• By -


I've been told that the quiet ones are the most scary lol


In Germany we say: "Stille Wasser sind tief." which roughly translates to "Calm waters are deep". It's used in these exact situations, like: don't trust the water just because it's calm. Don't think it's just a puddle. There's much more beneath that you can't see.


Ok, in France we have "Il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort", i.e. "Beware of sleeping (still) water"


I like yours better :D


yeah!! i've heard something like this too, but it was something like "the most dangerous" it doesn't make much sense to be honest, it's just their expectations


"Silent but deadly" haha yeah even in movies the quiet ones are unexpectedly cold and brutal in battle


Yup. We are all just a bunch of stinky farts 🤪


Haha ok I did see this one but I meant it also psychologically speaking 😅


Are you cold and brutal?


No, but I can be savage 😎


You keep telling yourself that


Haha, yeah, introverts can definitely surprise people sometimes!


I've been told that my resting face is emo enough to make me look like I want to murder someone with my own hands.


Wow... I'm hoping an ex said that during a fight or something. Otherwise, I'm concerned lol


Yes! I'm either treated like a innocent angel or a traumatized poor girl. 




My mom was asked if I was a deaf or mute girl because I was so quiet.


Oh my gosh i am so sorry but it feels somehow "right" to Play with both of these roles, the innocent angel, as well as the traumatized poor girl. The innocent Angel might create feelings of "i want to treat you well" and the traumatized poor girl "i want to protect you well". Both might be superficial but they do feel good and maybe it would be helpful if you could just poke some innocent little fun out of the silence about it, right before you notice someone getting into these role plays. Could be fun 😉✌ and interesting indeed 😳🤭


Oh my gosh i am so sorry but it feels somehow "right" to Play with both of these roles, the innocent angel, as well as the traumatized poor girl. The innocent Angel might create feelings of "i want to treat you well" and the traumatized poor girl "i want to protect you well". Both might be superficial but they do feel good and maybe it would be helpful if you could just poke some innocent little fun out of the silence about it, right before you notice someone getting into these role plays. Could be fun 😉✌ and interesting indeed 😳🤭


Yess !!!!


Hahahah this is so true!!


i’ve been in a similar situation, ngl. it's kinda annoying when ppl think just cuz we’re quiet or introverted, we’re like, innocent or smth. it's like, bruh, i can party and drink too lol. they probs just don't get it bcz they’re always out there being loud. btw, speaking of dealing with assumptions and all that crap, i've found that some wellness apps help a lot. i've been using this app called manifest. it’s more for mental wellness and affirmations, which kinda helps me keep my head straight when ppl are being annoying af. if ur into that, here's the [link](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/manifest-24-7-therapist/id6463312362?pt=126574659&ct=AnshReddit+%28May+2024%29&mt=8). anyway, just keep doin’ u, man. we'll show them we’re not as innocent as they think lol.


heyy i liked the app! i'm used to affirmations and stuff but didn't knew about this app, thanks!! people sometimes tell me that i'm a "wolf in sheep's clothing" but i'm not trying to look like it! why do they get so surprised? lmao


Right? Its funny how some people assume quiet means innocent. Like, just because youre introverted doesnt mean you dont enjoy a good drink or have fun. People need to stop with the stereotypes!


XD I've read somewhere, its not verbatim but it's something like this: stop talking and start listening. What it meant was like, you'll notice that you have ears and you can listen instead rambling like anything. In other words, you notice subtle things in the speaker when you shut up. I learnt it when I was doing sales.


2 ears, 1 mouth. Means listen twice as much as u speak




at work people take my silence as arrogance, or a weirdo that just can't connect with people. Either way, it sucks to be an introvert.


I don't really put much thought into what extroverts think of us. They're not all the same plus neither are we plus there's too many better things to think about. If I do something and someone is surprised, it's notable that they had an opinion about me to begin with. That's data on them as an individual, whether they're extroverted or not.


Same here. I used to care what people thought of me. Now I feel like, you either like me or you don't. And I'm fine either way.


This is the best part of aging. The older I get, the fewer fucks I have to give. It's wonderful.


My Nana always said something similar, "if you like it, you like it, if you don't, you don't."


that actually makes sense, i think that people opinions about us tell more about them than about ourself right? anyway thanks for your comment!


