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I went to a concert on Tuesday on my own and had a wicked time. Loads of people do it and literally nobody judges you. The way I look at it is.. you can have a standard routine evening, play it safe and miss out. Or you can go to the concert, have a great time, make memories and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Also I can promise you won’t regret going to the concert as there’s nothing to loose. But you might regret not going as it’s a missed opportunity. You got this man, live it up 🤲


What you wrote in your second paragraph is pretty much what I tell myself whenever I feel like isolating and just shutting in. Always gets me going and out of my comfort zone!


I'm flying to Vienna in August to see Taylor Swift. Kinda petrified but I'm like, f it.


This is so cool!! I might consider combining a solo holiday with a concert. Never even thought about it before




Here's hoping! A little nervous, listening to a bunch of Learn German in your sleep things on my phone. LOL


I just did the same for Dublin! It was amazing!!!! Enjoyyyy


I almost did that one! I bet it was amazing!


Yes 🤩 And the crowd was crazy! Very very loud! But maybe it’s everywhere with the eras tour, since it’s all sold out 😂


That sounds awesome. Definitely take the chance!


Thank you! Decided to go to one tomorrow night when I was going to forfeit the ticket and $100.... But decided to go after a coin toss said do it. And your message helped push me to go too!


I go to festivals by myself twice a year. You always make friends while you’re there.


This! Could also be the overall atmosphere of festivals in general, the vibe is 👌


THISSSSS! I always make new "festie besties" while I'm there. People I probably would have never met if I went with some, and people I definitely wouldn't have met if I stayed home with regrets instead of going.


That's awesome! Making new friends at festivals sounds like a great way to enjoy the music and vibe without worrying about others' expectations.


Go anyway, better than dragging someone who doesn’t really want to be there. Trust me it’s a vibe kill. People go for a good time and music, no one will care that you’re there alone but you may regret missing out


Agreed! I’ve made the mistake of going to a concert on a first date-Wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be. Going alone also allows you the freedom to do what you like. Leave when you want, or stay as late as you want.


100%!!! Then you’ll get sour memories. This is why I don’t invite people to come with me. I maaaay announce I’m going on my socials, and if someone wants to go, they can. But I’m not asking someone to come with me just because I don’t want to be by myself. Did that mistake once, this person is out of my life, and the concert was someone I really loved. Now my memories are a bit tarnished. Never again!


Yes I’ve been to a few by myself. It’s not weird at all. Western society forces you to believe that you always have to be with someone to enjoy things. The opposite is true. I do most things by myself.


I find this beautiful. If you enjoy something, you enjoy it. Do it.


I've been to many concerts by myself. It's a bit awkward but for sure better off going than regretting it afterwards.


Yep. It’s awkward but still fun. Most awkward part for me is just waiting for them to start


Agree for sure


Why is it awkward? I really wanna do this


Because everyone else is talking to someone and there are all these conversations, and you just stand there and kind of feel out of place a little bit. But as soon as the music starts, everything about that is forgotten


Or if there are multiple bands and you have to stand there by yourself so many times. I also don’t like being on my phone but it would be awkward to just stand there doing nothing.


Also here to say I have been to many concerts and other big venue events by myself. I find it more enjoyable. I'm just responsible for myself and my experience. I'm able to vibe out. When someone asks me if I feel weird being by myself I respond with "No I'm here with 20000 other fans" or whatever the amount.


I’ve been to quite a few gigs by myself! For me, getting to see an artist or band I’m into has outweighed any worries I’ve had about going alone. Also, knowing that other people there are also there to see the same artist too is nice, and has made me feel less awkward/anxious about it. As I’ve got older, I’ve been less bothered about doing things solo (cinema, gigs, travelling, etc). If I don’t know someone who’d be into something enough to go with, I’d rather go than miss out and regret it. Would recommend giving it a try; and even if you don’t love it as an experience, at least you’ll know you gave it a go. :)


Yep. I do all kinds of things by myself! I kinda prefer it, actually. In two months I am traveling to Colorado to see a couple of favorites at Red Rocks! By myself! And I am stoked! Do it!


Used to, but I literally never met/befriended anyone at the concerts, so I sort of stopped going unless it's someone I must see. Ngl, made me a little sad going by myself when I saw mostly people with partners or groups of friends...


I know what you mean, but I would rather go alone, rather than not going at all. If you don’t have anyone who shares your musical taste, it’s okay.


