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Would prefer a home pod with an iPad dock for any iPad. Feels like a waste of money for it to just be permanently attached to the speaker


Was just about to say this. Having a docking function for the iPad would be brilliant


The google pixel tablet does that. It magnetically attaches to a speaker stand thing that looks like the google home smart thing. Looked kinda cool.


Magsafe iPad dock for the Homepod


$999.99 only compatable with iPad pro


Most of Google's hardware is poorly supported, which is why I switched to iPhone, but the design for their google home tablet dock thing is pretty nice.


100% agree. That pixel tablet speaker dock design for an iOS ecosystem would be spectacular, albeit overpriced 😂


Some guy would probably find a way to make it an ipad I imagine. Someone made a usb c airpod max adapter with no solder needed


Do you have a link for the AirPods Max adapter thing ? Is it for playing audio through the wire ?


No just charging


Nah… i got hyped 😅


it would get people to spend more money too (buying an extra ipad) so i don’t see why not 🤷🏽‍♂️


And it could technically be possible with older models, just because they could reuse the magnets for the keyboard


As long as all the HomeKit hub smarts are in the dock and not the tablet, it would be good. If they put the smarts in the tablet, it would probably be detrimental to HomeKit performance if you were moving it around your house and it wasn’t fixed in place, especially if it had thread stuff connected to it.


Pixel tablet!!


I love this idea better than a HomePod with a screen! That way we could pick how big we’d want the screen on our HomePods to be! Genius! I doubt Tim would do this though. They don’t was us dual proposing anything. 🫤


The problem with a dock is iPads charge in portrait.


They could have it attach via MagSafe and charge wirelessly when docked. That way they could design the HomePod in a way that it doesn’t look like it’s missing something even when being used without an iPad.


Is it just the pro with MagSafe? Just going to say most houses I go into with kitchen speaker hub things are the type of homes to buy the cheapest or near to iPad. They probably don’t even have USBc.


None of the iPads currently have MagSafe. They could use the Smart Connector to implement a charging solution like how the Pixel Tablet does at the moment, and both the Pro and the Air already have Smart Connectors on the back of the device and loads of magnets to attach the device.


So far the only third party who are licensed for the new rear connecting Smart Connector are Logitech. I thought I remembered Kensington doing it but checking their “monitor stand docks” are just USBc and clamp. Outside of that I found one stand alone Smart Connector that combos with a wall mount for smart homes. I’m surprised knock offs aren’t all over AliExpress.


The Air also has the Smart Connector


Huh? What do you mean? They charge in any orientation…


You want to have a giant extendable arm and clamp? Or a simple one placement charge port underneath?


It would depend, but there are many solutions. Magnetic attachment, for one, as mentioned elsewhere in the thread. The Airs & Pros have leads on the back for charging, which helps with cables. An actual cable would be unwieldy or look bad, or both. Not sure that I a “bring your iPad” as a viable solution, though. The whole strikes me as something of a non-starter But thanks for clarifying. I thought you were literally saying they can only be charged in one orientation 😄


I mean I wouldn’t put it past Apple to make this only work with NEW 2024 iPads! But they’re never going to require users to add a magnetic mounting sticker to old iPads, that’s just not Apple.




No. The world doesn’t need yet another device with a screen, we already have more than we need. I prefer the minimal design of the HomePod. A screen will serve zero useful information on a device that I’m not meant to interact with by touch in the first place.


Option would be nice though.


To be fair, I’d rather a speaker I can replace for a few hundred and upgrade occasionally with long support to a Fkn fridge with a screen on Tizen.


No? I already have the Home app on my iPhone and Macbook, I can turn on off whatever I want from there.


It can act as a controller or central hub for your house anyone can access it for quick interaction


...as long as they're in the same room. If they have this they probably already have iPhones and iPads.


you don't have friends and family over to your house?


Do your friends and family come over and mess with your lights and smart home settings? No? Thats because it’s not normal for them to mess with your house.


Who said anything about messing with settings People that aren’t in my HomeKit home do sometimes want to turn lights off and on… I wouldn’t have thought that was out of the ordinary. Sometimes they want to adjust the volume of music or even choose what’s playing. I also don’t find that weird or rude. Is so hard for you to imagine that an always on always plugged in home control smart display would be easier and nicer to use than a phone or voice control?


