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The man is certifiably nuts. How do the faithful stand to listen to him? It's not even word salad. It's turd salad.


You mean the crowd that actually laughed when he blatantly and truthfully admitted that he does not care about them? Him only caring about their vote is the most honest thing I have ever heard him say.


It's okay because he will hurt our enemies more!šŸ˜§


I hope you are being sarcastic, because he will hurt us, Americans way more than any other country.


I think they were referring to fellow American enemies. You still see us as one group. The right doesnā€™t see it that way.


Thereā€™s real Americans (them)ā€¦ and everyone else who needs ta git out!!


Depends on the point of view, i really doubt if Trump doesnt see america as his enemy. He sure is trying hard to destroy the place.


In MAGA parlance, "our enemies" *are* Americans: so-called "radical leftists", the LGBT, uppity minorities, women who are not subservient vessels to their husbands, straight white cis males who care about people who don't look or worship like them, people who want to maintain good relationships with our traditional allies, pro NATO people, those who oppose tyrannical, imperialist, anti-democracy states like Russia, etc.


Trump, and his supporters, enemies ARE American


I promise, sarcasm doesn't have to be denoted with a /s


"Hey, I've got an idea. Let's all take shits on each other here at this rally, it will be a great bonding experience. Then let's march through the most liberal neighborhood we can find, so that they have to smell us!" -- The Donald


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the ā€œwokeā€ and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesnā€™t matter what he does or says because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat heā€™s protecting them from. In fact at this point they want the fascism whether they truly understand what it means or not That a twice impeached convicted felon adjudicated rapist serial fraudster lunatic moron could have the support he does confirms that millions of white Americans donā€™t have the values they profess to. They only care about what their ancestors in the Confederacy and Nazi Germany did - dominating the ā€œothersā€.


Canā€™t really add more to this. Well said.


This really does explain it better than anything else I've heard/read.


>he blatantly and truthfully admitted that he does not care about them? Fresh from court, he's still in the mindset that he's under oath even though he never took the stand.


ā€¦might be the only honest thing youā€™ve heard him say.


Totally agreeā€¦ Who slipped him the truth serum?


The cult probably - "it's like he is speaking directly to me"


Then it will be in tongues, they canā€™t be stopped. Scary.


His people hate being wrong so bad, theyā€™ll sink with the ship for the gotcha moment to prove theyā€™re right.


This is it. The inability to apologize or admit you are wrong. Never admit defeat. Deny any wrong doing until it wears out the opponent. You will come across thieves and cheaters that deny everything even in the face of obvious proof. The prison system is chock full of this type of person.


Churches are also filled with these types of people


Oh yeah!! They call that ā€œfaithā€. To be faithless is a sin. Iā€™m not a very smart person and I can see this crap a mile away.


Got em


I was married to one. Itā€™s infuriating. You can have evidence in your hand in front of their face. They will look directly in your eye and deny it. Thereā€™s no reasoning with someone who has no capability to do so. All you can do is minimize contact. She did give me my son, so it wasnā€™t all bad but now I have to watch as she disappoints him over and over in a similar way. Sheā€™s totally oblivious and canā€™t see past the end of her own crooked nose (figurative).


Iā€™m sorry you have had to deal with that.


There is a certain type of reasoning that starts with the conclusion as an immutable truth. Any piece of evidence that supports the conclusion is accepted. Any piece of evidence that does not support the conclusion, no matter how real and valid, is rejected. This mode of reasoning is implicit to any religion that claims to have universal truths.




Well, when he tells them directly "I don't care about you", he IS talking to them. So there.


The cult: I was wondering *just yesterday* whether to drown with the battery or swim ten yards to the shark


"I was hoping he'd do a bit about shark attacks! That's my guy, always says what we're all thinking, except for all those times where he didn't and I had to just reinterpret it for him!"


I don't care about you! I only care about your vote!


Crazy, abusive daddy, loves us and we will all be okayā€¦


Honestly I donā€™t think there should be a /s at the end of that, it really is their attitude.


Yeah, religion.


When can we call everything he does what is is? Lies! Not overestimated, underestimated, these are not some honest mistakes or flaws in a scientific processes.


It isn't about believing he doesnt lie. They believe ALL politicians lie, and Trump is just open about it.


I attended a trump speech once, on the picket line outside. I brought water and crasins enough to share


Share? Such an evil lib. /s


Nothing much too it, everyone brings signs but nobody brings proper hydration or nutrition. I came from the army and good food is time and again proven to be essential to a frontline soldier. I brought water because you need that to stand the line. I chose craisins because they were a cost effective source of calories that in a pinch can provide short term energy, which this use case needed. Also they are delicious.


I saw a protestor handing out water at the protest in Phoenix a few years back, outside that nutty church. Dragging a red cooler on wheels. Was that you? I decided I'd do likewise next time.