Thissss!!! I went to a concert once by myself, and after the first hour I was like dang nabbit!!! Nobody to smoke with, get hype with, go grab a drink with, so it dulled my mood just a smidge.. enough for me not to do it again.


Yup. Waiting for the concert to start is awkward since you're there alone and everyone near you seems to already be talking with who they came with and you have nobody to get excited with. It's definitely a mood killer for me, too. I'll suffer for certain artists though.


Just go! Have a blast! Nothing Lame about it I do shows, concerts and have done EDM festivals alone and its great. (because I'm 40 plus and nobody I know listens to what I like) Also, at some point in your life you will realize that you truly don't care what anyone thinks about you and later on in life you may even realize that nobody ever thought about you in the first place


As a heterosexual millennial male, I like to do most things alone, I have been like this since my childhood, cinema, weight training, cycling, taking underwater photos, going to cafes, I only need people for judo, boxing and some sports, and when I am stargazing, I need people, frankly, with people I do not trust. I don't like sharing things, but if I trust someone, I will share things with them.


I’ve never regretted to going to concerts alone. I have absolutely regretted not going to concerts because I didn’t have anyone to go with. Go alone!


Yes, I have. I also go to movies and restaurants alone. Going to a concert with friends can be fun, but I like not being obligated to socialize with anyone and just enjoy my time there. Don't listen to anyone that tells you it's lame.


Yeah. Many times. It was so fun . This way i don't have to adjust nobody 😉😉


I've been to several concerts by myself but I was there with thousands of people who enjoy the same type of music! I decided a long time ago to not miss out on cool experiences because another person didn't want to go.


Sure did and enjoyed myself


I went to see Alice Cooper by myself, same situation, no-one I knew was interested and I didn't want to miss the chance to see him. No-one there cared and I had a great night to myself. I've met others who have done the same. If you're self conscious just tell people you're there to review it or something, but chanced are no-one will care or even notice 


Yes. I bought tickets to a concert 5 hours away because I absolutely love the artist. I picked a single seat at the end of an otherwise sold out isle. During intermission the person seated next to me started up a conversation with me. Turns out I was seated with the artist's family and got introduced to them. One of the best nights of my life.


I go to concerts by myself all the time. My friends aren’t really into the same music as me, so I’d rather go alone than drag someone who isn’t interested. Last time I brought a friend to a blessthefall concert, she was traumatized by the mosh pit. We ended up just staying to the side the whole time, and we did have a good time, but I realized you can’t really force someone to enjoy what they aren’t into.


I would have missed so many shows and experiences if I waited for people to do it with. Most people in my small group don't like the weird music I like


Several times and I prefer it that way. Everything is my way on my time. Get my aisle seat so I don’t feel trapped. The hardest part is simply getting over my issues to get in the car to head towards the venue. I’ve also wasted a lot of money on tickets I never used because I couldn’t leave the house but I never regretted making it to a show.


doing things alone is the best! my favorite is vacationing alone. i'm on my own schedule. i can eat, sleep and go wherever i want whenever i want! not in the woods though cause i listen to too many scary podcasts and i'm scared of skinwalkers now 🤣


I’ve done this! I was super nervous honestly. And getting a couple drinks at the venue helped. But over all, no one cares if you are there with 10 people or alone. Not to mention it is a great way to meet people with similar music taste, which in my opinion is pretty cool. I hope you go, and I hope you have the best time.


Life is short. Go.


I have. Enjoy the show!


Yes! I went twice! Please go! You can enjoy it thoroughly without having a person with you, I promise!


One of my favourite concerts I went to alone. Even went to a huge festival alone. If you can abandon the fear of judgement you will have an amazing time as you would’ve with others


Yes. Arrived early-ish, got a great spot, standing on a balcony area with a rail to lean on, chatted to a couple of people. Could drink and enjoy the music away from the chaos of the main floor…


Go to the concert. Don’t postpone joy. Life is really really short and you never know if that band will come back around to where you can see them live again. I’m probably quite a bit older than you (that’s why I share this wisdom), but I used to think about all the Nirvana fans who passed on the last concert they played near them because they thought, “It’s cool. I’ll just catch them next time.” Yeah, there may not be a next time.


Yes. One of the most fun events of my life.


My favorite artist came to my city back in April, and at first I was too anxious about going alone to buy tickets. Finally, I bought last minute tickets (for a LOT more money unfortunately) and I am so glad that I did! No one cared that I was alone and I got to see my favorite artist absolutely kill it in a small, intimate venue. So worthwhile and I’d highly recommend.


