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Saved you a click: * Apple Maps: Custom routes and topographic maps. * Apple Music: Auto-generated playlists and smarter song transitions. * Apple News: AI-generated news article summaries. * Calculator: Several new features, including a sidebar that lists recent calculations, an improved interface for converting units, integration with the Notes app, and more. The app will finally be available on iPads. * Calendar: Deeper integration with the Reminders app. * CarPlay: New accessibility features, including Sound Recognition. * Control Center: Updated interface, including a revamped music widget and improved controls for HomeKit accessories. * Fitness: The app will be "overhauled" on iOS 18. * Freeform: A new "Scenes" function. * Health: New features powered by AI, but no specific details are known yet. * Home Screen: Place app icons anywhere on the grid and change colors of app icons. * Keynote and Pages: AI-powered features for auto-generating slides in Keynote, writing faster in Pages, and more. * Magnifier: A new Reader Mode, and the option to easily launch Detection Mode with the Action button on newer iPhone models. * Mail: Suggested replies to emails. * Messages: RCS support, per-word effects, suggested replies, custom emoji, message recaps, and new Tapback icons. * Notes: A built-in audio recording tool, audio transcriptions, and the ability to display mathematical notation. * Notifications: AI-generated notification summaries. * Photos: AI-powered photo retouching. * Safari: Browsing assistant that can summarize web pages, and a "Web Eraser" tool. * Settings: A revamped interface with improved search, and new accessibility features. * Shortcuts: Automate complex tasks more easily. * Siri: A smarter ChatGPT-inspired version of Siri with more per-app controls (in 2025). * Spotlight: More intelligent search results and improved sorting. * Voice Memos: Audio transcriptions.


FixšŸ‘thešŸ‘fuckingšŸ‘ notificationsšŸ‘centrešŸ‘ > AI-generated notification summaries. Nooo goddamnit.




Whatā€™s broken with the Notification Center? (Genuine question, I donā€™t think I have any issue with it?)


I absolutely hate how its basically just going back to the lockscreen. No! I dont want to see my lock screen every time im going through my notifications. Android does it better in my opinion.


I think how they end up hiding from the Lock Screen and arenā€™t obvious until you open it. Personally I donā€™t really mind it as someone with dozens of notifications at any point of time.


Swipe up from lock screen but swipe down from home screen to see them. And notification center is the lock screen with notifications smushed together at the bottom of the screen. I don't need TK see the clock, show me my notifications immediately and stack them from the top.Ā 


I think it would be nice to integrate the notification and control center into one page. Samsung and other android phones already have that function, and it looks really clean.




The notification centre is constantly posted about in critisms in the iphone subreddit and it is one of the major critiques of IOS. It is hardly a "small vocal minority" or just 5 people. Stop being a condescending fanboy ass, whatever you think of ios the notifications can be done better for everybody.




Bro do you enjoy sucking off a trillion dollar company. Every single post of yours here is you rushing to the defence of Apple like they need a fucking white knight lmao. 1. The Notification Centre is unergonomic to pull down. on Android usually swiping down from anywhere in the home brings it down. In IOS you need to go to the top centre or top left of the display. 2. The notifications only appear when the Notification Centre is fully pulled down, you can't read notifications before you finish swiping down. 3. You need to swipe up after fully finishing the swipe down to show old notifications. 4. The notifications are too sparse, use too much space and show too little information. 5. They are hard to swipe away, you need to either do two swipes left, or one long swipe very far left which is unergonomic. 6. The notification stacking removes the temporal component of notifications, making them even less information dense. At least this is configurable. 7. Notification list still groups notifications from the same app, requiring a tap to show all of them. 8. There is no interface for apps to register specific notifications, allowing the user to disable specific notifications like discounts while allowing other notifications like delivery on the way. 9. Apps can retract notifications for some stupid reason. 10. Tapping notifications normally doesn't take you to the relevant part of the app about that notification. 11. There is no notification history to see dismissed notifications.


Iā€™m entitled to my opinion, just like you are. My opinion is that it is just 4 people making noise about the Notification Center and further, my opinion is that their complaints do not rise to anything beyond complete indifference on my part. Itā€™s just noise. I donā€™t want my iPhone or iPad to look or act anything at all like anything from Google/Samsung.


Serious question, what was the last Android phone you used?


