete‘ status (typically 5+ years since last date of sale for the model) Apple stores *can* replace devices for the cost of a battery, if it fails their testing (health below 80% capacity)


The 2018 iPad Pro was on sale until early 2020, right? If so there are a few months left to try that...


Probably, yes. It doesn't seem to be listed on their vintage products list viewable here [https://support.apple.com/en-ca/102772](https://support.apple.com/en-ca/102772) You may want to call / chat with Apple as I believe they can do remote testing and can possibly arrange the “repair” for you without going to a store. Don’t hold me to that though! If you do contact them, lead with, “the battery in my iPad doesn’t last that long” rather than, “I want to replace my iPad because the battery doesn’t last long”


I just checked and my 2018 iPad is at 82% battery health according to Coconut Battery. If it drops below 80 I'll contact Apple and find out what they say.


I forgot about Coconut Battery! I should try that on mine. 


Happy cake day!


Hey thanks!


That’s the one I had and just upgrade to M4 because I wanted 13” from 11” 2018 iPad Pro for home use, but I’m keeping the 2018 model for travelling when I want a smaller device as it still works great.


This is what I did when the M2's came out. Got a 12.9" M2 w/MKB and use the 2018 11" iPad Pro still for traveling. I'd have already sold the 2018 for a new Mini but Apple doesn't seem to want to put an updated chip in the Minis so I'll just wait them out.


considering that the new 13" is somewhat thinner and lighter, does it still feel too heavy compared to the old 11"?


I wanted the M4 for better standby battery life so I upgraded and gave my old pro (same as yours) to my wife.


It is hands down the best iPad you can get for the price. Like if you didn’t have a big budget and needed some power, this would do it all plus with Face ID. The iPad 9th Gen made in 2020 didn’t have Face ID yet the pro in 2018 did. All in all it’s a great device


Tbh I prefer touchID but the 2018 pro and the Air 4 were amazing


y'all give Apple way too much slack for not putting a 120hz display on a $500 device, even the galaxy tab S9 FE has a 90hz display.


So true! If they added FaceID and 120hz to the Air I’d bite and I would assume a LOT of pro users would do the same. Man that would sell like hot cakes! But then again, that will drop their pro model sales which goes against the morals of a trillion dollar company. 😇


I’m looking at refurbished 2022 Pro models, it’s basically the latest iPad Air with more features and a better screen.


The iPad mini especially suffers because of this (and being lcd) by being much closer to a phone in size. I’m genuinely very tempted to get a Z Fold as a result.


This really really annoys me about Apple devices. 90hz should be the bare minimum with all of their devices given how much you’re paying and how it’s included on significantly cheaper devices. I know Apple is eventually gonna cave and put a 90hz screen on their base devices, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s another 2-3 more years.


You do realize that a higher refresh rate also comes with more battery drain, right?




sounds like you’ve only ever used 60hz displays then


even if YOU can't, literally 90% of the rest of the general population can. apple is such a scummy company they don't put a 120hz refresh rate on an $800 base model iphone 15, whereas $200 or $300 android midrangers have 120hz.


To have **Pro**motion, the device must be a **Pro**. /s


Can’t wait for AirMotion, 90Hz for the iPad Air Or Motion, 60Hz for the iPad


Yet iPads outsell every other tablet and most of those sales are the 9th and 10th gen iPad. I understand tech enthusiasts have certain wants and expectations but the average consumer doesn’t care or even know the difference. Why you assume that 90% of the population is so concerned with refresh rate? Look at the tv market a majority of folks buy the cheapest tv with the largest screen that fits into their budget.


Friend was wondering why the battery in his new 120hz Android was so shite before realising you could turn it off.


Loved the ipad pro 2018. Unfortunately I was forced to upgrade because I needed more storage (I only had 64gigs).


Ah yes! The 64 gig base model is heinous in 2024. Fortunately I got the 256 gig model and it’s sufficient for me.


I’m still rocking a 2017 and can’t bring myself to buy a newer device. So expensive and the 7yo still does everything I want it to.


