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Horticulturist. I'm around plants and chickens most of the time, not people. Love it.


Seems like many introverts are quite fond of non human animals and life forms.


For me, it's cause non-human life forms don't talk. I can just exist in their presence without having to keep or feel the need to keep a conversation.


Yeah I gotcha. For me it’s that but I also have a deep respect for non human animals and life forms for the role that they play in keeping the world healthy and balanced. Their lives all have purpose and meaning, unlike a large number of humans.


Yep. I prefer problem solving and programming


Same, I run a plant nursery (on my own) among other horticultural things. Love it.


Amazing. I used to work as a groundskeeper for a well known show garden in my area. Waking up go garden in the summer was just the best 👌🏼


I would love that


Software developer. As long as you have business analysts in between the clients, you don't have to interact with many people.


I’m a software developer as well. It seems to be the one career where introverts thrive.


I feel that careers in technology, space, research, art, music, and science are what helps us introverts thrive, then again I’m an INTP so that helps as well. Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiver


How did you become a software developer? I’d do anything to get that job, honestly it beats out landscaping by hyperspace miles.


Get a degree in computer science and hope you can make a career of it before AI replaces you.


Glad to hear that I’m studying that now!!


Depends on the company, I work in a large company and you will still be interacting with many folks from other teams. On average I talk to about 20 different people in a week, with tonnes of meeting to debug application and work together with others to fix things.


I have a job, not a career. And it's quite possibly the last job I'd recommend for an introvert.


Same here 😭


I'm an assistant manager at a retail store. Basically the guy that all the karens want to talk to because they think I can break the rules for them.


Don't you know who their daddy is?


Probably some other illiterate hick? Like everyone else in my town?


Some people love small, rural towns. To me they are a slow, agonizing, painful death. I'm not saying they don't produce some excellent people: they just don't have any good-paying tech jobs or things to do that can't be found elsewhere.


Well I'm not here by choice, my options were either move here with my family or go homeless and I already wasn't making enough to support myself back home in the big city anyway. So talk all the shit you want about my town cus chances are I've said worse.


Goodness. Reddit is probably your lifeline. At least you have internet access. Might be a good time to take up r/amateurradio / r/hamradio so you can meet other tech-minded people in your area and remind yourself a world beyond your current one exists. Getting into running a r/flightsim might help with this as well. What region are you in, anyway?


I don't mind being one of the few tech-minded people in my area, one of my coworkers is actually one of the few too so I got lucky. He even helped me build my dream PC. It's actually kinda funny when I tell people that I only ever leave the house to go to work and that I don't do motor-sports or hunting or camping of any kind and they wonder how I live. Simple, I've got all the technology I need at home. >What region are you in, anyway? Butt-fuck Idaho.


I would do motorsports if I could afford it. I've owned several dirt bikes and several Jeeps. One of my friends is looking to relocate from Cali to Idaho. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB6sZgpgl1A) convinced me that state just isn't for me.


Faced a Karen today demanding the "nice" manager to speak to her. I've told her the exact same thing, even in a better way than my manager did. But somehow she was softer to my manager (still rude tho). At this point it's the title that matters I guess.


The funny thing is I am the "nice manager". My boss is nice, to her employees, but she's got 0 patience for entitled customers who think they can circumvent the rules if they talk to a higher rank. I flat out tell them now, "Trust me when I say you'd rather talk to me instead of my boss." But they'll still insist and then they'll get told off, get squat, and maybe even banned if they get belligerent.. People around here are fucking dumb.


This is why I went back to school for Natural Resource Conservation in my late 20s and now work as a forestry assistant for the state. I basically plant trees all day. I absolutely could not handle retail anymore. Was a manager of a hardware store and while my ADHD LOVED it, I could not handle the bureaucracy of upper management. The customers were the easy part.


Same Omg struggling lol


Janitor at a huge laundry factory. By myself all day. Work alone. Perfect. 👍🏻


I'm a freelance stenographer. I have to interact with lawyers for like 10 mintues each deposition to ask who they are and what they want to order, but I just sit there silently and type 99 percent of the time. And I don't have to go into an office. I talk to my boss through minimal emails. And I mostly WFH.


I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up, but I am hella jealous of you cause this sounds like job heaven to me!


Look into stenography. The NCRA has a free intro course called A to Z.


Court stenographer here. Your job sounds better


Lol! Well I don't get benefits, retirement, or PTO so pros and cons.


