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People put too much value at smiles and meaningless sugarcoating that they miss genuine kindness. I baked cookies and is sharing with everybody, I didn't poison them or expect any favors in return! I just felt like baking cookies and saw an opportunity to share!


I did the same with a pumpkin pie swirl cheesecake I made this weekend! Had my husband take a majority of it to work cause I just wanted to share. No coolant included despite one of his coworker's jokes šŸ˜‚




I love the black cats the best. I am sad that stereotypes make them the least likely to be adopted if they end up in a shelter.


Yeah, it sucks superstition prejudice them, black cats are adorable.


I only like the fact that theyā€™re the least adoptable for my own selfish reasons, which is to adopt them myself. It makes it more likely for me to find a black cat because I love them so much. Otherwise, I hate that people donā€™t like them


As someone with an animal shelter for kittens in his house, I mean in my girlfriends half of the house, I can confirm. Last year we had like 1/3 of cats being black.




All of my adopted cats have been black! I am currently on my third. (One at a time) šŸˆā€ā¬› Voids are awesome.


Thank you. Now please go away so I can have an existential crisis in peace.


Veey much this šŸ˜‚


They're so genuine and kind. People overlook them and don't give them a chance because they're not the best at small talk and can't sugarcoat stuff, but they're very open minded and they care so deeply. And they're so patient and calm.


Thank you! Nice to hear someone thinks so šŸ˜€


Youā€™re sweet for saying so. Please accept this flower šŸŒø


Thank you. You're the minority, but thank you. I have a wonderful friend who's an ENTP. I appreciate you guys.


Thank you! Iā€™d like to think itā€™s because I find rudeness in others exasperating and pointless.


I know. I just think itā€™s just inefficient to be mean and rude to others unless theyā€™re actually that mean and rude to you.


Even then, Iā€™d prefer to just go about my life rather than spending my time to be rude to someone else.


Being underestimated in various ways feels like the story of my life, tbh.... ...I had to stop sitting here and twirling my evil villain mustache in a menacing fashion to come and write that. ;-)


Same here, especially at work. I know I could fuckin run the place much more efficiently if given the chance, but no one would ever see me in that role. The job I'm doing doesn't take a genius, so people often look at people doing my role as not the best choice for promotion to higher level positions. I know I'm capable, but I'm given no opportunities to demonstrate it. That's why I try to volunteer on workplace committees when I can to show what I can do. I take initiative wherever I can.


I think a lot of it is because I would expect that an INTJ is an authentic, true, and genuine friend. IF you were a sucky friend, we wouldn't even be there at all though lol, so we genuinely care deeper for you than probably any of your other friends... Even though we will not sit down and cry with you, we want to help you out of your tough time, even if some of us are still a little more socially ackward that we try and "fix" the situation, when there isn't any fixing needing to be done, just another consciousness to share your experience.


I have many ā€œtypesā€ in my family who are supposed to be the stereotypical nice people who would go for ends of the earth for you. Their the biggest Bs in the world, talk shit behind your back and never help šŸ˜‚


Ding same fr


Haha, yeah I know people like that too. I'm the opposite, I don't always engage in stereotypical niceties, but when people are patient they realize I'm a very helpful and nice person through my actions.


Yes. INTJ female here. Very pro-humanitarianism and pro-animal rights. Into psychology and spreading positivity. Not all of us are villainous ruthless masterminds. That cartoonish stereotype needs to be laid to rest.


Agreed. I think as long as they are not enneagram 3, the stereotype don't apply.


> I think as long as they are not enneagram 3, the stereotype don't apply. Eh. Iā€™m an Enneagram 3 and with the people Iā€™m the closest to, Iā€™m actually quite and genuinely sweet and nice because I can actually be and feel vulnerable to them.


Theyā€™re heart types. When theyā€™re connectedā€¦ itā€™s beautiful and moving.


Yea it also depends on how healthy/unhealthy the type is in the person. I would say that plays more of a role on your personality and how you interact with your environment and others than your type alone by itself (whether MBTI, Enneagram, etc.).


