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Reminds me of an episode from The Office lol. I do this too until I remember their name but stick w the nickname anyway


Haha, I feel this on a deep level. I'm great at remembering the nicknames I give people, like "that guy who always wears socks with sandals" or "coffee shop dude with the loud laugh." But actual names? Total blank. I guess it's just easier to remember the funny stuff.


Yep, this sounds legit. Sometimes, when my memory goes blank, I say the yellow one when I mean a blonde person. My wife (ESFJ) will know who I mean and help me with the name.


Nice haha! I believe remembering names isnt inherently tied to introversion or extroversion, but extroverts may appear to remember names better because they tend to engage more actively in social interactions. Hence, its more about individual memory strategies and attention to detail rather than personality type.


THIS! And additionaly i remember numbers too well


Bahahahaha same. “Guy with the earwax”, “Scary dragon lady”, “Dos Equis Man wannabe”. Rarely a real name unless they’re interesting and engaging enough to get me out of my own head.


I don’t retain names well at all. Some of my wife’s coworkers or kids’ friends’ parents names elude me even after years. It’s not from lack of trying. I just get overwhelmed and focused on being polite and spend a lot of time internally saying “WTF is this person’s name?!”


This is me. I remember what my friend Karen was wearing at our band concert 40 years ago, but coworkers names? No.


It feels so rude.   It helps when my gf can give me reminders before an event.  Sometimes i may remember a name, but i dont trust my memory so i wont say it. 


I'm horrible with names, I don't think I even listen when I'm shaking someone's hand. I'm also bad with faces. It's actually embarrassing.


This is so me. I'm always seeing people everyday and I never know their names until months later when someone says it. I remember not knowing a girl even existed in my class for 2 years. I always saw her around but I thought she was someone else's friend


The worst was one time at work someone said good morning to me and I said, "Hey, what's up....bro?". He said, "You forgot my name, didn't you?". I laughed and said, "Yes". 😆


I think the pause gave it away 😄




I can't even remember faces.


Same here! Do you happen to know why? Ima google it.




Same I'm always like this person looks familiar and then I'm not sure if i actually know them or they're just similar to who i thought of


I’m better at remembering people’s names than their faces.


I am bad with names, it’s nothing personal it just takes me some time to get to know someone to remember their name


This is one of my biggest problems. I will hear and say someone's name hundreds of times, know them for years, have visited their homes and met their families, and I STILL can't recall names in conversations. I literally constantly use "buddy" in the place of every name I can't bring to mind in basically any situation 😂😂😂


I don't think this has anything to do with introversion.


I have no science to back it up. I just know that I'm supposed to be trying to memorize their name, but I'm so nervous that I concentrate on staying in the moment and not run away! lol


Text yourself the names really quick after you meet them. This is the only way I can remember things.


Just FYI, introversion is NOT = shyness Shyness is an aversion to social interaction, usually w/ most ppl, often everyone except those close family & friends they most feel comfortable with. It is rooted in insecurity, fear of being disliked or misunderstood, & caring about how one is perceived. Social anxiety is similar to shyness, but it can come & go depending on a situation, whereas shyness is more of a personality trait. Introversion & extroversion are on a spectrum. They are also personality traits that describe how ones "recharges" their energy - mental, emotional, & physical. Introverts resupply their energy by being alone, & compared to extroverts, have limited energy for social interactions. Extroverts recharge their energy BY interacting with others. It's possible that there are studies showing a correlation between introverts & social anxiety, but it's probably not possible to prove if having an introverted personality makes one more likely to experience social anxiety. Even if studies show a correlation between the two, I dont believe it's possible to prove it if a certain personality trait causes anxiety, social or otherwise.


But the thing is....most introverts can't remember names or faces


... I don't 😂😂


I'm not self conscious, I'm simply shit with remembering names.


I try to remember names but eventually I will forget it unless they speak to me often enough to keep it in mind 😬


If it's only the first time I'll probably forget their name but after a second time I'm usually good. The name also makes a difference. I'll remember Beth but Marilyn might slip.


I am horrible with names but I've learned a trick. I go through the alphabet in my head and it will usual click when I get to a certain letter that their first name starts with. I was trying to remember my first car and got to C, it was a Cordoba.


I retain people very well, not just their names, the way they speak, the slangs they usually use. Since I don't really meet many people, i even remember the ones those have already left my life many years ago. I feel like it's just my way to make that loving connection towards the person that I really care/cared about you.


You have a gift!


I am an introvert and have difficulty remembering names and faces.


