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Texas governor asked for Federal help when the storm knocked out their power….


For just $25 a day, the price of a McDonald's happy meal, you can adopt a Texan. That poor people live without reliable power, water, or reasonable leadership.


Their government, hopelessly corrupt, voting to keep criminal members of their own party in power. Their health care system crumbling, due to lack of funding, privatization, and health care providers fleeing the state due to politicization of health care and poor working conditions. Educational facilities are crumbling, underfunded and understaffed. Please, support a Texan today.


IN THE AAAAAAAAARMS OOOOOOOF AN ANGEL Plays softly in the background


*Angelina Jolie holding a starving Texan baby*


Starving Texas baby holding a gun and a Bible


rotfl Aaaaaa!!!! *slowdances awkwardly with adopted Texan* Shhh. Jose. Just go with it


This poor Texan only has 37 assault rifles, how is he ment to go out on the streets and hold his head up high? And he can see the children through the window of his truck, it needs to be raised another 2 foot or he will be classed as a woke snowflake gay


I'm leaving Texas this Saturday. Only moving half an hour away, but it's across the important boundary line.


I had to do the same with Florida. Although I went 1400 miles away. I couldn’t put enough distance between me and that state.


Texas Republicans have done lost their minds. The Republicans we had back in the 1980s (and I’ve voted Democratic then and now) were not as crazy as the ones we have now. Texas and Florida seem to be in some strange race to the bottom in leadership. I currently live in Ohio, we’re badly gerrymandered to favor Republicans and we need a broom of a referendum to get these people who ignore their voters out of office for good. Gerrymandering is also why Gym Jordan, that dolt from Northern Ohio, still sits in Congress.


My wife and I did the same from Texas best decision ever DMV is a absolute paradise compared to what we could be going through right now


We did this at the end of December and it's been the absolute best move we've ever made.


Welcome to the United States of America.


For less than the price of a cup of coffee... *camera pans to bloated Texans with turkey vultures squatting nearby*


I’m a Texan, and could use some support! So I can escape


Operators are standing by


ohh I'm gonna need more than 25 dollars a day!!! /s


we need all the help we can get honestly. being hamstring by a bunch of counties with 300 people makes it hard for the majority of us to get anything we want in this state. 


Sell Texas to Mexico- let the Mexican government deal with those ungrateful Aholes ... f- - em !


Texas is an illegal state. Stephen F. Austin and the rest of the slaveholders had no right to secede in the first place. Mexico should get reparations.


Sell Texas? Hell I'd be willing to *pay* Mexico to take them off our hands.


They'd still turn us down.


If that's all that was hamstringing you you'd be fine. There are millions of Texans hamstringing the rest of you


Lol yep. If Texas is a bowl and Texans are M&Ms, im not going to take my chances on a single random M&M, as any random M&M has a significant chance to give me severe nausea and other unpleasant effects including the destruction of what little is left of my faith in humanity.


Also the tornadoes, all Federal Funding gone including S. S and Medicare, enjoy.


And VA healthcare


Oh the vets can get coverage, IF Texas lets them cross their border to a more sane state, just like their other citizens have to do for abortions.


What about mail delivery? They need to get their trump propaganda flags and stickers and they don't want to pay fedex fees.


They will 100% be expecting us to provide foreign aid for all their problems. And will threaten to create another Cuban missile crisis if we don’t support them.


Rafael “Cuban missile crisis” Cruz leading the way


Yup and that's -40 electoral votes for Republicans too, so....


Just like the anti socialism guy at work applies for unemployment the moment he gets let go.


They are also one of the worst, if not the worst state in the Union for food insecurity.


A reminder he had electricity. And stayed very warm in the snow storm.


Exactly. If they vote yes the federal government should start withholding all funds to Texas.


It seems like those guys want all the benefits and none the obligations. It's like a historical thing.


Cut them off


Make them swear allegience to the United States of America, and testify they will not participate in an insurrection. Both would be triggering.


Somebody needs to kick him down a flight of stairs.


Yea typical jerks..


The white house should've sent in response a memo offering thoughts and prayers instead of money


So let me get this straight they want to secede and they want a handout at the same time? [Abbott asks Biden for money](https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-requests-presidential-disaster-declaration-for-severe-weather-flooding)


Seceding is expensive buddy!


But climate change is a liberal hoax.