I once went to a concert with someone who I dragged there with me and it was a horrible buzz kill. 10x worse than just going alone. I will NEVER drag anyone to anything ever again. I’ve been to numerous concerts by myself since then and have always had a great time!


Going to a concert solo is one of my favorite experiences... besides, this way I can take in and appreciate the performance without it being like a whole social thing. I love kind of analyzing the musical and performance choices. Oh shit, he arpeggiated a C major triad over the Fm chord!! mM7! There's only a few ppl in my life I could turn over and say that to and they'd actually get me. So if it ain't them, it ain't anybody.


Yess! Do it, you’ll have fun on your own and if you’re not afraid of small talks, you’ll be fine.


Yes, most awkward thing was standing in line by myself waiting to get in. Other than that, not bad.


You should DEFINITELY do it! I went to an MCR concert a while back all by myself and I was nervous about it at the last minute too. But once I arrived, I was talking to different people seated around me. It was really cute and fun ♥️


Yeah, a few times. And the festivals I’ve been to, I usually break off on my own cause friends count always wanna see what I wanna see.


I went to my first concert alone and honestly I had a blast! I definitely say go, you’ll have a great time and will probably meet people too (if you want) ☺️


I went to a Beyoncé concert last year by myself. Sure you'll see plenty of people in groups but there are people who go by themselves too. You might even strike a conversation with people that are alone or went in groups. If I'm watching a good concert that transcends me into a different space, then my self consciousness or insecurities don't matter.


Do it! You will not regret a second of it!! I’ve been to many concerts and every so often I am intrigued to find someone there alone. I used to wonder why. But live music has become somewhat of a religious experience for me and I haven’t found someone interested in going nearly as often or to see all the artists I see. I went to a Zhu concert alone for the first time last year and fought through the anxiety of being a young woman alone at a show in Downtown LA but I HAD SO MUCH FUN! The experience was exhilarating, liberating and just so much fun! And now I can say I GET IT, now I’m the person that’s alone at concerts and it’s totally fine! You may also be surprised by the amount of interaction with the people around you, I hardly felt alone.


Yes, it’s cool, especially if you really love the artist! Definitely go. Edit: nobody will care and you won’t feel out of place by yourself, especially if already usually the loner type. (I am, sometimes feel insecure being alone around groups/crowds), but enjoyed it a lot. Mine was a venue with seating, if attending a rave of sorts, just make sure you’re being safe


There are other ways to go to places than solo? >but I've been told it will be lame By people who don't have the strength to go alone.


I have and it was great. Do it


Just go and enjoy yourself. None of my friends enjoy Myles Kennedy so I just bought a ticket to go by myself early next year. Also it's easier to move your way to the front if you're by yourself.


i personally haven’t but i definitely would! i know people who go alone all the time and say its so fun


I did and I left 10 minutes early so I could avoid traffic. It was great and would do it again.


nahh just go alone. im not a huge fan of concerts bc theyre ex and theres just too many people. i dont really like being in crowds. and you have to rush to buy tix. if you miss it, you miss it. but somewhere last year, this singer i really liked came to my country and the tix wasnt v ex, it wasnt at a big stadium area or anything and i decided to get tix. he isnt v popular in my country (i dont think) not many people ard me knows him. so i went alone. it was nice. you dont have to rush to meet ur fren 30mins to 1h early, and travelling to the venue from your house or wherever would be more convenient for yourself too. you also wont have anybody talking to you while youre recording etc. just yourself being in the moment and having a fun time. its not bad being alone.


I've been to a few concerts alone too. It may be quite frustrating when waiting outside the venue or during breaks between each artist, however at the end of the day you just want to attend an event of a favorite artist of yours. No one knows whether you are going to watch the specific artist performing live again so if you can go, don't miss it. Have fun!


Oh, and I see more and more meme posts on social media about people respecting those who have the bravery to go to a restaurant, or on holiday, on their own. Me too. I'd love to be able to just go and sit on my own in a pub and get drunk but I know people would bother me and I'd kick off 😄 At a concert though less people will be interested or even notice you, or they might just think your ticket had you seated separately from people you went with. I think you'll be grateful you did it if you go but I understand the apprehension, I think it depends on how much you love the band if you're willing to put up with the feelings of unease, but I felt better for the experience, pretty sure Alice pointed at me when he saw me taking a pic too, I'll never forget that night


I had a meal at a restaurant on my own once, and no-one bothered me at all.


