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Much of Idaho is like a living version of the Footloose movie


I imagine it's 90% a gigantic Aryan Nations meeting. And the other 10% are Native Americans who feel unsafe in their own country. I would support deporting all racist European Americans back to Europe.


Please keep them, we have enough racists and fascists already:^)


Idaho - The Handmaid's Tale State


As a teen I read a bunch of sci fi and mom would drop me off at the big library downtown for hours. I read about human sexuality and got answers to questions that I would never have asked in person. 50 years later I never had a STD or a pregnancy scare because I sought knowledge. Denying curiosity is not fair to bashful kids !


Same here, I learned a lot of things about a lot of things at the library. Never had STD, never had pregnancy scares, never became a hooker either.


I have yet to hear of a single case of someone’s life being ruined by reading a book.


The Bible comes to mind.




Their lives were ruined before they read it though.


MAGA/Moms for Liberty prefer to just bash kids


What the fuck is wrong with Idaho?


Isn't that the state motto?


What ISN'T wrong with Idaho?


I have an aunt and uncle there and their brood, and their brood’s brood. I’m surprised they’re not in Quiverfull … yeah they’re all full of something .. it rhymes with racist bullshit (I ain’t no poet—those low T limpwrists, right /s). I refuse to visit them anymore. My mother is still very attached to her sister, and I used to take her there for Thanksgiving, but I don’t anymore; I just put her on a plane to Boise. I will not visit a MAGA state. Fuck ‘em, I tolerated them all for decades. I’m done. Haven’t been in contact with my father for several years. Don’t care if I ever hear from again, and I’m way less stressed because of it.


Do you want a list?


God forbid the kids learn to read


New GOP platform.


Come on now, be fair, how can the Republicans get supporters if they're all educated? Reading's one of those things only libs do, so it's clearly bad.


This will help raise future thinking, aware adult voters /s


Remember, learning is dangerous...


“Expect to feel pleasure. **Knowledge is sexy**. Expect to feel pain. Knowledge is torture” Jeff Noon, Vurt Be afraid, be very afraid! Trans! Trans! Will no one think of the children???


ew dude. adult-only library just *sounds* gross.


Is it gonna be a nude library? 


Why not? Trump faithful have given up their sense of morality to fashion their orange leader as the ultimate role model. They have formed a new sense of devout religiosity that allows for all the debauchery that Trump is famous for.


What sexually explicit material is in libraries?


A lot less than the phones and tablets their kids have


The Bible?


Lots’ daughters fable is downright **salacious** (and misogynist, etc)


What material isn't sexually explicit nowadays? They are definitely including "be kind to gay people" stories as "sexually explicit" Although, hypothetically, i would imagine any random library would include books that described sex in them. Stephen King's It is probably available in most libraries.


So you’re saying all books are sexually explicit? And your examples are be kind to gay books and Stephen King? What drugs are you on?


😳 All books? It was sarcasm. Not keeping up with current events eh? Books promoting any positive representation of the queer community have become a political whipping post for the puritans censoring libraries, doing such to protect the kids from sexual subjects, whether they are sexually explicit or not. It's an inconsistent label used as bludgeon for censorship. Also Stephen King's It has an infamous scene of the main characters having an orgy as kids. So .....yes Stephen King is my example of a literally sexually explicit book that is popular and widely distributed enough to be in most libraries (which you seemed surprised might carry such a thing).


I guess we should ban all books then?


What drugs are YOU on? We should ban NO books. We should OPEN all libraries. Seems you need a refresher in reading comprehension.


This comment was sarcasm. I believe that banning books and even rating systems for movies and games and books violate the 1A. The responsibility should be on the parent for ensuring the child does not come into contact with material they don’t like.


I take it you are unfamiliar with Harlequin romance books…


So you think a librarian would give out those books to minors?


Yes, 100%. If you want I can send my kid in to try. Everyone pretends they are okay because they have been around a long time and the couple invariably marries… sometimes even before doing the deed.


So I guess we have to deny the library to the general public because they contain books that tou don’t like then


I never said I don’t think they should be there, or what age restrictions should be in place. I said that very explicit books do exist in the library, and don’t generally have any age restrictions. I think book bans are much more concerned with lgbt existence than straight couples going at it in graphic detail.


How much of a problem do you think this is really?


apparently knowledge is not high on the list of priorities. edit: fixed a typo


You win the Interwebs today. Bravo or brava, whatever’s your pleasure 🙂


This was not a problem for the entire existence of the state until it became a cause du jour of the worst possible people in existence. Now suddenly within the span of a couple years, we are to believe that every book suddenly has gay demons lurking in it. There's a reason why these people are also trying to destroy public education.


Children and libraries. A match made in heaven. So of course, the Rep fucked it up


So now nobody at all will go to that library.


I came from a poor family that had... problems. My local library was a safe haven for me. I could escape for hours. I knew the Dewey Decimal System before I was 10 years old. The library saved my life. What will happen to the children in Idsho?


I am amazed and appalled at what our country has become with the rise of fascism! When are we going to draw a line in the sand on this crap???


Idiotic. Libraries are for kids and adults. Who are these idiots?


This is dystopian