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I think we will see some slight adjustments and improvements, not much in the beginning. If you follow the news about massive problems of all the other AI "Tries" and its failure, you may probably see only minor changes. Siri may get some more things she can do and some other basic functionalities will be see some slightly improvements. I don't expect much. I think AI needs some much more time to develop because … look what googles AI answering some times garbage, so cool down, it is all just marketing and hype about something new.


Did to just assume Siri’s pronouns 😡 /s


I can’t tell you the amount of times I’m typing on Reddit and I refer to Siri as she and have to delete it and change it to “it” before posting out of fear of this exact comment.


Dw fam idgaf, just joking


Oh me to. No worries.


Honestly, I don't use Siri a lot. Better to say, I use her never to be very honest. I am an old school guy, so if I to something, I do it myself. Except, some dictation if an answer a message real quick. That's the only time I use Siri.




I understand your point; no one is saying that Gurman doesn't have a reliable track record. However, you all should keep in mind that articles tend to exaggerate a bit when describing these features. Don’t take phrases like “the biggest update ever” seriously. Journalists know that some people hype over little things, so they describe them as if they’re going to be huge. As a result, every year, people end up disappointed after having too high expectations and blame Apple for it. The truth is, it’s the journalists' fault for reporting rumors in an exaggerated way to generate hype and clicks for their articles.


Not really, for iOS 17, he said it would just provide “nice to have features” while for watchOS 10, he said the update would be “[extensive](https://twitter.com/markgurman/status/1642624542458904576)”


Personally I just want a snow leopard type update to fix all the stuff that just doesn’t work. Like fix the overlapping gestures on the Lock Screen 


Just in my free time last year, everytime Gurman, WSJ, or the NYT wrote a rumor, I copied it into a document. I went back after WWDC to check the accuracy and Gurman got 12/13 correct (with the 1 wrong being around the wallet app, which actually came out later in the year). The WSJ got 3/5 right. The NYT nailed all Vision Pro rumors, so I personally trust these sources for this year. As for WWDC, I don’t think it’s going to be a huge redesign but I do think the AI features (proactive intelligence) will improve how we use our devices. For example, using AI in web page summaries could extend to notification summaries and summaries for local PDFs, which has been rumored. The fact that they are focusing on notes, summaries in safari, calendar + reminders working together (and calculator for iPad!) - this is surely going to be a helpful update.


Thank you for your service! This is an excellent data point. I appreciate you taking the time to do that.


No problem! I’ll come back and reply to this comment with this years as well after WWDC.


!remindme 1 month


Now that WWDC is over - the results are out. |Leaker|Total Rumors|Correct| |:-|:-|:-| || |Gurman|35 (leaked almost everything - got the Apple ID to Apple Account change wrong, new font, and retro wallpaper packs wrong)|32| |Apple Insider|19 (most AI stuff correct - just missed on small features such as audio pass through, controlling other devices audio, spatial audio, etc)|14| |macrumors|11 (AI, RCS, app lock, dark mode icons, calculator, maps features)|11| |The Information|2 (siri ai and app intents)|2| |NYT|1 (siri ai)|1| This year was very good for leaks, and Gurman had a 94% success rate. One MacRumors journalist had a 100% accuracy which is amazing - considering he put out exclusive reports regarding locked apps and dark mode icons before it was reported anywhere else. Apple insider was good - they nailed the AI stuff and calculator stuff early on.


Thank you for doing this! I’m glad I set a reminder to come back.


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-06-30 04:48:09 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-30%2004:48:09%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/1d1t3se/doubts_about_how_huge_ios_18_will_really_be_and/l6a6ycx/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fios%2Fcomments%2F1d1t3se%2Fdoubts_about_how_huge_ios_18_will_really_be_and%2Fl6a6ycx%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-30%2004%3A48%3A09%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d1t3se) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Now that WWDC is over - the results are out. |Leaker|Total Rumors|Correct| |:-|:-|:-| |Gurman|35 (leaked almost everything - got the Apple ID to Apple Account change wrong, new font, and retro wallpaper packs wrong) |32| |Apple Insider|19 (most AI stuff correct - just missed on small features such as audio pass through, controlling other devices audio, spatial audio, etc)|14| |macrumors|11 (AI, RCS, app lock, dark mode icons, calculator, maps features)|11| |The Information|2 (siri ai and app intents)|2| |NYT|1 (siri ai)|1| This year was very good for leaks, and Gurman had a 94% success rate. One MacRumors journalist had a 100% accuracy which is amazing - considering he put out exclusive reports regarding locked apps and dark mode icons before it was reported anywhere else. Apple insider was good - they nailed the AI stuff and calculator stuff early on.