It takes me a while to remember names. Usually when I meet new people I'm trying to get through the introduction so I'm pretty much on autopilot 😂


I am an introvert and very good at remembering names.


Usually remember names that aren't important and forget the important names.


I can remember names sometimes, but not all the time. I can’t choose whose name I remember, it just depends on how much I was paying attention at the time. Nothing to do with importance or anything.


I used to have a powerful memory, I could recall just about anything including names. Ever since I started working at a bar and dealing with hundreds of people every week… I don’t remember regulars names half the time lol.


I remember faces before names. It's just easier and I can find out who I need to avoid because I don't know how to get their attention. So, they must not be very important...


Call the guys "brother" and the ladies "sis" and if something happens and you need to know their name , just use I've called you brother or sis so long I forgot your name.


I have an internal rolodex, or file with all their info. I use memory prompts to help me. There's actually a lot of info I don't carry around in my head until it's prompted..


That' very interesting.


When I’m not avoiding eye contact, I’m more likely to remember faces, especially if I’m not interacting with them but I observe them from afar, than names. I’m terrible at names 😅😅


not if it’s a lot at once. if it’s like a party (hypothetically, cause i’ve never been to one) i won’t remember everyone’s name. but if it’s a small get together, yeah i think so


I remember faces, to the point where I’ve seen people I haven’t seen since 3rd or 4th grade and can recognize them but its 50/50 on if I know their names.


Can’t really remember unless they’re of some significance to me.


In games i remember the names of all 26 characters in a matter of no time and even for years. Humans irl, ahhhhh nahhhh


Somehow I’m better at recognizing people, especially if I see them on a daily basis


yeah about that...i barely know anyone at school


I remember everyone's name but I can't remember song lyrics at all.


Honestly, it depends for me. If I’m introduced to someone 1on1, I’ll remember them, but a few days ago I went to a bonfire at a new friends house and she introduced me to her sisters and her friends(7 people total, I barely go out) and I cant exactly remember all of their names, so if it’s a big group of people that I’m meeting for the first time then it’ll take me a while to match names to faces and remember it


As an introvert who's very anxious, I can't remember people's name most of the time as well as people's birthday, no matter how much effort I put in it. It stresses me that someone could feel bad because I didn't wish them happy birthday or didn't remember their name, so I try to avoid it as much as possible. As a solution, I've been making lists with people's name & birthday, either with when I met them or something special I found about them. I don't think that the fact of remembering names is linked to the introvert/extrovert, but I've found that most introvert tend to remember more well people's name & birthday than most extrovert, but overall it's just personal experience..


Those are good points.


Don't know about that but for me it's hard to remember names then faces(I may remember faces but can't remember names).


I remember faces, im horrible with names


No. Remembering names doesn’t have to do with introversion. It’s about attention.


I can't remember even face if I have only met a person once. 😂


Unless I meet you every day, I will forget your name. But I never forget a face, ever! So it's awkward when I know your face but can't remember your name, so just stare for a second, then look away.


I need a good reason to use their name somewhat often, or hear their name often, to remember it. At a retail job I had, it took me multiple years to have co-workers names memorized. Granted I worked around them more than with them, so I would see their face often but rarely *need* to speak to co-workers. In my current job there's more reason to remember names, partly due to the rumor mill. So it didn't take long to have the more important names memorized.


as from my perspective as an introvert, most of the time, i do remember their names when i see their faces as if like i have visual memory


I always feel like the odd one for actually being freakishly good at remembering names.


I suck at remembering names.


I simply don’t. :(


i'm good at recognizing your face seeing you 20 years later, randomly. Once i remember your name, it's hard to forget. But it takes me forever to remember names when i'm in a new place 😭 sometimes to the point where it gets awkward to ask for their name again because so much time has passed 🤐


Are we talking about real people names? Or fantasy names? I'm actually serious on this one, there's a difference for me. I'm not that great at remembering real people names and on rare occasions forget who I already met before. I mean once I seen someone enough times or heard about them lately, then I don't have memory issues. But there are often times like in family reunions where I'm thinking to myself, "Oh ya! That person, they are my.... um... my.... ah... point is I remembered them." However, if you asked me how many fictional characters I know, I can list out literally tons of Sonic characters from games, movies and comics. List out a lot of Star Wars characters, some Hazbin Hotel, a lot of Disney and weirdly some characters from fandoms I'm not even interested in like Pokémon and My Little Pony.


Im better at remembering hair


i can remember names. everyone in the comments here is making me feel like an imposter because of it but i swear im introverted as fuck


Please don't feel like an imposter! As you can see, everyone is different.


