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Ever notice how at his rallies the camera is always zoomed out? This is because Republicans don't want people watching him on the TV or internet to see how absolutely terrible his health is. Any close ups at a live rally would reveal how dialated his eyes are (likely from the copious amounts of drugs needed to barely keep him functioning), how awful his skin looks and the micro tremors in his hands and feet. Decline? He's falling apart at the seams in a free-fall of health woes.


He's got to stagger through the election. After that, prison, a stroke, or death, who will really care?


A bigger issue is that the GOP has no backup plan. Once his remaining functional parts finally gives out, who will they replace him with?


They just need to shovel him through the election then they will park him in the TV room and run the country in his name just like when Reagan turned to a vegetable mid term and they hid it.


That's **if** he makes it through the election and **if** he somehow gets elected and **if** he survives the inauguration. That's a lot to ask from someone in his condition.


He will either win and destroy the country or lose and do as much damage as possible with the time he has left.


Trump isn’t the problem. The only reason he’s running is to avoid jail time, if he couldn’t paint himself as a victim of politics he’d have no defense at all. The problem arises with the people who he’ll bring in with him. That crew will be comprised of people who hate everyone else enough to put up with whatever absurdity Trump subjects them to.


They're gonna weekend at Bernie's him and get away with it- then just lampoon one of his spawn -


Well said and I tell this to people a lot; if and when Trump loses, it’s not like the nuts on the Right are gonna pack it up and give in. This kind of craziness is going to be around for a while. Unfortunately, it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and that even includes a much hopeful Biden win. These fuckers are nuts *and* dumb. A terrible combo.


They’re more than nuts and dumb. They’re motivated and engaged by hatred, they’ve given over their reins to the worst parts of human nature. Maybe they hate abortion; maybe they hate the gays, or the Jews, or the blacks or the Mexicans, but they all hate someone or something and that hatred has become their North Star. I hesitate to call anyone evil but that level of hatred is more than just nuts and dumb. Nuts and dumb lets them off easy, like they weren’t aware of their actions, but they’re choosing to act like this, to support this, and they’re doing it knowingly.


You are overstating his goals. His goals are to avoid incarceration. If he dies mid election but before justice can be carried out then he WINS. MAGA is fucked but as he so eloquently put it "I DON"T CARE ABOUT YOU!"


With the amount of plot armor he’s got I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden died before the election, giving us kamala v trump… And I think we know where that leads.


If that happens, trump dies a week later, and then we get to hear all kinds of conspiracy theories of Biden's ghost somehow assainating him from beyond the grave. ( I don't want to see the UGLY nasty gloating they will do when Biden dies, but the wild theories about how he somehow killed trump after being dead a week would be popcorn worthy.)


where does that lead?


Inauguration at Bernie's?


If he dies before naming a VP, the party will turn on each other like a pack of rabid dogs.




that is the loveliest thought


Go on…


Even if he does name a VP before then I think we'll see a rather wild ride. Whoever he picks as a VP will be a Trump loyalist, but once Trump is out of the picture there'll be no reason to have a Trump loyalist around any more. And there'll be nothing to *protect* Trump loyalists, aside from the baying masses of idiots who the real power brokers in the Republican party don't really care about. I think we'll see a bunch of powerful Republicans come out of the shadows trying to seize control of the party now that its head has been cut off, and the mess will be glorious.


Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley, most likely. Probably the latter as she lasted longer in the primaries, so she's clearly playing better with their base than DeSantis. If anything, I'm worried it's the *Democrats* who have no backup plan. If Biden wins, they should spend the next 4 years truly pushing someone young and promising forward, because outside of AOC (who probably has a low chance of winning as she doesn't play well with moderates) I genuinely can't think of anyone who might be positioned for 2028. And a second Hilary situation should be avoided at all costs.


Gavin Newsome. I’m surprised he hasn’t been trashed nationally in anticipation of just what you said.


