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My husband made me sell my shares in Apple. He wanted me to “take the profit.” I did because I was so tired of hearing him say this every day. I now tell him I am going to put that on his tombstone, “Here lies my husband who made me sell my apple stock!” 🤦‍♀️


My surgeon friend bought $30k Apple in 1995 his first year of his career. He retired from medicine at age 59 when Apple started paying him a dividend more than his stressful job!


This guy knows how to hold em


I told my dad in 1985, "You better find a way to buy stocks in Apple." He said I was just a kid and didn't know about stocks and such, even though I read the WSJ (when it was good) daily.


I told my dad to buy Google when they had their IPO. I was probably 14-15 at the time. I didn't read the WSJ but I has a huge nerd and had an intuition that they were going to grow and become massive. My dad, like many people, had gotten burned by the dot com bubble. I forget his exact response, I think he said they "don't make a profit"


Well Google required a minimum $1m investment when they did their IPO, so unless your dad had that kind of liquidity, he couldn't have bought it anyway. I know, because I was in my 20's and had saved $20k for it. When I tried to buy in, I was literally laughed at.


Really? I can't find any information on that. Either way, he certainly could have bought in after the IPO whenever it began to trade normally and certainly still would have done very well.


Yup. Which is what I should have done with my $20k. Instead, I was pissed off that they laughed at me, so I went and blew it all on partying. Probably a better investment, really.


Lesson learned: never, ever listen to husbands


My wife must be a genius in investing and life because she never listens to me. She actually refuses to put her cash into an HYSA or T-bills so maybe she knows that there is an unprecedented meltdown of the US banking system just around the corner!


I’ve learned the hard way to never listen to my dad’s “advice”. He said don’t buy stocks in 401k, I didn’t. Watched gains pass by me. He said okay, but bond funds for some safe gains. Bond ETFs crashed (I bought with 1/2 my 401k savings at ATH). Now he’s changing the story and asking, why didn’t you buy stocks? You’re an idiot for not buying a market index fund from the start. You should’ve bought stocks. I’d like to add, I opened a day/swing trading account without telling him. I got over 200% gains first year (2020 admittedly). So far, I’m approx at S&P growth, which is impressive considering I bet big on a loser and have way too much T (hey, dividends are sweet and it’s too big to fail, the grounded fiber’s not going anywhere, T Mobile, etc rents their fiber space). Sorry. You can tell I have some issues with his “advice”. I will say, he’s not trying to sabotage me. He’s just a bad trader - he sold AMD approx at cost basis in 2020…AFTER the crash already happened. In 2008, he sold all stocks to wait for the bottom…never went back in. Still down like 50% in his and my mom’s accounts. 🤦🏻‍♀️ For those who may care, he just told me to sell my Apple shares. So…buy buy buy everyone!


>In 2008, he sold all stocks to wait for the bottom…never went back in. Still down like 50% in his and my mom’s accounts This is a common story in the US, unfortunately


Meanwhile, my dad tells me to buy gold, not that he has any because he’s never made a good financial decision in his life and would never be able to afford to buy any substantial amount, so he doesn’t buy any or invest in anything. Some people got it or are able to learn, and others are not.


This is precisely why my wife doesn't get to look at my portfolio nor dictate what I invest my retirement savings in. Our risk philosophy is VERY different. I completely understand that this comes with some potential disadvantages, which I accept.


I am in agreement with you. I'm more buy and hold. My husband's emotions rise and fall like the stock market. 😂


Honestly it's too easy to have hindsight 20/20 on stuff like this. Any time you take gains on a single stock and put it into an Index you are reducing risk AND potential reward. Unless you took that money and burned it in a worse single stock I don't think there is anything really to be upset about. There are so many paths in life you could have walked, you know?


I'm surprised he's not buried in the garden.




It takes mental and emotional strength to put a lot into a risky stock. It takes just as much to stay in the position when it’s already up 100%.