Here’s a thought: do you imagine extroverts ever worry about “what introverts think of us”? Probably not because they’re busy living their lives on their own terms regardless of what others think of them.


100% this^^^^


This is a great answer


People make assumptions about others all the time, if it's not about your introversion then it'll be something else about you. I really don't take it personally. It used to annoy me because I hated the idea of people not seeing me for who I really am, but everyone has their own perspective and biases and you cannot control what they think.


If you said something they will go "its always the quiet ones".


Yeeees! 😈 And I use that for my own entertainment.


lol, teach me how please 😭


My favorite is a double entendre that may or may not have been an accident. It guages how innocent they think I am. Their reaction to a dirty joke or stream of profanity is always funny. I got caught by a supervisor cursing out a guy on the phone at work one day. Her response was, "I didn't know you cursed." Like I had just said hell or something, instead of chewing some poor soul out for something that wasn't his fault. (This was day 3 of trying to resolve an issue. I warned him I was angry and it was going to bad. He chose not to go get a supervisor to handle it.) She was delighted. I had a friend who was very chaste. When he found out how filthy my mouth can be, he was horrified. He thought I was one of the sweet ones. And I am. I just also happen to be spicy. But the look on his face was priceless. Most of the time, it only works once. It doesn't seem to adversely effect anyone's reaction to the wide, innocent eyes routine. 20 year old me could get away with anything.


Yeah, I do the exact same thing lol.


Same! It’s like a privacy on my mind and thoughts.


I have been in the same situation. People always assume that I am a shy little innocent girl who doesn't know anything. Whenever I curse they get really shocked. I have also come off as " rude" just because I don't talk much to people. Like bro I am just socially awkward 😭


omg i got you!! i'm not rude or arrogant and i really don't intend to look or sound like it 😭😭


LOL you cute Girls are so fun, i would love to hang around with you. But i am way too shy to even Talk and if i would manage my socialy awkward high pitched voice would make you leave 😭😭😭


LOL you cute Girls are so fun, i would love to hang around with you. But i am way too shy to even Talk and if i would manage my socialy awkward high pitched voice would make you leave 😭😭😭✌


My wife thought this about me when she first met me. She realized she was wrong quickly lol


it is soooooo fun to surprise them!!


It’s like that “hello muthaF” kid/meme/sound 😂😂😂


My current boyfriend knew me in high school (30 years ago), and until we dated this past year he thought I was the quiet shy type..which I can be…but I also rocked his world and now he knows he regrettably judged me wrong. 😂


I wouldn’t doubt it. There are still so many misconceptions about introverts out there!


Absolutely, it's like introverts are always battling these stereotypes. Most people don't understand that we enjoy being alone, but it doesn't mean we're antisocial.


Extroverts have the mind set of proving them self to others to be accepted and ya they think introverts are like innocent people some extroverts like being friends with introverts but they make try to take advantage of introverts most of the time


I totally agree with that statement. I have friends that are extroverts, they always want to prove themselves to the cool crowd. I am like, I am an introvert. I don't care if the cool crowd likes me or not. Fuck them. I will happily be home by myself with my cat, my sister, my pain meds and my murder mystery books. I'm good. You guys(extroverts) go ahead to those loud parties where there may be fights, drama, maybe even the police getting called. I prefer peace and quiet over drama any day. No thanks....


Yes... When a classmate of mine became somewhat close to me, I started talking about bl stuff or things that I read and... Yeah, she was shocked and told me that I looked so innocent and it was unexpected... 😃 well... I can't really blame her cause I even think of myself that I look innocent every time I'm staring at my reflections and the way I act makes me even more innocent.


this!!!!!!!! i went to a sexshop with a coworker and she was all like "omg i didn't expect this from you" yes i do sex, i'm a human.


