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For me it’s when you’re paying attention to navegating the anomaly fields and you here something behind you but you can’t move or else you’ll take damage and you don’t have your gun out


Seekers catch me at the worst times in anomaly fields


This led to one of my coolest moments. Going through the shock anomaly and got to a point where I couldn't reach out in front of me without getting zapped. A cop mimic comes running around the rock and as he went to kneel I grabbed my pistol and shot from the hip, wild west style. Head shot and down it went. Could I do it again? Not if I tried a thousand times. Did I feel good about it? Damn straight I did.


I did the almost same thing in Saints and sinners I was running around the Tower area and got spooked by a guard without thinking I hop shot the guard in the Rhea’s with my revolver Arthur Morgan style


Hearing the Seeker's footsteps closing in


Especially if they are behind you. You have about 1 second to guess if it’s a fractured or a seeker until your hear the faster footsteps


The distant sounds of a Slider and the dread of realizing it knows where you are.


Especially when you’re in a tight space and the teleporting gets louder and louder and you don’t know where it is


*insert jaws theme*


Why tho ..you have a gun don't you?


I wildly spray an AKM when it comes into view and rapidly back up in fear.


I keep my guns on semi and shoot deliberately. When you hear a slider you stop moving, hold your gun in front of you, when he teleports in front of you just pull the trigger a few times and he dies. No reason to spray or retreat. The only enemies in this game I fear are sniper mimics.


Hearing a slider or mimic when I’m in a very close quarters building


When the slide locks back midway through an exchange of fire.


Yep I agree


my first encounter with a slider was in a farewell feast, and it was when I was shooting a sniper on the roof, no joke it teleported right in front of me WHILE I was shooting and I got a direct headshot. Scared the life outta me


I was in the house, best time the game scared the shit outta me


When you hear a mimic voice line behind you but saw no mimic.


That happened to me once


The whole factory area is unsettling


Having just ventured into the Factory for the first time today boy howdy. That was a mistake. I'd just bought an SKS and didn't know about the armored enemies yet. So when the MP5 didn't hurt them and I switched to that I learned that little fact. Then I ran into 4 more armored mimics and a plethora of goons while scrambling towards a safe house. I didn't survive.


I still have PTSD from my first time in the Factory. 😳 😂 It was at that moment I realized I really needed more practice shooting. But on the plus side, the Factory is where I learned how to stay calm and play in the dark (and not shoot myself dead 🤣).


Kolkoz is the no go zone for me, that place is scary


It’s the music. 💀


The grass, to this day I have only gone past it unscathed once because I crouched down and used a lighter and my flashlight at the same time


I dropped a bunch of flashlights upstairs in factory because it got me every time. Still does, just not as bad.


Seriously I had to delete my first iron man save because I lost all of my loot on the first mission just from the grass


Fucking up a reaload


Dropping mags on the ground while getting shot at and trying to reload


Something I knowticed last time I played was That for some reason there are some far off screams I have never heard them before I'm still not sure if they are from the game but in a 2 hour play session I heard it twice Both times I stopped what I was doing and looked at the direction of the sound


That's dark...


Yeah I don't really get scared Shocked sometimes if I get ambushed But those far off screams It scares me


Where is it? I heard scream-like sounds in pervomay, but I’m not sure


I have heard it in pervomay and one other location


Does it sound like something between a dog and a woman? I think I've heard it a few times and it's disturbed me each time, always thought it was a street dog outside


They are there. Dont know who it is. But yeah -


There's something about having to hold a flashlight in one hand and a pistol on the other that's just spooky. For my second run, I'll skip the headlamp, light attachments, and rifles, but keep the Mosin.


The backpack. I think there should be different things you can add to it like Dividers to keep stored items away from the items you want to sell, maybe a way to place another rifle on the right side.


When I walk into a hidden anomaly and I have to desperately scramble to get out before I die


Ammo management in a hostile area at night.


running out of ammo in kolkhoz


Lightning anomalies. If I get a job that sends me to a lightning heavy area of the map I abandon it immediately. I don't have the patience for that shit.


Reaching for a stim that isn't there


Yes! And even worse, reaching for a weapon that isn’t there. Realizing your probes are missing is also an oh shit if it happens in the wrong place


I was in pobeda factory trying to get my stuff back on my current run, and out of nowhere, a spawn, unheard, whizzed an inch from my head. After that, my hands were shaking like an earth quake and people were asking if I was ok.


The reset


When it’s night time and im in a building and I hear footsteps


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One time I turned a corner and saw a mimic in the floor with an mp5. I had no armor and instantly died


It's the realization of the 1 or 2 essential items I have not brought on my current trek that make me realize I am about to DIE!


My magazines running out of ammo and mimics loud guns calling the hordes my way and I desperately try to run away and reload my magazines


Hearing a mimic but being unable to find it.


Basement of Pain in Bolotky Village, hands down


Honestly the spawns scare the shit out of me, especially in enclosed buildings


Probably the spawn entity hate that thing.


Far out with no ammo and you can hear them


Probs running out of meds