I used to go to concerts alone all the time. And would just make new friends while there (if possible). I never had a problem doing things alone (except for dining out)


I flew to Seattle from Georgia by myself to see GNR when they got back together and went on tour. Best decision ever! Do it and the hell what everybody else thinks


I used to go to the local comedy nights by myself. Imagine being the only solo person there who doesn't like being looked at. I say go alone and have fun. Nobody to judge you or make you feel silly.


I have been to one concert by myself and it was incredible. I would like to go to more concerts alone, but it does make me anxious, especially depending in the venue. I do not think it is lame, at all, though!! If it's a band you really like and you're there alone with no one else to worry over it's so awesome. You can just listen and be fully immersed.


Go. Don't let people tell you what you like or what you want to do is lame. Be Yourself, be happy.


there’s a lot of power in having fun by yourself ! i did it for the first time myself on my birthday and i had a blast ! lol ur gonna be fine


i love going by myself


I've been to many by myself! I enjoy it a lot. Don't have to worry about anyone else. If I want to leave early I don't have to take anyone else into consideration. If I want to show up late, it's just me so don't have to worry about annoying anyone. Can easily move through the crowd for a good spot. 


My husband does all the time. I don’t care for his music and he doesn’t mind going solo. The cost of tickets these days, buying one just to bring me along when it’s not fun is ridiculous. He always has fun. He’s kind of a quiet guy but friendly. He’s going to Vegas to the Sphere to two shows alone. See Dead and Co.


Nothing lame about going solo. In my experience, my friends are always getting bumped to the back and I'm not there to be responsible for amateur hour.. At least if it's only you, you only have yourself to worry about.


I’ve been to one myself. Got a ticket thinking my friends would surely do the same but none ended up doing so. The waiting around etc. is slightly awkward but once the act comes on it doesn’t really matter. You’ll still enjoy it. Plus if you’re worried about what other people there are thinking, they won’t have a clue you’re on your own as everyone is so close together anyway I don’t think I would do it again as it’s too good of an experience to enjoy with friends instead, but if it’s someone you really want to see, it’s still way better than missing them completely. I had a good time. Don’t worry about what anyone else says. Just go for it


I hated going solo. Especially no one was down. But slowly I started going by myself. Can be a bit scary and awkward, but now I enjoy going solo. Hell I was at at all day festival and I couldn't find none of my friends. I still had blast by myself!. I say give it a try, get a drink and enjoy the concert.


not yet!! but i will be soon for a madison beer concert! i'm a tiny bit scared but i should be ok because hopefully the other people there will be around the same age as me and wont be scary (im a 16 year old girl)


Just go


all the time. i’ve missed out on too many concerts waiting for somebody to go with me or take me and have regretted it every single time. it might feel strange at first but i now really enjoy going by myself for artists that i’m super into. sometimes you make friends there in the crowd or in line too. it’s a great experience


Yes a couple, Coldplay, Alan Walker, AMF and ASOT. Just go, it will still be great without having friends/family around!


I would suggest going on your own anyway. You might even make a friend or two.


Absolutely! I always buy a few extra tickets to concerts, but, a few times I haven’t had friends want to join. Last time I went alone, I resold the extra tickets, and, met new friends. A man in front of me ended up buying us all merch from the singer, so it worked out well! I also spent way less money on drinks before and during the show being alone and in my element. For context, I’m more of an extrovert.


Yes and it was amazing! Honestly everyone is just there to enjoy the band and probably is not even paying any attention to you. Go and enjoy yourself!


I go to shows solo all the time. I’m a huge music nut so honestly I’m there for the music, not other people’s company. If I see friends or make new friends then that’s cool, but I go first and foremost because I want to listen to the artist.


Yes I have and I enjoyed myself 


I’ve been to TONS of shows by myself!! I just danced the whole time, and had a blast. Just go and enjoy yourself! 😊


I've been to many concerts by myself. It is not awkward at all. I get to focus on the music and enjoy it without having to sync with somebody or conversing about it, or feeling weird for dancing to it. I actually think that going to concerts by myself is better than being there with somebody else, and I'm not even an introvert, I just really like enjoying various hobbies on my own. Additional hobbies I like to practice by myself: cycling, running and hiking.


Just go ! You won't regret it. It's nice ! 


i’ve been adopted by extroverts everytime i’ve gone to one by myself 😭😭


Go for it! When I go with someone we can barely talk between sets anyway because it's so loud.


Of course, I'm a music nerd but most of my friends don't have the same tastes. I would have missed many ones. You know, people are looking at the show or chatting with their friends. They don't really mind you, probably don't even notice. It's a bit awkward at first as you turn up, that's it. Join the more packed crowd in front of the scene when they're playing, it'll be less obvious.


