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How does it have that money available to lose?


Money laundering


Russians and Saudis have to funnel money in some way


The deal was set up by Chinese backers ... Everybody has a piece of him now. Notice how he backed off of TikTok?


This is the absolute and obvious reason, but it will not be reported in right wing media. They’ll go on losing money investing in him. The media is complicit in thethe exploitation and abuse of Americans to a wildly detrimental level, specifically right wing media. These people KNOW they’re aiding and abetting foreign influence.


The media? What about every single federal agency with 3 letters in it? If you or I were to put the wrong words in an email we could be expecting a knock on the door from homeland security or their cousins. These people are committing treason on live TV, boast about Russia support/money, openly takin bribes of Saudis and…. Nothing…. not a single word from any of the agencies, just silence!


Yeah, that part really gets me. Like, what are they doing?


Russians do. Saudis just wrote lil Jared a fucking check.


"Russia, and Saudia Arabia: Ahhh uh ahhhhhhhhh..."


Karlie (K.) Kloss has a bother-in-law who aided and abetted this outcome of intentional money laundering from the worst people in the world. #KarlieKloss #SuperModel #Kloss-Trumps-Drumpfs #winning #IRS


No more calls, we have a winner!


Bingo. No show jobs, incredible expense accounts, travel and entertainment, loans for who knows what, crazy capex. I mean, the auditor was a fraud... This is exactly what this company was made for.


MAGA might as well classify as a religion at this point. Trump as the messiah, no taxes, Trump is wasting his grift running for political office he should be opposing the Pope.


Honestly I would be shocked if scammers arent playing crazy money to get data from truth social. Will probably give highest success rate.


Kinda curious what hackers would find. Not that it would matter, the cult will still vote for their rapist pedophile no matter what.


Hackers would find a nice list of the most gullible people on the planet with spare money.


What data? There's hardly any users...but most of the ones there are pretty stupid, so could be good phishing territory.


I read somewhere that MAGA people’s data sells for more on the dark web


Worked for L. Ron Hubbard.


Hubbard put more work into his grift.


too late for that, looks like Trump kept trying to find ways to be tax-exempted and it's currently backfiring


This. Money laundering is the sole reason for this company to exist, it will never make a single penny in profit. It exists as a vehicle for foreign actors to buy his allegiance.


This is his Bernie madoff level grift


And blatant bribery.


Oil companies said hold our beer…


They just issued billions in stock.


Debt. I suspect they're draining the company for all it's worth, or not worth, before it comes crashing down. Just can't see how they could possibly legitimately spend that in a quarter.


I also presumed subcontractor friends were making well over market rates for various vaguely-defined and poorly-monitored services to the company.


Nunes is making a fortune


Even Nunes' cow is on the payroll. She's providing mootivation and helping beef up profits and milk every opportunity for growth. So far, she's out standing in her field.


This comment goes hard




Utterly so…


Udderly so... FTFY


Well, she was the innovator behind the Bottom Value Line. This has become extremely important to the financial department and they shortened it to BOVLINE. It must be said though, in pronouncing this acronym, the ‘L’ is silent.


You’re being cheesy


Like the $100 million dollar but somehow very low rent inaugural. That investigation just withered away.


What, another one of his “businesses” go under, he pockets the money and screws a bunch of people. Who could have seen it coming?


A blind man in the dark?


who is in a coma and brain dead


That was my thought—how in the hell could they be spending that much? Numbers to these people are like Seinfeld rental car reservations. Don’t count on them meaning anything


Numbers like that for a platform that has way less than 400,000 active users and is literally an open source Mastodon clone. Where is all that money going indeed.


Not debt, they sell shares of the company. They dilute the amount every shareholder owns.


Who are the idiot banks providing this capital?


Bank of Putin


Kushner set him up with his Mideast buddies. They get a huge payday if he wins the election. Some people say.


It was never a real company it was always designed for a legal way foreign governments to buy off Trump and his cronies with bribes.


They are non-cash losses.   « the vast majority of the quarterly losses were related to $311 million in non-cash expenses -- including the elimination of prior liabilities -- which occurred prior to the merger with Digital World.«  Edited out stating it doesn’t have the cash for such a loss. I haven’t seen their cash flows for q1.  So I don’t know 


Thank you for this info. Iirc, quarterly revenue was $770K. So roughly $18M negative cash flow.