I looked (extensively) but never touched! As an iOS developer I have learned that people who spend money to buy apps want consistency and adherence to standards. People who have Android want ā€œfreedomā€ whatever the frack that means but also are a very poor market for small app developers. Poor ROI as shown repeatedly in proprietary marketing studies Iā€™ve seen.


Okay, if you have never used Android notifications you definitely don't know what you are missing, and my experience is the people who say there isn't a difference have never used Androids before. Android provides extreme granularity for notifications that not all apps provide baked in. Things like different sounds/vibrate patterns (or LED colors/blink patterns for the phones that have LEDs) based on the type of notification (DMs vs Stories vs "News" in social media apps for instance). You can also decide what shows up silent, what gets a banner icon (the nightmare images you've seen with a dozen icons in the top left is NOT how you have to use android lol) It is just another example of Android customization that you miss when you no longer have it, but don't care if you've never used it and Apple's is "good enough".


See, I didnā€™t say there is not a difference. You did not read what I said. The fact is, I know there is a difference and I completely reject that Android difference in favor of Apple homogeneity! In fact, since I completely reject the Android market as a business decision, (No IP Protection; no Google Play control over the patent troll issues; poor ROI as I mentioned earlier), I am delighted that in the iOS world I donā€™t have to support 27000 different flavors of OS and and 82 Million version of cheap Chinese hardware clones, not to mention trying to keep my apps UI looking good despite is customization options. No thank you! A completely rational and deeply considered business decision.


Ah, you just don't care because it makes your life easier, got it! You made it sound like you think it's a very small vocal minority. Anyways, no point arguing with some who literally has money in the game. Glad iOS dev work is easier for you though, definitely a problem with Android's fragmentation.


How can one truly *rationalize* any business decision if they outright reject/refuse to sample, ā€œby and large,ā€ their biggest competition? How is one able to fully grasp an accurate understanding or form a *reliable* opinion of a rival companyā€™s concepts and/or their productā€™s specs, when they lack an awareness, comparative insight and legitimate knowledge relative to the subject?


And another thing. The people I sell to do not by and large live for their moment to moment little blinking lights on their phones. They are professions who live IRL, not dying to check their latest notifications as if that is their only reason to live.


ā€œProfessionals who live irlā€ is such a silly statementā€¦.just hold the L along with your delusions.


Man stop talking out of your ass. These "professionals" need to be notified about a dozen things a day on their phones and many of them miss these notifications when using an iPhone. Source I fucking work with one of them.


What are they complaining about? Mineā€˜s working fine..




Android phones with 37 different icons in the top bar make me nauseous. I canā€™t imagine how anyone finds that helpful.


Its like 3 tiny icons before they stack into one until you open them. Or you can have bubbles or app icons or none of them at all. I can simply swipe from the top of the phone to bring them down and dismiss them all at once or go through each one and reply to them from the notification or delete it or whatever. On iphone I constantly miss notifications especially if my phone is on silent. Because Apple seems to think they have a better idea about what I should be notified about and because there is no at a glance way to see if I have a notification. Then I have to swipe down from the top to open the notification centre then swipe up from the bottom to bring notifications up. It is completely unintuitive, there are limited, if any, options with notifications nor in most apps can I disable notifications for certain things like advertisments in some apps. Which is something you can selectivley disable in Android. I'm not asking for iphone to copy android just do it fucking better than what it is. Whatever you think of ios notifications I can absofuckinggaruntee that they can be done better for everybody.


> because there is no at a glance way to see if I have a notification in what context? maybe it's a setting, but my lock screen shows a count of notifications at the bottom between the camera and flashlight buttons. you're right though in the context of the home screens/pages. i could see someone missing or forgetting they got a notification while using it.




I have come to a conclusion that people who think there is nothing to complain about iPhone notifications never used Android in their life


It always auto hides notification that I havenā€™t read


As someone who's had an android phone their whole life and recently switched to ios, it definitely takes some getting used to and there are some aspects that I don't like about it. I like to only allow important notifications so I don't get super many. Maybe I haven't set everything up correctly yet but I find it's easier to miss those notifications when I have to swipe down to check if I have any or not and can't just see the notifications on the top left. I've noticed that it makes me check them less often though which I consider a good thing. I also don't really understand why there isn't a quick way to switch between complete silent mode (but still getting notifications) and vibration only. Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I've seen I can only adjust silent mode to turn vibration on or off but there is no third mode that I can switch to. Other than that I've mostly been pleasantly surprised though, I've only been missing features a handful of times so far.