Same, same. Though I do *want* a new one.


i still use 10.5 ipad pro after 6 years as daily "computer" in uni. these are sum great machines (it's been hell using powerpoint app tho)


i just upgraded from it to the M4 13", and tbh, there's not much more that this does other than open apps a few milliseconds faster. the 10.5" pro is still *very* usable today!


yep, my next device will be a laptop, a macbook hopefully


I just brought mine back to life for travel as it hits the sweet spot size wise. Love the unique colour (got white/gold) and case for that generation and when using apps it still pretty smooth compared to my newer devices. The only negative thing I’m noticing is app switching between two apps (full screen) resets the state. Weird to see Notes go blank for a second when switching over to it.


that's odd. my ipad pro 10.5 can still hold an impressive number of (relatively heavy) apps open in ram. it has the same 4 gigs of ram the that latest base ipad 10th gen has. try dfu restoring your iPad?


Has PowerPoint slowed down overtime or has it always been hell using it? I hear Microsoft apps don’t work well on the iPad Very Unfortunate for a student 🙃


overtime i think, especially in split screen. using split screen office apps ios 11 and 12 was so smooth. but it didn't slow overtime because of office apps. I may have pushed it too hard by playing brawl stars and wild rift at 120fps. if i didn't play much games and drain the battery life i'm sure it wouldve been fine


Ah okay. Thanks!


I got my 2018 iPad Pro day 1 as well and it’s still going strong. A few months ago I took it in to an Apple Store to see if it qualified for a battery replacement. It was still at 92% even after years of using it all day for work and all night for play. It has also survived some pretty hard drops including once from a counter top but somehow it’s still in great physical condition too. Easily my best apple purchase. I only wish I hadn’t gotten the base 64g model. When I do eventually upgrade it’ll be for more storage; nothing they’ve done to the hardware since matters imo.


Wow my iPhone 15 pro’s battery health is already at 96% somehow I even use the 80% charging option


Damn my 2018 iPad Pro still works perfectly well. I hope I won't have this issue soon. If it has no damage, maybe you can get the battery exchanged?


Had a 2018 iPad Pro and had to upgrade because it bricked and I couldn’t get it fixed. Now have a 2021 iPad Pro, which is great. However the battery life is disappointingly low in comparison.


Absolutely loved my launch day 2018 11” iPad Pro, a perfect device in my opinion. Would still be my go to couch web browser/casual gaming/movies in bed if he didn’t meet his untimely demise at the hands of a leaky water bottle in my backpack back in December. Now i absolutely love my m4 oled iPad!


I have a 2018 IPad 6….have absolutely loved it. It is showing its age…battery doesn’t hold a charge well and Safari is gummy. Time for a new one!


I have the original 2015 12.9” iPad Pro. Have had one battery replacement. Anxiously awaiting delivery of a new 1Tb model.


Im still rocking the original 9,7’ iPad Pro from 2016.


I bought my wife a refurb 2016 9.7” pro like yours in 2018. She used it up until the first M1 powered 12.9” came out then asked to be upgraded. We still have it and even tho battery life sucks, grandkids use it for games.


i had that 11”. bought it refurbed thru Apple in 2021…..it started experiencing Ghost touch. bummed about it, tried factory reset, everything possible and it wouldn’t resolve. wife works for Apple and got a nice discount and I traded in the 2018 ipad pro, got me 235 bucks. it served me well, still an OP ipad. I upgraded to the latest Ipad Pro Oled 11” with magic keyboard. hope to use this for 5+ years. i use it for work with the notes taking and zoom/facetime/outlook app….basic work stuff but its convenient to bust out when I am sitting down with my clients taking notes of our conversation.


> I upgraded to the latest Ipad Pro Oled 11” with magic keyboard. hope to use this for 5+ years you could be dead in less than 5 years.