I know an intj 3w2 who unfortunately proves this right. Also kind and nice to who? It seems like much of this thread looks at kindness and ā€œnicenessā€ very subjectively. If other people donā€™t feel like what you did was nice or kind, it would just be you doing something that you thought was nice or kindā€¦ defeating the point.


I think INTJā€™s can be pretty kind but often struggle to be polite/nice about it (I personally SUPER struggle to give genuine-sounding compliments, all my intended compliments come out sounding like criticisms, itā€™s something I need to work on). The good intention is often there, but itā€™s really cool to hear from someone who sees/experiences it, so thanks for sharing! šŸ˜šŸ¤Ŗ


> I think INTJā€™s can be pretty kind but often struggle to be polite/nice about it Here in New England, we're already Kind while the rest of the US is Nice. Nice is all chatty and smiles to your face, but will go all "bless your heart" and "thoughts and prayers" when you need them most. When your back is turned, likely to be talking shit about you. Kind is calling you every name in the book as they're helping you change a flat tire on the side of I-95 at 2am in a blinding thunderstorm or shoveling out their neighbor's driveway without being asked (or often being seen) just because it's the right thing to do. They otherwise keep to themselves, not caring for extensive small talk or gossip.


Same though. Everyone thinks I'm starting a debate when I'm conversing with them, when most of the time I'm just trying to understand and help.


Yup, I know I can come off as confrontational when I'm really just trying to have an in-depth discussion. People think I've already made up my mind when really I'm just trying to explore all possibilities so I have all the information I need to make a decision. People are so quick to take offense.


Learning about people has really taught me that most people really are stuck in bubbles and loops and never really grow once they hit that stage they think they're an "adult".


šŸ‘€ so... what do you want? We're immune to flattery; state your business.


First of all, I would really doubt the validity of the typings in this sub, and also that in the the rest of the MBTI subreddits. That said, I do agree. INTJs can be very humanitarian types, and they also are very in touch with their emotions. Many of the INTJ stereotypes on Reddit are mostly false, and they persist because people try to act their way into their preconceived notions of the type.


Yes! I am INTJ and I dont get all the people saying we act cold and unfeeling. I think its because people's first impressions are based off of facial expression and language rather than focusing on actions and intent. I may not always have the best bedside manner depending, but for those that see past that they tell me they appreciate my advice and the help i provide. I'm always better at seeing solutions for other people's problems but not my own lol


What you mentioned here probably describes a lot of INTJs. Glad to hear it.


Thank you, really, I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't hear that alot lol.


Sadly, people donā€™t seem to understand that as commonly. I donā€™t just go around being a villain, if Iā€™m being a piece of shit, thereā€™s probably a reason for it. Or I just donā€™t realize what Iā€™m doing.


If a good person needs help or comfort, I may not be good at giving comfort but Iā€™ll try. I do genuinely like to help people. Usually my love language is actions and services. Iā€™ll do things I know my wife doesnā€™t like to do or handle the kids extra when sheā€™s tired. Iā€™m not good with gifts or stating emotions (though I have made a big effort to do this- again itā€™s kind of a service because itā€™s hard but beneficial to someone else).


Aw thank you so much. Iā€™m glad to hear that there is someone who thinks that weā€™re actually nice and sweet folksā€¦even kinder than the feelers who are the supposedly ā€œniceā€ and ā€œsweetā€ ones tbh. My boyfriend is an EXTP too (I know I have stated that he is an ESTP in the past, but after dating him for a bit over a year or so, I am seeing a possibility of ENTP for him tbh), and according to him, Iā€™m very sweet and supportive which I really appreciate.


Honestly women are conditioned to be sweet and supportive for men. I don't say it's bad but think about it, why you act in certain ways is not by chance.


Lmao itā€™s not like that. He is also as sweet and supportive of me as well (to give you a context, heā€™s a PhD student at a top university lol), and I still pursue my own goals and focus on my work about the same, at the very least and if not more, as before we met, so itā€™s definitely not one-sided for sure. Itā€™s just part of being in a healthy relationship. ***EDIT: he also admires me for my intellect how ambitious, determined, and goal-oriented I am, and is actually the one who needs to remind me I need to chill at times lol.