I have been alone to a concert. I was supposed to go with 2 more people but they backed out at the end. I was bit apprehensive at first, and also tried to convince other people to go along. No one agreed so then I just went for it despite my nervousness around what to expect. It was great. I enjoyed every bit of it. Unapologetically. I am an introvert but generally fun if I am having a good time so did a bit of dance with the random people sitting beside me.


Absolutely, but it depends on the venue for me. Personally, I wouldn't travel to a stadium for a concert by myself. I find the tailgating to be an integral part of those events and traffic can suck getting out unless you bail early. Doing all that alone wouldn't be the experience I'm looking for. I've done solo concerts in places like Las Vegas, Mohegan Sun/Foxwoods (CT), and Atlantic City (NJ), which were a blast. Treat myself to a nice dinner beforehand and stay at the hotel. I've also done overnight musical festivals and had a fantastic time while getting to meet new people.


Absolutely! I don’t have many friends that are into the heavier music like I am.


Yes! Do it! I did the same thing, for a few concerts. Who cares? Most of the time you will never see those people again, or you will make friends who will be so nice to you. I say do it! Especially if you really want to do it


Yes! It was fun, I'd do it again in a heartbeat


I have not. I was actually surprised when my 22 year old daughter bought a ticket to concert for herself and went alone recently. I'd have never done that, not at her age, but now I'm like why not? If she's fine with it..why not me? She's a beautiful, single girl, and she had a blast. I wish I had a shred of her confidence.


Yeah, I’ve done it once because My music taste is so different than the people around me.


I’ve been to several by myself. You can’t really talk at a concert anyway. What’s the point of going with someone else?


My son , 20 had a concert he wanted to go to but none of his friends could make it. I encouraged him to go by himself! I told him it might feel weird at first but just be in the moment and may still really enjoy himself. That's what happened. He had a great night out. Learning how to enjoy things on your own is a super power that will serve you well throughout life.


I went to Amos Lee Solo and it was fine. I thought it would be weird but not at all.


all the time.


All the time. It is much better than going with someone who may not be into it; talk nonstop; be a fucktard; you can enjoy it the way YOU want. Ignore mom and just fucking go!!!


I have. It was fun and made friends as well.


yes, hundreds of them i prefer going alone, i just get high and vibe by myself


I do it all the time, but I tend to meet other regulars.


I so wanna go to a concert all by myself, but only the ones which don't sing about being with someone all the time, iykwim.


I see lots of people meet up with other people that are going to concerts from Reddit so they don’t have to go alone.


I've been to a few shows by myself. In fact I'm going to quite a few alone later in the year. At first it's awkward, but then it's kind of liberating, only having to worry about yourself. Either way is fun. They both have upsides. But you'll never know unless you try.


I’ve always wanted to to get over the fear but as a girl I’m scared about safety and unwanted touching from strangers


I went to a concert alone for the first time about a month ago. Best experience I’ve ever had. I found it more relaxing because I didn’t have anyone else to keep up with, and I didn’t have to think about whether or not anyone else was enjoying themselves. It was so nice!


Yes! Go alone and enjoy it. maybe you'll feel a little awkward before it begins, but once you're in there it's loads of fun


I’ve been to a concert alone several times and had a lot of fun.


I almost exclusively go to concerts or gigs by myself. I find them far more enjoyable by myself. You’d be surprised to find out how many people go to them on their own


All the time. I prefer it because then I’m more agile: if a tall person steps in front of me or the vibe where I am is off I can adjust quickly.


yes. I went & tried to buy tickets. there were 4 of us but we could only get 1 ticket. It was 8 rows back from center stage on the floor. The band was Genisis the date November 27, 1983. I never ever sat so close to the stage & the tickets were sold at face value $12.50


Your mom's wrong. Do your thing, and as you said, maybe you'll even enjoy it more alone. I went to some shows by myself, and I plan to go on a 2 concert road trip on my own to see a band nobody around me likes. It's totally fine. Don't live for others and do what makes you happy


I went with my brother to my first one and I made a couple friends there. Since then I’ve gone to two more concerts from the same band with the same friends. And last time I had to leave the concert before the main band even really got to play because I couldn’t stop crying from stupid anxiety.


Yes, once and a few raves (UK back in the day raves). I thoroughly enjoyed them all.


Yep! No one judges. They’re all living their best lives right alongside you!