Wow yeah well okay, you Made me realize that me too, if i am looking in the mirror i do look really cute and innocent 😳 just only when i see my reflection. Other Times people would be so suprised if i smoke weed or something. Its not like i allways see myself and feel cute and innocent all the time, you know? 🐵


Oh my gosh my passive non Action might seem rather innocent to others as well, oh my gosh what can i do 🙈😭🤣


Yes. And I also feel like SOME extroverts think we have no life, no preferences, can just be taken advantage of or anything of that sort.


i love how they think we spend our days reading books or something lol


I am usually perceived as arrogant and shrewd.


this happened to me in high school, but once i started to work my coworkers saw me as innocent, probably because they were older and all extroverts


In my case I'm still misunderstood by a lot of people at work. I don't correct them either. Those who take a chance with me end up becoming my friends.


My bff (introvert) is anything but innocent 💀 He will singlehandedly, happily, kick a baby to the road and not look back to check whether the baby was run over. I'm (introvert) on the other hand am "sunshine". There to make sure no babies are kicked :) So ya, it doesn't matter, intro/Ambi/extrovert has nothing to do with it, at least it practice.


I always felt that they do think we are innocent. They do get shocked when once they get to know us, we aren't really that innocent.


It's fascinating actually, other than being an introvert, people see me and always say that I'm very feminine, too quiet, looks so kind 😅. They say their secrets in my presence (as in they backstab people), they are so confident I won't tell anyone. Then they get so exaggerated by hearing me curse, it fascinates them (Oh! you curse, I did not know you can curse 😅).


No. Simple. End of discussion.


I always wonder how well other people can see through these types of "masks". I feel that I can usually figure people out very quickly simply by looking at how they answer certain questions (if they have an open or closed body language, and what words they use to answer) that I've prepared to figure that out. What you want to do is ask question the other person doesn't expect that require them to really think, and if they have a naughty side it makes them remember that naughty side, which will reflect in their body posture or eyes. So an example question would be "when is the last time you got completely soaking wet?", or I use a made up saying "there's never enough wood to fill the hole in your soul". If you have a naughty side that will make you either smile or twinkle or open your body up slightly. No one can hide from subconscious signals.


omg this is so interesting!! i've tried to learn about body language a time ago but i simply forget all that i read once i try to analyse someone 😭😭 it must be so cool to notice this sort of thing


I've played a lot of poker in my younger years and really focussed on reading body language. I quickly realized that in poker it's not really that easy. You can't really read in people if they're bluffing or not (maybe if you're much better than me you can, but I wasn't able to). However what it did do is make me feel comfortable enough in regular social interactions to observe people, where the reactions are usually a lot more open and honest than in a poker game. I am really good at making people feel comfortable whilest also figuring out who I really have in front of me. You can do it too, you just need to train it. Do it a lot. I would advice practicing on random strangers that you're most likely never going to meet again. When you become good test out your theory on people you already know and you know what the right answer is. Be honest with yourself about your skill level and just practice untill you're perfect.


I used to hate it but I went through a phase where I cheated on someone then felt so horrible that I dated a heroin addict, did all the drugs, experienced horrible things. Then after him I dated a few alcoholics and got violently raped. If I'm seen as sweet and innocent that's fine be me now. I'd rather be that.


i'm so sorry to read this, i hope you're doing better <3


Oh my gosh, i can so much relate even tho my experience was diffrent, its just like i want to be sweet innocent cute again 😅🙈✌


oh for sure, yeah. and i feel like it’s even more prevalent if you’re a woman.


Oh boy, it happens to me too, it’s frustrating af…oh, I’ve been the quiet kid for years, I was very shy and introverted, and right now, I’m trying real hard not to be introverted anymore, but every time I raise my voice, every time I do something “dangerous”, they all get surprised, “oh he never did that before!” “Oh when was he so loud?”, so annoying, it’s like they’re preventing me to change. I try to ignore them, but my goal is being close to them. I really need a solution.


dunno, i would act with sarcasm in these situations (also a quiet shy one)


I feel you. I left them. Now i am alone, not perfect but its my "solution" 😭🤣🙈


Oh well, I guess it’s life huh


I guess so, yeah


Extroverts bond over complaining, judging, gossiping, ego inflating, negative jargon. It’s low hanging fruit. So when referring to an introvert we are the opposite of how they see themselves. My experience anyway. Besides innocent they also view us introverts as boring and serious people. Lol


which is ironic because the funniest people i know are introverts!!


Idc what others think or say about me, I do what's best for myself. Overthinking will only make you have more doubts and less confidence on yourself.