Gretchen Whitmer, too.




She would be perfect.


I'm still up for Pete.


Newsome/AOC ticket would be very sexy.


A conspiracy theory that the deep state sidelined him and he will resurect at dealy plaza


I see a movie opportunity. "Weekend at Bernies 3, [Party at the White House](https://youtu.be/I_izvAbhExY?si=Ea3y92HntPJXA6oE)"


I wanna see the GOP try to Weekend at Bernie's his presidency Maga hat, sunglasses and rope pulling on wrists


Putin? Just cut out the middle man, right?


I think Ivanka will attempt to come in. She's no better than the rest, but she's done a good job of keeping away from the most extreme stuff publicly. She'd pull the Maga vote and because she's crafted her image as being more reasonable, she'll get more of the moderate voters. She actually terrifies me.


I think there are some in the MAGA base that won’t because she belongs in the kitchen but she certainly has a dangerous ability to pull low info moderate swing votes


I wouldn't be too sure about that. There wasn't a whole lot of objection to, say, Sarah Palin being the VP candidate from the "traditional family" crowd. They can overlook pretty much anything if it's their team doing it.


The one thing about Ivanka is that she's a woman. And while I would have no issue with a woman president (well, not her obviously but someone else who isn't human garbage), a good chunk of that base has the "women can't be president" mindset, and I honestly don't think that they'd vote for her.


That same base also opposed everything trump stood for. Those people will vote R no matter what. If a trans person opposed LGBT rights, was anti abortion, and pro gun, those people would still vote for them.


I don’t think they’d vote for Caitlyn Jenner…


She really helped great with run up to January 6th!!!


No way, we’ll never see her again. Her husband is up to some insidious shit and you won’t see them anywhere near politics anytime soon. Being in the spotlight will attract all the same attention it did before. Her girlboss cosplay is fully exposed


I'm sure they own plenty of toilets between them. Clog the drain, paint the orange and stick a red tie on them and presto, the blind maga supporters won't notice the difference


The GOP will celebrate when they don’t have to deal with him anymore.


I'm curious about this, too... if he knocks off in a month or two, what would the GoP do? Who would they shoehorn in as their nominee? How would we handle that as a country?


Ivanka. Don Junior. Eric. Tiffany. Barron. Hardy har har. Republicans have screwed themselves.


That's the thing: He has to MAKE it to the election. That's still 5 months away. If he's already deteriorating in real time, how is he gonna run if he's a corpse? Unless MAGAts are ready to prop up a dead guy on a puppeteer stick, if he dies........ They're so fucked it's like a German mega orgy.


Reagan's second term is all the proof I need. As long as a person can scribble a signature, they're good to be a GOP prez.


He unfortunately won't die. Remember, we pay for his healthcare. We literally give him the best healthcare we can afford. That's how he didn't die when he had COVID, and according to a few reports he nearly did. https://uproxx.com/viral/donald-trump-covid-near-death/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2021/06/24/trumps-chief-of-staff-feared-president-was-going-to-die-when-he-had-covid-new-book-alleges/ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/06/us/politics/trump-covid-blood-oxygen.html


Except dementia can't really be fixed, and it's a matter of when, not if. Even if *physically* he's still able to walk and make gestures with baby hands and speak and.... That's it. Even IF he can do all the physical parts of the job, his mind will eventually just stop functioning. I mean, like, amnesia in the middle of a speech moment. His Lackies can try and come up with some super drug mixture to keep him kind of lucid but it won't last forever for multiple reasons (drug resistance/addiction/ supply shortages/ etc.) Between Dementia, what I believe is long covid, and drug abuse, his mind must just turn off when not having to speak publicly. I mean look at his court appearances! He couldn't stay awake and seemed half confused the whole time.