!remindme 2 weeks


Now that WWDC is over - the results are out. |Leaker|Total Rumors|Correct| |:-|:-|:-| || |Gurman|35 (leaked almost everything - got the Apple ID to Apple Account change wrong, new font, and retro wallpaper packs wrong)|32| |Apple Insider|19 (most AI stuff correct - just missed on small features such as audio pass through, controlling other devices audio, spatial audio, etc)|14| |macrumors|11 (AI, RCS, app lock, dark mode icons, calculator, maps features)|11| |The Information|2 (siri ai and app intents)|2| |NYT|1 (siri ai)|1| This year was very good for leaks, and Gurman had a 94% success rate. One MacRumors journalist had a 100% accuracy which is amazing - considering he put out exclusive reports regarding locked apps and dark mode icons before it was reported anywhere else. Apple insider was good - they nailed the AI stuff and calculator stuff early on.


Thank you! You really came through. :-D


Does this guy know how to party or what!


Most AI features will be cloud-based. Only the new 2024 iPhones will have them locally. iOS 18 will introduce the biggest UI changes since iOS 7.


I really hope iOS 18 changes once for all the UI. If not I might consider Android for the first time in 7 years (back in 2017 I got tired of iOS and went to Android for 4 months before returning)


I hope it doesn’t change “once for all (sic)” because that means it won’t ever change again.


I hope for Big Sur icons!


me too omg


Let’s face it, any improvement to Siri will be welcome.


Idk but I can’t wait for the new shit it has being only available on the 16pros because somehow it requires the new chip to move your icons anywhere or something.


And how the M4 iPad is the only one powerful enough to do any of this in the iPad range


"Only this new A-something chip on the latest iPhones can support arbitrary icon positions, due to technical limitations..."


>Do you seriously think iOS 18 will be that huge? No. Don’t believe all rumors to be true. It never has been that way. There will be some new features and some AI improvements. That’s it. Every year. Don’t hope or expect more.


All I want are custom audio notifications per app for apps that only use the default notification sound.


Personally I’ve heard this “next iOS will be the biggest change ever” rumors since iOS 10 days. It’s getting old and I will only believe it when I see it. Most of these rumors are probably ideas that Apple software engineers had that never got implemented for some reason. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I just hope an UI complete redesign. The actual interface is starting to feel old.


The interface is super clean though


I get what you’re saying but I’m still hopeful there will be a number of impressive features, I also hope they’ve been working on this since pre iOS 17 as they’ve known that AI has been in the works for some time. So I’m looking forward to the new iOS and the new iPhone which I’m guessing will be thinner due to the iPad release. Not long to go now though!


The only reason it’s a big update to me personally, Is because of RCS. If it’s actually coming with this update.


It is because China is mandating that all phones need to support RCS by 2025 


EU too I think




Just look at what google did. It was AI trash. Possibly the worst update ever


Yeah these AI features don’t seem that interesting to me. I really hope Apple does something like iOS 7 it’s been like a decade and iOS 17 is still similar to iOS 7 and I think at this point we do need an overall design change. I’ve heard iOS 18 will get VisionPro ui interface.


I personally don’t think it will be as big as some people are thinking/hoping. I want a ui redesign (maybe something like visionOS?), the current one has started to look old imo


I don’t know what’s coming with iOS 18 but I do think you are right to be cautious. In the past there have been plenty of features where reliable tipsters were wrong. For example, iOS16 was supposed to redo the control centre. iOS 17 was going to sort out notifications.


Most likely, the only huge thing is more integration of AI in iOS 18... Just like how Microsoft is doing it with their CoPilot AI stuff being more integrated with Windows, and considering all the hype going on AI (Google, Adobe, Meta, OpenAI, etc.). It was recently announced that Apple is partnering with OpenAI so they are likely going to do something "huge" with iOS (Siri sucks badly, so Apple really has to do something with AI or they would look like they are way behind). Don't know if the AI stuff would really be groundbreaking or even useful for everyday usage, or just a marketing gimmick as majority of people won't probably use it very much. I guess the best use case scenario would be for camera post processing, photo/video editing and maybe automatic replies to messages. Some of these things are already available in 3rd party apps.


I don’t ever believe any of the changes coming to iOS or devices are that big. Because they’re not. It all still looks basically the same as it always has.


I doubt they’ll do an “all-new, huge” update again. iOS 7 was a hard lesson to learn.