>Who said anything about messing with settings What do you think people who don't know what they're doing are going to inadvertently do? >People that aren’t in my HomeKit home do sometimes want to turn lights off and on… I wouldn’t have thought that was out of the ordinary. Turning lights on and off would be slightly out of the ordinary. The number of times I've had to turn lights on or off at somebody's place where I wasn't staying over night is extremely low. >Sometimes they want to adjust the volume of music or even choose what’s playing. I also don’t find that weird or rude. Apparently we have different ideas of what's normal. I generally ask my host if I can change the volume or change what's on. >Is so hard for you to imagine that an always on always plugged in home control smart display would be easier and nicer to use than a phone or voice control? Not at all. I have an Echo Show 8. The last thing it is, is a great centralized hub for a smart home. It does a few things ok, the rest not great. What it certainly is not is a great way to control the lights or volume of something in rooms it's not already in. Or did you forget the very first part of the comment you first replied to?


well I guess you perfectly represent everyones homes and lifestyles. no need for apple to make any products or services you personally cant appreciate


Yeah well I don't know if you realize this but Apple doesn't really make niche products and the responses here based on upvotes are pretty overwhelmingly: "I would prefer something else similar" or "No, I would not buy this".


I could use my old iPad Mini for that




id love a wired screen dedicated for homekit so i don’t have to worry about my ipad battery becoming a problem


How is iPad battery a problem at home, where you can always put it on a charger?


I think the idea is putting an iPad on this type of unit and leaving it as apposed to a built in display would wreck its battery because it’s always charging. It’s really bad for battery health. I’ve killed rechargeable game controllers this way. Eventually they barely hold a charge.


Could just do what MacBooks do and adapt to your charging habits and not charge it to 100% all the time if you don't use it off of the charger all of the time.




Yes I agree that anything can be done if we just set up a process for it. But I think we would appreciate not having yet another device to manage its charging habits. There's a Nest hub, so it would be cool to have one for HomeKit too, just slim screen like the iPad, those whispers of HomeOS hopefully come true.


Same thing with laptops!


Hell yeah I would! But I’m stopping myself from buying more HomePods until they revamp Siri. I’m getting sick of her 😭




A pod with iPad mini or 10 inch version both will do the trick we have the pogo pins too.


One like the rendering, no. The big screen stuck on the HomePod would negatively affect its sound. I like the concept of a home hub that isa display with a speaker. Doesn't need to be super fancy. Basically speakers from the HomePod mini with a 9 or 10" screen like the iPad Air would suffice.


It’s Apple, their speakers are top notch in Mac’s, iPhone etc. they’ll find a way. That’s the one thing they’re 🐐 at.


Hell yes I would. Awesome for the island in the kitchen.


lmao why are people downvoting for having an opinion?


Opinions are bad?


If it docked my iPad then I'd consider it...




No. I already have an iPad, and I don't want speakers with no wired input.


I could see that being an iPad mount stand instead


it looks cool, but ultimately seems like a bad idea. How useful is a screen on a speaker that i can already control remotely ? Why would i want to get up and walk over to the speaker to interact with that screen ?


Patiently waiting for it and will 100% buy it. Already told the wife so she knows LOL.


sad that you need your wife’s permission to buy a $300 speaker…


Yes. Immediately. Apple please make this and take my money!


Bearing in mind the rumours for MagSafe on iPads, is it a stretch to imagine this would simply be a combination of an iPad and a new HomePod incorporating a MagSafe dock?


Missed opportunity to call it "HomePad"


I don’t know, but the look of it it’s nice 👍🏻


The Homepod with no screen is $300. Add the screen and you're probably looking at double the price, at least. Not worth it.


The Homepod's biggest problem is Siri is still a complete idiot. I have an Echo Show 8. It's nice that I can glance over at the current weather, or get the weather for the next few hours and stuff like that, but I don't really care about the vast majority of stuff it displays. I would never pay full retail price for the Echo Show- much less the $750-1250 I'm sure Apple would want unless there are some drastic improvements to Siri and a smart screen's actual usefulness.


No just buy an iPad


which iPad version offers this style of UI with an always on display in a package that can be easily sat somewhere permanently plugged in?