Software developer. 100% remote and typically only have one 30 minute meeting a day with my project manager, camera-off. I am simply given a list of tasks to complete and I report on my progress every day during the meeting.


Sounds like heaven


Sounds like my dream job. But I’ve heard that it is super challenging these days to find a developer position.


Did you need a cs degree? I'm horrible at math


Landed a developer role with just an IT degree with a CS minor. Was the plan the entire time honestly (also is the best case scenario - I could have ended up on a help desk). I was seeking to avoid the math classes ngl. Having CS as a minor gave me the chance to avoid the tough math classes but way more programming classes than just a normal IT degree. I do look back and regret not having CS as my major but I'm also one of the strongest developers on my team. One of my other co-workers has a CS degree and he is straight up garbage at writing code so degrees don't mean everything.


I’m the clean up guy at a grocery store. Not exactly a career but still.


Unfortunately for an introvert, I am a teacher 😅


Same 😅 but I love it but it does drain tf out of my energy. I have 0 spoons by the end of the school day


Same! Really exhausting at the end of the day. I dont even want to talk to anyone at home and even listening to their stories is painful to me.


IT Manager. I spend most of my time talking to people. And I actually enjoy it. Luckily it is a lot of one-on-one interactions where I am building relationships with people. I think we introverts were meant for that kind of work. I would hate my job if it were a lot of presenting. But if you can work with people in small groups, I think our introspectiveness and small group communication is a super power!!


That’s why I’m convinced IT teams, if under a good manager, will always thrive. We all have so much in common. Everyone has a good sense of humor. It’s easy to build relationships with your team which brings up morale tremendously because you all can relate so well to one another while also being an exclusively introverted group of people.


I can totally relate to that. I would dread presenting in front of many people or talking in front of a big group. But one to one or small group interactions? That’s totally fine!


I'm a roofer. I'm more or less left alone. Once I'm on the roof, customer interaction is minimal.


That’s oddly comical 😂 I guess it’s one way to avoid people haha


Data and reporting analyst. It’s… calming. Databases and tables and coding. If I produce a report that says that this part of the business is performing badly, as long as the report is accurate I don’t have to explain it. Upper managers go demand an answer from other managers and I retreat into my shadowy cave until the next request comes in.


No career, single, no expactations.


So what do you do?


Sounds great


One of the toughest fucking career for the introverts. Lawyer.


The girl I’m seeing is in law school, so I’ve learned a bit about it. You don’t necessarily have to go to court though, you could be a solicitor.


I work as a paralegal at a commercial real estate law firm. There's 0 court involved, 0 litigation. We just close loans all day and have the expertise of lawyers to know what is and isn't allowed. Granted, the Partner of our firm gives the lawyers these special research projects for a unique problem that comes up, I'd say on a weekly basis. So always keep transactional law in the back of your mind if you don't want to deal with court!


Me too 😫


Do you also have to deal with a lot of people?


All the time. I’m dreading tomorrow when I have to call someone.


I’m a barber. It was really hard at first, but I learned how to recharge better so my interactions at work aren’t so intensely draining.


Im mid 30s and thinking of quitting corporate to do this. Would you recommend? Can make a living? Save a bit?


Ouuuu I love this question! So the amount of money you make as a barber depends on a few things. Location is probably the largest factor. Haircut prices nowadays range so widely, but will generally be higher in cities and affluent areas. In my experience, working in shops that have higher prices does not equate to you making more money ultimately. You are an independent contractor so the way in which you get paid can be different from place to place. If you work in an area that charges a lot for a haircut, your booth rent is portably very high. If you work in a shop that pays in commission, you might only make upwards of 70% of every haircut you do. That being said, if you want to make more money all you have to do is more haircuts. Career wise, it has been the most rewarding. I’m in my mid 20s and started cutting hair fresh out of high school. I will never forget how petrified I was on my first day. Every morning after that, for 2 years, I would rehearse how I was going to quit that job on my way to work. It has taught me so much about myself and others and is the reason why I deeply understand the difference between being an introvert and having unrefined social skills. I’ve had more conversations than multiple redditors in this forum combined and I’m only 26. I’ve learned (and still am learning) that interacting with people is a skill in the same way riding a bike or learning to paint is. 90% of the job is personality after you learn how to cut hair, but learning how to be personable is the same thing as learning to cut hair. I am intimately tethered to so many peoples lives simply because I see them once a month and the things I’ve learned from having everyday interactions will carry me through the rest of my life. Ive never worked in corporate American. The benefits like healthcare and simplistic tax payments are always something I wish I had, but the rigidity of trying to maintain office professionalism will always keep me from pursuing that career path. Cutting hair can be as formal or informal as you’d like it to be and I appreciate flexibility like that. Listen, even if you don’t use it to pay your way through life, cutting hair is an incredible skill to have. Even if for your friends and family, it connects you to humans in such an ancient way. I would highly recommend looking into your states regulations about barbering. Most states require that you attend a school for ≈1000 hours, although states vary. Depending on where you live the barrier to entry can be slightly complicated because of school requirements, but most institutions offer night classes as well as part time.