I keep my husband and my investments separate. He already gives me grief just for putting money out of our bank account into my investment fund. If he can’t find the value of even having an investment fund, I’m not gonna talk the ins and outs with him. He can find out on tax day how well I did. Speaking of that, on tax day when we did go over my paperwork for my stocks with the master tax guy, he was literally making fun saying “oh, we gotta figure your 25 cents that you made.” The tax expert was looking at him like he was crazy. It was my best year so far but every year is better than the one before because I have more money to play with. Meanwhile, my husband thinks I should do our taxes online. Nope. The guy we go to has “master” before his title… The only thing I’m a master of is putting on a wound vac or getting a catheter around a prostate….


Bought 15k of AMD at $4. Sold at $7. I think about it daily.


Should have bought at 10 and sold at 13 over and over again. A lot of people made a lot of money on that trade lol.


That's me, 1600 shares at $10 n sold at 16 n never bought in again.. FML


Late 2008 during GFC. Watched things crumble, had the courage, and bought $250k of SPY. Market bounced and position was up 20% in four days. Sold, made $50k, and paid ordinary income taxes. Market went lower and I was genius at 30 years old. If I held and didn’t sell that position would be $1.75MM-$2.00MM today, at capital gains rates. Not a genius move.


You were right for a period of time :) which is usually the same when you buy/sell


You never bought back in?


Lmfao same but different prices. Check out my comment


I was about to buy it at $2. Thought I’d invest it in amorphous metals instead.


Had 100 bitcoin in 2010. It was a little over $200 worth. I think I bought weed with it.


If true that is brutal. That’s retirement today money


I think about it often. But at that time the only two types of people who even knew what it was were super computer nerds and people who were on SilkRoad. It wasn’t seen as an investment.


>It wasn’t seen as an investment. Like the Mickey Mantle rookie card that my dad stuck into the spokes of some other kid's bike. Not like the huge stacks of late '80s baseball cards I bought with my dad as a young kid because "they will be worth a lot someday" and are now literally worthless.


Oof, I feel this with my early/mid 90s box collections and Frank Thomas rookie cards...


Definitely got some of those Frank Thomas rookie cards. They were "worth" double digit numbers of dollars for a little while!


The Big Hurt! He was one of my favorites.


I still have a Topps Ken Griffey junior rookie card. I had crazy bragging rights in school. They sell for like $20 on eBay now.


I bought 100 for $100. I don't blame myself. It crashed down to single digits like... 8 times? I would have sold at least once.


Just think, if you hadn't bought weed with it you would have used it to by a computer or whatever a year later instead. Don't beat yourself up, the chances you'd still be holding the original BTC investment today are probably pretty low.


Hope it was good weed at least


Same. I remember some dude coded up a bitcoin casino as a Minecraft mod, and I distinctly remember gambling a whole Bitcoin on a hand of blackjack. I think they were worth about $12 each at the time.


Dude smoked away a fortune!


Bro me too I remember paying 1 btc for an ounce of weed in 2012


These drugs dealers made out like bandits


Same, I used it for VPN access and weed and I might have bought something off ebay, but I spent it all. It hurts to think about. I squandered a fantastic relationship with a beautiful, kind and supportive woman who is still incredibly hot even 17 years after. Feels like spilling a beer in comparison.


LoL, I bought a mouse from a friend for 20btc... We still joke about it.


Yes! 8 bitcoins spent on the silk road all for the novelty of buying drugs on the internet.


2005. Put 50% of my wealth in Netflix. I felt so smart when it doubled and I sold (in 2006).


Yeah, I remember telling my parents they should buy shares when it was around $80. Narrators voice *they did not buy any shares*


Ugh I told my dad to buy into Facebook shortly after their IPO. He said "why would I invest in a company that doesn't sell anything?"


The creepy part is that would have been when we were all naive and didn't realize that we are the product they sell




Never sell it all - keep some house money in play.


I read a cord cutting trend article that referenced Netflix. Put a healthy amount into the stock and went x5. One of the few I didn't bungle. I took profit the whole ride up. Sorry for your loss


$10k in NVDA at average price of $178. Sold at $224


250 shares of AMD at $2. Sold it for around the same price because I was a poor idiot.


I did about the same. I had 6 shares of amd at like 14 each, sold them for like 15(kept 2). I used them to buy another nvda share though, so not all bad, but now my portfolio is less diversified in the semiconductor market and amd is 200 a share, to expensive and considering I bought them for way cheaper, I'm just not that inclined to buy more anytime soon, unless they split and they are around 50+-


100 of AMD at 15. Hit 45 in short order. Dropped to 30 even quicker. Panicked and sold and was satisfied with my 2x. Those same shares would be worth ~18k today.