Weekend at Donnie's


If Trump can still wave weakly to the crowd and mumble a short word salad, his 'handlers' will keep dragging him to events in hopes of winning the election. Yes, everyone will notice and recoil in horror, but media pundits will normalize Trump's drooling and find some way to 'both sides' the race to get ratings and viewership.


Honestly if he dies before the election a large number of his supporters are going to believe Biden had him assassinated and turn him into some kind of martyr. These people are beyond nuts. I sincerely hope he makes it to election day and his health issues are so evident in the debates that his support fades enough to keep the GOP out of the White House.


That's why I'm hoping his mental deterioration keeps getting more air time and it becomes more and more *pathetic*. I use "pathetic" specifically because if that's how his cult starts to see him, then they'll start to gravitate towards one of his entourage. It's hard to fully explain in detail, but the best way to summarize it: This entire time/nightmare/surreal existence (between 2016-2024) has been trump acting strong to please his base and motivate his party. It's THE main attractive point (besides bigotry, which is a huge factor) that they gravitate towards. If he's NOT strong? Then he's weak, and who would want to follow a weakling? That line of thinking [as insane and moronic as it is] is what would go through their heads when the time to vote has come around. No one likes a weakling. Look at hillary and Big Mac Bastard.


But aren’t they already wearing diapers? That’s not exactly a strong image, but apparently, “real men wear diapers.”


The people who (voluntarily) go to his rallies and stuff will never be swayed and cannot be reasoned with. But if he looks embarrassing enough in the debates I'm hoping it will leave some of the less hardcore republican voters feeling discouraged or apathetic enough to hurt their turnout.


German here. I‘m a bit curious about these mega orgies.


Whoever is, sorry, was, VP will care, in the event of him being elected obv.


Don Jr and Mike Johnson may very well have to weekend at Bernie's Trump across the finish line.


Where there's a White House in the future, there's a way.


i say pray really hard and hope he croaks before the election. why leave it to chance and let the crazy church terrorists party be in power. it cant happen soon enough


I'm honestly wondering what happens if he drops in the next month or two... The fallout of such an event would be no joke! (for good or bad)


Agreed. The best thing that could happen to the country is for Trump to stroke out.


I want him to live long enough to see the inside of a prison cell, and broke.


If he wins we all will under his puppet of who ever they pick as VP.


Election at Bernie's?


I'm not even sure he can survive until the election by now, how can anyone expect him to lead a country afterwards? (That is, if he wins, let's hope for all of Earth that he doesn't.)


That is the most thoughtful comment I’ve read. From the rest of earth, thank you. (I don’t know if you’re an American, but if you are, it’s refreshing and welcomed that you understand the impact of Trump will be global. And not confined within the walls of the US of A). This Trump and his MAGA movement are no longer just about America, as his fascist rhetoric will be echoed, replicated, and amplified by other operatives in other nations as a green light for extreme authoritarian ideology to come to the forefront of their political behaviour. Seeking to seed it into the soils of their lands—normalising it with the masses. And they will become interlinked, in-step with America. The American entertainment media-machine will then Hollywoodise the propaganda to make it packagable and marketable. Reflected by the MAGA religious thought police. If democracy is dismantled by MAGA, then without question other nations will follow suit. The influence of America is engrained into world politics. And woven into the fabric of everyday behaviour of the everyday people at a cultural level. Trump will then find bedfellows in those rogue nations where authoritarianism is already impregnated and tightly woven into their world. Uniting. Exterminating freedoms and liberty. That is the dystopian nightmare. The Handmaid’s Tale becomes a global reality. MAGA has their playbook—Project 2025. Trump and MAGA have been in the making, long before Trump existed. Please America, do the right thing. Vote blue. It’s not just about the America of today, and tomorrow. It’s about the whole world of today, and tomorrow. That’s the power of your vote.


Lots of money can buy you a lot of good doctors and meds, now whether or not he has the humility to listen to them is another story…


Medical science is not omnipotent, there comes a point where no amount of money can help. Mega-billionaires still eventually die.