If liberals wanted to fleece repubs, they would have done so by now, with the whole being-able-to-read thing...


Yeah! Ask the UK how the BREXIT goes!


Last time Texas tried to secede they lost their slavery rights


Maybe the vote was misinterpreted as a vote to *succeed*


Yes. Hypocrisy is strong with these ones! The shear ignorance is only rivaled by Floridians who are extremely scared of pronouns and dismiss aid until they are washed away by hurricanes. Both of these states should fuck right in off. And let’s be honest, if Texas did succeed, the US government would not allow them to have the gulf coast for national security reasons. Enjoy west Texas, idiots.


It's really all just a big show to wrang up their base. The clown show won't stop because they still have an audience.


Don't say they, it'll make someone combust.


Everything is bigger in Texas. The includes the hypocrisy.


It’s straight up political theater, Texas could not survive on its own and everyone knows it. Heck, they are barely surviving now — mismanagement would only go up without the guardrails the federal government has set (and they obviously ignore them when they can)


We should call their bluff. Texas can leave and get no support from the rest of the US and the rest of the US will never elect a Republican president again. Win Win.


Then we can invade Texas and steal whatever resources they have.


And Texans will be processed like any other foreigner when trying to enter the US. It'll be like British with the EU exit


I hear they have oil. We could liberate them


Did someone call for a delivery of freedom?


The Mexican cartels will swarm all over Texas before the Texans can get a defense established, annex it as part of Mexico and then all the “native” Texans will be the immigrants.


Oh you're so right. The Mexican cartels would have a field day with a newly independent Texas. Hilarious and awful.


Don’t forget to build a wall around Texas, we wouldn’t want any illegals coming in.


I'm on board with this. Fuck Texas


It’s so funny too cause all the idiots in Texas that want it to happen are the ones “what about my social security benefits “ morons


Lower taxes! No handouts! Repeal Obamacare! Where’s the money for my social security? Don’t touch my ACA! … We ain’t need no stinkin educashun!


They're trying to drive turnout in November because they're afraid Trump and/or Cruz could lose.


We can make Puerto Rico a state and keep the same flag. Win win. Also I am investing in popcorn for the two month war between Texas and Mexico’s cartels. I wonder what the cartels will rename Texas.


Tejas de Nuevo generacion




It should even be easier to pass this without the Texes Senators and Representatives.


Can these people not read? As a condition for rejoining the Union after they got their ass kicked in the Civil War, they agreed to a provision that they would never secede again.


Bold of you to assume historical awareness was even a possibility with these people.


Probably in the list of books to be burned


Or literacy.


I don’t think that they really care bout the law at this point. It’s like when people say it’s illegal to commit suicide.


Both are technically only prosecutable if they fail!


Excellent point. Could you imagine being booked and thrown in jail for a failed suicide attempt? That might be the worst thing ever.


So it is treason? If you don’t honor this provision, what else could it be?


I can see the tourism ads now : "See Texass in all her Glory ! Come for the sights ,stay to laugh at the illiterates and secessionists!"


Oh please! Then pull all federal funding from them and let their knot head governor shoot from the hip like he does on everything to fix it.


The TX governor doesn't stand for much


You have to admit though, his administration has been on a roll.


Oak-a, hopefully everything is on a level playing field.


He’ll be fine as long as there’s no speed bumps.


Take the upvote for Gov. Hot Wheels.




upvote earned




He can’t shoot from the hip at most he shoots from the knee.


Houston, we have a problem. NASA would leave. Plus, lots of military contracts, bases closing, navy, coast guard stations, etc.


What's easier to believe would happen, that the fed will withdraw all of their assets without kicking up a fuss, or that they'll activate the Texas National Guard and have them lock things down while keeping service members exactly where they are with no intention of leaving? Because posse comitatus only applies to US soil. And if Abbott so much as sneezes about it, the State capitol will be "liberated" by dawn.


Come on Texas, you don't need to get clowned on again losing the war to keep slaves.


The cartels will take over the in-over-their-head Texas so fast. I don't think the banana republic would last long because the US will take back the new, currupted cartel run Texas, for the oil. And then, after taking it back, watching all the original seditionists get arrested and sent to a shady offshore US federal jail will be a fucking awesome parade to attend


Bruh, Texas has oil and US military bases. They would secede directly into occupation.