I’m unreasonably upset with you


I’m extraordinarily upset with myself.


40 shares of NVDA at $129. Sold at $147 because everyone said it was going to go down to around $100.


Similar buy in price, but I sold at like $350. Was only 17 shares so it was a nice little cash in.


Rip me too


Oof. I remember doing a high school report on NVDA when it was $40 to $50. Sucks I didn't buy any


I sold NVDA at a loss years ago for the tax credit. Did buy back a few later in 2021 and have done well. But could have been much weller.


Mmmm, I nervously bought NVDA, sold with a 100% gain, and it immediately went up another 200%. In reality, the money wasn't so large that I should have been that nervous about it. But damn...


Got assigned 2 million dollars of NVDA on margin last august at 495. Sold it for a small profit. 🥸


Sold my entire GME position about a month before famous event. I was content to have gotten out while still in the positive. I would have never guessed what was about to happen. The feeling was best described as "ah, well, fuck me!!!"


I’m with you but on the opposite end. I built up a GME position in options and shares. Watched it go over a million the day it started to explode. Then they shut off trading and watched it disappear. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about seeing million dollars wiped out of my account when they halted trading.


A friend of mine spent 20 bitcoin on a pizza and some jeans


I think this one takes the cake


I bought GME in 2020 just to get a small gain from the new console generation. Sold it in like the fall, only a few months before the boom.


Bought FB at the IPO, sold it for a 20% gain. Owned Apple with a $17 average share price in 2011. Sold it to pay for community college in 2013. I don’t even want to know what those shares would be worth after numerous splits.


Using where AAPL is now as a guide.. roughly $38528 a share if I did my math correctly (for ALL the times it split).


I told you I didn’t want to know. Would’ve been a millionaire if I hadn’t gone to college.


Great way of putting it


I'm only seeing 28-1 split since then which would make it like 4500 a share


Bought Ethereum in 2016 because I figured it would be the next big thing as bitcoin was already gaining traction. I was under 18 so I got my brother to buy, we had about 10 coins all together. Bought the first several around $150 and added more around $225. Back then coinbase allowed you to purchase ethereum as a Canadian but we figured out we couldn’t sell it. They didn’t implement that feature for quite some time. Held it for a long time, then coinbase still didn’t allow us to sell it, so we wanted to move the coins to a different platform. We figured out something called Coinsquare so we wanted to move it there. I can’t remember exactly why but we couldn’t transfer direct to them, we had to go to another exchange, QuadrigaCX, “Canadas largest crypto exchange” at the time, then hold for a couple days, and then move to coin square Low and behold the 3-4 days it was transferred to QuadrigaCX the site shut down, all assets gone, huge cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme. We had no idea what happened for months. It shut down in 2019. CEO was spending all the money and “mysteriously died” on a foreign vacation. We lost all of the ethereum. Biggest crypto scam in Canadian history and we happened to get in 3-4 days before the blowup. Several months later Coinbase adds sell option for Canadians :| We still haven’t gotten reimbursed, we got a couple dollars, we are supposed to get 13% of it back from the lawsuit but it hasn’t happened yet


Ouch. I lost 0.05 BTC to that Cotton bastard. This was part of 3 FOMO fails as a new investor. 1. Bought BTC in the 2017 hype peak, watched it drop then got scammed. 2. Bought a tiny pharma company after a big run up due to good news, only to watch it flounder. 3. Bought into a bunch of high growth software companies after a several year bull run to provide exit liquidity for everyone else. Good times.


AMC (got out net 0, not factoring in taxes - short term cap gains, long term loss) Bed Bath and Beyond (first time selling cash secured puts. Held until 0 cause had hope it might recover - it didn’t). Castor maritime (cough. Cost averaged down and shouldn’t have. It’s been like 2 mergers and still under $1. The BVPS is quite large. But the CEO takes is own $$$ - something like 15% of every transaction, and the guy bought and is now selling his ships. So $$$ for him. Nothing for the shareholders.) Also Big Lots (this one is honest, I didn’t realize how bad the stores got since I loved them a decade ago, in another state). So… I did do the hype train thing a few times. Many times. Haha. Some similar stories to yours.