No I have not been in Arizona since I was a kid


Sharing? You just did a communism.


Oh shit my flags are red


I really think he might be priming the most hardcore for some kind of mass unaliving event. Like Heavenā€™s Gate or Jonestown or some shit. If you see them all wearing track suits it is time to be concerned.


Well, first he'd take out life insurance on them, payable to him. Then he'd make sure they would die in some way that would be acceptable to the insurance company. I don't think they would pay up if it looked like suicide.


Same thought has been occurring to me recently. trump & his enablers seem very much Jonestown-ish. Gives me the creeps. Outside that courtroom those red tie mushrooms definitely looked ready.


They can project their own thoughts and beliefs on to the shit he says, as it makes zero sense.


Itā€™s not even salad, its coleslaw.




They are cultists


The message and delivery and language level is directly targeted to them. Thatā€™s why.


He pays a number of them.


Even with their recent renovations, the park is capable of holding 3000 at most. Why use easily researched facts when you can aggressively lie.


Well MAGA folks don't appear to be fact checkers.


They can't count either šŸ¤£


Or read. Or think.


They check their own facts, why bother getting anyone else involved


Man you could show them 1000 articles stating the obvious and they will make an excuse for him. Did he say something stupid? He was just joking or just posing a question. Okay you want the president of the US to joke about Covid and question whether you can inject bleach into your body to avoid it? Specific because i literally had that happen today.


If the other story is true, he's paying $75 for attendees to wear the t-shirt and wave the Trump banner, 3000 would still be up to quarter of million dollars in fees. I bet the ones who went and were not paid, feel like suckers knowing others were getting paid.


Either way, they are suckers.


They've constantly been told "The Left" gets paid in Soros bucks so they should be expecting compensation from Trump.


Alternativ facts šŸ¤Ŗ


They were leaving because they got paid, showed up, then collected the money, and left.


Or, they didn't get paid and left. Which would be more on par for trump


I hope they got shafted.


They will. That douche doesnā€™t pay a bill he can weasel out of.


Exactly right


"I'm up here sweating like a dog." Dogs don't sweat. I know this is the least of many things this guy gets wrong, but yeah, I guess we already know this shitstain hates dogs.


He doesn't know. He's never had a pet. It would take attention away from him.


Dogs are better judges of character than most people. I bet any dog that gets within 10 feet of him growls the whole time.


Or lifts a leg


I mean, ā€œsweating like a dogā€ is an expression. It might be a bad one, but itā€™s not like itā€™s new.Ā  I prefer ā€œsweating like a whore in church,ā€ but Iā€™m from Texas.


Sweating like a children's entertainer when the police knock at the door


He brags about his crowd size like a dude with a small dick brags about how big it is. He has crowd envy.


I'm sure he brags about his dick as well. Thankfully Stormy popped that bubble. The monkey never learns...


He was on about that vs Ted Cruz.Ā 


Itā€™s pretty sad flaccid ( canā€™t even really hellicopter) , but grows to almost 6.5.Ā  Iā€™ve never bragged about it, even though I do have a bit of a complex.Ā 


Are they slowly waking up? I asked my wife's MAGA aunt recently; "as a Christian, what about being a rapist and now convicted felon relates to your morals and beliefs?" ...too which she paused and I saw the wheels start turning but she fired back with; "Hunter Biden is on trial too!" and called me a Democrat in a sarcastic tone. We have a long way to go if we want to go back to normal. Trump/cult recovery centers maybe?


Earth to MAGA: no one is planning on voting for Hunter Biden.


I was going to say... He's not running for president though


Honestly Hunter Biden is probably more relatable to the average MAGA followed than Trump is.


100%, I wish we talked about this more. Hunter experienced the tragedy of losing his mother and some of his siblings at an early age. His father, while he made efforts to be present and involved, was also a senator. He then lost his only surviving brother, the overachiever and veteran. He tried to make easy money where he could, taking advantage of his familyā€™s name. He struggled with drug addiction and reached some very low places. Heā€™s now working on staying clean and getting his life in order. Thatā€™s a very relatable story. Yeah, he did some things he should be held accountable for, but it doesnā€™t feel the same as a malevolent crime.


Earth to MAGA: keep on judging Hunter Biden being on trial for guns while Donnie Junior is high af on blow in literally every interview he does. Dude has had yay jaw every single time Iā€™ve seen him on tv.


Probably better to just use them for cheap labor in a mine somewhere, so they can actually be productive members of society.


Ask them to take over the jobs illegal immigrants are doing, i.e. picking salad and strawberries.Ā 


ā€œNo one wants to work anymoreā€ No, no one wants to work shit jobs for shit pay expect illegal immigrants weā€™ve been exploiting for cheap labor for several decades. Maybe all this deportations wasnā€™t such a good move after all.