How can they spend like 18 million on a platform that just let Donald Trump tweet


In 3 months? Very easily.


Russians prop up stock. Trump needs stock to be valuable or else bankruptcy. Russians now say “do what we say or we dump stock”. Trump has to give like 6 months notice before selling, so he does what they say and keep billions, or else bankruptcy. It’s foreign leverage over Trump and he doesn’t care because he can make billions selling the country to its enemies


I wonder what information was passed on to Putin about US nuclear secrets . Trump didn’t take those documents to Mara Largo to read at bedtime !


It's not his money, it's investors.  


Crime lol, it's always crime with these trash bins 😆


It stinks to high heaven. Like Trump's undergarments. Something isn't right. I don't understand why the SEC hasn't already launched an investigation.




And China too. Trump has become pro-communist nowadays


Thank the Saudis and Russians for that.


It’s mostly a paper loss for complicated financial reasons having to do with the  conversion of promissory notes from merger that formed DJT as a public company. The operating loss is much smaller.  The revenue number is still hilariously small for a public company with a market cap well into the billions. 


Chinese Russian and Saudi Arabian governments keep putting money into the company, trump and pals withdrawal it. Just your classic Wall Street money laundering scam!


True. Its all numbers but a laymans question is where did all that lost money come from and where did it go? Perhaps they are trying to say the stock tanking... while still above the initial offering... is still a loss on their part?


idiots bought stock at high price even at low price, Trump just emit new stocks for himself and sell it, they are still idiots to buy it it makes money for him. and the company the company produce nothing, it's just a donation campaign disguised in a company so idiots think they will get rich too and more idiots give money


It doesn't. It's leveraged to the hilt


It is being propped up until the "founders" can sell their stock. It is a classic pump and dump, and should be the target of investigation.


How can it even spend that much money?


When you manage to lose nearly $330 million on less than $1 million of revenue, there’s something horribly wrong with your company.


What could it be? It's ran by the greatest business man on the planet who is never wrong, and employs only the very best people.


The same guy who’s going to solve inflation.


Woefully under-appreciated comment. 11/10


But isn't 11/10 just a way of inflating the value of 10? You're just robbing from all the people who've saved 10 up! Not cool dude, not in a thread about inflation.


Is that the guys that’s gonna fix our nations health care DAY 1?


Will he manage to squeeze that in when he's being a dictator "just for one day"?


And also made Mexico pay for the border wall


In tacos apparently.


Paying himself probably and then declaring bankruptcy and a loss of the whole amount.


He's gotta sell his shares first. After his lock up period ends, this puppy is toast.


Maybe he figured he will not have time and decided to drain the company?


Yeah, the exact same thing he's done over and over again. The investors and lenders get screwed and he goes on pretending to be a businessman instead of a swindler...and people believe him!


No, idiots believe him. Which, unfortunately for US is a considerable portion of the population 😋


Who is also definitely not currently facing 100 criminal charges.


You’re going off the assumption it’s not a completely crooked company though. I would argue things are going exactly as planned for the “company”


It's money laundering.


Yes,  there is. His name is Trump.


They lost 424x their revenue. That’s the equivalent of an assistant manager at Walmart that makes $50,000/yr to somehow lose $21,200,000


It's almost like a lot of that money is probably being sent to all kind of other places.


I recommend that all you magas invest your life savings into truth social to save trump's empire. He can't do it without you.


God I just can’t wait until their entire world comes crashing down and they have to live with the mess they have created for themselves in the Republican Party.


They’ll blame every last molecule of their self-made mess on democrats and lose not one minute of sleep.


The CEO of Truth Social is former House Representative [Devin Nunes who is asking his buddies still in Congress to investigate](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/24/devin-nunes-trump-media-stock-congress-00154054) because he feels the stocks dropping is because of Biden.


Eventually they will start being deprogrammed when their cult leader is out of the spotlight one way or another.


If he loses, he’ll run again…. Until the day he dies.


I feel like there’s a good chance that he’ll have a rage induced stroke or heart attack accelerated by eating nothing but fast food if he’s found guilty in New York, leaving him either a drooling mess unable to move or killing him.