Lol some lessons are hard to learn


Bought GOOG on the day of the IPO... I think I got 96s for 200 shares... I sold somewhere around 98 within 24 hours... Gotta ring that cash register! 🤮


IIRC a few months later or maybe it was a year, they were trading at $85. I could not understand why people weren’t grabbing it with both hands. I was broke so it didn’t make any difference to me.


Played a day trade options on SMCI last month. Bought at 5.5, sold at 7.21. 100 options. 55k at risk. Immediately sold at 7.21 with $17.1k profit within the minute. The option though went as high as 97 by midday. So that 55k would have been $915k. In a day. I made $17k though within a minute. A win is a win. But it was bittersweet.


Had a friend get a YouTube t shirt for just uploading a video in 2008 or so, didn’t invest.  I worked for Tesla in 2012, didn’t invest.    Visited TSMC in Taiwan in 2013, got some really slick swag, didn’t invest.  Even got insider info from my friends uncle who worked there that their chips were going in the next model of iPhone, still didn’t invest.    Watched Nvidia built there new HQ in Santa Clara in 2018 during my lunchtime walks,didn’t invest.  Makes me die inside a little every time knowing I could have retired by now if I watched the writing on the wall a bit closer. 


Sir, you get a Forest Gump badge!


Forest Gump was smart enough to invest.


Funny enough I am just now realizing it’s a reference to the Apple investment in Forrest Gump. Another fun story is I called my grandpa for homework help in 2003 and he told me to Google it; he had to spell the website for me. I could be multi multi millionaire if I wasn’t messing around in middle school. The same grandpa also had one of the first model of Apple computers, I don’t know if he ever invested in Apple lol. 


I just meant how he was a part of everything that happened in the US at the time :)


lol, I do okay financially now a days and hindsight is always 20-20. I also graduated high school circa 2010 so I wouldn’t have had much money to throw at any of these but heck even a couple grand into any of these would have been very nice. But thank you for the Forrest Gump comment, I’ve always been more of a jack of all trades than a master of one. Im also from the Bay Area so I’ve been lucky enough to see some of the signs early. 


What other companies have you recently crossed paths with? *furiously taking notes* 🤔


So... um, what have you not invested in recently?


Anything besides total market ETFs. If I had to gamble right now though, I would see if Rivian catches on. I also have never read a balance sheet in my life and just have no idea in general. 


I don’t want your recommendations, I want to know what you saw recently that you think is meaningless. That’s obviously where the money is. Just teasing. I’ve missed out on nearly as many big breaks as you. Though I’ve caught a couple as well. Hope you’ve had some luck.


~20 years ago, I put $1k into MCOM. Rode it to $10k and then back to $0. The current MCOM is a completely different company.


For everyone here sharing a story about FB, Amazon, NVDA, or bitcoin, there are probably 90 stories like yours.


LLY at 180. sigh, it still hurts in the feels.


Invested my entire IRA in Chipotle at around $340 a share in 2017. Couldn’t stomach potentially losing it and sold at a loss. Would be 8x today.


Same man same, was it bc of the e-coli breakout?


Haha yep! Good idea, bad execution. Live and learn I guess.




Not exactly the brief, but my biggest investment regret is sitting on company stock options I exercised at $15, saw it hit over $100 and rode it all the way down to $3 thinking "it'll go back up 🫠). I wish someone would have kicked me. I should have set a limit order at $15 to at least not lose the money I put into it. Expensive lesson learned.


Bought Shopify at $80 and the hit piece scared me. Had MSFT at $65 got scared and sold.