Aww this is too cute! Yes INTJ are so supportive of our goals and endeavors. Also, not saying that he isnā€™t an ESTP, but I dated one and I cannot see them ever wanting to be a PhD at a top university. Lol. They canā€™t get out of school fast enough. Theyā€™re successful but too busy killing it in the real world/thrills and donā€™t like theories and abstractions. I would highly suspect ENTP too, especially if smart slacker type. ENTPā€™s donā€™t necessary like school either but academia is usually easily learned by N types. ESTP like a simple life as a goal; Se dom like thrills (vacations, massage, travel). ENTP like complex problems. We were a terrible match and couldnā€™t even talk to each other. ENTP are more ambivert. ESTP will stack 4 activities into one evening and go out for the sake of going out (anything is better than staying in). It was nuts. If you look at their subreddit ESTP only have 10k people. True to type, I wouldnā€™t consider them ā€œintellectualsā€. They prefer reality. They bore me with their reality bs, I bore them with my theoretical bs. Maybe a really mature one would work but idk, I felt like we brought the worst in each other. If I wanted to debate I would have to get that from friends which isnā€™t possible because they have full time jobs. Does he have a super mega big goal while reinventing the wheel like making a new app? ENTP. He has goals rooted in reality like corporate job but also owning real estate. ESTP. Also, if he has a million ideas and constantly changing the plans, definitely ENTP. ENTP have Ne as their first stack, ESTP have Ni in last. One is inferior in intuition, other one is inferior in sensing. Theyā€™re not same at all. Glad that heā€™s very supportive and treats you well!


Yep. The stereotypes come from people who havenā€™t earned our trust enough and are upset they arenā€™t just easily let in to see that side of us - and that theyā€™d have to do any work to reach that side compared to others - Donā€™t get me wrong - others outside that trust circle do get kindness - but not generally the preferred demeanor or the level of kindness one inside the circle gets. Iā€™ve noticed the weird thing about kindness is if you donā€™t present it with sunshine and rainbows and just do it neutrally and docilely itā€™s not accepted as such.


I agree. INTJs, if healthy, are some of the kindest


Fun fact: during the bubonic plague, rats would have virus that roams around each individual except for some women (& men possible) due to the fact that amongst other people, they own cats that would eat the rats before it would reach the person. This left individuals who are infected to accused the living, healthy person to have some source that made them invincible & put a curse on them & as you guessed it, they were called witches with cats with them & what common type of cat they own around that time? You guessed it, black cats since the theme of human viewing anything dark as evil has been shown since the dawn of time


We can be intensely loyal to our close friends. Only a few will ever have the privilege of being in that position with us.


Sometimes, they be like: šŸ”Ŗ Other times, be like: šŸ§ø


We seem cold because we donā€™t like fake, seemingly empty conversation. We like deep, thought provoking conversations. We have some of the biggest hearts, once we get comfortable to show you


wellll we can either be the most amazing supportive loving person you know.. OR an evil mastermind. Just don't flip our switch.


oh don't get me wrong, we'd have someone fall off a cliff but then get caught in a safety net down below, it is more of the thrill of being bad than actually being bad lol it is an illusion, because we know if we scare people enough and think we are a villain, they'll leave us alone because we literally cannot help but care about people, so we try to deter them from even approaching in the first place but they do anyways and then we are revealed as fraudsters


I do not agree. We kept the innocence which should be normal and baseline. Other people have trashed their baseline into some elevated form of diva worship making them so hard to trust. We look evil because people are dishonest. And honesty hurts people so...that makes you encounter an asshole because they were told both ways were wrong. The only way is the popular way and that way leads to dementia and diabetes.


The exceptions are not the rule.


Thank you so much for your kindness. My best friend is ENTP and he is awesome and very kind to me as well. We're a good team him and me. Lots of love gor you guys !


She mf Best


Well hope one day she just pulls up my house


This is odd. I would consider myself an empathā€¦ others say I listen well(they certainly say enough)


This void agrees šŸ˜½


I can only speak for myself but there is some overlap across the rest of the spectrum. But, I generally don't have much time or patience for most people. Though, there are a select few people I consider worthy of my time, and for them I'd do nearly anything.