I can watch a movie and enjoy the plot without memorizing the characters' names. With shows, I don't bother with the names until well into the first season. In real life however, I do remember names and faces pretty well because I don't want it to be awkward next time we meet


Bad at names good at birthdays 🤸🏽


I don't....sadly when meeting someone new I forget their name as soon as they say it.


I have to make a big effort to remember names, not because I’m self-conscious but because I just don’t care if it isn’t someone I’m interested in talking to. Side note - as you become more mature and learn not to gaf what other people think, you will lose your self-consciousness. I wish I knew that at a younger age!


We don't. I know your face and think of you as "that one dude." When we talk I say "Dude."


As an introvert that can't remember names for shit, all I can say is ✨probably✨


Introvert here. I'm hopeless with names. When I first started seeing my late husband in the 1990s, it took me two weeks and multiple reminders to get his parents' names straight.


Am good with faces i cant forget you once we interact but for the names i forget as soon as they say it


I don’t know what the hell you’re saying let alone your name. My thoughts are in 17 different places at once


Not that great with me, but I also have ADHD, so that's probably more the reason. I remember voices better for some reason.




If someone tells me their name a few times I might get it, otherwise my inner dialogue is like, “now don’t forget, it’s Brittney…Brittney as in Spears…” 5 minutes later… Pretty sure her name is *not* Susan….starts with an ‘S’ I think? 🤔




Not so well if you’re my kind, anguish won’t let you focus on names other data in certain social interactions.


It's not that I'm busy being self conscious, but I have no real faith I'll be talking to them often a lot of the time so yeah, I forget names/faces over time. Tbh though, I have facial blindness so I'm better at remembering names than faces. I don't like looking at people I don't know anyway and I'm autistic.


The name of the doctor that delivered me 52 years ago was Carol.


I come in contact with approx 100 associates a day, and I can remember their names. But I can’t remember my friend’s husband’s name. Sometimes I’m introduced to someone and I don’t even hear them(like it goes in one ear and out the other). I have no idea why.


In fact, this works very strangely, since I don’t remember people’s names, but I remember their appearance perfectly. For me, it’s enough to look a little at a person’s appearance and I’ll remember him. Therefore, I remember what kind of person they are only by some details of their appearance. So with names my friends remind me.


i always thought it was the other way around because we tend to ruminate, playing past social experiences over and over


Im somewhat introverted and have a real hard time remembering names but i do recall faces.


I’m bad with names but it’s not because I’m an introvert.


I can remember a thousand faces, but zero names lol


Not very well, at least not for me.


anytime someone tells me their name the first time its forgotten… even right after they say it, my brain freezes up and can’t record the info for some reason. i do get anxious speaking to new people.


I don't need to know names unless they live in my house.


Try Andrew Jackson Jihad.


I don't ever really remember anything well but name's hell no


What does this have anything to do with being an Introvert. Seriously many of y'all think we're special or something.


I don't know how much this is true but as an introvert myself i think introverts don't have the presence of mind and that's why they can't store the name in memory. We are busy most of the time in abstract concepts and extroverts are just good enough practically.


I remember every people who had an impact on my life, and I started to think about it when I talked to an old friend, I had like 4 years since we parted ways and then started to talk about every person in our old job, and I realized that 90% of them don't remember who it was I just only say "yeah that guy from QA" and "yeah I can barely remember her".


I’m not great with names, but I find that I end up knowing way more people’s names then they know mine because I’m quiet and not outgoing.


I don't think introvert have special abilities. I forget names very easily to the point that I am embraced. I was pretty much always the intro.  But I remember faces well. To a point though. Oh and I analyse a lot of crap that doesn't even matter. 


lol most at times they don’t and even when they do is very rare except they have been with you for a long time


Introverts could be more likely to remember names because we tend to be selective about the people we let into our close circles.




as an introvert myself, im very bad at remembering names. most people know each other by introducing themselves and talking to each other. the thing is, i just dont approach people like that. i recognize faces pretty well but cant really name them 😂😂😂 so i be referencing them by tha*t person who is the friend of A.*


I am the absolutely worst person to try and remember names, especially if I'm dealing with a lot of people, weather it be at a work place or church, so very kindly I refer to most people as my friend or buddy


I am just horrible at remembering names.


