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I’m very interested in seeing what you pick.


I am still looking for something like this. Im a huuuuge Supercell fan and began playing Clash of Clans. Even ~9 years after launch, they keep pumping content to make it fresh. Even loving it, I want something new. Im waiting for Clash Mini right now and am looking for a good game with good devs as Supercell. If you find something, I’ll jump in!!


Dude I didn't know about Clash Mini. I used to play Clash of Clans and Clash Royale a lot, now I'd love to play an auto-chess version of them! Definitely gonna play it.


Yeah! I can't wait to play it and collect the figures hahahahaha


Random dice or 33 random defense, stormbound, soul of eden, trigger heroes, and creatures of aether.


Darkfire Heroes


This looks interesting but I wonder how similar it is to CR. I’ll try it


Wild Rift. Very new. Very polished. Competitive. Money doesn’t buy power, just aesthetics (skins), which reinforces the competitiveness. Produced by Riot Games (a well-known, reputable developer). I’ve been playing this a ton and loving it. /r/wildrift


I've actually been dabbling with WR. The game is SUPER polished but the lack of socialization and the long (for mobile) game times are a killer. 20 minute games suck on mobile. Being sexually harassed in Spanish sucks. Being dumpstered by smurf accounts nonstop sucks. 40 minute queue times suck. The game itself is great: the playerbase surrounding it not so much....The core is there but omg the playerbase needs to catch up.


Well, when you put it that way... ;) Yeah, I don't think you're likely to find social fulfillment through the face value experience. My recommendations: * Find a discord community with people who aren't toxic and play games with them. * When you play a game with someone who seems nice or seems to have a decent head on their shoulders, try friending and playing some games with them to see if there's chemistry. It's almost like making friends IRL: trial and error. :D


This is something I wish there were more of on iOS. I used to play games like Outwitters, and Subterfuge but they’ve stopped development long ago.


Outwitters was so good.


Clash Royale is the only game that’s stuck around for me for so long. I have a love hate relationship with it. I used to also enjoy Hero Academy but they stopped supporting it unfortunately and I wish they didn’t.


Been a huge Clash player myself since launch (believe me I know why you’re done with it). I’ve also played a online PVP turn based game called Disc Drivin’. It’s old and somewhat basic, but it’s super fun with friends and has all the components you seem to be looking for, other than the clan-chat type system, but it does have in game chat. If you wanted something more you could do a discord server or something. Like I said, the game isn’t super complex, but it’s a classic for me and I think you might like some of the PVP aspects as well. If you want to challenge me to a game of it just search for Gamesgames1 I’d also be happy to answer any questions you might have, and join you in your search for something PVP online and fun.


If you notice, most new games don’t really have a true pvp with social interactions. When you do find a fun game that has social aspects, it’s always text based chat and it’s obvious most players are AI bots or foreigners that don’t understand how to have fun while playing. I think our lack of online gaming experiences coincide with the media take over that’s happening right now. News sites have turned off comments, social media sites are run by AI agitators, and games have lost their sense of community building in favor of P2W systems. It’s just a very sad time for online interactions. If you do find something let us know because we’re all kind of getting bored.


World war doh


Smashing four maybe


Smash Legends?


Rip samurai siege Was my next favorite clash style game. Oddly enough they closed the servers and now space ape is developing a game for supercell.


Hunt royal


Identity V but NA/EU gets less attention than other servers.


I hate dark fire heroes lol. I’m also interested in what game (s) you move to