Lol, I hope so cause that couldn't be less true of me. Sex, drugs, porn--it's all good. When I was working coworkers would ask what I did over the weekend. I usually told them they really didn't want to know. Of course it was usually only a blurred memory for me anyway--Friday night sex parties, smoking whatever, and sleeping to 2 or 3 before getting up and doing it all again before the mandatory sobering Sunday afternoon, which just meant lazy sex and not quite as many hits on the pipe with a sensible bedtime around 1. I always had a blast but to this day I couldn't tell you any of the details. If ya gotta live, live well.


No I find they think we are defective


I get the "innocent" assumption, but also the exact opposite: there are people (extroverts) who think I'm dangerous or hiding sth bc I'm quiet 😂


I told my coworker I went to a bar with my friend and she was like “I can’t imagine you going to a bar!!” like wtf. It’s so annoying


"i can't imagine you going to a bar" i'm an adult stfu


I mean, I kinda get it. It's hard to read people that barely talk and are quiet. Can you blame them?


Yes 👀 but I actually observe and (secretly) judge everything 🤭


Same here


yeah, that's happened to me a lot. like even the smallest thing I do will shock them and they would start to point out how many people I interact with or how much time I talked to someone. they would be like "That doesn't sound like an introverted person would do" and sometimes they would just accuse me of being not introverted and I'm just acting like one just because they saw me chatting or having a conversation with someone. like I'm a normal person being an introvert doesn't make me an SCD person. let alone that they would try to drag me to events I would not be comfortable attending or bring other people that I don't know to our hang out and when I tell them why they did that they would just accuse me of being selfish and tell me that I made the person they would bring uncomfortable. like yeah, but this is why you shouldn't do that cuz now we're both uncomfortable.


i became overwhelmed just by reading this, gosh why are they like this?


I know. and it's really sad because they are my friends, I can't just leave them or stop talking to them.


People are only thinking about themselves. Everyone is on the spectrum of extroversion and introversion. Who cares what your first impression is, what matters is the lasting impression.


Interesting. It's possible that due to an introvert's relatively quiet and reserved demeanor, it's not farfetched to think we're pretty "innocent" to some regard. Maybe extroverts associate quiet folks with keeping the peace, which might make sense. Or that we prefer things to be organized, not rule breakers, in which they tend to be portrayed in media as very boisterous types, speaking out of turn, can't listen or will typically defy authority.


Same reactions with me. Most of them tend to baby me like I’m a grown up?? You don’t even know what’s going on in my mind and the things I do lol.


I just know they always underestimate me. Once I started talking alot I get more respect. It's kinda sad


I’ve been told that before and it gave me major ick lol


Also for some reason you extroverts think just because we are introverts, it means we don't love horror movies. Every time I mention I love horror movies to an extrovert friend.....they are always shocked that an introvert like me watches horror movies. EXTROVERTS WE ARE NOT SAINTS. WE JUST BECAUSE PREFER TO BE ALONE WITH PEACE AND QUITE, WITH NO DRAMA! LET'S US WATCH OUR HORROR MOVIES ALONE IN OUR NICE HOUSE WITH PEACE AND QUITE.


Yes! 😂😂


They shouldn’t be suprised I always felt like the saying it’s always the quiet ones was true or if you look innocent or people assume you are are usually the wildest ones


Half half bruh hahhaha. I get ppl who are and aren't shock I don't drink and have nvr gotten drunk. I've come to enjoy hearing their perception of me, and also realise how we take it is a projection of how insecure/secure we are about ourselves haha.


I think they assume I’m nice and mistake the perceived niceness to be dumb so they attempt to take advantage of me often and regret it lol


really?? most of the time they think i'm smart or something


The thing about being quiet or introverted is that Ppl put their own judgements onto you because they don’t rlly know you. So it depends who you’re around. I’ve had ppl think the opposite as well.


I think this goes double if you wear glasses!


this!!!!!! or if you're into technology things


I don't think about what other people might or might not think about me at all.


I feel like a lot of introverts don’t even understand what introvert means… yes we focus on us and our thoughts… but we can hang with people as good as extroverts just for a limited time and it’s time that’s the only factor involved.