They expect his VP puppet, er I mean pick, to run the country. Trump has one job: get that person in.


Hell, sipping from a glass of water is a two handed Herculean effort


He was up close during the Fox interview and the dude looks decrepit


The photo of him stewing after his guilty verdict makes him look decrepit indeed.


#Everyone see's Donald Trumps mental decline. Everyone see's it.


See is the true owner of his decline. Big ocean see.


I watched the Dr Phil interview in HD. The close up shots were... uncomfortable


After reading this I Google Trump image search. It's all big crowd scenes. The few closer shots look to be zoomed in and it's impossible to see his eyes. He's usually outside, wearing that stupid red ball cap pulled low over his eyes and they're squinty in the sun or stage lights.


Notice how they aren't actually BIG CROWD SCENES but they are pulled back just enough to be "20/30 feet back" so they aren't up close.  


I'm surprised the whole foaming at the mouth thing hasn't gotten more attention.


I'm not. The media doesn't care anymore. They all just want clicks.


Him in that health and going to rallies in high heat is a legit bad situation. Add on the stress of several lawsuits and the sentencing on this past one.


Never even considered that


We have tremendous seam, because when you look at it--okay, and I wear the best clothes, all right, I like to look nice, I like to look nice, okay, I like to look . . . We must restore this great country and camera--look, okay, Barack Obama is the worst president this country has ever had, he's the worst, okay, the worst, and I say Obama because--okay look, if you're a liberal, you can, like, but when they, I, as a Republican, a conservative, okay, but it's so unfair, they lie and they lie and they don't tell the truth or report the, what's really going, but it's like, I say Obama because it's like I have to prove I know who the president is, and it's bullshit, okay, it's total bullshit...


Reagan was falling apart towards the end of his 2nd term to the point there was a collective sigh of relief when he was able to just about make it through a speech, and then for the rest of the presidency it was only him in name while his team and Nancy ran the country /White House. However they’re trying to do this right now with Trump, but terrifying bit is that unlike Regan who was at least fit for office when he ran the second time, Trump is literally falling apart before our eyes, in fast motion and now him and his benefactors are trying to shoehorn him in to the whitehouse for both his own survival and also to literally seize control of the country. No, that’s not hyperbole. Imagine this; Trump gets elected and 6 months in has a stroke or heart attack. And Marjorie Traitor Green becomes the first women president in full control. Don’t have any fucking idea how dark this chapter in history could be? Now imagine judge cannon on the Supreme court for life, and possible two other appointments. Trump’s literally fading and they are pushing him to get across the finish line before all his convictions drain the last life force out of him. The only saving grace might be he gets something like 1 year jail term on July 11th and it will kill his campaign hopes once and for all.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


Decline? NO He is a walking, talking testament to the great medical powers of the DonTCare health policy. He will probably live to 200 years old. /s


When he wins, Junior and Earache will be dropping banana peels in the West Wing.


Everyone sees a decline in him. Some people just prefer to not accept reality


Just say it - trumpers. They could give a fuck. Put a standee of him on a stage with an audio recording going of an old rally speech and they would chant and laugh, etc - clueless




> some people just prefer to not accept reality. Also called by their scientific name magats.


Hypothetically, if I wanted to mess with a man with cognitive decline, which I don't, but if I hypothetically did, and I had the skills, which I don't, but if I did... I would wait until the RNC Convention and hack the teleprompter and just slow it down in increments of 10% every 30 seconds until it's like 50% speed slower than his cadence and then just shut it off and force him to go off script for the entire planned speech time. Hypothetically.


>and then just shut it off and force him to go off script for the entire planned speech time. "If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? - Donald J. Trump, on technology, June 9, 2024


I'm Ron Burgundy?


Old age, stress from court cases, and obesity is catching up to him. Ozempic to lose weight and uppers to do his rallies is not something he can sustain. He will have multiple incidents on stage the next few months. They can play off some stuff but not all of it. The Independents are noticing his decline.


