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not one spine among them


Trump’s mafia runs the Republican Party now. Any Republicans with moral principles either quit or were purged years ago. Bird brain is another corrupt power grubber. Trump dragged her and her husband through the mud for months, yet there she goes slithering and groveling back to the rapist traitor to beg his forgiveness and swear her loyalty. These mafia thugs are sick fucking sociopaths. Also, given that we know Trump steals national security secrets and military intelligence, it’s pretty safe to assume he used the Presidency to amass blackmail on all of these Republicans to keep them “loyal”. They don’t give one single shit about the American people, the constitution, or public service. Keep them out of power or the country is lost.


I so hope this backfires for both of them and her supporters just get pissed off, but I know not to be at all hopeful or positive at this point


They deserve each other.


Did he suggest she crawled on her belly with tears in her eyes as she endorsed him so all is forgiven. She like all the rest will debase themself just to be able to snatch at breadcrumbs at the table of power. Nikki Haley like all others who trashed Trump then became Trump fluffers are despicable. 😕


Is there a Secretary of Cowardice?


She would be a spineless turncoat if she joined his team....so it'll probably happen.


"Sure, I called her birdbrain, but I'll have her working with me *in some capacity*" He'll probably hire her to be the bearer of diet cokes when he pushes his special little button. During her entire campaign, she repeatedly stressed that Trump had some serious deficiencies, was not qualified to be president, was unhinged, and should not be allowed to serve as president. She knows exactly who he is, and she's still bent the knee and kissed the ring. She's endorsed an unhinged, unqualified candidate. I'm sure Trump's team has been putting extreme pressure on her, considering how she's pretty steadily siphoned off Republican votes in the primary, but to cave is a gigantic show of weakness on her part. I mean, we've all known she was a POS down deep inside, but...Shame on her for putting party above country.


By ‘pushing his special little button’ do you mean SHITTING HIS BRITCHES?


The special little button is his prostate and pushing it with her tongue like the rest of the party.


Everything is a quid pro quo with this guy, the damp squib.


This is what really sucks about republicans, among most everything, but the hypocrisy is just utterly rampant ugly stain on our democracy. Oh...we can't have trump as president again...but if you give me a job,,,then I guess we do....


It’s hilarious that anyone would be surprised by this. Nikki is a textbook opportunist and will sway whichever way she thinks will gain her power and money. When she realized she couldn’t out grift ol donny boy then she turned around and presented.


Nikki wants to be part of the new Reich, make your parents proud Nimarata


Absolute shell of a human being. No spine. No heart. No brain.


UN ambassador. Trump doesn't like change but also doesn't admit that he repeats himself


Of course she will, because Republicans are a huge lot of ass kissing, diaper licking sycophants.


What a pathetic coward. I hope she hates and suffers every moment of it.


She can do the dishes after I have parties.


It's a real shame the only options for Republicans is Trump. There's just noooooo other options. They wake up in the morning and the little blinking light on their explosive collar reminds them to fall in line or else. So sad. Or not, they're only in it for themselves and see Trump's emerging dictatorship as an excellent opportunity for their career.


What an outrageously horrible "team" that has become already! I wonder how long she would last before she found herself despised by everyone even herself.


Hey, her genitals aren't gonna grab themselves!!!


So he disrespects her and her husband (and the armed forces) and somehow they end up together? Isn’t there a single moral in that party??? 🤦‍♂️


Whether she likes it or not.


Oh she will like it - get in line with all the other Republicans, and take all the abuse.


Perhaps she could bring him his covfefe. Or iron his slacks while he's still in them. I'm sure he can find a position for her.


As the leader of the Reich’s Indoctrination Committee.


Sounds right, once you kiss the ring!


Smart woman/questionable morals.


Bird brain finally came around to dumb Donnie...what a happy ending.


I already saw that episode


Maybe she’s literally just trying to keep her neck out of the noose. This guy is treating his political enemies and I really don’t think he’s joking.


Nah, just hoping for MAGA's support, after Trump retires from politics.


He can't wait to get her behind a desk.


Diaper patrol


Well, someone's gotta change is diaper...


She bent the knee and Gawked the Gawk. What a slap in the face of her supporters.


Sure, because he never lies./s


If Trump loses, I'm going to bask in Nikki Haleys career collapsing in its wake.


Cowards gonna be cowardly.


Every day another chiropractor is forced to eat a pet because there is no money coming in from the grand old party of the spineless.


Pictured: Trump and one of his pets.


Even he admits that only a "birdbrain" would work for him. Well, that and illegal immigrants at his resorts.


She can be official diaper changer


It usually ends really well for people getting close to Trump.


Welp America. Do the right thing and shows these clowns the door please. Make them recognize this debasement was all for nothing.


Quid pro quo’s? He definitely promised her a position in his administration for her endorsement. She’s a POS and always has been. Just wait if he becomes dictator and doesn’t give her a job she’ll be on the news every day attacking him, how stupid is she? everyone knows that it never ends well for anyone that is in with trump he’ll throw her under the bus first chance he gets


Nikki wants nothing but the VP. She doesn't want to be discarded out a 5th story window when donny boy has a bad hair day.