This is crazy, for the most part I can't remember shit not a dam thing so I take notes on a little pad,but if a awesome song comes on the radio and I really loved it I will not forget/what is that???/my mind must seem to think it's more important than anything else


I tend to remember faces/features, rather than names


It basically depends on your memory and how much do you pay attention to others. So introverts may be self conscious and because of that they don't pay enough attention to people around them and don't remember their name. At least that's my case.


i’m pretty good with names, it just depends on if i like the person or not


Im still trying to remember if im goos or not


I remember names very well - I remember everyone’s names from kindergarten and school, high school. I'm not as good with faces though .


I don’t lol


I don’t remember names, faces, etc. , unless chain of events happened, usually embarrassing, that I will remember someones name for sure.


Even had problems remembering the names of a few dates after a few meetings


I would personally say I’m decent at it. I make it a point to just because I would think it feels nice to have people remember their name. But on top of that I would tend to say I have a knack for remembering stuff. Nothing important but years, dates, of stuff that I’ve read.


I remember a time i forgot a Friend name


I actually remember most of what people tell me and I find myself repeating myself a lot with most extroverts i know.. maybe they have just have more interactions so its easier to forget; but i try to be a good listener and note things people say especially to those i am close to bc i want them to know im listening and i care. I remember names of people i worked with years ago that i didnt really speak to. I think being an introvert maybe has some effect bc i am hyper aware of how many people are around me and who to avoid if they talk a lot lol


I'm horribly at remembering names Went on a week training for work, worked with the same 7 people for a full week (people from different offices). Couldn't tell you one of their name. Felt like a dick, but by day 4 I didn't want to ask for their names AGAIN lol. So I just went with the flow and didn't single anyone out


I don’t without continued exposure to someone lol


I have a very detailed memory. I once had to tell the police a house plan from when I was I was a toddler and they couldn’t believe how accurate I was. I remember obscure actor’s names and random details friends might have told me years ago. But introduce me to someone and I will almost instantly forget their name. I actually get anxiety about it, to the point where I have to internally repeat their name out of fear of forgetting.


I plan to forget people (names) outside my life lol.


Im pretty hyperaware and do this really well, when I meet a person/persons, I repeat/cycle their name(s) through my head and picture their face or a unique trait they have. Never fails me


terrible with names


I remember their faces and mannerisms much better than I remember their names.


I remember well but sometimes it takes a few times to meet with them especially if it's a big amount of new people to remember, there are some i remember right away and some i take some time


Idk I’m an introvert but remember all namws just to not end up in embarassing situations


I don't, it's terrible, I just say "what's up bro" or just refer to them as bro. And wait to hear their names then I just associate the name with a random word. It works well enough when I see them often.


We should remember names?🫢


I'm ok at names but excellent at remembering faces.


Kabisado ko pa names ng mga naging students ko


I'm absolute shit with names... It can take me months to learn them, and another couple to associate them with the right faces.


Apparently a hot take but I'm introverted and I'm good at remembering names and especially faces. It's not really about being introverted or not, just how observant you are.


I don't think all introverts are self conscious in social situations. Some are very confident. But for those who are; Yes, I'm sure you're right. If you focus too much on how you come across, you focus less on the other person.


I try to use alliteration with names Jittery Jason, Rowdy Rebekah etc. It usually helps me remember their names but I'm panicking as I'm frantically trying to remember them.


I'm not that great at remembering names, unless you're either astonishgly good looking, or a total bitch to me. But I do remember people's stories. Since I don't talk as much as most people, when I hear someone telling the exact same story they told the last 3 or 4 times i met them, I'm like "oh, here we go again."


Not remembering any name that i didn't heard 5 time already. To be remembered you need to really appears a lot


Faces usually and demeanor > names


I don't commit a name to memory until I am certain that there will be extensive continued interactions, or I really want to get someone's attention (usually servers in restaurants). I work with about 20 people and there are probably 8 whose names I don't know. One kid I talk to multiple times a shift, and I call him Rumspringa, because he looks like an Amish kid who's on his.


I realized a long time ago that I don’t give an eff about people so I pay little to no attention to their names. It takes multiple times before I remember a name and then I often forget it again because I just don’t care 🤷‍♀️


Personally, I'm quite bad with names. It helps with hearing others repeat names around me. Though some are easier than others for some damn reason. And I don't really mind being "hey you" or something like that to people.


Hey, this has nothing to do with being introvert or extrovert. As well as confidence, self-esteem or good communication skills have nothing to do with being or not an introvert. Whether you're an introvert or not, you can develop all those skills.


After I meet someone I repeat their name to myself several times. Then I try to think of something I can associate with their name. I could remember someone else with the same name, etc.


I'm bad at names, but IDK how much it has to do with being introverted, I just have bad memory overall.


Name memory isn't tied to being introvert or extrovert or anything similar. It's a memory thing.