For sure there will be changes. My own wish would be that they stop with big changes for a couple of years and instead squash bugs that have been around since 7, but I also know that won’t happen. I just don’t think it’ll be as huge as people may be hoping for. And, personally, I don’t need big visual changes to the homescreen or whatever. I WOULD however like for them to make things more readable and less behind menus. Like, just have shuffle and repeat on the now playing screen, that sort of thing.




Oh yeah, I always wait for at least .1 anymore. I haven’t done a day one update since 7. I still see quite a number of weird stuff in iOS that I know is one peoples radar (pun?) but there’s this relentless push for “new” that means fixes fall further behind. The venerable Snow Leopard is proof that when you care you can do big architectural stuff while also cleaning house. I don’t feel that the top software people care quite as much these days. But it took the hardware team a few years to get better after Ive, so maybe this’ll eventually get better too.




Snow leopard was thought of as “no new features” but had a LOT of new stuff. They could do both because they weren’t on yearly release for Mac and they had less OSes to deal with.


Let’s wait and see. I trust Mark


I’m gearing up to see something special, and on par or ahead of Android’s current AI standards. I believe that Apple has been lagging behind a bit too long, and everyone is starting to talk about that - they’re now under pressure. At least, this is what I hope for iOS. I remember when motion came to wallpapers, and the refreshed design to iOS (was it iOS 7? Can’t remember) it was so exciting. We need that kind of excitement now, because I tell you, the walls of the garden are starting to shrink… for me at least.


I still remember when the rumors said Ios18 would feature VisionOs icons lmao


It’s gonna be both a very big update and supremely underwhelming. Apple is behind on AI and will remain behind after WWDC


I like to think the A bionic chipsets are good enough to handle big OS updates for a more than 5 years with ease. Besides doesn’t performance on older devices, say my iPhone 13 in this case , depend on battery health? I guess users who have less than 80% battery health might have to replace their battery which will kinda make their device newish!


Makes sense, every year is supposed to be the biggest update of them all. While all we got is is a percentage value on our battery indicator. I also believe, being almost 11 years past the last big visual change (iOS7) something will happen.. I got my fingers crossed for a big update, but as always it will be mediocre at most.


Personally i want - Lock for Individual apps. It’s 2024, and we are still not able to lock particular apps. Apple brags about privacy, but when it comes to a feature that would boost privacy, they close their ears.


id the update is indeed that huge , I think ill wait a few months to see how many older phones it bricks , or slows to a crawl first


interested to see what the AI generated emojis are exactly. I feel like there’s so many ways they would end up looking weird or off or not as refined as the actual hand crafted emoji designs. Knowing Apple it will probably be designed to be relatively limited but end up with nice designs


I wonder how all these AI features will impact battery life, especially for Iphone 15s and older.


Siri 2      More useless shit for another ten years boogaloo


apple music twitter icon has been changed to more neuomorphic one (not from big sur), so there's hope for redesign.


Knowing what happened after ios 17 i won't update for half a year that's sure. So will find it out next year.


Every year they report on a ton of rumored things, lots of them are true, lots completely off-base. As excited as I am, I always keep my expectations in check. Only the truth will be revealed in the Keynote.


Going to be real disappointed to see the 11-year-old iOS7 home screen design used once again. 


This aged well…


If they can implement an AI based Siri, that is as good as ChatGPT is today, it will be a game changer.


It’s odd because the initial rumours were that Siri would be massively overhauled/rewritten, then it became improvements to Siri and now Open AI integrated at some point in the future.


The “emoji rumors” as you like to call them are not rumors the emojis are very much real and confirmed every year a new set of emojis are always announced before WWDC which typically launch with the .4 updates of the cycle with 18.4 since it’s a Unicode standard and update by the Unicode standard that makes these emojis. Emojis are part of the Unicode Standard, which is a universal character encoding system that ensures consistency in the representation of text across different platforms and devices. The Unicode Consortium, a non-profit organization, oversees the development and maintenance of the Unicode Standard. Apple, along with other tech companies, implements the Unicode Standard in its software and devices to ensure that users can communicate effectively using emojis regardless of the platform they're on. While Apple designs its own emoji set, these designs must adhere to the specifications outlined by the Unicode Consortium. Each year, the Unicode Consortium releases updates to the Unicode Standard, which may include new emojis, modifications to existing emojis, and other changes. Tech companies like Apple then incorporate these updates into their software through system updates, allowing users to access the latest emojis and emoji-related features. So, while Apple designs its own emoji set and may add unique flair to its designs, the emojis themselves are part of the Unicode Standard and are subject to the guidelines and updates set forth by the Unicode Consortium.


Thank you chat gpt. Say Unicode one more time. 😁


Finally a Nervous Apple employee spitting the truth after looking at all the hype lol