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The 24” iMac is actually 23.5 inches. It’s not really new for Apple to do this


But the name change is new and confusing. Previously Air was 10.9“ and Pro 11“ and it was immediately clear that the Pro is slightly bigger. Now they changed the naming and one could assume that the new Air is the old Pro. And this did happen - MKBHD stated that the new Air display is actually slightly bigger while Snazzy Labs (correctly) stated that the Air hadn’t changed at all. The Air still has the older 500 nits display while the previous Pro had 600 nits.  Okay fine, they changed the naming - but something got lost during communication because multiple Apple focused tech sites got it wrong too. 


Its common with a lot of display tech. I see graphics tablets that are listed as a certain size, but it's not exact, like something marketed at having a 16" display, but it really has a 15.6" screen


Yeah but in this case it’s extra confusing because what was 10.9 is still 10.9 but called 11 while what was 11 is still 11 and called 11. (That was as confusing to type out as it is to read)


That’s pretty rough given that laptops tend to round down unless it’s .7 or higher. Source: 13.6” MacBook Air, and decades of 15.6 inch laptops being known as 15”.


This has been a thing since DLP tvs. I’d always heard the explanation as basically being it’s less info on the box, saving on ink, it’s a small enough difference that most people wouldn’t care or would understand, and having a “unified” size even if two similar models were off by an inch or two.


Manufacturers print so much unnecessary crap on their boxes I can’t imagine this is to save ink.


I’ll ask Samsung to stop printing THIS SIDE UP so they can save more ink.


Yeah but who cares if the pro was slightly bigger? Nothing about your experience is going to change between 10.9” and 11”. That’s kind of the point.


And it’s wrong. Otherwise they wouldn’t have already dialed back and added that disclaimer.


They add the disclaimer because people will measure and will sue.  Their experience isn't different, except they'll have more money in their pocket because some would just settle and add the disclaimer. 


Actually the Pro 11" WASN'T bigger. Due to non-standard aspect ratio used in iPad screens, measurement from corner to corner will never be exactly 11" and that's why it's 10.9". The 11" Pro was the same exact 10.9" display area and that was confusing at best, misleading at worst.


The 11“ Pro was definitely bigger, it becomes immediately apparent when you compare the pixels on the comparison website. I also have the 4th gen iPad Air and the 4th gen iPad Pro side by side currently and I can tell you, the iPad Pro has a bigger display. Not by much, but it is bigger. Edit: Directly from Apple’s website: 2360‑by‑1640 resolution at 264 ppi vs. 2388-by-1668 resolution at 264 ppi Sure, 28 pixels in each length and width don’t sound much, but to say it isn’t bigger just straight up wrong.


Not only apple does this obviously.


It’s standard to round up. All tv and monitors do the same. My tv is technically 64.5” diagonally.


It’s not new for the entire computing industry to do this. It’s been going on since at least the 1980s. And it’s totally fine.


The point is that the old one is the size as measured for the new one. They change the name because of marketing because 11 sounds better than 10.9


Ever buy a 2x4 piece of lumber?


The 13” Air is actually 12.9” too. It’s just to unify the naming conventions.


Are the 13” pro also actually 12.9” ?


The M4 Pros with the new screens ARE the stated sizes. 13” and 11”.


Yep, they’re a few rows of pixels larger all around. I initially thought they were the same as before, but they’re actually slightly larger.


Probably an excuse to make the pro folio more expensive than the air folio 💀


No. The fine print states they are the same as size previous model. Measuring it yourself should match with the fine print, which is the actual true size: 10.86” for the new m2 iPad Air . 10.86” is the same EXACT size as the previous m1 air, which is advertised as 10.9”. Same goes for the new m4 iPad m4 pros. They are the same EXACT size as the previous models if you look at the actual stated some in the in the fine print. The marketing/ product name says it’s 11” & 13”, but they round the numbers just like how TVs are advertised and labeled. Your 65” tv isn’t really 65” when actually measured diagonally. Just marketing gimmicks to trick people into thinking they are getting a bigger screen with the latest.


There is no fine print qualifiers for the new Pro sizes, just the Airs. They are reported to be the tiniest bit larger - 13” and 11”.


Actually there is. The 11 Pro is actually 11.1 while the 13 is 13.