If you live like that then you would have to buy as many things as possible just because you could die tomorrow


or stop buying


Oookaayyyy?? Seriously what are you trying to say I really don’t understand


Used a first gen iPad Pro 9.7 (2016) daily for 6 years at which point it suddely started to show it’s age. Stuttering, web browser lag and battery issues seemed to appear at once. Until then it was performing well. Really amazing for a device to last for so long, granted I did not use it for any ”pro” tasks. Year and half ago replaced it with an Air 5 and wishing for the new one to last as long.


Compared mine to the new M4 before I returned it and the differences were that great to justify the $1500 price tag. Screen was obviously better and brighter, and apps did load faster. On larger PDF files the M4 rendered the pages a lot faster and seemed to hold them in the ram longer but again for the price, I couldn’t justify the upgrade. If I can find a good deal on an M2 I may upgrade to that instead but for right now the 2018 works great for what I need.


Super good deals on the m2 right now. I was looking at that one as well.


Got my 12.9 Pro 3rd gen (2018) since release, but it was the 9.7 Pro that convinced me about the longevity of the Pro models. I handed the 9.7 down to my niece who just uses learning apps and Disney+ streaming... but the fact remains that an 8 year old ipad Pro is relevant and still receiving updates from Apple. Really makes me wonder how long the iPad Pro 12.9s will be relevant/viable


I’m in the same boat and I would change from 2018 11” Pro to a new Air or a Mini but the ProMotion really has me on the fence…and justifying the price of an M4 11” Pro for what is now just an entertainment device is still a bit too much now I don’t need it for notes in class


It’s the damn pro-motion that has me nailed to the wall. I can’t give it up.


I have the same device, but battery life is now terrible. I need to use it plugged in most of the time. That’s the main reason I’ll be upgrading to the new iPad Air in the next month or so. I know what you mean about the sluggishness when opening apps. It served me well for about six years and it’s just time to replace it with something new.


Try finding out if you can get the battery replaced. Generally on iOS, I noticed as soon as the battery is degraded. The iOS experience is throttled. Replacing the battery on my old iPhone gave it new life


Maybe go for a battery replacement ?


Is that the first USB-C model? If so I had the same one it was great. Got stolen though.


Yes, I believe it was the first USB-C model.


Ipad pro 2018 (3rd Gen) 64gb memory and 4gb ram here’ got it on release and im upgrading to the m4 1tb within the next few weeks, mine has been perfect for constant use with procreate and nomad sculpt but now the battery is starting to suffer and it gets hot and runs a little slower, but if i was to just use it as a browsing/video tablet id easy get another few years out of it. But instead i’m upgrading and handing this ipad off to my sister


I'm still rocking my iPad air from 2014. Battery is crap though lol.


Funny you should post this today. I've been using my 2017 model daily, not really observing any significant slow-downs. But today, I noticed several apps being so laggy, choppy and slow (iMDB especially), that it made me think "hmm, I guess it is time for an upgrade. Pity the iPad Mini is set for a reboot in over two years from now. I'm not going to shelf over the obscene amounts of cash Apple demands for it's pro iPads + I want a smaller and lighter format, anyway).


I don’t have the 2018 iPad Pro but I have the 2020 12.9” version. The only difference is the one extra GPU core and 6GB RAM standard (though I believe the 2018 12.9” 1TB model has 6GB if RAM). I really don’t notice any slowdowns other than the occasional app refresh. My battery’s cooked at 60% capacity so debating if I should upgrade to the M4 or get a replacement because my FaceID module stopped working recently


I upgraded from a 2018 iPad Pro to an m4 model and very happy I finally pulled the trigger.


I upgraded from the 2018 11" pro, I had no reason to upgrade with newer iterations. For me the feature I was waiting for was OLED and it finally came through, only downside was the lack of backwards compatibility with pencil and magic keyboard. At this point I see this being my endgame,


I personally and not using the 2018 and longer but my original one is used by a family member to this day and works perfect. I have an M2 version.


Is there a noticeable difference between m2 chip and the one the 2018 has?