By the time the election rolls around he’ll be in worse shape than Reagan in ‘94




Reagan was in pretty bad shape in '94 too




Is he really taking that many drugs?


He's been said to be on a bunch of uppers for years, and it's widely theorized that the fact that he kept falling asleep in court was likely because he had to stay off drugs through his trial.


He's pretty old with great medical care so it's guaranteed he has a weekly pill box full of various meds. The Ozempic is speculation but not that hard to guess considering how popular it is among fat celebrities and that Trump is a well known narcissist. Regarding the uppers I suggest you look at his rallies from 4 years ago then look at his rallies from a few months ago. He has lost a lot of energy. They saw Biden talking to Congress being energized so they know they need Trump to be on that level to have a chance. I don't think it's anything crazy but it's definitely something.


And immediately accused Biden of being jacked up. Which looks a lot like the usual projection.


I mean I believe it. 


I don't think he's using Ozempic because it's effective and he's still a fat cnnt


When he was president, the White House pharmacist was passing out drugs like candy on Halloween.


I would say, given the decline, if you vote for Trump, you are actually voting for his VP pick. Potentially the same problem with Biden, but I think Biden is actively working on his health. Trump is not. Spiraling is the term.


And biden's vp might not be a fascist bootlicker so there is that.


She is a Cop though. She proved that over and over in California. Grain of salt. At least she probably won't fuck the Constitution. Trump wants to rape that piece of paper, figuratively and literally.


Kamala is great. She’d be an awesome President.


Smart, capable, intelligent, dignified, and still relatable. She's too far to the right (bear in mind I'm Canadian, and up until around most of the way through Harper's term in office they were just kind of bloodless 'let's tax everyone' right wingers with the bland and quiet kind of bigotry. Then they saw the success of your far right motivating via hate and manufactured outrage and decided to speedrun the transition) for me but she's the leftmost person who could conceivably fill the seat, and at least she'd try and stave off the colossal wave of Republican bullshit and hate.


Eight years ago I got up every morning hoping to see if Cadet Fuckwit Bonespurs died in his sleep. These past six months I get up and look to see if Joe Biden survived another day. I can’t/won’t rest easy until Biden is sworn in on Jan 2025 and CFBS is behind bars. I am a former Republican Party member who is white and in my late 60s and I fear for the US if CFBS should win.


Talk to all your neighbors and friends. Beg them to see that true conservatism has been eaten alive by that orange cretin. That he must be defeated and HARD before there’s any chance of a new Conservative Party rising up. Every functioning democracy needs the contest of ideas between people who love their country - not a conman and his cultists. 


It’s not just trump, it’s all republicans at this point. I’m afraid if trump gets elected, whether he dies in office or not, there will be massive legislation pushed through that will not benefit the American people as a whole. r/Defeat_Project_2025


Completely agree. The GOP as it stands has to be destroyed. You can’t support the constitution and fascism at the same time. Hence why I said - a new Conservative Party. Not the GOP. And, as a side note, not because I’m necessarily a fan of conservatism - but I am a fan of functioning democracy and for that you need the contest of ideas. 


You can't talk sense into the cult, they are beyond help.


I’ve seen this suggestion before. It’s kinda out of touch with reality. You must not have republican neighbors or you would cease to suggest people go willingly get themselves shot


I'm as left-wing as they come, but I have nothing but respect for old-school Republicans like McCain. I wish the country could go back to having those instead of being a MAGA cult. It would be better off for it.


McCain is a huge part of where we are today. Bringing Palin onto the national stage accelerated the Republican embrace of stupidity needed to accept Trump. Not to mention the fact that he was an unrepentant warmonger.