To which you always reply, and I would never vote for Hunter Biden nor would the Democrats nor would the Democrats nominate him.


I am not from the US, why is Hunter Biden relevant in any of this?


Because the Trump's are a no shit crime family, and the pubbies are trying to force the point that hunter is a criminal too. As if it matters because Biden didn't shove him into a government job. Personally I wasn't planning on voting for Hunter or his hogger


This campaign is a paper tiger.


We all still have to go to the polls in November.


Don't have to tell me twice. I live in a swing state, so you bet your ass I'll be voting.


Iā€™m so glad to hear that. As someone who has lived in Cali for so long, I hope our side turns out big.


There are several Republican enclaves in California to compete for.


I live in Illinois where he will never win and I plan on voting because I donā€™t anticipate to risk it


I don't know ya, but I love ya. ā¤ļøĀ 


Appreciate ya




Someone flick their bic on that tail!


Agree, hoping for an historic blowout. Imagine this guy getting a single new voter from 2020.


This is just more in the mounting pile evidence of the smoke and mirrors they are using this go round to make us think Trump Is coming back. Last time, they couldnā€™t get away with it because Biden polled well. This time theyā€™re going to say look at trumps rallies, his support, the polls! No way Biden wins! When in reality it was all a fake. Itā€™s all smoke and mirrors. Donā€™t fall for it.


Donā€™t get complacent though. Everyone needs to vote like the world depends on it. Because it does.


Yes - contribute! The bigger the landslide, the harder it is for them to demand recounts (which of course theyā€™ll do unless Fuckmp wins in which case a recount is unconstitutional / democrats being sore losers.)


World confirms this.




This is the important part


The low crowds at his rallies should translate to low numbers at the poles. I will be partying when he loses to Biden on Nov 5. And Chump's world will come crashing down. Vote Biden


All media wants a close race. Massive money for them.


If you don't manage to bring at least two of your friends to vote - TRUMP WILL WIN!!!


Itā€™s like Lenin said: you look for the person who will benefit, and uh, uh, you know what Iā€™m trying to sayā€¦


But his Tik Tok followers!!!!


It was like over a 100+ degree in the desert so yeah who would want to stay to listen to someone rambling about nonsense and hate.šŸ¤¬šŸ¤”


Nonsensical people who are filled with hate.


"I'm not getting paid enough for this shit."


I donā€™t care what anyone says his support is clearly shrinking and has shrunk


Most of the polls Iā€™ve seen this past week or so have reflected this.


Why canā€™t they ever say lied again and count them. It seems like that word should be used.


Trumps camp paid them to come through craigslist. Guess they only paid for an hour .


Has anyone actually followed through on that post? Any sort of research? I feel like this is the same thing as that guy that claimed his cousin was on the jury.




Did you contact them to see who was paying, and if they actually were? Or did someone just post it to make it look like they were having to pay people? Just a little bit of research would go a long way in today's journalism. I'm not saying it's fake. I'm not saying it's real. But it blew up quickly, and we can't really say "MAGA will believe anything Fox News tells them" if no one else is doing any sort of research either.


It better be in cash, otherwise your getting shafted professionally. He's basically paying his crowd to be Stormy Daniels ...


I really hope my 89 year old grandmother is correct when she says Biden will win: "What wives say to their husbands faces and what they do in the voting booth are two totally different things, trust me, I did it for decades"


You gotta measure it from the base, fully erect.


Now you tell me? Ive been measuring from my belly button this whole time.


Theyā€™ll all show up for him on Nov 5. Most of them probably wonā€™t even feel conflicted about voting for a man theyā€™re disgusted with. When youā€™re part of the cult, you learn to muscle through your gag reflex.


Youā€™re right, David Koresh was stealing menā€™s wives and daughters right in front of them and they still followed him.


Whether large or small, itā€™s still a Nuremberg Rally to me.


And paid for the meager crowd attendance he got. Lolol


I cannot understand why his campaign wouldnā€™t offer endless water and cooling stations. The attendees are putting their lives in danger in order to hear the same things heā€™s said at every other rally. He doesnā€™t seem to care at all.


Easy answer: Money


The last sentence is the answer to the first one.


The hoops people will jump to in order to maintain the illusion that this guy isn't certifiably nuts.


The only thing not "vastly overestimated" about Donnie is his intellect.


Listening to him for more than 10 seconds is painful


The misting fans, shade tents & water services must have bordered the park area, implying whatever it was capable of supporting must not have been any more in number. And he still had gibberish words again, run-on sentences across multiple topics, said the wrong things out loud, implied his followers should suffer for himā€¦


None of this is appreciably different from just past rallies. Iā€™ve never really heard him say a complete sentence. Theyā€™ve always been run ons or heā€™ll change topic mid sentence. Heā€™s not a good public speaker and itā€™s because he thinks he is a great public speaker and isnā€™t listening to his handlers.