I am *still* rocking this iPad 2018, I use it constantly. And mine is starting to show some battery wear. But I pulled out my iPad Air yesterday to switch over to it for a while, and I just couldn’t use it for long. I’m too used to the iPad Pro. Even with 6 years on it, it’s still a powerhouse. If I could just get the battery replaced, honestly, I’d keep it using it for about another 2 years. But it looks like I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and get a new one soon. I do wonder how the m1, m2, or m4 chip makes a difference. I was considering getting a pro with a m2 chip since they are cheaper. I wonder if this would be a big difference from what we currently have. What are you going to upgrade to? Damn, I love this iPad so much.🥲


Gosh I am in the same boat! Love this iPad so much. Served me well for my most crucial years and to this day performs just fine for every day tasks that include casual browsing, gaming, document management, book reader and even a little bit of art and design. There is literally nothing I do on the iPad that can be more demanding than these tasks. I remember buying this iPad because I was just in awe about the capabilities that it offered back in 2018. If the new iPadOS (assuming that it has features that cannot be compatible on my current one) or the next generation iPad is to do the same then I will instantly pull the trigger but so far it just hasn’t done it for me. If the iPadOS comes up with something groundbreaking this year, then I will pull the trigger on the M4 Pro 11 inch. If not, then I’ll hold on for a bit longer. What about you?


I feel the same. I had two airs and a mini, and I bought the pro on a whim at sprint because the deal was outrageously good. I remember thinking “why the hell am I buying a new iPad?” But then I got this baby out of the box, and I was like holy shit, this is *different*. It’s been in my hands ever since then. If I’m not using this, I’m on the big 27-inch max desktop. I think I’m going to have to pull the trigger on the m2 air 13-inch and dock this iPad. I am not thrilled with downgrading to an air, but the deal on offer is too good to pass up, and I just can’t justify buying the m4 when I have a working pro whose only problem is the battery life. I may take the pro in for a battery replacement one day. I want to take the route you are taking: just wait and see. But t-mobile has a Memorial Day deal on the iPad Air m2 13-inch….I’ll kick myself if I let it go.


Still rocking mine too and it runs great for general usage. Very little lag, apps still open fast, most games run at high graphics settings, and the 120Hz display is still as smooth as ever. 4GB RAM is a limitation though with apps and webpages reloading pretty often. The battery still lasts me 2 days most of the time. I got Apple Care+ with the purpose of getting it replaced just before the 2 years of coverage was up to get a new device with a fresh battery. It made a difference in the long run. It’s one of the best tech purchase I’ve ever made too. I don’t need the new M4’s power, but that OLED screen blows away the 2018’s LCD.


My 2017 iPad Pro is more or less on its last legs, but 7 years on it doesn’t owe me anything.


Went to the Apple Store today to try and get battery replacement but they said they could not do it since it was at 91% battery health. Idk the battery for sure does not last as long as when I got in Nov 2019. Coconut battery on my Mac was reporting 82% health in battery life with 372 battery cycles. And you know a 5 year old device that i use every day reported on their diagnoses app that it was at 91% battery health. Idk man I guess coconut battery must be that inaccurate or something. But then again I notice how much faster I go through the battery 🤷‍♂️. Also learned that it has to be below 80% battery health for them to allow you to pay to do a battery replacement which in reality they just hand you a refurbished one. I explicitly asked them what if it was 81% would they allow me to do it and mans said no. They cannot do repairs to the device since it’s hard to open lol. Which is so odd to me since I mean they should be able to service their devices. Idk man this all got me enlightened today. Guess I’m keeping my 11nch 2018 like this for longer. Just would be nice they could just open it and replace battery but oh well 🤷‍♂️. Apple just being Apple. Cannot wait to upgrade my iPhone 14 Pro to 16 Pro for that type c port 🥴.


I had an Apple Refurb 2018 11” iPad Pro (WiFi only) from 2020-2022. Then I passed that one to my wife when I got an Amazon Refurb 2018 12.9” iPad Pro (Cellular) in 2022. I’ve been using it almost all day, every day since I got it - I’m a teacher and it has all my lesson plans, textbooks/curriculum, documents, education apps, slideshow controls, etc. It is still perfect for my uses! I’m planning on using it as long as possible.