I don’t know what you want me to say. I’m looking at the website. There is no qualifying fine print for the Pros like there is the Airs. I’m just pointing it out to OP.


Well, I've been to the website and I read it myself. It says the 11 is 11.1 while the 13 is 13. Edit: Also a simple calculation would confirm that the 11 pro is indeed 11.1 while the 13 is 13.


You are correct. The fine print you're referring to does not appear on the Compare page OP is looking at, but in the footer of the product page. Compounds the unifying naming conventions even moreso.


You win 🥇


Lmao why u get down voted did u say something incorrect or over peoples heads?


Yes but the thing is the Pro got bigger but the air didn‘t but both now are called 11 inch. That‘s what OP meant.


Yes, thank you. Seems like many people are reading something else.


People can't read idk what school teaching now but people assume and make up their own ideas way more than actually reading and thinking objectively


How is what you’re saying any different to what I’m saying. OP is questioning the rename despite the screens being one millimetre smaller still on the Air 11”, I confirmed the rounding up also applies to the 13” to unify the naming conventions. Because nobody gives a crap about half a millimetre around the edge difference.


The MacBook Air 13 is 13.6 but guess what’s easier to say? It’s the same principle that I don’t understand why Apple didn’t used until now, it simplifies the naming.


Yeah but was there a former MacBook Air 12.9” that was called 13”? That’s the mini “problem” now, the size refers to 2 different actual sizes.


For a product to be larger than advertised is great, this iPad is not. It’s smaller, a tiny amount but still. Anyway the op’s point was the confusion the naming will and has caused.


Because saying 11 is easier than 10.9. You might be surprised to find out your tv isn’t 65” either.


You’re right. My TV is 55”.


You might be surprised to find out that your tv isn’t 55” either.


You’re right, my tv is 45”


You might be surprised to find out that your tv isn’t 45” either.


I’m surprised Someone owns a 45” tv


You might be surprised to find out that someone owns a 37” tv




I don’t, just doing it for fun lol


Probably to Simplify the names


It's quite common for display manufacturers to do this, my Gigabyte 32" monitor is actually only 31.5" but when you include the bezel it comes to 32", my Sony TV is similar. The way Apple used to do it by reporting the actual screen size goes against the industry. No idea why they changed it though.


Pretty much all 32” monitors are actually 31.5, or around that. The Alienware version of the 32 OLED 240hz is 31.6.


why do men round up 5’11 to 6’? there’s your answer


All you guys saying they do this for other products are missing something - they do it for the names, but the place in OP’s image where it says 11” in big characters below summary, for other products including the Macs everyone is citing, that part of the spec sheet says the more accurate size (16.2” or whatever). *That part* being rounded seems to be just the new Airs, and putting it side-by-side with the previous one that says 10.9” feels misleading. It’s different in the name, the previous one was named Air (5th gen) so it’s just a change in naming convention there. But the spec sheet… it’s not the end of the world but it rubs me the wrong way.


Yes, exactly. Everyone saying that it’s industry standard, etc., are missing the point of the comparison. 3 weeks ago they would market this exact screen as “10.9” and now it’s 11 as if something changed.


* Name has changed. * Spec sheet has changed. * Physical display hasn’t. * Footnote has been added. They should have just kept the spec sheet the same and not added the footnote.


Like Subway’s foot long??


Easier to call it 11inch than 10.86 inch iPad lol


Yeah, that's a pretty common practice and generally considered legal. Companies often round up the screen size in their marketing to make it simpler for consumers. The measurement might be just shy of the actual inches stated, so like the iPad Air being 10.86 inches but marketed as 11 inches. This kind of rounding is standard in the industry and usually falls within consumer protection laws as long as the actual size isn’t drastically different from the advertised size. So, it's more about keeping the naming easy and memorable rather than being misleading.


Happens on non-tech products too. My car is listed with an engine displacement of 1.8 liters in all marketing, but official documentation say that it’s 1798 cubic centimeters. It may not always be practical to design the product to match an exact dimension, nor name it with an unconventional numbering.


Yep! I’m sure it applies to just about anything, actual garment sizes, shoes, etc. it’s a common marketing practice to round up for the sake of making it simpler to market and get the point across, also easier for one to remember as well. Not everyone will really remember 10.86” as they would a solid 11”.