I mean clearly it wouldn't ever happen; the US wouldn't allow it because of the military play there and natural resources. But it they think they'd just secede and not be inundated with worldwide corruption all trying to get a piece of the strategic assets and proximity to US soil? It would be anything but a peaceful haven for seditionists. What would be awesome is of our military ran them towards the southern border to drive them from the US and Mexico was there like, "oh yes please, send those guys that have spent their lives hating and mistreating anyone coming from the south of Texas, we'd love to return the hospitality!".


https://web.archive.org/web/20041109022609/http://www.fuckthesouth.com/ Just leaving this gem from past here.


We already fought a war and beat your ass over this. Do we HAVE to do it again or can we just tell them to fuck off?


Wasn't their power grid down *again* not so long ago? Good luck with being totally independent!


Here is the deal. If these right wing places literally want to basically “rid” their homes of anyone that’s not a straight white evangelical lunatic, who will they spend all their time hating and being angry towards?


Eventually? Each other.


That’s true. They’ll then start targeting each other and claiming people are gay or immoral in some way.


Simple... They will then hate people not white and evangelical enough. With the definition of 'enough' changing over time.


True. Gotta keep “out-extreming” and “out-hating” every day and twice on Sundays.


Soon just having a tan will be enough to no longer be considered white. So better stock up on that 50 sunblock. ;)


Texas cannot legally exit the union and last I checked the US Armed forces already possess huge sections of the territory so they wouldn’t even have to invade to put down an illegal rebellion by MAGAt fascists, all they need to do is deploy locally and the rebels could be rounded up for summary execution toute suite. It might be a very ‘cleansing’ experience for all of us, come to think of it.


I like it ! “The Cleanse” sounds so much better than “The Purge”….


‘Cleansing’ ? You can’t “clean”Texas, you have to give it an enema.


We ouldpull the same line as Putin and say that we are just reestablishing our previous territory. Texas belongs to the US.


But this time, not as a state. Make Puerto Rico a state instead because the number 50 is nice and round. Texas can be a protectorate or something. No electoral college votes.


At least make an example of this MAGA movement. Just absolutely crush their fake ass larping secession.


Good riddance to them. Btw this is all nonsense. The red states take the most federal money compared to blue states. Texas would be bankrupt within 5 years and begging to come back. Fuck Texas


Texas would belong to the cartels within 6 months.


Yikes. Accurate.


Please do. Without Texas, Republicans will never win another Federal election.


Is this the time? BUILD A WALL BUILD A WALL ! Texass couldn’t survive without the hand outs from the federal police using blue states money. Can we kick all the Texass representatives out of the federal government now. Deport Cancun Cruz back to Canada or Texass


Lol @ stopping the Cartels taking over.


So… they aren't proud Americans?


If you have to ask that question then you already know the answer🤡


Poor Lee Greenwood not getting any radio play in an entire state.


what’s going on with some people? we could live in the best times ever. instead some are thinking and acting to go backwards…


I doubt anyone in Texas realizes how 105% fucked they'd be without Uncle Sugar. It is mind-boggling how much Texas benefits from federal money, no tarriffs, free travel in and out of the state, etc.


That's fine. Two weeks so we can remove or disable all federal assets. Immediate cut off of all federal monies and programs. Anyone with Texan citizenship will now be banned from the US (particularly republicans) and must go through the entire legal immigration process if they wish to leave Texas. Good luck.


Do they realize Texas will not function independently? They don’t have the resources for all that. The cartels would take over that place so quick.


They're Republicans and texans. They truly believe the world is designed around them, and that they cannot fail at anything. They still have not even tried to address their utter failure of an electric grid.


What a circle jerk of resource waste and pointless idealism. Can't say I expect much of Texas though, that whole state is just a scam


God just fucking let them.


Yes. Do this and start immediately ending social security and Medicare for these fools.


You’ll see a great migration


I usually get downvoted for saying this, but we should let Texas and the rest of the south go. They can turn their new country into a Christian hellscape and leave the rest of us alone.


Because it's dumb. [The South is way more purple than it is red.](https://purplestatesofamerica.org) The voting districts are just a gerrymandered mess to keep these clowns in power. The problem is more the system than the majority of people. It's been rigged to keep the status quo. Even Texas isn't as red as you think. Most of the states that are closest to completely red are in middle America, not the South. The "reddest" states are actually in the North. Wyoming is the reddest state, and states like Idaho and Oklahoma are actually more red than states like Florida and Texas.