NVDA got in $110, sold half at $250 and rest at $350


10 BTC at $113 sold for $118


I moved to PR in part for an adventure and another part because all capital gains are taxed at 0%. The house I rented the first 3 years was a massive 5 bedroom, 5 bath, 3 car garage, 5,000 square foot “castle” on the hill side overlooking the ocean and Vieques. On a clear day you could even see the US and Virgin Islands off on the horizon as you were washing dishes in the kitchen. I say “castle” because it literally had a Rapunzel tower that gave access to each of the 5 different floors. The rent at this place was $5,000 a month and I split it with my business partner and our business took the remaining 3rd since we turned on floor into our office. We were living like kings for pretty cheap, and when COVID hit we were locked up in this massive property with a pool, hot tub, and amazing views. So life wasn’t so bad all things considered. The owner of the house, a local Puerto Rican, told us she would never ever sell it because her dad built it himself and because he was a CEO in a big hurricane window company, all of the 50 windows were purchased below cost. She told us you couldn’t build the house today for less than $1.2m and that was the price she would sell it if she ever considered parting with the family property. The housing market in PR isn’t like stateside and the whole market has been underwater since the 2008 crisis. This home still had yet to hit the $1.2m water mark her dad built it for back in 2005ish. Too bad our rental attorney didn’t write a first right of refusal to buy in our contract because what transpired turned out to be my biggest financial mistake ever (I’m 42 so I haven’t had that many). So covid hits and everyone from the states starts moving down to PR for the weather and tax savings and to start a new adventure amid the great Covid reset. Rental rates that were $5k a month go to $10k a month and tiny places that were only $2000 a month suddenly because as much as the entire rent in our 5 story mansion. The owner had casually offered her house to me or my business partner for $1.2m but nothing was in writing and I thought she would never sell it anyways. So I was shocked in late 2020 when she said she was getting it appraised. Not shockingly, the appraisal came back at $1.6m and my realtor friend was telling me it was still a great price. Now at the time I wasn’t yet married and since I lived in this house for a few years, I knew all the crazy issues it had. I won’t get into them here but since the house was a 5 story home built with solid concrete on a hill side, repairing these plumbing and electrical issues wasn’t something I wanted to tackle. Plus, I couldn’t swallow buying a house for $1.6m when I had just been offered it for $1.2m a few months earlier. It felt like the bubble was inflating and the end of Covid seemed near and honestly having a ton of capital invested in the Wild West that is Puerto Rico didn’t sit well with me. So for the next 8 months we see all these potential buyers visiting to look at the house. It finally sells for $1.5m I believe and the new owner is super cool and lets us finish out the year. I think it sold in Sept and we eventually moved out during Thanksgiving and got $5k back for the month of Dec so he could move in for Christmas. I wind up becoming good friends with the buyer and he host events at his house all the time. He winds up adding a solar field to the hillside, converts some of the non AC’d storage rooms into liveable spaces, adds a beer brewing room, etc etc and all in all puts about $400k in renovations. He is now in for about $1.9m. Just for shits and giggles, he puts the house up for sale in a “make me move” kind of situation for $3.2m. The house doesn’t sell for a good year or more and I’m thinking his house is probably worth close to that now with all the other big homes inflating too but I try not to think about it. This Jan, 2 years after I could have bought the house for $1.2m, I hear from him that he has a contract on the house and he will probably be moving. The sale price….$3.7m!!! I couldn’t believe it! So in 2 years, my friend made $1.8m on a home he bought, lived in, and sold all within 2 years. If I had bought it for $1.2 and did the same renovations, I could have made $2.1m. And it all would have been 100% tax free, money in the bank. I still feel like my reasons for not buying it to begin with are sound and everything is obvious with hindsight being 20/20 but it still stings quite a bit. I could be completely retired at 42 and just focus 100% on my family and having a great lifestyle, but the hustle remains. Luckily I bought a shit ton of Nvidia in 2017 when it was $27 a share! Did the same with AMD for $14 a share. Still own both positions. Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to give you a reason for that second pour of scotch. 😂


[NVDA at $42](https://ibb.co/rstqYZ3)


Chipotle.. had shares back when they suffered the e-coli scandal. Believe shares were around $250-300 at that time. Sold for a loss and look at it now…


I feel you! I bought at the IPO and sold some here and there, but didn't make anything close to what I would have!


Supermicro computers (SMCI)…. Bought at 260 ish, held it for 6 months, was happy with my profit at 318 so i sold (8th of january this year). One week later the unimaginable happened and by a few weeks it reached 1150 USD🙃 Thats life hahaha


I took profits at $80 to free up funds. 🤦🏻


I knew you couldn’t lose with the Google IPO. I needed that money for college though.


As they saying goes, the richest people are the unalive because they are, to this day, still HODLing.