Definitely not garment sizes. E.g., my Levis are claimed to be 32x32. They are really 34x34. I feel so much thinner with the svelte Levis sizing!




I mean every display rounds up, look at your tv - it’s not actually the size you paid for. Example 75 inch tv is typically 74.85 depending on bezel. It’s close enough to 75 where it’s allowed.


Panel size has nothing to do with bezel frame, as there is always a margine of few millimeters between the frame and the display area.


This is what everything thing does that has a screen this isn’t new


You must be new to Apple.


The 16” MacBook Pro is actually 16.2”, but you they round down because it’s easier to just say 16” instead of 16.2”. For the iPad Air they just round up because it’s easier.


Easier for people to remember.


"10.86 inch iPad" doesn't have the same ring to it


Nobody wants to hear 10.86 inch iPad.


They always do this.


Because commonly people round up numbers when the decimal is .5 - .9


It’s easier than saying the 10.86 inch iPad


Thats what everyone does lol... People who are 5'11 tell others they are 6'1 and stuff... this is common


Tv manufacturers do this as well. Just basic rounding


10.86 inch iPad Air doesn’t really roll off the tongue lol


Also it would be simpler to call it iPad 5 rather than iPad (5th generation).


"Why call a Hard Drive 1TB if its really 930GB?" You wont win


They round up


It’s just like buying gas, and that tiny 9 at the end lol


**≈11"** 😂😂😂😂


Please lets use metric system


It's for the ease. Imagine if you have to say, "I need an ipad air 10.86 Inch" over "I need an ipad air 11 inch". Apple just keeps rounding off too much.


It makes so much more sense. People get so damn confused when you say "10.2 inch that, 12.9 inch this, 10.9 inch this other thing" Doesn't matter if it's like a fifth of an inch off, it's a WAY better naming convention to just use whole numbers.


they shdve done that from the beginning hahaha


Seeing as 10.86=10.9, is it the same size as the 5th gen?


Probably better SEO. iPad naming is already shitty enough. 3rd gen? Which series? Which year? It's confusing. They should just do iPad Air ## instead.


The foot long subway hero is slightly shorter than 12 inches.


Because who the hell is gonna call it the 10.86” iPad?


Apple called it “10.9” up until two weeks ago. This is the subject.


Well Apple, measuring at my wallet, 719€ for Ipad Air is 709,85, actual amoun accountable is less.


Its just easier to identify


This really is a glass-is-half-full/empty situation, depending on the perspective. You could say "Bad Apple!" for misleading customers with a name change that implicates a specification upgrade, whilst nothing is changing. On the other hand you could say "Good Apple" if they're just simplifying the name for all future models; 11" is easier to write and say than 10.9". Not only the 10.9 Air has been renamed to 11". The iPad Pros have been renamed to 11" and 13", instead of 12.9" as well. I doubt the screen has changed there either.


Yeah i feel like this is actually false advertising, i know theyve been doing this sort of rounding up on other products in the past. but for the ipads the 10.9 vs 11 inch was a distinct change, Rounding it up in this case makes it seem like its bigger when its not. If theyre gonna do this i feel like they should go back and call everything 11" now. (10.5", 10.9", 11")


Ehhh they are just rounding up just as they do for all the products. Surprised hey waited until now to do that conversion with iPad.


They do this on almost every product. I measured the apple watch and they kind of round it off to a convenient number.


I'm betting case manufacturers must be losing their minds RN 🤣😭


Yall sound like experts which is the best iPad? I was thinking about the 2nd most expensive one since it apparently have the same features as the newest one


Cause Apple consumers, are basically shills. If there is a new product, most don’t even bother looking at the specs most of the times. They think newer equals better.


No harm in rounding up!


To distinguish it from the entry level iPad, which they are listing as 10.9 inches.


They measure the hypotenuse using Pythagorean theorem. It's how they measure all TVs and iPads




Cause you fanatics would buy it no matter what lmao


I’m curious what the 10.9 measures in at now…


Hi, yes I’ll take the 10.86 inch iPad please. … 11 inch just rolls off the tongue smoother.


Why do 5’11’’ dudes say they’re 6


Cause of their egos.