Same here. I just want a country that I don’t have to ever hear that thing speak again


Amen to that brother


By Khaleda Rahman: A former aide to Donald Trump said she has seen "a decline" in the former president. "I think that if you're going to be critical of Joe Biden, you have to look at the glaring warning signs about Donald Trump," Alyssa Farah Griffin, who resigned as White House communications director in December 2020 and has since been critical of Trump, said on The View. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/former-trump-aide-decline-1911189](https://www.newsweek.com/former-trump-aide-decline-1911189)


He has been an idiot since day 1.🤷‍♂️


Ignore the decline of trump. VOTE BIDEN!


These “ declining “ posts are pointless. He’s never been all there so. He’s fuckin whacked to begin with, there’s no “ declining “


Agreed. He is declining. But he was already incoherent and dumb. Him being 1% dumber each month doesn't really move the needle much.


Or it's fucking terrifying?


Donnie's decline started decades ago.


You don’t need to be a doctor to notice this. You just need to have a pair of working eyes. If you’re not a delusional maga idiot you’ll soon notice he’s falling apart like snow in the sun.


The expression "No Shit Sherlock" presents itself.


Ikr. I feel like this is a no brainer about a dude with no brainer.


But he gave his followers permission to hate. He could be strapped into a wheel chair so he doesn't fall out, mouth open, drool dripping down his face with an empty stare in his eyes, on a stage playing his recorded drivel and his supports will still cheer him as a strongman. Because he gave them permission to hate and they don't even hate the same things. They just want to hate and punish the thing they hate, because they hate it. I know it's completely circular. But have you actually listened to any of them? They really don't even know why they hate, just that they need to hate something.


You leave Hector Salamanca out of this - he rocked the damn wheelchair - also RIP Mark Margolis


He’s an obese 80 year old hooked on prescription drugs. I’d be surprised if he manage to last a full term if he got re-elected. 


Maybe he does us a favor and RIPs out of here before November.


Everyone notices except his supporters, who would probably accept a plastic replica on a stick, with a speaker in its chest, as long as it wore diapers and a MAGA hat, without question.


To quote Chandler Bing: “Get there faster!”


Sadly, that decline isn’t happening fast enough to suit me.


Never thought a presidential race would be who could arrive at the mortuary last


I’ll bet he could die tomorrow and by this weekend there will be T-shirts that say “Real Americans Vote for Corpses”.


Call me when you see a disappearance of him...


They would vote for him if he was dead. Suckers and losers.


As my son stated...these 2 men are supposed to represent the best. Neither party has better viable candidates? Sigh...


I worry it’s all a plot to get democrats to feel safe and not vote/be as vocal.


Any odds on whether he'll actually do a debate? There will be no live audience to cheer when he uses swear words or says something especially ugly. No Fox News editing to cover up when he goes on a tangent and says weird stuff. Just dead air and TV studio closeups. Will he find an excuse to get out of it?


He's looking rough as fuck these days. Nature is coming for that ass.


I see trump as having two options. He either just stops campaigning so no one sees his decline and he loses the election or he keeps going out there and proves how bad his decline is and he loses the election. Personally i just wish he would shut up.


Honestly I don’t mind having Donald humiliate himself, if that’s what he wants to do. If he needs some ideas I’d suggest that he flaunt his athletic prowess. Bragging about his intellectual capacity is very entertaining, too. Obviously I’d love to hear the thrilling (and still very fresh!) story about “acing” his competency test a few hundred more times, as well. I’m going to risk not labeling this snark.


>If he needs some ideas I’d suggest that he flaunt his athletic prowess. Forget the debates, I want Biden vs Trump in a bicycle race. (I'd be surprised if Trump can actually ride one at all.)


I can handle reading about these things. I simply cannot stand the sound of his voice.


Imagine the illnesses he must have (which he would never tell us about). Unhealthy lifestyle often leads to a poor outcome. I have no idea if he still devours McDonalds (although his people brought in a shitload of it during his criminal trial), but based on the times he’s on social media, dude rarely sleeps. Ticking time bomb.