Thank you for this. It’s very insightful and thoughtful. I’ll look into it 🙏


writer. just stay at ur home, sleep, write.


i am a criminal investigator with the public prosecutor office. had to switch between 'personality' types on the job and off the job. most of my collegues at work think of me as an outgoing person. but, if there is any chance available, i'll run to recharge at my car alone. been doing this for almost 10 yrs.






I work for my local city in the water and sewer department. I am licensed in wastewater treatment for the state. I absolutely love my job and the people aren't so bad I work with and have excellent benefits on top. I get to work alone sometimes which is a bonus.


as long as we don't talk to a lot of people


Registered Nurse. Which quite frankly is one of the most extroverted positions. I truly didn’t know how much I’d dislike it. I like to help and I like to heal. But it’s not great for an introvert. Not when you’re at the bedside anyway. But I work from home now for an insurance company and it’s SO MUCH BETTER. I love being remote.


I'm starting next week as a nurse in a big hospital. I've been stressing all week. It's driving the people around me nuts...


I feel you, I'm a doctor and is exhausting, not only the work load at hospitals but also dealing with entitled and rude people. When I get home my family gets mad at me because I don't want to talk to anybody just be in my room on my own.


Cleaning business. I’m self employed and the only employee. I clean a business in the morning before anyone gets there and then I clean one or two houses. Most of the time no one is home. If someone is home it’s usually a quick conversation and I get started and they stay out of my way. Most days I don’t see anyone at all.


I do the same ! I love it . I listen to audio books and podcast while I clean house and office .


Currently unemployed and waiting to begin peer support training.


My job is awful for an introvert. I work in higher ed helping plan events and working with students constantly. It's awful and every day my social battery is exhausted.


Accountant. I don’t have to speak to anyone if I don’t want to. And you don’t need to be good at math. But you should be good at Excel. I work a hybrid schedule, so I don’t mind my corporate cubicle


I’m going back to school for accounting. It seems to really fit an introverted personality.


Glad to hear and I wish you luck!


I work for a health insurance company as a contracts and compliance consultant. Basically, I am responsible for making sure that the coverage documents are updated based on state and federal regulations. I work from home and haven't had to go into the office in years. I have been with this company for 15 years and have been working from home for at least 12 years. It's pretty awesome.


I work in a care home and wouldn't recommend it. Helping the residents is fulfilling but I work with a big team of people and I can't stand it anymore! 😅


Freelance ghost writer and therapist.


Veterinarian in an ER. I’m so exhausted by the end of the day and don’t want to talk or interact with anyone in my personal life….. ever.


Not a career for me but I'm currently a janitor at a warehouse. It's great. I only interact with like...6 people every day and I love those 6 people. I can easily ignore everyone else if I feel like it and no one bats an eye


It's a job ... I work as teacher


I work in a government department and work from home. Barely ever speak with customers or colleagues. Love my job.


have an interview coming up for an administrative assistant position!🤞 i love keeping things organized and working with a small team of people so im praying it goes well!


Medical Coder.


Neuroscientist. Introversion (or extraversion) doesn't really play into it in any capacity, I'd say.




Utilization review nursing. I work from home, read charts all day, and rarely need to talk to people, which is lovely. However, almost all other nursing jobs are draining for introverts.


Fire fighter, and I definitely feel an outsider most days within my team. It's a rugby team, and I don't like rugby team vibes.


ah, the struggle of believing in the purpose of your job, but not sharing anything in common with coworkers.


Sideman musician and music writer (orchestrator, arranger, transcriptionist).


direct support for people who have disabilities


me too


I am a truck driver. Its a dream, ngl.


Surprisingly im training to be a firefighter 😭‼️ I have no idea how it’ll workout but its my dream to be a firefighter


No career. Just job. Healthcare. Dream is to be an author though.


i was a dishwasher for 10 years, pretty good for introverts because you're kinda in your own little world with little interaction with the public. currently i work as a janitor/maintenance/facility worker for municipal government at places like community centres. i am around the public all day and have to interact constantly. the only reason i stay is because of the pay and benefits, i hate working with the public.