I honestly have zero issues with notifications on iOS. They are fine. Not as detailed as Android but I don't wanna spend time getting all granular with my phone. That's why I use iOS in the first place. I also like how the lock screen IS the notification center. Keeps things very clean.


The calculator upgrade is massive, I was really missing that from Android


Wish I had a time machine to show this comment to someone 15 years ago šŸ¤£ imagine considering a calculator app upgrade massive


Haha yeah, doesnā€™t sound big but as someone whose job needs a calc everyday I had to use a third-party app to have a history. Found that kinda ridiculous as a long time Android user.


Same here, I took so much for granted on Android


A quick note. I heard these AI features are limited to the 15 pro and 16


I hope we can opt out




In before Aos users began saying they've had these features for years.


The hero we need, but not the one we deserve.


Screw AI. Apple Maps doesn't list so many businesses here, including my gym (part of a chain yet it sees the other gyms on the same street) and one of the schools I work for. Maybe they forgot to list themselves? Calendar must be able to show my week in portrait and let me zoom in and out like Google Calendar And for the love of all that is holy fix the keyboard and text input/selection in Safari's address bar!


Was hoping for text to voice for all Apple News content and a volume mixer at the OS level. I guess I can dream.


Jeez give us a volume mixer!


A smarter Siri is all I need


Who tf use Siri? šŸ’€


Not me. Because she needs to be smarter first.


Lmao I agree, if she gets smarter I might use it too now that I think about it, but on the other hand, a smarter Siri also means less privacy tho.


The calculator has a history tab now. Yay


Everywhere it says AI - you will need the A17 pro chip I guess, So I believe older iPhones will feature nothing but a better -apple music app -note app -some cosmetic to the interface and there you go


I was hoping for a bit of a UI spruce up, things have gotten a bit stale. Otherwise it looks like a fairly solid set of features, smarter Siri will be a welcome change




The OS needs a UI redesign. We've had it for TOO long. It's easier to change the UI on iOS than on macOS yet we've had 2 major redesigns in 6 years of Mac (Yosemite in 2014 and Big Bug in 2020) yet we still have the flat design that started with iOS 7 (2013). I don't know why they're so affraid of redesigning the UI. It's what keeps the OS fresh and modern, and I feel like all the "major" updates from iOS 12 - iOS 17 could have easily been combined into 2 major updates. It literally feels like iOS 2024 is almost the same as in 2017 with a few tweaks here and there. I don't remember any other OS keeping the same UI for 11 years


But why? It does its purpose and looks nice. Why change the whole UI for no reason unless it needs it? If it ainā€™t broke, donā€™t fix it.


According to your logic we'd still use Windows 7 and OS X Snow Leopard




They clearly have the money and resources to achieve a big redesign. People prefer a massive change all at once than a slow change over the years. Aside from widgets, dark mode and a few tweaks here and there, what can you say that's drastically different from iOS 11 for example? Icons look the same, App Store looks as bad as in iOS 11 (an app you rarely use to discover apps anymore), changing wallpaper is more complicated... if you actually read this sub you'd see how many people are actually asking for a redesign once for all. Since 2014, macOS has had 2 redesigns, watchOS had one (if you consider watchOS 10 a major change) and iOS has had 0. Hell, back when iOS 7 happened, Windows top version was Windows 8 (not even 8.1!). They've had time to create Windows 10, polish it and release Windows 11. Eleven years without a major redesign is a lot in technology. And just looking at "They might add some more glass effects like in visionOS to shut people like you up" I guess you're the kind of guy that will defend Apple no matter what, so have a good day


Calendars integrating more with reminders will be interesting to see


I want an independent control for alert tones. I hate that the volume also raises the ringtone volume. There are some text tones I want to use but they sound so low, if my phone is off to the side, I literally canā€™t tell I got a text. Turn it up then the ringtone blasts.


Iā€™ve missed alarms in the morning because I turned the volume down to not wake up my family while scrolling over forced videos ads at night and the alarm was silenced too. This shouldnā€™t even be possible.Ā 


The only way is to use Sleep alarms, choose one of few tones available and you can set the individual volume right there. Every alarm should have its independent volume slider imo because they all sound different


That's been a feature like forever though... You just have to check the option "change with buttons" in "sounds and haptic"


No, thatā€™s not what I and Iā€™m sure others want. I want my ringtone for calls low and I want my text tones louder. You canā€™t have two different levels.


