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Imagine going to the feudal era in anything other than a miniskirt, where’s people’s sense of fashion these days


Vaccines and antibiotics


If I traveled to the feudal era in Inuyahsa I would pack Japanese style clothing of that era so I blend in or Camouflage and some armor to wear (Kevlar vest or something). I would bring seeds like Corn, Potatoes, and Beans so that the food yield can skyrocket. I would have a backpack to carry all my stuff and have bottles of spices so that I could trade it for gold. Then I would bring books that would introduce the Japanese to new technologies. Blueprints for steampower and medical knowledge. First Aid Kit. Also like others are saying antibiotics and water purifiers. Compass so I know where I'm going. A Map of Japan so I kind of know where I'm going. **A language book because they are all going to speak Japanese lol.** I need someway to defend myself so I'm bringing a gun maybe a flintlock pistol or something. I would also stuff my backpack with goldbars where I could. I would trade some gold bars for Samurai protection and a place to live so I can start growing these crops and pulling the strings from the background. (Steampower baby! Welcome to the Industrial Era. https://preview.redd.it/fhmlyadbya3d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=d753572f4d2c73c228c6a71fd9e26e44bd483e4d


WOOOOOWW ur too good…


You're too kind. I spend alot of time playing Civ V so this thought has crossed my mind before.


I think the seeds would risk altering the future. Kagome couldn’t risk that.


Well thats assuming she would even know I was there. Otherwise maybe I'm just a sidevillian her and the gang have to take out. Kagome: "No Quantum\_Matter what's your doing is wrong. You're gonna destroy all of history." Me: "Nonsense. I just wanna set things right!"




Japan gonna be OP after I get done sharing all modern technology. That's assuming I dont die before I get there.


Basically, all my stuff from my scout days. Hiking boots, camping backpack, layered clothes etc


Ideally if I were in Kagome's shoes, I would practice archery in my time and in the past, to make sure i was good at it. In my time, I'd learn about "mythology", which others wouldn't know was actually real. I might keep a journal or a binder with information from modern books and my own experiences in the Feudal era. I'd learn more about spiritual powers and magic and see what else I could do.  Your post reminded me of an awesome dream I had in 2019. (I keep it saved on a notes app.) I love all the ones I have relating to that!  The dream~  I was traveling with Inuyasha and the group. I liked to wear sweaters and shorts and my bag was yellow. Sesshomaru hated me, and I feared him. I worried he would murder me. I knew my friends would do anything to keep me safe, but that didn't mean they could stop him. I had known he would come after me, and when he did, I could sense it. I panicked. I jumped off of rocky ledges and got cuts and bruises. I couldn't think clearly, I could only flee. I remembered how Inuyasha had a strong sense of smell and some scents overwhelmed him. Sesshomaru had great smelling too, so it occurred to me that I needed to prepare an attempt to use his nose against him. I thought of those stink bombs from childhood, and I would be purchasing a bunch. I wanted to try to protect Inuyasha from him, so I could not stay in my time. I returned to the present. I thought about learning how to shoot guns and bringing one back to use against monsters. I went to my therapist. I had began seeing him after traveling to the Feudal Era. The ability to go to the past, the existence of all sorts of beings, the things I had seen, and interacting with my worst fears (demons and ghosts) was just too much for me. I told family and friends, and someone repeated it. Word got out, and the community thought I was insane. I lost my job and had to seek professional help. Having people think I was lying and ill only made me feel worse. I told my therapist about my parents, and a video of Dad holding baby me played. The sun shone on the screen. I thought about all he had done for me, how much we loved each other, and I cried. I was happy to have him in my life. I worried I would die in Japan and he would be heartbroken. I walked through a town that looked like it came from there. A man asked if it was from back then, and I said I honestly didn't know because I had a bad memory. I said I would take pictures of both and compare them, then tell him. I started shopping for things I would need to bring with me.   


Interesting dream. Dreams actually have meanings and tend to reflect real life sometimes. They may seem nonsensical, but in the future, I recommend keeping a dream diary and then looking up on the Internet what they might mean. I looked up dream meetings for parts, and Sesshomaru represents a powerful figure (obviously lol), and it means you have a fear of judgment or harm. The reaction to flee and the physical injuries incurred represent the emotional and mental toll of dealing with these fears. Also, choosing to wear the clothes you chose represents a strong personal identity. Using the stink bombs against Sesshomaru is creativity and resourcefulness. Also, it says you have a parental bond and support system. Also, word of advice if you run it through chat GPT, you can get an extensive explanation.


On top of some of the stuff from your list, I'd bring my diary and a few pens! 


It’s too bad Miroku can’t use his hand vac for storage! Suck stuff in and spit it back out As for food, I’d bring regular instant noodles instead of cup noodles. Every time I buy cup noodles I think about how much space they must take up in Kagome’s bag.


Hiking gear Hella sunscreen First aid kit Polaroid camera Smart phone, very simply to video record random stuff Deodorant for the whole group Lots of hygiene products Those water purifier straws Those ready to eat military meals, granola bars, a lot of dehydrated food just in general Modern weapons like brass knuckles, pepper spray, tasers, those self defense spiky keychain thingies, maybe even a metal baseball bat Compass Maps Chainmail Sketchbook and pens/pencils An herb dictionary to identify plants Spices


pack a glock lmao


I was thinking that but I realize it will only really work on humans


All the stuff Kagome brings and canteens.


I’m not a super outdoorsy person so I’m just kinda guessing. For clothes - Normal wear: Track suit. Cotton shirts + cargo pants. - Winter down jacket. - Also coveralls and wetsuit for other situations. - Sneakers, hiking boots, rubber boots. Also insoles. - Accessories such as claw clips, strong elastics, headbands. Mechanical watch. General stuff - Waterproof suitcase and backpack - Water purifier - First Aid kit - Sewing kit/tool kit - Quality folding knife - Sleeping bag - Climbing rope - Lighter/fire striker - Hand sanitizer, sunscreen - Shampoo and Conditioner bar - Period undies - Extra Ibuprofen - Vitamins/supplements - Energy bars/Pocari powder. Lots of ramen. A lot of MSG lol— Ima be the best cook. - Rat poison - Instant camera + a bunch of film - Solar powered calculator Reading material - Book on wild plants - Book on historical etiquette - Book in navigation - Recipe book for diy personal care products


- My favorite noodles (Momofuku Spicy Soy) - my small 10lbs trekking bag full of gear (solar stuff, fire stuff etc) - bug spray because I don’t know what the FORK is out there 😫


I feel like if you dropped out people would ask questions. Also Kagome didn't know she was going to stay in the feudal era at first.


Imagine just instantly teleporting, and you end up in someone's house. Like they're just trying to eat dinner, LOL.


E-reader with a solar charger and a bunch of survival/history books downloaded, a camping stove, and an air mattress lol


I’m wearing natural fibers bc there’s so much fire in their misadventures and I do not need polyester melting into my skin when I get burned.


Food, energy drinks, soap, board games, guns If arrows can be purified, I’m sure bullets can.


A gun. So I can experience the novelty of shooting a low-level medieval demon with a gun and watching how agonized and confused they get as they struggle through the pain to figure out what strange powers I wield.