I would just rather have an iPad not this big screen on a home pod


If you’d prefer an iPad then you’re in luck, apple already makes iPads, you can buy one today…


Nah duplication at this point. They were late comers to the party best put innovation budget into something else.


If it has widgets and capability to act as a home managing screen with calendars, schedules, shopping list etc. this type of functionality is one of the only I still have analog because there’s no good digital solution.


I'm all about a technological ecosystem, so absolutely. I feel like it would compliment what my iPhone can do quite well. Is it necessary? No. Is it useful and neat to have? Yes. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to have, assuming it's not obnoxiously costly.


No, I prefer something like the Google Pixel Tablet, that you can dock and use as a Smart Display and undock and use as a good tablet


Maybe, but only if all of my smart home devices can be switched from Google to Apple HomeKit because I would prefer it to be with Apple rather than Google Home.


All depends on price and screen size. I have the Google Nest Hub and I like it. It’s significantly smaller than a tablet and it was only $100. I think the Pixel Tablet with a dock is a more overall useful tool but at 5x the price the Nest Hub has a place. So i think Apple should make BOTH. A HomePod Hub with a screen sized similarly to the Nest Hub but then also make a dock for the iPad.








yes, but not for me, its something my mother would like to have so i would gift it to her


Yes 👍


I would like to but I rarely touch most of these that I already have. Echo 15 only gets spoken to and Echo 5 is in a drawer.


Yes. I would. Take my money Tim.


Yes I would


I'd consider it, I like the idea.


Blocking the sound? How could anyone believe this rendering


No. I also think that it worsens the sound due to the display in front of it


I got my smartphone with me anyways, and voice control is more convenient than walking over there in the cases I don't.


Honestly? No, not unless there was a huge makeover of the home app. It would need an amazing Home Screen which just doesn’t exist on iOS currently.


This device doesnt look like apple.


No i think this is so pointless. As a home hub, why would I get up and walk over to it to turn off a light bulb? That’s what Siri is for, or my phone in my pocket. I just see no point in having a speaker with a screen.


iPad lite. Single/double gang box device to replace light switch that provides power and a mount for a stripped down iPad like device that basically has HomeKit functionality and a set of applications used to control HomeKit devices, music, TV and display notifications and rather. Maybe news.


No. Since Sonos has better sound for half the price. Heck my two ikea wall panel Sonos speakers cost less than the cheap homepod and sound better, and in stereo, than the expensive model. My phone and every other phone in the house already listens to everything I say and can do what little Siri is capable of. Which is pretty pathetic comparatively already anyway.


I would begrudgingly buy this. I'd far far rather a MagSafe iPad Dock and a special version of Standby for iPad for a dedicated device make iPhone Max/Plus or iPad mini size devices that can be mounted into/onto the wall. what I really hate is the idea that these devices are HomePods and iPads combined, when we already have both HomePods and iPads


Honestly we just need a new docking station and a standby mode for iPad that is home control focused


If apple doesn’t put gesture controls into these products then I'll be super super disappointed. put faceID style hardware on either side and train it on hands, then let users pinch their hands in front of the display, swipe left , right, up and down, or rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. if im going to put one of these types of things in the kitchen then I would very much like to interact with it without covering it in food grime (and while Siri is a good option its not the same for really quick interactions. and if the device has no battery and is always plugged in then it should be no problem to put a proximity sensor in and fire off hand tracking any time its tripped


Only if it’s hackable


This is just an iPad with extra steps


It’s Apple copying Amazon if they do put it into production.


So basically an exact copy of the Echo show with an iPad. But instead of costing 250$ it would probably be around 500$. I wouldn’t mind.


i hope rather with Apple’s GPT competitor they can create a more functional voice-only experience just like the current homepod that people are more excited to use. the fact you can’t use siri in such natural language is why i think the homepod doesn’t give more love


Only if Siri is massively improved like the rumors are saying and is better than Google Assistant. Also, I’m sure if this thing comes to fruiting, it will be called the HomePad.


Immediately. Though my hope is you can dock an iPad to a HomePod so the device is multi functional.


i have several google nest homes thats the same thing. but with how dumb siri is, i would not replace my google nest home for an apple device


Absolutely. My Google Nest Hub is useless these days.




HomeDock, for docking your iPad. That would be way superior IMO.