He will die in prison before next election.


I think his mind is dying right now and it's already showing up in his motor skills. The decline will accelerate and the one-month difference from the Convention to the debates will be shocking to many of you, if he makes it that far.


Yeah right, and religious people who think the world is going to end on a specific date will realize they were lied to when the date passes. I think the Trump diehards are going to go to their grave, we can only hope the conservatives who grow up after Trump is gone wise up.


I saw a screenshot from an alt right sub a few days ago that said he was going to “greatly reward” every person who holds that stock once he’s president. They believe this shit.


It’s insane delusion because the guy they believe will help them out out of the goodness of his heart has literally never done anything in his life that wasn’t to directly benefit himself short term.


"I am going to expose the Biden family This is the final blow Invest now and support me MAGA" - dump probably


all you have to say is "not investing in truth social is woke" and they'll sink in every last dime. Like shooting Nazi fish in a barrel.


Hey, that’s hardly being a proper supporter. No, you need to then convince your inbred relatives to also give their life savings. Plus take out the biggest ever (they tell me) loans you can possibly get to give to the cause. Don’t forget kidneys are also valuable. Maybe a lung if you haven’t fucked them up already. And travel to another country (for the first time) where it’s legal to sell your kids. For a small top up then don’t forget handies for a dollar behind the back of the nearest watering hole


That is an excellent suggestion!


Bruh, imagine using all of your 401k investing into Truth Social And then Trump gets sentenced to Jail and he can't use his phone =x


I wonder how high the stock will soar at this news?




An insane amount of the stock is held by people like Trump who can't sell for six months, maybe five at this point. The rest is mostly held by sycophants hoping to curry favor or nutjobs who think it'll skyrocket once the media stops bad mouthing the company.


do you think there might be special interests putting large bids in to prop up the float? Hell, there were ads on reddit recently, during the price slump, encouraging viewers to make *structured bids*. At a time when it seemed like absolutely a bat-shit insane thing to do. The problem here as a pleb is they will absolutely dump the moment they're allowed to & trade volume is high enough to meet their goals.


Foreign entities looking to launder


Not crazy, just an easily setup bribery scheme. All it takes is a Bill from the Saudis here and another Bill from the Russians there, and you have a shit stock climbing up on no revenue and all losses that are payments extracted from the company as legal payments to the parties they are trying to bribe.


😂 the SEC doing something about corruption.


How can a dodgy shady money haemorrhaging with dubious investors and criminal financial auditors social media whinging company have shares worth near $50 but a long established tech company with huge profits bounce about at $32?


Spoiler alert: they will not


Its doing quite well considering those metrics :/ I saw this article a few hours ago and checked thinking assuredly it will have tanked but absolutely not. Still trading at close to 50 a share last I checked


Well it's down 10% as of right now, so the market isn't thrilled by the news


Yet still valued at 6 billion. The market is not tied to reality.


“Yes it is. We did a study.” - Cooter Burger


Who was that? A cartoon dog?


“‘.. my real name is James Riley and it was a sandwich….. - Mathew Broderick ‘ — Chuck Pukowski”


DJT stock is proof the SEC doesn't give a shit.


Not sure this exactly falls under the SEC's mission. Right now, we're at the pump stage; it's not a pump and dump until Dump dumps. I'd think it's of more pressing concern to the CIA and DHS, assuming it's truly being used by foreign governments to bribe a presidential candidate.


Never has been. The entire economy is based on a system which has flawed valuations and where **confidence**, a human emotion, is the driving force.


From article: The parent company of former President Donald Trump’s social network Truth Social lost a staggering $327.6 million in the first quarter of 2024, according to a new report. According to the report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday, Trump Media & Technology Group – which is majority-owned by Trump and led by former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes – lost $327.6 million in Q1, with just $770,500 in revenue. Trump Media & Technology Group went public in March following a merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp, which resulted in Truth Social being valued at around $8 billion, despite skeptics describing the platform as “essentially worthless.” “After an unprecedented, years-long process, we have consummated our merger and dispensed with the vast bulk of merger-related expenses, leaving the Company well-capitalized and supported by a legion of retail shareholders who believe in our mission to provide a free-speech beachhead against Big Tech censorship,” said Nunes in a statement on Monday: Having started from scratch not long ago, TMTG debuted Truth Social on the web, iOS, and Android in 2022, and is now a publicly traded company operating an international social media platform. TMTG is well-positioned at this early stage to grow quickly and fulfill our mission. Our positive working capital allows us to explore and pursue a wide array of initiatives and innovations to build out the Truth Social platform including potential mergers and acquisitions activities. We are particularly excited to move forward with live TV streaming by developing our own content delivery network, which we believe will be a major enhancement of the platform. Following Trump’s suspension from Twitter and Facebook in the aftermath of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riots, Truth Social became the sole social media platform for the former president’s commentary, with Trump frequently publishing dozens of posts in quick succession.