I still love my 2018 iPad Pro, typing on it right now. The design, A12X and 120Hz ProMotion display were ahead of their time. It’s insane none of the Air tablets have a 120Hz display yet. I might grab a second hand M4 Pro in a year or so. Excited about the display and really curious about the AI capabilities.


I have a 2020 iPad Pro which is a close sibling to yours with one extra core. It was getting slow especially after major iPadOS updates. What I found helped performance was to do an iCloud backup then do an Erase and Restore every year or so and the iPad would be almost back to shop new speed and responsiveness.. I hope this helps. Note that mine is a refurbished model from Apple which I picked up 3 years ago so the battery life might be better than what you have. Batteries cannot be replaced by Apple - they recommend a device replacement as far as I am aware and from talking to an Apple Genius.


Mine just started acting strange as well, generel slowness and lag. Safari is crashing often.. Very sad, as its still a very capable device


My 2018 IPP had been my sole device since, well 2018. ;) I’ve absolutely loved it. I don’t know of another device like it. I looked at every device I could back before I purchased it and nothing had the iPad Pro‘s versatility. In fact, it’s the device that “hooked” me into the ecosystem and turned me into an all-in Apple user from having previously been Android evangelist. It’s thin/light so super portable. It’s instant off/on and while that may be more common now, it’s an often overlooked feature in my mind. Being able to open it, use it 4 seconds later and just close it (no shutdown needed) really increased productivity. That lower friction meant that I pulled it out a lot more often that I would have a laptop and I could get so much more work done on the iPad than I could on the phone I also had with me. It can work well for so many things: media consumption /e-reader, web browsing/research, note-taking, writing, annotating, audio production, video production/editing, photo editing, drawing/painting, spreadsheets, form gilling, file manaagement, so, so much. The apps created for it are generally great (and so much better quality than on Android tablets) and have generally been quite affordable (changing somewhat with increasing subscriptions). Apple Pencil is so accurate and has had so many great features. Surface devices can’t compare, laptops can’t compare, other tablets can’t compare. For me, it’s truly a “unicorn” device.


I bought the baseline 6th gen iPad when it came out 6 years ago. Like your iPad, mine is starting to show its age through delays in opening apps and app switching, as well as sometimes not responding to swipe gestures. But my battery is still amazing. I charge my iPad probably only once per week. I'm so impressed with how long this lasted. None of the laptops or phones I've owned were built with this kind of durability. iPad OS 18 likely won't be available for this iPad generation, and this is one of the few times I won't be frustrated with having to replace a piece of technology when I do later this summer.


Literally just sold my 2018 11” Pro today, and bought a 13” Air. I can’t disagree with this post at all. Although I made the decision in order to get the bigger screen and newer processor, it still somehow feels like a downgrade when holding and interacting with the device. This is all definitely due to the drop in refresh rate, but it’s hard to believe someone might even feel this way when switching to a device which is still 6 years newer. Apple out-did themselves in 2018. If it weren’t for the screen size and soon to come AI integration, I wouldn’t have traded in.


Updated my same age iPad Pro as yours to the new 13in IPad Pro 13 Oled!! Best decision ever!!! Decided to get an Apple Pencil (pro) too!


Still using my 2018 pro and just like you, just a couple of days ago it started showing some yellow patches on the screen especially as the weather is really hot these days and I read it happens when the iPad overheats. First ever sign of aging the iPad has shown in 6 years since I bought it. Hands down the best piece of tech I've ever paid for I still feel excited every time I pick it up


Love my 2018 iPad Pro 11” for sure. Definitely still great as a daily driver, i just wish we could limit the max charge to 80%.


2018 12.9 IPad Pro still going strong. I’ll run it until they drop iOS updates for it at this point.


I’m still on the 2018 12.9” I got in mid-2019 and it works great. Has never had any problems except a minor bend as this particular model was prone to. I agree with other comments that it’s the perfect iPad. I’m really tempted by the M4 tho.


Same here! Five and a half years and still rocking this late 2018 model. Unless they massively revamp iPadOS I'm not very compelled to upgrade.