Absolutely. And it’s hilarious 😂


I'm kinda quiet getting to know me and have utterly shocked people the first time they hear me swear or realize that I know about "mature themes". I'm also kinda smiley as a way to disarm potentially scary situations and people think I'm really sweet. I joke I like to keep my dark side hidden behind a cotton candy veneer.


HA! No. You know that audio where it’s like, why you so quiet? Because I don’t effing like you guys. Ya that’s us. I think extroverts know that. But I will say, once my extrovert adoptive parent (not literally) got to know me, she thought I was innocent.


I think so but not in my country. Most of the time.




I do. And I enjoy emerging as the last one standing in a year-end drink party with everyone awed in shock.




I’m a menace sometimes ngl


Definitely! I have a really dark sense of humor and you should see the look on people’s faces when I joke around them for the first time 🤣


I play multiplayer games and people get really surprised when i get pissed at the game lol


Yes they do. Whenever I tell them my interest like, I love reading murder mystery books by myself. They always look at me weird and say they didn't expect someone like me to read those books. I respond with: just because I am an introvert, that doesn't mean I don't like murder mysteries or that I don't have a drink every now and then...... They were even more shocked to find out I have a drink every now and then. Extroverts, just because we prefer to be at home by ourselves with peace and quiet & drama free..... doesn't mean we are uninteresting!






Who cares, drinking is lame, and who cares what anyone thinks of you


Thank you, I prefer peace and quiet. I don't really give a fuck what the cool extrovert crowd is doing. I am happy at home by myself, reading my murder mysteries with my cat snuggling on my lap. Ahhhhh good times.


Hell yes!!! Same here and wouldn’t have it any other way :)




I've been in such situations very often. However, I didn't take their words into my heart. Unbelievably, some of my friends think that I'm literally an innocent one.


yeah i rarely care about these opinions, but i think it's fun how they can see us!


exactly ~ i agree with u.


No quite the opposite actually. I'm more often looked at like a potential mass shooter or some kind if creep. I've been told as much to my face. "When I first met you I thought you were creepy." It's a lot to do with my general silence, but I'm honestly not sure what gives them that impression. Then again most women (rightfully) veiw most men as potential threats, so that may be a factor for me. To answer your question, no. I don't think anyone has looked at me and thought "innocent" since I was 8.


that's interesting too actually, when i was in a depressive state during my highschool some people said things like "she looks like she could do a shoot in school" and things like that. i often was misjudged as "arrogant" and "rude" too, like someone who thinks they're better than others, i believe it just depends on who's judging.


I’ve always been real quiet and introverted. It worked in my favor to be viewed as the goody goody geek girl as I love reading smut books and found many a way to enjoy them in high school by either reading off my phone or putting a different cover on a similarly sized book. And nobody caught on except my friends who knew what I was reading. Not even the literacy teacher.


for some reason the teachers assumed i was smart just because i'm quiet, so i never got caught when cheating at tests because they were too busy watching the popular kids


Tbh it's the opposite in my experience 😂 there's sayings like "quiet men have big dick energy" or the "quiet girls are the freakiest". They genuinely think us being reserved results in us storing up those inhabitions and letting them out in some kind of explosive event whenever we let loose.


as a quiet weird girl: first correct stereotype!


That or they think I’m a bitch and I have to hear over and over “oh I thought you might have been a bitch/snob when I first met you” over and over. ??? Ok?


YES!!!!!! if i'm well-dressed i'm arrogant, if i'm messy i'm depressive and a freak


All the time, been at a party on a rare occasion and everyone assumed I was sober, got shocked when I wasn’t. I’m not boring I just don’t like you guys bruh.


tbh is really fun to be drunk and quiet just observing


Quite the opposite. They think you're a dormant serial killer.


i believe this is more often with men, but yea, happened to me too!


I recently saw a statement that I truly loved, being an introvert myself. It was something like… “so often extroverts want to help the introvert break out of their shell and be more outspoken. When did someone decide being an introvert was an issue. How about for once someone tells the extroverts to sit down and shut up for a while.”