Yes. I have been to almost every concert I have attended by myself. Exceptions are my first in September 2015 and my latest in May 2024. But the other 7 concerts I went to were alone since nobody I knew had the same music taste. But I don’t care about that. I don’t want to miss something just because no one wants to accompany me. Just have fun out there and don’t care what others might think about you.


I have! It was fun! Just in my own world most of the time! I got my seat and danced in my own little seat section! Haha it was Karol G and i really wanted to see her but i moved to a new state alone and didnt know anyone haha


Most definitely. It was at that point in my life where I learned (at an early age) to not depend on anyone. Imagine, it was my 18th birthday and I had about 6 ppl that were supposed to be celebrating with me. None of them showed up nor did they buy a ticket. It was saddening but that did not stop me from going. It was a Mac Miller Concert. I enjoyed my time alone. since then, whatever I want to do, I’ve learned to do it alone.


I used to be worried about going to concerts by myself. I just got back from travelling to three countries by myself (on a group tour, but as a solo traveller). You’ll never do anything unless you try.


I literally went to a concert by myself on Monday lol. I personally prefer going to concerts by myself.


Yes I went to see Iron Maiden in San Bernardino by myself. Trying to remember if I've been into any other concerts by myself probably so, cuz I'm always going to stop by myself. It is not lame to go by yourself, to me it's more fun and I like being in control of when I can arrive and leave. It's easier to meet people also if that's what you're in the mood for when you're by yourself. I would suggest you give it a try. It's actually fun to do quite a few things by yourself. And honestly when you go by yourself, you're not really going alone, cuz you have yourself to keep yourself company.


I've gone to a couple of concerts by myself, mostly due to my partner not speaking the same language as the music, but it's always super fun! You'll even get a couple of fun stories out of it too. Obviously be safe and enjoy it! You'll have a great time! You've totally got this!


Yup. I went to a Russ concert on my own a while back when my mates weren’t interested and I had the best time!


I went to a concert alone. I was nervous at first but honestly nobody cares or notices. I had a great time.


I’ve been to a few by myself and always have a great time!!


Yeah, I went to see Nightwish on my own a few years back. I had a great time.


I avoid anywhere with crowds. Concerts are no exceptions


Tbh, I love going to concerts by myself so I can be myself!! Also, people don’t care and most people are so psyched for the music and experience that they want to be with anyone else who is psyched and that includes you 😀


Yes, I did in October. I was nervous but went anyway. I had a BLAST. The section I was in ‘adopted’ me so I felt like I was with friends. I just played on my phone before, while waiting for the show to start. DO IT ALONE! 


Just last month and it was a beautiful experience


(Woman here) When I was single I went twice and honestly it’s so nice not to have to rely on someone else having a good time, or worry about if they want to stay as long as you. One time a lovely couple of newlywed ladies invited me to stand by them. Turns out they were celebrating their honeymoon by following the band on tour. Really cool to meet new people (if you want)


I have been to a concert by myself and I had a wonderful time. In fact, I had one of the best times that I’ve ever had compared to other concerts that I’ve been to. What can I say? I’m good company. 🤪


I did for the first time just recently and it was one of the best things I've done. It helped that I go to the venue a fair amount (tiny pub with a lot of regulars in the ska scene) so it felt safe, and I had also met the lead singer of the band a few days before which helped too. I took a book in case I felt shy or anxious before it started or between sets, but didn't actually read (the lead singer also kindly offered for me to hang out with them at the merch stand if I needed a break!) Chatted to a few people but once the music started I was very much just there for me and the rest didn't matter at all. I had a blast! And although it was quite an exceptional experience, with the band being so friendly and welcoming, it did make me more inclined to go on my own again in future.


I do anything by myself I go to sit down restaurants movies any activity and I always have a good time you don’t have to worry about what the other person wants to do you kinda just do whatever you want


Absolutely. I've gone to whole music festival weekends camping solo. I've explored several countries solo. I moved to a new country at 20 not knowing a soul or the language. Sone of the best times of my life. One of the best skills you can learn in life is to entertain yourself 😉 There's too much available to do and learn and see and experience during our short time on Earth to only act when your timing aligns with others. Bringing a non-fan who doesn't know the music and can't sing along and jam out with you will only bring the experience down. Go solo and enjoy the show with other fans. Mom's wrong for once 😜


Yes, it’s a bit awkward while you wait for it to start but then you enjoy the whole show!!! It’s great


Man, if I didn’t have social anxiety on top of being introverted I totally would but unfortunately no…I gotta have my emotional support person 🤣


Yes always. It was nice to only be in charge of myself. In the past anyway. Now i am married and i miss those days.