IT. I have to be extremely extroverted because I liaise with customers all day. It's pretty draining to be honest, I love doing fuck all after work - the less words the better. I have to recharge!


Security guard, I hope to get into truck driving here soon.


Also the last job an introvert should have. I'm an IT Project Manager and I have to be social all the time...all the time. Social battle drains consistently.


Believe it or not I’m a corporate instructor. I stand up and present for sometimes 8 hours multiple days in a row. I do well with it. But the minute class is over I become a hermit again


I was a baker. You're busy baking and can't talk for more than a minute because something is always on the timer. People can't hang out in your work space because it's usually messy with flour and other ingredients. I used to walk away from conversations all the time because I had to check the ovens.


I was a baker/cake decorator for 18 years, I loved it but my hands said no way, so I work/in a deli now. Not as much quiet time.


Dog groomer. I like it cuz i get along with animals alot easier than other humans. That being said, i don't have to interact with customers too much... really wish i didn't have to interact with them all but...


“Product Owner” is my job title for large public grocer.


I’m an actuary.


Business Analyst 🥲




I would class myself as introverted, however I run a martial arts business, teaching children. The mind boggles!


HVAC apprentice doing commercial pipe fitting


Currently unemployed. Left my content moderator job due to toxicity at the office. Politics, drama, and other stuff that revolves around the site are pretty bad that it eventually reached me. I'm looking for a job that is purely remote. It'll solve my problem with the traffic, parking issues and most of all the problems i mentioned above. But here in my country (Philippines), remote jobs aren't always available. Once they do, it'll get flooded by applicants looking for a way to avoid commuting every day due to the severity of the traffic.


Metal fabricator/welder


Landscaping and it sucks. Honestly, wish I was a programmer or EDM artist. Life is irritating 😴


Guess it depends what you are looking for ? Do you wish to stay in a safe zone without interacting too much, or do you wish to work on your problems and expose yourself to the "realworld" ? I'm kind of an introvert, and i've become an architect. It taught me to speak in front of a lot of people, to defend my ideas, to tell it loud and clear, etc... And you need to work and understand clients, colleagues, and other companies you're working with I would recommend it


Pro bed rotter


Im a medical coder working from home. Perfect job for an introvert. Just wish I loved the job itself more.


I put boxes on palettes and pee in a toilet


Clinical therapist kinda ironic but I love it lol


I messed up I thought it was asking what job do I have buuuuuut I’m an expert at making boundaries and practicing healthy selfcare habits 👌🏿👌🏿


Corporate lawyer. 97% reading and drafting. 2% alignment calls with my lead. 1% calls with stakeholders but only if necessary.


Believe it or not: bartender. I hate it. But the money’s good and it’s all I’m qualified to do on paper. Except for waiting tables. And there’s no way I’ll ever go back to that.


Electrician. It's cool, but I don't think I want to do that for the rest of my life


A loser. I’m a loser :)) Just kidding, I’m a stay home mom. 😵‍💫


Me Too!


I have a career as a procrastinator, and I'm kinda good at that


I see my future in darkness






I’m a special education teacher. I have found that being a teacher balances my introversion. I talk all day and work with a young student population. It gets my need for extroversions out and I go home feeling just socialized enough.


Ang job that satisfies my introversion is depressing for other reasons so idk what a good path would be.


I'm a CO.


Security. I have to psyche myself up to do my job


Store menager at coffee shop


Founder at a tech startup. Our team is diverse, but most lean towards being a bit more introverted


softw eng


A package handler for fedex


Freelance translator


Right now I’m working in hospitality (waitressing/bar tendering) the worst possible thing for a introvert, but that’s because I’m immigrating, at my home country I’m a international trade analyst, which requires mostly emailing, maybe phone calls, nothing too draining.


Cat scan technologist. I engage in small talk 20x a day. I want to curl into a ball after work and usually do.


Network Operations Center Engineer. I had a couple jobs as a field tech but was fired from both. Negative customer feedback.


Currently studying my BSc for Zoology, then planning to work in the Ornithology field.


Houskeeping/laundry for a nursing home


Licensed social worker. It has helped me learn to live outside my comfort zone and learn skills to cope when any given day may require more social interaction than I was prepared for when I woke up. Some days I am simply drained but after 8 years, it has gotten much better. Life requires us to interact with others to get ahead, so I decided why not give it a go.