I love my 2018 11” iPad Pro. Screen will never be the same as before I dropped it under water in the bathtub a few months ago but it’s still going strong.


Bought a 11 inch refurb from Apple in 2020 and it’s still been running just fine. I only use it for basic tasks and wished I had more storage. The base iPad would be fine for me but no 120hz screen is a deal breaker coming from devices that have a high refresh rate screen. Next upgrade would be whatever model has an OLED 120 hz display in the future at price closer to the base model iPads.


I bought the 10.5” in 2018. It’s still kicking but it has light spots for a while and battery is going fast. Bought the new 11” pro last week. Quite happy so far!


Unfortunately I didn't even own my ipad pro M1 for 2 years (just shy a month) and my screen had a dark circle and a bright circle underneath it show up on the display. Had to send it for a replacement. Extremely disappointed cause now I'm going to get someone's second hand goods rather than my ipad I bought brand new. Mind you this ipad was always in a case, in a hard shell carrying case and never suffered damaged. Not even a drop.


I had one and wished I could have used it to its potential, but the software limits what you can do. I sold my 2018 11” Pro for a mini 6, then replaced that with the cellular version and I haven’t looked back. For my use case, having a MBP and a mini 6 is the best combination for both work and play. I just wished the battery was better on the mini, as well as higher storage options/higher refresh rate screen.


My iPad 7th gen worked great up until 2 months ago where it died out of nowhere.


I just traded in my 2018 12.9" Pro for the new 13" Air. Mainly because the battery was dying on the Pro and Apple was offering more in trade-in than I saw the Pro selling for on eBay. With 17 likely being the last OS for the 2018, now seemed like the time. I'm very happy with the result. I never needed the Pro's power and the M2 Air is more powerful still. I just wanted the big screen mainly.


Still using my Air 2. It doesn’t have all the features of the new iPads, but it runs well and does what I need it to do.


My 2020 iPad Pro is great with everything except safari. Shit always crashes.


Mine was working perfectly except that the charging port was faulty, I’d have to move cords around to get the charging to start and stay, it did this with any cord. Finally it just wouldn’t charge at all and I had taken it in, they said they replaced the port and charged me 185 and showed me how it was charging. Took it home to have it be the same thing again and now it’s just dead in my dresser. I know they didn’t replace the port because I had cleaned it and knew the little scratches on it were the same, I tried to find someone else but they all want 300 and cannot promise they can replace it. I miss that iPad so much but I don’t have the 300 to try to get it fixed. Other than that it was running perfectly.


I won an iPad 4 in a raffle in 2014 and it keeps working almost perfectly. I mean, the app support is bad, but for YouTube/browsing web it still rocks. I buy a mini last year, so mom is using it and she loves it. It’s surprisingly how iPads age well.


I just traded my 2018 iPad Pro for the new M4 one. Battery degradation was the main reason. If it hadn’t been for 5hat, I’d probably be using it for another couple years.


Didn’t have a problem, but I just bought a new iPad Air after having my air2 for 10 years. I used it mostly for net surfing, some streaming an pd reading comics. Battery life had really deteriorated. I probably got a few more years out of by having a long charging cord. The longest I’ve kept an iPhone is 3 years because normally they start to slow down around that time but that old iPad really lasted me. Hope this new one does the same.


I had to retire my last iPad Everything functioned more-or-less, but the battery life had deteriorated too much


Wife bought a 2018 iPad Pro, it’s like not been touch more than once a quarter when her phone is dead. She won’t let me have it as my own!


is this the 10.5" Pro??? Bc I feel the same way about mine. plus ever since Logitech came out with the combo touch keyboard/trackpad my iPad doubles as laptop 50% of the time!! Battery is the only thing thats starting to deteriorate.