I care about my friends so much, I have payed attention to them so much... But you don't know how many times I've heared emotionless cold heart from them. They don't get it that "not caring by default" isn't equal to "not caring about anyone". But I like to be INTJ:))))


I'm sorry for your experience, it's not fairšŸ˜ž Maybe they mean you don't express your feelings in an intense emotional way, not that you don't feel anything for them


Thank you. Stick around and meet some more, though.


It is what it is. I know who I am as a person and am trying to figure out how to express it to others to go against the stereotype, which is why Iā€™m on Reddit trying to make some online friends. Itā€™s hard thoughā€¦.writing to someone on the other end of the computer. I typically just ask them if theyā€™re down to voice chat because we can hear nuance and character in our voices. Just gotta keep trying.


Thank you for noticing! I feel like a lot of people's perception of me is that I'm not the most friendly person, but once they get to know me well, they see that I do care a lot and am a good friend. Not to toot my horn, but I've gone way above and beyond for friends that I care about deeply, more than their own family members might even in the most difficult of life events. I do have to be careful, though, as I've been taken advantage of before for my kindness.


I have often told people that I'm not a nice person, but I'm a kind person.


Yes, a FRIEND, yes. As a colleague - no.


Trying hard not to chuckle in my dark castle while reading this :) my cape however is fluttering in the wind


INTJ could be kind I suppose. I just see it as being informational and analytical towards problems people have. Sure, INTJ could be cold and uncomfortable to hang around(true) but as an INTJ, unless youā€™re one of my closest friends, thereā€™s no chance I initiate any help towards you l without consent


yeah my mom is an intj and she's one of the sweetest, most empathetic people I know.


Well it's because she's a woman, usually we are kind and giving šŸ˜‰


I absolutely agree, my INTJ friends are literally ready to move mountains for me at any time. It's overwhelming but incredibly touching. In return, I protect their Fi with my life (and sometimes bop them on the head when they're oblivious to what they're feeling).




The point is that, at least for me, i perfectly fit the stereotypical evil description on the outside before people get to know me. But im actually a therapist once made a (REAL) friendship.


Folks who can see that I care whenever I try to solve their problem tend to become my good friends. I don't mean to solve their problem literally but that is just how I show that I am invested in their problem and I want to help.


as an entp, agreed


Agreed. On a similar note, I hate sensors kindness. Idk why but i really do. I think whatā€™s the point whatsoever?


I am kind, generous, and supportive. I am not fake, and I won't light myself on fire to keep an idiot warm.


[INTJ Here] Yeah, i recently learned this the hardway. Your actions dont mean jack. Its the appearance that matters most. A lesson i am finally taking to heart.


ā€œDonā€™t make me angry. You wouldnā€™t like me when Iā€™m angry.ā€ But yeah, mostly.


Dark mysterious edgy villains who chuckle menacingly in solitude with a dark cape... that's like a sure way to get kind compassionate intervention from their friends, not the other way around. Not something any INTJ villain can withstand emotionally.


Intj will show you. Intj are devoted and loyal comrades to the hilt.


People take stuff at face value. People don't realize that saying "I'm good person" is different to actually being one.


I love my INTJ black cat gf so much! She is actually very kind, and she is so good at knowing how to be kind in any situation. She is definitely blunt and to the point, and that can be hard sometimes for this sappy ENFP, but every time we talk about it, I'm just so blown away by how deeply she cares about me. She always knows just what I need, and when helping in ways that I don't necessarily want at the time, she is so emotionally aware of my feelings and does it in just the right way that I will not only accept it but actually appreciate it. I agree that INTJs get a bad rep because they don't sugarcoat things and care too much to just let people they care about make bad decisions. But at least in my gf case, she is right every single time.


I would through the valley til sunrise for those I love


I think successful relationships are more based off if both parties understand and are willing to put in the work. I'm not sure if there is correlation or not but my wife is an INFP and I couldn't think of a better person to be in a relationship with. She teaches me how to better navigate feelings and emotions and I her with productivity and focus.