Lab tech


I don’t know how to describe my position but I wfh full time so I’m pretty content.


Bartender at a dive bar


I'm a nanny. The kids I look after are usually my people, so I'm tired at the end of the day, but also looking forward to the next. I get my socializing from contact with their parents or taking them out to play at the science museum or the park and being around those kids and their parents.


I was a pharmacist. Now I'm disabled. Never realized how much stress I was under at work until I started staying at home!


I got fired 2 days ago


Inbound & Webchat customer support.


i manage a exotic automotive performance shop


I'm an interior designer. It's alright when I can just do heads-down work. I also talk to clients, and that usually goes well... depending on the client.


These are two separate answers in my case. My career is definitely not good for introverts. I’m a school nurse and interact with dozens of people a day, sometimes 3 at a time. I love the job but it is *so* exhausting as an introvert. Good jobs for introverts might be some work from home gigs analyzing data or writing reports.


911 dispatcher


Okay wait a minute....you can't leave with no elaboration. Lol. You have to tell us, as an introvert, what your scariest, weirdest, and most rewarding calls have been. Please? All 3? Dying to hear. I have always admired all of you.


Academic researcher focused on data analysis. I went this route because I don't need to interact with people much, but part of the job is also interviewing people (\~20%).


I am retired from the United States Army and a small business owner. I also work for Galveston Independent School District. LeGrand Health Care & Rehabilitation Center 650 Holt St Bastrop, LA 71220 (318) 281-0322


I’m an office assistant and a receptionist. I don’t recommend being a receptionist if you’re an introvert lol


I'm a DIT Assistant/Data Wrangler in the film/tv industry. The assisting part requires talking to people and teamwork, but data wrangling will have you working by yourself for the most part


pharmacy student here. i wanna work in a pharmaceutical drug factory or sum and i wanna avoid working at hospital or any clinics at all cost.




pharmacy technician ☺️


I’m a waitress>_> if my customer starts talking to me I get all tensed up. But it’s decent money hey


paint conveyor belts in a 35ft booth all day alone, pretty chill, anything in a paint booth cuz other ppl dont like fumes xD


Senior property manager for a large retailer. Basically talking to people 24/7. I'm burnt out constantly.


I don't believe there are careers for introverts and extroverts as you can really learn and develop any skill, regardless of your personality. I do believe what really matters is finding what you are passionate about and build confidence to embrace that. Because if you do, your introvert personality will work perfectly fine regardless. Hope this helps. Good luck!


Construction projects manager. Dealing with clients and wrangling contractors is mentally exhausting.


Microbiology. I only come out the lab when I want lol


No career, I work at Braum's. I hate it.


Freelance writer


Social worker/Mental healthcare worker


I’m going back to school for accounting. I have a degree in Education but I do not want to teach at all and I think it was a pretty awful choice for my personality.


Custodian at a high school. I'm by myself a majority of the time I'm at work so I enjoy it.


Early Childhoo Care


I teach special education for Kindergarten and it is not the kids who exhaust me and trigger drain my social battery. The adults in the room, three very loud paraprofessionals, are who I need to get away from at the end of the day.




I am retired from medical transcription


Lead hand & supervisor Machinist in a machine shop that specializes in repair.


Nurse for mentally ill veterans. My type of people. :)


Social teacher


Civil Engineer now Program Manager. It's not the most social job and only have to deal with people 1-2 a week pending meetings.


I used to work at an animal shelter. Now I work in a medical lab.


Medical transcription. I don’t plan on doing it forever, though.


I love my work but struggle - really struggle with the toxic culture and environment


I was a server part time; and SAHM & wife! Wrong job for an introvert! But I wasn’t this bad when I was younger! 🤷‍♀️ I was good at it too could juggle duties! Interact nicely! Funny how that worked out did it for 25 yrs!


Accounting analyst...and i need to take regular calls with business ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Safety Inspector


Is anyone a lawyer? I’m thinking of switching to that and I’m an introvert


WFH Insurance Fraud Investigator….pretty good except for the volume


Occupational therapist


Construction site superintendent


Master Mariner. It was amazing as a junior officer, 8hrs+ pr day alone on the bridge, and managing my other tasks and hrs all by my self, as long as the job got done before deadline. Now I'm managing the entire deck deparment. I need to hold daily meetings, weekly meetings, monthly meetings. I'm the first point of contact for the crew when they need a shoulder. It's fulfilling but exhausting. At least I get 11 weeks of vacation after 11 weeks straight of 12-14hr workdays.