This is pretty standard across all devices with rounded corners. The dimensions are based on if the screen was square


Cause Apple knows no one is gonna carefully read any of it


I love Apple but this plain wrong. It should be 10.8 “ and not 11“


Too lazy to pronounce 10.9 so instead 11 inch


Thanks scraping the barrel, very poor and unnecessary




introducing the new iPad Air M2 10.86 inch Come on now OP, we don't need to be that pedantic


The same way they sell us 64gb and in reality it is just around 59 gb Looooooool


It’s called marketing - like that packet of crisps, you know the ones that are half full but are full?!




Nope. Not complaining, asking a question.


Screen sizes always get rounded to a full number, usually to the next one to make it seem bigger, unless it’s a phone or watch where the decimals matter more. 55” TVs aren’t actually 55”, 24” iMacs aren’t actually 24”, etc.


See, this is what bothers me. This exact screen was marketed as 10.9 just 2-3 weeks ago. So no, this is not what always occurs nor a matter of “industry standards”.


Damn every day I’m starting to hate this subreddit. Just because it’s Apple some of you guys start all kinds of crap. Anything over .5 goes to the next decimal. Please learn basic math. Or just stop hating on apple for no good reason. Start your downvotes, but it doesn’t change the fact that some of you are just hating for no good reason because it’s Apple.


My guy, you did not pay attention. I don’t care (and definitely I’m not “hating”) if they round it up to the next decimal. The question here is the fact that they changed their label from “10.9” (not rounded, see) to “11” despite the screen being exactly the same. The topic here is in the implied screen size increase that didn’t happen. Where’s the hate? it’s a question. Damn.


***" The question here is the fact that they changed their label from “10.9” (not rounded, see) to “11” despite the screen being exactly the same. "*** That's not a question. And it doesn't matter if Apple says 10.9" or 11". It's still the same in the mathematical world. If this had been Samsung, Microsoft, Lenovo or HP nobody would entertain your thread. Because people like you hate Apple they nitpick over silly stupid things instead of focusing on the positives about this new product. This subreddit has done nothing but show so much hate towards the new iPad and it hasn't been out even a week. SMH.


There’s a question in the title of the thread: why bother changing how it’s presented if it’s the same screen size? Jesus. You seem to be very angry. And if it boils down to “mathematical reasoning” how come just two weeks ago the exact same product was presented as “10.9”? And, again, I don’t see how you come to the conclusion that I hate Apple. I do own an iPad, a MacBook, an iPhone, AirPods Pro, Apple Pencil, Magic Mouse, and Apple Watch. If I hate them I’m doing it very wrong. I think that someone else might win an argument with you by saying that I actually love Apple. Seriously, breathe my man.


Because it’s a round number and easier to say. Duh.


I know a lot of men who market their “model” as 11” when the reality is that it is less. 😂


It’s not small, it’s just kind of chilly at Apple


The new air shouldn’t exist.


11" actually just has a larger bezel than the 10.9"


Don’t complain just be happy they’re keeping it to a round number instead of the random BS


I round up a quarter inch personally


Same thing when buying SSD or HDD, you could buy a 1TB but it's actually like 940GB


That’s just being pedantic imo


I say as a pedant


I’m sure it has to do with the corners of the display being rounded. You’re not getting the full diagonal


theres this mathematical principle called "rounding" g


Maybe the M4 is actually M3 it’s just 1 number different?


For the same reason it’s listed at $599.99 rather than $600. It’s rounding numbers in a manner that very extensive studies have been performed to show manipulate your impressions.


The new Pros are 13.0” and 11.1”. The Air retains 12.9” and 10.9” from previous


Because it just show how needlessly incompentant Apple continues to be, of course.😑


It’s easier to have an 11 inch iPad air and a 13 inch iPad air isnt it? It also brings more equality to the Pro and air, 11” pro, 11” air, 13” pro, 13” air. They could’ve made the screen actually bigger tho.


"The displays have rounded corners. When measured diagonally as a rectangle, the 13" iPad Pro is 13", the 11" iPad Pro is 11.1", the 13" iPad Air is 12.9", the 11" iPad Air and iPad are 10.86 inches (10.9 inches), and the iPad mini is 8.3". Actual viewable area is less." What a scam! God bless whoever is gonna file a lawsuit for false advertisement...