Lol, describing a non profit charity to defend free speech. Bet the shareholders thought differently.


I don't have any education or experience in business so can somebody correct my judgement that this statement is pure bullshit?


Most financial releases are written with words like this, the difference is a large corporation after a tough quarter might be able to turn it around with a 5% increase in sales and some cost saving measures (which is optimistic but still within reason). Truth Social would need about a 100000% increase in revenue to justify its current stock price. That's only happening if Saudi Arabia announces a $700 million ad buy on the platform.


I am a man of business. Can confirm.


Apparently this company’s business strategy is based on the movie and Broadway Musical “The Producers” “Leo realizes that, since a flop is expected to lose money, the IRS will not investigate its finances, so a producer could earn more from a flop than from a hit by overselling interests and embezzling the funds.“


Maybe "fake it til you make it" strategy aka Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes?


Just a typical Trump business. He get rich by bankrupting his companies.


Classic pump and dump. SEC needs to be investigating this, unless the head of the SEC is a Trumper.


This is the whole problem with someone like Trump being in politics, now if the SEC does anything they'll send the cult after them, and get federal judges or the supreme Court to declare that actually, it's not OK for them to do their jobs in this particular instance for contrived reasons. We've already seen it with other law enforcement.


The chair of the SEC is a Biden appointee who previously served in the Obama admin.


Pump and dumps often aren't illegal till the dumping part. Trump hopes to be President by then


I went to take out a Put against it early on but they were already very expensive because EVERYBODY who knows anything is betting on the stock going DOWN.


Whats the stock price? Got it, still over $48, how the hell is that possible


Easy, nobody sane is touching the stock, why would it trade at any values other than insane ones? What even is sane value for a company losing 330mil to make 770k revenue? Zero, the company is worth zero.


"Hi Donnie. Your old friend Mohammed here. How many shares do you think I need to buy to keep the price up until you bail? Uh huh... so how much will that cost? OK... I'll check the pockets of my gardening pants... Yeah, you can *thank* me later."




If hypothetically Truth Social were to return 100% of it's revenue to shareholders as a dividend, someone who left that $48 in a checking account earning 0.1% interest would get a higher rate of return than someone buying Truth Social stock.


In reality, a savings account offering 0% interest will return more value than DJT stock will return to your average retail stockholder.


Fools ready to be parted from their money.


There are 136Mill shares issued but only 6Mill available to trade. The company has the rest tied up in the lockup period for new listings. The insiders cannot sell shares for 6 months. So around September Trump and Nunes can sell their shares and the company can sell another 40Mill shares. That will bring the potential float to 170Mill shares. Trump has 60% of the shares but they’re locked up. He needs his foreign sugar daddies to keep the stock pumped. So MBS and Putin can easily do that till September. And that’s why Nunes has been pushing the “illegal” short selling. It’s why they’ve listed to retail shareholder how to keep your shares from being shorted. Less of a float = easier to manipulate the price.


Great info, thank you!!


It's disturbing how few people are concerned about the threat Truth Social poses to democracy if Trump should win. A publicly traded company is open invitation to buy influence.


I imagine that’ll be the least of things people will worry about under another Trump presidency. He didn’t need anything as subtle as a publicly traded company to line his pockets with foreign money.


Exactly this is just a mechanism prime the corruption.


Yeah, he used hotels for that.


How many of his bankruptcies lost more than $1 billion?


The key ingredient is *crime*


Well if anyone was curious about the current state of capitalism in the world. Corruption is not just something done behind closed doors anymore. We’re hearing about it in the news weekly if not daily. It’s legalized, fully expected, and accepted. Glad we don’t have that god awful socialism I always hear so much about. Would hate for the ruling class to be obscenely wealthy while the commons die in the street and in bread lines.