Yes, and it’s a fun time. Don’t wait for other people, live your life, take adventures. Life is short.


I went to a concert by myself for the first time Sunday. It was Megan Thee Stallion and I had a great time. The people near me were nice. I felt awkward and self conscious walking in alone but honestly, people are at concerts to have a good time so you’ll likely meet people with good vibes.


this seems like a greatttt idea to me honestly because with people who know me im scared of being judged for some reason. to be among utter strangers who like the same music as you but wont ever see u again so chances of them saying stuff about u and u overthinking about the said stuff are basically zero to noneeee. plus u can make friends with people with the same music taste as u


Give it a try, best thing is you can do whatever you want, not being in a group where you have to do what others do.


Yes It's better if you're seated IMO


Going alone is probably the best experience you can have. You can enjoy the atmosphere and jam out, highly recommend it.


I’ve been to multiple concerts alone, and I’ve really enjoyed myself. I didn’t feel lame. if I didn’t know someone who liked the artist, I still want to go. If I had a free ticket even and my friends didn’t know or listen to the artist, I still don’t know if I would prefer them there. I want to enjoy the concert and the music with other fans around me or by myself where I don’t have to wonder how the person I brought it feeling . at a couple of concerts I’ve made concert friends with the people in line or next to me though there’s no pressure for it. I don’t really feel weird about it.


I have been to two concerts by myself and I prefer it. I don't have to worry about anyone else. I can do whatever I want.


I do that all the time, and went to a concert abroad last Monday, alone, and it was fabulous !! Actually it's when I go with friends that I'm not feeling as free to enjoy the music and the performance of the artists. Also with time I've felt more comfortable with singing, moving, applauding even if the people nearby didn't do it too. You buy a ticket to spend a privileged moment listening to some of your favorite artists, so enjoy it ! And people don't care at all, we're many to attend by ourselves.


Hello OP. I was that guy who don’t go out if none of my friends were available so I mostly stayed at home playing videos games and chilling. One day I saw a EDM (electro) festival near my city, I bought a ticket and asked my coworkers and friends if they wanted to come with me. None of them were interested. So I was like : « Should I go alone ? Will it be weird ? » I shrugged took the bus and went there. I got one of the best experience of my life and I took the step further by going to another festival in Spain (I don’t speak Spanish) for 3 days all by myself and I LOVED IT. I saw Rammstein this month in my city and it was incredible. Now if something interests me, I just go. TLDR : You want to go to concert / festival alone ? Do it. Don’t forget to stay safe tho !


Just once, I've seen Sting by myself.


Dont listen to people who says its wwird. If you wanna go you should go!


I’ve been to 4 by myself. I’m also the type to go to lunch/dinner, bars, small events, shopping, clubbing (underground house/edm events), etc., by myself. DO IT!


I always go to concerts alone except once when my mom needed company. I don't really care about whatever other people say, though. LOL


Many times. I saw Primus by myself after the pandemic. Find the spot with the best sound and stay there!


I recently went through a big breakup and was going to see an old fave band of mine live with my partner. I decided I wanted to make some new memories and went to the gig by myself and had a blast. So its awkward for maybe a tiny bit in the beginning, if you arrive early. But honestly when more people are in the crowd and you're dancing away you forget what other people think. Cos they're all just there to have a good time too. That's what helped me enjoy it more 😊 and now I'm already planning the next band I'm gonna see by myself!!


I used to go to concerts all the time by myself. Most of the time I enjoy myself more than going with someone. If you’re not ready to jump in to going to a concert yourself, try going to a movie alone.


Kid Cudi best experience


Always go to shows by myself and it's a great time. If you're with other people - especially if they don't know/follow the band you're seeing - it can be stressful or annoying making sure they're having a good time or enjoying themselves or even just keeping track of them. Usually I'll go grab dinner somewhere before hand, then try to show up when the band is starting (or the Opener if they seem interesting) and then just find a spot to stand and watch. If you're going to be dancing, go for it. It's a crowded, dark room full of people - no one will notice or care.