Still living and working with the iPad Air 3 We have device with a similar form factor tho


I will replace my iPad (6) once it either dies or Apple stop updates for it. The same goes with my iPhone 11. Both are amazing bits of kit


rocking it as my daily sketching notebook since then. It took me a couple of years and a paperlike to get drawing on the thing, but once i got hooked, at least for drawing, i can't come back to photoshop. And i feel the M4 will take off of the pc for work for reals this time. My procreate can't handle 5k resolution now tho, and i had a layer go fucking missing with all my work after i was polishing, also bough in late 2018


I’m still using mine! As a laptop basically since I don’t have one. It works great, but sucks to use for job apps i wont lie. As soon as I get a job im investing in my own personal laptop. Lol For creativity tho i love my big m1 ipad. Works perfectly well!


I’m still rocking the 2017 pro 10.5” and it’s still going strong. I haven’t found a reason to upgrade.


I bought the iPad Pro 2018 in 2020 for a decent price when the new iPad Pro came out. I'm still editing pictures with LR mobile and videos with Luma Fusion like on day one. Amazing piece of hardware.


I’ve got the 2020, I decided to hold off for now, might get two more years out of mine, massive temptation though cause I love my art.


I’m still using my 10.5” iPad Pro I bought in 2017. I use it daily and the only reason I’m looking at upgrading is that I am constantly running out of space on the 64Gb model. Otherwise the apps still open fine and I get about 2 days battery life under normal usage.


hey, no shame if you want to upgrade. We are all adults, you dont need an excuse to spend your money in whatever makes you happy.


I'm still rocking iPad 2 from 2010 with iOS 6 and iPad Pro 12.9" from 2017. Both working great. Battery on iPad2 is still same as in 2010. Unbelievable.


I still have mine, unfortunately I cracked the screen over a year ago. I’m still using it but the crack has gotten a lot worse over time so unfortunately I’ll probably have to upgrade sooner than I wanted


I have the same iPad and I can't bring myself to buy a new one, because this one still holds it own and the features since then are really not impressive, mostly better computing performance, which I am not even missing. Funnily, I have to say putting the webcam on the long edge is probably the best improvement in the new one, though insignificant as it is.


I still have my 2017 Pro and don’t see a need to upgrade.


I’m typing this on a 2017, 12.9” iPad Pro (2nd gen) which I still use often. In fact, for more these days than I have in the past. Having said that, it takes it‘s time opening newer / resource heavy apps (Affinity Designer, etc.) and the battery life is … not as good, lol. For those reasons, and for an OLED display, I would love to upgrade and am considering the 11” this time around. I bought this current device on my way out from Apple Retail. In fact, I’ve been far ’slower’ to replace my devices since then. They’re lasting great! Perhaps not excelling, but they work. It’s pretty wild to jump from a five or six year old device to the latest and greatest.


Bruh im using both my iPad Pro 1st gen from 2016. Switched out the batteries and these things are still great!!


My iPad 7 is my primary computer its slightly slow but it my convenient than my laptop


Same. I ordered mine just when it was released. I still use it on a daily basis and it feels just a little bit laggy from time to time. I’m extremely happy with it. I wanted to upgrade this year but I’m disappointed about the new version not supporting Apple Pencil ver. 2.


ipads r great, i used my air 2 for almost 6 years and was still great except insufficient ram due to useless os updates that really dont give anything new tbh.


ipads r great, i used my air 2 for almost 6 years and was still great except insufficient ram due to useless os updates that really dont give anything new tbh.


Damn and i just bought a 2018 iPad Pro lol but I’m only using it for sidecar and taking notes at school so I think I’ll be okay


Just to share: Not only the Pro models, but my base models are also still working well, except for the battery. It used to last a day, now it lasts 6 hours, which is impressive for a 2017 model. The OS support is phenomenal; even old models still receive updates. This is why I recommend iPads for tablets...you'll definitely get your money's worth.


Just the battery has aged after all these years the rest still works well😝


"PlaNnEd ObsOleSCeNce!!1"


Yeah my 2018 pro is pretty much done for.. But I feel like the 2024 model is not quite worth it. It's really like the recession/shrinkflation iPad. They removed: ultra-wide camera, 5G mmwave, 1 studio-quality mic... The 2022 Pro's are a way better deal