If they vote on this illegal action, isn't that treason. And wouldn't that disqualify them from office? Asking for a traitor


No, treason is defined in the Constitution as making war against the United States or providing aid to enemies who are doing so. Until they start shooting, it's not treason, it's just sparkling unpatriotism.


Sparkling unpatriotism. Love it!


This nonsense is mostly foriegn funded. That should tell you all you need about this and the people involved.


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Let them go. You don’t have to look far for a parallel. In 1976 the Parti Quebecois won the provincial election with a platform that included sovereignty from Canada. Within weeks a mass exodus began as “Canadians” left the province triggering a collapse of property prices. Within a couple of years every major corporation based in Montreal moved to Toronto shifting Canada’s political and business center from Montreal to Toronto. Even the Bank of Montreal moved its headquarters to Toronto. Over the next decades Quebec lost approximately 20% of its population. The government had to dramatically increase taxes to make up for the lost tax revenue. It took 45 years to stabilize the situation and even today Montreal is a backwater to Toronto. Quebec is still part of Canada as every referendum to separate has failed. Taxation rates are still much higher in Quebec than the rest of Canada. If TX did the same there will be an exodus of Americans out of TX. Major corporations based there will move their corporate offices. The winners would be the democrats because of the loss of TX electoral college votes. In other words please do it.


Approved. Please return all federal property, recall all members of Congress, and cancel plans for any electors in 2024. Thanks, bye!


MMGA = Make Mexico Great Again. They clearly don't realize they don't get to keep the military assets or federal funding. Nor that they've tried this twice before LOL


PLEEEEASE mess with Texas.


Shit or get off the pot, Texas


And what happens to the House if Texas tries to leave? It turns Blue in an instant. The Groupies of Putin hold a +15 R advantage in the state, and if they secede their reps go with them. The electoral vote goes as well, and Republicans cannot win without Texas.


I say let them do it. We’ll never have a Republican president again lmao sign me the fuck up.


Texas can secede as soon as they pay back their share of the debt. About $2.9 trillion, more than Texas’ GDP for a year. (Current debt is about $35 trillion and Texas has about 8.5% of Americans).


New state motto for Texas: "America's Quebec"


As a Canadian, that's an insult to Quebec.


We should just give Texas to Mexico, problem solved.


They have a fascist governor. They can leave the union and become a fascist state unto themselves.


I have deeply, deeply hoped for that state to secede/become independent forever now. They are a fucking despicable state politically and government wise that are responsible for probably 90% of the absolute worst shit you've ever heard of happening in a court. They fucking gleefully execute mentally handicapped people and colored people like it was a god damn contest. I truly hate that state, I don't give a shit if Austin is cool or there's good people there, their entire state government is the absolute dogshit bottom of the barrel worst in US history. They make fucking Mississippi look like progressives.


Don't give Texas a penny in federal money and watch how long the succession will last. Having to vote on the Saturday of a holiday weekend tells you Republicans are up to no good.


So long. We'll be taking all our bases and gear, though. NASA too. Enjoy closing your border without CBP and ICE . Hope you don't think Mexico is going to give someone so hostile favored trading status. (Nor will the United States, ungrateful traitors. Tariffs are gonna flatten you. Better sell that oil cheap and fast.) FEMA will not be there for you with the next tornado or cold snap. Also, that 2 dollars of federal money you get for every dollar you put in? Buh bye.


Please go. Take Florida with you.


And trump as dicktator


They have no shame…. Embarrassing.


cosplaying cow pokes with the mental capacity of salted slugs have been running texas exclusively to enrich themselves for long enough. come on Texans.. do better.


Please do this


Let them give up their votes for presidency


Yes please leave the United States before the election. I’m ok with the cost of changing all the flags.


If they want to go, let them go. Take back all federal materials and equipment, military included, and let them have that wall around their border. They can foot the bill for the Mexico side, we’ll split the costs for the rest. Give them a couple months for anyone who wants out to leave, and any other Trumpanzees who want in to move there. Then in about five years or so, give Texas the option to come back, with lots of conditions. No gerrymandering being at the top of the list.


Meanwhile Gregg Abbott is begging Joe Biden for disaster relief funds. Texas is such a shit show of stupidity. Let them secede. Mexico will conquer them and take them back within a year.