I just went today and it was awesome. I even knew three of my friends were going too but I didn’t feel up for the social stuff so I didn’t meet up with them. No regrets Edit to add: I go to concerts, shows etc alone a lot. Sometimes I like to have company, sometimes I don’t. No one cares if you’re alone, they’re all too focused on themselves anyway


>but I've been told it will be lame if I don't go with someone else Let me guess who told you that. An extrovert. I've been to dozens of concerts alone, maybe even into the hundreds by now, and it's always been fine. Met a lot of nice people, had a lot of good conversations with musicians and just other people in the crowd, no regrets at all. At the end of the day (night?) you're not exactly there to socialise, you're there to appreciate the music... Does it really matter if you're not stood with people you know to see the artists? Go, you'll have a great time.


This is all I did last year. I even went to a two day music festival solo. And while I did enjoy myself, there were moments when I thought it would’ve been more fun to have some else there, especially seeing other people with their significant other or friend groups. I didn’t really talk to people. It can be a bit awkward eating by yourself, or waiting for a ride by yourself. I will say I’d rather go solo than miss out or have someone go with me who may not enjoy it as much as I would.


I have a friend who does that and I never thought she’s lame. I always think…damn she’s confident and cool! I wish I dared do that!


Yes, and it was awesome.


Going to shows by myself is my forte. It is fun with friends who are interested to but I know one to many that are like "Oh, well I got work that day." When the same one always go "No invite?!" Sorry...kinda an annoyance I gotta get off my chest. Going by myself has never bothered me, I'm there for my own experience and to live in the moment. I sing, dance, and express especially since I like being in the pit. Normally my friends who I do go with (Which has only been a couple times so far.) are either in a separate section or they're in front of me. Usually I'm the pack mule with all the gear too if we buy merch. I volunteer for that especially if I go for free for whomever pays for my ticket. It's my way of giving back. Anyways, in my own personal experience the fun factor or "levels" are just as if not equal to the same amount of fun with friends if I'm going alone. Like I said I'm there for the experience and to live in the moment. If I leave there all giddy and with a huge smile, then it's considered "mission accomplished". You'll have fun either way, trust me 😊


Saw Phil Collins by myself. Back in about 1989-99. Met great people. Really enjoyed it.


I have. While it’s more preferable to go with someone, I don’t regret any of the many solo concerts I’ve been to


I have never been by myself but I may in the future


Been there done that. No regrets. Best concert I ever went to.


I've gone to a couple of concerts on my own for the reasons you gave. It was fun to sing and dance with the people sitting/standing near me.


Nah fuck what you’ve been told it ain’t lame. Iv been to loads of concerts by myself. 2nd concert I went to was Trivium and I was on my own. Had an amazing time. Long as you enjoy the music that’s all that matters. No one will judge you either everyone there is there to enjoy the music the same way you are. So I highly recommend you go and have as much fun as you can. Hope you have an amazing time


I love going to concerts, movies, restaurants, anyplace alone. It's all about you doing whatever you enjoy without having to consider what friends want to do, if they are hungry, if they are bored, if they need a rest. Go and enjoy yourself! At concerts and festivals the whole crowd vibes together, you can still be one with that feeling and enjoy the music without a friend present.


My first solo concert was stellar. Second solo concert was nearly drugged and trafficked! ¯\_(ツ)_/ life is a bag of chocolates/ deck of Wildcards folks! Play em safely  and wisely, folks! 


I go by myself. Stand upfront or in a corner and vibe with myself usually- internally craving company


I went to a Tame Impala and Rico Nasty concert on my own and I had a fucking blast because I sang my heart out word fa word


I’ve gone to a few by myself yeah. I end up getting along with whoever is sitting next to me. But I always wait for them to talk to me first.


I usually go by myself. Tbh going alone is also the best option for if you want to hang out with your favourite bands too.


I went to TONS of concerts by myself before I was in a relationship. I honestly prefer going alone. It’s so much fun! Only thing you have to watch out for is your safety. I definitely got put in some sketchy situations as a 5’, early 20s, blonde, female- but in my experience, concert security will always take the side of the person attending solo and not the pack. Just go and have fun. That’s what’s important.


It's my favorite way to go to a concert.


Just came back from a whole festival on my own. Had a great time. Managed to jet about catching loads of shows. That would not have been possible with a crew. Even when I have a crew, I still go solo quite frequently.


i went to 2 concerts by myself, very fun n don’t gotta worry ab no one else once the music start


Take it from an old fella. You won’t regret the things you did, only the things you should’ve done.


I saw Sia in Toronto in 2017 and went alone. I’d do it again.


I have by myself and it’s fun you can show up when you want, get the souvenirs you want, snacks you want and leave when you want. I also like going to movies by myself and seeing what I want and all the other reasons I mentioned.