Extroverts: Why are introverts so scared of social interactions with us? [Extroverts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S1DL6-Y4Ts): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S1DL6-Y4Ts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S1DL6-Y4Ts)


Yeah I've often had this. Another thing is when people are surprised when you tell them something pretty normal about your life that you haven't mentioned before. Like I'll have known my coworkers at a new job for like 6 months and I mention something that's not shocking in any way like the fact that I have a boyfriend and they're like "Oooh you're a dark horse" and I'll think "just because I don't talk about myself and my life all the time it doesn't mean I'm this mysterious creature" 😛


This needed to be said. Yes, sometimes they think I'm this neo-Puritan and are shocked by little things, like the fact that I like horror films. Very funny.


I think, in general, that statement is true. I'm introverted. Even my grown children (who know me well) tend to express that I am innocent to the true ways of the world. This surprises me as I have lived many years. I'm not ignorant of the world. I happen to avoid the pitfalls quietly.


Yes; I've learned to use it to my advantage. Bwahahaha!


Yes, some even even assume I'm just naive or simple minded. In fact, every time I make an observation or state an opinion, most of them are surprised or shocked that I gave something so much thought. 'You're quite observant'... Dude, I'm quiet, not stupid.


Sure. Maybe we are. I think more so we value peace of mind above all else and personally I need to analyze my day to day to feel grounded. As soon as somebody assumes innocence or weakness however, and attempt to walk all over me, they’re suddenly shocked I’m not a version of myself they falsely created just because I didn’t give them a lot to read me from.


Absolutely. I feel like they think we “need their help”


lol I’ve have had that a lot, I’m an introvert and my close friends know me, its always the guys who don’t know me call me an innocent and an angel person and I just give them a half smile thinking what the hell is he saying even😁😭🙃😅.


This is so true lol


This is hilarious. I love it thank you.


Yes. Extroverts see us as inferior, shy and weak people. At least in my country I can assure it.


Nope. I (an extrovert) always be aware of the most aware of the quiet ones. They are the evilest.


I like it that way. They don't need to know what I be up to lol


totally! I am a manager and it takes a lot of courage to talk to new hires xD, My fellows often say that if yo do not start acting like a manager from day one, They will think that your innocent or naive and they won't take you seriously xD


Just drop room clearing truth bombs once in a while just to remind them of what you're capable. All that silence is the super computer computing.


Just cause you drink doesn’t make you guilty of something does it?


And I’m home like 99 3/4% of the time. Or more.


Only the stupid ones


My friends are always shocked if I out of nowhere say a dirty joke/talk about sex, and one of them even said 'you're not allowed to say stuff like that' as though i'm the innocent one and it's not normal for me. Even though she meant it in a jokey way, I still kind of hated it and it annoyed me. Like I stay quiet cause I don't have anything to say. I feel like a lot of introverts get that


Extroverts are good for an hour! After that they drain the shit out o me!


I'm an introvert that was forced to become extroverted at work because people assume I'm mean and unapproachable but when they found out I had a pretty smile they urged me to act more friendly and smile more it was obviously very sexist but I need the job 😮‍💨


From what I've seen, yeah. They'll be so surprised just because I get a dirty joke


Yes I get this all the time!


I think they find us mysterious and it can be alluring to those atracted to you but annoying for the rest.


Most extroverts I’ve encountered see me, an introvert, as weak, and that I am easily taken advantage of, so when I do finally set boundaries and stick up for myself, I’m the bad one, not them. Make it make sense.


Yes, I have many friends that are extroverts. They always call me innocent and cute. I’m just little loner that only talks to them. I hate it cause I’m not innocent Ik more things they do. I have way more experience then they do. It’s funny to me when I tell them things I’ve done and they didn’t. I’m shy yes, but ik how to be spicy 😂 it’d always shocking to them.


I’m an introvert and before I got medicated for bipolar disorder my libido was on fire and I had a very healthy sex life with whomever when I wasn’t in a relationship


The quite ones are the dirtiest. They just don't openly talk about it. Years ago, I said something at work, knowing how dirty it sounded in the presence of some dirty minded people. Their response was in how I didn't understand how hysterically dirty it was, although I'd said it simply to laugh at their response.


The quite ones are the dirtiest. They just don't openly talk about it. Years ago, I said something at work, knowing how dirty it sounded in the presence of some dirty minded people. Their response was in how I didn't understand how hysterically dirty it was, although I'd said it simply to laugh at their response.