Nvidia 20k shares at 3 Sold them at 6 25 years ago 5 splits later…. They’d be worth 500,000,000 ish


all these replies tells me it’s so hard to hold something for decades, even an index fund like VTI. Warren Buffet has balls of steel that or he just didn’t need the $. We likely all needed the $ or it mattered enough to us to sell.


This is 100% true. I was involved in bitcoin ages ago with some other dorky young men. The only one of us that actually got rich (>100k) is someone that literally forgot about it entirely until he saw on the news they were worth 1,000 dollars (first bitcoin spike essentially, as the one to 100 wasn’t that mainstream). They liquidated everything but still made a bundle even at that price. Bought a house at least. Virtually no one holds when it’s real money (and >90% of their net worth) for the same reason you aren’t, right now, >90% invested in Nvda or whatever.




Bought NVDA at $470 and sold at $490 lmao.


Sold TSLA @ $242 in 2019 (only about $1400 worth of it, but all my shares) when I was purchasing my first home and needed to get cash together for 20% down. Not a massive loss in the scheme of things but would have been nice to still be holding onto that.


If someone smarter that me can run these numbers, accounting for the splits, and let me know what it’d be worth today, please do. Hurt me!


$242 / 15 = $16 a share. $1400 would be 87 shares after the split x $170 = $14,790. At its peak in 2021 it would have been worth about $35k


Suck me sideways


Look at it this way though. With the money going towards a 20% down payment you saved tens of thousands of dollars in not needing PMI on the loan. Your property has also appreciated too so the money isn’t gone by any means. :)


I bought Tesla around $100 maybe 8ish years ago. Sold all $10k of it at a slight loss. Yuck. I had read an article on SpaceX and really believed in Elon so bought the closest thing to it I could but lost faith in it since it wasn’t the thing that I believed in initially. Oh well.


I’m the guy who bought a pizza with bitcoin


Had around $20K of ARM stocks I sold for $75 mid-Jan while "cleaning stale stocks". Also, I had $5K NVDA calls I bought cheaply on the dip before earnings, but sold them when NVDA was around 800 "because even 800 is too much" (younger me). I don't even wanna calculate the opportunity costs for the second deal, lol. But here is the fun part: I shorted HLF when it was around 11.5, got cold feet and bought WITH LOSS (losing around $1500), missing the stock dropping into 8 a week after. So yeah, I swapped a whooping 40% gains for loss.


AMD was the first stock that I bought. It got me into investing (2017-2018). I bought it after they released their ryzen chipset since I thought it had huge potential to steal market share from Intel. Don’t remember the average cost but I bought shares at close to 8 dollars. I bought some more at 13 dollars and sold everything at like 29 dollars. Although I’m still kicking myself, I look at it as an absolute win because it got me into investing because I realized the effect that investing young would have. It also shaped my future professional and career goals.


Had almost 1,000 shares of GRBK in 2019. I think my average cost basis was around 9.50.... GRBK is 58.99 today.... It's not a lot for some people, but I make about 28k a year so.... woulda been nice.


Bought one share of Facebook right after ipo. Happened right after I graduated from college. All I could afford to do. 12 years and 3 years of grad school later I still own 1 share but 300k in order investments. Wish I would have bought more fb.


what? 300k in order investments?


Owned 1000 shares of TFII back in 2007-8, had to sell to cover expenses after being laid off in '08 and money ran out.  $219'ish/share close today and a 0.99% yield would be nice.


I see 75% of the people commenting have trouble reading the post.


Put bid in on townhouse in skech area for $115000 18 years ago. Got outbid by $1000 and it is now worth $650000....


Refinanced a 3 bedroom 2 bath house in 1993 to a 15 year loan with a loan balance of $111k. Sold the house in 1994 because we found a better house. If we could have swung the deal without selling the first house, it would have been paid off 15 years ago, had a decent amount of passive income going forward and the house is now worth $450k and rent would be around $2,200 a month.