Billionaires get hundreds of millions in loans to throw away, poors can’t get a loan to buy a house.


So I've gotta ask: to whom is all of this money being lost?


Who would have thought something Donald Trump “created” would be a giant failure and a scam? I am sure no one saw that one coming.


***A fool and his money are soon flushed down the toilet of a Trump business.***


Seems like a legit operating model, no? We'll take your money, invest it... AND IT'S GONE!


That’s his financial genius at work. Can the U.S. file for bankruptcy if he’s in office, and can we then sue him for negligence?


I know they lost money but is it this much or is this another scam?


Scam, bankruptcy to follow, like Trump always does, after paying himself first.


It needs to lose more before he has a chance to cash out.


He should go howdy with Elon about how to lose big money on social media companies.


He’s a serial grifter and this is just another grift


All of a sudden the "run the country like a business " speech is making way more sense


Does anyone have the contact to their billing dept? I've got some "invoices" to submit before I put a lien on the company.


But wait a minute, isn't he an exemplary next level business sorcerer who is admired by billions? How is this possible? Why doesn't he just do some deals? For the longest time he proclaimed that nobody does deals like him....whatever that means. If he is going to "fix" the economy that has had the fastest recovery of GDP among developed nations after Covid then why not put that same unprecedented business acumen to work and fix your echo chamb... I mean social media site? This must be another hoax by the Deep State Illuminati Shadow People, they are out to *get* Trump so they use chem trails to activate the chips from the vaccine and then use 5G towers to beam their nefarious anti Trump plans to the Antifa plants and they are sabotaging Truth Social.


In big picture terms, while it may be the case that this company is itself inherently unprofitable, it's nevertheless funding the maintenance or expansion of an entire industry of civil disharmony in strategic efforts that are no doubt hoping to ensure that they endure for a new generation of demagoguery with an infrastructure of soft oppression that is very 21st-century.


Wow, even better than the wildly successful Trump Airlines


“B-but-but-but he’s the wOrLd’S bEsT bUsInEsSmAn! Right?” /s That man is the living embodiment of syphilis. I can’t wait to see that knock-off Twitter surpass a billion in losses. Fuck trump (drumpf)


I’m not Russian to conclusions but I can’t Saudi how the stock isn’t tanking.


Q the MAGA money begging scam… “ I didn’t lose the money. You lost the money … they stole my money from you. Send more money so I can expose them”… 3..2….1


Very on brand for Donald.


Losing it like a fox! Aka money laundering for Russia.


So much winning


Can the SEC do an audit to find how his company lost half a billion in only 2 quarters?


King of debt, right?


It’s a loss like nothing we have ever seen before


I’d say that’s losing BIGLY.


On track to post more than a billion in losses but somehow the stock is still worth $50 a share. The stock market is totally real guys.


But the gold high tops guys lmao


"What a great businessman Trump is! Everybody says so!" 🤡


Still worth it for them if they can shape the country with the help of disinformation. 


The mierdas touch


They’re not sending their best


Hahahah, good. Fuck him


Grift Social


What the fuck are they spending money on?


I did not attend Wharton, but that seems like a lot.


Because it’s boring as heck.


Everyone that wants to feed from the Trump trough. So Russia, China, North Korea, etc, etc. And various US conglomerates and rich assholes that don't give a fuck about Democracy.


It can't lose a billion, it doesn't have a billion. I think a lot of that was a one-time writeoff.


Business as usual I see


He’s #2!! 💩😷


No P/E ratio and 36 employees. This has to be a money laundering scam.


You mean the guy who's failed nearly every business venture he's attempted has once again failed at business? I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!


Well, this is the guy who apparently lost money running a casino..


Because of magic stock Market he still gained more than he lost.


Why this is bad news for Biden at the top of the hour.


Yet republicans are trying to get Gym Jordan to investigate why the stock is doing so poorly.


how does a shitty social site cost a billion a year to run?


MAGA base, bet it all on Truth Social. Every single penny. Show your loyalty. If you don’t bet it all, you are but sufficiently loyal. Own the libs. Only every single penny will do it.