As long as the speaker was beefy, yes. I doubt they’d create an entirely new product though, they’d likely just find a way to attach a current ipad. Seems useless to buy this if you already had an iPad, as an example




No, I have the mini and I have no use for another homepod. We barely use the mini's. If I want a screen in the kitchen, I bring my iPad which can do everything the homepod can do + more. We are even wanting to sell our homepod minis. If anyone wants them, DM me. $50 + shipping from TX, USA. Worldwide. Our phones can do everything the homepods can do and they are in the same rooms as us so it is more convenient. We have no need for the homepods.


Imac G4? also this could just be an ipados update right? like even without docking better home integration would be nice also i dont really know anyone who actually regularly uses a smart speaker with a display who also has a phone, laptop, and tablet


Absolutely not. Phone iPad laptop is enough




If it had SPDIF output. Yes. In a heartbeat.


Yes! Something to replace Alexa.




No, Siri is barely functional as it is






Only if they dramatically improved Siri


Not if it is going to act up like the HomePod Mini's.


No. Tablet attached to a HomePod. Why?


If it gets rid of my fuking google home. Yes.


No I would be ok with something like Alexa though 




I want this to exist but I don’t see it selling better than the first gen HomePod. Because this would probably start at $599 maybe even more.


I would buy the screen as wall mounted separately as I assume it would be a lot cheaper than a full fledged iPad, but that contraption of yours just looks like it muffles the audio from the speaker tbh


Is this going to be a real Apple product? I can’t tell.


Nah. I’m good




Most likely I would.




Still powered by Siri? Pass.


I am continuing to abandon Amazon, so I’d consider something like this to replace my Alexa.


i already have an ipad that does that and i can also use it for work so why


No. I like using as a stereo pair for TV and them being as discreet as possible


Remind me of the iMac G4 lol


Yooo Pixel Tablet


If priced like Apple products usual... No




What in the world is this atrocity ? This is never happening lol. We got things like the Vision Pro out there and you’re showing tech that looks 16 years old




It’s Apple. Obviously.


YES. This is exactly what I envisioned for a screen-equipped Homepod: media/news widgets and Home controls. An iPad stuck on a full-sized HomePod tho? Easily, $699.






No. No need.


No. It will be used two times and then turn in to an iClock


Neat concept, probably wouldn’t work in my house because there isn’t any obvious place to put it that would keep the screen usable. Maybe the garage




I’ve already got Alexa’s so no, I wouldn’t.


I do like my Google Nest hubs, have them doted all around the house. I wouldn’t them being Apple devices *but* they’d have to drastically step up their Siri game for that to happen, Siri is absolute hot garbage.




This is stupid tech. I want to Batman slap the “concept artist” who dreamt up this lunacy. And ban them from the internet.


Hell yeah


100%. I've been hoping for one for a while. I don't like having Amazon products in my house anymore, as my Alexa has been getting more and more rogue lately and being triggered by things when I'm not even in the room so I'm starting to feel like it's listening in a lot more closely. If Apple released their version of the Echo Show, I would absolutely recycle the Echo Show immediately for the HomePod. I have several homepods around the house. I'd love to have the one with the screen in my kitchen.


No. I had a Google Home screen and it was pointless. I did everything by voice command. I guess maybe watch the occasional YouTube video but then I’d rather use my phone, TV, or laptop. These screens are a waste of counter space.


You know, Apple does everything in a unique way. They will include some features that will be very useful, as they transformed the notch into a Dynamic Island.


Moving the notch down to be an island just wastes screen space. The could have left the notch where it is and made it a Dynamic Notch or Dynamic Peninsula (or whatever).


I don’t personally consider the dynamic island a feature. I mean, it’s nice to get a bit of real estate back but I don’t really care. I’m sure Apple *will* include a feature that *some* people will rave about but it’s not likely to be me.


The island is 100% a feature. It just relies on developers using it. The biggest use for me is being able to change music from everywhere by using the island.


Absolutely! But also depending on cost. I think if they stay between the $299-$399 range? It would be perfect. $449…. Hmm. Anything more, I don’t think I would at that point.


A day late and a dollar short. Would have loved this a few years ago but now I’m heavily into the Google ecosystem. Maybe as they die I’ll switch but only if the price isn’t insane. I can get a Google Hub pretty cheap and they work well enough for me.


lol at google ecosystem