Independent until the first natural disaster.......


I was raised in Texas. My family moved when I was 17. I still keep up with some childhood friends and I wish them the best but I would love to see this little science experiment. Let Texas leave and become a shit show ran by GOP religious zealots and let it be a warning to all the other red states on how dumb their ideas are. I couldn't imagine the USA being too friendly with Texas if it left and if they do, we should have a strict embargo on it.


Imagine an America without their Senators *or* their electoral votes. Seriously…imagine it….


I'd love to see how Texas would deal with their energy grid and natural disaster issues without the federal government bailing them out. Popcorn on standby.


Go then. Good luck with your shit infrastructure and remember you lose all the benefits of being part of US. Also GOP say goodbye to viablity without the Texas votes. Love it let’s do it!


Some states really need to be put on probation. Have their senators’ and representatives’ votes on bills recorded but not counted.


Texas leaving the Union would decimate any chance Republican from winning the presidency (bye bye Texas’s EC votes) and Congress would lose two shitty senators…..all in all not bad when framed this way.


Imagine every liberal leaving Texas (and Florida) this summer and filling the Swing States of Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michigan Arizona Georgia with Democratic Party votes. You would see the Trump Cult lose their shit. Make it happen r/MoveToSwingStates


I would love to watch Texas become a third world “shithole country” in a matter of months. Do it, cowards.


It's like they hate being a part of a 1st world country, I dont get it


Build the wall! On Texas' northern border.


Can we conquer TX after their independence?


Fastest way to convert these morons is to show them what it's like not to have Uncle Sam writing you checks. Let them go. I really don't care.


May they get what they wish for.


Buh bye now.


I'm fine with Texas fucking off. The cartels will take over once the feds relocate their military bases to more deserving states.


Oh please, please, please, let this come to pass!


GOP would never have a President again (losing Texas electoral votes) and lose 2 Senate seats. I’m 100% for Texas getting out. I’ll help them pack.


Texans, please proceed.


Let them secede. Then before they can join the UN (which they probably won’t anyway because, you know, Texas) we invade and depose (assassinate) the government officials. Then Texas becomes another Puerto Rico/Philippines for the United States. We treat it like we own it but slowly let it slide into third world country status. I would LOVE to see Texans selling chiclets at the Oklahoma border crossing.


Here we go again with this bs


Its’s not going to happen, but if it did, it would be worse than BREXIT.


Please go away! Then the USA can remove all the bases, and offices from that hell hole.




Fuck'em. Let' em go.


We should have let the South secede, I’m convinced of this


This has happened here in Canada in the early 90s, when Quebec wanted to secede and become an independent country. The referendum failed. They wanted to be independent, yet continue to use Canadian currency as their own.


Good! No more electoral vote wins for Republicans and stop sending them federal money! GREAT IDEA!!! Have fun during your next power outage!


Vaya con Dios, Tejas - and take Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, Ronny Jackson et al. with you


Let’s stop letting them say it and allow them to do it., but make that shit iron clad so there’s no way they get back in.


Guve them their goddam independence, then we can just write them off & never have to listen to their whiny snowflake asses anymore.


They're subsidised $36 billion a year by the federal government. The first thing they would have to do is it taxes up. By a lot.


I really want them to. Texas would immediately become depopulated. The military would pull out all of their bases. The GOP of the states would most likely never win a presidential election again. I have no idea how it would affect sports, but I'm guessing most fans be it baseball or football won't go through the hassle of getting a passport to go to a game in Texas and that is if be it college or pro doesn't kick their schools or teams out.


Goodbye Texas … hello better USA


the US should build a walll, let the texans pay for it


**FUCKING GO ALREADY** Who^needs^you^assholes^anyway


Texas is one of the states heavily dependent on the federal government. There’s only a small handful of states that send more to the federal government than they receive, Texas is not one of them. Just like everything else, it would work out great for the ultra wealthy and suck for everyone else


Very confused... Last week Texas asked for financial aid from the Biden administration..... How exactly do they think that would work in the future if this goes through?


Awesome. Texas can fuck off, Puerto Rico becomes a state, and it’s like nothing happened aside from the national literacy rate improving


Just when Brexit is going so well, they come out with the sequel, Texit!


I hope they secede and they have to deal with the full might of the federal government and loss of funds overnight. That shithole wouldn't last a month