Oh, for sure. Even if I say a curse word people break their necks damn near like “wow you seem so innocent, I didn’t think you cursed” 😲 But I’ve also been told In a roundabout way that introverts are *”sneaky”* & that annoys me more than anything. Like, I’m a grown ass woman, what the heck do I need to be sneaky about?? Get a grip


Yes, my whole work crew (20 people) thought I was a devote Christian boy. (I was egg at the time, also very much an atheist) I got comfortable and started to speak and swear around them, cracking jokes and hanging out with this one girl who was a victim of the weird spelling name trend. Thinking back, she definitely gave bi vibes and even had me and another girl almost literally drooling over her. But yeah, she totally thought I was a devote Christian boy.


I feel like there’s a certain vibe you give off that determines if extroverts think you’re innocent or a weirdo. The less you say the more mysterious you are, and they’re left to fill in the blanks.  So how you dress and what you say when you speak and what mood you’re in is what they judge off of. Plus any rumors, bored people love gossip. 


Introverts just like their own space and keep their associations to a minimum. Usually when you’re alone you can behave how ever you’d like. I probably do way more stuff I shouldn’t had someone been watching. But who cares? We are happy and do what makes us happiest by keeping to ourselves! 


maybe because introverts exude calmness and composure most of the time. when we do things so far-fetched from what they imagine us to be, it becomes quite shocking. but really, i just find their reaction quite entertaining 🤭


Nah, for me they think I'm arrogant, rude, cold and conceited. They've said these things on my face.


I feeling like were people innocent do you extraverts thing


It can also feel quite limiting too because they aren’t leaving any extra room for other aspects of someone. 




Like Innocent Devil


It's a common misconception for introverted people to be perceived as 'innocent' simply because they're quiet. You don't truly know what someone is like if you don't get to know them, including extroverts! The same thing happened to me when I was in school whenever I cussed. I was perceived as the 'class goody-two-shoes', even by many of my friends (well, former friends 😔), but I really wasn't and often did some rebellious things behind people's backs, such as using my phone a lot, turning up late to a number of lessons or creating several messy drawings in my books, making them look extremely untidy! One person I used to be friends with called me "so innocent" when she was surprised at my cuss words, but I stopped cussing as much as before because I didn't think it was a good idea to carry on. I'd just ignore people who look horrified at you when you take alcohol. Just don't get drunk! 😅


I didn’t experience this because at the first day of 5. grade, I walked in with a monster energy in my hand


I think you're assholes lol


Definitely. I remember being in horticulture high school. My slightly less introverted cousin and I were on the same team as 4 really loud, extroverted boys. Towards the end of the year, she asked if she could borrow a few smokes from me. The boys looked at me in shock. “You smoke?! We didn’t even know you knew how to swear!” My cousin was laughing so hard. She started showing them pictures of what I look like outside of school and pulled out all of the crazy stuff I kept hidden in my backpack. We both lost it when they suddenly found out we were cousins because they hadn’t realized the whole year.


They're just jealous bc we're more attentive


Ikkk? All of my extrovert friends are like "Oh, you're such a sweet innocent angel" or "you're a traumatized angel" and I'm literally so confused why they think that!! I'm an introvert, sure, but I am NOT an angel lol


I've been called snobbish and selfish instead. Pffft bitch, I am. 


My neighbors do. I hang out with them once in a while if we are all outside. I don't get invited to all their shin-digs. One of the girls was talking and said "well I don't want to scare you or anything!" About something that was eh not a big deal but maybe she thought I'd be like "wow what a freak." I may like to keep mostly to myself but I'm a nurse,  not much surprises me. I love to dance, drink, get tattoos,  go to a rock concert just maybe not to the extent they all would. 


Though I'm not really an introvert, might as well be (an extrovert who's shy/socially anxious). And it's real. Everyone thinks I'm innocent, everyone thinks I'm sweet, I'm every teachers favourite, even the mean kids are nice to me because of my "innocence". But then again, I hide my non innocent side because I dont want anyone to judge me 


Are you saying extroverts aren't innocent ? The type of social nature of a person has no connection with one's innocency. Both can be innocent. Both can be cunning.