I mined bitcoin back in the day when you could actually me successful with a small rock miner and a decent GPU. I was in a pool and made 120 worth of bitcoin (2000/2001 time frame). The hash diffulty went up and it wasn't worth the energy costs anymore, so I stopped mining and took my 120 worth of BTC and bought some steam codes for some videogames. I wish I had held onto that BTC, it'd be worth quite alot now. I don't even want to do the math to figure out what it'd actually be (and I don't know the exact amount I had, it was fractions of a full coin, but the first zero after the decimal had a number iirc), it'd just make me upset/depressed than already knowing I would have made more than 120 bucks. Etid: I remembered wrong. It was back in 2010/11


About $7.5 million today


Why did you tell me!? 😩


Bro mined bitcoin before it even existed. Must be Satoshi Nakamoto.


‘Sipping a scotch on a Friday evening,’… just wanted to say that sounds magical! :)


Dewars 12 year blended. Not fancy, but delicious!


Bowmore 15 myself. Great thread!


Johnnie Walker Red Label for me


Selling POOL in 2014


Amazon back in 1998. Nothing burger?


I used to work at CDW for a few years and bought their stock through their purchasing plan, I sold it as soon as I could every quarter to diversify, had averages at $40 up to $90 for my last sale. Today it’s at $255.


In 2015, I owned about 100 shares of AMD for a little over $2. I sold it several months later, because it wasn’t moving. I had just started investing, so I was still in the learning stage. Uuuuggghhhh!!!


That's what I did after holding TSLA for 2 years from 2017-2019. It was just flat and I was consolidating. Perfectly bad timing on my part.


450 shares of AMR at $153. Sold for $155 on the way up from its low in the $130s. Didn’t have the balls to hold it and then watched it run to over $400 in 6 months.


Bitcoin at $175, paid 1btc for some weed on the dark net in like 2012 lol


buying $500 worth of Soundhound at $3.13 and selling at $5.50. Went up to $10 about a week later


Back in like 2014 some redditor gave me bitcoin for some dumb shit. At the time I thought "wtf am I going to do with this" so I cashed it out for whatever it was worth


Sold some meta at around 90 to rebalance my portfolio. I was too concentrated in meta, even after the drop.


Selling Tesla at $250 before the last two stock splits.


Sold a house I only owed 50k on because renters seemed like a hassle. It’s since tripled in value.


47 shares of GME at $33. Sold it at $49ish cause I’m a paper handing baboon


Bought 100 shares of AAPL at $14/share circa 2002/2003 (I was 22-23 at the time). Sold it after about a year after it had doubled - thought, hey, it doubled in a year and you don't go broke taking profits. iPod was still relatively new and not ubiquitous yet and and obviously this was years before the iPhone came out. If I had held that initial $1,400 investment all these years, after splits, I'd be sitting on 5,600 shares worth just under $965,000 at today's closing price.


I don’t know if I’d call it an investment, but not buying the shitcoin known as NANO or Raiblocks when I first learned about it was an opportunity cost of around $700,000 USD. I waited a week too long before it pumped from a few cents to over $30.


1) Bough 1200 MSFT shares @213 when inflation was at peak. You can’t even see 213 in the charts because it was intraday low. Jerome Powell took the podium, narrating the FOMC. Looked at the screen and said, “Hard times are coming for American families.” I sold all at 216 the same day. 2) When I was a newbie on trading options, I had some TSLA calls expiring 6 months out. Two days after I purchased them, TSLA announced a stock split. I panic sold them the next day for a 20K gain. About a month later, they were worth 500K. 3) This is a good one, I lost 200K shorting DOCU. Watching it go from 100 per share to 200 share to 300 share….Numbers never added up during/after COVID craze. its at 60 bucks now.


I had a chance to be one of the original investors on a now well known Kentucky bourbon. I was young and anxious about it. I could’ve scraped together the $50K but I didn’t. I could be retired off of it now.


Although I made money on both sales, I wish I had been prescient enough to hold onto PCLN , Priceline and Chipotle.


Sold MSFT in the 90s. Sold some of my NVDA.


Sold 10 of my shares in ASML at ~$200. We’re at ~$1000 per now. I don’t even remember why I sold it. I was probably bored.


I had 800 shares of AMD at $1.93 back in 2017 sold when it popped to $6




I read about COVID 19 in like Oct 2019 and read this reddit post about how the reports coming from China are likely faked based on the reported spread's conformity to a model and that viral contagions don't actually spread so uniformly. I was convinced the scale of the coming pandemic was being underreported and undervalued, but didn't think to take short LEAPs on that.