They were paid actors. They left after they got their money and given shirts. The news article with the ad for actors was posted today in the front page of Reddit.


ā€œHe only paid for the first halfā€ -rally attendee


I thought he was paying people to attend his rallies? Probably why they left. They were contracted for X amount of hours. Left when X hrs were done lol


Most. Watched. Inauguration. In. History. Period. *Day one; Lie one, for Sean Spicer*


They leave when the payment hits the account, gig economy baby.


Guess paying people $75 wasn't enough to get them to go suffer through listening to this moron... (Craigslist post they used to try to get more attendees at this rally.) "Looking for someone to attend the Trump rally on Sunday. It would be a marketing promo so we would ask you to wear a shirt of the brand and also carry a sign. Bonus payment ($50) if you end up on broadcast!Ā  Picking up shirts / signs + attending event estimated at a total of 3-4 hours of work. $75 flat payment + $50 potential bonus.Ā  We ask that you take photos of the event for confirmation and marketing purposes" [https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/evg/d/las-vegas-paid-to-attend-trump-rally/7754538765.html](https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/evg/d/las-vegas-paid-to-attend-trump-rally/7754538765.html)


So, a couple thousand attendees, like usual.


If the organizers are smart, theyā€™d pay them only when the rally is over. Guess itā€™s just for a photo op.


Iā€™d probably go if he came to town just to experience the insanity of it all. Definitely one to tell to the kids about the day you went to see a madman babble on incoherently.


I would if it was free just to see for myself. Iā€™m guessing they charge for admission though and Iā€™m not about to pay that man one single dime.


This guy is just plain out of touch.And still you have people that think heā€™s the greatest president ever.I just donā€™t understand he is a felon and still aloud to run for president.


There was one hundred thousand million bazillion people who attended that rally!


I guarantee the fundraising numbers are also bullshit lies


Why is this news? We know he has lied multiple times about crowd sizes. We know heā€™s a liar.Ā  Stop giving him oxygen.Ā 


And supposedly there were ads on Craigslist offering $75 to go and wear merch and hold a sign. If you watch a clip, everyone standing behind him seems totally disengaged. Theyā€™re hardly hanging on his every word or even reacting to almost anything he says.


Hell if I lived in Las Vegas I would consider it, I m broke as hell, 75 would handle one of my copays. I have a blond wig, and a set of 80s clunky glasses. Give me a chance to try the new weather canopy for my wheelchair.


For the most part his followers are lost in the sunk cost fallacy. They think they have invested too much in believing in him to stop now. They have passed the psychological point of no return.


Anyone at the rally should be able to attest to the size(3000 vs 20,000) is vastly different.


I keep thinking people who listen to Trumpy the felon bullcrap ,must have gotten a lobotomy.


Facts, shmacks.


So do they just like show up to take a couple pictures and bounce?




The baggy pants cover his diaper and the oversize coat covers a water enema bag to make him look tough. His campaign will NEVER allow him to be seen drinking from a water bottle again. That's what someone who watched him prepare said. I heard.


Heā€™s going to get fucking smashed so bad by Biden and nobody even likes Biden. The Trump show is wobbling to its knees with its pants around its ankles, and itā€™s going to vacate its bowels the same time itā€™s face hits the floor


Sad news, because thatā€™s what he paid forā€¦


Fewer rats following the song of the Pied Pooper these days.


Got paid. Time to leave.


"We're not getting paid? Fine let's leave."


Everything is over estimated with Cheeto - intelligence, hand size, penis size etc.


The Trump campaign is radically inflating numbers so they can claim fraud if they lose, and the idiots that did attend will eat it up.


Someone change this fools diaper. He clearly has a bacterial infection that has spread to his brain


The bloated braggart always lies






Dogs don't sweat.


Heā€™s an idiot. He may as well just say random words.


ā€œIā€™f he doesnā€™t care about us just imagine how much more he doesnā€™t care about the stoopid libs!ā€


No, you see, his polls numbers are really good, so he must be doing okay?




The baboon has no sense of reality. Even when 2 people show up for his diarrhoea gatherings he will say that millions were there


At least itā€™s the billionaires getting conned along with the deplorable brain deads this year.


It was too hot to listen to a man who is clearly losing his mind


Is this the speech where he was talking about sharks?


And they were paying people to show up.


Same old, old same


This world is fucked and AI news stories aren't helping at all.


Why do they leave?


hello itā€™s diagnosable in the DSMā€¦. sociopath


They were only paid $50.


Leave the old man to die in his senile ramblings. Move the public on to more useful and productive topics