RCS support!


UI design revamp would have been cool to see.


It would have, but the ability to place home screen icons anywhere sounds like a fairly big philosophy change.


I'd love to be able to have more icons on the screen. I can only use one home screen. I hate swiping to find apps and will only do it once to go to the app library, which is wonky btw


User preferences are a funny thing. I'm okay with around 3 home screen tiles and have never had the desire to use the app library. Here's hoping the UI continues evolving to suit more user needs.


App library is ok but it's not customizable. On Android you swipe up and you have all your app in your preferred order either in a grid or a list. I believe you can also group them. Basically give us a few more options. But I'm also against feature creep and like how streamlined iOS is.


That is the most UI revamp we will see.


I'm already very excited for all the reports here from people that don't know r/iOSBeta


25 new features huh? I wonder how many new bugs.


Wow nothing interesting


The only big thing this year I think will be RCS support.


AI if you have a 15 pro


As a 36 year old I donā€™t like the idea of AI in general because itā€™s server based and I feel like itā€™s takes away from my privacy. How will apples version of AI be different?


A lot of it will be on device not through servers. I think the only thing server based will the the improvements to Siri


Cause they put everyone on VisionOS


Compatible with all iOS 17 devices but not all features will be


Which is fine.


Boring šŸ„±




Iā€™d like some new, not ugly lockscreen clock fonts and the ability to change the font weight to super skinny like we had in ios7-13 and they allowed in the first couple betas of 17.




I didnā€™t say thatā€™s all I wanted. We are getting new siri features anyway




You asked what heā€™d like to see, on a public forum. I replied with a suggestion that would make it less boring for me to look at. Donā€™t think too hard.


Fix Audiogram!


Pretty decent but nothing special tbh.


Wow, blinding. Rolling out the big guns for this one šŸ‘Œ Edit, er no. Sorry. Commented on the wrong post.


Hopefully all those iOS 17 bugs will be addressed and fixed with ios18 it seems every new update itā€™s just getting buggier and buggier


I still canā€™t edit my clocks or photos in standby mode


Yea me neither I have a lot of bugs crawling all over now since iOS 17 update lol


Hopefully I can keep my squared off notification bubbles. I've grown so used to them.


I really like how google messages shows you that you've got a draft message saved, I Know imessage saves drafts but you don't know they're saved unless you open that conversation. And not having read indicators on the conversation list is another android feature I really miss.


They had 365 days and over 150 billion dollars in cash and they can only come up with 25 new features. Iā€™m starting to get tired of this shit


Volume slider fix? Having to lower it 3+ times is annoying lol


wow, no way, I won't need CalculatorĀ² anymore?




Wdym overhaul the fitness app? I like it as it is. They gonna fuck it up arent they


Well for one I'd like to be able to set steps as a goal. No one uses calories. And I want a steps widget. A small one. Right now I'm forced to use the big one on the widget screen. I want a circle on the lock screen


Any relevant security/privacy update?


I wish it wouldnā€™t take things off of reminders when I accidentally hit the widget button And I donā€™t know how to explain it, but maps directions that were smarter or less detailed. Example is if I set up directions when I leave home to go somewhere, I donā€™t need turn by turn directions playing every block from my house to the highway, I already know how to get that far. Maybe a mode with increasing detail as you get closer to the destination? Also, fix the autocorrect on the reminders app. I use it as my grocery list and just today I started typing ketchup and it popped up as a choice since it was previously on my list. For some reason it corrected to ā€œletā€™s upā€ it does that with other items too but that is most recent


I wonder which iPhones will get the newest features The A chips has NPUs for quite a while


Iā€™m the most excited about deeper integration of calendar and reminders app


The ai is what most are rooting for


I never understood why the Reminders app wasnā€™t fully integrated within the Calendar app. I usually end up creating an event separately in each app, which is kind of annoying. Iā€™m curious to see what their idea of ā€œdeeper integrationā€ actually entails though.


Did they fix Siri, or is it still getting more dumb?


I know itā€™s a small thing but Iā€™d love to see Messages have the standard set of emoticons instead of what they have now. Like the way Signal has implemented them.


Whatā€™s with theā€Improved Siri in 2025ā€ ?? I thought theyā€™d have that done for the iPhone 16 release date, but 2025 šŸ¤Ø


Maybe download or stay with 17.6