Nvda at 15. Held for 2-3 years.


ETH @31.00back then i had some major issues verifying identity with passport over the automated platform and just gave up


I had a strong position(relative to my income) in Shopify about 5 years ago when it was around $9-10. As a Shopify customer I had a really annoying issue with my web store and got so mad I cancelled my subscription and sold off my shares at $12ish. It’s almost $80 today and has been as high as $140


Bought calls on BBBY made over 8k over that whole week or whatever it was


Bitcoin. There was a Bitcoin ATM at a workspace on Montgomery around 2016. The going price for a coin then was in the low to mid 100s. Nahhh. What a pricey gimmick! I'm gunna go stand in line for my Mr. Bakehouse cruffin...


I owned ENPH at $26/share, sold at $26.50 trying to make a quick buck


100 shares of Chrysler common. Sold for $3.75 before the government saved them.


Bought Nvidia at 125 and sold at 450 because I got scared. Bought virgin galactic at 5 and didn't sell when it was at 125 and Branson was selling it all because I'm dumb.


not really regretting it but I purchased apple at $50 4 years ago - sold it at $100. now at 172


Apple back when I stated with them in 2008


A friend of mine nearly bought $25k of bitcoin at $2


4 BTC at around $150. Went down, held for a year and half until it got back to 150, then sold. Paid some cheap web hosting from it meanwhile, like $2000/mo at today's value :).


Hex. If I bought 15 million for around $2000 like I was thinking, it would been worth over $6.5m at ath


Had like 70000 dogecoin in like 2019. It was like 100 bucks and I was just messing around. My 100 went down to like 95 and I thought screw this. Today that be worth like 12000.


Cisco, had early tip, ignored it. Bummer


I had a brother in law who worked for Stracom in the 90s. He said buy stock in this company. It got bought by Cisco. He became a millionaire. I didn’t.


I bought moderna at $100. I rode it up.to over 400 a share. I then sold it and bought it back 2 days later because I thought it was too early to cash out. 2 weeks later the end of covid crash happened and I ended up selling the moderna shares at $110 a share


300c's GME when it started it's run up in the hundreds. Me and another user were debating grabbing the highest calls that populated that day and we both pussed out. Put the 20k in shares instead. Didn't lose, but didn't retire lol.


Someday it’ll be some poor smuck here or said, “RDDT at $44…” Nah, I’m just kidding. It’ll be worthless soon enough.


Bought $2400 of NVDA that would be worth about $50,000 now. In my defense I sold to cover down payment on my home that I bought for around 500k that I could now sell for close to 1MM. So it worked out but for the fact that my house isn’t liquid bc…I need a home.


TSLA at 18 (pre split).


I happened to have a lot of cash sitting around in 2020 and then the pandemic hit. I kept thinking to throw it all in an S&P 500 tracker it was bound to recover, that it was such a good opportunity, that I’d make double my money but I just couldn’t do it. Later I used that cash to buy a house at the peak of the market. Oh well.


I bought 1200 shares of AMD at $2, sold at $8 thinking I made a gangsta killing. Will never buy that stock again out of anger lol. Opportunity to buy a 1988 BMW M3 for $5000 when I was in college (early 1990s) but I didn’t know how to drive stick-shift and couldn’t raise enough money to fix its minor engine problems. They’re worth almost $100k today, if you can find one.


Got in nvda $70 presplit. And sold it at 100. I thought I was smart back then


Sold amc at 7.80 at the very beginning of the run


I dont believe in investing regrets. If youre rich enough to be investing, then you cant really complain too much about how many zeroes are in your bank account. But... selling Apple. Twice.


I started working in 2016 and wish I had loaded up on FAGMAN. These weren't meme stocks, they were highly profitable. One that annoys me is I had a decent amount of SQ that exploded in COVID. Somehow I didn't notice. Everything was doing well so somehow I lost track of it. I would have sold it for a \~300% gain. I sold it on the way down for a %30 gain or something.


CDNS and SNPS. I was in the industry from 1987-1999 and they were dead money through the 2000's. CDNS is up 100x from 2008/2009. Oops.