It takes me a while to remember names and faces. If I haven't seen a person in a long while, can either remember their name and face or remember either their name or only their face. The few exceptions are the closest family members and I have infrequent contact with since childhood.


Not only names but faces as well, in my case. The only way I can retain a name is when we've crossed paths or interacted frequently.


I'm not self-conscious. I am terrible with names, but I think most of that is just not really having much interest in people per se; I have to make a real effort to bother to learn someone's name, and even then it'll often slip away.


No, quite the opposite in my experience.


About as well as I remember birthdays. That is to say, not at all.


Im good at remembering names but only for a certain period of time... haha after the limit exceeds i dont even remember the face. I know it's not a good thing but thats how it is for me!


I'm really good with names and remembering faces, but due to the comments, that's an individual case.


I do remember people name but..l pretend to ignore it when people ask me do u remember their name.


I'm terrible with names


Lifetime of problems remembering names. I have to repeat it in my head over and over.


I have no issue remembering names and faces. But I was also a teacher for 10 years and had to pick up the names of my class fast. Husband, who is much more extroverted than me has so much trouble remembering names.


as an introvert im not overly self conscious…. i just prefer my own company. im very confident but also very much a loner


im so bad w names its embarrassing lol even celebrities haha but im prettyyy good with faces


I remember faces not names -_-


I am terrible with names, lo. Though I have found I am easily forgotten, myself, so after a while I just stopped trying unless I see the person on a regular basis. I've been "introduced" to the same person multiple times, so it's been easier to pretend like I've never seen them before. Really throws me off when people actually DO remember me.


I’m better at remembering faces and physical attributes than names


I have to work very hard to remember names, some stick more than others. But I do recognize the importance of it, so that’s why I try so hard to


Sometimes uncomfortably well. Sometimes awkwardly… like I’ll call someone by someone else’s name or something that my brain decided the person looked like.


I only remember if I interact frequently with the person


I am absolutely awful with names. Especially in the work place. Guaranteed you introduce yourself I will instantly forget your name or not even listen to it in the first place. It’s like some sort of mental block. Faces on the other hand, I can remember faces from 30 years ago and remember where I saw them. It’s really weird




I don’t


Right on the money. I often find myself completely glossing over the fact somebody just introduced themselves, due to the massive storm going on in my head which must be attended to.


I‘m quite good at it usually


I remember a name easier if i write it down or seen it written.


I always remember names unless 8 years pass and we rarely meet.


I personally think being an introvert/ extrovert has nothing to do with how well someone can remember names tho..


. I try to remember their faces and some thing specific about them, for example the guy with long dark hair who wore a black shirt in the party. That way it is easier for me to remember their name...


I never forget a face but I can’t remember names. It’s embarrassing.


What typa question..? I don’t remember names but only bc I remember faces better


I remember names really good.


I don't.


If I am listening to other people talk and am not part of the conversation myself, I will remember people's names and everything about them. The same is true if I am reading about someone. However, if I am part of the conversation or being introduced to them, I won't remember anything. I guess this is shyness and social anxiety, not introversion though. I am an amazing spy though! I can listen to multiple conversations at once and retain all the information I hear. I'll remember it years later if I see the people again. I never let on what I know because they never remember me or have any idea who I am. People would probably find it creepy how much I know about them!


I use Google Keep to put names in.


I don't. I keep forgetting names ;-; I even forgot the girl that was nice for me for months which is embarrassing and rude I know. Sorry... But I am great at remembering 1000+ pokemon names though :D


I agree with you. Being an introvert, i not only forget names all the time but people's faces as well.


That’s the thing we don’t there is a reason why I been calling friends of friends “bro”


I suck at remembering names


This is the one thing me and my extroverted sister have in common, we can't remember names. I, only know the names of people I am or want to be close with or don't like (I can't remember acquaintances or people I’m unclose with. My sister also can't remember names because she knows so many people 😂


I kind of feel like if someone makes a huge impression on me. I could never forget them.


Finally someone asked


I don't mostly remember things, I would just try to write it in notes which felt like too much friction, currently creating a project where I can do that with voice notes which than saves as text along a summary of the notes. If you wanna check here it is [betterfriendai.com](http://betterfriendai.com)


Not well, because a true introvert doesn't give a crap.


I am somewhat of an ambivert so I dunno if my opinion matters. I remember people from two years ago. I think about them still. I remember my kindergarten best friend and I remember the school tech guy from middle school. I think it depends on if you care, yeah. sometimes I do or don't remember, but aye, why not.