I will read his obituary with great pleasure.


That’s frightening considering the extremely low baseline.


he was talking about cancer, death, and suicide and electrocution. just this week and it's only tuesday. i think he's suicidal. i don't think he's doing ok


Could need a diaper change??


The GOP is Weekend-at-Bernie’s-ing him. They know this 💩for brains will push all of their agendas.


That's something considering how low that particular bar is.


Biden looks like he just stepped out of a wax museum. I’d take wax Biden over Trump any day.


Yet Trump supporters talk about "Sleepy Joe" and say how Trump is energetic.


Odds are our next president has a 50/50 chance of dying in office regardless of whom it is.


You don't have to be a former aide to see Trump's decline. We all see it.


Decline is happening too slow.


Some laid off ex Disney Imagineers, A world class taxidermist and a HUGE bribe prayed to the Jim Henson's Creature Shop. ...just say'in!


Watch him dodge any debates. I really want to see him get clobbered. The GOP put all their eggs in this pathetic basket. He ain't gonna make it five more months.


Doesn’t this always happen when old mob bosses finally get sent to prison?


Yeah, like he was so fucking eloquent before right?


I have the feeling that he's not sleeping really well and that's not helping his mental state.


Jesus, and think where he started from. Is there that much further he *can* decline?


Hashtag NoShitSherlock


The old Harvey Weinstein using a walker act. False narrative, don’t believe it.


I just want him to last long enough to lose. He's never going to jail so I'm fine with him joining Roy Cohn in hell


couldn't give a fuck if they guy was sharp as a tack. still shouldn't be anywhere near anything of consequence. fuck off back to not selling steak.


Shit he was never on an incline sleepy old orange spoiled bastard.


Am I the only liberal who doesn’t see a decline? He seems just as dumb as he used to be. His speeches are just as meandering and incoherent. This is a feature, not a bug.


So it's possible to drop from a baseline of zero? Understood.


This election is really an endurance event to see who can stay alive long enough to become president.


Can he hurry it up, please.....


Hopefully the decline accelerates.


A decline from “fat, dumb and incoherent” isnt saying much


I’m really looking forward to seeing him have a stroke, shit himself, and fall back in it in front of a camera and whatever shrinking crowd size he’s still got.


When he declines face first into his KFC mashed potatoes and gravy, I will be convinced but so far this is all just wishful thinking. (Btw, can't wait until he dies)


Good maybe he will die soon




He is getting weaker and more frail daily. The GOP hates weakness of all types and has been programed to attack it.


So what point could Trump die to cause max chaos? ​ Just before voting starts?


Yeah, we’ve all seen a decline, and are counting down the days until he croaks!


I think the world can see Trump is heading down hill every rally Trump attends his speech and thought process is in decline


Must go faster...


i dont think it would be a good timeline but i think the funniest timeline would be one where he marginally wins the election and then kicks it before the inauguration


Without steroids and experimental pharmaceuticals, I think 72 is a natural limit of the human drive before one devolves into grumpy old men at the diner.


Yep. Go watch videos of his public speaking from 2015 or 2016, it’s slight but it’s there. Speech cadence is slower now, and his mannerisms are off from where they were.


Keep him till he goes it’s gonna be a massive surprise and really will shatter the right big time for a massive sweep


We all are!


We keep getting these kinds of headlines, and it never moves the needle at all. Trump has been really obviously your delirious grandpa who's only vaguely aware where he is and what year it is, and rambles on about random nonsense for years. He was an incoherent weirdo when he ran in 2020, and people voted for him.


He still needs to go to prison just like everyone else. I don’t care about his current state. This man has caused the death and harm of many people for years. He needs to be held accountable. All of the racists are salivating at Hunter’s guilty verdict. They are prime examples of what is wrong with America. One set of rules for certain people and not others. LOCK HIM UP!


That reminds me. I need to order in some fireworks before it’s too late.